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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1908)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1B08. 7 Summon, lit tlin Circuit Court of thn Hints (if Oregon for Cliicliain Ciiunty, ii'iu' (iiikoii, I'liiintirr, vs. Arzn II, (IIImhi, linfiiiiitiuit. To ArK II. (IIIhiiii, llnfcnilant l In the limno of dm Hluln of Oregon yon urn lutrcsy rcqulrm! to appear ami miHwiir the complaint filed nunliiHt you In Hi" above miiitliiil mi 1 1 on or before til" Jllll (lay of HiipliiiilbiT, l'.HIH. (hut being tl luH liny prescribed In older lf publication Of till Hlllll MllltlH. Nllll If you full to appear nml answer said -complaint, l tin iiliiliilllf will apply In tlm Com t fur tli relief therein prayed fur to wit: A divorce from I ho war rlMK" existing between you ami (ln plaintiff. 'I'IiIh stiniuioli In pntl I nlnnl In Ihu Oregon City I5nterprl for six rote scuiilve week liy order of tiranl II lHtnlck, County Judge, duly iiihiIo and uiitered on thn 21lh day of July, 1UUH, the nml iiulilli'ittlon being Hid Hint dy of July, IWH, lanl pillilli'Htlon Hoptimi Imr Htli, 1 . J. W. IUCI,I Altortiry for I'Ulntirf, Summons. In tlm 1'lmilt Court of lb Htnto of Oregon for Clackamas Couiity, Mn M. WiKiilwHrd, l'laltilllT, vs. Kri'il C. Woodward, Defendant. To l-'red C. Woodward, thn above named di'fi'nilmit. In tlm name of thn Mate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear mid answer tliu complaint filed skmIiihI you In tlm nliovn entitled Court nml null on or before tlio .'titli diiy of H-pt m lior, limit, mid If you fnll no to appear nml answer, tlio plaintiff will, for want tltpriHif, npply to tlm Court for tlio re lief di'inniidKil In Iht complaint, to. wll: For decree of the Court ilUnnlvliiu the iHiudn of mittrlniony cilmlng be tween yourself and tlm plaintiff and for nui'li other and further I I ! f a tuny net-in equitable. Thin Huuinioiin In pulillnhed by an order of Dm lion. T. A. Mrllridn, JihIk" of (tin nliovn entitled court, ninili) on Ilia tinii dny of August. I'.ms. MAC MAIION. Attorney for I'ImIiiIIIT. Klrt publication August H, l!nH. Ui-t publication Kept. :5, 19s. Summons. In tln Circuit Court of thn Plata of OrrKon for (ho County of Clacks maa. Maude 8. Coverly, rinlutlir, v. Hart C. Covarly, Defendant. To Hart C, Covwly, Defendant. In thn iiuiiio of the Hluln of Oregon, you nra hereby required to appear and iinwrr thn ton'plalnl in tlm above entitled ru on or before the 11th dny of Hcplcinher, l'JS, and If you fall to no appaur and answer, I he plaintiff apply to tlm Court for the relief I myed for In tho complaint, namely, for a decree dl'nolvInK tlm Imndl of niatrlnioiiy liart'tofora and now axlnt liiK Ix'twnnii tlm plaintiff and defend nut. Thin numuionn U pulillnhad In tha )rKiu City KntnrprUa, a woakly nxwnpapvr for nix uccinnlvo wavkn, tha firm pulillcallon thereof to ho mndn on tho Slat day of July. 190H, liy order of tha Hon. (Irani II, Dlmlrk, Judxii of tha County Court, mnda and entered this 2Slh day of July, I'JDS. J. J. KITZliKKAU). Attornoy for I'lnlutlff, Summon. In tha Circuit Court of tha titnto of Orefton. for Clncknmn County. t'linrlen McCniillell, Uiulnu A. Nlcliol non. Itulh A. Uhor. John McConnall. KlUnbeth I. Konn, Jaman McCoiiuell jind Adrian llcCnlninii, rinlnllfTn, v. William McConnall. Hefendant. To William McConnell, IVfendnnt: ' lu thu ti imo of tha Htala of OreKiin You ara hereby required tu appear and nnnwer Dm coiuplHllil filed UKulnnt you lu tho ahoVH untitled null on or be ore tha axplrntlon of nix week from tho dull) of tho first publication of thin numnioiin. which dntu of expire tlon In flxeil by order of tha nbovo en titled court in h'rblny, October 2d, liuiK, and If you fnll to nn nppenr and Kiinwar, I'lulntlffn will npply to tha court for tho relief prayed for In their complaint, to-wll: Kor a (lecren entnhllNhliiK full own ornhlp and iMinnennlon In I" hi 1 nt 1 ITh, free nnd clear of nny claim, equity. Interent or enlntn of Pefcndiint, And forever burrliiK Defendant from In nny wny uxHcrtliiK or clnlmliiK any Inter cut or enliite, b'Kul, or eipillnble, of, In ur to tha hereinafter dencrlbed rani -premlnen, or any pnrt thereof, and forover (ulelliiR rinlnllff title tlure to, all of whlrh nuld reul property la described un follow: All of lluit ixirtlun of tha D. I.. C, of Blepben K. Knrrow nnd Marlnh Junn Knrrow, hln wlfn, locnted lu Sec tion Ten (10), Eleven (11), Fourteen (U) nnd Fifteen (15). In Townnhlp Mix () South of Hiiiiko Onu (1) Kunt, of Wlllnmettu Merhllun, In nnld Coun ty mid State, dencrlbed nn follow: CominencliiK on tha North lino of mild clnlm where the rond from Mnr (unm tn Scott Mill cronnes the nnmo. nn hi ruil IicIiik mentioned In Vol. 41. pnKo 477, record of deed of nnld county nn thu rond londliiR from Clnd TldlliK' to Bcott Mill; theuca South erly following tlm KiihI nlde of mild rond to thn South lino of auld clnlm; Hienco Knnlerly, followlnu tho South line of nnld clnlm 20 chiiln nnd 7.1 link; thence Northerly, followliiK nnld clnlm lino 40 chnlnn; thence Wonterly followlnn nnld clnlm lino to thn plnca of beKlnnlnK. coUtulnliiR 278 iicron, mora or len, except from tha nhiive (lescrlhi'il I met of bind 7.50 ncren conveyed by deed from Mnrllm A. Mc Connidl (o Chnrlen McConnell on May lid, lKKtl, nnd recorded In Hook 07, nt piiRo 321). rocoriln of Clnckumna Coun ty, OreKon. And for nuch other, nnd fiutlier ro ller an to this court sccmn mutn and o(iiltnblo. Thin nummon In publlHhert by order of the Hon. Ornnt R Dlmlck, JuiIko of thn County Court of ClnckaniitM County, Orcein, nctlnn In tho nbHonco of tho Hon. Tliomim A. Mcllrldo. Cir cuit JikIro, nnd which order I dntud AiiRiist 1H. 1008. Flmt l'ubllcntlon AuKiist 21, 1008. Jint l'ubllcntlon October 2, 1008. JOHNSON & VAN ZANTE and O. D. RHY, Attorneys for rinlntlfT. 8ummon. in thn Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clncknmas County. William Josnph Plover, rialntlft. vs. 1,11a Plover, Defendant. To UIb Plover, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or be for the 18th day of September, 190, that being tha last day prescribed In order of publication of this summons, and If you fall to appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will ap- lily to thn Court for llin relief tlmntl iiruynil for, lo-wlt; For u decree f dlvorcs dissolving tlm bond of iimtrl inoiiy liiiri'tofore und now existing bo twecii plulntlff mnl diifdiiilunt and for ni'li dl Imr mnl furl )kt relief un to I lin court nmy tin eqiiitnhlu mm Junt, TIiIh niiiiiiiiutin In published In tli Oregon city Knliiriirlnn for Nix con ni'i'iiilva week by order of Tliouuin A Mrllridn, Circuit JmlK'i, duly mnda ami entered of tlio nt duy of August, IIMIH, thn first publication being tlm 7lli duy of August, ItlilH, hint puhll cm hm Hi'ploinlior 1Mb, I'.iuH. J. II. IIYAN, Attorney fur I'lnlutlff. Notlca of 6le. Ill tlm Circuit Court of tlm Htntu of Ori'Kon, for Clucliiiinn Coiiuiy. II, (illiluer, I'luliiiirr, vn. n. M. Mi'll'l, nilinlnlntrnlor of t lint an lule of (, ('. I.lehn, deci-Hned, and llnrold IJnlm, lrenilnnln, I'lirniiulit to tho ilerrun of tlm nlmvn uilllli'd court In Ihu Jlmvii enllllcd ruiiMe, romlered and nlnrd thn nev Il dny of AiikuhI, limn, tlm unilcr- lulled will, nn referee, on Mondiiy llm Hlh duy of Hepieniher. CJUS, nt tlio hour of lu o'clock A. M., ut'iho front door of tho County Court limine, (Meiton City, Oregon, nell to tha high etl bidder, for chhIi lu luiiiil, and nuh Jeel to coliflrmiiliiiii by mild court, thu followliiK mil properly, nlluuln In CluckaiiiuM ('(unity, (Jniion, tu-wlt; lun lllllllhereil 2. a, 4, t mid X, nec 1 1' ii 17, towiiHlilp 2 mult h, riuiKu f aat. of Wlllutiift ! .Murldlun, limn 20 ucrnn hiirvtiiloro Mold by luipold Ton- mithul nml wife to Krniiren K, (IhIIok ly by deed dnlcil May id, I'jiH, and of rei'ord In nuld county. Hiild properly win bn nold nuhjert to a inorlKiV lliereull (uectlted by II. C. J.lidkO 1(1 l.eoHili Konenlhul villi wife, recorded In Hook r,7, pnKn 127. morluiiKo rec ordn of nuld comity. J I). WILCOX, Iteferca. Summon. Ill thu Circuit Court of Ike Slnto of Oreiton for Clncknmu County, MuKKlu .Moenchlu, rinllltlff, v. Albert Moittchle, iJefendnnt. To Albert Moenrhle, Ilefendant: In the nniiie of tha Hinta of Orexon you ara hereby required to appear and aunwkr tha rouipluln tiled aitnlunt you In tlm abova elilltlod null on or bnforu tha 1 St h day of September, I'.IOK, that IIiik tha Innt dny prencrlbvd lu order if piibllcnllon of llila nuniuionn, ami If you mil In appear and nnnwer, nnld eouipliilnt, pUliuirr will ipply to the ( imrl for Ilia relief thnreln prayod for to-wll: A dlvorcu from tlm mnr- rliiKc exIntltiE belwoen you and tha piuiutirr. Thin niimmunn I puhllnhed In tha Orexon City Entarprlno for nix con Hecullva werkn by order of Grant H. Dlmlrk. County JikIru, duly mado and entered on Ilia 4th dny of Auitunt, ID0H, thu flmt publication belliK tnu 7th day of AiiKunt. 19iiH, Innt publica tion Biiplamber IS, 1908. WHEKU)CK A WILLIAMS. Attorney for 1'lnliitllT. Summon. In tha Circuit Court of tlm Btato of OreKon, for Clacknmn County. William A. Jacknon and Auxmta Jacknon, t'lnlntlffa. vn. John H. Crabl), Jamen Crabb, Joneph Crahb, Jacknon V. Clehouno and , Mary K. Clehouno, bin wife, and 1'hllo S. I'rnntlcA and Iula Pren Ilea lila wlfa, and l'ecity Crabb, De fendant. To John H. Cmlb, Jme Crabb, Joncph Crabb, Jacknon W. Clehoune and Mary K. Clelioune, hi wlfa, and I'hllo 8. l'rentlre and Lnulna I'nntlcu, hln wlfa, and I'ouKy. Crabb, tho abova named defendant: In tha iiuiiio of thn Blnto of Orcein you ara required to appear and un wer tlm complaint aKalnnt you In tho abova entitled court and cnuna on or before tho 2Sth dny of September, Hum, and If you fnll to annwer. for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for an order requiring you and ench of you tn net forth tlio nn tnre of your clnlm to tha South-oant quarter of tho North-want quarter, tha North-aant quarter of thn South-went quarter, thu Went half of tho South wast quarter of thn North-ennt quar ter, nnd the Went half of tho North went quarter of th South-eant quar ter of Section 2(i. In Townnhlp 6 South llanitfl 1 Knnt or the Wlllnmetto Morlillan In Clnckumna County, Ore xon, and that all adverno rliilmn or you and each of you bo adjudged nnd de termined by a decree of thin court nnd that by uch decreo It may b declar ed, ndJuilKod nnd decreed that you and each of you hnvo no Intercut or entalo whatever In nnld lundn or prem lnen or any part thereof, and that It be adjudged and decreed that the plaintiff nro the owner In fee almplo nnd In nonsesalon of tho nuld above dencrlbed ronl property and or the whole thereor nnd flint you nnd ench or you and all pernoiiH claiming tinder you bo, forever onjolned nnd retrain ed from nnnertlng any clnlm or Inter cut In or to nnld premise ,)r any part thereof a live ro to plaintiff, nnd for nuch other nnd further relief m In meet nnd proper with equity and good connclenco. Thin summon la served upon you by publication In tho Oregon City Kn torprlso, by order of Hoik T. A. Ms Hrlde, Judge of the above named Court dated tho 7th dny of Angunt, 19118. tho llmt publication to be on tho 14th dny of Aiignm, 1908. and you are required to appear and answer on or before tho 2,rith day or September, 1908. OROftfiR S. niNOHAM, and DI.MICK & PIMICK, Attorneys for rinlnt.fra. 8ummoit. In tho Circuit, Court of tho Slnto of Oregon, ror Clackamas County. Arthur Davis. I'laltUlfT, vs. Entella Dnvla, Defendant. To Entella Davis, tho above named defendant: , In tho nnmo of the Stato of Oregon you are heroby required to nppenr and nswor tho compliilnt filed ngnlnst vou In tho nbovo entitled cnuso on or before tho 25th dny of Septembor, 1908, and If you fnll so to appear and annwer. for want thereof tho plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In his nald compliilnt to wit: Kor a decree of the Court dissolv ing the bonds of mntrlmony now exist ing hot ween plnlntlff nnd defendant nnd for such other relief as may be oqititablo. This Summons Is published by order of the Hoi). Grant 1). Dlmlck, Judge ol the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, made and entered on the Gth day of August, 1908, In which order it is di rected that thlB Summons be publish ed once a week for six consecutive weeks In the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper published at Ore gon City, Oregon. The date of the first publication of this Summons Is August T, 1908, and thn Innt publica tion Hepieniher 18, 1908, (iOflDON K, HAYES, Attornny for I'lnlutlff, Summon. Irf tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Cluckunins County, II, W. McKeon, Plaintiff, vn. Jeunla A. McKoon, IWendnnt. To Jennln A. McKeon, the ahovo named dofendunt: In tlm nnnm of thn Htuta of Oregon, you nra hereby required to appear mid uiuwer tho complaint filed against you lu lh" nbovo entitled court In tlm nbovo entitled suit for an ubnolula dlvorcu, on or before Monday, the 0th duy of October, 19n8, which Is mile nequelit to thn expiration of nix week after the 2lnt day of August, 1908, wbli-i In thn Into of tho flmt publlcu (Ion of this Rtimmon, It being pro ncrllmd In tho order for said publi cation Unit nnld numuionn b publish ed once a weak for nix consecutive weeks, and If you fnll to o appear and annwer, for want thereof plulntlff will apply to the above entitled court for tlm relief prayed for In subl com plaint, to wll: Kor a (leered dlnnolvlug absolutely tlm boiuln of matrimony heretofore ex isting between plaintiff and defend ant nbovo named, ami for such other uud further rdlef n the Court may deem meet mid proper. I his suiiimiitin In published pursuant to order uiailn by thn Judge of tlm County Court made and entered the llth dny of Augunt, 19u8. Tha first piibllcnllon hereof being Krldny, the 2lnt day of Augunt, 1908, and the Innt piibllcnllon being Krldny, tho 2d day ol October, 1908. (iEOIKiE J. PEIIKINS. Attorney fur Plaintiff. 905 Hoard of Trade IlulldlliK. I'ortluiid, Oregon. Summon. In tho Circuit Court of tlm Stato of Oregon, Cluckuman County. Elizabeth 8. I-a. Plaintiff. v. Henry v.J. I-, Defendant. To Henry J. Io, Defendant: In tho name of tho Stato of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and annwer to the complaint llled against you In the above entitled null in or before tho Glh dny of October. 1908. mid If you fall to answer, plain tiff will taku a decreo agalnnt yju, forever dlnnolvlug the bonds of mat rimony heretofore and Dow existing between the plaintiff and you. :.ui for such other and rurther relief in tho premises a tho court may doc in Junt and equitable. Service of this summon Is .nad'J upon you by publication In pursuance if an order of tha Honorable (irant IS. Dlmlck, Judge ol Clackamas Count.,, Oregon, msda Augunt 19th, 1903, di recting nuch publication In the Orccon City Knterprlne once a week, Tor i,x successive wiN-kn, the flmt publau Hon being Augunt 21st, 1908, and tnu lant October 2d, 1908. W.M. 8. NASH. Attorney ror Plaintiff. J. William 8. Nnnh. hereby certify thnt I mn anttorney lor tho plaintiff In thn above entitled suit, filed In the Ircult Court of the Stato of Oregon, 'tacksman County, on the 19th day of August, 1908, and that the above la n truu copy, prepared by me, or the auminon filed In mid suit. W.M. 8. NASH. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamnn Couuty. Addle A. Moon. Plaintiff, v. orge W. Moon, Defendant. To (ieorge W. Moon, Defendant: In the namo of the State of Oregon you aro hereby required to appear and annwer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before ha 91 h dsy of October, 1908, thnt be ing the last day prescribed In onlor of publication of this summons, and If you fall to appear and answer, said complaint, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein prayed for. to-wit: A divorce from the mar- rliigii existing between you and the ulnlntlff. This summons is puniinnea in me Oregon City Enterprise ror Rix con secutive weeks by order or Grant 13. Dlmlck. County Judge, duly mado and enterd on the 22d day of August, 908, tho first publication being the 2th day of Auguit. 1908, last publica tion October 9, 1908. nOHEItT GREY. Attorney lor Plaintiff. KOR SALE Klne stock and dairy ranch, horses, milch cows, young stock, and nil full hlood Jerseys' cheap. Hay and nil tools, wagons, and everything complete. J. A. Zimmerman. Milwaukee, U. F. D. No. 1, Hex 45. EIGHT .1EIISKY GRADE COWS Kor sale, coming In latter part ol October nnd November. J. A. Zim merman, Milwaukee, Ore. It TIM HER CLAIMS We have several parties who are looking for home stead locations or relinquishments, also some good timber claims. If you know of any good homestead or timber clftlms It will pay you to write to us. Address. Aetna Realty Company, 225 Falling Illdg.. Port land, Oregon. KOR SALE 3 (.-room cottages, with 1 nnd 2 lots. In West Oregon City. Apply P. J. Wlukel. Citation. In the County Court of tho State of Oregon, for the County of Clncka inns. Citation to holrs-at-law and others to Piles) Piles! Piles! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Illlnd, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, nets ns a poultice, gives In stant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and Itching of the private parts. Sold by rugglKts, mall 50c and $1.00.-Williams Mfg. Co., Props., Clnvalnnd, O. For snlo by Jonos Drug Co. Wanted at Once 5000 Oregon City Shoes nnd Boots to mnko or repair at the New Shoe Shop, 321 Main Street, 'near Fourth. Bring them along. By doing so you may save my sole and I will patch your the best I can. Only first class work nnd flrst clnss material found here, with PORTLAND PRICES to govern, I am here to stay. ........ The proof of my workmanship is easy to see by the rapid increase of my customers. There ia no tomorrow with me for tomorrow you may die. When you art dead you will be dead a long time unless the new shoe maker Ib In a position to patch your sole, so be wise and remember No 321 Main Street. Yours for business, WM. PATTEN, Prop. show cause why real property of estate should not be sold. In thn matter of tho amain of Mary Callahan McLIn, deceased. To M, D. I McLIn, C. M. McLIn, Vllena McLIn Galloway, Dlllnrd 11. McLIn, Dallas P. McLIn, M, D. L. Mc LIn, guardian of Dallas P. McLIn, minor, and Harry J. Hamuli and nil others Interested lu ' the Estate or Mury Callahan McLIn, deceased: You mid ench or you are hereby clleil to bn and appear tu thn Comity Court or Dm Sinte or Oregon ror the County or Clackamas, at the Court Room thereor, In thn Court House In Oregon City, on Monday, tlm 28th dny or Hoptember, 1908, at the hour ot 10:30 In Hm forenoon of said day to show causa, If any you havo of any there mny bo, why the petition of tho Admlnlstrntor or tlm Enlule or the said Mary Callahan McLIn, deceased, nhould not bn granted and an order made directing, authorizing and em powering tho said administrator, Tho. K. Ryan, to sell the real property of nnld eslale. at either public or prl vtn sale, to pay the claims allowed against tho said estate snd tho costs and charges of administration of same: tlm said real property of said estate being situated in the County of Clackamas and balng more particu larly' described as follows, to wlt: 1-or- ty (40) acre in the Northeast corner of thn Donation I-and Claim of John ami Sarah Albright and mi undivided ona elevelilh Inteest in 210 sere of the Clifton It. Callahun and wife Donation Und Claim, I(I 2"5 ''r,' l,,-lnK the Wife's hair of said Donation 1-ann Claim. Witness the Hon. GRANT R. DIMICK, Judge of the County Court of the State or Oregon, ror the County or emeu nmns, thls,2i;th day or August, 1908. Attest: F. W. GREENMAN, County Clerk. 15 Summons. In tho Circuit Court or the State or Oregon, ror the County or Clacka mnn. Archlo L. Tlbbett. PlalntlM, vs. Addlo D. Tlbbetts, Defendant. To Addle D. Tlbbetts, defendant nlxive named: In the name of the 8tato of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and annwer the Complaint moo aguinsi you in the above entitled Court and ult on or before tho ntn day of uc- tober. 1908. and If you fall so to ap pear and annwer. the palntlff will, for want thereof, apply to the Court ror the relief demanded In his Complaint, to-wit, for a decree of the Court dis solving tho bonds of matrimony here tofore existing between yourself and plaintiff, nnd for such other mid fur ther relief as may secra meet and equl table In the premises. This Summons Is published by order of the Honorable Grant B. Dlmlck, County Judge of the County Court of Clackamas County. State of Oregon, which order was made and entered on the first day or September. 1908, and directing the publication or this Sum mons once each week ror six consecu tive weeks; the date or the first pub lication ot this Summons Is September 4. 1908. and the date or the last pnb licatlon or this Summons is October 10, 1908. FRANKLIN T. GRIFFITH. Attorney lor Plaluttff. Notice of Final Settlement Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, administrator of the estate of Wlllnm Roche, deceased, has filed In the County Court of Clackama County. State of Oregon, his final ac count as such administrator of said estato, and that Monday, the 5th day of October. 1908. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., has ben fixed by said Court as the time for hearing objec tions to said report and the settlement thereof. , CHARLES SHIELDS. Administrator of the Estate of Wll llam Roche, Deceased. C'Ren A. . Schuebel. Attorneys for Administrator. Referee's Sals. Notice la hereby given that by vir tue of an order of the Circuit Court of Clackamas County. Oregon, dated July 2nd. 1908, appointing the undersigned referee fo the purpose or selllug the hereinafter described real premises in a cause wherein Alkeriane Lawson is Plaintiff and Charles Cardlnell et nl. are Defendants. I will on and after Saturday, September 19th. 1908. at 10 o'clock A. M., receive sealed bids for the sale of the follow ing described real premises: All that part or the wire's hair of the Frederick Helms D. L. C. No. W, T. 3 S. R. 4 E. of Will. Mer. beginning at the moBt Northerly corner of said claim and running thence South 50 15' East along tho Northeasterly line or said claim to a point In said Hue of said claim North 6U" 15' West o2 chs. from the most Easterly corner of said claim; thence South 40" 15' West 30.30 chains to the line separating husband's rrom heirs or wife's hair of said claim; thence North 41" 45' West along the said dividing line to the Northwesterly line of said claim; thence North 44 East 8.20 chnlns to claim corner; thence North 55 East to claim corner, the place of beginning, containing 129.SO acres, more or less, all In Clackamas County. Oregon. All bids to be closed by Saturday, September 2fi. 190S. at 10 o'clock A. M., and I hereby reserve the right to reject any and all or such bids. Address all bids to R. B. Beatle, Oregon City, Oregon. R. B. BEATIE, Referee. Referee's Sale. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an order of the Circuit Court of Clackamas County. Oregon, dated July 2nd. 190S, appointing the undersigned referee for the purpose of selling the hereinafter described real premises In a cause wherein Alkerzane Lawson is Plaintiff and Cella Kay et al.. are De fendants. 1 will on aud after Satur day, September 19th, 190S, at 10 o'clock A. M. receive sealed bids for tho sale of the following described real premises: , A part of the Helms D. L. C. No. CO In T. 3 S. It. 4 E. of the Will. Mer. be ginning nt the re-entrant corner of said claim and running thence South 41" 45' East 10 chs along claim line to claim corner; thence North 42" East 25 chs along claim line to claim cor ner; thence North 5G 15' West 52 chains along claim line to a point on clnlm line; thence South 45" 15' West 30.20 chains to tho line dividing husband's from wife's half of claim; thence South 41 45' East following said division line to claim line; thence North 42" East following claim lino to the place of beginning, containing 177.72 acres more or less, all in Clack amas County, Oregon. All bids to be closed by Saturday, September 26, 1908, at 10 o'clock A. M and I hereby reserve the right to reject any and all of such bids. Address all bids to R. B. Beatle. Oregon City, Oregon. K. 11. ijr.A lie.. Referee. F. M. PARSONS General Contractor and Builder Plans and Estimates Furnished fbont Miln J2U Oregon City, Ore, TIME CARD. 0. W. P. RAILWAY "r9 Arrive J-ave Arrtv i (A O) ! 1 o 5 3 5 2 1 3 & i 6 I i a a QUO O " : 4 uo 6.27 6.40 6.40 6.46 C 45 C.30 720 7.30 0.20 6.20 7.20 7.00 7.50 8.00 6.60 6.68 7.60 7.30 g.20 8.30 7.30 7.38 8.30 8 00 8.60 )00 8.00 8.08 9.00 8.30 9 20 9.30 8.30 8.38 9.36 9.00 9.50 10.00 9.00 9.08 10.00 9.30 10.20 10.30 9.30 9.38 10.26 ' 10.00 10.60 11.00 10.00 10.08 11.00 10.30 11.20 11.30 10.30 10.38 11.S0 11.00 11.50 12.00 11.00 11.08 11.69 11 30 12.20 1 2.30 11.30 11.38 1 2.30 12 00 12.60 1.00 12.00 12.08 1.00 12.30 1.20 1.30 1 2.30 12.33 1.30 1.30 2.20 2.30 1.30 1.38 2.30 2.00 2.60 3.00 2.00 2.08 3.00 2.30 3.20 3.30 2.30 2.38 3.30 1.00 1.60 2.00 1.00 1.08 2.00 3.00 3.60 4.00 3 00 3.08 4.00 3.30 4.20 4.30 3.30 3.38 4.30 4.00 4.50 6.00 4.00 4.08 5.00 4.30 6.20 5.30 4.30 4.38 5.30 6.00 6.50 6.00 600 5.08 6-00 630 6.20 640 5.30 5.38 6.30 6.00 6.60 7.00 6.00 4.08, 7.00 6.30 7.20 7.30 6.30 6.38 7.30 7.00 7.60 8.00 7.00 7.08 8.00 740 6.29 8.30 730 748 8.30 8.00 8.50 8.55 800 8.08 9.00 8.30 9.20 9.25 840 848 940 9.00 9.50 9.55 9.03 9.08 10.00 940 943 9.38 10.00 10.50 10.55 10.03 10.08 11.00 11.00 11.60 11.55 11.03 11.08 11.69 12.00 12.46 12.60 1135 1138 12.60 12.55 9 30 from Portland, 9.3J. 11.55 and 12.50 p. m. from Canemah Park to Mil- waukle only. !Vla Lents Junction. Dally, except Sunday; leaves on Sundays 4.15 k. m. A. M. figure In Roman. P. M. fig ure In block. Rsi POLK'S GAZETTEER A r.iiiinM !)lrtc(ory of ea.-h CKy, Too and Vlllac In Orrn-m and Wjihinirtun. mini a Lteacripilva Hk'lrh of pach place. location, hhlpiiln Farlllllea and a Claul-fl-d Dlrartorjr of each Builnaae and Proff-snlnn. K. L. I'OI.K CO.. Inc. Se-ltle. Wuh. The Eyes that Love. Thank God for eyes that smile. They brighten so, the darkest, day. Beam in the heart that opened long to guile. Lighten the shadows, chase the cloud away. Wher'er their glory falls a heart is blest; v here'er they gleam a hope Is born again; And in them lies a prophesy of rest. Of peace and joy and sweet sur cease from pain. Thank God for eyes that weep. Tls sweet to feel we need not mourn alone, To know another with our soul doth keep Its bitter vigil when the light has tlown. 'Tls theirs to bring a solace perfect. pure, To do the work of angels sent to bless; And In our deepest sorrows to, Insure Our stricken lives from utter wretch edneas. But most for eyes that love We thank God, their mission is so great; No depths too low, no heights too far above For them to touch, 'tis theirs to compensate All loss, all pain, and theirs to deepen each New Joy to bliss, a bliss so strange and rare Men speak it not, but In thelr.rapture reach The very gates of heaven, resting there. A Paying Investment. Sir. John White, of 38 Highland Ave., Houlton, Maine, says:- "Have been troubled with a cough every win ter and spring. Last winter I tried many advertised remedies, but the cough continued until I bought a 50c bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery; before that was half gone, the cough was all gone. This winter the same happy result has followed; a few doses once more banished the annual cough. I am now convinced that Dr. King's New Discovery is the best of all cough and lung remedies." Sold under guarantee at Howell & Jones' drug store. 50c and $1.00. Trlal bot tle free. x Probably the largest cherry tree in the state Is a Royal Ann on the farm of J. H. Edwards, south of Corvallis. It was planted in 1848 by Mr. Reeves, on bis donation claim, and has on oc casion produced 25 measured bushels of cherries in season. Its circumfer ence at the ground or three feet above the ground Is 11 feet 1 Inch. It has spread of 03 feet. Although 03 years old, It still yields a banner crop of cherries. A Reliable Remedy Efy's Cream Balm it Quickly tbiorOtd. Glta Rtliil al One. It cleanse, soothes. ' I OHt,i heals and protects the diseased men. brane resulting from Catarrh and drives away a Cold In tlio Head quickly, lie- ;hay fever tore the Kense o Taata and SuivIL Full lit-50 ets.. at Drue gists or by mail. In liquid form, 75 cent. Ely Brothers, 66 Warren Street, Hew York. ESI I PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HARVEY E. CROSS ATTORNEY AT LAW Real Kntate, Loann, Innurancr GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office In Caufield BIdg., Main and Eig t Sts Phone Pacific States 52. Phone Home D161. FRANKLIN T. GRIFFITH ATTORNEY AT LAW Weinhard "Building, - - Opposite Court House JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN J. U. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW., Oregon City, Oregon Will practice id alt courts of the stat Office In Caufield Building. ' O. D. EBY ATTORNET AT-LA W. Money loaned, abstracts furnlnhed. lane lite examined, eatalce settled, gen ara law bualneae transacted. Over Bank ol Orefon City. Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 510 Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON. Full equipment of '"'ps, plats, ab stract books a ox rolla Agents for Clackamas bounty Lands. Money loanc-d, titles perfected. E. f. A F. B. RILEY, Attorneys snd Counsellors at Law. : THE AND FORM YOU KNOW Pictured as you know It A pic ture, not a raw photograph. A careful study of each subject at the CHENEY,- PHOTO STUDIO Miss Edith Cheney, Artist 920 Main Street Oregon City. a IN ONE OR MANY COLORS LARGEST FACIHTIEs IN THE WEST FOR THE PRODUCTION OF BATES US to Hi EASTtM NOUSES I yM.,-fiM.',ti,'.vw- REAL ESTATE Geo. S. Rogers to Henry Mitchell and wife, 1-4 of 6 lcres, sec 2S. t3-4e; $1908. Miss Anna M. Johnston to Erick Llndqulst. lots 3. 4. 5, and 6. blk. 22, lot 5, blk. 28, Bolton; S1900. W. G. Epsey and wile to B. Gild ner 5 acres, sec 30, tl-2e; $1, Martha A. Blakenhy and husb. to H. R. Nelson 80 acres in William Bland D. L. C: 1"0A0. R. M. Morley to Peter Brown lots 5 and 6. blk. 3. Ely add; $80. Charles C. Molson and wife to Geo. Fisher 1 acre sec. 5. t5-le; $2000. H. M. Viets to Alexander Gettmann lots 10, 11, blk. "C" Milwaukee Park $1- Mary E. Carothers to Sarah E. Still well lots 5 and 6, blk 12, Canby; $1. Wm. Evans and wife to Martin Lar- sen lots 7 and s blk. 2 Barlows; $450. H. J. Cruse and wife to C. E. uu Bois lot 5, blk 8, Estacada; $275. Nathaniel P. Grlbble and wife to John W. Loder lot 5, blk. 4, West Oregon City; $1. Clara E. Morey to Robert Kennedy Blk. 9, Glenraore: $3000. Daniel C. Scott to Eva E. Craft 71 acres James Brown D. I C; $1.00. Daniel C. Scott et al to Edgar L. Camp, 71 acres James Brown D. L. C. $23G5. Sandy Land Co. to sandy ixtage No. 195 I. O. O. F. lots 9 and 10, blk. 7, Sandy; $500. Sarah M. Cornall et al to wm. uor- man Blk. 59; lots 6 to 13, blk 40; lots 1 to 5 and 14 to 18. blk. 45; lots 1. 2. blk 29; lots 7. 10, 11, 14, blk. "B" and 1 1-16 of blk. 26 and 51 and 1-16 of tract "1" South Oregon; $1. U. S. to Geo. W. Beers 40 acres, section 3. t2-4e. Martha A. Bramhall et al to Mrs. Thomas Day 36 acres. Sec. 28, tl-5e; $1000. Martha A. Bramhall et al J. Frank Davenport 120 acres Sec. 33. tl-5e; $1500. Thos. F. Ryan and wire to Robert Campbell, lot 6, blk. 11, Falls View; $75. Luclan Geer, and wife to Frank C. I. J wmmmmm m m m i WWW 1 W 5jJNJ Main Mlreet, OKBUON ClXV WEINHARD BUILDING CJ'REN & SCHUEBEL aTTOKNEYSAT-LAW DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT Will practice it (11 courts, make collect ion and settlement. Office i-i EMTE3PSISE Building, Oregon City, Oregon. W. S. EDDY, V, M. D. V. Gradoite of the Ontario Veteri nary College ol loronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, baa located at Oregon City and established an office at The Fashion Stables, Seventh Street near Main. Both Telephones Farmers' 13a Mali 1311 . STRAIGHT & SALISBURY PLUMBING TINNING and GENERAL JOBBING. Wind Mills, Pumps and Hydrau lic Rams a Specialty. Phone 2682. Oregon City, Oregon. THOS. F. RYAN ATTY AT LAW Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties, Office Upstairs, first building sou th of Courthouse. CD. Sc. D.C Latoarette ATTY'S AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probata our Specialties. Office in First Na tional Bank Building, Oregon City, Oregon. Famous at home for Generations past; Famous now all over the World. For Sale by E. MATTHIES. Wimbles 157.22 acres, J. C. Geer D. L. C; $6.00. Jane Edwards to Samuel Wilson 35 acres t3-2e; $875. U. S. to John H. Gorman 160 acres Sec. 24. t7-4e. L. B. Menefee et al to Rose City Lumber Co. tract In section 35, tl-le; $10. Levi Deller and wife to John W. Loder 20 acres, sec. 25, t2-2e; $1. , Adolph Gross to H. A. Stowe; 148 acres in sees. 9 and 10. t3-le; $10,000. Charles H. Denney and wife to Mary A. Jennings tract in sec. 29, t3-4e; $1. M. A. Shaw et ux to C. F. Soesbe NH and strip off SV4 lot 1 Jennings Lodge; $460. Chas. L. Burton et ux to J. K. Locke tracts G. H. O. P. 1st add to Willam ette Falls Acreage Tracts; $6000. Dollle Smith and husband to E. H. Burkhardt, Vt acreB sec. 15, t2-3e: $75. J. J. Sandsness to H. C. Howe 57 Va acres Bee. 31, t3-le; $2000. Margaret O. Moore to Mary E. Bar- ow. lots lto 14 inc. blk. 6 West Glad stone; $1. Sellwood Land & Imp. Co. to Ed ward Olund lot 3, blk. ,60. lots 2-3, blk. 75. 1st Add to Oak Grove; $525. CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST COMPANY. Land Title. Examined. Abstracts of Tltls Mad. Offle 'orer Bank of Oregon City. JOHN F. OLARK, Mgr. ,1 1 a H B n Tstjawaa-Tsaa 'X I B Willi SFiA H B