Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1908)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE) FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1908. LOCAL BRIEPS MIS. Mill Ull MCt.'OWII. Ill Hnl IwillMl, wue in Oregon city Hiituriliiy. (li iiiul Millinery inutility at Miss C tiiiiiiHiiiit it'M. Monday, Hptoiiihor 21 mill following duya. t'onatiihlo Mlli'ii ciiiiiii liiiinn Hutur- day night from n brief nlTlcliil trip In THIIIIIIII mill I'll ll( COIIIK l"H DnWltt'n ' Cmliiillti'il Witch. I Intel Halve ) III" hunt IIiImk to um fur piles, MUD by Howell ft Jmioa. Mr. mill Mm, Hurry Curt IMmo Imvn returned to Oregon CHy from tln'lr outing III ( ill Park, Waah. IC. II. Cooper uiul fit in 1 1 y li'fl Hntitr- tiny for (orvule, whore they will spend several weeka In the Imp nllM. M Ihn Kdlth Juchaotl and ulster. Mlaa lollm Jni'kKiiii, hit vii returned from a twn weeka' miliiiiiii ul Noaalilo. Chief Of t'lllll'U lllirim In HIMMIlllltK III" annual vitrei Ion ul Din Hliophord Hut springs ui Urn Columbia river. Iliinilil Hwnftonl mnl Hurry Gordon left Hiiliiriliiy morning (or SouhIiIo horn tlii-y will anjny u (w iiuyi' out lllg Mint 1C mi in n lliirrolt, Alli'O mnl Mor rls llolinun irt Haturday for Hiililuiril where thoy will spend about two Wonka. Mr. mnl Mm. John Miller, ami fit mi lly. of Clntakunlo, have returned to their Imllin, after vlalt Willi relatives In ( It t at city It L. lllnurhard mnl fiimlly loft Hut iinlny fur ChuiuiHieg, where tluy will I'll Ji y a few week In tlm liiifliiila iK'itr that iiltiro. Mm. Anna Krugor mnl children Ixft Mmiiluy for the Kuat, whore thoy will vlxlt friend mill relatives. They In tend In Ixi goim year. MIm Helen llolllngor, of Portland, waa In thn rll y vlaltlng friend Hut iinlny. Hltn will tennh thin Winter at (liinton, Wunhlngion County. Mm. A. II. Ailama, who haa been ttt Kot'Ht of her aon, Jiilin Ailnma, ami family, ha gone to Portland, whore li will remain for wiiiie Unto. Mr. and Mm. George Oaborno re turned to Oregon City' Krhlny from 1OiiK Heard, whom they hava limn ruatlrallng for several weeks Mlm Mia McDonald, who haa liven the guest of Mia Clarice Xutuwalt for tho pant two '-k . returned to her li mm In Koroat Grove Tlmmilay Mr. ami Mr. C. (1. Huntley and daughter. Mildred, havu returned from Cmiiioii lluarh, where they havo boon sojourning for tltu puat three) week V.. ('. Groonman, superintendent of thn Halnion River hatrhery, ami Mm Groonmnn. havn ri'turnnd, after a fw daya vlHlt with relative In Ort'Knn City. Mm. Sarah Porthon, of Portland. haa ninvi'd to Oregon City, where alio hua iipi'iii'it a atorn on rlovciith street lir atoi'k to conalat of home mailt) ilaliitlca. Mm. John Kotrhln and aon, Jack. returned to their homo In llolav, Idaho after a uionth'a with llev. and Mm. T. K. Ilowen. Mm. Kotrhln ami ami and Mm. Ilowen relumed Thura day from a week' vlalt at Ocean Park. W. U Mulvny, deputy county clerk, left Tueailay for hi' two wivka vara Hon. Mr. Mulvey will ylult with hit brother. John J. Mulvey, of Heattle, and fnun thnrn h will u to llrltlah Coliiilitila. vlallltiK Vancouver, and Victoria. Mr. anil Mm. Hoy Wllklnaon, of llrlilnl Veil, who have been vlaltlna with (tie latter'i paivnta, Mr. and Mm, John C hamlwm. of the Went Hldo. hav I liar coma here to attend thu Chanihem avinport woililltix, returned to their home Olday. MUa Sophia Hunker, of Dog Molnoi. Iowa, arrived In Oreitoti City, and U HtayliiK with Mm. J. Tmacott at Kin J Main atrnel. Mlaa Hunker la a drt'M maker and will remain In Ore ana City If there a aiimclenl call for her aervlcea. A little atratiKur arrived Friday A iik unt 2R. at the home of Mr. and Mm. Arthur Howlnmt, near tiranta I'aaa. Mra. llowlaud waa Mlaa 8hiI Chain, a ilnitKhtor of Mr. and Mm. Jamea W. Chime, of thla city. Tho new arrival la a girl. Mlaa (Vila and Mlaa llertha Cold Rinlth have returned from California, where they have linen upendlnit the pant ill weeka vlaltlnx with relatlvea, During their vlalt In California they apetit aomo time at Monterey, Harra niento and Ban Kranclaco, llev. J. It. IjniilKliiiriiiiKh and faintly, after a three wwka' anloiirn at Ocean I'urk, Waah., returned Thuraday. Mr. ami Mm. IJimlHhoroiiKh were urcom punled hy Mlaa A via Kronen, of Park' place, who haa alao tmeii at Ocean I'ark npondliiK her vucatlon Henry Ilollman, who waa Injured at lila homo about a month a no hy hav lug li la U'K broken, waa broiiKht to Oregon City, Saturday, and taken to the ollloti of Dr. K. A. Summer where the Injured member waa placed In a new runt. Mr, Ilollman la ImproviiiK rapidly. Calvin Kocher and Mlaa IxmUe Vorpnhl were married In Canby Thurailny. They mo well known ymiiiK people of Canby. whoro they will make their homo. Mr. Kochur la the hod of Mr. mid Mm. A. Kocher, mid la Intereated In tho Implement hoiiHo at Cunliy. Mlaa Cora Wold, pmfcaaor of moth' emntlca In Hunt Portland hlnh hcIkkiI, la thu Kueat nt tho homo of Mr. and Mm. II. 1,. K.lly. Mlaa Wold la a Krailiintu of tho Hnlveralty of Orison, und thorn are ton nraduate from thla Inatltutlon who aro luHtructora at the Portland InHtltiitlon, where Mlaa Wold la employed. Kruncea (ittllowuy, for- moily of thla city, la ono of the touch' un. Mlaa Lelah Wllaon, coualn of Mra. A. J. Wllaon. of thla city, loft Sunday for KoHohura;, where alio will vlalt with relatives, and from thnt pluco ahe will u t M ml ford for a few wookH vlHlt beforo leaving for her homo In Hnn Kninclaco. Mlaa Wllaon haa been upending tho pnat two montliH In Ore' Kon vlaltlnn with relutlvea in Port- land. Sellwood and thU city. Mlaa Lulu SpmiKler, of Corvullla, who haa been vIhUIiik with hor Hla ter, Mm. Loallo I I'ortor, loft for homo yesterday. Mlaa SpaiiKler, uc cmnpniiled her fnthod, John SpmiK ler, of Corvitllig, to Oakland, Cal., whoro they wore tho KneatB of Mr. SpuiiKler'a aon for the puat month. Thoy returned to OreRon hy atoanior, Mr, SpanRlor leaving for Corvallls tho dny of their arrival In Portland. Dry In if prrpiirntlona simply dovel on dry catarrh : thoy dry np the anurntlona, whlou auliars to ma mnmnruna aim tioinim. poM, oauainR a far more aerioua trouble than the ordinary form of caUrrh. Avoid ail drying inhalanta, fumna, amokea and .aonffa aud on that whinh cleanaea, aoothea and beata. ly'a Criara Halm will master oaUrrb or oold in the bead euily and pleawntly. All drugglata aell the 60 cent aiia. Ely Brothara, 56 Warran Street, t Maw Tork. The Balm la need without pain, doea not irriUU or eanse insulin g. It apraada itaelf -over an Irritated and angry aurfaca, reliev. Uf ImmediaUly the painful Inflammation., Xly'f Oiaa Balm eontajua no oooaina, BMraarytor other barmiul draga, Mlaa Ada Miller went to Canity on a biialtioNH trip Weilueailny. Mra. W. C, Ureen, of thu L, A'liinm' Ninre, la Inking a wvnk'a vacntliui, Mr, and Mra, HiiiiilgraHa, of Mnllno, have reliiriied hoinii, after a brief vlalt In thla city. J, 0. DoHlianiir, a prominent farm er of Handy, waa In tho city on bual iieaa yealnnliiy. Mlaa Claim Padrlck, of Imllaa, haa heim Npeiiiling a few iluy with relu tlvea in IIiIh city, Mra. Kugu ami children left Wild ueailiiy for a ten daya' vlalt with her Inter at Chemawa. Mlaa Ireuu Fry, of Portland, la vlalt lug In Hie oily with her friend, Mlaa (.1 witndolyne Hhnw. (irmid Millinery IHxplay nt Mlaa C. (lolilaiiiltira. Monday, Septeiuhur 21, mnl following ilnya. Mra, Joaliih Martin, of I,eliunon, la vlalilng with her ami, Hllna Hliadlu, iiml rmnlly, of thla city.'cnm. to marry waa laaueil Wud- neailny to Anna liima Hyiiuin ami VS'llllmii Coriinlliia Dewull, lien Hiiyhiirat, of Ciiueiniili, la con. lined to hla homo with typhoid fever. mnl hla condition la aerioua. Mlaa C. (iolilamlth will have tlm lurgeat and beat dlapla'y of the lateat Millinery ever brought to the City Alia Nina Street, of Portland, linn lieeu vlalilng at the hoiim of the Mlaaea Klliyl mid Kdna Park for a few ilnya, VVIIIIain Ciillff. who haa been atav- Ing a few daya with hla wife, ..rt Monday for Klamuth County, to r an me hla work. J. N. Klllutt. ono of thn nroniiiient fiirmem of Denver Creek, waa In Ore gon City on u liualiieaa (rip Monday, on hla way to Portland. Mm. William (iardner, Mr. and Mra. Kriieat Walker apeut the laat of the week at Hie home of (iardncr'a aia- ter. Mra. l-cenon, of Culinn. County HchiMil Huprliitniiileut (iury left yeaterdny to attend tho conven tion of erhool auperlntendenta at Ha li ia. He will he abaeut twn ilnya. Mlaa May Kitt-h. of Seattle. Waah.. li vlalilng Mlaa Klorultru (irare. Mlaa I itch liaa h i vlalilng relutlvea In Chehulla, mid la on her way home. W, A. Huntley and I'erry Caiineld who left on Saturday afternoon for way (Niluta up the Willamette river by canoe, returned Sunday evening. Mlaa Ittith Hedge, i Canemah, re turned Sunilay evening from a two montha' vlalt with her aunt. Mra. Jaitiba, who realdea In ICuatern Oregon. Mm. T. A. Pope, Mm. Kranklln T. (irltnth and children. Mlaa Ijitira Pope and Mlaa Martha Krancea Draper have returned from a aojourn at Tioga, Waah. Mlaa Jean While haa returned to Oregon City from her outing at Mount Adame, where alio haa been apeitdlug the aumnier with Senator K. M. Itamle ami family. Mm. Robert (iray. nee Jeaalo pur ler, la tying very III at thn home of her parenta. Mr. and Mm. It. (i. Porter of Canemah. Mra. Cray, la aufferlng with catarrh of the atomach. Newa wna received here Tueailay of tho death of Mra. Myrtle Poe Hclinck, which occurred Monday at Taciima. Waah. Mra. Schuck waa a alatitr of Mm. Hurry M. Shaw. l.oe J. Cnuflt'ld and Arthur Strong are down from North llenil, Waah., vlalilng tho former'a parenta, Mr. and Mra. Davbl CatUleld. Ikith young men will attend college thia Winter. Mlaa (jiiaalo Humphrey, who haa been apondlng the Summer lu Port land with friend haa returned to Ore gon City, and will re-open her kinder garteii on Monday, September SI. Mr. and Mm. K. 0. Caufleld aw'nt Saturday evening and Sunilay at their cottage at Seaaldo. The Cuufleld cot tage a one of the attractive cottagea at thla aunimer reaort, and overlooka tho ocean. Mr. aud Mra. Walter Homier, who have been apendlng the paat two montha at Clarkmnaa, are vlaltlng with Mr. Ilernlur'a parenta, at Green point. After a montha' vlalt In thla city, they will return to Portland. Mlaa Ovetlla Oberg. of Portland, In the guest of Mlaa Morleta Hickman, of the Weat Hide. Mlaa Oberg waa formerly a realtlent of thla city, her father being pnstor of tho M. K. church evoral yenm ago. l.lcenaea to marry have been grant rd to Kmlly Chrlatenaen and John Varley, Mra. C. S. Jones and II. S Iteynolda, Nina Ciertrude Noyea and Frank K. Everhnrt. and 'Joaele Q Thompaon and (leorge H, Watkina. Mra. Everett I. lllakealey, of Cen tralla, who hua been vlaltlng with her parenta, Mr, and Mm. Jaiuea Wllk Inaon, has p'turned to her home. Mr. and Mra. ti. K. Amleraon have returned to their home In thla city after ml extended vlalt with relatives In Ohio. Mlaa Annie (iardner, after a ten ilnya" vlalt with Mr. and Mm. C. Kotita, of Sprlngwttter, has returned to her Inunn, mid waa accompanied to Ore gon City by Mlaa Minnie Foutx, of Portland, and Krln Tutor, of KU Worth. Texas, who has also boon a gtieala of the Pont a family. II. II. Johnson has returned from an extended survey on tho summit of tho Cnarade Mountain east of Se attle. Ho had charge of a party. C A. Nnah and Tim MoGetchle, who were with Mr. Johnson, are returning home overland by team, and will probably reach Oregon City next Sunday. K. V, White, Kmory Dye. of thla city. and Mr. Kunyoii, of Cherryvlllo, have gone to Malheur Uiko, Eaatorn Ore gon, on a hunting trip. The party havo gone hy team, and expect to re .unln for about alx weeka, and will re turn by way of the llurlow road. Mlaa Helen Clcnaon has gone to lleppner, where Bho has accepted a position aa teacher In tho public school. Mlag Cileawm Is ono of Ore gon City's succesaful teachers, and has been teaching in the Salem pub lic schools for Beveral years. She wan re-elected In Snlom schools, but resigned. Ell Mnddock, well known lu thla city, where he resided for ninny years. mnl formerly sheriff of Clackamas County, la vlaltlng nt the homo of his daughter. Mra. V. C. llurko, of Thir teenth, and WiiHhlngton street. Mr. Maihloclt la proprietor of tho Palace Hotel at lleppner, and Is dolus; well at that place, Mrs. 11. V. Doollttlo, and son, of Vancouver, Wash., spout Sunday In this city with relatives, and returned to their homo in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Doollttle were accompanied homo by Mrs. Oeorgo lioyliui, of Cnthlnmet, Wash., i who has been vlaltlng her daughter In this city. Mrs. lloylnn will visit In Vancouver for a short time. , Mlsg Ethel Cheney and Miss Boss Kruni, of McM Inn villa, who have boon spending the past month In California, returned on the steamer Hose City Monday. Mlaa Cheney Is visiting her sister, Miss Edith Cheney, and fathor, 0. A. Cheney, and Miss Krum la vis iting with relatives In Portland, be fore returning to McMlnnvllle. Dur ing their stay In California they- visit ed with Mlsg Cheney's brother, Eaton, of Berkeley, and Grafton, of San Fran- eltco ' , Horn, to Mr. mid Mra. Utrny Case, lain of Ashland, n (laughter. Horn, Monday, al Paikplace, lo Mr, mnl Mm, Klatihacli, a lo-pmind boy. Mlaa Adu Kroat Joined a party of I op-pic knra who went aon Hi on Wed- iiemluy morning's train. Ivrneat P. Itamla left Wednesday morning for Canity to look after some surveying at Adkln'a mill. Dr. W, B. Cmll has relumed home after a month's sojourn I" Washing ton ami llrlllsh Columbia. Mrs. Hurry M. Hliuw haa gone to fiu'onia to attend the funeral of her alatur, who died there Monday. Mra, Don Mnldrtun and two child run imvn returned fr a ,,iuiitha' vlalt with relutlvea at linker (,'lly. Heciirn your whiter xii ;ily 'if coal now at Pioneer Tniiisfi r i.'u Agency l.italyn Coal Co., Poalolllce llltlg. Mlsa Essie llloek unit Mlsa Anna Uaiier left Wedneaday morning for a week's atay ut the State Kalr groiinda. Mlsa Kllzahelh Itooa mid Mlaa Too mnlli, of New York City, who la vla ltlng Mlaa Jtoos, have gone to the Stale Kalr to spend a fortnight. Dr. and Mm. George Hoeye and aon have gone to the Statu Kalr grounds, where they will cafu during (lie Kalr. Kalr. K. 0. Pond, who la connected with the Oregon City Courier, waa taken suddenly III a few days- ago mid taken to a Portland hospital for treutment. It Is feared he has an attuck of ty phoid. Superintendent Henry O'Mulley, of the Pulled Stales lliireou of Klslier lea, left Tuesday night for Grants Pass on a tn ilnya' olllclal Inspection trip uf thn hatchery work In that sec tion. MARKETS PEARS FINE FOR CANNING BUT MANY WOMEN ARE IN HOP FIELDS AND FRUIT IS ORUO . ON THE MARKET, , BBaaaBHaaa PEACHES IN DEMAND Recent Rain Has Started Grass and Paaturea Alraady Pro mlaa Better Food to Improve Dairy Products. CHAUTAUQUA ELECTION. Directors and Officers Will Be Choaen Tomorrow. The annual meeting of thn stock holder! of th Willamette Valley ChautBiuiiia Assembly will be held to morrow afternoon at the county court room, and directors will be chosen for the ensuing year. Itcporta will bo received and approved and the dlrec tlra will elect llielr officers. The pres ent board of directors Is composed of W. C. Hawley, II. E. Croaa. Charles II. Dye, J. T. Appemon, George A Harding, William A. Huntley. CharU II. Mooroa, Samuel 0. Heed, Joseph K. Hedges. A. V. Parker and Mrs l.ncla Kaxon Addlton. The officers are Congresamaii Hawley, president C, II. Dye, vice-president; II. E. Croaa, secretary; E. G. Cuufleld, treasurer. Club Arranging for Exhibit. The Mount Pleasant Civic Improve ment Club held a apodal meeting laat Tueailay night. The attendance was not large and consideration of the electric light queatlon waa deferred until the regular meting, which will take place the first Tuesday In Oc- fiber. The. Club will hold an ad Joiirned meeting Tuesday. September 22, to hear the report of the commit tee that haa In charge the exhibit at the Clackamas County Fair. The Mount pleasant achool will be opened next Monday morning. CONTEST IN WOODCRAFT. Woman Initiate Scheme to Increaas Their Membership. Much enthusiasm was manifested by the members of the .Women of Woodcraft at their mooting In the Woodmen hall Krlday night, when the captnlna were choaen. There aro three captains, who will choose sides, and promises to be one of tho moat spirit ed cinteeta ever held In thla city hy any loilgw. At the close bf the contest, which will be Krlday evening. Decem ber 18. the losing aides will furnish buniiet to tho winning side. The cap tains choaen are Mrs. A. F. Parker, Mra. Clarence Karr and Mra. Frlese. The three sides in the conteat have been termed red. white and blue. A point Is to 'be given to the member who attends the regular meeting of the order, ono point to the member who brings a new member Into tho organization, and by securing a bene fit member two polnta will be credited. O BaaiaUt BifeaUi af AHTOniA. Ui Ytsj Kis) alwiit BK( Summons. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stnte of Oregon, for tho County of Clacka mas. I.Ih May llrlggs. Plaintiff,, vs. William W. Brlggs. Defendnnt. To William W. Brlggs, the above mimed defendant; In tho name of the State of Oregon, you aro hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you In the above entitled court on or beforo Friday, tne u;iti nay or uc toiler, 1908, and If you fail to so ap pear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tho relief prayed for In said complaint, to-wlt; For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant and for inch other and further relief as to the Conn may seem meet nn:l equitable. This summons la published by order of the Honorable Thomas A. Melirlde, Judge of the above en titled Court, made and entered this 9th day of September, A. D. 1908. The first publication of this sum mons to be September 11, 1908, and the date of the Inat publication there of, Octotier 23. 1908. DIMICK & DIMICK, , Attornoys for Plaintiff. Kodol will, without doubt, make your stomach strong and will almost ItiHtmitly relieve you of nil the symp toms of Indigestion, Get a bottle of it today, it Is sold here by Howell & Jones. It is a PERFECT FIT ' that we gfvt yoa That is the reputation " that we maintain William McLarty Tailor ANDRESEN BLDG. Second Floor Saspeaslon Bridge Cor. Peara were never better than this yeur. There la no cheaper fruit for cunning on the market when the sugar lilll la tuken Into consideration, but there Is no demand for them thla year, pears are a drug on tho market. The reason for this may be found In the fact that many women are away In thu hop fields and many more have not returned or have hardly returned from the summer's outing. Green tpeas are nearly out of the market, but the variety of vegetables now offered la ao great that even the moat fastidious can find something to suit their aste. Peaches have flue flavor and are sold at tho stores almost before being ii n loaded from the wagons. There la Just enough mlllstuffs avail able to aupply the dally demand. Millers are paying 87 cents for wheat and are selling bran at f29 and aborts at MO er ton. Tho recent rains have started the grass and the pastures already give promise of better food for stock Thla will Improve the condition of tho milk and butter. Kgga have advanced 5 centa. The Portlund markets are complaining of a shortage. SCHOOLS ARE WARM TOPICS DISTRICT BOUNDARY B0AR0 ACTS OF PETITIONS OF PA TRONS IN MANY SECTIONS. LIMITS ARE ALTERED uoaro Deciinee to Grant Petition to Divide the Colton Diatrlct For Fear Two Weak 8ehooli Would Result. WHOLESALE QUOTATIONS. Vegetables, Fruits, Etc CUCUMBERS 10c dor. STRING BEANS 3c lb. SUMMER SQUASH 10c doz. OREGON CABBAGE lc lb. OREGON ONIONS f 1.25 per cwt BEETS iOc diat. TOMATOES 2 Vic lb. CARROTS 40c dot GREEN CORN 8c dot. CELERY 40c dot CAULIFOWER 0c doz. GREEN BEANS 3c lb. PEPPERS 10c doz. POTATOES 80c $1 per sack. GREEN PEAS 3c lb. Fresh onlona 40c doz Butter and Eggs. BUTTER Ranch, 50060c; cream' ery. 67 Vic roll. EGGS 27 28c doz. HONEY 12 13c frame. HONEY Strained, 7c to 9c lb. Fresh Fruits. APPLES 35 50c box. WATER MELON IVic per lb. PEACHES 50$ 6ftc crate. HARTLETT PEAR 50c box. CASABA $2.25 doz.' MUSKMELON $1.50 crate. GRAPES $1.25 crate. Dried Fruits. DRIED APPLES Quartered, sun- dried, 6 cents; evaporated 6 and 7c; prunes, 3Vto4c, silver prunes 6c to 6 Vic; peara 10c. Grain, Flour and Feed. WHEAT 87ff90c. OATS No. 1 White $25$26; $1.30 per hundred. FLOUR Pst. hard wheat $3.00; vol Icy flour. $4.40, graharr, $3.75 $4.25; whole wheat, $3.75. .$4.25. MILLSTUFFS Bran, $29.00; mid dlings, $110; shorts, $32.00; dairy chop, $27 $33. HAY Valley timothy, $10015 per ton; Clover, $8$10; Cheat, $12.00; $18 per ton; Clover $9.00; cheat $12; grain $13. Live Stock. HEIFERS $3.50fff$l.50. STEERS $4.00(0 $4.50. LAMBS $4.00. COWS $2.50$3.00. HOGS $5.50 $7.00. MUTTON $3.00 $3.50. HAMS BACON 15T15VaC Poultry. OLD HENS 11 cents per pound. oung roosters, 14c; old roosters, 8c mixed chickens, lll2Vic. TWILIGHT. Miss Anna Wllehurt has returned to her home after an extended vlalt In Seattle, Tacoma and other Sound cities. Wallace McCord and Marshall La- elle gave a party to their friends In Twilight hall Saturday evening. A good time was enjoyed by the young people. Ice cream and cake were, served during tho evening. There were about 40 present. Curtis Dodd. who has been In Spo kane, Wash., has returned to his home on account of Illness. , Marshall Lazelle will leave Satur- .lny for Salem, where he will take his prize winning Red Polled cattle. Mr. Uuelle will take with him six cattle and expects to return with on of the big prizes. Miss Ethel McCord, or Portland, is pending her, vacation with her pnr- nts. Mr. and Mrs. William Mccorn. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Meliull, after an extended visit wttn tne lauers purents,' Mr. and Mrs. George Lazelle. have returned to their home In Mor row. Mr. Meindl Is one of the prac ticing attorneys of Morrow, and Is meeting with success. He was for merly one of Clackamas county's suc cessful teachers. The Twilight school will open on Monday morning, with Mrs. Mamie Criteser as teacher.. The ground, hich was donated by Mr. Lazelle for the nOjW building. Is one of the best building Bites In that section, and the school building, which was recently completed. Is one of the neatest little school buildings In the county. Just a little Cascasweet Is all that Is necessary to give yonr baby when It Is cross and peevish. , Cascasweet con tains no opiates nor harmful drugs and is highly recommended by mothers everywhere. Sold by Howell t Jones. People who aro Interested In school government In various, sections of Cluckamaa County thronged the coun ty court room Tuesday In attendance at a meeting of the district boundary board, consisting of Judge. Dimlck, .School Superintendent Gary and Com missioners Lwellnn and Mattoon. The board made an endeavor to clean up the accumulation of petitions, und does not expect to hold any meetings until Spring. The board disallowed a petition to divide District No. 72 at Colton. While the territory of this district Is exten sive, the number of children of school age Is not sufficient to Justify a divi sion that would result In two weak achools. , Louis Funk was the only man Inter ested In a petition to detatch a part of the Redland district and attaching he severed portion to Upper Logan. There was no objection entered and the petition was granted. Two petitions, signed by Benjamin Matthews and J. E. Slefera and oth ers wero presented asking that por- thine of Union, near Damascus, be transferred to Lower Logan. The pe-1 tltion was granted as there waa no I contest The property of Ed Trulllnger Is af fected through a petition of W. H. Husbands, and others, to detach a por tion of the Mullno district and attach it to Union Mills. Thia was also granted. The boundary board denied the pe-1 tltion of Walter Gruel and others to I detach land from No. 116 and attach It to the Evergreen district, and also de nied the petition of Gus and Catherine Lesch and others to detach land from District No. 110 and attach It to the Upper Logan district. The board con tended that the granting of this peti tion woud practically destroy Js'o. 116, by taking away about onte-fourth of the territory of an already weak dis trict The boundary board granted the pe-1 tltion or the ramlly of Peter Wilson and a non-resident property owner named Kohl, who protested against being taken out of the Lower Logan and attached to No. 117, which was re-established several months ago, af ter having been discontinued for some time. The petition of William Heerdt and others, of New Era, to detach a part of the property In the Brown's dis trict and attach It to Leland. was de nied. While the boundary board rec ognized that the petitioners had some I Justice to their claims, It was consid ered advisable to let the matter rest until next Spring, when a readjus tment w'ili be made of the boundaries of the whole district COW IS STONE BLIND. Peculiar Affliction of Animal Belong ing to C. w. parriah. C. W. Parrish. of Gladstone. Is the owner of a cow that has become stone blind, through no apparent cause. About three weeks ago one eye be. came red, and It was thought the af fliction was pink eye, and soon the eye turned white and was sightless. A week later the other eye was similar ly affected and now the animal is blind. Mr. Parrish says that he has reports that 11 cows belonging to a farmer near Los Angeles have become afflicted in the game manner. He will have the cow examined by a vet erinary surgeon to ascertain if a cure can be effected. , BOY KILJ.S A CALF. Con- Benjamin Plckena, 1 Kelso In tact with Juvenle Court. Benjamin Pickens, a 15-year old boy of Kelso, has been sentenced to the reform school, but paroled by Judge Dimlck, pending his future behavior. The boys' mother receives aid from the county, and he is charged with pounding a cow and killing a calf be longing to R. A. TenEyck. The 'lad claims that the calf was killed by his partner, George Beaber. who fired the shot that killed the calf, but Beaber has disappeared in the mountains. Pickens admits firing the shot that wounded the cow. Judge Dimlck in the Juvenile Court place the boy un der the watchful eye of Constable Bert Jonsnul, of Kelso, and the culprit must pay for the calf inside of 30 days and must also pay the costs within DO days. Letter List. List of unclaimed letters at the Ore gon City post ofllce for week ending September 11: Woman's list Mrs. B. A. Cook; Mrs. Mary Pease; Miss Alice Peter son. Men's list Arthur Clark; Fleener, C; Griswold, Arthur; Jacobs. Hen- ; Knighton, Henry; Lynn, Robert; Nlcolal, Eobla; Pickens, Chas. DoWltt's Kidney and Badder Pills are for weak back, backache, rheu matic pains, inflammation of the blad der and all other annoyances due to weak kidneys. They are sold by How ell & Jones. BOOSTING FOR OREGON Sending Ohio Man Takes Pleasure In People Here. Mr. J. H. McMillan, now past eigh ty-five years of age and temporarily residing at Coshocton, Ohio, writes: Having lived In Oregon sixty years and believing It to be the best country in the United States, I take pleasure In sending people there who are look ing for a home. Rheumatism has a Arm grip on me, and I am unable to labor, but I can talk of Oregon and pread Oregon literature and will be glad to receive same from all parts of the state. I have been able to send many people to Oregon, and they have written thnt they were glad they made the change." Oregonlans should re member that there are thousands more to come on the colonist rates of September and October. O Bin tke f tm mm m ninj vwin IhsaitilwHiil Uwirttwfl