Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1908)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1908. t , ... I, - i - t i u . i- r I I " - " NEWS OF THE COUNTY j r ... II -IJ.L...1 -- STAFFORD. Mr. Pomperlne Is ploklnK hops. K ruses' lirsan Tuesday, and others In the course of a few (lays. C. Thompson Is to pick this week, then hi crew will pick Oohhardt's new field, which wll he dried In Thomp son's dry house. The yield promises fair. William Schati and wife went to Portland Saturday, returning Mon day. The three Misses Schatj spent the holidayi at the home, together with a hevy of young people from town, in cluding Miss Mln and Kale Schati, cousins, from Oregon 'City. Mr. and Mrs. Cage entertained Mr. Tormbs and daughter from East Port land. Sunday and Monday. An attentive congregation listened to the Rev. Waohlte on Sunday even ing. He preaches the first and second Sunday In English. It takes longer to make over Mr. Powell ! house, than at first supposed, and thev are not quite through yet Mr. and Mrs. Scott, from lialtle Ax, Wash., the latter a sister of Mrs. Pow ell, and her hushand. are stopping a Miss Gertrude EHigen Is picking hops at her uncle's, Loren Knise. Mrs. Waehlte has a married daugh ter and two children visiting her from near Eugene. Miss Bee Gage returned to school on Tuesday. A refreshing rain washed the face of nature on Monday and all are in hope It will not continue, i -,ii. imi went to Hillsdale last week to stay with a friend a couple of weeks. Messrs. Weddle and Oldenstadt have been trying their new baler on their own and neighbors' hay, and sevm to be making quite a success of it. Mr. Aerni has been hauling straw from the late John Moser's place. Mr. Holswarts has been . getting straw from the Gage place., The boys have been burning straw on the Hayes place. MULINO Mr. Woodsides and the Churchill bovs have rented the Ashby place and wiil sow it to hay this fall. Mr. Ashby has been at Mullno this week looking after his share of the peaches and went home Sunday. The grain is all stacked here now and the farmers are anxious for a thresher to come In and finish up the harvest This damp weather is not very good for threshing or hop picking, but Is what we usually get at this time of year. Mrs. Fred Erickson. Johnny and May went out to the hop yard Wed nesday and Mr. Erickson is keeping bachelors' hall. The Big Bugs met with Miss Burns last Wednesday and a very pleasant time was reported. ' Miss Nina Dunton. of Mokilla., was visiting with Nada Lee a few days last week. Mr. Lee went to Oregon City with some fat hogs last week. TEAZEL CREEK. Another little rain visited this sec tion last Sunday which cooled the air making It pleasant Mrs. Ressle and Willie, visited with Miss Lora Judd last Sunday. Little Homer Quinn fell from the fence one day last week striking his foot on a piece of glass and cut it very badly. Harvey Dart and wife have return ed from the mountains where they went for an outing and to gather buck le berries. MOUNTAIN VIEW Improvements still go on here. Chas. Ely Is building a new barn on his piemlses. Ed. Gottberg is having a chicken cbrrall built Messrs. Gerber and O'Donnell are working on Ed. Gottberg's house. Miss Josie Curran Is at homeaxain this week. She was working for a family on Division street and they went to California. G. M. Glllett and Bert Cummins are digging a well for Frank Andrews. Jr. Miss Ollle, Mason made a business trip to Portland Tuesday. Miss Pearl Curran and George Evehart went down town Sunday to witness the marriage of Frank Ever hart to Miss Gertie Ntyes, of Sheri dan. Mrs. Thaeker is seriously ill at her home on Roosevelt street. Mr. and Mrs. George Waldron and daughter and Mrs. Adklns, of Clacka mas Heights, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fisher last Sunday. Miss Josie Hubbard, who Is work ing for Mrs. Gottberg, spent last Sat urday evening in Portland with ber sister. Alma Hubbard has gone to Portland to prepare for school. Mrs. Gottberg, who has spent the past three weeks In Oswego, came borne Sunday Her daughter, Mrs. Nellie Ball, came with her and re turned home Monday. Mr. Stout, of Highland, was doing business in town last Saturday. A. S. Klelnsmith is carrying the mall for H. Waldron thi3 week on the WeBt side rural route. Mrs. Hall went out to the mill last Wednesday and brought In her father. P. D. Curran, who visited here until Saturday, then went to the mill again. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carrico spent last Sunday in this place. Mrs. Frank Sager is moving into town and expects to move to Portland' this week. , Jack Rlngo and wife were the guests of Bert Cummins and wife one day of last week. Mr. Ringo is on the sick list and went to see Dr. Strickland, who pro nounced him In a critical condition. J. P. Rnholl, with a few others from this burg, are picking hops for Mr. NEW MEAT MARKET H. W, STRIEBIG calls the attention of hit friends to the fact that he has opened a NEW MEAT MARKET next to WILSON & COOKE'S HARDWARE 8T0RE. FIRST CLASS MEAT delivered to all parts of Oregon City, Ca nemah and Weat Oregon City. ALL Suitable MEAT8, POULTRY and EGG8 bought H. W. STRIEBIG Phone 131. Andrews. Willie Schloth is picking hops for Mr. .lost. MULINO. Mr. Woodsides has been trying to cut oats for the Churchill boys on the Ashby place. He commenced Satur fine nn. I cut two or three rounds on the field when he broke his binder; began again Tuesday and broke down again; cut for an hour or two Wed nesday when the rain stopped him so the oats are still standing. The Mullno fishermen all arrived home safely last week. Fred Errloson started In to stack his oats Tuesday, but had to Quit on account of the rain. .T.isner Trulllneor. wife and daugh ter, Mary, came up to the Ashby place to take care or their peacnes. Mullno has been visited with copious showers for the past few days. They would have been better appreciated If the grain had all been taken care of. Mr. Howard threshed his crop last Wednesday. Mr. Snodcrass and wife went to Ore- , gon City Friday. The shingle mill started up again last week after a few days' rest. ! Mr Vallate sister and children. .from "Clear Creek, have been visit ins i her for a few days. The Ashby peach orchard has been ;a bny place for the last few days ' and the peaches are about all gone. LOGAN There was a fair number in attend aniA at the mterln of Hardinc Grange ion last Saturday. Much Interest was I taken In the discussions, especially in the subject of country schools ami some of the speakers look occasion tn denounce the action of the bound ary board in dividing districts without good cause. Much Interest was tahen in the fair and posters are out in viting all to take a hand in making it a success. Mr. A. Swales Is very sick. William O'Connor has received let ters from his brother Pat, whUj Is in Montana. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Stelnman and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stelnman, the latter from Evansvllle, Indiana, were in Logan this week. C. C. Robblns and family have been out from Portland visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Anderson visited Wends near Tualatin last week. CLARKES. Occasional showers are falling. Many of our people are hopplcklng, and some have gone for huckleber ries. Some of our citizens are making war on the digger squirrels, which are very destructive animals. Mr. Peck has put in a hydraulic ram on his place. Mrs. Peck's moth?r and nephew, of Canby. are visiting her The mother will live with her daughter. Sunday was an enjoyable day at the M. E. Church. Rev. t-aron ittgi.iii, of Estacada, was present in 1 tie morning and preached a splendid sermon, ia which he showed the difference be tween the Christian religion and the Mohammedan of Turkey. We regret that so many were absent from the community, for It was s feast to hear him. Through his leadersitlo a good ly amount was raised en the pastor's salary. Dr. Rowland having sent him for that purpose, because of the one tor being crowded for tima on his ois trlct The congregation rciiuest-d Capt. Branson to preach in ma even ing. The choir was composed of some of our bright youug LiJ.i and we had good singing. Perfect order was enjoyed throughout the remon. A book peddler recently took sub scriptions for Advent books lirmiah this neighborhood. Books published by the Pacific Press Pub. Co. re Ad vent doctrine books. A great a.any people do not know this and conse quently do not know what they ore purchasing. Rev. Rinehart will preach his fare well sermons September 20 at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Mr. Peck has sold his farm to Mi. Griffith and bis brother, who, we hear, are to take possession soon. Mr. and Mrs. Peck will locate elsewhere. We are sorry to lose these good neigh bors, but wherever they may go, may success and prosperity attend them. Mr. Fuily's Sunday School class ami friends were royally entertained at Mr. and Mrs. Grossmlller's home Sep tember 2. The social was held a week sooner than the appointed monthly date, (the second Wednesday In the month) so that the young people might depart for the hop fields. Remedv for fleas sprinkle powder ed copperas plentifully around where they are. In the hog lot give applica tions everv week or ten days, in dry weather. In bouses remove rugs and carpets, (copperas will eat them), sprinkle the floors liberally without sweeping. Soon you will have no fleas. Emma Klelnsmith will teach the Highland school this Winter. Mr. Fully and son bought seven tonB of threshed oats from Mr. Peck. COFFEE Five degrees of excel lence: good; better; fine; finer; finest: all Schilling's Best. Yoar jrroce, rttarni four rooner if you don't like it; we pay tun PARKPLACE The Galloway place at Parkplace has been sold to Mrs. Wrallace, a re cent arrival from Lebanon, who will reside there along with Mr. and Mrs. William KlanbAoh. the latter her daughter. The property was sold by Judge William Galloway to Mr. Busby, and when he moved to Portland It passed Into Mrs. Wallace's hand. The Parkplace CongVegat tonal church has sold the lot on which the thttrch originally stood to Captain J. T. Apperson. who In turn sold to the church trustees another lot, and the edifice has been moved to a lot Just east of the home of Mrs. Davenport. An addition will be built to the church on the new location, which has many advantage over the old site, being easier access and more sightly. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hoys, of Jennings Lodge, will probably lose a valuable horse as the result of an accident that ivcured at Parkplace. The animal was sick and fell over a steep bank on a hill on the Forsyth road near Parkplace. The home was badly crippled after being extricated from Its perilous position and may have to he shot. Mls Myrtle Holmes, of Parkplace, Is spending a week with Miss Mary Pressey at the Robinson ranch tu West Oregon City. Frank Smith has returned from the Portland hospital whew he was taken for the purpose of undergoing a seri ous operation on his knee, which was badly swollen. The operation was apparently sucessful. MULINO. Threshers are expected here this week, also balers. We must be the last vicinity to thresh. cm- .l..wett left a week aso Monday for a two weeks' outing In the moun tains. I A Davis and famllv and some of Fred Erickson' family left the latter part of last week for the hop fields. Charles Daniels recently presented his wife with a fine sewing machine. n W. sm th. who purchased me Woodslde place, is doing some repair work on the house. Forrest Dunton and Mr. Porter are engaged In doing this work. inrrU Mvers m Her at Howard 8 ml'!, has been having a (treat deal of trouble with a felon on one of his hands. IU Kate Snodnrssa w ill soon leave for Heaver Creek, where she has been engaged as teacher for the ensuing year. The TV B. C. met at the home of Mls Vloda Bums last Wednesday. Among the business transacted, It was decided to change the emu s name, as the former name had mysteriously made Itself known. The name has been changed so that the letters will remain the same. Ae very delicious innph was served and thoroughly en- Joyed by all. Miss Alice Moore ren dered a few selections on me ijuier. while other members sang. The next meeting place has not been decided upon. Miss Nina Dunton, ot Jioiaim. ieui a couple of days last week with Miss Nada Lee. J. Trulinger and some of his iamuy from Woodburn to attend to the peach crop on the Ashby place. Peaches will mion ue sune. " Wlltzle and Charles Albright are also picking. nivnn Howard set fence posts Mon day and will soon have his place en closed. Mrs. M. S. Howard visited fcvening at aw P.ranfa Vfl 97 last Saturday to celebrate the 35th anniversary of that grange. Over nine granges were rep resented. Next Saturday is the regular meet ing .uv nf Volalla Grange No. 40. We should have a good attendance at this meeting and show that we are sun true to our grange. CLARKES. Sum Rimer la through threshing. He finished Monday and then he pull ed for home. Th k'l.ilnsnilth hrothers ana . n. Bottemlller went huckleberrylng last week! prt r.Mce will Marshall and utto Elmer leave Wednesday afternoon to pick huckleberries. Mr. and Jlrs. Moei maue a vino. i Clarkes last week. win Marshall went to town lues- day on business, and on Monday we had Labor Day and we naa piemy oi -in .n.i it turned nut nice again and 3oon all farmers will be busy plowing if not too dry. Mr and Mrs. Maxson went hop- picking last Saturday. Mr. Haag and nis iiaugnier ma "i hop-picking last Sunday and Dave Mil ler and his two daughters went Mon day. A. Seherruble went to neip no brother Dave to dry hops. Mr. Marquardt bought a young ouii for $100. John Peck sold his farm last ween for l:!9S0. The purchasers are the two Welch brothers. Ed Mclntyre M In Portland to attend to his mother's funeral. R. Robinson burned his aiasning last week. Pete Kern was hauling bark last week. MEADOWBROOK. We had a little rain this week which laid the dust for the hop pickers. Everybody around here was tnresn- ing last week. Mr Snnderasii and family called on some of Meadowbrook's people last Sunday. The threshing engine blew out a cylinder head Friday, while threshing John Rhode's wheat. Allle futtlnif and ha brother, Les ter nirkv and voung Robblns. accom panied by ten dogs, went hunting last Sunday, having the bad luck oi get ting one dog crippled. v R Cooner and J. F. Dibble called on Ralph Holman Sunday. We have JuBt received a large In voice of sugar. You will be aole to save money on your purchases In this line if you patronize us. Our goods are guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. Fine Beet Sugar $5.90 per sack. Pure cane sugar $6; Berry sugar, $6.10. Harris' Grocery 8th and Main Streets SOCIALISTS TO CAMPAIGN WILL HOLD POLITICAL MEETINQ9 AT SCH00LH0USE3 IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY. DEBS COMES MONDAY Presidential Candidate Travel on "Red Special" With Secondary Attraction! and Will Stop Her For a Half Hour. The Clackamas County Iwal or ganisation of the Siniallst party held Its monthly meeting Sunday In Knupp's Hall. Joseph Melndl presided and Claude S. Howard was secretary. Henry Woodward and James Jackson, of Portland, were (he principal speak ers. It la the Intention of the Social ists to extend a warm welcome to Eugene V. Debs, candidate for Presi dent, when he passes through Oregon City on hi "Red Special." The .presidential campaign of the Socialists will be conducted with vigor in Clackamas County, ami arrange ments wll be made for meetings In nearly every schoolhouae In the coun try, and for open air meetings at Ore gon City. The meetings will commence at an early date and wilt last until election day. Presidential Candidate Debs will reach Oregon City next Monday after noon at 4:33 o'clock, remaining here a half hour. Debs will deliver an ad dress from the rear platform. The volunteer band made up of the best musicians In fifteen large cities, will give a concert. A. M. Simons, editor of the Chicago Dally Socialist and delegate to the In'ernptional l.abor Congress In Slut gart, Germany, will be one ot the speakers. Harry C. Parker, manager of the Philadelphia lahor Temple, will be In charge of the train as manager. A. H. Floaten. Socialist speaker and store-keeper, who was deported from Tellurlde, Colo., because he aold good to striking miners on credit, will be In charge of the baggage car contain ing 2.000,000 pieces of Socialises lit erature. Stephen U. Reynolds, of Terre Haute, known as "The Indiana Uihor" s'tornev. who Is an author and orator of more than local reputation, will make the trip. He will speak at many meetings. There are four enrs In the train, decorated with oil paintings, bunting, and slogans of the Socialist party, such as. "Worklngmen I'nlte. You have nothing to lose, but your chains and a world to gain." I'pon reaching San Francisco, the train will turn north and after visit ing Oregon will return to Chicago. Alter a day's rest, the trip will be taken up again and all eastern cities visited. The tour will cover the south, taking In St. Louis and other Import ant point and nd the night before eelctlon In Borne central city with a big celebration by union labor and so cialists. . RECEPTION AT PARKPLACE. Patron of School Will Meet Principal and Teacher. Tho PnrknUre Hk-h School Educa tional Club will give a reception to the principal and teacner or meir school Saturday evening, September 19, at the Grange Hall. v Stale Superintendent Ackerman has acepted an Invitation to attend. He will give an address on educational topics. County Superintendent Gary win be there and give a talk along the same lines. Other will also ad dreBs the meeting after which there will be a Boclal hour and refreshments will be served. Patrons of the school are Invited. Kodol will, In a very short time, en able the stomach to do the work It should do, and the work It should do Is to digest all the food you eat. It makes the stomach sweet and It Is pleasant to take. It Is sold here by Howell & Jones. Mr. Daniel Ha Good Yield. Thomas Daniel, one of the promi nent farmers of Beaver Creek, was In Oregon City on hualness Thursday. Mr. Daniel says that the crops In his section of the couty are looking ex cellent, and the farmers are well pleas ed with the crops this year. The prine crop, although In many sections of the county, is good on the Daniel place, and he has an abundance for his own use. There are about l.'IS acres In the Daniel farm, about 30 be ing under cultivation, ten acres being In hay. Mr. Daniel has Just finished his harvesting, and threHhed about 735 bushels of oats. OABTOniA. WHY? Does W. A. j Holmes give 10 jj tj per cent off on 3 m Because he p fcj has too many jj jj shoes and not A $ enough money, i I W. A. HOLMES J S Parkplace Cash Store S PARKPLACE, ORE. MRS. MclNTYRE IS DEAO. Former Resident of Clarke Passe Away at Portland. Mrs. lliidget Mclntyre, who died Sunday lit the hoiim of her daughter, .last Allilnn Avenue, Portland, was for many years a resident ot Clacka mas County. She had been III for some time and was aged "! years, hIx months. Mrs. Mclntyre and her hus band lived oil their homestead lit linrkos for :I0 years, mid alinut six . huh ago went to Portland to live with their daughter. Her husband died several years ago and was bulled III the Cathollu cemetery In this city. Deceased Is survived by eight child ren, us follows: K, Mclntyre, of Clarke: Nell Mclntyre, of Portland: Mrs. Paul Crlft. of The Dalles; Hart ley Mcliilyre, of Central America; John Mclntyre, of Muivsvllle, Oil.; Mr. lA'onard, of San Francisco, mid Thomas and Uunliilck Mclntyre, of Alaska. Funeral services were held Wed nesday morning at ! o'clock In St. John' Catholic. Church. Rev. A. llll It'biand, olllclailtig. Interment In the Catholic cemetery. BIO FAIR AT GRESHAM Extenalve Preparations Bolng Made for the Grange Fair Preparations for this year's Grange Fair and Festival, to be held at Gresli am. October IMO. are being pushed rapidly forward and the exhibits and other attractions promise to surpass the splendid fair und caiiunil of last year. A beautiful site of nine acres has been secured and Is being inld out fur a park. Workmen have begun the erection of the buildings. The ninlii pavilion will be K0xl50 feet, two stories. It will bo well constiuried and floored, affording nearly three times the exhibit room of Inst years temporary pavilion which was loer crowded with exhibits. A large poultry house and stock sheds will liu built, besides a grandstand, office, etc. With new grounds, new and sub-, atnntinl buildings, and perimu'.i .it financial backing, every citizen of Portland and tho surrounding coumiy has reasou to expect a great fair at Gresham and the management '.i de termined to bring It alsiul. DeWitfa Little Kurly Risers are small pills, easy to take, gentle and , sure. Sold by Howell ft Jones. AWAKENING OF TURKEY. ! There are many stories abroad a J to tho whys and wherefores of tho M most astounding revolution of mod ern times that which has Just oc-'l curred in Turkey. From a reign of 1 blood, murder, raplnu and sudden i, death, of Injustice ami oppression. I the change to liberty, fraternity and equality came swiftly but surely. Per haps the most astonishing thing alsuit It to the Western mind, which has grown accustomed to think of any at tempt at lose majesty In Turkey a foredoomed, Is the thoroughness with which the change has been made. An other feature that surprises Is the at titude towards the Sultan, Abdul , Hamld. He who was called "Abdul the Damned," Is now hailed as "Abdul the Liberator." Perhaps tho gentle- ( man recognlie the fact, however, that , if he were not the liberator he would moil certainly be the damned. i Two main inlluencea served to bring about the great change. One la tho ' party of "Young Turks" whlrh has worked openly and constantly for re-, form, and the other Is the Society of I'nlon and Progress, which has ; been none the less active In It ef-' forts for a betterment of conditions, ; but which has worked secretly for a score of year. This party Is headed Wherever Wheels Turn ELECTRIC MOTORS ARE NEEDED No Matter What They Drive Or Where They Are A Saving in Power A Reduction in Expense An Increase in Output An Improvement in Product Some very decided improvement always results when Electric Motors turn the wheels. THESE BENEFITS ARE ESPECIALLY . VALUABLE TO Bakers Blacksmiths Bottlers Butchers Confectioners Portland Railway Light & Power Company C.G. MILLER, AGENT by two young nephews of tho Hiillnil hlmsolf, one of whom nt Talis and the oilier under the very nosn of the. V.t fendl have boon nttiactliig to the So ciety the hinders of tho Turkish gov ernment. The Young Turk come In for n gronter share of tho croilli of obtaining Hie constitution, becaiiHo they have worked In tho upon and have welcomed publicity, but ninny are Inclined to think that wllhlii the Sullau's own family circle are the most potent causes of these cliauxed conditions. Turkey's first coiislltiitlon was granted In 1S7I1, but hud boon In opoi'H Hon but n Utile time when It wits sum marily revoked. Tho Sullau's Grand Ylilcr nt Hint time, Miihmoiid Daiiiad Pasha, wns the husband of the Sul tan's sister. Ho hud two sons, tho princes Snbah el Din mid l.iitfalla. After tho constitution wim revoked, the Grand Vlr.ler was Insistent for re form, which was not o hi ruler's liking. t'oiiseiiienlly a now Grand Vl.'li'r was soon iiiiuonnced. Mithiiiond Ihimml PiihIiii, taking his sons, went to Pails to live, whence no Inducement from the Sullnn was strong enough to make him return. Ho had a very largo pursonnt following, and nflor his death this was Inherited by his sons, who continued tho work begun by their father In the cause of lib erty. Their activities abroad leached tho oars of tho Sultan, and ho renewed the offers made to their father to grant protection If they would return to Turkey to live. The young' moil talk ed It over, and decided that olio of thoiii, l.utfallii. should return and to all nppenmnce rnaso his efforts 10 serine reform. So ho wont back, and Immediately sot to work to an nex (he army to the ranks of the So ciety of I'nlon and Progress. Acting 011 the principles of secrecy laid down by his father, much was accomplished by tho Society before any Inkling of It 66 Oregon Bml&ets" Are yoa doing what you can to popolate yoar State? OR KG ON NERDS PKOPI.K Settlor, honest farmers, mech anics, merchants, clerks, people with brain, strong handa and a willing heart capital or no capital. Southern Pacific Co. (Lines in Oregon) 0 1 Is sending tons of Oregon literature to the Fast for distribu tion through every available agency. Will you not help llm good work of building Oregon by sending u the nnuios and ddrro of your friend who are likely to be Interested 111 this state? W will be glad to bear tho expense of lending them complete Information almut OltfXIo.N and U oppor (unities. COLONIST TICKETS will be on mile during and OCTODKK from the Fast to all point In Oregon. The faro from a fow principal cities are From Denver 130.09 From Louisville 141.70 From Omaha 30.00 From Cincinnati 42.20 From Kansas City... 30.00 From Cleveland 4475 From -St. Loui 35.50 From New York 55 00 From Chicago 38.00 TICKETS CAN BE PREPAID. If you wnt to bring a friend or relative to Oregon deposit the proper amount with any of our agent. The ticket will then be furnished by telegraph. E. T. FIELDS LOCAL AGENT, OREGON CITY WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portlaad. Oregon. Contractors Dentists , Dressmakers Grocers Launderes ANYONE USING POWER CAN PROFIT BY CONSULTING reached tho oar of the Hiillnil' pl'. When llioy Hiinliy hcctuim rogui nut of tho fuel that a largo wl.od con spiracy was thriving In tlu'lr mldl, It had galnoil such headway Hint llm Hullnn. arior a stormy conforoiioo with his council nf Unto.liiHllim Gil five o'clock In lb" morning, from which ho emerged iiMHlrnUf'). " pleased to proclaim tin rostorttlloii or iho constitution, Aloug' , with till cnino olhor reform long noodoil, which wore granted iimrn cheerfully when It. became known thai plan wore coin plolod for a groat uprising all over tho empire on a certain day this coming October. So thoroughly was the con spiracy perfected that If tho Hiiltnn had refused to grunt what was asked, tho Society of I'nlon mid Progres had another man selected who oould capably llll tho position occupied by Abdul llniuld. The Kffcndl has not soon hi nephew Lutfalln since tho grunting of tho constitution, and Iho later continue to live In Iho ijuaiioi provided for lilin when ho relumed from Pari. Tho Society of I'nlon and Progress Is continuing II work, and will not cca-o nnlll Turkey oc cupies lis place among Iho other en lightened nations of the world. They Take the Kink Out. "I liavu used Dr. King' Now 1.1 fa Pills for many yours, with Increasing satisfaction, They take tho kink out of stomach, liver and bowel, without fuss or friction," iiy N. II. Urown, of Plltsflold. Vt. Guaranteed satisfac tory, at Howell June' drug stole. ::.c. NOTiCK-ll. J. Rupert. M F.loclrlc Hotel, want lo llt your land for quick sale. All bind IM'd adver tised through our Portland ottlco. i WASYtlD-Glii to work for board ami attend school. Must ho over 15 vciirs. l'.!iifi Washington street. Housekeepers Jewelers Machinists Printers Woodworkers OREGON CITY, OREGON