Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1908)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGU8T 28, 1908. 8 LOCAL liRIEPS MIhn Cliini I'Mi'IiIh Iiiim ri'tiirmnl from ln-r IMIHIIirH VMCHllllli In Portland and AhIiiIu, Mr. ami Mrn, )l. H. CurtlldKo l-ft Wnillli'Hiliiy fur a rolllilKlil'H Hiijiiill'll on Dm CihihI, Tin' tiiinilini'H of Hut United l i n Church held n iilcnlc 1'iicHiliiy tit tint crovii III Kly. MIhh 1,1'iih Mlllor Iiiih nct'iili'il u piml Hull 111 tliH ('IiicIihiiihh Counly All Miriii't ('i)iiiiiuiy iivit tlio (Jri'Koii city , Hunk, Kllmii Iinn, Will IliiliH iind UIiimi Coin ri'luriK'il Hntiiriliiy vvkiiIiik from their (iiinpliiK trip In Hi" Hhnmoknwa country. Tin' will of tlin lain Hiihiiii lliiiul Iiiih lini'ii inlinllti'it to iroliiili and Wlllliim lliiiul wiih imiiii'il iih executor. Tim i'mIiiIk Im valiii'il at $son, Mnrrlaxi' IIi'kiimi'N were grunted Moll May to Martini Zeek uiiil TIihiiiiih llnrk cr, of I'lirliiiliM'n, iiml lilt a It. Ilowrnnn ami U'llliiril KnlKht, of Canity. M im, Iti'lii'ltah Tiiriiny ami Mm. ICIlu Kuriner, of tlm Went Hldo, litft Moil iluy fur a vlHlt. with Mr. Mary Lav ikih ilmiKliti-r of Mm. Turney. M in, I). I', TliiuiipHon, who Iiiih Ihm'ii In OrnK'Ui City. 'Ii KUCKl of Iiit hIh tcr ln law, Mrn. Ili'tiry Meldnnn, htm ri'tilriiml to her home In I'ortliiml. MImm (Icriildlno MiCown, of Sell wood, wiih In Ori-Roii City Tui'Kilay. vhiltlim with frli'tiilM, MIhh McCown will mum luavo for Momcow, Idaho, wIiith Him will enter tim iMiivornuy. J. (I, Wood, who him l)"il connect ed with tlu Ori'Kou City Maniifai'tiir Iuk Company, ha piircluiHi'il an Inter im In the Pioneer Trunnfer Company from (leorKO W. Ilriwlley. Thin com pany wan eHtalillHhi d In lfit'di hy Clark N. fireenman. Mhliiiel Mulvey. who lian been In Fairbanks AliiHka. for the IiihI two enrH, returned Monday to upend thn Winter. Mrn. Mulvey Iiah been May liiK with her peoplo In Antelopti ilur Iiik her hunhaiicli nliHcnre, hut aho will Immediately rejoin him here. MImh r.Hiel Albright IH vlHltltlir her aimer, Mra. Jamen Churrh, of Oak Grove. Mrn. Churrh and children will leave next week for Condon. Oregon, whi-ro nIio will Join her hiiMlmml, who ha acrepted u poHltloa with thn J'ort latid Flouring MIIIh at Unit place. Harold HIkwiih, who arrived a few dnyit iiko from Vanhlm:ton, I). C, and liait heen a itueat of hln aunt. Mrn. W. l. StotTord. of .Mount IMcaHimt, left Tuenday for Matches, Wanh.( where h linn accepted a xinlt Ion nit mlnlnx enKhieiT. and la employed by the gov ernment. Mra, C, 0. T. Williams ha return ed from a three weeka' vlalt with her brother, William Warren, of Hood Klver. Mr. Warren hnH purrhiiHed land there and la KlrR Into thn applo culture. The preaent Indication point to a larn harveat of tin celebrated Hood Itlver npplea. Mr. Warren for merly realded In Oregon City. An other Clackamaa County man who ban Koue to Hood Klver to make IiIh homo Ik Charlea Alhrlght. who la hIho en giiK'i'd In fruit raUliiR. I,. SchiM'nhorn, acompanled by Ills brothwra, Henry ami Harry, who re Ido near Carua, were In Oregon City thn latter part of the week. They have been upending a few ilaya In the moiititalnH picking huckleherrlea, and aurceeded In hrlnglnK out the larReat amount of berries ao far thla year. There are 4! gallona In all, and they expect to return to gather more. There are. many more berrlea In the niountaliiH thla year than laat year, and many people are taking their an nual outing In thla manner. IjmI year the crop waa unuaually ahort. WHEN WE LOAD OUR WAGON the next time we would like to include asack of "SEELEYS BEST" flour for you. "We know if we once sell you a sack that after that we will sell you ALL YOUR FLOUR Make your first order consist of the articles you know most about, both as to quality and prices, then the advantage and economy of buying your groceries here will be all the more apparant to you. SEELEY'S The People's Store. OREGON CITY, OR. .JoHoph V. IlurloHH waa In tho illy TiioHilay from Molalla, Dr. U. 0. Ice leaven Saturday for a brief aojniirii on ClnlMop Iteach. IC. K, llriidlo Iiiih returned from bin two weelia' outing at Oeean View, li. L. Porter left WedneHilay for UoHi'hiirg, whom ho wont on bum. IIHMM, Mlim Mamie Hoake, of C'Iih'Iwiuhih, wiih In Oregon City oil IiiimIiii'HH laat Friday. ' Mr. and Mra. Frank T. Harlow have returned homo from their outing at Newport. Mr. and Mra, Hmery Noble and fam ily have moved to their new homo at (ilailHtoiie, , j. I'. Todd, a well known farmer of Hood View, waa In tho city on html ih'mm Tui'Hilay. Rev, and Mra. H. Clarence Oakley hav returned from a alx weeka' vIhII with relutlvea In the Kant. MIhh KiIIIIi JachHim and her winter, Mlaa l'iillin, left Hatiirday for a two weoka outing at KeiiHlile. Mra, Liiella MaiHluill ami two Hons, Ioil mikI Duke, of J'ortland, vlalted Mra. ThomiiH K. ityan Friday, Mr. and Mra. Archie Tliompaon und daughter, MIhm llertha. of Otla, Or., have been the rui-mIm of Mm. Augimta Lul.. Mra, Kthel Caulluld Daly, of thla city, baa acepted a Htcnographle. poHl tlon with the Oregon Journal in Port laud. Mlaa Martha Francea Draper leavea next Saturday for a week' atay at tho Pope-Orllllth cottage at Tioga, on North lleach. Mr. und Mra. I I). Moulton, of Mc M lim villi, riitiirmiil to their holm) Fri day, after a ahort vlalt with relatlvea In thla city. Mra. A. M. White and aon Walter left TtioMilay for a two weeka' vlalt with frlendH at IlrookH and (iervala, Marlon County. lCmll NelHon, wro recently arrived horo from North Dakota, Iiiim opened a Jewelry atore In tho Wllllama build ing on Hcventh atrei-t A marriage llcenao waa granted to HiiHan llolzworlh ami L. J. Jamea, on Friday. Tho partlea were married tho Hume day at Milwaukee. Mra. Richard OlaaHpool, of Port land, formerly of thla city, haa been vlHltlng at tho home of Captain and Mra. John M. Graham. Mr. and Mra. A. C. Tower and daughter, MIhm Mabel, who have been at Mill CHy during the Summer, have returned to Oregon City. T. J. Gary and Thomaa F. Ryan went to Canhy Saturday morning, whero they went on buaineaa connect ed with the coming county fair. Mlaa Marjorle Canllold. who baa been apcndliig a fow ilaya with frlenda In Salem. Iiiih returned to Oregon City, ami on Saturday went to Newport. Mra. Nettle Miller, who baa charge of tho Palm Confectionery atoro, la Hiifferlng with a aevere attack of ap pendlcltla. Her condition Im Improv ed. Mian Wlnnlo Itoake. formerly of thla place, ban accepted the poaltlon na teacher In the Marquam achool, the term commencing the llrat of Septem ber. The Infant child of Mr. and Mra. I). H. Watta, of Stono, which died at tho family home on Friday, waa burled In thn cemetery on Saturday at that place. Dr. Clyde Mount, Dr. Imla Morrla. and Harry Draper, who have been on a threo weeka' hunting trip In tho lllne iiiountaliia, returned to Oregon City Thtiraday evening. Mr. and Mm. Montague, of Arling ton, Oregon, arrived In Oregon City Thuraday evening, having been aum moiied hero hy the aerloua lllnoBa of the latter'B father. Riley Moulton. Rev. T. F. Ilowen and W. II. Staf ford returned Saturday from their trip to Mount Hood, and rejairt a moat enjoyable Hum. They nay that there aro many berrlea In the mountalna at preaent. Mr. and Mm. Oeorge A. Harding. Mm. ICdward R. Hrodle. Ie, Nleta, Uoyd and Kvelyn Harding returned Wednesday afternoon from Ocean View, whero aomo of tho party ha8 been upending the Summer. Mr. and Mra. J. J. C'ooko, John K. Morrla and two aona, Mr. and Mra. Sol S. Walker, Mr. and Mra. J. U Wulilron and son Harold, and Mr. anJ Mm. Wheeler Church, are homo from a threo weeka' outing at Mount Hood. Mr. and Mm. George Turnoy. who have been living In Oaklnnd, Califor nia, for tho paHt two years, have re turned to Oregon. After visiting rela tives here for a few days they left for Albany, whero they have gone Into huHlneaa. Carl Schram, who has been connect ed with tho Willamette Pulp & Paper Company In this city for tho past threo years, went to Lebanon. Monday, where he haa accepted a poaltlon with tho Lebanon Paper Compnny. Henry O'Malley. superintendent of the P.ureati of Fisheries, and H. C. McAllister, state master fish warden, left last week for Ontario, Or., where they will visit tho hatchery for a few days, Miss Suslo McGlnnls, of Stockton. Is visiting Mrs. 13. T. Flolds. and will leave for her home next Saturday by steamer acompanled by Mrs. Grafton Cheney of San Francisco, Mrs. Clio ney has been visiting with relatives John Walling, a prominent hopgrow er of Lincoln, has been In Oregon City, whore ho Is procuring pickers for this year's crop. Mr. Walling says that his hops are In good condition, but as the prices have fallen for hops, ho will pay 80 conts per hundred, or 40 cents per box. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walker, who formerly resided In Oregon City, be fore going to Raker City, have return ed to Oregon City, and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Gardner, Mrs. Walker's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walker have just returned from a three months' visit to the stnto of Missouri, where they have, been visit ing with rolntlves. Mrs. C. E. Recker, of Chicago, who nrrived in Oregon City Thursday ev ening, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Hammond at Gladstone, left Saturday morning for Eugene, whero she will spend three weeks with her sister, Mrs. P. K. Hammond. Mrs. Heckor has been visiting with friends in Seattle. On her return homo she will go by the way of California. In the Days of Old Letter writing wat a luxury In dulged In only by the wealthy and the learned. Today everyone mayobtaln, and at a reaionable price, a writing paper far more beautiful than the crude hand-made product of ye olden days. But to be sure that you are get ting the paper of the highest qual ity, the most pleating writing eur face, and the mott correct alzet and tints, but an Eaton, Crane & Pike Paper. We have them at fol lows: Swiss Linen 25c box Moullne 35c box French Percale 50c box HUNTLEY BROS. CO. The Rcxall Druggists OREGON CITY OREGON Sheriff Deatle spent Saturday at bis farm near Denver Creek. Mr. and Mrs. George Oaborn are niKtlcatlng at Ing Beach, Wash. Ellen Z ta Reud, or Portland, Is visiting with her aunt, Mra. A. J. Wil son. MrH Katlirvn l'nnl Putin In vllt- lug her sister, Mm. A. B. Hamlin, of I'oruanu. Mr. unit Mra. John Knann. and son John, Jr., are spending a few weeka at Seaside. MIhs Marjorlo Caudeld left on Sat urday for a week'a outing with friends at Newport, Carl Ganong left Saturday evening for Stanford UidvcMlty, where ho will rcHiuiie his studies. R. Moulton, who resides on Eleven th and John Adams streets, Is Improv ing after his serious Illness. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cooko and daughter. Miss Maudo, left last week for Newport for a two weeks' stay. Mr. and Mra. Charles Duma and son aro enjoying an outing at Mount Hood, expecting to bo gone about ten days. Duane Ely spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ely, at Seaside, returning on the evening train, Mrs. Belle Sleight, deputy county clerk, and daughter, Anna Lou, have returned from their two weeks' vaca tion. Mrs. V. Harris and two children re turned Saturday evening from a month's visit with Mrs. Harris' father Seaside. Mrs. Charles C. Babcock, who has been seriously 111 at her home on Twelfth and Washington streets, is Improving. William Fletcher left Sunday morn ing for Tillamook, Oregon, where he will spend his two weeks' vacation with his sister. Charles C. Babcock has returned from his trip from Coos Bay, where he was on business connected with the hatcheries. Miss Grayce Marshall. W. R. Went worth and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mar shall formed a party that spent Sun day at Seaside. Tho Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Watts died at the family homo Fri day and tho Interment took place In the cemetery near Stone. Miss neryl Long and Miss Ada Frost, who havo been spending the past week at Newberg with friends, returned to Oregon City Monday. Alice and Morris Holman returned to their home In Oregon City Satur day after a month's vIhR with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Hol man. Mrs. Magglo Hanlon and two child ren, who have been visiting with her aunt, Mrs. S. M. Harris, of this city, returned to their homo at Pendleton last week. Mrs. S. M. Harris left Saturday for Marquam where she will visit rel atives. She will also visit her mother, Mary Jackson, of Aurora, before re turning home. George Swafford, who has been con nected with the Jones Drug Company, hU3 acepted a position at Condon, Or., and left for that place the latter part of last week. A. J. Lowthwalte, of Portland, man ager of the Crown-Columbia Pup & Paper Company of this city, and at Camas, Wash., was In Oregon City on business aSturday. D. W. Adams has moved his family to this city from Eugene, and will make their home hero. They havo tak en the Eaton residence on Twelfth and John Adams streets. Misses Jessie Paddock and Clara Buchegger returned from their two weeks' vacation at Aschoff's on Satur day evening, and have resumed their nnsltlnns In the court, house. Wllllnms hns returned from his three weeks' visit at Seaside. Mrs. Williams nml children, who have heen spending tho Summer with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ely, returned also. Mr nnd Afrs .T Ford Clissencor, left Sunday for Malvern, Ohio, where they will spend several months witn me former's parents. This is the first visit in 13 vears that Mr. Crissenger has made to his old home. Mrs. William Nefzger returned to Oregon City Wednesday evening from rnnioa Wnqh wliprA nhfl hna been spending some time. Mr. Nefzger Is connected with tho paper mills or that place. SEPT. 14-19 Salem - Ore. Oregon State CHILDREN encp Monday, 14 IKCC Reserved Boxei Can Be Had in Advance for the Races :::::: Greatest Exhibit at any Coast Fair New buildings all com pleted. Walks and grounds the finest Free camping for thous ands Agricultural College to hold meetings. Complete Program for Six Days-Two Great Shows Day and Night - Something Doing Every Hour Low Kates Salem, Oregon Sept. 14-19 Watches Without End ! If you wish to pick from the whole world of worthy watches you can do so here. Our 500 cases in stock, also all the best movements made including the WALTHAM, ELGIN, HOWARD and HAMILTON. Our large buying and close selling pus us beyond all competition and gives you the best watch values that can be found anywhere. 1 A Fine High-grade Hamilton, Howard, Waltham or Elgin movement in best Boss Filled Case, Railroad Time keeper, $30.00 and upwards. An Elegant Ladies Watch, Gold Filled and Solid Gold, Waltham or Elgin movement, $15.00 to $35.00 I These keep just as good time and cost no more on our if you paid the cash down BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN OREGON CITY JEWELERS Dr. and Mrs. N. A. Nisbeth, of Port land, were the guests of Mrs. G. W. Grace on Wednesday. Miss Edith Thompson and niece, Miss Isabelle Clark, of Portland, are visiting with Mrs. E. W. Scott, of this city. . There aro many Imitations of De Wltt'8 Carbollzed Witch Hazel Salve but just one original. Sold by Jones Drug Co. Mrs. T. J. Tappan, of Tacoma, and children, havo arrived here and are visiting friends and relatives. They will remain In Oregon City for a week. EXCURSION TRAINS AND SPECIAL RATES TO Exposition F0lt The Largest and BCSt Pacific Coast Fair A Wck of Profit for You Enjoyment for the Family Summer School for All CME A 7-IeweIed Waltham or Elgin watch in Solid Nickel Case, one that will stand the knocks, guaranteed, $6.00 A Waltham or Elgin in good Gold Filled 16 or 18 size guaranteed to wear and keep time for twenty years, $15.00 in a lump. Come in and see us Mrs. M. C- Strickland, who has been spending the summer with relatives in Southern Oregon, has returned to her home in Oregon City. Miss Mary Sunderland has returned to her home at Sheridan. She has been spending the Winter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Nash and In tends to teach school this Fall. Mrs. H. T. Sladen and children re turned the latter part of last week from Seaside, where they have been spending several weeks in their cat tage. Mrs. Sladen says that the weath er Is unusually cold at this resort this Summer, but there is a large crowd 0 SEPT. K-19 Salem, - Ore. Fair m CHILDREN enpr Saturday, iKEC Reserved Boxes Can Be Had in Advance for the Races :::::: Races six days; com mencing Monday Free evening .entertain ments McElroy's Band and Orchestra Prominent men will Speak Fancy stock show daily One Hundred Thou sand Oregon , People Attend the Fair and are Better for it I Low Rates Salem, Oregon Sept, 14-19 easy payment plan than aboet them. Suspension Bridge Corner there, and all cottages are occupied. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup is especially recommended for children. It tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. Sold by Jones Drug Co. Mrs. George Boylan, of Cathlamet, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Green. Mr. and Mrs. Boylan will probably move back to Oregon' City this Fall. OASTOniA. . Smm tb. Kind Yoa Hava Aiwys of