Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 15, 1908, Image 8

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Estacada and Eastern Clackamas
Horn, Sunday, May 10, a girl to Mr.
and Mrs. Cunningham,
P. M. Gill Is in attendance at the
State meeting of the Grange at Eu
gene this week.
S. N. Kllgore has purchased the W.
A. Wilcox place iu the Springwater
A new boy is reported at the home
of Pleas Douglas, of Eagle Creek.
The Eagle Creek Grange are adver
tising a big May Day picnic for the
23rd at Eagle Creek.
The Ladles Aid of the ,M. E. church
meets at Mrs. Bos well's today.
Next Sunday Is anniversary day of
the Epworth League. Rev. rarouna
glan will preach an appropriate ser
mon In the morning. Subject. "Sow
ing and Reaping." In the evening the;
regular program will be rendered.
John McHenry will talk on prohibi
tion at Currinsville tonight.
The Rebekahs had a very pleasant
evening Wednesday. Mrs. Emma Gal
loway, State President, was present
and enlivened the evening by her pres
ence and remarks. A sumptuous ban
quet was spread and enjoyed by all.
Mrs. E. DuGass, of Portland, is vis
iting at the home of L. E. Belfils.
Postals All Gone.
No, dear, reader, we hardly think
i Mr. and Mrs.' 11. II. Anders visited
Mr. and Mrs. II. Epperson, Sunday.
G. T. Hunt is having some blasting
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Holder visited
Mrs. Ed. t, Davis, Sunday.
Mrs. Dr. Charlstou is out on her
timber claim.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shrlner visited
at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Davis, Sunday.
John c. Tracer has gone to Califor
nia. He will be there to see the big
Heel of the U. S. navy sail through
the Golden Gate.
Mrs. A. E. Sparks left for Iowa last
'Tuesday to see her mother, who la
quite ill.
She will bo gotio several
Rain, ralu, rain is the order of the
Mrs. John Freeman, of Gresliam,
was visiting with nor sisters, Mrs.
Robertson and Mrs. Rowley, on Suu-
Mrs. R, n. Gibson called on and
spent a very pleasant afternoon with
the Murphy family on Sunday after
noon. .
Mr. Ed. Wolfe and Miss Grace Wolfa
called on Miss Blna Douglas on Sun-
ilftv nn.l ntfmiil.i.4 tha ).....Hnll . .....
ptn.iuu.owi m KrV ,013c uiwitii .miss uina and her father.
Rnmrv rnr tfia pTTro mnn thnr tnmo w .. . ....
ur. rurcneni, oi seuwooa, paid UU
salary for the extra mail that came to
T. E. Belflls this week. If the stock
of souvenir postals had held out, how
ever that new pound boy, which
the stork brought Belfils Saturday
night might have put the Estacada
postofflce in class one.
Rev. Parounagian held quarterly con
ference in Dover, Sandy and Bull Run
this week.
Gertrude Morrow spent Sunday in
.Portland. ;
John Tracy has returned from a
pleasure trip to 'Frisco during the vis
it of the battleships.
John Ely, A. Hawkins and W. H.
Cary will atend the Grand Lodge of
the I. 0. 0. F. at Salem as delegates
from Estacada lodge.
Roger Cary is back from his trip
and is busy at the store.
The Democrats are to hold a big
campaign meeting tonight (Friday).
The Republican candidates expect
to hold a big meeting to morrow
night in Estacada.
A. Jackson had his hand badly hurt
in the Deering mill Tuesday.
Work on the bridge is progressing
nicely. Except for a short time, the
work can be carried on without clos
ing the old brodge to "traffic. The new
one is to be wider than the old and
usual weekly visit to the Sellwood
Lumber Company, situated on Deep
L-reeK, on bunuay.
Some of the people on hill attend
ed the baseball game at Eagle Creek
Sunday afternoon. The Montavlllas
played with Eagle Creek and were
beaten by a score of 22 to 7.
George Lenz Is digging post holes
tor H. s. Gibson.
Edith Murphy Is . working for Mrs,
Mrs. Elliott and her father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, were up
on Saturday taking a look over their
new place which they purchased of
a. j. Douglass.
We heard recently that the Eagle
t reek bridge will soon be completed.
There will be rejoicing along the
rural route when it is finished, for
then the people will again get their
daily man.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cooke, of Da
mascus, were up in this neighborhood
visiting relatives Saturday and Sun
Dick Gibson is the, very proud po.
sessor of another One young colt
Will Douglas is also the proud po-
sessor of a new colt
H. F. Gibson and wife were ud on
Great Values m
Ladles' Muslin Underwear,
Gowns, Skirts, Drawers, Cor
set covers, etc. Ixt 2 t
Special Purchase of Ladles'
Black and Colored Panama
Skirts. Latest style, worth
JG.OO. During sale
Special Lot
Ladles' 16-button length Black
Silk Gloves. Umg as they
last at
May Advertising Sale
Every Item an "Advertiser"
the old structure will be used to hold the hill Friday visiting with James
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Douglas and fam
ily took dinner and spent the day with
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Douglass, on
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wood'le passed
through this burg on Sunday on their
way to Jim Anderson's of Barton.
Miss Minnie Steinman, of Currins
ville, was visiting with Miss Blna
Douglas on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R B. Gibson went to
Barton on Monday, riding behind one
of the swiftest teams in Clackamas
the beams and scaffolding during con
struction as long as possible.
There was a good attendance at
the services held Sunday afternoon at
the Lutheran church by Rev. Hagoes,
of Portland.
Mrs. Ahlberg returned Wednesday
from Sweden, where she has spent the
winter. She will spend a few days
visiting her children here before re
turning to her home in Seattle.
Miss Stella Jonsrud is at home, suf
fering with an attack of mumps.
uraaiey and ueorge Saunders visit-)
ed-Kelso, Sunday.
Ladies' Dress Shields 5c
Large Box Wire Hairpins. . ,3c
Sanslllt per spool 3c
Clark's Thread 7 spools. .. .25c
Children's Ferris Waists. .. .19c
$3.50 Silk
Waists $1.98
Advertlso us! Every time you
wear this waist you will say
to yourself, that waist was not
only priced low, but has tho
stylo and quality that makes
It worth while, each
An assortment of several dif
ferent styles of Ladles' Tailor
ed Suits, all 1908 models,
which wo place on sale at
10 per cent Reduction
Each of these suits is tho
height of perfection, charm
ingly fashioned and perfectly
Begins Saturday, May 16
Continues 15 days
We want every man, woman and child In this vicinity
to visit our store now while Merchandise la plentiful,
whllo we hnvo the class nnd stylo that you are locking
for. Wo know that our merchandise Is more nttracllvo
and better selected than ever before. Wo want you to
hoo nnd an a special inducement have decided to put on
Tho following merchandise Items wo have termed
"Advertisers" because they will advertise uh in your
homo and Just as often as you see them or think of them.
It Id In this sense that wo cull tho morfhandlso listed
here, and many Items not listed, "Advertisers." "Adver
tisers" because desirable goods, sola very low to Insure
that you visit our store.
Standard Shirts
Tho regular fl.oo quality, roiuu
In light ami dark colors, In
neat patterns; soft front and
detachable cuffs.
Mens Fancy
All rotors, ILIo values special
during this Halo
Bargains in Mens
Regular JU.O and $2.75 "Hlien
uudoah" rants, durlnx sain
Merry Widow Wash Goods
Tho Merry Widow hat looks best when worn with a
dress having considerable color. This hat brought about
a crazo for solid ground wnsh good's solid colors re
lieved by whlto dots rings stripes and other snappy
designs. Such goods aro scarce and once exhausted can
not be replaced. We ask you to buy now and caution you
against delay.
Merry Widow Colors In Lawns, Batiste and Organdies.
Per Yard, J2Jc, J 5c and 20c
Oregon City, Oregon. .
Large Stock of
Tan Shoes
"Queen Quality" for Udles. .
"Crossotta" fur Men.
"l.'t & Dunn" for Children.
Boy's Pants
Regular fiOc and (trie Values. The
kind that wear, during sulci
During this sale our entire slock
of men's suits, this seasou'M
latest in style and pattern at
way down prices. Remember
our Hart, Schafliier & Marx
('lollies are guaranteed to bo
All Wool.
JO per cent redaction
Ask to see our $10 Suits.
Do not slight the little, everyday
duties according to the way in which
you do them, they are made stepping
stones to greater things.
Mrs. Geo. De Shields visited Mrs.
W. M. Tracy Thursday.
Theodore Harders, of George, who
is employed at the Fanton shingle
mill, as engineer, was home last Sun
day. ,
J. W. McAnulty, of Oregon City,
was a business visitor in town Mon
day. Mr. McAnulty is acting as dep
uty assessor, and was here listing
J. Spooner has gone back
Mr. Peterson and family moved in
to, their new house last week. '
Erick Trigg, who had been away
working at Portland for some time, re
turned home last Wednesday.
JrPutz was helping Mr. Erickson
to cut down trees last Saturday.
F. A. Kelfer. who has been at Port
land for some time, returned to Col-
ton last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoag were visiting
Mrs. E
east on receiving a telegram stating Extends No Favors at Expense of the
that her mother is near death. County.
Mr. and Mrs. Gustive Matz and two ln Vlew 01 lne Ia lnat our uper-
daughters from Minnesota are visit- lntendent of schools, T. J. Gary, is
ing with Mr. Will Rosenan and fam- bein5 misquoted and an effort being
ilv. I made to prejudice the voters of the
Prof. Metzler. nrineinal of this count 'against him, we wisa to make
school, has heen unable tn atrpnrl rn the following statement:
his duties, an account of serious ill- when we started the movement for
nes In his family. n,Kh schools, we went to Superintend-
Quite a ball game was played. on the "nl uarv ann asea ior nis support.
school ground last Sunday afternoon, He saul ttlat ne rtl1 not ravor a bounty
between the Harmony nine and a nick- Hl&h School at Oregon City, for the
un nine Four innlnira wpro ninvprt in reason that the country people would
which the score stood 10 to 2 in favor have to pay 13X63 for ,t8 suPPrt. and
of the nick-un nine 1 would get no direct Denent in return
He saiu inai ne wouia not iavor two
I BUlliruia uctaunc lu nuuiu uv 111.'
.air. anu Airs. scnerruDie last Sunday, ne oeuer man one. Due tnai ne would
Milwaukee and Vicinity
: Your Credit is Good
Watchmaker Sc Jeweler
218 Main St.
Any kind of GOOD Watch such as
Elgin, Rockford, Hampden, Walt
ham, Howard, Springfield, sold on
easy payments.
I Photographic I
j Studio
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stromgreen at-1 favor a plan that would give to all the
tended the circus at Oregon City last boys and girls high school privileges
Saturday. j at their homes. Such a plan was evolv-
John Countryman took a business ed and met with his and State Super
trip to Oregon City last week. I intendent . Ackerman's approval.
Mrs. Putz and sister, Mrs. F. A. All this talk about favoring Oregon
Kiefer,, spent afternoon with Mrs. City at the expense of the county Is
Scherruble at Clarkes last Wednesday, "political rot" and should be beneath
The Colton shingle mill quit for the dignity of an aspirant for that of-
good last week. flee.
Adoiph Freeman was plowing for
Mr. LIndstrum last Monday.
O. DIx and Miss Evens were at Col
ton visiting the former's parents last
Mr. Erickson, another newcomer, is
busy clearing a patch where he Is go
ing to build his house. ,
Putz brothers and their cousin, Rich
ard Kiefer, spent last Sunday at
Mrs. Lucy Livingston, of Oregon
City, is visiting her parents at Colton.
Mr. and Mrs. Bonney. who were
called to Hubbard un account of the
seriousness illness of Mr. Bonney's
brother, returned home last Sunday.
Mr. Will Dix was home visitlne his
parents last Sunday.
J. Putz and F. A. Kiefer were visit-
Ing at P. Schiewe's last Monday.
Principal Paukplace School.
Chairman of Committee of the Alum
ni Association.
L.0 0 00 0 0 0
Miss Edith Cheney has opened
her Photographic Studio, and Is
doing very artistic photo work.
All Styles and Prices. Good
pictures rain or sunshine.
II 0 0 0 0 0 0
From time to time, especially when
you want good butter. We get a fresh
supply every day, and can please you
In every respect. It will pay you to
buy from a store of our standing.
Finest Creamery Butter 50c per Roll.
Hams' Gf ocety
8th and Main Streets
The above candidate is running for
the legislature, on Statement Num
ber One.. He was born in Maryland
in 18C4, and raised on a farm. He is
a resident of Clackamas County, re
siding at Oswego, where he has a small
place on which he raises fruit, etc.
He has always been interested in farm,
ing subjects, and has attended five
meetings of the National Irrigation
Congress. He is a Lawyer with of
fices In the Chamber of Commerce,
Schlndler & Kerr have about com
pleted tho new building or the res
taurant Mr. Johnson expects to move
In next week.
The pavilion at Crystal Springs
will soon be finished and Mr. Wltte's
new pleasure resort wlil bo open in
full swing.
- The ilnal examinations 1n tho, 8th
grade will be held Thursday aud Frl
day of this week." School closes May
Philip Strelb in converting the thud
dy marsh below his home into a beau
tlful lake which will bo stocked with
fish. The grounds will be put In shape
ana a much more sightly scene will
greet the passerby than heretofore,
A. H. Dowllng reports the sale of
lota 6, 7. and 8 of block 3, Lewnlllng
Park, to Dora and Theodore Zanders
Consideration $300 per lot
Bishop Breifogle, who Is touring the
United States, will occupy the pulpit
of the Evangelical church next Sunday,
Kev. t . M. f inner returned Monday
from the Evangelical conference at
Little Falls, Rev. Fisher Is assigned
to the church at Jefferson, Or., bis
four years being completed here. Rev,
N. S. Shupp, formerly presiding elder,
will take charge of the church at this
place for the ensuing year. Rev, Fish
er reports a very encouraging confer
ence. Rev. II. E. Hornshuh has been
transferred from Portland; to the Sa
lem district, and Rev, , Theodore
Schauer has been appointed presiding
elder of this district.
Mothers' and Teachers' Club.
The initial entertainment of the
newly organized Teachers and Moth
er's Club last Monday night was un
qualified success. Every one present
reports a very pleasant evening and
Mrs. Shaw and the other teachers
who conceived the Idea, and tho mo
thers and wives who have so heartily
Joined in making the Club an organlza
tlon to be proud of, deserve the praise
of the entire community. Such meet
ing as these serve to acquaint the poo-
ple of tho neighborhood one with the
other and do a vast amount of good
In the upbuilding of any community.
The program given below was car
ried, out without a hitch and this to
gether with refreshments and social
greetings constituted an evening long
to be remembered: Double quartet;
piano solo, Mrs. Elsert; piano duet,
Miss Niles and Mrs. Geo. wlsslnger;
reading, Miss Eva Scott; song and
chorus, Dorothy Wlsslnger, Lula Tay
lor, Daisy Keck, Bernlce FIsch, Alta
Currnutt, Anna Kerr, Minnie Prlng;
vocal duet, Miss Niles and Mrs. Ha-
german; song, Clement Duffy; read
ing, Lucia Caffall.
Philip Strelb returned the first of
the week from Salem where he was
In attendance at the hearing before
the - court of the five-cent fare ques
that so long as other communltli
farther from Portland are favored wit
a cheap fare, theru Is an unjust (lis
crimination being madn, and aro pre
pared to make a strong fight' for
equal privileges.
Postmaster Ganlard has changed th
arrangement of the poHtofllcn ami
made other Improvements.
The Republican candidates will
speak In Milwaukee next llunduy ev
Tho entertainment given by th
Young People's Alliance last week at
Grange Hall was a great success.
musical ana literary program was
given after which supper was served
Mrs, 8. E. Edwards, of Newport
Kentucky, is visiting her son W. II
Mrs. Froy, who has been very sick
the past week Is much better.
Mrs. Ganlard, who has been In tho
hospital undergoing an operation was
able to be removed to her home last
Saturday. ,
Mr. Lechler, who has been confined
to his bed all winter, Is able to bo
around again. ,
Tho shingle mill has been oblifted
to close down until more logs can bo
Mrs. Vonnlo Strelb, who has been
Ylsltlng In Milwaukee. haB returned to
her home at Long Beach, Washington
BmtiUis ff 1111 luu i"" aisara wapi
We are having rain and sunshino
these days.
The crops aro looking fine In this
part of tho country.
Mrs, Louis was In Oregon City on
ousiness last Wednesday.
Miss Click, of Indiana Is visiting
ner sister, Mrs. A. II. Babe.
Mrs. Griffith, of Portland, called on
her father and mother, J. R. Louis,
last Sunday.
Mr. Click and Mr. Haney, of Indiana
are visiting their aunt, Mrs. A. II
Baker and family.
Miss Lizzie Louis Is at homo at ores-
en t.
Nasal Catarrh quickly yiolds to treat
ment by the agreeable, aromatic Ely's
uream diu in. it is received tlirouua the
jDOHirus anu on-unm) and Li-als the whole
surface over which it diffuses itself. Drue.
gists sell the GOn. size. Test it and you
are sure to continue the treatmont till relieved.
To acoommodate those who are partial
to the use of atomizers in applying liquids
into the nasal passages for catarrhal trov.
bit, the proprietors prepare Oream Balm in
liquid form, which will be known as Ely's
Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the
nravino tuba is 75 cents. Drntririiita nr k
tlon, As yet, nothing has been heard mail. The liquid form embodies the toed
of the decision. Milwaukee people feel icinsl properties of the solid preparation.
R. F. D. 3
Pacific Phone 146
Delivered to order.
Mill Located 3 Miles from Town on
Molalla Road.
Cornice, Rustic Cailnn tht.i..
Floorlna, Etc. v Y
Is turned out by the baskotful In this
laundry shirts, coii.m .j
"Ije requiring starching and stiff fin
Ifhlng, Our latest Improved appll.
aucos coupled with skill born of long
experience, enable us to turn out flrs
class work quickly and cheaply
0re8n City . ... .0rBaOM
. We Set the Pace in
We belonir to no rtnnrnl
but stand on our reputation and aro
busy all the time. Our nrlc Jll ,
Don't pay those hirh nri.. f. j
tal work, but before von eonir.,.
some dentist your dental wrv
and see us. Examination fr-
Honest Work at Honest Prices.
at honest price.
Lady assistant.
Oregon DentalJ Parlors
Over Harslnt sm Km.