Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1908)
OREGON CITY ENTtRPRItB, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1908. Canby ond Southern Clackamas CANBY Satter.House Oumi. Tint hoiiHo of John Sulfur buniiul to thn Krounil Sunday aftiirnooh, Vdry llltlu wam Mivdil, Tho nliirm wiih turn oil In by Hi" piTHlHtfiil wIiIhIIImr of h Himihmn J'tiddc ongliio Just im thn Initio bull Kiuiin wiu In rtcrHH and tho luiKfl niiiiihur proHont nt tho KBinn , hmhIiiIi'iI by I hn bull txfim hurried to tho Mf(iic of tl'u flro mill duvcil Urn church and oilier adjoining hiilhlltiRH from (lnHriicllon. Tbo Urn In thn Hatti'r plucri had Rained too niiirli Iwadway to alti-mnt to nav It with tho Inmlo- (iHiiln fucllltli'H ut liainl mid i?rut erf t ll hIioiiIi) Im Klvon for hhvIiik uny of thn iD'lKhborliiK Ktnirhirns. Tho limn won iiiirtliilly rovorod by liiMiiratiro, to lm nmllllflt if 14110. wlill'll WLH urollltlt 'ly iihlil M layby I I. WulUor. Ilul tho llro ocnirri'd at a morn moppiir tu no tluix, tho lniMnoH unction of tho town mlKht have linen nmlrciy wipflii out. Tho town Hhoubl now HerlouHly coiihIiIit n nyHli'in of waterworks There Ih plenty of water In tho Mo lullu river, it it d thorn are springs nar thn city that could furnliili enough war tor not only for fir" protection, hut aluo to kIvu tho citizens ampin for ilrlnkliiK uihI other tttirpoiieM. Thn qui Hon him boon up boforo, but now that the iloarth of protection In enno of flrn ' ban boon brought homo to tho people, some action nIioiiIi bo taken. K. J, Klim Ih nuuln ablo to bo around. Tin funeral of Mr. Clara Btewart, who lived between Neeily und Marks burg, wait held Hunday at the Into roHldonen. Tbo Interment was at Tur tier. Tho Ladle Aid held mi Ice croiitn Modal In KnlKht'a Hull, Thursday night. Tho hand boy furnlHhed tho miiHlc. An enjoyablo tlnio I. reported. OHcar Heniio will uruet a ri'Hlduiieo on tho Dick lot , K. Feosko has Hold 25 acre of hit farm near Marksburn to U. lb'.iigo fop tnerly of North Dakota. Goo. Watch ha transforrud 40 acre neap Macktibiirg to Wni. Bchwabauer, of Gladstone, who will ninko hlu homo on tho placo. , It I reported that thn froat ba In jured tho proHpoctn of tho prune crop at IciiHt 75 per cent. The Mtrawherry crop ha boon alight ly diminished on account of the frost. White Hroi. have purchased a hand mjiiiii new autotnoblfn runithout for tho uho of tho traveling public. Alma Knight, Orva Sonton, Orsulla Zeok. Hnz Hlltou and Ida Krueger attended tho Harlow Sunday school laat Sunday. Tho 'an!y ball team hn Rot a win ning Htreak now. After puttliiK out tho flro the hoy put out tho Universi ty Park team, of Portland, In one-two-three order with n final score of 7 to 3 In favor of tlx homo team. Oswego play nuit Hunday. County School Superintendent, Gary, mado a short vlMlt to Canhy Sunday. MImk Marian Swnnby Im gone to Newport to begin acbool Monday. Sho will teach fur about two month. J. Poery Condor will lectnro under tho auHplce of the C'hrlHtliin Endeavor at tho City Hall, Saturday night. Sub ject: '"Maze, Phases and Craze of Iiovo," Tho Republican Candldafrm will apoak In Canby, Mondny, oviinlng; May 25. , NEW ERA Mr. 0. II. Ilrown was aurprlaod by a Koodly number of , lady friend lait Friday In honor of her cryalal wed ding aiinlverMiiry, Mr. Tnylo went to town TiieMday with a wagon loud of droHxcd meat for tho market. Mr, AiikiihI flchoer woh1 tho KuoHt of Mr. Uenry Hcheor, of Twilight, Tuesday afternoon, Crunt Whlto was spwdlng bin now aiitomohllo on ojir atreet Monday af ternoon. Taylor flatten, of Ilerkley, Califor nia, culled on IiIh old friend, Dr. Per KUHon, olio day lunt week. Mr. Tlat ton was a resident back In tho 70's. Newt CrlloMor and son Krnest went to Heaver Creek Hunday on bimlne. MImh (,'arrlo IlurKoyno, of Hoattlo, I apendlnn h'-r vacation at homo with hor mother on tho farm. "THE STORE THAT RIGHTS THE WRONG" MEADOWBROOK Meadowbrook wa vlaltcd by a. very common rain atorm Sundiiy and Homo of tho young folk Junt returning; from Sunday acb'Kil Rot allKhtly wot. Ouy and ICcho Ijirkln, of Marquam, woro vlaltlnR friend In thin vicinity and alxu attended tho baaket aoclal at Mtillno. Homo of the Meadowbrook pcoplo woro In Mullno Saturday night for tho banket nodal. Franklin Coopor and tho hcIiik "inarm" called on Mr. Cralno Sunday Mr. and Mr, llolman mado a Hying trip to Hubbard Sunday; Mr. Otto Ilofatettor was aurprlau ThurKdny night by aomo of hi school inatea. They bad a very jolly tlmo. Mr. and Mn. Cralno callod oo V and Mr; Holman, Sunday. ' Ralph Holman mado a buHlneaa trip to Portland. Somo of tho Meadowbrook pooplo went to tho clrcu la Oregon SIty Sat Ufday, Meadowbrook high school, In, charge of Prof. Dibble, 1 doing better nines tho twelfth and fifth grade have quit debating tbo incomo tax. A number of enthualallc fan wit noxacd a ball game Sunday between Mullno and Liberal; everyone wo In cllned to bellevo that tho Mullno boy will ho with a llttlo pructlce, a pretty fuxt bunch. From all Indication, a couplo of Meadowbrook boy wIiohq heart are yearning for lovo and whoso aoul aro rattling around for somebody to cnll them darling, are thinking Hcrloim ly of lovo as they have been seen late ly wanning their nock and applying lurd freely to tholr hiur. C. I Staudlnger, head aawyor at tho wenaner mm, na jiihi paiontea a pre en for raialng chicken all roaxted ready to servo right from tho Incuba tor. Kodol completely digests all classes of food. It will get right at the trouble and do the very work Itself for the stomach. It la pleasant to take. Sold by Howell & Jones. ' THE PLANET SALOON A GENTLEMEN'S RESORT You not only find gentlemen In front of the bar, but you find thorn behind the bar, too. L. RUCONICH, Prop. His long experience In buslnoss enables him to purchase only the best brand. Wines Liquors And Cigars A glasi of his well-kept boor Telephone 80 or liquor will convince you. . 619 MAIN STREET OREGON CITY, ORE. W .'5 , A'iW' iiiiyiJMi'tf-4'i .'.- V 1 , t., ... : Percheron Stallion Ggusta Willi moke the season as follows: Tuesdays-Logan, Henry Batter's Wednesdays-Estacada, Morrows Barn Thursdays-Viola, W Ward's Fridays-Springwater, C L.Bard's. Terms $ 1 0. Single leap; $15. for sea-, son; $20. to insure with foal. Owned by H. M. Mullen. Managed by C. L; Bard, Springwater. THE NEW PROPRIETOR CHICAGO CLOTHING CO. 69-7-3I. St. Portland Bet. Oak & Pine AFTF R ASTER Redt&ctSojn Sale Men's Suits, $ 1 5 Values Reduced to $9 Fifteen dollar suits for $9.35 require no argument to sell. The way these suits are being snapped up shows that men know values when they see them. Our line of flmen s suits now at is the equal of any $20.00 Suit in the city. Newest shades, latest effects. CAR-PARE ALLOWED ON ALL PURCHASES OP $10.00 AND OVER Kindly Let Our Salesmen Show Them to You EVEN BREAK ; LAST SUNDAY OREGON CITY AND VANCOUVER EACH TAKE A GAME AT THE ' LATTER PLACE. PAPERMAKERS THIRD Robinson Pitches Steady Game and Allows Only Five Scattered Hits East Portland at Canemah Park Sunday. Standing of the Clubs. Won. Lost Pet Frakes 6 Woodburn 7 Oregon City 4 Salom 4 St John 5 Vancouver, (Wash) 4 East Portland 3 Alblna 0 1.000 .778 .571 .571 .550 . .500 .300 .000 The Vancouver Pioneers and the Oregon City Papermakers broke even a double-header Sunday afternoon on the Vancouver grounds. The first garao was won by the Falls City ag gregation 5 to 4, and in the second game the W'ashlngtonlans Bhut out the Oregon City team. The second game was one of the fastest exhibitions of the National game ever seen on the Vancouver field, the score standing 1 to 0 at the end of the exciting con test One lone hit was all the visit ors could make off McConnell's deliv ery, while Habe, for the visitors, was touched up for four. In the first game Robinson was on the firing line for the Oregon City team and he held the Evergreen State contingent safe at all stages of the game, allowing but five bits and fan ning ten of the opposing batters. The Vancouver contingent was wobbly in the opening chapter, and with a time ly hit by Chapln, the Papermakers chased two runs across the pan: Poor baserunnlng by Vancouver was In a measure due to their defeat In the second game Southpaw Pender occu pied the mound for Vancouver, and the best the visitors could do with his de livery was one lone single. In addi tion to this, he ozoned ten in the six innings he pitched. The score: First game VANCOUVER. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Turk. 3b 4,2,1 2 2 Shea, c 3 2 0 4 2 Brlggs, cf 4 0.0 1 1 Hatch, If 4 0 3 0 0 Frey, ss 2 0 0 1 2 Troeh, 2b 4 0 0 4. 6 Wood, rf 4 0 0 0 0 Concannon, p 4 0 0 0 4 McConnell, lb 3 0 1 14 1 Total 32 4 526 18 OREGON CITY. AB.R.H.PO.A.E, Krueger, 3b 5 1 3 3 2 Sater, ss 4 0 0 0 2 Hill, lb 4 1 1 9 0 Kelt, c 4 1 0 10 5 Telford, cf 4 0 0 1 0 0 Van Northwlck, If.. 4 0 0 0 0 0 Locke, 2b 4 1 3 4 0 1 Robinson, p 3 0 0 0 4 0 Total 36 5 8 27 13 6 Sater out infield fly. SCORE BY INNINGS. Oregon City '...2 0100011 05 Hits 11100120 28 Vancouver 10000201 04 Hits .... 10000201 15 SUMMARY. Struck out By Robinson : 10, by Concannon 4. Base on balls OS Con cannon 1, off Robinson 3. Two-base hits McConnell,, Krueger. . Left on bases Vancouver 5, Oregon City 3. Double play Frey to Troeh to McCon nell ; Troeh to McConnell to Turk. Stolen bases Turk 3, Shea, Hatch, Krueger. Hill, Kelt 2, Locke 2. Umpire Rankin. Second game VANCOUVER. ... AB. R. H. PO. A. E. I League Base Ball SUNDAY, MAY 17 I Oregon City vs. East Portland CANEMAH PARK 25c 3 p. m. SEE THE LEADERS PLAY Turk. 3b . . Keene, c . Brlggs, cf Hatch, If . Frey, 88.'.. Troeh, 2b Wood, rf . 1 1 1 11 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Pender, p .......... 2 0 0 0 2 0 McConnell, lb 2 0 1 8 0 0 Total 20 1 420 6 0 OREGON CITY. AB.R.H.PO.A-B. Krueger, 3b 3 0 0 3 2 0 Kelt, c 3 0 1 1 2 0 Hill, lb 3 0 0 6 0 0 Chapin, rf 3 0 0 1 0 0 Locke, 2b 2 0 0 1 1 2 Telford, cf 2 0 0 2 0 0 Van Nerthwick, If.. 2 0 0 1 0 0 Sater, ss 2 0 0 3 1 0 Habe. p 2 0 0 0 1 0 Total 22 0 1 18 7 2 Hill bunted, third strike. SCORE BY INNINGS. . Oregon City ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Hits 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 Vancouver 100 0 00 1 Hits 0 0 1 1 2 0 4 . ' SUMMARY. Struck out By Pender 10, by Habe 1. Base on balls Off Habe 2. Two base hit Frey. Left on bases Ore-' gon City 1, Vancouver 4. Sacrifice hits King. Hatch. Earned run Van couver. Stolen bases Turk 2, Brlggs. Time of game 55 minutes. Umpire Rankin. GREAT CLEARANCE SALE Of High Classed Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Preserves in GlassjMaple Syrup, Buckwheat Flour, Soaps etc ' ' Beginning May 1st, we Inaugurate an extraordinary Clearance Sale' of the following High-grade Canned Goods, etc. Positive reduction of from 10 te 25 per cent off the regular retail prices. The stock , iTthY largest and best selected of Groceries In Clackamas County. Tomatoes, Extra Standard, 3 for 25 cts, 95 cents per dozen. Tomatoes, Extra Fancy, 2 for 25cts, $1.35 per dozen. Corn Extra Standard, 3 for 25 cents, 95 cents per dozen. Beans Extra Fancy Refuge, 2 for 25cts, $1.40 per dozen. Peaches, Apricots, Pears, Extra Standard 20ct3 each, or $2.00 per doz. Peaches, Apricots, Pears, Strawberries, Blackberries, Cherries, Ex- tra Fancy grade, 25 eta per can, or $2.75 per dozen. All of Bishop's, Long's, Griffin's Extra Preserves in glass, regular 25c to 35cts, now 20cts each. Maple Syrup in gallon can, regular $1.40 sow $1.15 per can. Eastern Buckwheat, 101b. sacks, regular oOct, now 40 cents per sack. " Soap, Swift's Pride, 8 bars for 25 cents. Soap, Sunny Monday, P. & G Naptha, Johnson &c, regular 4 for 25cts, now 5 cents each. " - Extra Singapore Pine Apples large size, 2 for 25c, per doz....$1.45 .ROBERTSON 3 THE SEVENTH STREET GROCER