Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 23, 1904, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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(Mors Ptvmm'rj Than Any Other Stat
th Money.
rreaidrnf J.rson Myers of the State
Commission f j tV' Lewis and Clark Fair,
reports 111 i.' f!i' prlte coming to Oregon
from this LMiLi.ina Purchase at St, Louis
were tarn' -i in ourftber than those award
da to any itt' state In comparison to
the amount )t money that the exhibit
eot. The flowing Is the ltat of priaes
warded in :vtt department:
Ifcpartm"t of Agriculture (which In
clude one n-Jid medal for dairy) , 1
grand prHi. 43" gold medals. 66 silver,
it bronso
; Departuicit!: f Horticulture 2 grand
arises, T gold curdals, H silver, 34 bronie.
Department t" Fish and Oame I gold
tuedals. J 4lv.-r, 1 bronie
. Departm 'lit if Mining 3 gold medals,
1 silver nielli. t) bronse. (Petition pend
ing for grand prise.)
Department of Forestry 6 gold medals,
! silver, 2 bronte.
Impart merf of Education, groups ono
and two X gold medal, 3 silver medals,
3 bronie. - ' 1
Department of IJve Stock 8K head of
Sheep sent by - Baldwin Sheep & Land
Co.. won SI premiums, divided as follows:
Rambouillet. 18; Delaine. T; 8panlsh, .
Oregon exhibited the largest and heaviest
shearing Spanish ram ever een in this
or any other country, but Tvsa refused a
prise, as the judges called him a freak.
The value of the exhibit was about $13.
000. Chas. K. Ladd received a herd of
12 shorthorn cnttle. 21 first prises, 1 sec
ond, 1 third, x fourth. fifth. Wm. Rid
dle of Pilk" County, was awarded second
prise SI 00 on five head of Kent sheep,
and S firsts and one fourth on four An
gora goats.
The total number Of prises outside of
the stock was: Grand prises, 1; gold
medals, ST; silver medals, 1(0; bronie, 71.
Enthusiastic Conference of Oregon Road
The annual meeting of the State Good
RnaJa Association at 8lem last week
was largely attended and a good Inter
est was manifested. A number of speak
ers were In attendance and the subject
of permanent road building was discus
sed at length on' a practical basis. County
Judge Ryan,' and Commlheloner T. B.
Rlllin, of Clackamas County, attended
the meeting and took a prominent part
In the proceedings.
In the election of officers, the present
Incumbents were on motion of Judge
Ryan, unanimously re-elected. They are
as follows: President. ' J. II. Scott, Sa
lem; secretary, II. B. Thlelsen. Salem;
treasurer, C, J. Trencharn, Astoria, The
following executive committee was nam
ed; J. 11. Scott, Stilem; U. M. Palmer,
Albany C.' J. Trenchant, Astoria; Geo.
Blakely, The Dalles; W, W. Tiavlllton,
Baker , City; Vligll K. Walters, Benton;
11. B. Thellsen, Salem; J. O, Booth.
Urants Pass; B. F. Rhodes, McMlnnvllle;
Ti F, Ryan. Oregon City. Vice-presidents
consinttng of the county Judge from each
county, were also named. . ,
James Wlthycombe, H. J. Illkbard, J.
O. Booth, II. Ilaynea and T. F. Ryan,
constituting the committee on .resolu 1
lions, submitted the following, which I
were unnnimously adopted after the dis
cussion: - ,
. Resolved, That the best Interests of
enconraghig the building of good roads
throughout the state would be subserved
by the Association holding four meet
ings annually one to be held In Southern
Oregon one In Western Oregon and two
In Eastern Oregon, a,t such times and
' .
places as may be Selected by the won
tlva conunltttee,
Resolved, 1'hnt we favor National and
State aid In fond building and recommend
the appointment of a commission to
disburse the amounts appropriated. ,
Resolved, For the safety of the travel
Ing public and the preservation of our
Improved county roads, we recommend
the enactment of euoh legislation as
would empower County Courts to make
rules and regulations, regulating the us
age of pullti highways and, the tialllc
over same. '
Resolved, For the purpose of opening
changing and Improvement of county
roads and the reducing of grades thereon,
we would recommend enactment of laws
conferring upon County Courts the right
of eminent domain, thereby permitting
them to condemn private property for
such public purposes In the same manuci
as now exercised by railroad and pub
lie corporations.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that David Wllla
the tndmlnlMtrator with will annexed, of
the estate of Charles Duncan, deceased,
1mh filed his flmil account of the admin
duration of said estate, In the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Clack
amns County, and the Judge of said court
hns appointed Monday, the Mil' day of
January, 1905, at the hour of 10 o'clock
a.m. of aald day at the Court House In
said County and Stale, a the time and
place for hearing objections to said ac
count and the gritting up of said estate,'
Thl notice Is published by order of
Thomas F. Ilyan, Judge of the county
court of the State of Oregon, for Clack
amas county, duly made and flited the
ltlth day of December, 1904
Administrator of the cstatt of Charles
, Duncan, deceased.
. ,
. Subscribe for the Enterprise,
-V .' wA f flu ,
It is oar intention to give our friends and pat
rons during the holiday season strictly wholesale
prices on furniture As you know we are run
ning a well equipped furniture factory with up
to date machinery and can turn out furniture
just as cheap as any factory in the land We
let the following items speak for themselves
( ! i
o , i i ii
This Ufe size Bureau
likr; cut, tinisfaed ia
Maloeany French
bevel v'ate .
inrtjf siri. ftnrun
. P,- - " -
just like cut. French
bevel plate, finishe. in
golden fir
This large size Bureau
just like cut, French
bevel plate, finished
natural -wood.
mm &r
This Hardwood Glass
Safe finished in Mahog
any golden maple or
white maple, would be
an ornament for your
dining room, only
' !
Our Chiffonier has fiee large easy run
ning drawers and cost
Wanlroi Conch
This Iron Bed
All Glassware
sold a
Extension Tables, round and square, from
' $4.50 cp '
Morris Chairs. $6,50.
mm 4Mii'y
' i '
4 i
Our Writing D- k is the
moat attract e piece
of furniture "Mi the
floor, stands . to in.
We Are Still Here
While the recent fire did great damage to our furni
ture factory, our main store was unharmed and we con
tinue to give the people of Clackamas county the best that
is to be had in the furniture line. Our holiday offerings
are unmatchable and in trading With us you are not only
getting full value for your money but you are encouraging
home industry. ; '
Kitchen Safes
We are manufacturing five differ,
ent kinds and sell them ai cheap as
Six FinlDinniug Room chairs,
high back, solid bottom for
Regular $10 value, now $7.00
It Is a departure from other rotary mo
tions. The gear lis the strongest lever
age known, therefore the operation of
the same is the easiest Strain of Hast
ings not known In this gear, hence
. breakage Is eliminated. Has locking
'hinge gear, which locks the machine
' when open or closed.
Let us
all your
Cotton Felt Mattresses
The cleanest and purest of all. The
general health depends a great deal on
how we sleep. In order to be able to do
a good day's work We must be freshened
up by a good night's rest on a comfort
able mattress. ' A good mattress means
good sleep and good health. Cotton
Felt Mattresses that are sold for $14.00
can be bought here for fiaoo higher
grade ones for $15 00 and $16.00, We
have others made of different material as
cheap as $2.50.
lj mams- !L2j?ti if
75 c to
$6.00 per pair
We have a limited number ol
these $2.75 Cobbler Seat
Rockers and sell them it ill at
Hardwood Leaf Table
Better titan a cheap extension
extra large size.
Library Tables
Top a feet by 3 (eet and drawer
Side Boards
and Boffets
tjee what we offer for
Center Tables, 24 inch top
Art Square
all wool
Rugs 3 ft x 6 ft
A $45.00
Steel Range
fa 30.00 CU
just like cut, 18 inch
oven. All the guarantee
you ask for. Be good to
yourself and family and
put one in your kitchen.
There ia none better.