Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1904)
2 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1901 M y i- vy W r i-iirnriTrr,vr,l? ! & Corree pendente are. requested to re-1 new their work. We will supply all necessary stationery. The news from your neighborhood shouM appear in these columns every week. Gearne. (ii-ore htd on new while cost last meil. Henry Suxith was out in the eno . Ii his sleigh. Mr. Ksth, a well known resident and one of our early settiers died Jan. 15 8 A. Ponulas, "of Ksule Creek, and Mr. Dunes attended the funeral. Mrs I'aiilaon will be home again soon, fche was called suddenly to Portland on account of her son's illness. Henry Johnson. Mr. Dunse and Mr. Nash sold their farms lately. Seems a thouiMi this neighborhood had "bache lors' enough already, without selling all of the extra ranches to bachelois. H. ry Klinker is still in the hospital. Mrs Kunker has returned from Portland where she has been at the bedsideof her on. August Paulson was borne on a vaca tion last week. Miss Roberts went to Dover last week. Ed C-Suber was recently elected diiector to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Lins. Henry Kiuier was driving a team aloti)! Eagle Creek one day last week when one of the horses fell down the bank into the water and was drowned. School seenn to be progressing nicely under the supervision of Miss Roberts. Friday closed the 4th There will be church here acain Sun-j day, Jan. 31. Ed Hardes is helping Mr. Held to build a new barn, linens there will be an old fashioned barn raising soon. Pete Rath lias moved on the old place. Horseback riding seems to be all the rage lately. Mrs. Johnson and Mi"s Kotieris rode np to Bissel Saturday to see Mrs. ihuert. Otto Taulson mad a flying trip to town last week. Theo. Hardes just returned from a week's vlbit in Portland. We are closer to town since the new car line runs out this way, than we uted to be. bounds like things are moving to hear three school hells from different settle ments and the motar whistle so often. is ir - ... mm Many women are denied the happiness of children through derangement of the generative organs. Mrs. Beyer advises women to use Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. I "Par Mrs. Pixkhak: I auffered with stomach complaint for years, I pot so bad that I could not carry my children but five months, thou would have a miscarriage. Tho last time I became pregnant, m? husband pot me to take Lydia K. Plnklmm's Vege table Compound. After taking- the first bottle 1 was relieved of the sick ness of stomach, and began to feel bet ter in every war. I continued its use and was enabled to carry my baby to maturity. I now have a nice baby pirl, and can work better than I ever could before. I am like a new woman." Mrs. Frask Beyer, 23 S. Second St., Meriden, Conn. tSOOO fcrttit If orialnai of S0OO litUr ptwinj gtnuimntu cannot 6 producea. FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO AVO.MAX. Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. Pinkhmn. She will understand y ourcnie nerfeotly.and will treat you with klndnesi. Her advice U free, and the address Is Lynn, Mass. Jio woman ever regretted having written her, and she has helped thousands. KultUlnl Ills lMnlav. Editor I'tilerpriee : In the issue of the "Cornier" of January 22nd In an article beginning "Assessor Nelson llmls him sell in the middle ( a hud tlx" the ed itor snvs ; the asseaior told the taxpayers i In' taxes mould he no higher on account of doubling the HHoacd value of the county. So far his statement is correct. I am also quoted as saving that the levy would be cot In two which is j paitly true. What 1 did say whs that the lew for county purposes would be , cut in tvo and it is. Last year tho levy ' for county purposes wus 12 mills as coin- j pared with 0 mills for this year. The levy for road purosea Inst year wss I) ! mills. This it is i nulls so I made j no promise that has not been f ill 11 1 led. The levy (or Clsckauuis county for this year i as lollows: l utility, (l milts; road 4l mills: state, o mills and school. S mills. The state and school levy com bined are but Si of a mill less Until 50 per cent of the entire lew. As the county levy has been reduced one half and I am in no way responsible for the appropriations of the legislature, it is hardly possible to hold me rcsHnsihle for the increase in taxes. The amount of nionev for state purposes, that is, tor running expenses, is fixed by laVaml is based on the expenditures of the various counties regardless cf the assessed value of the said counties, Page 304, Session laws of Wi says ; in order to ascertain the proportion of said taxes to he paid by the various counties the said state ollicers shall ascertain from the report of expenditures of the several counties, on file m the othVe of the secretary of state, the aveisge amount of exKiiditure of each county for a period of live years and each county shall pay such propor tion of said state taxes as Its average ex penditure for said period hear to the total amount of expenditures in all of the counties of tho slate. Said commitii- It ion to be made by said officer a In Ian i imrv, l'.MO and in .lanuarv of each fifth Bpruujwater. Mis. Alma Pepper, of Dodge or upper fpringa ater, died at her home Jan. I'.ith, l!HM. She whs bom in Jo Co., Miclngiin, Mav 2nd, ISilS; ago 'M yeuis, S months ami 17 days. She was con ; verted III years ago. She w as a cousin- I cut riirlstian, a kind companion, a lov- 1 1 i...- . ..i i nig ini'imw, ivii pjt inpni iiim ir, hiwiivn i had a god word (or the alllicted. She ! w as laid to real in the Spring ater wn ; terv. I lie funeral sei vices were coie , ducted by J. K. Carrico, o( Portland, the text, realm II), 1(1. She leaves to mourn their loss a husband and live children. Her last words with "1 am renting in the anus of Jesus. " "Resting in the arm" of Jesus, Resting on His gentle breast, Tlieie by His love o'ei shadowed Sweetly my soul shall rest. "Resting in the arms of Jesus, Safe from all worldly care, Sals Iroin any temptations, Siu cannot harm her there." ItK.U KM ATK THANM'KKS. Furnished Every Week by IliP Cliickn mas Ahstiact Si Tru-t ('oinniiiiy. ol On the 2:!rd Inst, the young people of the Springwater (liange gave an enter tainment and play entitled "Out on the Street," which was a grand success. The same will he given at l.ogun Orange hall the evening of Jan, 301 h, 1004. Every body invited. Judge Thus. Kvun passed through our town last Saturday. Hope, he took note ol our roads, Ntterwonil. Kain. rain, mini, mud. That is what we have at our burg. I.. Wilson has bought the l'lumiiier place, and is doing some extensive re pairing, such ni building a new barn and other outbuildings. William l'ullev's little girl had tho misfoitiiue to fail on a pair ol srissors, i inflicting a wound about lour inches war thereafter. I nlil the January, l'.MO . i,..,,, mit,,r 1(,r v compulation Clackamas count v shall pay .liiwi.") per cent of the entire amount. The I our correspondent M sorry to note I legislature slso passed a bid compelling "' U'lney Jones, a respected the counties to raise not less than $ti per I cituen of Sherwood. He has been a roa ' capita for each public school scholar ( ident ol Sherwood for the past forty legal school age in the countv. Last i vears. lie was only sick for about eight A VeM-lorUet Doctor. Kever in the way, no trouble to carry, easy to take, pleasant and never failing in results are DeWitt's Little Early Ris ers A vial of these little pills in the vest-pocket is a certain guarantee against headache, biliousness, torpid liver and all of the ills resulting from constipation. They tonic and strengthen the liver. Sold by Ueo. A. Harding. George, Two deaths occorred in this neighbor hood lately Mr. Kath and Mr. Line, both old-time residents of this place. Mr. Ferdinand Rath died of pneumo nia, after an illness of a few days, at the age of 71 years. Mr. Kath came here about thirty-three years ago, and was one of the first settlers of this neighbor hood. He had just sold his farm to his Bon-in-law, and settled all bis business affairs a short time before he died. Mr. Herman Lins died of paralyses, after a short illness, at the age of years. Mr. Lins came to this neighbor hood about 2o years ago. lioth funerals were largely attended. August Panlson was at home on a visit last week from Portland. Walter Paulson, youngest son of Mr. Hang Panlson, bae been very sick in Pot (land, but it seems he is getting bet ter. Henry, who has been very sick a long time, is now in the hospital in Portland and seems to be improving some. All kinds of winter grain is looking well here, as it has been a favorable winter and the farmers seem to have plenty ol feed for their stock. Mr. Held is building a new barn. It will be quite an improvement on his place. Drying preparations simply derei op dry catarrh; they dry np the secretions, which adhere to the membrane and decom pose, causing a for more serious trouble thaa the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing iuhalanU, fumes, smokes and snnffa and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Crsam Balm is such a remedy and will core catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailad for 10 cent. All druggists sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does cot irritate or canse sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammatioa. With Ely'i Cream Balm yon are armed against Kasal Catarrh and Bay Fever. Farkplare. , j Mr. and Mrs. ITiarles I'anchy were I made happv Monday night by the ani- j val of a young son. Charley is so proud J of his young assistant he. can scarcely seethe sidewalk. Mother and child are getting finely under the care of lr. Slu art. Peatli entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Bailev on Mom'av of last we.k ami took their daughter, Ella, a young woman of .20 years. The be reaved parents, tiro hers and sisters have thr deep Bvmpsthv of their many friends in their sad bereavement. The funeral was held Tuesday at 10 a.m., from the residence. She was a young lady w ho was honored and loved hv all who knew her, and will be B'eatly missed by the community in which she lived. She was born at Oaytou, Wash , May 17, 18s,i. Itr'erment took place at Clackamas cemetery, Key. J. H. Heaven olliciating. Mr. Btayton, who was quite seriously hurt week before last by tailing from a scaffold in the i':irkilace school, while painting in room 6, is slowly recovering, but it will he some time In-fore lie will be able to be around again." Mr. Eockes, from I'etaskev, Michi gan, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnson, of Gladstone. I year $2 !Hi per capita was raised for the j same purpose, so for county school pur i poses more than double the amount of ! monev must le raised. In additioti to 1 the usual stale tax, Clackamas countv I must pay .0;i;5 per cent of the Sil",(H)' I appropriated for the Lewis and CI irk fair, the Portage Railroad und the Indian War Veterans. This and the extra 'amount for schools represents the entire increase in tuxes, the only dillereiice made hv doubling the asessment is that instead of a levy of 41 mills as would have been necessary on the basis of the previous assessment, we have a lew of 20'j, mills. Jamks F Nki.son, County Assessor. Oregon City, Jan. 25. Kldorario. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Martin, Phil lleil man, Curtis llelvt-y. and Mr. and Mrs. Al Jones spent Sundav with W. II. Jones and family. Mr. Holt is back with us again. Bertha Spangler left for Portlund Sun day for a three weok'a visit. James Ki-k was visiting in these p.irtH this week. John Helvey and Frank Lamm went to the latter's homo near Silverton Mon day. Jack Podge, of Logan was here the first ol the week. hours, when the end tamo, heart lailU'C being the cause. He is survived by a wive and six children. Mrs. Kuiina Jones, of tilendale, OiCgon; Mrs. Edith Kyzcr.of Hutteville, Oregon; Misses El sie, Ollie, Ella and Nettie, ol Sherwood. The family has the heartfelt sympathy of the coii.munity. A. A. Eyman has returned from Esta cada, and reports everything; booming over there. P. T. Weeks has left for Kstai ada. Miss Walling, ol Sherwood, is visiting at I'r. Saylor s. Mrs. S. J France ii tsr, Mrs. Evman. V siting her sis CJ T. J3 1' CD I I X A. , 8an?hf A '" ' !' ' ' ! BJU 8:gnatnr sf Working .lglit and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that was ever made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weakness into strength, IiaMessness into energy, brain fag into mental power, They're wonderlul in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by Chanuan 4 Co. Hover. Winter is here; the ground is covered with snow and still it is snowing. It looks like the people would have to com mence fdeding their cattle as they have not fed much this winter. Mre. Eardmao is improving very slowly. There are a great many of the children sii k in the neighborhood. Mr. Esrdman has been appointed postmaster. Frank Selmon Mr. New. has sol'l his place to Cedardale. Mrs. D. A. James is visiting in Athena. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Woodlefrom Pleas ant Ridge were at church last Sunday. Perry Kitzmiller has gone back to Eastern Oregon. George Kitzmiller spent a few days in Portland last week. Al Jones has purchased a new grapha phone. Fred Woodside has taken charge of the Carus Dancing Ciub. "Dick" Wallace is working again for Mrs. 15. J. Helvey. Still the revivals goon at M u lino. CASTOIUA. Boari tb 8ignatnrs of llie. Kind You Haw Ulsan BouM stafferd. fanby. There has been no less than four runa way teams here this past week. Fortu nately no one has been hurt, but wagons and harness suffered some. The depot was robbed Sunday even ing. The thieves d dn't get much, how ever, taking 70 cents in pennies. Sev eral large packages were torn open, but nothing taken from them. An attempt was made to break into the postoffice the same night, but the thieves were (right- Eastern Oregon, for a couple of weeks, C. B. James has moved into his new ! teneJ away residence in Cedarville, and moved all Mrs. Wood and son Frank are moving the bui dings from the old place, which jnto the Rones property across the track, makes tedardale have the appearance! of a city. ! C. Bates has returned from a long Mr. Noblets was buggy riding ms best I thHt Oregon is a pretty good place to stay girl on the streets of Cedardale Saturday, and gave as a pleasant call. 1. Wright has bought the Dolan stock and rented the place for a term of years and moved in Saturday. Land grabbers are pretty plentiful of late. Cheap land will soon be a thing of the past. John Weite is reported on the sick list and quite poorly. Miss Nellie Gotberg and Miss Jennie Hargreaves were visiting Mrs. J. 11. James Monday. ' Mies Nina Lacy has just finished in voicing the stock of goods in ths James Eros.' etore. after a Mrs. Winches went to McRee on Sun day to attend the funeral of a relative. Canby Lodge, No. 156, I. 0. C. F., will celebrate their second anniversary next Friday evening with a banquet, jointly witli the Kebekabs. Wilmer Fisher's little son, aged four years, died Jan. 25'h. He was ill six weeks with typhoid fever and pneumo nia. The funeral was held Wednesday, and the body interred In the Zion ceme tery. A series of revival meetings are being held nightly at the M. E. church. Every one invited. Mr. Gage's cracked ribs seem to be improving though sometimes paining him severely, especially alter unwonted exertion. Mr. Weddle's horse died and was cre mated and another has been under the doctor's care. He considered the first one worth 150, a pretty heavy loss to any man. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schsttz spent an evening at Mr. Gage's. Their daughter Rosa is attending Business college at rortlanu. Mrs. Parker returned to her home on Iwis river. Hens begin to get at business again. Probably because their owners had threatened them with Chinese New Year's. Our local dentist is kept quite busy grabbing out snags. Cattle are looking well and cows are doing fine so far Ibis winter. 0 that some enterprising chap would start a small creamery. Most any farmer would lease the laud for it to be built upon and buy and raise more cows. Mr. Weifenborn has been bis house. MacHiiirg. We are having fine weather now. The Cahtiage Road and Independent telephone lino ran their wire inloti. v Scramlin's store last week. The Mutual telephone. I o. put in sev eral phones in Canby also one at J, 1 Murdock's J. J. Gibson is cutting R. R. wood. Lots of spuds being hunted to Canby these days. 1 hev aie worth from oh to 50 cents per bushel. llav is scarce and high here this Winter. Mrs. J.L. M unlock and Miss Ruth were visiting friends in Oregon City last week. Willie Bowers and Louis M unlock vis ited the county seat Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Adams made business trip to Aurora Monday. Henry Iirusch and family visited II Jackson b Sunday, Dancing school at Smith's ball Tues day night. We still have vacation as Prof. Cole man has not returned from Cromwell improving Mrs. Ga e spent a couple of days in Portland visiting with friends and inci dentally looking over the clearance sales. She says if a person knows what they need and want and the normal price thereof, they can get things with a few cents off and in that way it may pay but to merely go shopping or bargain hunt ing there is nothing in It. CATARRH THE CLEANSINO AND HEALING CURE KOli CATARRH is Ely's Cream Balm Tmj and pleuant to Que. Curitaiu no in jurious drug. It is qciir-kiy absorbed. (Jiw Relief at once. It 0ns and Cleanses llie nasai raiarrs. Allirs Inflammation. Ileals and Protects the Membrane. Restores ths rne of Taste and Hmell. Large Site, to cents al DrujfeiBta or It mail ; Trial Slie, 10 cents bjr mail. ILV iSKOliikiUi, M Warm Street, New York. .Inst One .Minute. One Minute Cough Cure gives relief in one minute because it kills the microbe which tickles the mticoiiH membrane causing the cough, and at the same time clears the phlegm, draws out the inflam mation and heals and soothes the affected parts. One Minute Cough Cure strength ens the lungs, wards off pneumonia and if a harmless and never failing cure in;all curable cases of Coughs, Coltls and Croup One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to take, harmless and good alike for young and old. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. Kedland W. M. Stone has purchased a new top buggy. The measles are still raging. D. D. Evans is very ill. C. and G. Hlcinbothern are improving. A. Ketchton had a paralytic stroke last Saturday night and is very low. A. Barrett lost a valuable horse. W. Stone will go to Salem to school tins week. COLD". HEAD The grand premium offer of the Enter prise and Weekly Oreonian for one year, including a tine world's map, with sepa rate maps of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, all for the sum of 12.25, expires January 1, next, unless we can make satisfactory arrangements for its renewal 1'ersons desiring to take advantage of the offer should send in their subscrip tions at once, for we can not guarantee that the offer wilt hold good after New Year's Day. The map alone is worth $2.50, or more than the cost of the two papers, including the premium. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of V S F.mtcrshv to K i: Ward, nw of sec '-'5, t J s r 5 e. . t 100 C A Williams to G ' Kennedy, lot 2. Hlk 11, Windsor T Howen to 0 G Selling, 100 acres acres in see 111 A 17, t i s r 4 e OA V H U Co to II R Dubois, Iota 7 8, sec 211, t II a r e S Kinxcr to II Johiioson, nw of sw, sec 4, tftsrl e V lloir to K 0 I luff, 17.78 acres in lol H, sw 114, t :t r I e II K Reicbel to J Ruahlord, 10 scrs in sec 115, t 1 s r 2 e O 1 A Sl'u to II II Proiitv, 111 Ic M and html adjoining In Oswego , . . J lulier to K J Hamilton, ' of sn of sec 2, t r s r 1 O 1 A S Co to R WoihIiiiausm, 10 A in sec 2tl, I 2 s r I e 11 0 Anderson to W A Miller, ,'UA, sec 2ft, I 2 s r ft e G G 1 1 ess et nl to S K Hens, lot .1 A 4 A nw of sw of sec 24 t 3 a r2o A R Pratt to J I sharp, w)u ol nw of sec IS, t U a r 2 G S Smith to S O Miller, lOMiO ai-rs in sec 12, t 4 r 1 w 1'roster A Ueera to Slate, sw ol lie, sec ;l, I 2 r 4 K N Koter to O II r osier, 1(1 acre in Vickem CI, t 3 s r 1 e O WpT S Co to G K Sullivan, lot 4 Hlk ft, Kaiarada O W P rSf.Mjo II Warrick, lot 4, Hlk 7. I'lstacada O W P T S l'o to II J Shtitt, lot 10, Hlk 2. Eslacada S Kubb to M (loss, 10 acres sec 3, t 8 s r 2 e M Hons Id A S llrowu, 10 acres in se ;i, t H s r 2 e II Meldrum et al to !' It Mudiaou ne ol nw ol sec 8, t 4 a i 3 n C Weignnt to II Ktt.gerald, 2 acres in sec 11. t .1 s r 4 n L O McKlhanev to P Stolh-r, lot 7, Pleasant lllll Park ' J A Turner to A K Turner, 70 acres I In sec :l, t .'I s r I w O W P I S Co to P Schule, lot I, 1 Hlk 1'). Estiieada O W P TSl'otoG K Sullivan, lot 111, Hlk A lot 1 Hlk 12. Kstac.da A luig to I, R Kby, lot 4S, Clacka mas Heights M Harger to K llerven, se of se, sec 17 t :i s r 2 A J lleniieniati to R W I li-tineinan. int in It) acres in Whitcomb CI t 2 s r 1 e D y Norris to I Thomas, lot :i, H,k 1 Ki, Oregon CltV J K Hall et al to J C Marks, 1-7 int In part of A K Mark CI J C .Miser to A C Zinser, lots 1 A H Hlk 48. O 0 (i A Hrow n to T Schute, 10 acres in sec :t, I II a r 2 e EM II well to J W A i K Loiter, lot III Ituena Vista 100 :ioto 4X10 S!IX (UK) 1 ins 12ft 775 MX) 1(H) (IftO 216 2l)ft 100(1 ItftO 401 f I 42iN) 75 lot) ftftO 450 1C.0 I 1 val mi Consumption weed ilourisliin' 12.-) THE CLACKAMAS AHSTUACT A TRUS T t'O. aie the owners of the copy right to the Thorne sysii-in of istras indexes, (or Clackamas county, ind ,..ive the only complete set nhtra is in the county, can furnish informatio as I title lo hind at once, on apo icatioa. Loans, investments, real estate abstracts, etc. t Hlice over Hunk of Oregon City, Cull and investigate. Sulncrilx) for the Eulerprisu, Remember that ti e payment ol ft ftO on subscription to the Enterprise, w hether it lie deliniuent subscription or in advance, entitles you lo a guesi as to the amount of money in the Enterprise monev j ir. One guess for every a 1 ..Ml that is paid. Here is a chance to get your money back ami be liberally com pensated lor your lime in estimating the amptint ol money contained in the jar. Have you made your guess yet as to the amount of money contained in the Enterprise pri.a money contest jar? If not do so at one. Ilia teal ol the jar will be broken on the afternoon of Wash- is a human )cst in weak Itins. Like other weeds its Jl'lt'llt 1 l'll'l. 1 It lllll l.tt1lll y l IK'V VI Will IV J " " 1 t when old, sometimes im possible. Strengthen the lungs as you would weak land and the weeds will disappear. The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Knutlsion. Salt pork is gotxl too, but it is very hard to digest. The time to treat consumv tion is when you begin trying to hide it from yourself. Others see it, you won't. Pon't wait until you can't deceive yourself any longer., begin wuh the first thought to take Scott's Mimilsion. If it isn't really consumption so much the Utter; you will soon forget it and be Utter for the treatment. If it is consump tion you can't expec t to be cured at once, but if you will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your treat ment you will win. Scott's Knuilsion, fresh air, rest all you can, cat all you can, that's the treatment and that's the best treatment. We will scml you a little id tho Ktiiul moii fice. Pt turs tliil ll pliturt la ill . in, nl a I Owl it il' '4-tr nl rvny U'lliS ul 1 inuitlun )iu buy. SCOTT & IMIWN1J, Chemists, 4(W Pearl St., N. Y. nc. and tf nil dr'ie;:it. PLUMOINC CHARCES are no higher ihan Diomi In any other liade, and ours ate no higher than ser vice rendered demands. What m e undertake lo do in a thorough and satisfactory nniiiner. There will lint be fuiind after our work man get through with a j"h anv defective joints, li'ii k y pipes, lut me connectPitiH or other evnlencfs of "scamped" work. Every part will be porlrct, and look prfect, and w hen the hill mines in you'll nol ask for anv ili-diictiun. cl I Ilt'fr IlTI ITTt WJWM is The story of a great deal of the unhappinrsa ol women is a story of lout health. Women wonder how it is that little hv little "J? ' the form loses plumpness, the checks grow hol low and sallow, anil they feel tired and worn-out all the time. In a large. pro portion ol cases v,iicn women are weak, runnlown and falling off in flesh and looks, the root of the trouble can be traced to womanlv diseases which under mine the general health. The proof of tins is that women who have ocen cured of painful womanly diseases by the use ol Or. rierce's favorite rrescnption have recovered their general health, rained in flesh nnd in nmwarance. ..... ... JL ... I)r. fierce s i nvonte frcscnplion cures the womanly diseases which sap the gen eral health. It establishes regularity. dries weakening drains, heals inflamma tion and ulceration and cures female weakness. " I snffrred for thrrr yrars with ovarian trouble," writm Mrs. Anna oninn ITrramirrr Woman's Athl"llc Cinto, "i '.n hycamore ht.. Milwaukee. Vi'i "The treatment I look did not (In me a p otlclr nf rh..!. until o Rimd neigh bor who h.vl hi-i-ii mitn Dr. pirrre's Pavorite Prescription ii'lvivt me in r.-r il a Inal. Tile nest iluv t'Nik nv f i-1 'I" r .okI it vriH my first ster, pcvnril rr.-' vi rv In nut '' ks 1 ivns a different wimi.-nl : inv tl-h 'Oiirh had been fialitiv Irf-rione linn. fni i mil I ll lll did III V eyes bright. It -t'h -i'liply rr iinh;iiti'in if Hie rent cnmitfe within iriiiu p-itrl a'ltl sititcllug pj rullh UU'1 li i..iii. " Tavorite rrescri;it;on " iinl:es wca'-f women atrout;, sick .vi.ii'cn wi II. Ac. tept io substitute for tw tncdnire which works wonitcri lor w-ak woiti'-n. Dr. I'ierc 's l b asriiit i'l-'b It) llivitrorutt stomach, liver and W'weln. v v;r) WE HAVE MOVED THE OREGON CITY JUNK AND SECOND HAND STORE has removed into the store. oom adjoining the poet of fice. We carry a complete line of new and second hand stoves and furniture. Highest prices paid for all kinds of junk. sugarman Co. F. C. GADKE THE PLUMBER buy'the SEWING MACHINE DonotlH) diH i lvcd by thoMfl v honil Veitiso a JiiO.isj Hew ing Miichliin fur t-d.(H). Thisklinl of uiiiiii'liiiiecnii bo bought from imorimy of our Uciilcm rroiitf l.i.oo u ils.00. WI MAKC A VAKIflTV. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. Tho Food (lefcrniliicfl tho Hfrotigth or B-eiikiii-sH of Hewing Miu'IiIiicm. Tim lloiildo Teed coiiibliied with other strong jxilntH initki-H the w llwuiv tho Ixwt Ktwlng Wuchlnu to buy. IteMCOURSHSS wo liiiiiinfiictiiri-unil prlci beforu purchasing, THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE GO. ' OSANOf, BTSSS 2K Union Hq. N. Y.,CtilcaKn, III., Atlanta, (la., Ht. Louls.Mo., I)ulla,Tex.,Hiiii, Oil for eic av C. H. CKANK, KM Morrison Ktreot, Cortland, Oregon. Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of r'-enjth, nervettM Boas, headacha, constipation, bad breath, general debility, aour lialne. and catarrh of the stomach araalldue tolndlpeailon. eures Indigestion. This new dlscovan mm. enti the natural Juices of digestion aa they ajrlit In a healthy atomach, combined with the greatest known tonlo and reconstructive propertlea. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure doea not aly cure Indleeatlon and dyspepaia, but thla Jamoua remedy curea all stomach troublai by cleanalne, purlfvlne. aweetanlns- mnd trenphenlng tha mucous membranaa Unlnf i"'- SV Bn' "itwoed, W. Vs., ssrsr- In . w" nana h oust K1 Dlgetta WhatYoa Eat IsobJt. 11.00 Slu holdlntSM Mrmm Hw trtst stxs. which Mils for SO casta. pard by L a D.WITT OO., OHIOAOO Sold by O. A. IIAKDING, DrutfiBl