Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY SE1TEMRER 18, 1903. BOOTH'S DRAWING POWERS. TV Famous Traaedlan Wat Star Mower Maker. A retired theater manager said tl tdLcr tiny: "It In not genr-rnlly known i that Edwin Hooth revived 50 per cent , of the gross receipts of Ills perform ances while under the management of Messrs. Urooks & Dixon, There never . yem a slar on the .stag who could Craw the money that Hooth could to ; theater. There were no spasms about ; )!s business. It was as steady a Gl-: traltar. We could bank on It. Out of ttvir half of Un receipts BrooVs & Dixon paid the rent for theaters, paid the salaries of the company, Uie rail - road and hotel bills and the advertis ing throughout the country and made big profits, which they shared wltn Horace McVlcker, to whom Pooth In trusted bis affairs at the start and who afterward associated himself with Brooks & Dixon. Booth's agreement w-ith Henry E. Abbey was this: After all expenses of very description were paid Booth got S3 per ceut and Abbey 13. Booth lost a week in Philadelphia owing to the death of his wife. The company was put in there without him, and we had to Indemnify the local manager. Our loss that week was $1,000. Deducting that Abbey's profits on the season were JW.noo. I do not know any star, save Booth, who ever commanded 50 per rent of the gross receipts. "New York Press. I Warn Hlood Telia. It was In one of the farming districts Ff New England. The young folks had banded themselves together for month ly Jollifications during the winter and were about to celebrate the last dance of the season as well as a couple of engagements which had resulted from the assemblies. Ben n.iwkins, the lo cal Paganlnl, and his Stradivarlus hud been engaged to lead them through the mazes of the country dance, and all were looking forward to the "time of their life." Put death inconsiderately claimed Mrs. Hawkins for his own on the after noon of the eventful party. The young people gathered as arranged, but be moaned the absence of Old Ben, and games were being substituted for the dancing when, lo, Hawkins and his fid dle appeared on the scene. Great astonishment aud many ques tions greeted the old man. but be calm ly slipped his fiddle out of its green bag and as he meditatively rubbed the rosin on the bow said: "Waal, yes; Mariu's gone; died thla afternoon. But I reckon 'tain't no sin for me to play for you tonight seeln' she wa'n't no blood relation." Phila delphia Ledger. Vet He Loved the Sea. It la said that Bryan Waller Procter, known as Barry Cornwall, who wrote the well known poem I'm on the sea! I'm on the sea! I am where I would ever be! was the very worst of sailors. When we read that be was so seasick that he could scarcely bear the sound of a hu man voice It becomes apparent that bis Wife's conduct during his affliction could scarcely have been reassuring. As be lay on the deck of a channel boat covered with shawls and a tar paulin, she bod the pleasing habit of bumming a strain of bis jovial Bea Bong. The poet who loved the sea, but loved it best at a distance, bad very lit tle life Just then, but what force be had was used in the entreaty; "Don't my dear! Oh, don't!" let no doubt he loved the sea. A Rode Awakening. The Centerview (Mo.) Record tells of a young man who had been writing a girl In Minneapolis for three years, in tending some day to ask ber to marry bim. The other day he received a let ter and a picture from her. The letter announced that she had been married two years, and the picture was of her baby. "My husband and I have en Joyed your letters very much," she wrote, "but I guess you'd better stop writing now, as I have to spend all my time caring for the baby." The Record says the words the young man used after reading the letter would shock a field of oats. Snakes. Mr. Rolker ln McClure's robs us of some misconceptions as to snakes. When a snake Is decapitated It is dead. The tall will remain sensitive for some hours without reference to sundown. The rattlesnake does not suicide by bit ing Itself. No snake Is susceptible to the poison of Its own kind. That the black snake will swallow Its young ln time of danger Is true, and they are then digested, making the mother a cannibal of the worst sort. Hopes. Teas It was Dr. KUllam who attend ed the late Mr. Oldgold, wasn't It? Jess Yes. He was called hi only a few days before the old gentleman died. Why do yon ask? Tess-Old Mr. Boxley was taken slightly 111 yesterday and his young wife sent for Dr. KHUam at once. I'hUadelpbla Press. DM the Beat She Coal a. Mrs. Uppmann I must tell yon, De lia, that i was displeased at your en tertaining that policeman ln the kitch en last night Delia Faith, 01 did ax him into the parlor, ma'am, bnt he wouldn't go. Philadelphia Ledger. Praunlaa M Kxease. Little Boy Please, Mrs. Grumpy, Bother wants to know If yon will lend hex yoar washtab. Mrs. Grumpy (gruffly) No, I can't The hoops are off, the bottom's oat and IT full of water. Glasgow Times. Wlkta a fool has made op Lis mind 8b market baa goo Bjr pasB WE MUST GROW OR DIE. tonatani Mnilr I Xceeeaarr to Kff Par lth in Tlmee. A pitsslon for growth, a yearning for I '.iipjror life. Is chnraeterlsllo of all rivet souls. A tun n la measured by hi rower to trow, to bocivme larger, broader. noMcr. The Intensity of hl ilesiiv to reach out and up dotlnea hit capacity for devlopinont. Any one, young or old, by a passion for growth I oiuistantly add Ins to his knowledge, always pushing his horizon a little further. Kvery day t gains add. tlotial wisdom, every night he Is a Utile larger than he was In the morning, lie keep growing ns long as ; to liv,. Kv,. . olj aB0 he la still stretching out for larger things, reach ing up to greater heights. We often find plants and tree that are not fully developed, but have reached the limit of their growth. They cannot be made to respond to the woo ing of enriched soil or copious water lug. The power for the extension of cell life seems to have departed. There are many human plants of slui liar nature. Early in life they settle Into grooves, from which nothing can displace them. They are dead to enter prise, to advancement along any line. New movements, new systems of busi ness, larger conceptions of life and sim ilar things In the living, moving present do not appeal to them. Immovably bound to the past, they can step ouly just so far this way, only so far that way. There is no further growth, no more progress for them. They have reached their goal. Employees often think that they are kept back designedly and that others less deserving are pushed ahead of them, when the real trouble is with themselves. They have ceased to grow. They continue to move In a circle. They have not kept pace with the trend of the times. "Forward:" is the bugle call of the twentieth century. The young man or woman or the old man or woman who has ceased to grow is to be pitied. IJfe holds nothing more for either. Suc cess. THE LAU MELOMELO. now Hawaiian Natives tio After the Finns- Tribe. "Lau melomelo" is the name of a de eoy used by the native fishermen of Hawaii. It Is made of ttie hardest wood to be found on the Islands and Is carved and rubbed till It assumes the shape of a club with a little knob at the smaller end, to which the line Is tied. The club is from one to three feet long. A village sorcerer performs cer tain rites over It over a sacred lire. After this is done the club Is magic, aud the fisherman must be extremely careful of it. If a woman should step over It or enter a canoe in which It lies, the club would lose all Its power and would lie useless ever afterward. After the club has been charmed the fisherman mixes candlennt and cocoa nut meat bakes it and ties the mixture ln a wrapper of cocoanut filter. At the fishing grounds the club Is covered with the oily Juice of the stuff and is then lowered carefully to the bottom. The scent of the baked nut meat attracts certain kinds of fish, which soon gather and begin to nibble at the club. As soon as enough fish are around the decoy a small bag shaped net is lowered very gently until Its mouth Is Just over the club. The latter Is then pulled up carefully and cun ningly till it is within the bag. The fish are so eager for the stuff with which the club is covered that they follow it Into the net without fear. As soon as all the fish are ln It a fisherman dives and closes the mouth of the net where upon the rest haul It up quickly. W ashlngton Post Later In the Game. "Ah, me," sighed the drug clerk, "how women do change!" " hat s tangled in your wheels now?" asked the boss. "When I was doing the courtship stunt with Cordelia," said the d. c, "she declared that if I should pass ln my checks she would also die without delay. And now" "Well, what now?" queried the boss. "We have been married only six months," continued the assistant pill compiler, "and she is dropping hints around to the effect that I ought to get my life Insured." Chicago News. Odora of Slckncea. In gout the skin secretions take a special odor, which Sydenham com pares to that of whey. In Jaundice the odor Is that of musk; In oppilatlon of vinegar; of sour beer ln scrofula, of warm bread ln Intermittent fever. In diabetes, when there Is perspiration, the smell Is of hay or, rather, of ace tone; but according to Bouchardat, midway between aldehyde and ace tone, being due to mixture ln variable proportions of these two bodies. ' A Bashful Man's Rnae. A bashful young man who was afraid to propose to his sweetheart Induced her to fire at him with a pistol which be assured ber was only loaded with powder, and after she bad done so be fell down and pretended to be dead. She threw herself wildly upon the body, called him ber darling and ber beloved, whereupon he got np and married her. London Tlt-Blta. The Cow. "Johnny," said the teacher, "write a sentence containing the word 'con tents.' " After a few moments' bard labor Johnny submitted the following: "Tb contents of a cow Is milk." Chicago News. Don't gay people. Ifs not much fan for yon, and the people whom yon gny will hate yon and lay for a chanot ts get even. AtcLiaou Glob. LIGHT AND DAI!!!, Day and night, sunshine and shadow are not mow different from each other than a hrullhfiil from sickly woman. The healthful woman carries light and suusiune with her wherever she goes. The woman s who suffers ill-health t shadow her own hn piursa uud the lllipptUCM ot others. She cannot help it. Those who suf fer cannot smile and simr. IU-heaHl la woman is generally trace able to disease of the delicate wotimuly organism. Mmy women have been re stored to happiness by the use of Dr. Pierce's l'nvo: lie Prescription. If there is nil invalid woman, suhVring from female weakness, prolapsus, or fulling of womb, or from lcucorrhca who has used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription with out complete success Dr. Pierce would like to bear from such person ami it will be to her advantage to writ as be offers, in perfect ginxl faith, a reward of Jv for any cX of the above maladies which he cannot cure. "I (crl II mv lnlv lo luform yoa that I had betu a uth-:-r iir nunv yrir iroin ihtvihi aea with all It vimlomt ail-1 cumillfAtttm, wruc Mrt O N HhT l imi l.rxinnloti Ave,, Nr York. N V. "I w. nxnunilv B""r I" ac a phvVt-i4U. I wan inliH-rd lo ak lr Plctv' advke 1 thru ! livr lKtlr of ' K Tonlf Fmcnpiiou ' I i in now cmh and Irritable, ami I have a K,Mi color it mv I'jtr; havr alto k'-vnett atKHit trti pmitlA In t-K-hi anvt on? M.' of oiaiir, tor 1 am a lie- wutuau oucv inoic The dealer who offers a su'islilute fn "Favorite rrescri'v.m " d-..v-s so to g tin the littL" mar rr''' p.! 0:1 the a-ilo cl less meritorious medicines. Dr, Pierce's Common ix-usc Medici! Adviser is sent r.-c" on receipt of stamp; to pay expense of ni.iilim; iwiv. Send .: one-cent rtmi for t!ie pn;-r-cov i.- i book, or Jt !:;;; for t'l- Imin: ; 'ddress Dr. R. V. iVrc. il i 1 .1 . N Legal Noticea. '. I'A I IOV In the County Court of the State of Ore gon, ior the County of Clackamas. in tot Matter A I ! (.tuarulanamp ol Irwin Leslie lionlon, s Minor. Now on this day cornea Andrew Cordon. the guardian of Hit ratals of Irwin llie (..onion, a minor, and tiles his Only verified petition in the aiove Court and anking fur a license to sell the following real estate belonging to said ward, situated in the f'tate of Oregon, Slid described as fol lows, to-wit: An undivided one third Interest in the northwest quarter ol Hie southeast ipiarler ot Heclion .', T. 3, 8 K II W. ol Hit Will amette Meridian in Tillamook County, Ore con, containing 40 tiTrs, and subject to the life eststeof Dr. John llordon. An undivided one-third interest in the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter ol tseciinn ill, 1. VI, . K. , ttie Will amette Meridian, and containing--in acres, and subject to Hit lift estate of Ir. John Cordon. An undivided one third interest In lti '.. 1, 3. i and 6, ill HliM k JU. In Peninsular Addition No. 2 to the City of Portland, in Multnomah Countv, Oregon, and subject to the lite estate of lr. John Cordon. Hie petition represents that It is litres sar and expedient that the interest wlia-li said minor has in anid real estate be sold, snd it appearing that John tiurdori, Caro lina Irwin Uordon and John Dowlinu Uor donartthe next ol kin of said minor, and the Court being fully advised, it is ordered snd decreed that said next of kin, snd all persona interested in Hie estate of said minor, be and appear in the shove entitled Court on the 26th day of September, Piu't, at tht hour of JO o'cl'K-k A. M., then and there to show cause, If any exist, why said license should not be granted. If personal service of this order cannot be had npon said neit of kin, it is further de creed tbat a copy ol this order be served on said next of kin by publication in the Ore gon Clu Enterprise, a newspaper published in Clackamas County, Oregon, lor lhre successive weeks Lefore said dale. Tims. K. Kyas, Comity Judge of Clackamas County. Dsted Aug. 25, UW. H K. Cross, Attorney fur Guardian. Nuiiiiiiob. In the circuit court of the stste of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas. Alice Dumas, I'laintiir, ) vs. James M. Dumas, Defendant.) To the defendant James M. Dumas. In the name of the Htate of Oregon, You sre hereby required to sppear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before the 24th day of October, 1!MJ, ami if you fall no to apix-ar or answer within said time the tilaintitr will apply to the court lor the re lief prayed lor in said complaint, to-wit: Tbat the bonds or matrimony existing be tween the plaintill and defendant be dis solved sm! for general relief. This sum mons is published pursuant to an order made by Hon. Thos. F, Kyan, Jude of the County Court of the Htate of Oregon for Clackamas County, made and entered Sep tember lOtli, 190:i. The time perscribed by said order for said publication Is once a week for six consecutive weeks, the first publication being ttepternber 11, and the last on October 23, lisi.'t. AUSTIN CUAKi, Attorney for Plaintill. NI'TITIO.f In the Circuit Court of the BtaU of Ore gon, lor tlackamat Comity, Maud Harris, Plaintiff, vs. L. E. Harris, Defendant To L. . Harris, the above named de fendant: In the name of the Htate of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear ami answer the complaint filed against you in tht anove entitled suit, on or before the 24th day of October, A. D. 1903, snd if yon fail so to appear and answer said complaint on or before said date tht plaintiff will antdv to tbe Court for the relief demanded in her complaint In said suit to-wit: For a decree against you dissolving tbe bonds of matrimony heretofore, and now existing between said plaintill and yourself, and allowing ber to resume her maiden name, snd for such other and further relief as may be eonitable. This summons is published by order of me uoaniy jnage or uisnksmss County, State of Oretcon, duly made on the loth dav of Heptember 1!j03 directing said summons to be published once a week for six succes sive and consecutive weeks in the Oregon City nter prise, a weekly newspaper pub lished in said County and Htate, the first publication to appear in tbe issue of said newspaper on tbe 11th day of Heptember V. K. STRODE. Attorney for Plaintiff. ffaloon Uceatse, Notice is hereby given that we will ar ply at tbe regular September meeting to tbe City Council (or a liquor license on Seventh street at the Koutbern Pacific right of way known as the Depot saloon. IlOTHSd BaKKit. ,o i i4 i: or ai:nii:t. for Iuireiieut ol Jau-Uaon falrect IVoiu th Notillierly I. In o I 111 Is Ntrerl l Ihe Nmilhrrly Llneofl lilrlernlh Mlnrt. Ore (tun ily, OreV. Notice la hereby given (hat the Councilor On-con City. Oregon, al a meeting held on III i!nd dav ol Beplemlier, l!W, declared the assessment by ordinance No. '.for 'he liiipniveiiieiil of Jackson Street Iron) Ilia Southerly llueol Filth Hireet lo tht (south erly llne'of Thirleenth Hireet In Oregon CUV, Oregon, in Hit manner provided by Onlwane No '."CV upon each lot, part of let and tract ol land benefitted, to he as lo! os, vl: ,ot lilock Name 1 IV.' Oregon t llv... Amount 01 1H 71 l7 . Nl 87 . 131 wi . 10! IT.' . 7;l 7i) . "I 28 . Ill M . 114 tkl . 71 27 lift 7 . l'.'d 44 . 7ft '.'ti , t'Ki ill . H I Ml . l4 t'sl , till 15 , 7l (U . Ill 1st , 1 ID (HI , VI ! , .H Ik') . 40 117 , 111 40 . 4 2 (II 2 l'2 Oregon City 3 V1 Oregon City 4 l.'iJ Oregon Cllv 1 l.Vt Pan Lyons 2 1YI Dsn I.) otis It l.Vt Dan l.vona 4 j.Vi Dsn Lyons 1 1M M. It. Howell l,-4 M It. Howell 3 1!W ,M. It. Howell ... 1 .W Susan McKee Fat. . 2 l.Vi Susan McKee Kid.. 3 l.Vi Lena Itigler 4 Km 1-ena liigler 1 l'Hl Charlotte Dresser. . 2 l.Vl Hen. Jawgur 3 INI Sunset Land Co. . . 4 Km I Sunset Land Co... . 1 K7 Minnie (irahatn. ,. 'i l.'iT August llolilon . . . 3 157 Francis Welih F.f.'of 4 1.17 JD Ken tier U'l, of 4 l."7 Msiiiile Cross F.'aol 1 i;8 MarKsrol Scott .... W'a of 1 1-S J. W. A Ann Jones of 2 l.VH J. VV. A Ann Jouet V.K. of 2 l.'iS Margaret Scott F'o of .'I l-'iH K Matlhies 111 7ft 111 3d 4.h M M 21 74 V'vof3 lM I, W'u ol 4 i;s I., O. Moore O. .MiMire :'.i ho l"2 31 K1,. of 4 l.VS K Matthiea K' of 1 lMKieo.fc M F. Keddawsy 212 47 W' Si of 1 1M W. V' of 2 1MI W, W. Mers W. Myers H4 71 140 M V' of 2 l.VllieoA M K He.ldaway:U'2 32 3 I VI .Oreitotl City 'd t'l 4 l.Vi Oregon City I'i7 5 lu't Oregon t ily ii7 27 II tut Ori-koo Clly 3IS 7.' 7 Mil John elcl MS Ul N la John Welch 22I -'VI S K-l ti. J. Trullinger I7H M tl Id (i. J. Trulllnuer 11 til 7 MH Allison Pease ... irt S MA Allison Peas 70 Mi 8 b' Fred Mevtr fi 72 ti iA Kreu J. levr 71 1 7 l 0. 11. Dim irk 70 I'i M io 0. It. IMinlck I'd ! ", James W. I'liase 1 "i ti i James V. t hat i.H n) 7 ll James W Chase Vti M H lol James W Cha MA 1 9 1117 F. K A T C Howell . I'M 07 'I HIT F. F. A T (' Howell . 11.1 W 7 l7 P F S'rlie 1.1 47 H i,7 P F MiMiee l'ls K.I 4 I'M Carolina (irsirr . 114 7!) H, ol ft 1' Carolina (ira.ier ... ;u .Hi N!-, ol ,' Mm Fannie (i A Kala I Porter .12 li li Fannie li ,V Katt I Porter 110 tl ft HSi Dan Lyons 12 Ift tl Mi den Jsckxin .... MA ft 7 lf J D Keuner H IH H I'Ji J I) Hent'er I. HI M 5 170 Kd H VVhltloik lift 20 II 170 Kd It WhlMock 74 t'l 7 170 Kd II Whltlmk "ft Ml 170 Kd it WbitlocK Kl ' A statement ol aforesaid assessment has lieen tillered in the diM-ket ol City Liens, and Is now due and pavable at the nllii-e of tha City Treasurer of Oreirnn City, Oreiroti, in lawful money of the United Slates and If mil paid within twenty (Jo) days from the nrsi publication ol tins notice siu ii pro reedings will he tnkvn for the rollection ol the tame as are provided by the ( barter of Oregon City. Tn above assessment will bear Interest 20 days alter the lirst publication of tins notice. Oregon City, Oreifnn, He(itetnher M, isj(l, HKUCKC. CI'ltltY, I'.ecnriler ol Oregon City, Date of lirst publication ol this notice Friday, Heptember 11, Vd. Kept IS Ml .M.vlO.N In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Clackamas. M.S. Hiley, Plaintill, vs. T. L. Lawrence anil Fannie K. 1-awrence. Defendants. To T L. Ijiwrenoe and Fannie K. Law rence, Defendants: in the name of the Ktate of Oregon : You are hereby required lo appear and answer the complaint filed sgalnat you in the above entitled Court and cause on or tefure the 10th day of October, l!Wl. which Is six weeks after August 2-dh, 1'nYt, the date ordered by the Court for tht lirst pub lication of this notice, ami if you fail to so apear and an-wei, tht Plsintill will apply to the Court lor the relief prayed for In the Complaint, to-wit: For a judgment on a promissory note against Delenilanta for the sum of .U) and an attorney's fee ofM'-'W and for a decree foreclosing a certain mort gage, executed May lKth, 1W. by T. L. Lawrence ami rannle K. Lawrence to Moore Brothers and assigned by Moore Druthers to Plaintill and covering the southeast quarter of section five in town ship three 8 ol range seven K. of the Will amette Meridian in Clackamas County, Oregon, and for tht salt of said premises according to law, and tht application of tht proceeds to the payment of the amount ol such Judgment and for such otner and fur ther relief as to the Court seems meet and just. This Summons Is published by order of the Honorable T. F. Kyan, County Judge of said Comity, msdt and entered on the 2lth day of August, 100.1, and the date of the first publication of this Summons is August 2Mb, I'M, and the date of tht last publication will be October 0, VM. E. F.&F. II. KILKY, Attorneys for Plaintill, IVotlc to CredKora In the County Coort of tht State of Ore gon, for and in Clackamas County. In the matter of the estate of John Alfred Strowbridge, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the nnder slgned has been appointed by tht County Conrt of tht Htate of Oregon, for and in Clackamas County, admlniatratrix of tht eststeof John Alfred Htrowbridgt, lata of Handy Post Office, Clackamas County, State of Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate art hereby required to present the same to me properly verified, as by law re quired at my house and farm where I sm snd have been residing about two miles Fast of Ssndy Post Office, Clackamas County, Oregon, within six months from tht date thereof. Dated, Bandy Post Office September 4, 100.1. 3 SADIE E. 8TE0WBRID0E, Administratrix of the tstatt of John Al fred Strowbridge, deceased. J. A. STROWBRIDGE, Jr., Attorney for Administratrix. Portland Oregon. 4Juitrll)ii'a Mitle, In Ihr mailer ol lbs tstatt ul I'sail Mailt llsrlnsKid, a minor Notice Is hereby given thai, pursuant In an order ol the County court of the stste of Or lion, lor Clackamas county, made ami entered nil III .'."it tl day ol Novemlier, II".', I will (mm and after tht ldh day ol Seii teinber, llU, proceed to tell at private ssl to (tie hlKheat bidder at Mini iUik, Cbamlwr til Coiniuerot llulldlug, Portland, Creitoii, all Ihe'rlHhl, III'" and Interest of the said ard In and lo Ilia lollotslug describe ! par I" I of leal estate, situates! In Clackamas county, state ol tirenoti, town : lleg'iiinluK '.' ' ftd chains east ot Hit quar ter aeclloii corner on township line ws side ul n. llon thirty ( K'l, In t iwnshlp on 1 1) smith, ol rliK ' Ibree CI) east, ul Hie VVlllainetl Meridian; thruiie east 17 M chains to Ai'hrou's west Int , lliencr south ,1 chains to Acbmu southwest corner; llieuit east .1 chains lo Hie west side ol Ilia southeast itlaitrr ol aocllnn thirty (:); thtnet sniilli ITelialuatti F.tlckson't laud; thence west 20 ,') chains; tbeiice north Jji chains to the place ol htmimlng, eontslii Ins lorlv (in) acres, more or leas, The terms of Hit salt lo he as follow s: The entire p ircbast prioe to Im paid 1 1 cash, or one fotirtn In rash and tht remain der In I wo or In three yearly Installments, secured hv inorlitsi; on Hit laud, Datinl Auitusl 21. imn. Hu per cent In terest mi dslerreo paviiienls. SUSAN II A UTS' (IFL. (iuardlauof the person and property u( Pvarl Marts ilariuaitel. a inliuir. i: F. A K II. IHLKY, Attorneys lor tiuardian, August 21, H'). Ml .VI TIOM In the Circuit Court lor tht Matt of Ort- gon, lor t li kauias t otinly John A. i.ofqiils, Plaliillir vs. Susie Lofqiilsi, Defendsn it. I To Susie l.'il )iilt, defendant, III the iiainr ol Hit Slat ol Oreifoti, Yuil are lieieliy required lo appesr and answer the iNimpialul llleil aKalnst you In Hit almva entitled Court and cause within sis weeks Ironi (he date ol the lirst pulill.-allou ol Ibis suinioons, whieb ilmt eiplres on Hit 2nd day ol Oi l ilwr, l'a and II vmi tall lo so sih .ear and answer ilia plaintill will apply to the Court (or tut rellrl prated lor In til complaint, to wit.- lor a derret that His bonds ol matrimony herelolora aud now esisilnn lirtwreii plaiulilt and delendant lit aiiniiileil and loreter dissolved, ami thai plaintill be drcreed tbe care and custody uf Ilia minor rhlldreu W sllrr, l.lsle and Mary, and for mi h other relitl as Hit Court st: sty ileein Inst Slot p'oi r. 1 Ins summons is publishes! by order til the Honorable Tlioa. F. Kyan, Judxe of I, County Court lor Hit County ol Clackamas sil l Mate ul OrrKuii, which order waa duly tuaiie a in t il.-rrd on Hie llli day ol Ail gust, CU, In Hie alHiv ei. titled Court, and the dale ul Hit llrsl publication hereof Is .'1st ol AiiKiist, I 'll and Hie date of His last t.utilh ation Hirrml bring 2nd day ol O. do ner, i:sn. KYAN A (IALI.OWAY. Attorneys lor Platnlltl Outlets fur I'Hbllratluas. Timber Laud, Act June 1. H7. I'nlleil Males Land Otllce, Oregon City Oregon, Autf. 2. I'i:i. Notii is bereliy ivn that in coiiiplisiirs Willi Hie provisions ol Hi act of ( oli(iri-.s ol June .1, 17. enlitlut "An act for lb sale of tlmlier lauds In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and VahH'Ktoii Tern lory, ' as e to all the Publin IjiihI Stales by act of August 4. lHt.', Dors F. Coles, o Portland, county ol Multnomah, rstatt ol Oregon, has Ibis day II led In Ibis olln e bia sworn statement .No. 021, lor tha .urrbae of tbe .Northeast V. ol heclion o Id In township No, 2 S. Itanga No 7 K, and will oiler prool to sliuw Ibat Hit land aiughl Is mora valuable lor Its limber ur tout than lor agricultural purposes, aim to establish his claim to said land lie lore Hit Register and Receiver of Ibis nihee al Oreson I lly, Ort , on Wednesday, Hit Istli (lay oi .nteililMT, I 'll. She nainea aa witnesses: Charles Hmllh, t oaries osnorti, rrank U. Kelly, I'avld 1, Kelly, all ol Portland. I iregou. Any and all persons claiming adversely the anovs descrllied laoda art requested lo llle their claims In thisolll- s on or belort said l.tibilay of Noveinlier, I'.sil. AI.OKRNON H., Register. .adrei lor lulllrialioii Department of Hit Interior, Land Olllct at Oregon City. Oregnn. Augusts. 1:sl. Notice Is hereby given that tha following iiatue.) settler lias bled nolrce ol Ida Inten tion lo make tlnal priof In aiipiMirt ol his claim. Slid that said proof will be made be fore the Register ami Kht-eiver, at Oregon City, Oregon, mi September pscj, uJ: FRANK lll'HCil II. K. No. 1 for the SK1; He:. 2, T 9 H. R. IK. lie names tbe billowing witnesses to prove ins continuous residence uin and cultivation ol said laud, vu: Frank Habelt, of S.rlngwater, Oregon; John T. .Myers, ol Dodge, Oregon; lieorge Itaars, of Oregon City. Oregon ; William Melllen, of Dodge, Oregon. ALUKRNo.N S. DRKHhKK, iteglstr. MIMl.TIO.fM. In tht Circuit Court of Hit Stale of Ore gon, for Clackamas County. Htella A. McCord, Plaintill, ) va. I Walter A. McCord, Defendant. To Waller A. McCord, above named lis fendant. In the nanit of the Stale of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tha complaint filed against you In tin above entitled suit, in the sIhjvs named court, on or before Friday, Oct. Otli, lu, the same being six weeks Ironi the first publication of tint (111111110118, and you will taka nutlet that if you fail to so appear and answer ssld complaint Hit Plaintill will apply to the court for tht relief de manded In said complaint, to-wit: thst tht bonds of matrimony existing between you and Plsltitlt! ba dissolved. ' Tbn summons Is published by tbt order of the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, Judgt of tht County of Clackamas btatt of Oregon, in tha Oregon City Enterprise a weekly news paper of general circulation in Clackamas County, for six successive weeks commenc ing rriday, Aug. 2x, l:iO,1, and continuing to and Including October 0, VM OKO. 0. H ROWNKLL HOWARD M. Ilito W NELL, Attorneys for Plaintill. AaUMSftsuneiU .Hoi lee. Notice Is hereby given thst all persons owning property on Jackson Street from the Southerly line of Fifth Htreet to the Southerly line of Thirteenth Htreet of Ore gon City, Oregon, said property having been assessed for the Improvement of Jack son Hireet who desire to take advanttgt of the "Bonding Act" to pay their assessment, by installments are required by law to make application to tha U City within ten days from tht first publica tion of this notice. r Oregon City, Oregon. September 8, 1!j3. BRUCE dt'UKKY; t l , Recorder of Oregon Citv. I nbllshed liret timt September 11, KtO.1, Sept 18 BaantU ll Kind Tin Haw slwartBctl Bigiatim tf Muniittoua, In Hit Clrnult Court 0r , u, gon, for Hit County ,,f c "I 0r tiiainsiit Land t'snnpany corporstiun, Plaintill, '' va. si Jsniea P, Meier aa Anna M. Mtler, his wll., IVleml,", -r.. 1 , Meier. delendanls We,,, ,,,. Aiiti n 7 in uie name 01 th. - 1.1. ... ... snd each ol yoi, .rel,..,,. ' Y pear ami answer lbs n...,..i .. ' L"" lo m. pear and answer lbs ooiupi; V' 1 e yoll In His SlMlvt tlllllle.l Curl . ."ttl"w on or belort Hie ill. I dsy ( . ."" sod II yon fail u m, .,!, N, Idalnllll will apply to It,,, -,,,,;, ;'.. l llel iUinauded In the eoinp,,,,,, J . (or ludgioei.l agsln.i ti,. ott! James J'. Meier ..,,1 Anns M sTv is Hit sum ii,;,-kiii, log.ii,., Wlhw"7 fw thereon al Hit rait ol 7 ,. ii,i ... Iroin ih.iiih dav of July, 1,,, 1 ,, , ' "" th.r sum of 7ft III , attorney, r'." ,tt' for Hi. costs and disbursement, i suit; tbat tha tuorlgsK glv, ( ., ' ileleiidaiila James P. Meier ami L V Meier lo Hi. plaintill, and .1.1". muJ day ol K.hrliary, l (i, couvavlng .., 7 'J HI lilock No. Prunelau', -." ;'" County. Oregon, as security ,'ir t,'..H meiil ol two certain pro , " JV- by Hit said defendant. I,M1 ,, 1H Ann. Mary M.ier In l.llllrt , ' rM l, iH O.eai hlorHI.vnu .,! ,J,hT.?" "'I ih k...,.'. ,1 r-" ej ,11 ranruarv r deereed a llrsl valid ami mm pin, 11'" 011 Hit said real iruity; M, ,"J gagt b liireclod aud Hit said real trty sold npon .. utlon. tb.p.'Tt ol so. I, sale bt applied lo l salUlLtiT-! plaintill .Judgment herein. ." 4ornes lees, coats and dlstnu..,.,,,,. ' all aicrtilng c.ts and ill.burwu,.u I hat tht proeewd. ol Ilia crop uf j.,,., now growing upon sab! premlM-, W,.,,,, upon said Judgment , thai you ami J J you We forever barred and for,,)wl rf " right, litis and Interest In and to premises and tvrry pari il.,re.., uyhtmZ Hie alatiilory right of r.dem,.tu ' o,!' plaliilll! ba pwrnuiud lu becoiusap,, " at such sale, and Ibat plaintiff i,at, J? oilier, further or dllli-renl rel .f Court miy seem meet and equitable la 11! premises w 'I his summons Is publish! hv 11,. ..i of the Honorable V K. Ryan, Coutii, jZ of Ilia Futility uf Clackamas, and h'sU f oregoti, made and entered herein no u l.'th iley of Svpleiulier, I'.sil, which onlst reUlrvs pilbllratloll thereof nut lass u,,. one a Week for all Wseka, and liH Uj. Hint within wtib b the delendant. sball war and snawrr the complaint a. Ocl,i. ai.psii. m Data ul first puhli. stion, Kept. M piri, I'altullasl puiilbaiioii, o -t. , I H1 IIKDtiKS 4 t.lllinTH. Aliorneys lor i'lsinul Miiiawsa., In Ilia Circuit Court of the Htsts of Or. gon, lor lb l oulity ol ( lackamas. K. C. Uoldon, I'laintiir, 1 va. I Carrie II. Oold.n, Dtfeudant.l To tht delendant Carrie ICIioldsn- 1 ..... u. . . . ine naiov o, .os maie 01 vreitori, I ot sre lierti reqo red to appear ati.l atinw Hit complaint (lied against you in tbe aturt entitled court and cause on or th lull day of htiiie mlr, l'U. and II roslnj s to appear or answer within sail Utus. ilia plainlift will apply lo Hit court fur uw relief .rayal lor in said euinilsliil, lo til; That the bonds of m iirioiony eil.tmf bs. tweeu lbs idalnlllT and daleinlanl bs d it solved awarding to tia plalnlirf tti car and custody ol the minor rhlldren ol IM parlies, and lor gsnsiai relief. Tlili Huts oions is published pur.iiant lu an own made by Hon, I hums. F. Kyan, judgt of be County Courl of Oregon lor t'lartsmn Couniy, mailt snd tutersd August 4. I "A the time prrM-rtbed by said ordsr fur mi publication la unit s week lor an Ouiittm lot weeks, Hie llrsl publication bsins is goal 7, V.ftl, and the last on tMplstuts U, H. K. NAIti.KNT. Attorney lor I'lemuR. mi .nvio'w. In tht Circuit Court of Hit State uf Ore gon for Clackamas County. Ilallla A.Hahlatroiu, Plalnilll, vs. 1 ft 11 turnout, Richard P. Hablslrom, Debit. J To Richard P. Sablstrom, DrfeiiilniL In the name of tht Stale of dreg .n, fat are hereby required to appear and t' the romplalnl tiled agalnal you In tlitabim entitled court and cause on or before 1st :'nd day ul Nuvsmher, I'.atl, which U UK time Hied by the order ol publication Issued in tht said cause, for answering said outs plaint, ami ll you fall lo so apar anil t swer the plslnilir will apply lo the court lot the relief demanded lu said rotuplsiril, to wit: a decree ul tbt court ditolrli lis) bonds ul matrliiiouy btreuilure and not existing Ix-tween the plaiulilt and drfmil ant, and for a decree awarding to lbs pliis tllf the care, custody and control ol llarrf aoii A. Sablstrom, the minor child of lbs plalntllf and defendant, and fur euch Other and further relief as U tbt court nisf term Just and equiiable. I ins .uin-ioiis Is publlsbed by oruer w Hit Honorable John II. Cleland, 1'rr.uliDi Judge nl the Circuit Court of lha Slat Oregon, lor Hit County of Clackamas, dull made and tiled Hit Kitli day of September, lis tl. Tha data of Hit first publication of Hits aummona being Hepleiuher IHtli, 1M and lbs date of the last publication uitrtol being tilt .Will day ol October. I!R WM.KKlD, Attorney for I'laintiB. M;.n.n.v. In tht Circuit Courl of tht Htale of Ore ?on lor tht County, of Clackamas t. L. Adkina, Plaiiilllf.l vs. ) Mary Adkina, Defendant.) To Mary Adkina. tht abovfiisruw fendant, ln tin name of tha Htate of Oregon TOO art hereby required to aiqiear and sm tht complaint filed againslyoulntlietW" entitled suit, in tht above named Court 00 orbtlort Octobtr M), V.Xtt, tht same oeiM mort than six weeks from the first publica tion of this summons, and you will take no tice that if you fall to so appear and sni said complaint tbt Plaintill will si'P'T " tht Courl for tht rtllel demanded In " ooniilalnt, U-wlt: that tht bonds of mw mony existing between you snd I'lslnUo w dissolved. Thlssummoin It published hy ordtr oj tht Hon Thos. F. Rytn. County Clacksmsa County, Htattof Oregon, m Oregon Cltv Knlerprlae. a weekly newsi! r.,,1, 1. ..! l .,,.,. I eirCUlatlOD u Clackamas County, Oregon, for six low stvt and conaecuttvt wtess conime""-" Frldsy. Hapttmlier II. and oontinmo 1 to and Including Friday, October 30, Hu- HOWARD M. BKOMMfr Atty. for I'laiutifl- Notice of Final Wettlemcats v.i 1- 1 1,- tha undsf' signed has filed in flis County Court olw btatt of Oregon for tht Coonty of tt" - - 1.1. M..-I . mm mwmmnlnr (II tDS ST iiim ion iioai smiiiii. . hli lata of James Hesley, decesstd, snd I to the said court has let Monday tin I'"?,0 of October, 1113, at tbt hour of IU:W0ciw A. M. at tbt court room of tsld court si m" time and place for bearing objectioni f said final account. ., E.G. CAUrisw'h ,. Execntorof the Eitatt of Jsruei ' deceased. HKDOF.S A GRIFFITH, Attorney! lor titcuwr.