Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1903)
ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMUER I, 1X)3 QUAINT BATAVIA. Jara'a Ileureiuo Town unJ th IViilc MfKi Therr. 1'aiai.iuo i tonal t'f n;..iut (lulls' houses bt'lit in llnriiiese and Japanese Mile, trial venues of beautiful trees, broad, 1-1 ill streets Hud thousand el troll 11 Mj ,h:u t':.;uer.!. !::: In r!-n;;il fan cy .hv-s. C.e picture l...ot of one's aili'aailed - that is IV.t.ivi.'l. T-he siieots n;i ;:nUl listlessly lor ef blue sir bed convicts, who fiik tip ciiiar ends, hiis o: paper iul fr t pec!. The cleanliness ef the streets is n-tolilshliij:. . iaan in l'atai is once threw n pass? of banana fvcl oa the ground, and. lo. Wn-i Lack a moment intern uid. lie f e reproach..! by the si-!;t ef flint wretched piece of peel, the only Mot on the i'lniiacnlati1 cleanness of tiio els. Tor awhV his dignity fnuirht h Lis sense of il.' vney. Then l.e re-.;.-!. pi. I;.. I i:;' the olTeinlili-' peel, t ftvliin! v. ry foolish-i a.'i'i ed It il !:e taw a i-aivcu'eeiil o', jmrr.liilty disposing of It. Vl: til'.', a;. ! Hi : for I. out '; . i s ef la.u.y nat 'lis eon e.l .la I' IT- :at' l' hi. Mne coi .': -e, 0 to- tie cle hi sr.-.. a u ll ed saucers Il fieri I'll hi:! aula lie i!; -. a hi a j; !.v si f II..: trru .iv, Mehii ar pictai 1, .11. la v. i:: In Hi.! 1 rr 1. : fa- h'ee ea h oiu r oa t! far a .' f a fi:: ,',.,1 f.a- a. I'll ;.i, ! vi ar - 1 . jtre aid. "he disss ef t! Iia " is a ilet.'.ih '. Ka'.ivilll Ilil'.cll tL. Ulltil O lil'i ss fe A Inn u: strp ef I Bf.: Ml;;, is w . m; i.l 1 be.'y lienWi'V the ; it'- ist to th- .".ah E'.-i jacket, .'alh .! slit . alders, ami out rei s re voh on s Jav: nana t.', a '.Oil la i-it: ..I.,.). si a eaaa aa i ;i-:ni.;ts a: ...1 t: ...,.! s. A'l ;!-'t' a k-ee-ia. i f .'.;. lai'.ai , the ,-hiaiess f et. a iper is earri '!. The Ihuavian Imteli ilo not make tin '.T- toileN, iiiil-s they pi out of doi-rs. niiti! !u afieniimii. so that one may see men in pyjamas ami women in the ititivo (lresi 1. I i 1 1 -r on the veranda-! or sittinc ili '.vn to meals at the hotel-. The c::-"' in is a lazy I et s aisihle oil". coiit'Monni: the ehmate. (.'haul bias' Jourii!. When Dinner In Over. A n rule an h air to an h air nn l a ha'? Is sjent ia i oir. er ath.a after u di'.'i'T wh"'t iiei'li'T 1 "-' ti-r attest have any other eti-ai:"uieiit for th evening. When a l.uly ami p.;itiemau re tlinitm liether the laily makes the first motion at il -partnre. the K"iiU" Uiaii promptly foilnjvim: her h'ail. No mailer hoiv nutiieroMs the eonipntiy. no gx-'-'t flio'il-.l il -part w!:!',o::t l)iilii:n ':-l to the :--'t -ss M-'.th. than!;- f r hi-r linspitality. Thi -e m e i he n-itla-r sti.T nor e.TtHive, just sj.ui.' little words of h m. ba to i r- 1(" go aj.preeiatioii of th" p'easare ' ellji.y-.l hi I: r hoiae. (J.i ;.' he said to other friends tir. uie you 1 -i : 1 allien to the h sv all" staii.iin rear tin- il or lis ; out. !a't do tint s:o- for "thy eoa'-ia-s; ; ! -a aft':' l.a'hii (1 tee'ht fo yatir i-Il el'lai'll fs. ell - 0" Votl any M Joieide hy IP of liie I.i. .-L s on i,-. .,i'il was ( dh r ; li?--ci - e..ll'eol' ll.V e;i;iet il ill I' - m ileia ayi. a we..!t..y (aaz-ii. af'l.v p'. !'.:) .1 hy sia !:: s; fitiij Joliaero t'l eyeess, Th" h' ir on liaifto-u a lar'e for.uti-' in speoala tloh. Having a wife oii'J six children, b" ii.-iiri-d hiivs.-l;' vry heavll.' in tie ': hehalf in live oiiipaiih s and :li ai laYieedml to put into operation his unieiie plan for seif desnruetion. lie lii.-id a small room In a mean portion of 1h? eity and in ten months deal of n h .t the called 'Vuilopim,' euii smaptioii." II." had eon-timed 3.."W ci gar J and ahont a hundred pounds of to bacco. Tbe Helping Word. There was a certain old woman who iras a con.-.tant and devout attendant at church. Her husband died, and her pastor called upon her to comfort her in her sad bereavement "Well, my good woman," the pastor remarked, "in your bitter trial I hope you have found some ray of comfort from the Scriptures." "Indeed I have, dominie," was the confident though tearful reply. "That'n grand, sister," exclaimed the paron sympathetically, "but tell me what passage of the word helped you most" "Grin and bear It" "Omit the Third Stanza." Mabelle bad been unusually quiet at church one Sunday. She was generally a very restless listener. Her mother, totlcing It, asked ber: "What made you so good during serv ice this mornlnj,'. daughter?" "I was thinking," answered the child, "why the people who write hymns al ways put something bad In them that the mlnUter can't let the people sing. II? always says 'omit the third' or some other stanza, and he says it over twice, so they'll be sure not to sing it so it must be something wicked." New fork Times. A War the Baby Haa. "Ha the baby bad the measles yet. Mr. Popps?" "Sh-sh! Don't speak so loud. When ever he hears anything mentioned that he hasn't got he cries for It" Ruakin's favorite adverb was "en tirely." Over the grave of his father he put a memorial stone describing the Ider Buskin as "an entirely honest merchant" tIK.U. KM U K TK.VKKKS. Furnished Kvorj Hnk tijr Hit t'l.uku inn .Vbs.tact A Tiut t'onipaiiy. K W Kifileriek In 0 T Iho.ler lots :! A 4 hlk i Wesilyn I! K vivo o to I'mil St luill I'Mil of t'zr i J i-l.or l l.C Paul SlioV. to K I. Miirhy, pint of lizrn l i-li. r P I. I' Win Hull to John I'nnkiier pt ol see 4 I '.' ) r I H A t' HiHljkins to (' 11 Unssle lots Iti, -17. e.i. ot Jennings I.o.lti i Anierirnn A N'H M"i Ins I'n to K K I'nx er ptSil I'liniptx'll el . JoTiti Simon to fin k onus A lst v"i Trust i pt of Me.Neiiiy el J oiu s to K I'leveiier lot S blk o sunset t'ity . S 1 al io f (' l.ert. liiiii! lot 'J hlk SiXl 1 l".'D 1 i SO ) 1: SDi) ' liHVI 1 4(V 7eD ' 10 1, 0 J 7 i 1 1 ro 1 1 n , 1 11 Otenon I'iit 11 It ll.'.kies'e.l ti S 1. IVlty truel 8 lroj Aero floiim A t' lYi! .If to 1 1 lhhiiiuiils lot 7 i.ik p' oi S Ilk i;;nr X A J lek on t ' ll.-.lia-s and tuiilitli i p' of pee fi I :l i r 2 I.M'ul to K II S.,it.,ter pt of m'i 7 t 4 s r I e Wiihimeite I.i'i i Co to J Mel'oweil lit 4 I'ik -I U in.i-.,r 1 1 Kv S fo t W l' iVIimk lo: 1 hlk ;N ll-weo II lleil er- in A !.v pt i f s.e : I ! t I s r o 1K lie' es .... ; 1! K I. inn to Aha Ihiri-h !.. 1;) .'i ; n!k "J 1 i.i l-'niie ! !'. II M...M t l" W V'.,r!.Mi jit of II .l..p).-.i:. e I1' a. les V K t n - to U A M. s.i. part of ' I Wr'rii e. t L' s r J .'il n res ' Il V IV, i, r to II 11 Pi. Its part of i Tlllo, il li II I nn- 'o I (' Inii. nicer part of -i- 1 i L' r- i I wes: 1 IS in rs .... i i i ..r 1. li. I'rn.inmor, p.irl of T.iy "ll . ti i ,il U' .11 to I Kit hiiiKli, purl ol i Se, 1 , I ;.' s r 1 1 W H.iiin to .1 Siirni.iii, Frl, lot A. I H.t I'.Uienoa City I M K smith l i 1' A Siiu'h, lot ,". h k 4. V.-t Si le A. hi in ( ire .-on ' i v tfil'll 11 Co to Mapper. i:e'4 ;iD !( 7M i 12 1 1 i hi 1. 1. tiiHl ohii! h '0 if ., ol See lit. t 2 s, r e. 40 a A C ll.'.LiKiiis to Minnie K illings, lo's 1, i' A S, Jemimas l.oort .. Hen ImiiiI i v to Joi n Mann', part ef K Alien CI. t ti r 1 e V. II Cooper tu 11 II Int'i-rh un, part of See t ; r l' e, 17 5--I0O hi s A Mayer to ! II l.uoiicy, onrt of K I.'irkins I'l, t 5 s r L' e, "oueres.. . A I I'.nrneit lo V 1' Co, part of 1' roler CI. t s r 4 e J C I'rulliii ji.T to II 11 Morgan, part of Sec 1, t 'I r 1 f I, lleiz i! o laioh Yohi, pjrt of See 17. I '.' r 1 J.H oh Yost to I. Mer.n;, ne' . of ne 'a of S -e IS, t4srle .. II A l.inm-r' eri; to .1 l Salerlio, prt ol See Ml. t A i 1 e, 117 hi ts . . W II A ! on to it Kdtnriek, prt I. 1 S e 4. t 7 r 'I e J W l'oneli to 1 iLis'iroiii k. part of IluM an I CI. l3 rjc, pill acres HWooardtotl W Kii'ihatii, u.rt of Wel.-h CI. t 4 s r e S M.-K-e to K H Cooper, lots 1 it 2 ti k I V). Oregon City () W KstMIII lo Win Kel!e8, p,llt f v.- :'4 ei lit. t 4 s r '.' e I) Kaiinin tu ( ieo CUrk, pa't of see ti. t 2 s r 1 e L V. W 11 il l in J to J lines .IoIiiisoii, lot II. 21, Talhcrt's Add, Maish fielil Am. a White to I Johnson, lot 4 blk L'o. T.ilo. r's A I.i io Mmsl.ti-iii . . i- f .1 Hiasori lo T K ,x, lots 1 2. t.ii, () I ei Cs 1-t ad 1 to !!: L I' Kei7.-r to T Kox. lot l:i, blk , .0 1 & s Co J si A M to -v.. . KM, i Johnsun io 1 Kox. lots 1 .4 2, h k hti, ) 1 S Co 1st Ad. I to Os- mni II I lushes lo .1 I' Shrtntxin, part of S lliinlio CI. t4sr4e oaO. :io,i; i 40, ! 17.') 1 ' 1 IT. 1 W (' 1'iir-n to Lul l 1'nrian, prt of CI No I!-, H7.4') el re- 1 TDK ('!.' KAMS AI'.STKACT A TliL's 1' 1,1 ). kih Ihe owriHrs of the coov r'lit to the '1 liorue syMein of intra- indexes, fori Im-kmas countv, .a I ...vhi the only complete set of ah'tm i-in Hie eoiiuti , fun irli iiiforiilati as lo til e lo I ii d a' once, on ap tcaiiori. Loans, iiivet-t'iients, real eftta'r abstracts, etc. Olliee over Bank of Oregon City, Call and investigate. A Orlulii 4'nre for Iytfiilery iin.l iiurrlioea. j "Some ye?.rH ago I was one of a party ! that intended making a long bicycle trip," says F. L. Taylor, of New Albany, Bradford County, I'a. "I was taken suddenly with diarrhoea, and was about to give up the trip, when editor Ward, of the Laceyville Messenger, suggested that I take a dote of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I pur chased a bottle and took two doses, one before starting and one on the route. 1 made the trip successfully and never felt any 111 effect. Again last summer I was almost completely run down with an at tack of dysentery. I bought a bottle of this ame remedy and this time one dose cured me." Sold bv G. A. Harding, druggist. Right Work at Right 1'rlces. High grade artistic work at reasonable prices ia the explanation for the great amount of job work that the Enterprise office is turning out daily. This office is better prepared than ever before to do all kinds of job work at prices entirely consistent with first class service and a recognition of the union scale of waves that is being paid for labor. This olliee is again this year headquarters lor hop check printing and all kinds of printing required by bop and fruit men. We are also better prepared than ever before to do all manner of job work, commercial and book printing, business stationery, cards, dance invitations, programs etc. We respectfully solicit work of this character and desire at all times to figure with any one desiring printing of any kind. If your work is done at the En terprise office It is done right and will give satisfaction. Give us a trial. Record Subscribers. Tbe Clackamas Connty Record having suspended publication, the subscribers of that paper who this week receive tbe Enterprise, will understand that the Enterprise takes the place of the Record. Anyone receiving the Entcrpjise nndpr these conditions and not wanting it will please notify this office. THE r IHo T V. I . . They Suirre.l-.l ' la tin I .'cin e A lientii j in 'i (stovel was w . lilli.r class o.' lh : 1 Ulnnliik' of i' class of he, 1. 1 vs v hie, besides heia '. '. speets wholly il. cl'li stove. Ill' i rlh Uiey li eve ; .1 liothollsej. . ' . They la. '.. . 11. hrlek. sten !" . .!; Iiieiise s.Jle. ". 1. ;. Ml. I eo el a j il, V or lha V i the li hole ; i.'.e i foot roori a.. 1 e!' the rixiiii a i i .a. : ease ilo M.i '.ah, a boil-Mead, liie 1. In.: an ti'is.,..ilili a tv ; a -.a a. led out lnl"j ;e ! li ''.' (, Ill 11 III. Il ; tail t.'.,i li as ns.-il lor i aieil hiii'finv Imparl- i - fivlln,; of warmth dai'ini; those col I niahls of lonu- ii;u when siuli tilings as eovers wore .pille rare. rar.linal I'l'Ilmiae of l'rauee was per- h..p- ti. 'it tin of t t: : ry . th til-si to ntteiapt the construe sieve holly of Iron, tins at h ...aaaia of the el-hd . nth Tin" lii I real linpl'oi emeal e' I ilone'ti "si illia" li as over la-.. i;::.. t;. la. ii lia.i 11. 't I.l c: nt :t ly lh ef lis e all 111 the lea ,rl proline .1 , lost pei feet , ;, Stoves li er : -. s io any urea is.;, I. U 1. .nih . th.- ie.i.ln: in..!.1 a r. I, (In .en C Hie Ci.lunihi.i 1; ii i r Sicii Irmii "K u'u a in l.iui- r'riri.i tesner.' I A ... i ni-i i ,n r v. n lo ape' v l i I i Hoi tr li to , moiliu ar 'I Inf." .a ei t ,t lit r coin ir es I'.eis ' The Aaietie ill llii ne," an. I ol Ann i," "l..e '," iiinl so on, nn. I heie mi ' .na!e io -. He In .ii 1. 1 ' ' i'i.e Ml .He-Ai:-iie.,ii lp- the in iinilieeiil Cohimlii.i Kiver, ia ...i il e.i Itli of r ener v , 11 e in n lili'l tt it , iiil.el Klillle. 1 lie tollTlln; sIliiN-eapp.-it . in. n 1. 1 . ii". int.''", r.iviues, w H'er-I.iii ' ami ritMi cataract ilap I ai'e aao eMoi Ilk)' I ' ex. -I i to' lainoiis M etier! of -w iue tluinl, , ' ami lor :- ile-ire ol helm; ti I tit to h;iv jj,) ; ' ii. ti 1 Wag ul..a." thoilsaiels of Amerieaiis are miiiii; lo In. 1.M10I.111I i'l, 7(i() I . t-1 r on 11 10 nut' r y 111 not Sceiiii; Soiii " ol ; i 1 1 if tii,-.-t Meiii-ry of Hie uoi Id at Is liere ; on 1 lie I ' 1 11 in 'Hit. ; j In a lour of 'he Wet it is th lliin.' lo J I tin, aiul the one ilium not tt) be mieil i I liie vol Hj;e nil the Colilllllilll river he I l.'tlO te'" Loriiand slid l ie 1'a'leH tliHt is 1 i in In oi.e 'I t v'r. il.ti I nht bnaid ol tV 'he t-l' hoa's of the Kejnliitor lane, ' I and tl.e people ol t li euoii Waliin IJtMJ loll elit-llel III .ike I' U point til reillilel i Iheir Ii it-mis ttoil aie coining Irmu 'he' JiilK) ! '"t 1.0' 10 iiu-iiiakinu a tiip en tins i he .tit 1 1 1 1 liver. 1 l'-'Oi) ' Yoni iinleiil uilmi-er inaketj I lit liie j up aiul ilo vi 11 tu, Mi .1) -, on 'he Imtts, , a- it t v.-s oepor I unit v io pay eiio.ay ; a'lt-nl Mil to Itoilt 1,1 the river aiel f'.l t't.. Men al Haul on I lie noll,,' illil le tmr.i' V 1. itite. L it the in. 111 111 a loiriy m il yo up oa the boat, leinriiii,.' l y 1. el, ft vn e versa, or the iHks-n.'ers'! et noil leave th- trin nt l iie Il 1 les aiel kio .ovvt lh.. Cohnnhai tiiei hy to I' 1 lie Ile.'ahi'or L:ae pa i'l t! ex. ilr a I, M-... titer "Ualt'V -'.ert" ietves I' .it 1 in verv iiiori'iie.' . -x e ; t .Mo ehu 1 a' ' S a"io lo thi-e.el" Locks and re'nrn, riat j 1 a the heart of I lie ('unlade Mountains, ; fll' .riling an exeei.'eat one day tup to 1 ,ie.V tile ll.aliltiei nt Hi ' lit TV .Hi I ills. 1 ..iijo lh exhil iiatuiii ride ! 1 1 ' 1 1 1 o i 1 the : fa 11, 1 ms rapid- of t he Ci-cule -, 1 : 11 r 1 1 1 11 I ar 1 : ve in I'. if 'and about 7 I'. M . I Tii" round trip fare to Caeii'!e Loek" ; is t . 1, raiDii l trii to i'lie Ithes oil, oh" iv f oa from I'tir'hiiid to Ti." I' lli'-s 1 or v iv veiKa fl o0. The meals are ex- l'ent and served on ail s earners of t Ins 1 line. Foa Li Constipation isnothintrniore Tj tnan a cloyjrinrj of the hoiveis and notlliin les- than vital xhio- nation or death if not relieved. IP If every constipated mirercr could realize that he h allowiw; poisonous filth to r -main in liij system, he would sn jM relief. Constipation invites all kind of contagion. Headaches, bilious ness, colds and many other ail ments disappear when consti pated bowels arc relievi'if. Theil ford's Ulack-Draiii'ht thoroughly cleans oin, me noivem in an easy anil natural warmer without the purging of calomel or other Vio lent cathartics. Be sure that vuu tret the orirri nal Thedford's Jilack-IiranrFit, made by 1 lie Uiattanooin. .Medi cineiyo. com ny an uruirgisU in 2o cent and $1.00 packa. noma. Ark., j .-,, jnoi. I eaimitt rirofnuiftiil 7 h for,! t mark- Dnmrhttnolilirlilr. I k' i ill in my lumw li Uif time and katt .! Il r,,r a,, t tea rr. 1 Burr (rain mj rhtl.treat ut olhfr laiattir. I think I ciula mrirr d line in worn ttllleint II oa mrroant fif Vlnr lr(,:,l..a nl. , ninitlpitlon. V'uiir m. .ilrliie la ? I all Uit ketpa n . C v i" r 1.1. A.. 11. GO TO THE ENTERPRISE FOR YOUR PRINTING a ti roi For Wan Shoo Yas Lost. FOU WANT 01' A SKOKTIIK lioi-N.: h as iAmi:d. Even h' u'Uoiitli knows that stoivof the liei;lee'i-. n-ol.theiast shoe ami the mined hi'1-.e. l i I1 eointtiv mnitliv' you tnav sn- the h w;eiid imlrlv ).;tiiile,t or chalked on iho wall ms leiniii.U-r to custom, rs that it paij to cue lor hotses' slioe. nil I t' a little neglect miy have . vei v n iioiis reviill. Hut the M.U'ksinilh is, ,ii a ml", like the jjikh! .Irmnn, hn p.i--eH oa the pctor'n ile nmiciation of ll, mvll to seme one cIm- It ne er o. ems t.) Iiini to tale the set limit lueiie to Itiinvif. Tlic ll.n W niilh has tor rv.ouple H lutie toiieh nf 1tinin.h iii'iihle." Hit loo. I minis to :e l.'se a lira;. 111 lav aiciils an. I v;ivt s 1 hull ill s'-aaifit nn. I lit Niur and latt-r titini't, 'in.teh It Irf i s 11 huh muse in M Ilr ' water I'l l h is .li. Hut tin-, nam 11I10 kiiiuvs and piraihri .lie OUItio t nt li.ajlr. I Hi t ie el aail from .1 hur s-'s shoe in-. iiy.Ul u'onx nrijicctin s, inptuias iihi.h in neon inl bun. in-. U ot aw. aie forc-riiiilicm it a poytictl lnrak-iloM n IXJNOTIIINi". lsK.TIllNlt. That't. th. loitrine of a Kfvat iiiiiity .otiolciit jH-.e.'.e Tin v s..v "it will go nv u'lt-r a l it " when c-ialiotu-.l to "do Mim'ethif.o " f ir th. ir mliin iit. Just uiipur .1 t t iiier looking m i r the I'-iht an t'ue s.i ni' am; 111 his corn mid Tiug "th- 'il ;o away alt.r a bit." Dneusrs ate like weeds. A'.! th. y ask 11 neglect an I tic-v wall groif mi l llour it. Ncgle.'t the V.i'.t Mitiptiinii o( din cue of the Mo'h and II will lit it he lotljj bvf.iic itthei are nuoivrd, liccattsc in r . oigati of the lsly is le peudetit i n he stolitai li aiul Its alltrd orictus for i. an ioii. lien tht. stoiuacli ed other ii llle l!ic .'.1011 aii'i II ut r l- !"-k1 i-.iteii is ad assiiiitl.ili-il! .t.iHI l.v the '. "I! I'l loss III . , e-lel that lust, I V or e ia of llll I , ki.hlevs ' it lh stoltl . ill .''le to he .'.'.a s t,r liver the .hinder of .pal.irlv ti-niicd Hon are da C't perfect v IIcllCC till a e; a h flesh, and ; . of milt all, the Uly. b ei. At 1. ach U iiv a- involved, oi 1 lies facta neglect of 1 "Homai h t-- Tin- tini". . Medical IU..- iCotuplfte ( ' and other y , tae la l.aia 11; li.a... a. is ';. lei-a, C.oMi-ti a Iv i.-ael1. Ill . : tie- st aa.e h ..oil and liuUt- a : i i ' -i 4 m Vi. ' ' , -'V"S A I "I .a' - V- i.: I r-' hi.-r V...,-- -. . I I ' -..(.! not t C )-.-:. I ; il, thoaaht -" ' . I ', ' )'.'! il..e. !i - J .J r-.'4H'' That rare combination high quality and low price. Sold everywhere. Save the Bands Two land, from Rccrait Ggar, arc equal to one tag from Star Tobacco in curing preKnb lion ami will the Ixxly In con dltioll of aoiiinl ami vlgiiroui lirnltll. "1 was lakrii with iiipu, which re- tilted in t mil aiul brail ttoublr," WHICH Mr. T. K. Caudill, of Moiitlanil, Co., N. C. "1 was unable t" do nnvtlu'tig IC,H,,l l"11' 1J wrote to In I'l.-n e nlsnil mv ctni.lttlotl, baling lull coiuiiU tne in Ins iiieiliciile. He ndvised lite to lake his 'Culili'il .Mi'il iial liintiiriv,' which 1 did, 1 had fiiiMed the mhoiiJ lttW 1 bcK to leel iM-tler. 1 have 1' Heal'. iHitlles anil am well," IHIN'T KMM IUMKNT WITH VOltl SKIM U II lt' a waste ol time and mutter to expel llllellt oil lllt'dicitlel. Il you me OH n jouiuev to a iiiliiu town, yon take the roa.l that will am ''Iv bung you there. N oil don't turn aside 11ml eipetl. tuetit oil loatls simplv I t-caiiie thrv srr 1 inail The lo.i.l 1011 follow ia the road which 1cda to ulnar 1011 want to be, ll'a that wav with shi-ft yoil waul the li.u will il hatla atlaiht est till. I sol. it to health ! yon -v ill l.iihuv the thou. : aaiid-i v.lio I ne taken I'l I'ici.e's C.ithli ll Mi-di.til ' Jim, ovcry mid lime been . pei 11 1 tly and fl malieiilly , Clltid " It t;in :. 111c nn at I 1 rat tile to inloiiti un nl (be b. in ai-. la it I have real i.a .1 I is .111 I'a- lle ul votir 'C.fiil il M.ilie.ll l'l'-ov. I I h .s..iit I'd- 1,1.'" Mil!.-. Mtl. J. C. 1 .ol. ..f . 1,, N. C. " let 1 nilrr 1 m.ii , x, L.t.l i : 1.1 1 ih..'i, l.t It im j 1 1 .If lor toe to live Held 1 pi a.;. 1 wai Ink. n r.i, ill . utility mi l waiiu . j.. nn all mi r. The .''it-tor is r.ll'- l, nn I .ii.l tnv 1 nit ol nnl. r. lie y lie i-u lie iae hat .ial liie Ilo good. I I , ''y 11 ! '' I ,1 nil uoi. a 1.1 , htt.el wilh.j' t 111, an. I waa a-i the tune that 1 I in mid atari c to 1 Mv heel at hr. I. Ill V sllonhletl tubed I was t in 1 My biiiin I.olrd .i much that 1 ihi.aehf 1 we. llitlloit invle 1 could not Itb'i " la-e'ils fill V a aluat .. bile at a tune. W. aiel c t up imn "' t" weak .llld lleivoiis, 1 could .aircrlv ktalid. III this wav 1 iiitli-i'-'!, 1 think, ulxiut twi) ininith-s when a im-nd of mine iii.lucid me to write to lit. I'irtt e for a-litre, which 1 did. Ills answer was that 1 had iiiiligeittioii anil liver coinpl iint, and ad- veong till- to take his ' ( luMen Medical lii-Kuvrrv ' I followed the I kivrttw 1 due. ti.itu cbiM-lv, and u a few d.iyi i could div iner that I vt.i getting l-r.ri ' ah.wlv Mvny d.iv I (. It Jintl a Im!r la-tter, then I . niil.t la-gin In rat tittle ; light iint Then I I" !'. ill to alre. a little Itetter at iiiv'hl and In the linHiiic.g Would feel refit -shed lllid listed. Nrl I U g.iii to gather a little llr-li, and thru 1 lag.ui lo iinptovr (;..' r, I toii eight bottliti.f 'lioldrit IhVof- 1 riv'ttlid several vialiof ' I'lras-tnl I'rl- i lets,' mid 1 b-ll that I was well ruuin'h to leave oil ir.eitit mc itii'l-go to wora, which 1 did with pleasure. I have not ; takrii' mil- medicine miicc except Ut. I'lercc a I'l'll. lv 1 i nn eat anything and 111 milt h as 1 want und il iicv. t now Inula me it part'.ilc." There is no alcohol in "(etlth-ii Med Ii al Inwoii;! 1 ," mill It ia Iree fiuiil opium, cocaine, and all other it. orotic. a iiui.i: in Tin: roiKKT inaV t lean a n rums lo-.s ol money. It'e the -.line .iv w i'h a bole in the health J it may nn 1 M-rnnia hui of vitality iiini vigor. I'r 1'ieree's 1 .niiiiioii Ss nse Mi d A hiv-i le u lu i bow to meinl the health, as W'-il .'..flee.v lo preli li! tll-c.i-aa Tlas bn'.ky liook, coiitaiian;' !t li;ot- pijo-.. i-. at .v oil t.'l.t of stamps, to pay 1 eitv of mailing e'.i. Scud l 'ti'f e at : lamps for the hook cloih-huiiu'l. or oiilv 2i t iiiijiw for the Ismk in p.t; r i-oM'is. Aildicfct le. K. V. l'lcnc, Dulialo, N. V'. -l-l' io - I Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co DAILY TWAIN. II IV I'l II hat, It'll' lllhillvi. il Jiny ,'i, pa Ib'lv In, I" I H. I 7 00 M I l.'i H '.'Il .1 .11 a H .1 Ml .1 ,'iS tl I IS II III N OO II I I.i II IS II .".,'1 !l In tl ,1' 1 in 0 ' III In Ml I'l in 11 11 in 11 oi Lv Pnrlliti.,1 .. ., iiolila . hiiiiin-r l'i tnnil'l , Mi.vh..r . . tllLey ltt'ttiile M'llltlio,i . . . pl.tnl . . 1 1 1 1 . 11 . . . , k nai.a . . , bi.-iiti'ii 1 . lll III . I III ii', U iv Ii i; II It. K A. il I., M 11; ti a; lo OO ; III I IS ' HI .11 "tu 11 I'.iy .,, A 1 1 1 1 1 i a I,,! j. In '1 1 It .10 Ar sr. 1l1.1; luviniiK 1 1 a.'i a in .'1 ell ,, I.l 1 1 .0 a in .s I t a, in 'i la 11. in , : o .1 Ml Jt in a HI 11, in Ali ',110.. ArmtiA ''i.'. I .11 ,. 1 f' l'V),, Ml A I I'M 1 ' I ' !."' i'iiv vi:.'. ihvs " "' " ' ' ' 'a Unlit .0. '.. an nil .v.i'li.-i p., I,,- !,,,,, , Ho L.i ' or .1 I P .Mv A 1 I' aal.ii .l v I'd ,i!l 1 1r.11 .1 . u,. , (a .,a"l A 1 A lm at 11 h I, I; A N -. -.I,,,:, . 1 ol hue, 11 a I no- 1 J p, ,0.., (ji 0 I i 'ieo nlel N 01 Ii 1. , i, p, I . 1.1 1 .litl, , -.' .1 Moltl I ,,',,,1 1' , ''':' J ' MaY... '1-. ..' A -int., Hun itf 1 iii-v, Tom I us!.. I old 1 h.Miiun f,:f 1 lhiil;:h!t-r I i-.t i.U-l.l. I M. Ii W hat bit I.? Toin -Well. It una v. hat yuii j. ; . till a mil of hi' I.. I g.. uwny- t: 1 !uiti;e. r I'arrl oriiamrnliil. Cbnrlle- lloiv In the wairlil, Oairr tin I'o'i ia. ta: to n-A with Unit aa c 1 -less of 1 tun ? l.i ;'e- Vy 1!. nr f-lluli, I Her till' l.lhirtle Sail 1'lallil H-u VaJ 1 he 1 Ilia. "ralth, Mr.. llaia. lmir il' ;p c tbllu tu hlH llpall'l?" "A11, 't Is ni'.y I sih ki tin flnr Iittma,' en mli. mi' if h,. t , t ; , - ..BUY THE V m C-'-a-J.-.Jf SEWING MACHINE Jlo liot 1st ibi-i-lvi 1 bv thai. tn .i V.-i ti. 11 Joii.Ul S w ItiK Miieliliir fit 'l itis kind (,f u mill lilnc rot) Lo I' iiieht. In. in us or nay ef uur ihah 11 fnmi I i. nolo tlS.lJiX Wt MA KC A VARIITY THE REV HOME IS THE BIST. 'I'lie l .s-tl tli i-Ilii',!iea the Mn Mjjtlii' v, eil a. -s of N-nlli'f M i' hints. ., IHiHtlilt' r 'il ft. nil nn d mill eh. ' t 'roii,: I'.iliiu iiialii s tl,.. llnuif lh. - be I H.-wiiir -Mat Mae Mhiir, i3fe'CiSCyLAES; : 1 . ii 11 u 1 . 1" ; , 1 1 1 ui t il J't ,1 in. (..( !:.: t:!i: Ki liOKG :'.vmc n:Kii;s g i.tti.c. taaitl -'-. t'liioiii-iii. .','. ., i a., ...:o, j :,, A i ! :iiU. it. 1. Iii.,.,.'I.i,, I'a. u',1 1' ., I r ..i-a.'.'.C. ro;t baic b C. k. ('li A N I'l, Mail MarriU'tl Strwl. I'm timid. ( hvli. r.:r.-"r . 1 th