Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1903)
1 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY SKPTKMRKll 4, 1003. CORRESPONDENCE J Correspondents are requested to re new their work. We will supply all necessary stationery. The new from your neighborhood should appear in these columns everv week. MUUTxrd. Not much ot interest happening in and about JSUffo'd that your correspondent bas heard of. e og along quietly, se curing the grain which is rapidly being put into the granaries, with a steam thresher about every third farm ; culti vating late potatoes, and seeing to the numberless things pertaining to well reg elated tarms and doing" Our little share to feed the world, Mrs. 0. M, Gage is visiting at the home 4f her husband's parents this week. - -UVe had ft refreshing rain, which laid lb dust One of our people called upon Will goules Wednesday, the Telegram corres pondent who was'in the wreck of the Elks, tie sustained many injuries, a twisted ankle, dislocated " shoulder, a badly bruised eye, a severe scalp wound and a huge splinter through one arm, but in spite of all he in gettiug along Dut-.y owing to absolutely pure blood, the doc tor says. He is a fine young man. Sharp's well-men continue to go down. Ibey are down now 165 feet. Will take a vacation after this week. A number are preparing to go hop" , -pickitig'.- , Fred ttyfeoltfi aklfl P,ctures ot ibrcehlng crews. Mr. Hemic had friends from Nebraska, a Mr. Hoekovec and daughter, looking for a place to buy, but they thought land In Oregon was held pretty high. They were looking over the Gages place of a hundred seres, but seemed to think $100 per acre pretty steep, although tbey would like the place as it is well watered and productive land. A Prs;atlve pleasure. If jp'd eVei- took.DpirVlti'B .tllllto kisert for biliousness or cboBt pt lob fatt know what a purfcatiV pleasure , ia. These famous little pills Cleanse the liver and rid the system of all bile without producing unpleasant effects. They do not gripe, sicken or weaken, but give tone and stiength to the tissues and or gans involved. W. H. Howell, of Hous ton, Tex., says "No better pill can be nsed than Little Early Risers lor consti pation, sick headache, etc." Sold by u. A. Harding. Dow. The people in this vicinity rejoices to see the sunshine once more. The rain of the past week has been very hard on the grain. Their are several gone to the hop yards fiom this neighborhood. Rev. Exon bas moved to Dover on their claim. . Mrs. Wilcox and son are here on a visit from Indiana to see her daughter, Mrs. John Strowbridge. Mrs. Cooper is very poorly. Podge. Spencer Xh, who lives on Mr. Hoop's place, has built a new barn. Mrs, Alma How dish has been very ill but at present is improving in health. Everybody but those that cannot get away have gone to the hop tlelila to try and increase their financial stamling. Our wliool begins the third .Monday in September. I aui not Informed as to the teacher's name but she comes from Bull Hun. Wm. Parks has bought O. R. Taylor's place. Ue is lately from Iowa, with no family, being a bachelor. He contem plate considerable improvement. D. Boylan is also a new settler here. He is also from low. He bas bought K. A. Miller's place. He has unite a family which adds to our school. John Goehel, whose bouse and barn were destroyed by forest tire, built a new barn and has material ordered for a new bouse, so you see we ill have the push. In a few more weeks the O. W. P. Co. men will have their road completed to within five miles of our locality. This will give u a ohanoe to get to the busier world wi'hout traveling in mud. J, F. Mvers A Son's saw-mill Is about completed. They are prepared to fur nish rough lumber now and will have the planer In order in about a week when thev will be reidy to furnish all kiuds of finishing lumber". Crops are the best we have had for years, in fact they are first class. If it will quit raining so we can secure our grain it will help us out in thifrburut dis trict. You are aware that on year ago everything here was destroyed by forest tire, but by push and energy we are mak-1 Ing thlngs'assume their original appear ance. We have quite an Increase In our popu lation of 1st. Mr. Cbas. K. Willoughby and Jas. Shipman, with their families, have moved on F. flnsch's place. They have built a good house and made con siderable other improvement. Thej are at present at work bringing In a stream of water for the supply of water for the house. Originally they were trorr. Jop lin. Mo. They are energetic nJ indus trious and are quit an audition to our community, They JJ nine scholars to pur ecuooL, Half -Sick rmsii -mi In- iTt ' I first ucd Aver's Farsaparilla In the ( 1 1 of 1S4S. Since then 1 have it every spring as blood purify in R nJ irve itrengthcnine medicine." S. T. Jones, Wichita, I ana. If you feci run down, are easily tired, if your nerves arc weak end your blood is thin, then begin to take the good old stand ard family medicine, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It's a regular nerve lifter, a perfect blood builder. It.MaMlle. All inn. Aik Tour eoch'f whet h Ihinki of tnr'i Srarllle. H u..w ll i"ii ihu ru. o 4 f.mlly vxllrllif t Jllvw M eUIVel4 we wlU b ll4 J. c. aria Co.. Lowell, Maee. Union Halt. to for I oca Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas went Canby last Tuesday. Mr. Draper left a few dayi ago Hanford, California, to look for tton. Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. C. Thelps drove to Portland last Monday. Mrs. Peringer and children started for the bop fields Monday. Mr. Plpka and family started to the hop yards last Tuesday. Mrs. William Draper ia visiting at John Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas called T. J. Grimes and family last Sunday. Otto Striker sold his timber to James Adkins for 2Sl. Wlllsnutw. G. If. Rogers was at Portland Tuesday. Jim Christiamajn returned Monday from a pleasure trip In the mountains. .Misses Bessie and (lenrvlm Capen returned Thursday from the beach. Trof. Hyatt is enjoying a well earned vacation in the mountains. Mrs. Jas. Downey and Master Everett visited in the country last week. Mrs. Harr Shipley was visiting at Oswego and Portland for a few day. Mrs. Ernest Mass and Mrs. Bird Beav ens drove to Portland Wednesday. Mrs. M.illn, of fortlanil, visiting ber daughter, Mrs. ti. Jt mcm.. vr, .n.i mh ia. fedmunillar enjoy ing a'vlsit front Mrs. Edmunds father. Mia Mav Eire rtttuned from a pleas ant visit at Vancouver Thursday. r.urm fiarv of Sunnvaide. spent Sun day with T. J. Gary and family. Mr n4 Mr. Andy Fromong and little daughter visited in Portland Sunday. Mia Linie Bhlulev and Mis Carrie Fuller vieited at Oswego Wednesday. Mr. Ellerr Caoen was called to Port land Wednesday by the serious lllnt of her little grandson. Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and day, curing Indigestion, Bili- oneness, Constipation, Sick Headache and all Stomach. Liver and Bowel troub les. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 25c at Charman & Co.'s drog store. Subscribe for the Enterprise Canby. Quite a number of people left here 0' Monday morning for the hop fields. Wilson Evans is bauling piling in the Barns neighborhood. C. Burroughs and H. Eccles are ont east from here with Mr. Kayler's thresh ing outfit. Born On Friday morning, to Truman Stalnaker and wife, a baby girl. Mrs. Yost is home from the mountains. Mr. Yoet accepted a job on the way home to work in the harvest field. Mr. F. Sleight, of Oregon City, visited Lis fruit farm at Riverside on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mandeville are spending their vacation with the Rev. Dunlap, of Dayton. Mr. L. Rogers, of Portland, was look ing up old friends here on Sunday. The W. L. Co. will commence drying Petite prunes in the new building about the middle of this week. Mrs. Ritner and mother, of San Fran cisco, are visiting Mrs. Dr. Dedtnan and Mrs. C. Armstrong. Mrs. Pitman's mother is a sinter of Mrs. Armstrong. Mr. Will Kobler, from Portland, came home las Monday for a short vacation. Mr. Noe. who was terribly cut with a "buzz saw laBt Saturday at Bagsby's mill, died at his home near Needy and the body was buried at Rock Creek cemetery last Tuesday at two o'clock. KafI Cmk. A CoiiiniUnlca'loB Mb. Editor Allow me to speak a few words in favor of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I suffered for three years with the bronchitis and could not sieep at nights. I tried several doctors and vart ous patent medicines, but could get noth ing to give me any relief until my wife got a bottle of (bis valuable medicine, which has completely relieved me. W. S. Bbockma.s, Bagnell, Mo. This rem edy is for sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. Redland Threshing is moving along since the recent rain which did a great deal of damage to the grain. A. Holinsworth has relatives from the East visiting the. Several hop men have been scounng our county for hoppickers, which are very scarce. Only about eight were se cured where formerly fifty or sixty were secured with ease. Mrs. Bonney is the proud possessor of a bouncing girl, and Mrs. Shimway a promising son. Mrs. Moeher and son, Harry, were at Stone visiting one day last week. Mins Hattie Gankel, of Portland, is at her sister's, Mrs. Bell Funk, for a short sojourn. Mrs. Linn and Mrs. Eaton's babies are down with whooping cough. The farmers of Eagle Creek are having a bard time trying to lave their grain crop, but if tb rain will only cease for a short time they can save most of the gialn with out much damage. Bker Chapman and daughter, Ethel,' of Pendleton, are visiting relatives Here (or a few days. Mrs. Viola A. IXnitflass and sons, Roy and Carl, Mls Sort Chapman anil Miss Bertha Casedy went to the mountains yesterday to pick huckleberries. Rev. Craig, ofOregon City, preached at the Eagle Creek school house yester day at 11 a. ui. and at 3 p. m., and at the Cavenaugh Chapel, Currinsville, in the evening. J. P. Woodle and family were visiting their son, Guy and wile at Dover yester day. The piling for the Eagle Creek bridge is all driven so the track laying will soon be continued to the power plant. Elder J. C. Van Zandt, of Portlrnd, closed a aeries of meetings at the Doug lass school house Wednesday night. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o C) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o p 6 o a o o o o o o () o 8 8 A Few Hot Weather Suggestions TK PUT UP AND SELL what we believe to be the MIST HKAUACHH Cl'KK in the world. That la a broad statement but we really Mlcve it la true, We are so positive that we guarantee a cure, or your money back without a uiuruiur, The name of our headache remedy UH. & J HEADACHE TABLETS. The price ia Twenty five cent a box. If you huythrm and they don't effect a cure after taking four we want you to come back and get your twenty-five cent. Wc don't say this because we think you'll want your money hack but because we know you won't. IF YOU ARE TIRED After the ride get a glass of Soda Water. It'a ml the thing to brace you up. It' made of pure catenated water flavored with rich fruit juice flavors. Clcanlinea la one of the good Hint aUtit our aoda and fountain. You cant eect to get pure aoda where everything ia untidy. IF THE HOT WEATHER I IAS BROUGHT ON MOSQUITOS, Plica, etc., you can eradicate them with ftOACHINE the ouly good that will call Insects from thrlr neat and Immediately kilt them. It kill Kombv ea, lied Hug, Potato Hugs, Flics, PW, Lice, Spider, Ant, Carpel Worm, Fle on doga and cats, Lice on horse, cattle, fowl and awiue, Price 30 eta. per pint f a gallou, ON GOING TO BED Tak. half a wiueglnit full of Nile' Celery Nervine During the day take two or three mote itoar. In a very abort time the Moxl will be pure; your apetlte racellent; jour urrvra at rung; your liver ami atom eh diaordrr all gone. It wilt make the people who take it well and strung, liny it now, Price one dollar. THIS IS THE SEASON TO GET READY For Summer Complaint. It I decidedly wicr to .v twenty-five cent in getting reaily than aulfi-r great dls trcH and paiu and pay big doctor bill by nrglect. The way to prepare ia to buy a bottle of UUi klx-rry Carminative, liny it right now. All form of aiimmer complaint have a dl4grrrahlc habit of coming wheii you are not thinking aUait them; often they come at night when the doctor are all In bed and the drug atorea cloard. The Point We Want to Emphasize Is RELIABILITY t. ..-.1 ....i..;t . . m.n nratie hlmaelf but that doe not alter fact. A little self pride is all riKht if it U hone.t. We k for your trade with the di.tinct undemanding that we will try harder to Live you We are trying hard to make thl. the beat drug .tore; w. don't cart to he the biggest hut the btnt HOWELL RELIABLE CHAMBERS HOWELL St JONES DRUGGISTS LINN C. JONES 0 o o 0 0 0 0 o 0 o o o o 0 g o 8 o o 8 o 0 0 o o 8 0 0 8 o o occooooooooooooooooocccocccococooocoocco Josh Westhafer, of Loogootee, Ind., is a poor man, but he says he would not be without Chamberlain's Pain Bairn if it cost five dollars a hot tin, for itsaved him from being a cripple. No external appli cation is eaual to this liniment for stiff and swollen joints, contracted muscles, stiff neck, sprains and rheumatic and murcnlar pains. It has also cured num erous cases of partial paralysi-. It is for sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. Molalla. Settled weather again assures the gath ering of the grain crop with little dam' aire. Had the warm, cloudy weather continued two days longer, there would have been much grain sprouted : as it was, when a sheaf lay on the ground root sprouts grew one men long, jow every body wants to threijh "right away first" and there is another "everybody" that has gone hoppicking. Many people of this neighborhood were sad on hearing of Mr. Noe's affliction at No appetite, loss of strength, nervot ' Z'L"Z Bess, headache, constipauon, bad breath, """" :- . - general debility, aour risings, and catarrh of dyln D'an Monday aornitig. the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol , Mrs. Bimmons, who was hurt in a run cures Indigestion. This new discovery repro- : gway recently, is still improving, aents the natural Juices of digestion as they , rx T ... D ... til in . hulthv .tomach. wmhlned with Our merchant, L. W. Robbins, goes to Sour Stomach Look, look, look lor Alice at the Street Fair. Oarai Henrv Hornshub and Victor Erickson and James Graham, of Portland, left for the mountains Monday. "Pap" Bpangler bad a run away Tues day. The buggy, in which he was riding Tame to pieces. The borne wait caught by orman Howard alter having run about a mile and a half. No serious damage was done. Miss Limehaiiuh, of Portland, is visit ing her cousin, Miss Delia White. A large number of CaniHites who were in the teazle Meld have gone to the hop fields. Miss Margaret Lewis is home from Portland on a short visit to her parents. Charley White returned from High Catrfp Saturday where he has been stay ing for the benefit of bis health. lie is much improved. Baavtr tre. Mrs. and Bertha K.lward and Alvsn Hughe called on friend in Carus last Sunday. The warm weather ha lightened the hearts of the farmers and saved many a bushel of grain. Hop pickitig will begin here this week. The li. C. Hop yard has as line hops as there are in the slate of Oregon. Wsdham & Co.'s w holesale drummer, alHoAlber& Kniders'a, of Portland, all were out here taking in oiders and send ing out for oats wheat and groceries. Fred Stiner and Lizzie Weidner were married here at the home of the bride about a fortnight ago, to w hich the young men gave a lively charivari and were treated quite liberally. The threshing machines are so thick that yon can here one whistle here aud the other there and hands are very short although threritiing will be dune in this neignrjorhood towards the last of the week. John E. Jones and Wm. H. Rhees, two bachelors at 15. C, were the sufferers of a itreat Ions laxt (Sunday night. While John was out sparking, William became drowsy and went to bed without shutting the ouuiide or pantry door. When John I. ..l..u...i .1... H'linl ' l, hull uuvt.lfi,niiii in tliM rmtrninis to flrnl two loaves of bread and about five pounds of befnteak gone; ami for all the kicking and growling that you ever heard, it was done right then because they could not make biscuits. HUMANITY OUTRAGED The U. S. I)isnsntory anya, coninm PARALYZKS the motor nerve; aco nite reduce muscular atrei.gth; belladonna produce PARALYTIC aymptoiiu; hyoacynuma and stramonium are tne same at belladonna; opium leaaeiia the peristaltic motion of the lKwrl, "Do not eierrciae any curative Influence." Some of these arc contained in all of the ancient pile mcdii Inea. Of K-Kll-SA, the only non l'oiaonoua Pile cure, over 4000 drugglnts and doctors of the highest standing, aay in substance: Dr. L (irillin in 3) years experience I have no knowledge of any medicine curing piles except your non-nnrcotic Pile cure. I know IT CuailS. J. If. Tkout, M. D., and druggist, Los Angeles. fl.RU-SA cures nilcs or I so paid. Worst cases cured with one box. On ly reliable up-to-date druggUla sell K-KU-SA. Via : HOWELL & JONES. HUNTLEY ItROrilKKH, GEO. A, A Jo. HARDING. the seat of the Molalla mines this week, to look after his interest there. the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but thl rjr, J. J. lavitt is about fitted np in famous remedy cures all stomach trouble i,jg oew 0flflce in the drug store building, by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and . strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, of Rarenswood, W. Vs., aty: I wa wtth aour Romaeh for twenty rears. Kodol cured me and we ara now iufc It la Dial lor baby." Kodol Digest What Yon Eat Tr4 by E. a D.WITT OO.. 0MI0AOO ' W, 17, 18. Weibard building. Loans. P.eal property and chattel mortgage loans. Abstracts furnished. G. B. Dimicic, Atty. at Law, Oregon City, Or. Rooms Barlow. W. 8. Tull finished picking hi hops Wednesday. D. O. Freeman is enlarging and other wise improving his store. Little Edna Wolfe is up from Portland visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hedges. Jno. Andrews bas taken the contract to move the big hotel from its present loca tion down further into town. This is quite an undertaking but will be a big improvement. Wanted 10,000 people to see Alice at the street Fair. CATARRH 77i rarn h ASK Druggist for 10 CENT TRIAL 8IZE. Ely's Cream Balm Che Relief at enc. hle Uie iitruxd Diem- L bribe. ucurcemAnu . m . eeljef-fc and drlTe away a tkll U A Y K F VF K intheHeadouirklr. tlHril I Ullell is aheortwd. Heale and Protn-U the Jfratirane. Keetoree the Rerwee of Tairte and fimcll. Full six S0e.: Trial Wie lnr.; at Drnfrrttte or by oialL ill DitOTHJUlS, e Warren bdeet, Htm York. IN OUll ELEGANT NEW STORE We are located In our large new store and with a larger and more complete stock of lietter goods, are better prepared than ever before to furnish you Just what you want at prices lower than the lowest. The 3"o-ii- Main St., OREGON CITY t Have you seen Alice? NUfTurd Mr. Truby, who has been a sufiorer from d ropey and a complication of die eases was buried here (Sunday p. m. He leaves a daughter and grandson here and son in the East. There seems to be a peculiar disease affecting new milk cows. They seern to have a sore throat, their teeth get loose, and they cannot eat, but will stand and nip water for hours and all the time make a low moan till death ends their sufferings. 'jVlr. Keller lost one then Mr. Powell and now Mr. Moser. Mrs. Gage is entertaining her niece and husband and two daughters late of Los Angoles. Farmers will soon be ready for rain sufficient to soak up the ground so they can begin to plow for Kali grain. Mrs. Hherive and two little girls have gone to pick hops for the mall carriers. E. W. Hornschuh and family left yes terday for the hop yards at Woodbum. Ed Hettmsn is laid up with a broken arm. He was unfastening the belt of a threshing machine when his glove was caught in the belt, twieting his left arm I around and tirpntti ni it illHt &hflVA Ilia elbow. Kev. Lucas, of Portland, preached an interesting sermon in Uie Evangelical church Sunday. Misses Carrie and Laura Hchuebel called on Miss Laura Giutber lrst Mon day. Walter Hchuebel is on the sick list. (fit Wm. 1 Ei MID VITALITY TJTl. MOTT'ai wintvi.iiirtM vXCjIjAI The (trout rnmcily (or nrrvou proatrailnn and all illM-anne of ll" generatlja Oman of aliht-r aei. aurh in Nnrvnua 1'roaLruLlnn. I 'ul rr Lost ManliooO, ;) luijMitenc.y, NlKhlly KnilaaloDS, Youthful Krrura, Menial Worry, irpiil I finiu-iro nr I llilum Mvhii.h In I i.ntijmiil Ion ami InMUIIlLV. w llu vnli Hold at t l.OO por nna. of "in, tiHit.i iiiiimniwuD, 1 UU 111 I U I r.fUM", fli IIIBI iv m 1 j , aw-- - "- - - - hoc co or Upturn, wlih-b lutvl to C'-riHUiiiptloQ ud Irmttiiity- Wtin "r IlTLD linUr Va Orilttr Wn irtlftriifiLfM til riirn rip rrrtiri1 thi mnnet. u itn uoino. t,,, for u.oo. mi. morr'sj ab levound, otu For Kale at HUNTLEY'S -ELLOH 2,000 miles of ong diH tance telephone wire in Oregon, WaHtiington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the 1'acific Station Telephone Com pany, covering 2,250 townH. Quick, accurate, cheap All the HatiHfaction of a pernonal communication. UiHtance no eirect to a clear understanding. Spo kano and San Francmco aH eanily heard aa Port land. -, Oregon City office at Harding's Drug Store. PLUMDINC CHARCES Nuloon I.lcrnMe, Kotice is hereby given that we will ap ply at the reguUr September meeting to the City Council for a lienor license on Seventh street at the Southern Pacific right of way known as the Depot saloon. Roth k A IUkkb. are no higher than those in any other trade, and ours are no higher than ser vice rendered demands. What we undertake to do in a thorougti and satisfactory manner. There will not be found after our workman get through with a job any defective JoinWi leaky pipes, looHe connections or ntnef evidences of "scamped" work. Every part will be perfect, and look perfect, and when the bill comes in you'll no ask for any deduction. F. C. GADKE THE PLUMBEf