Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 03, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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X JT IT T !T.T T .T H' T T T T JT 5 T.T.Tl
WW Banking ?
ti Km in ri ( (in li ii w u 111 n I 1 !1
y r
tj no matter how largo, fi
!! nnrnnu oitu
j unLUUii oil t i
2 will give it careful at-
tj loiiuon. mm ini'HHago fi
Jl applit'H to tho men and
tho women alike. jj
cx; wi i i i ir if i i i,- Wi
Oregon City Enterprise
Lite conducted Hit; regular quarterly In
niHM'iion ol Company A, Third Kcgnneiit,
), N.U., In tliii city Monday night.
There are tidy enlisted rium in tlm local
company which expect soon to t re
cruited lu it lull strength ol sixty mem-bora.
Mk. (Uli-oway Honor!). At tlie an
nual reunion ol Oregon plontert I nut
week t tie inmnlMTd looked to Olil Yam
hill (or leader for tho coining year.
Wni. Uallnway ol till conmy was chosen
president uf Hit association an honor
lo our county a well a to Mr. lialloway.
Yamliill County Reporter.
Fot'M) llt'MAN HKM.KTOK While.
Masting through no I id rock last week,
Contractor Uiner, who is constructing a
fcewer In IhlH idly, unearthed a ok n 1 1 and
other parts of a liiiinnn skeleton at a
tlcpth uf nine feel, 'J lie Ptc nil ia almost
perfect an are the other part ol the
ikelelon Ihut were discovered. It ia Imv
lleved llie skeleton ia that o' an Jmlian.
The lorcilile entry anil detainer actum
of Mr. Catharine. It. Ouleshr against
Mra. Davis, to cause the ejectment of the
Utter from premises alleged to be owned
by the plaintiff, win tried liefore Justice
Hlipp last Saturday. Judgment wm re
tnrned fur the defendant who wan rep
resented tiy J. I), Campbell. The
plaintiff appeared hv Howard M. Brow
Hell and Urant H. Dimick.
A Woodman Window. W. 8. Hhodea,
salesman at the pout office, more, ha
ulte an eye lor decorative licauty. whiidi
in evidenced by the elaborate and artiii
tic decorations, emhhmatic ol the Wood
men order, in one of the show windows
at the posloflice. Two tree stumps Hre
Implanted in a lied of sand and thin with
two axe and an exlciiBive display of the
appropriate colors, make the dmplav a
iliHtincllv Woodman window. The oVc
orHiion is attracting considerable attcn-turn.
-1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 In the iippiirlioniiii'iit. of the
money u this county a shall have Hied
w I'D him t tn-ir kiiiii.iiI report In cuou
for him to repnlt lo llie slate Mipcrlulcn
dent prior to Anoint I .
MoliK rlNI1 A l-l'lloVI II. l'lltl'lllS
wen leveived Nm i II 1 1 1 ny at the locul Inliil
' ollli ii lu fiivor o the following minit'il
pi'tmim : John l llntlv, Amliony (iiiic
lion nod Ivlwuid ('. Ilrixhiiin, home
hli'iidn; Kniidiill I'. ItoriiH, Mattiii Krirk
Hon, lioiiii'xIi'Hd pun liiin'H ; Wni. i.
lio nlll, lli'll llllld ("! I'tloll,
Wni, I.icti kk Knit A Wiin.it. The
MImt n'nr, hihie oiinm of.lhu l" i i ,i 1 1 t
I pllly, auepelided pulilicHMOII IhI Nut Ur
al ii V . I M" puin r I.UH I'CCII pii'ilii-ln il III
lhi idly for Home tiiim hy A W, Kowlcr
i 1 1 I . I.. I.Hliuier, nit iMhlor uli'l llo
lihern, hnpeiiioii of the piiper'a pull
Ih ation Iiiim heell huetclie ) hy the liccep
Ihiich of mi oiler hv llie piopm-lum lor a
tour ol ll oiinliy in an uii'oinoliilii on
a !- in i I .u lour in the. imcicHt ol the
('.luxe of h u i i .i I i in . 1
Kn i.iVKD Hitnioi'a Inji iiikh. I5v the
VivliiK awny uf the l.uh oiiy a.t i riHf whii li
dIih wiir leunuiir, Mra. IC. Ilird, ol thin
city, wuk thrown to the ground, a din
Inure of ahoiit I'll feet and rcrlounly hurt
at tier home lu thl city, Tueaday alter
noon. The fall temilted in the fracture
of tlm left clavicle and the hrenkiiiK ol
three ri hit. It la mIno thunxht the winiiin
wa interiiiilly injured. Mm. Ilird in (0
yeiirn of at'e and llie iniMhup may prove
erioiiN. The tnnhera MUppoitini( the
balcony were badly rotted.
Wii.i. I'hk Siatk Kaiii Kxiiiiiit. The
etaic '('inuiiHfioM liHvim. in I'luirw'i" the
IfrMl.tKM Hpprouriiilinn (or the lIMi.'i (uir
lu 1'oitliind and llie St. Louia exponition
hiii imide an Hpproprintion ol fl5iH with
w hich to huv the HUriculturiil mill hoitj
riiitiiiHl i x'iiliilH at the Oicpm etnte Imr
t i be held in September, in ( hhh tliey
H'e uoiiH emitih iinil complete i iimih ti
biHtily llie expi'iidilnre of em Ii a emu.
l ine will be addilionul ini cntive on the
tmrt ol the itoiinliea, mid the individiuil
exhil'iloiB, to iniik the ilinphiyn thia (.ill
Bit fine Hiid compli'ie mh poHhihlu.
IlKAngi'AitTKB" rH Faiimkuh. Fair
cloiijjh lime, ill I 'miii any have opened
up a general implement limine at the
corner of Tenth and Main direct and are
prepared to Ferve. the every need of the
tanner. Thev carry a complete line of
the celebrated Mitchell waicon, biiiriiieii
and (aim machinery and with their
pricpH, which are ritiht, they eieut to
do bimines on an extensive ncale. The
linn carriea a full line ol Champion
niowern, rakea and hindera and llrat
quality binding twine, AIho hBy carriers,
forK and in fact everything that a fii'in
er mittbt deHlre. The members ol the
linn are eiiterriiini and r lint I itiff voiihk
men and are here to atny. It w ill phv
tlm larnier to j;Ivh the atock ol thia firm
a thorough iiippection before placinn
their ordera eleewheie.
Tbaciihiih a hi) Ahhkinki). Mien Addie
('link, cily euperinlendeiit of the Oreijon
City school, Iihs RflHiiined the tirade
teachers to the following classes : First
frrade MicHea Myeis, Mnldrnm and
Williams; second grade Misses Oilfield
and Cochrane; third grade Misses
Walden and Oleaion; fourth grade
Misses Slionkweiler and Foster; fifth
grade Miss Prentiss; fifth and sixth
grade Miss Taylor; sixth and seventh
Principal of Faathatn school (not yet
elected); seventh and eighth Miss Bor
ing; eighth and ninth Mrs. Godfrey;
tenth Miss Clark, city superintendent.
Kkmkmiikhkd I1oMK I.iiikahy. The
library has just received Irom the Misses
Fannie and Itettie France, lonner resi
dentaol Menuaha, a uiiiimecoiitributlun
in the sbaw of two pictuies of the scene
ry of their Western home. Miss I'ettie'i
gilt represents Alt. Ht. Helens, Washing
Ion, with the snow on its summit and
Miss Fannle's, Ml. Hood, Oiegou, rjsy
in the rays of Hi Kiting sun. Both
pictures are handsomely framed and ex
press on the part ol their donors, who
transported them hall way serosa the
continent, great alb-ciion lor their native
town and warm appreciation ol the
library. Kvening lirecie, Menasha,
I'aV Fivk Ckst Fakb Now, The peo
pi ol (ilailsloneare not plea-ed with the
new arramimnent with reference to trans
portation charges that have been placed
in eirect by the Oregon Waler Power A
Railway between this city and that sub
urb. Because ol a coutroveriy that re
sulted in an altercation between one of
the company'! conductors and a pittion
of the road, the conductor was recently
obliged to pav a line in justue court
Since then the railway company has dis
continued the sale of commutation tick
eta over ita line between (heuori City
and (ilmlstone, and a straight live cent
fare ia now charged per trip either way.
When the commutation tickets were
old, the fare amounted to only three
cents per ait.gle trip.
Mls3 Mat M. Snyder,
l ri-.-iir. r of tlm
Ilnx.kl)!! ttMl i uil Arl lob.
" If womc:i woulj pay more atttntlon lo
inur ntjitn we v-iuiij have moie hrppy
wivci, m.i'.ners ana a wytiu-r, and it thry
would obitrve roclu thry would Iinil
tht the clucton' preicriptioni do not
ptnonn me niiiny curci they are given
credit Ijt.
In comultlr., with mv druf -A he id
vltl Mcfilrce'i Uine of Crdui and Thed
ford'i Illjtk-Orsutjht, end to I took it and
have every reaion to thank him for a new
life opened up to me with reitortd heilth,
and it only took three monthi to curt me."
Wine of Cardiii is rejfuliitorof the
menstrual functions and is a most as
toiimlimg tonic for women. It cures
scanty, suppressed, toofrivpient, irre(f
uliiraiid tiiiiiifnl ii,..r,ir,i..i,.... rii;.,n
of tho womb, whites and flooding ft
is neipiui when upproachn.g woman
hiKai, diiriii(f pregtiuncv, after child
birth ami in cliai.im i.l i;r it .
uiiently brings a dear baby to homes
that have been barren for years. All
drutrgists hve 11.00 bottles of Wine
of Cardiii.
lift ."'.lu, tor
U Miix
lir.dT.i! if
i wwwom! MM
- ' St f i j '
j. M Mi- yy v
i .
iJ-Mrr -t .-' X,4.
Want to
We me In-all. -d fur tie got
your appioval. V. e'd like to
VI l i s liv..
1 1
Appoktionmknt or Rchool Money.
State Superintendent Ackerman has ad
vised the various county school superin
tendents ol the state that the State
Treasurer in making the regular appor
tionment of school money this ypar will
strictly follow the provisions ol the state
law on the subject. The disbursement
will he made August 1 and such counties
as have not filed their rei-ort with the
state superintendent before that date,
will not receive their share ol the appor
tionment. Superintendent Zinser, of
Clackamas county, in apportioning the
aninnnt received hv thia county from the
. . . - . (. n i.- J ..., I
Hiaie, cxpeuiB lu iuiiuw iud emno lino
that lifts been established by the state
oflicers. He desires to iiolify Ihedielrict
clerks that only suck districts will be in-
Tlie Oregon City Academy l)hating So
ciety has been reorganised for the sum
mer. There are In the club a number of
ol prominent young men ol considerable
forensic ability and joint-discussions on
current topics will be held with debaters
Ii om surrounding points. Weekly meet
inns will be held by the club. William
Shively, who has been attending Pacittc
University at rorest urove, Is home tor
the summer vacation and has joined the
debating society. Mr. Shively in a ready
debater and will prove a valuable mem
her ol the society. He baa been a mem
ber ol the Pacific. University tuniii in a
number ol tlie intercollegiate debates
that have been held in tiiis elate.
I.miimiKH Exci'KD Anskts. An In-vet-tigation
ol tlie stock and available
assets of (ieo T. Howard, a lecal tner
chant who left this City two weeks huh
because of liniincial embarrsssuient. dis
closes u rather gloomy outlook for the
numerous creditors w ho bold paper is
sued by the uns-dug groeeryiiian. The
stock of yrnceilcs was attached Wednes
day by M. Michael, on an action to re
cover'abont $1'HI ai.d since then in iny
other claims have been reputed that
will bring the aggiegaif of liabilities) up
to between HoU $10."b0. An in
voice ia being made of the siock of gioc
eries wb'ch are ol the puttinuted valun of
about $4000. IMore depiutinii Irom the
city, Howard tlleil in tlie ollire of the
county recorder a deed liam-feriing from
himself and wife to Mrs. Ilnnmili (iil
more, who is Mrs. Howard's motbr,
certain real estate located in West (ilad
stone. Tlie consideration named in the
Instrument wsa $20i0. It is probable
Howard's creditors will insist that the
estate be thrown into the bankruptcy
court that all may share tlie assets of the
property on a pro rata basis. .
Bova Wkkk DisciiARoKD.-Oliver Spott.
Charles Snndt, George Frsser and Clai d
liilli'iibsck, the boys who were confined
in the Marlon county jnil, having been
bound over to the circuit cMKt on a
charge ol burglary, by Justice ol the
Peace Overton, of Woodlnirn precinct,
were brought into court for arraignment.
Tlie boys, who" aires ranue from 12 lo
I') years, were represented by Attorney
!. S. (iillespie, of Portland, who entered
a plea of ul'ty, whereupon Deputy Dis
trict Attorney' John H. McNary moved
ihat the case against the youthful ollVnd.
era be dismissed, and the motion was
gmntod by the court. The court did not
feel disposed to commit the boys to the
Reform School, as all have borne an ex
cellentjrepntation previous to tlie ollense,
and the Hoys' and Girls' Aid Society, of
Portland, having been taken out of the
jurisdiction of the circuit courts, by a
recent act of the legislature, Judge Bur
nett decided to give them another chance
by dismissing tlie charge, and allowing
the hoys to return to their homes in
Portland. Salem Statesman. Thia is
the quartet of lads that was arrested in
this city recently for burglarizing a gen
eral merchandise store in Woodburn.
A daughter was born to County School
Superintendent snd Mrs. J. C. Zinser
Monday, June W.
Wednesday J. E. Hedges succeeded
T. L. Charman as secretary of the Ore
gon City Water Commiselon. Dissatis
fied customers of the city water system
will now have some one else to direct
tbi-ir complaints to. Mr. Charman
served the commission long and faith
fuily s -cretary. With the accession
of Sir. He. I hps to this office the work
will be continued wilh the same degree'
ol satisfaction.
Contiaued Prom PK' Poor. ,
I'M fioulh Wot Carolina Orasier 28 M
5 101 North i of Fannla U and
Kats I Porter 2ft 14
'I I'iH Fannie O and Kate I Porter .VI 2S
1 1 It J I) Heuner 20 lf
2 Ion J D Kenner 23 III
.1 IMl John Wrisniaudal Z' 11
4 l9 Jonn Wriiinandel 2.ri IH
.', IH!l Dan l.vons Si 2s
li I ill) Geo Jackson fWI 2X
7 loll J 1) Kenner Wi 2X
H l'i!l J I Kenner; 4't 10
3 l7o F.d It Whitlock IS )
4 ITU Kd K Whitlm k 2-r) 11
.1 170 Kd K Wl.iilock 4!l 10
(i 170 Kd K Whitlock 3:t lu
A Halemmt or aforesaid assessment liai
been entered in the docket ol cily liens, and
is now due and pavable at the oltlceol the
cily treasurer of Oregon Cily, Oregon, in
law tut money of the I'ulUd States, and it
not paid oliliin iwenty days Irom ins tint
pulilicaiion of this notice such proceedings
will tie taken for the collection olthe same
ss are provided by the charter ol Oregon
Ci' v.
The above assessment will bear interest
20 days alter the lirnt publication of this
Recorder ol Oregon City.
Oregon Cily, Ore., June 23, 1!i3
Date ol tifst publication oi Ibis notice
Friday, June 2i, HMKt. July 3
cccocoooooooooooccco cccocococccoococcco
Copxiigbl lr: bj Hjrt bebauner II Mars
t'f 9
have jon give us a chance to ?f
win your patronage. We have '
tbesiiik aidjwe keen moving t.)
to the front. We'll win of Q
coiitK-; wont you help Uf? We
aim to hit t lie suit tastes of all f
kinds of men, ai d we are do- 'f
i' K it. We aim to give you
better q ialiiv ai.d Hyle tbnn o
your money will boy anywhere
else. We are doing that too. y
We bny the beitj merchandise jcx
obtainable, such as if
Hart, Schaffner & O
Marx Clothing O
W. L. Douglas q
Shoes q
Monarch and Cluett O
Shirts and Collars O
and the celebrateJ
Hat o
euce lor your money than we CJ
give yon, lor we appreciate fj
your wants and value your J
Hawes $3.00
You won't find a better audi
ence for yi
give yon,
your wanti
J7VI Xftrck Clothier and Haberdasher o
1TV JT 1 ICC Cor. 6th andflainSts., Oregon City O
ii. A. Ilardlnt; W III lluy It Hark.
You assume no risk when you buy
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dial
rhoea Heinedy. ti A. Harding will re
fund your money if jou are not satisfied
after using it. It ia everywhere admitted
to be tlie most successful remedy in use
lor bowel com plaints and the only one
that never fails. It Is pleasant, safe and
2,000 miles of ong dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon, Washington, Cali
fornia and Idaho now in
operation by the Pacific
Station Telephone Com
pany, covering 2,251)
Quick, accurate, cheap
All the satisfaction of a
ETBonal communication,
istance no effect to a
clear understanding. Spo
kane and San Francisco
as easily heard aa Port
land. Oregon City office it
Harding's Drug Store.
James Brothers S. J. VAUGHN,
On Milk Creek opens July 5th with a
new, fresh strck of goods. Groceries,
Dry Goods, Hardware, Drugs Patent
Medicines. Notions, etc. We buy for
cash. Our expenses will be small such
as rent, insurance and taxes, the same
as in the city. Therefore we do not ex
pect to be undersold by any other retail
merchant ia the county. Call and see
us. Bring your produce.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and
All kinds of Repairing neatly done
and warranted.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Double and Single Rigs, and sad
die horde always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with the barn for loose stock.
Information regarding any kind 01
stock promptly attended to by person ol
letter .
Horses Sought and Sold.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
ble terms.
Letter 1,1st.
Tlie billowing is the list of letters re
maining in the postolliceat Oregon City, ;
ore., on June -0, i:to.i: 1
womkn's 1.1 st. j
liolund Mrs I. Huberts Miss Eihel
Hockett Mrs (irace S Seward .Miss Annie 1
Smith Mrs l.auta I
mkn'm i.M
H irrett Charlie
lien .ett E
lioozer Kev I, .M
Urown J N '-'
Kiuld Charles
Foote Wm II
(iasser Fred
Leet Carteo
Martlameu Aug
Miller A M
Murray R A
Sheridan James
Williams Thos
We Have Devel
oped Our
In the last few years
llarlocker Jndgn L Wilson C N
Wilson Jas
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis
courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
and cheerfulness soon
disappear when the kld-
l iiv 'tl neys ara out ol order
-f,-ilTH"ordiseased- '
't.'y I'vfe Kidney trouble has
that It Is not uncommon
for a child ia be. bnrn
'I U'iir atnictea wim weaK kid
neys. If the child urln-1
ates too often, If the :
urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child
reaches an age when it should be able to '
control the passage, It is yet afflicted with 1
bed-wetting, depend upon It. the cause of 1
the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first i
step should be towards the treatment olj
these Important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of the j
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as 1
most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made mis
erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect ol
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It la sold
by druggists, in fifty-
cent and one dollar
sizes. You may have a j
sample bottle by mail
free, also pamphlet tell
ing all about it, including many of the
thousands of testimonial letters received ,
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. KUmet
& Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., be sure and
mention this paper.
Don't make any mistake, but remem-!
ber tho name,Swamp-Koot, Dr. Kilmer's 1
Hwamu-Koot, and the address, tting- i
hamtoo, N. Y on every bottle.
Bom of Swwnp-RonC
BUT WE are not going to stand still, we propose to double it this year. And in
order to do so we are offering special inducements, such as enlarging our stock,
r-elling on the installment plan, making a payment when yon purchase the
watch and pay the balance in monthly or weekly payments, selling at special prices '
' and gnarai tee every watch, both the quality and price. And you can depend njion
our guarantee as we have had year of experience in dealing in watches and watch
repairing. II you do not know as,
Ask Your Neighbor About Us.
He Has Always Found Us Reliable
We are especially proud of onr stock ol gold filled watches at this time. It is by far the
laritest we have ever shown before. We just received a lot of the newest lmtterns
Th ey are of the beet makes, such as the Boss and Crescent Cases fitted with Waltham
and Elgin movements.
We are offering a good reliable Gold Filled Watch for $12,00- This is not a cheap
gold plated case with an imitation movement, but a good Uoid Filled Case guaranteed
to wear 2t years, fitted with an Elgin or Waltham movement. Then we have others of
better grades at $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00. Silver watches from $(J.i 0 up. Nickel
watches from $2.50 up.
Ahnilt PffinirinO We believe in doing work right. Our w
1V7UI1 111. men are skilled and conscientious. You'll
grumble at the price either. All our work guaranteed.
01 k-
!C : Nrw I
CL. Suspension Bridge Corner liKi I
F-Z53 F-1372 I
,Ja.J-.M,i.s i.u.. ES.kn..x.a .ium'I, Miia.a.,-.J....i..i..i i .-I y