Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1903 9 lEISf Wow ill help ym nlcliiatii (ho lny, tiros money. Wo h;iv(i told yon ri'lit alon Moh'h ( 'lulling, l'unts, HutH ho wo can luni our storo over dcinntincnt Iiouho. Wo liavo novor had l-oforo, lut to Cap tin OliniiaLX And convinco tlio doubting ones, we now offer tlio balance of our (Joods at Publie Auction For What it Will bring. It's Up to you to pet the cleanest and bent clans of Morcliatidino in the Mon'a Wear lino at absolutely your own price. Come and bring your friends you, we put money in your nocketH, wo MUST pet rid of these poods, you can have them at any old price. We'll huvo ZJ. RUCTION DAYS. Saturday Juno i!7th; Monday, Juno 2l)ih; Wednesday, July 1st and Saturday, July 4th, Three Hales daily. 10 a. in., , and 7:150 p. in. Co mo everybody, Merchants especially in vited I.:nlii'i in nli' U'l'lrnlisii wo'll linvo Ki'rtts iirnvlili'd fur tlwin. The REALIZATION SALE I Odd Fellows Building, Main St., Remember our store is open daily for private selling and wo promise you a saving of 50 cents on the dollar, (ornparcd to Portland prices. Send your favorito name in for our new store and win that $20 priso. Contest, closes July 10th. ' l Shoulders ov ffl a ther 5c cigars 4 A cio;ar that has the same face value as a nicl-el. .mci V pays you KIP run A GLORIOUS TIME FOR ALL I'm 1 1 nil ntwi f MM 1 ' ' lliat wo tiiust utut Cups irliooH nnl Furnishing 1oo1h This Month to tlio (lillorcnt contractors to trivou you values tlio past and neighbors, wo pay A cigar that has the same , - , x. full interest in solid satisfaction and real enjoyment. Save the Bands. , Every dealer sells it. BSE 4t L13 I (III III'1!! ) ' ' -7 ' 1 1 1 r I I'4MI iirtui: i t in vitit utioin lint eloso out our untiro Block of ln romodoled for our llirco wcks, such as new you your expenses, wo entertain ! Oregon City, Ore. ; face value as a nickel, I JIOKK VOl'.XJ 1 LOPLK l.liADl ATKI) Anniuil I mmiiciicimi iit Exm-lxti of hi. John's Part eh ul School. I Tim annual rinsing ; John Parochial a id i Oil city, with held Ht house Thursday liight. exercises iA Rt. High SI hool, of Shivcly'a opera A Splendid pro- students of I lie gram was given dy ihe . IiiimI ninl I ln hm.Iu-h to the gntduafing ; i-lu was dt-ltvend by Most Ki-v. A)f x j under Christie, archbishop dl Oregon ( liy. George Kinlrin mill Mis Satie 1 f-ullivan were the graduates. Tbe pne ; (.'mm n( the evcrm g j fie t ill tf 1 a short sd ilrcti liv la-hr Entires hihI Mi interest ing c"hv by Mi'H Sullivan, whose sub jcl was "I.hii I unil Ivc; In of Ancient ; i I.h rumpl-i pr.gra in of the evening ' was h s folio s; i " Wi n niiiif Song" Chorus Overture "Barer )e Si villa". . ..Rossini I .liacs E'lul Jackson. Kale Mallhles j mi I Vi'Ih Ki-llv. jNoiig "The I1-lax Wh Love" Minium I Duel 'Ju'ml March" Otto Fischer j Kainliill O'Kcil and John ISosoh. j Recitation 'Ihe lliave Fireman"... Master iliard Haw ley. Duel ',le" Olio K. Hchill Pianist, Jcilin liniiicario; violinist, Frank lillSCll. Chorus "My Mother's Song" Girls Trio "Festival March". ...Franz Behr Miss Agnes Justin, Mary McDoneil and Annie Michel. Sung "Merry Little Cooke". ... Mininm Trio "Hii le's Welcome" Durand Misses Julia linger, Georgia Fuller and Mary Dolan. Chorus "Sung of ihe Lighthouse Hell" Bovs Trio Southern Medley."D. M. II. May Mimes Bertha Chambers, Elaie Jordan ! and Haitie Buker. Address Master George Endrei Duet "Vienna Forever" Schrammel Missea Irene Moore and Tillie Zelig. Essay "Land and People of Ancient Knypt" Miss Satie M. Sullivan Hong "Distant Chimes" Seniors Duet "Norma" V. Bellini Manter Willard llawley and Mabel l'usey Addreca to the clas and public Most Kcv. Archbishop A. Christie. FELL UE.K V I II THE CABS, i-t h u r hnc it r, an Employe itt the W. I'.ii Ily.fV, Luses Life. 0. Ar'hnr Knepper, who was employed on ihe coiiHtiu -muii furce of the Oregon W'ati-r I'ower li Hailwav Company, lost bit hie at li ning Sunday evening by fall ing bei.eath n giavel train. Three heav ily loaded cur- passed over his body at the uaii-t killing him almost instantly. Knenpei was a single man about L'4 yea's of age and has no relatives ill this Mection. Coroner Dolman, in response to a mes-age, went to the scene of the acci dent Monday morning and conducted an inqu-st over the body. The investiga tion iduiwed that Knepper was attempt ing to operate a brake when he lost bis balance and fell beneath the cars. Blame for ihe accident was not placed on any body by the jury which found that deatti resultf d from an unfortunate acciJent. and MS. MILLKH DEAD, One of Oregon CIij'h Arcom jilklieil Cilizcns U Culled. Keren M'i Wan Woiiinii if Kxccptliiinll A('..(iiiiil,slwiii'iitn. f'uni ral Smiil.iy, A feeling of ileepeat Burrow arcoin pained the miiijuiii:eineiit .Saturday i looming of the. ilealli at fealeui the flight before of Mm. Hubert A. Miller, of thin city. About tu weeka ao Mr. .Miller went to Salem lor a Hbort vinit and while there Waa nie7.i'd with a revere illiicm tiiut n quired ruliiiilpcion to the Burgeon's knile fur it" proper treatment. The op eration wan performed lam Thursday and death reaulled at 11 o'clock Friday night. Harelia lirillitti waa Iho dannbier of Mr. and Mra. L. C. (inflith, ol the Waldo llilla, Marion county, where abe was noru in years ago. tier education vu! acquired in the public Hcboola and an at teiidaiice at Willamette (Jniveraity in Salem from which inatitu'.ion nlie wan graduated in the clan ol 1877. In the following year (die wan wedded totuincy A. (Jrubba, who dieil ube(piently of coiiBiimption. Mra. (irnbb engage I at school leaching and for a number of yeara very ratixfactorily filled the ofTme of city nuperinterident of the (salem pub lic fclioola. Iler resignation from that capacity in 1HU3 was attended by the adoption of resolutions of regrtt by the members of the Salem nchool ttoard. During that year she became the wife of Kobert A. Miller who anrvives ber and ine tympattiy ol ttie entire commun ity in bis irreparable luaa and the hour of deepest bereavement. Following the marriage, the deceased and her bus band have been continuous residents ol this city. Mra. Miller wag a woman of culture and relineinent and possessed of rare ac complishments, (jibed with more than ordinary intellectual ability she ranked among the prominent educators of the Male. Hera was a life of great useful-net-sand with her hweet and loveable dihpomtion. It was only to know her to like her. Vr a number of years Mrs. Miller wa president ol the slate organ i.ation of Native Daughters and at the time of her death was prominently con nected witb the State Womens Clubs. For many years she was a devoted stu dent of Shakespeare and for a long time Hi-tt;d as president of the Oregon City Shakespeare Club fur tbe organization of which bhe was responsible. The occa sion for the visit of Mrs. Miller to Salem at this time was to give a Shakespearean reading liefore the Salem Women's Club. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at Salem and interment was had in the Waldo Hills cemetery. S.ilntlon Army Camp Meeting. Mid-summer campmeetings by the Salvation Army of Oregon City will com mence Saturday, June 27th, and close July 13th. The hall will be decorated with evergreen trees, m as to represent a grove. All the ministers of the town will assist in preaching as follows: Saturday, June 27 ih, Lieutenant Ma ness, of Portland. Sunday, Jane 28tb, 4 p. m., Ensign Crabtree. Sunday, June 28th, 8 p. m., Ensign Crabtree. Monday, JuneftHh, Rev. Davis. Tuesday, Jane 30th, Rev. J. H. Beaven. Wednesday, July let, Bev. E. S. Bol linger. Thursday, July 2nd, Rev. P. K. Ham tnond. Fridav. July 3rd. Re. Willey. Saturday, July 4th. Rer. F. H. Mix- sell. Sunday, July 5tb, 4 p. m., Mra. Sweet, Evangelist. Sunday, July 5th, 8 p. m., Mrs. Sieet, Evangelrst. MoaaUy, July 6th, Rev. Willey. Tuesday, July 7tt. Rev. J. U. Beavea. Wednesday, July 8tb, Rev. E. S. Bol linger. Thursday, July 9th, Rev. P. K. Ham mond. Friday, July 10th, Rev. W. S. Giim. Saturday, July 11th, Mrs. Sweet, Evangelist. Sunday, July 12th, 4 p. m., Mrs. Sweet, Evangelist. Sunday, July 12ib, 8 p. m., Airs. Sweet, t vangeliBt. Monday, July 13th, Arrangements are being made tor good singing during the camp. Please all pray tbat a goodly number may em brace salvation ana live it the rest ol their day. Enjuoh W. R. Cbabtrec. Lieut. Wikmann. A Japanese Wedding. A Japanese weddiDg will take place next Tuesday evening, June 30tb at Sbively's opera house, the contracting parties are yet nnknown but it is rumor ed that they are weil known in this city. Particular interest has been aroused and it is expected tbat a large number of people will be present. Details will ap pear in our next edition. Hats, trimmings and flowers, every thing reduced, Miss C. Goldsmith. BUY THE as, SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived ly those who ad- .vitic n vu.w citrw i"K iuacuiue ior f20.00. This kind of a inuchine cau be bought from us or any of our dealers from $ 15.00 to" $18.00. WI MAKC A VARIETY. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strength or weakness of Sewing; Machines. The Double Feed combined with other strong points makes the Xew Home the beat Hewing Machine to buy. showing the dif ferent style of Kewlnir Machine we manufacture and price befuru purchasing THE REff HOME gCWIN. HJOINE CO. osaaoc. mas 28 Union Bq. N. Chicago, I1L, Atlanta, Oa St. Loula,Mo Dallaa,Tex., Maa Francisco, Cal ron alc v Social Events ! 1'iurieer CiiHpler, No. 2, Kastern Star, held a largely at tended inee'ing Tuesday night. A number of candidates were initiated, Mr. Harry Iavis and Miss Jimie Lar son were married in this city Tuesday, June 2:;. l:!U:i Hev. F. II. Mixell. p islur of the rirnt Presbyterian church olliciat-irift'- County Judge Kvan officiated at a Wfd iling last Saturday afternoon when tin inariieil vi r. Ilerscbel Wi.suri and Miss Lurene Hanmby, bulb of this city. The ceremony Was per formed at the Clacka mas county court boue. The Flor slura Club has everything in rejiliivc- for its initial summer dancing par'y Ht Canemab Park tonight. Those holding invitations are expected to be in attendance. The grand march will take place at 8.0 o'clock. Mr. (iasner White and Miss Mary Piircifult weie married at the First Bap tist church Sunday morning in the pret ence of a large congregation of their friends. J. 11. Beaven, of this city, offi ciated at the service. Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Daulton gave a whist party in honor of the birthday anniversary of their daugh ter, Miss Edna, After the card playing, in which Misi Nellie Caufleld and Gor don Moores recti ed the prizes, refresh ments were served. Mr. and Mr'. J. W. Moff tt entertained a small company of friends Tuesday evening in honor of the Misses Lewis, oi Hood River, and Miss Any Gray, of Portland, who are their guests. Altera number of lively games were played on the beautiful lawn at the Alollitt home, the party was served with refreshments. Cataract Lodge No. 74 Knights of Pythias, of this city, received a fraternal visit Wednesday night from a company of forty member of Orphan L jdge, of Portland. Several candidates- were in itiated and refreshments Were served. The visitors made the trip in a special car and returned to Portland aliout 1 o'cliit-k Thureday morning. The marriage fever has struck Clacka mas county. During lat week Co'imy Clerk Sleight I'Hued nine wed ung per mits. The record this week has ne-JQ good, the following inrtrnage licenses having been lusued : .Mary E. Miller and Kev. C. E.. Crandali: tiussie Mvldock and J. L. vYiikiin; Sarah C. Nicalinand Thomas Harlan ; Josie Larson and Harry Davis. In the class that -was gtaduated from the English department of the Portland High School this week there wan one young woman, Miss Alda Bronghton. who, until a year ago, was a resident of this city. Miss Eva Scott, who was a member of tne same class, is the daugh ter of Richard Scott, of Milwaukee. Ia the class that was recently graduated from the Portland Academy, Carletoa Harding, of this city, was a member. A lawn party will be given at Locust farm, the home of Mrs. Elizabeth War- ner at Mt. Pleasant on next Tnursday ti,l 9 T .o. ....., nl m .sol i;..tllu, u i j tup ggi ui a. . vm old witb have been secured for fortune telling. The popular Nash's band will be in attendance and play at intervals during a program consisting of songs, instrumental music and recitations. Ice cream and Mt. Pleasant cakes will be served in abuoJance. The proceeds of the entertainment will be devoted to the completion of the sidewalk. Mr. J. L. Wilkins, of Portland, anal Miss Gussie Maddock, of Oregon City, were married at the home of tbe bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Maddock, in the Falls city at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, JuDe 24, 1903. Rev. W. B. Hillingsbrab, of Portland, performed tbe ceremony in tbe presence of only tbe relatives of Uie contracting parties. Tbe groom is traveling salesman for a large firm in Spokane, where tbe couple will reside. Until recently be was a resident of Portland. Tbe bride is a native Clack amas county girl and is popularly known here. She served for some time aa deputy county treasurer of Clackamas county. Court Robin Hood No. 9, Foresters of America, at a meeting last Friday night decided to give cbarity ball, all of tbe proceeds to be donated to tbe Heppner flood sufferers. Tbe management of Ca nemab Park contributed free of cost the use ot tbe dancing pavilion at tbe park where tbe party was given Wednesday evening. W. E. Marshall, t . W. Hum- pnrys and A. H. urisseu was tbe tom mittee in charge. While all of tbe fra ternal orders of the city bave subscribed liberally to tbe Heppner relief fund, tbe Foresters was tbe first organizttion to give a social function as a means of rais ing more funds. The party was a suc cess and netted a neat sum for the de serving needy of Heppner. Bob, the three-fuurths Percbeon stal lion, will make the season of 1903 at my place, 21... miles cortheastof Currinsville. Terms : $6 to insure in foal, payable when mare is known to be in foal or parted witu. J. W. Dowty. Letter List. The following is the list of letters re maining in the pontntliceat Oregon City, Ore., on June 18, 1903: womkn's list. men's list TOM P. RANDALL, PM. Every hat must go before tbe Fourth. Miss C. Goldsmith. Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat-; ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which is agree ably aromatic. It is received through tbs nostrils, cleanses and heals tbe whole sur face over which it diffuses itself. Druggist sell the 50c. size; Trial size by mail, 10 cents. Test it and yon are sure to continue the treatment .J Announcement. To accommodate those who are partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids into the nasal passages for catarrhal trou bic, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known as Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Price including tbe spraying tube ia 75 cents. Druggists or by maU. The liquid form embodies the meu icinal properties of the solid preparation.