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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1902)
i , OKEGOX CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST, 1002 ! Oregon City Enterprise. City and Couiitj OflMul Paper ! lnlli!ie.l Kvery Friday. A TIMH'ltl.KKItMK TAX. Since it was reported that lireat liritain mid China had arrived at a satisfactory tmde mwituMit there liiivo been rniuotit of a hitch in tho iiuvoodiiin loi mtxo of PACTS ANP l'AN one which compels the voter to wear party ctrmit jacket nt the priiimrion. The niiK'itoxtion has often been nmdn that lint w need above nil thini in lociil Tlu temperature of the iniil ha Undoubted il'lllll'lll'K upon the liMopt'ui lure f tint b.'dv. Nnmtirili"H l'll,lH nominations I to i;.'l a:y from I'')' ; V in,vil llm .IiinIv Inul'"")'. (ho enormous dill'ieulties in Hu way of a ' tickets ontlioly because ll.e national ' plodding al.'iii: the Mine rmiio every ' '- pr-nu-NA NCCCSSARY TO THE HOME. ri tt ...r i .. i c .. ii ! Suillli.i' L L. rOUTKK, l'n.'i-K.KToR BL'HKCKIITION HATES, , readjustment of the tarill' and the likin. i , This latter lax is rs peculiar as the 1 10 0'ieypar tr. i moil'!'" Trial ?uiiv. t;,.tion two months A .ti-iv,.''' i 1 "ii cents on !Uutsor.ption Tor o:-.e .:-, Scents (or six months, it pai.t in i.tvai.ce. Alvr;i;:i,; rates given on application. party mimes are not relevant to loeal , The iter often woti.leia it ine leni.... , .'. . . , ......... ... : i, i.. ' tilt i.ic.iliini! of their ciMence, en per Hilly ! , elections aim on....:..' im' i!"iirr, it ij. - ... i ..I...,, Il. I,,.riii,,iii..l. III WllV IIP III heathen Chinee himself, an.l was insti-1 thought that if their use were foihiddrn ;,., i, ." g drivci ihemselve. luted as an emor:onoy t.ix just ai'lor the, on the local ballots an.) all iioiiiiinitions ,,,,1, !v (,,,.( m.:n , banco. ' 'Taiping rehellion, when the noverninent wore inaJe hy petition theie w.uil.l he a , Hiey s'oli.lly hohl to their places on was in despot att stiaits for revenue. milch nioie ennvit'.eins' promise of a thor - i l! is a sort of piovincial, or wo iniht j relonn. almost say township or village, taii:'. I nn: hi t k in a l it v. . When li-vds are carried inland they! i;,,.!,!,,,.,,, !,,, emu., homo from - nmst puss what are called harriers, that ; f,,w ,m,tl ap) loudly Haelarins - will find tlie of expir.i-: is, stations w lid e the likin is collected, i ,i, ,.,,, .v,mi, rt n it il he iin. piieted down. Snbscri 4 ... , .... ll.uir f. , 1 l.ltV It, t' Uie.'r'nan ;-. It this ilate'is not cinmc.-.l "d there ate so many of these harriers i ij,..,,,. ,,,.,., ,0 ulV0 'that evtiemely jwiy sent- Hi.' I" must s'ick on a l,ii;li I'lh d load of .!. 1 Tiie sun p nit s Its hot I adi ince over llicin, or a thick l"iid of dn-l l-ni cs th, .in in ils density. .infliy it mn-t he. a cool philo-iphy in hiain ol man or, beast that snppoiti lib' under snch C"n dilions. i r ' t- ;'" A 7 "-A' 'ir y v ' J two w-es alter a pavmvnt, QOti.'v us a, j we w ill look allcr it. kwnliv ' K:n-rd a: ( poto;::e in (Vreuon t. ity. (.'r.. as sveoiul class luatter. : thai the multiplied tiansit dues impose j Mr y , ,eely is, ho.vever, to lei i a very heavy luiideii on trade. Tims il j the pblic know that there is as little i is said that in the eighty miles between 1 siailu( lls honesiv in I , miliar Seusliln "tp ini . Illl I.U'III'Umii lt.( V X C'lliimlila t.r 4r. Ileulniilnit Salni.l,,,. j , ' . .l ie m hednln an, I i ,,,,. . ' Luer iiimu ii, sM;1;,7,'! !. , i-oitumi s.n.1,1,, 1 ,i, ..r," I. hi Pep il at V I'll p , diiecl without li,iMl'.N,l!' ; ha.t and N.....I.., , lil";'U jt.,.1.1 will bo .., !.,, "'"'"I ( lalson linn Ii n,,ii,iK ii trull" I'l nolllll be il l, 1, a... lot ti t Vidi 11 j tit-i m ..... 1 I '-'Hi'll ,i 1 11 i .linn-. 11 ,11 ,n, n I "' "''nl"' "' '"r-'V"!!.,,,,,,;,, Iwi roilliind dii l ai ( , .. III lii a.'b n.ilnla k'l , , . . I' I .i.l ev.nv n iiui.i.h 1,1 il,. "" "I!m., I'. i.n el.,,1.,,.,1.1.. Will, m 1 1,,,.,'' '" K riMiiril - ,,v fui t poll nppli. l,,,i, j .V ' ' i A hIiii 1:1 ..1. ..I .1 . ' , i' urn f 1 " " 1,1 ini,.,,. vr , ';;""-'"'V t", T.v.,... .. - !;r:bb!'::i;::,:' of 1 remiiiked. "I do w midei w l,.il , f J 11 1.. ..I 11 ,, I'nv ,111, IhiliLlni.' ... 1,1 ,i,i ,'t I1.IM I.1I ' IH A.iKSTS FOK Til K K.NTKKPKISK. 11m. .eelv was convicted of steahni; postal money at Havana, and should now be solving a Beaver Ore. I'anhv f'arRaiea. Miiwani..e . Union il i Meadow !.rv N ew Kra Fark place. . j?:iion! j Jdian:hai and Sucliau the number of : turners is ten. I I'ut while it is manifest at a glance jthat such a svstein nmst hamper tiade L,,,,,,,.,,,;,,. o( t1(1 (-,iIm1i I 1'r. p. Ii. T'miean , 1 K. I. Sia, 'enui;y, 11 is aiso mai u.e revenurs : was pnniu.. tl) (,,.,, A Matller 1 1. 1 a,,lV..r i-.irw 1,1 il..r I 1 1 ' V l,v itu with. IVonestic as well as toiein llie people 01 i'ic;'ii iri ioe hh"m"i j.. and doim; t tint they are no cuoler 111 iS II re lid to its olten thought, lid y appeal am e. I 've if a few ViMli I term in prison for it, but throuuU the voui.eer, I w,.iild certainly "H!'ii '" iMj.mii. ,it h r: y w Inch shoiil.l tune 1..1 to!! ls,'ar i:i,i;cr . U J. Truhiiiter dravval tii. liiilman , . , V. s. N-.-wherrv nn rchaiidise must pay the ll- 1(l;"".p i has irown to be considered indispens- I'. T. Ilowar.l ; able bv most of the local authorities, t aril" b. M . I oope r j M.ih'i Annie Stubtis from the viceroys down. Mairqiiaiu J. t". Mar.nam itjttcTille. H. Jennli-ks "r',r; Henry A sinyiler tf, vicetovs of the Yinte Vallev had Kaale t. ree H.Wimern Dvujscus J. ('. Klliott I memorialu-'d the throne for its abolition Svi lv F. (lo ts, h I , . , , , r-irrinsv-l e Ceo. J. (,'nrrin : th'ouuhout the empire because of the WArmo1 AlU)l'h As,'!u'!l ! compensation to Ik) in the nev IXIM VTK I1 N(T t il AM.IM; , treaty, and there can be no doubt that 1 viot-a rranl tiri.l ttitf, un.l uppIi.-H to tltf place as are notab e exception-to ! w ith it s disapiiearanee a treat impetus! in,,,,,.,,. i:.,.,,i 1,, i ,..i,i,r....l f... iteinle cnlniiii prove the tnilh The rema'k i not inire.jiien'ly heard j would be given bjth to foreign and do- ,li8 ,oney money that he had stolen tl at clrxatic conditions are materialiv , mes'.ic trade, cl.anntil fruin what obtained several ' - AearsBu-o, whtcL, perh.ips, is so to some I JtwiK itiiLMts.,11 mil: iiitvv. term in prison f-r yoiin.teis in the thick .Inst ol ti,. extent, but certainly not to the degree Ttie best traditions of American I T , ". . . ... i '''-v? Yonder a... tao cute l.ttl, , ,. hnieii linpirleme ol this man lijtH wh,w 1 h,.r has evidentlv ri.t ai u.r ,'icm u. ,....., ui .-r, , , would bo a line thiiiL' for ariuoi mil' war r,., I the iN ul.j this niatti'i of the tcanlnii"e 1. 1 streets and yiuds." The speaker was one whoi-e own pieinHes me ate a model of neatness and be.iiilv. t'omiiielits are (re.pieully heard lioin visitors to our eily on the mii;!itlv, slovenly Hppe.intnee of the H'reels. The rinds, peelings, paper and other rubbmli scattered proiiiiscuou-ly about, n J alone We ure then returned to the War Pepartment, ! l,lls.v. w ikin people, but lile ... . . ' . will seem brighter ii we vv re.ithe lis h.n.l, wnere it remains, in nonruiv' seems 10 . prosaie facts w lib the simpej;race ami l'" snow jusi wnai oisposiuon s.iouui "";,,,,,,,,.,,!,!,,. ;,..,. a,l made of it. Now comes Neely, the con- beautv of nriitnes and Sui t. i.i It .pioted, a tiling of beauty Is a Joy lor-ever." and w hich formed a part ol the evidence on whirl) Im it. 4 Ri.tileneeil I,. M,r. ,i Who can explain the C l'lflll til. ,o ir. At the time of his aires! he had in hi" possession funds amounting to fi.'.'iil. The money, apart of what he had stolen, w as taken from him and put in posses sion of the Secretary of War. The latter eiit ll to Cuba, at the time of Neelv's It was sai.l, vjiowever, that the two tn,l to he ii-o I as evidence. It was in back alle.s and rear yards a busy, haul Wi ikinn pen will seem brik'hter ii wo vv ri U,il, r:ii 'i run a to all ' ' n I .ii' ' ' ! I I ,v I " ' " . pi-l I've . r v be iilni I a Ii": " nn It Irult .1 .1 " ' efnr.i twill, ii lI.i! ncJ tor II I ' I ' I i. m ,. i.,.ni : ,,, ,, t. .-, .i ii . n, 4 I . ' ; ! 1 1 ! 1 1 " Il II . . t I. .1 k ! ' all i oi ti. v t i ;:i for , . I I I I II ( In... ! . . I'vrw i( ;c; 'I r. i i.v kiiJ ,; i. i.'o itt.'f is r: ni ii .ft'i . rum . I w 1 i .:: s'U.' ('atari Ii i- !' ' ' nil ini'i nn H lii. in!. i. . ne Iiiiiii.: I i' ore in-., tluoat, .t-K.i kl.ln. v I I.o i h Is nil ii 'h I'l I nil I eur. s e ' . a l'i tniia i in ' 1 M ' i I'.al, .Ml. I inli Is n ..v I,--..!. I e. .If I' " ill I " il :l ' I.I..- I' i.l In I ' . .. or I'm 1.x. I . b lie. ill I II. '..11 . p.hf a 1 1 1 .ir .1 i H. I e .1' 1 I VV i'l ' . ' I '. -er 1.1-nte I. , r I .. a'. .1. .. ,1 . , in, a im! i in: M ni'(i,;ri Oii-ir 'ii. I aiuii.i' Uf Klwl l:.'i-..eii,iij. Hie ilbmiU.M,j, pint ll il Killlllllef l,, vf w nine li'mill. Ill lie. Ii,,,,,r II, like II p'.-Klhle .,t : ,..,j nn to lpe,.i II. I ll V.i. jli,,, I,. " w ave, Ihn S.i.iil.rii J-i fir (' 5 l ii eon ne, nun k in, in,. ( (ir ti'n t an Itaiima I. w i l pi,(i ltn , y t, June I'.'h, r.iun.l ii , iul.,1, j,". ,olnl. III I liecoll mi tin. S ,iile I, i Si'WpnM, ;...,. .,r return ,ltj her l'Mli. l M'i4ily ii..birln' ! or full Inl 'Hi, ah .ii j.l, ,, u, Voiir Iik al (oiil. Il . iMi.-i;1..; ii til"' 'I- a'- V h IO. ir v. ii ii. far..r v r. rii.- ui ..n fu!! - i il, Il . I y it. I)..! .1 lilt I . .- lo I' n! . f ' i II I .nil lb J 1 . I -1 O 'I - I'.' I. f I'll HO I It $ n Talllr, Tbeii. are tiuie when tuirlim iit a atonic. I 'on'l k'l v" p'l' "itiin ( i'"h nr. I wi'ukni. ) '. Witt'a LlU I, "'' r l.iM r. epr all i ,....ii (,,,,11 i, ,., ' ' "1 ... , ... ) .. .. m. nii'l ni . loon i'l nil' iivrf, y :: llvhliin I mi.,, M.h.iti 'i.,n hav e l allie.l I irWitt'a l.itllr Klilit, with me lor 1,' v mf . an.l . b' Itlnillt H. em " .'anil li, I take. I'U'e'v Vi j'.ti'.,,.. f;. k I 1 1 pl ol dl.tfl'M Ili'O A. Iltl,,- 1 1 I 1 if it could be extracted ami haul ers wou' l indicate. No particularly ' of Oliver Wendall Holmes b) h.' a jnde 1 K od rea.-un is advanced to substantiate j "f the L'niteJ Stales supreme court. I rui, )r,()(.r Hm)i. Tla moMt t.,. the aroT.e'it further than unreliable , Jmltfe Holmes was called from the hu- lV(.llvw prj,,.tjU Wo,lM ,., ,rol it UH leeollect!.. too often ....tiling n.ore than . prem, cou.t of Massachusetts, Ilk- Jude h)t., (r0, a ,,ri(.u wa. , , ae,ie imaoation. Thomas Jeirerson Oray, whom he succeeds, and Jne j ,at tm AUor,u). u,.mfIl, ,,,. , .e,. was the fir-, scientific weather observer . Ciray is himself proof of the wisdo.u ' ,.0y a .k.. vigorous bouncer will, a o! whom the a'jvei uir.ent has any rt-cord. ' selections from the bench lor the highest I in lrc-li, clean aiun'nln i.. I'l i to I i.; ' ii i G" Ail i" The II., It. I! !', ' ' I.- On J til v 4, 1 77ti, he took three observa-j court in the land. He has made an ad-li'-nn of the tenii'erature at Philadelphia. I niiranle record, and tiiere can be no It is interestii-.g to note that the highest ! doubt that his lotiu experience of judicial , ., . , . i l-uiperaa!.-- ne observed that nay was ,4 decrees. Contrary to this the writers concerning; the exciting events of that w ork in his natfve state wan of great value to him at Washington. Jii.L'e Holmes has had an even longer day are screed that t he temperature was j preliminary training, his term of twenty very hiejh and the day eiiltry. Even so, years in the Massachusetts courts having boot of about tw o tons displacement who miyht operate on Neely w hen he ayniii applies for "his" money. -Kecord Herald. and sent them out to play. See li"W , i -lickly they slip 1 1 . i , Uk i i the open bout ilate. Now the lime! ol." bus I'luiiU'ed herself iloW II W hen. ll,e .i-l is deep..!, and is poiiriiii: the fuseinat im: stud ' t.vei , J. ,,. ;, 14 , lln, rar Hie her fat, lltliu le;', red ili ri an.l nil. I'll.- older sister 'iitheis the pit in hau l bills, .oniui; it as hi;li as she can and , , .i.ii. . j -,re 'lit liaiii m-rviir nil. i li.-.ip K i r .i-l. niir u i lie I.' ,! 1.4 i! i utiles il,, I . ' over her curly pile in showers. As tin' I cuol hi. ailows ol eveiiim: l.i'HUl lo tall, a I VAihl HiiiivSii, .v ('. 1 M . 'OKI'S I i A I N , KM'OKIS l.l'SK. the record in his jiocket note book merely as a matter of habit ; the others trusted to memory. Mr. Jeffr-rson was also curious to find i and he has come to be regarded as one out if there had been a general change of the ablest jurists in the entire coun- I and their clothiiij ui. inv! (Inn little Jeffersi n wa? probably right, as he made ' exceeded Judge (iray's by about three ' fell oil' to the extent of f t.0".',0ix). This j (. , ii(h Mail; , ariu ,,.,. ,,., (,,,.,. years. For the last three years he has served as chief justice, thus following again in the footsteps of Judge Gray, in climatic c . r.Jitioss in Virginia, as the oldest inhabitants were fond of talking about in those days, as now. The snows were deeper when they were boys, then ae now, and the spring rains were earlier and the autumns pk-asanter. He con ducted his own observations over a period of fifteen year" and imjuiries ex tending over a longer scope. He became try. His title to preferment is based al most exclusively upon his service, and the reputation he has acquired lrorn it and from the authorship of law books. To be sure, he is a republican, and the appoiiitment went in accordance with precedent to a certain district; but neither partisanship nor sectionalism has prevented essential fitneBS from de- convinced there were no progressive j terminina the choice. The president changes on recount of the march of civ ilization. Willis Moore, chief of the weather service, when questioned whether or i.ot climatic condition! have onderg .n" any material changes replied : has perhaps Baved himself considerable Kxridl Tit I . a: ii wrvn e mi l round trip e u . -ion ra'e v .a A. i K. K I'lut'iie I'lrti I... lv lo Vn.ll li e . ro.m! alll apple the atery "W hat the Wil I Wave I-av a! Se n-i le" no mi .V, ingly lol I in a ban leiilv ilhMiatel and deseripl i p i.npl.l.'i just in.iie by Mr. J. ('. Mayo, ii A. Aslotu, tin.. Throiiu'h train between Portland, Havel, (iearhar. and Seaidi leav-i. I n on Pep,, l s M'l A. M il.ulv. I'oit is one of the most interesting features of j in not moro than six inches from tl(, lan I -e .M'le l.xpn-.. leases 1 nmii p.- Kroni.,1 as he trundles .he plavthing lM,t ' ', rv S"l"r,l ,-V " :;" ''' M- l: 1 along in estatie enjoymerit. jlappv j "'I' '"""f'"1' lilk"1" ,"'1 I'o'touid childhood. We i joint when readiiu- in ail 'lalsop and No. II, '.e.n h p.m.u the Hook. "There shall bo boys and : H"1,1 "v"r' S'1"1"1 '' 1,1 r'''" 1,1 ' if irla l.lavinif in the heeU nf l!, II, .Ir hangeal the nrevii.ns Vear. Thn I'lLOireH are as I'ilv " bnl . I.,. u.ll ii I... , k"'"d to return Si. lid iv ni.l.t Wai follows : set of luroer children gather on the j comer. Hack and .forth, up and d iniii A Washington dispatch culls uttention they cluue, kit king up big do, els of .lust, j to the fact that our imports of iron and , or sculling it along wilh their bare feet, i steel increase-l by Kl.tyiO,- ' ,",,'n ,l",-v 11 m,-r '"''"selves or . . ,ii,. i -i ,i each other, 'till sweaty laces ant smeared , uuiiiij, iitc )uni cui, n nil": Dir. A J")i IB , the foreign trade, but it is to be noted also that the totals show; a very largo in crease of all imports and a still larger decrease of exports by comparison w ith .1, in- With all boat hues ami those streets are paved with go'd'.' Two little friends of the w riter were Imports. Kxports. l!)ll $.SJ.",.172.Ii' l,4s,7,7.' 4 'HU ,,,., I..,., ui . ',i.i I., on .... ... . aw. oo..,t-( ,oi i a.ooi,. n'.iui i given a canary, a pretty lei.ovv an ! a It will be observed that the increase of j fine singer. For months he received the Hall water baths at Seu-ole now up. the public. Ii t. OREGON'S Blue Ribbon STATE FAIR SALEM Sept. i&th to 20th 1902 Von r invitrd Pi I'.lrnil c r thr Kli atrst illduvllUll ..niuil im. I live. t. i.k ilu In-ld on the 1... itu' Ceail. '" racing rviry flrriio. C':' ground firr. C'liir "'! your familea. 1 T njr Uf lion, w iile M. D. WISDOM, SlCt Porllnd. Ol imports was over eighty millioiis, while the decrease of exports was about 100 millions. Outside iron and steel there were such import increases as silk, twelve millions; silk manufactures, four millions; lumber, four millions; wool, trouble by keeping the resignation of j five millions; wool manufactures, three millions, coffee, eight millions; fibers and textile grasses and manufactures thereof, fifteen millions ; cotton and cot- Judge Gray secret; he has certainly done as well in his quiet search for a surrePHoT as he could if he had been as- "Civilization has caused no appreel- j sisted by all the politicians of New Kng-1 ton manufactures, nine millions; hideH able climatic changes we know about. land during an open contest. Such an j and leather, ten millions. Then; was I know that it is a common impression appointment assures the hearty approval 8,1('h a general advance, moreover, that that the charges which civilization has made in the surface of North America has caused climatic changes. It is said that the denuding of the land of forests and the cor; ing of irrigation on a large of the legal profession, of tho presa am' the people. A CltlTIC OF THE DIKKCT I'KIMAKV. A Minneapolis correspondent of the scale have and will make lar'H changes. Springfield Kepublican presents certain There are xanv excellent reasons for j facts as an indictment of the direct pri I '''jnBi and then came the iron and stee the total increase of eighty millions is arrived at in spite of a decline of thirty five millions in sugar imports. The principal loss on exports was in hreadstullH, sixty-two millions. The next heaviest was in cotton, twenty-three mill reforestation of the land, and as good for mary systei manufactures. Hut cotton manufactures irrigation, b :t neither will have or has He says that a candidate for a county j showed an increase of twelve mil had any effect on the climate. One asks office w ho was nominated by the voters J i'ons, and this loss of exports is not so of the telegraph and telephone wires the barb-wire fences and railroads in the middle West have not influenced the electric enrrents of the air. Not the of one party was "a salaried officer, generally distributed as the gain in im- against whom a suit was pending for ap- ports. propriatinK some $10,000 of fees illegally. The suit was sidetracked for election slightest. 'There has been only one thing j purposes, but the .Supreme Court has w hich I can think of w hich may have To IMy I'rlcndM. It is with joy I tell you what Kodol made a difference. That is the vapor rom the countless fires of homes and factories. Lvery day many cubic miles of vapor is turned loose. Yet the vol ume of the atmosphere is so great that I am convinced that even this bas caused no appreciable change in the climate. Near a city the effect is to be noticed, but in a short distance from the city the air is in a virgin state. Every ten years, approximately, the weather will average 1 did for me. I wan troubled with mv finally ordered him to cash in." An- gtomach for several months. Upon be- other candidate for a county office who was Dominated under the new system and elected has since been removed from office for misappropriation of fees. Both parties have nominated no fit candidates for county judge. Then there is the Ames case, which bas attracted bo much notice of late that the mere mention of it tends to throw discredit on the law. The citation of these instances in which the workings of the system have fallen for localities. The rainfall equalizes it- short of the expectations of ita promoters self and the winters and summers are of serves to direct attention again to a feat average length. Floods are greater now i ure of it that it unsatisfactory to many than formerly, bat the general climatic conditions bave Dot changed and doubt elss will not change for many centuries." earnest friends of electoral reform. It is tbe featnre to which the correspondent ing advised to use Kodol, I did so, and words cannot tell the good it has done me. A neighbor had dyspepsia so that he had tried most everything. I told him to use Kodol. Words of gratitude have come to me from biin because I recommended it. Geo. W. Fry, Viola, Iowa. Health and strength, of mind and body, depend on the stomach, and normal activity of the digestive organs. Kodol, the great reconstructive tonic, cures all stomach and bowel troubles, indigestion, dyspepsia. Kodol digests any good food you eat. Take a dose after meals. Geo. A. Harding. Smith's Dandruff 1'omade stops itching scalp npon one application, three to aiz removes all dandruff and will itoD falhnir hair. Price .V) run In at refers when be epeaki of the system as all druggists. best of care and attention. Hut as tun wore on Ph key was not the most import ant thing in the world. His needs were quite frequently neglected, "pear ln!' exclaimed the house mother mm bright morning "This bird must have belter care or I shall set him free." Once again she found him without food or drink, and she opened the door of the cage. Happy Pickey ! Out in the fresh air, out in the big world to fly far ulicld or sour toward the deep azure of the sky. So airy and light of wing wait he to revel in the soft spring sunshine. Hut soon a change came. His fky grew bleak and grey; cold winds blew about him. Heavy i showers drenched the beautiful plumage. Where could Wee Pickey bird find a shelter. Some God-implanted instinct guided the lit'.Ie creature homo. The j door of his old cage was still ajar. J Chilled and weary, he crejit within its j cozy shelter, sweeter now than liberty, I for he trilled forth Ins in a full, ' rich gush of melody. Sown sometimes, let loose from an environment, scanty arid cane-like, and enjoy our freedom for a time. Hater (he winds and storms of adversity drivo us home. What seemed like prison bars are only a dear shelter for our sorry plight. M. L. C. Havwahd, IIU Nixlit I lirt-iili iK'il. "While picnicing last month my 11-year-old boy Was poisoned by some weed or plant," savs W. H. Dibble, of Hionx City, la. "He rubbed the poison off his bands into his eyes and for a while we were afraid he would lose iiis sight. Finally a neighbor recommended De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. The first application helped biin and in a few days he was as well as ever." For skin dis eases, nutu, burns, scalds, wounds, insect bites, I'eWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, is sure cure. Kelieves piles at once. He ware of counterfeits. Geo. A. Hardiinr. .lUMt I.ooU At llr. Wocnce came that sprightly step, faultless skin, rich, rosy complexion, smiling face? She looks good, feels good. nere's ner secret, bl.e uses ir. King s New Life Pills. Kesult all organs act ive, digestion good, no headaches, no chance for "blues." Try them yourself. Only 23c at Geo. A. Harding's. How to Entertain Your Friends so lb. v will 1 1 j v every inn. iin it of the time; 'l ake tli.'iu ti ... The Wilhelm Tel fiivo llien, Cream I'lir- Ity.' Whisky nii'l (ianioriniu 1'- Si.xtl. tunl Main Ftr.el.s. A. H. GRIESSEN, PfP i ill AT 'J Kor the next nixty lny FOR CASH Straw ;hi, Crush JIuIh Ilelo Shirt WaM from . . , UP 'ifi-inuh IVrculort now IJJ TrM Clod, ' From 20c JJ Duck SkirtH in colors From Moh'h ami IloyH1 Cam regular j.ric.) 2.r! n0'' Mmi'h Fancy UrcHH ShirtH, regular prims l noff NeckticH, regular prico 2."c now 1- Moh'h SweiitcrH, regular price H.'w n 6'X J'.oyH' Sweatcrfi, regular prico .Vte oW Men's Heavy ShirtH, regular prico 0c to Toe...."04 Fancy Socb 5c Pir We arc making a l.ig cut in prices in every thing in the line of Slmcs, Dry (ioodn ami Fur niching CkmIh. Call and examine good 8"d get our priccH. BED FRONT Mil C Court House Block ORECON CITY, OREGON rr.