Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 26, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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It :
Jf I
Mh wai'Kik. Jan. 21 The coon never
came buck.
The papa of X X is aspiring to the
office of eoinniieBioner.
Mr. Ilnyes, father of Hon. G. K.
Hayes, of Oregon City, waa here Satur
day. Mrs. Lnreen and danjr.lifc-r, Edna,
of SiHfTord, were visiting here over Sun
day. T. K. A. Sellwoo'l was at Salem last
I,. L. Moore lias bought the home
place, which i located at Gervais,
Marion county, of big mother.
Al. Wetzlcrhas purchased the Baum
gartner place in Oik Grove, for l00.00.
A capital idea for a young couple to own
their home.
Fred and Henry Tubbesine, both
lumbermen from Ked Wing, Minn., are
calling on their old friends, Kev. Goerge
Ilnrtuiig and family. They will go to
California and return iu a few weeks to
Oregon, being favorably impressed with
our mild climate and tine forests.
F. Held, of Happy Hollow, near
Sunnyside, was visiting Mr, lleuneman
during the week.
The fruit commissioner bag notified
Borne of our orcbardists to spray within
60 days. This la very necessary and we
hope the law will be enforced here as it
lias been in other places. The people
had better spray as it will be cheaper
than to fight the law.
A goodly number of our citizens went
to Oregon City to attend the joint in
stallation of ; t he Woodmen and ladies'
circles. Among them were the follow
ing ladies: Mrs. John E. Wetzler, Miss
Lanterell and Mrs. W. P.Jacks. They
were all royally entertained.
Mrs. J. C. Emmel, of Middleton, has
been hero (or a week with her mother,
Mrs. A. Hosley and visiting her old
The Misses Sadie James and Anna
Holm got up a basket social last Satur
day evening. The affair was both a
social and financial success. Mr. J. 8.
Hisley auctioned off the bwkets and was
in a very jolly mood. He wore his stove
pipe hat which was np to date during
Borne time in the '60 and it made him
look very comical. Mrs. 0. J. Roberts'
basket (which was called the wagon
bed) brought the highest price, $2.00
ana ene iot me inze ior me oest oasicei.
... , .i -
Mies Emma Emmel is spending a few
days with her aunt, Mrs. John E. Wetz
Some of our basket ball club members
called at the home of Mr. Walters, w ho
resides near Willsbnrg, or on the north
ern Clackamas county border and spent
an evening last week. He is an expert
and lover of the game. He entertained
the boys by show ing them their chicken
hatching machine and other interesting
thitius in poultrydom; promising the
boys that tlie first one in the club to
marry would be presented with a trio of
fine thorough breds, the recipient to
have bis choice of White Leghorns or
White Wyandottes or Black Minorcas,
and it seems as if Homer or Fred will
get the rooster and hens.
air. Hubble, of turnnsviile, was a
guest of Mr. Henneman this week.
QMr. Harrigan, our butcher's team ran
away Monday damsging tne wagon
.Mr. Adams, ol iomroy, Wash., is
visiting his father and mother-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. R, Scott.
The Republican club elected the fol
lowing otlicets for the iiext two years
W. A. Garner, president; R. S. Mc-
Laukihiin, vice-president; 11. A. Henne
man, secretary ; C.Kerr, treasure. F.
Buckemier resigned as County Central
Committeeman and J. E. Wetzler put in
his place. Six delegates to the State
league convention were elected as fol
lows: K.Scott, W. A. Garner, J. W.
Grosle, J. E, Wetzler and C. K. Ballard
they will represent the Milwaukie Re
publican club at Portland Februarys.
Marqvam, Jan. 22 Miss Tessa Lar
"kins returned to Salem to attend school
on the 17th,
Mr. and Mrs. Van way are expecting to
move to Oregon City soon.
tl rses are selling lor a good price
nowadays. Mr. Jackson and Mr. I. P,
Lark ins each sold one for $150 apiece.
Mr. Charles Labor is puttimr oak logs
into the sawmill on Butte Creek.
R-v. C. A. Lii9e lpffon the 20th to
hoi 1 meetings at Molalla. He expects
to b j.'one about two weeks.
E. M. Harttnan is on a trip to the
c mnty seat.
Mr nnl Mrs. A. B. Ma'qiiam, Mrs.
Marv Martptam and Mrs. Gray attended
the quarterly meeting at .Molalla, Jan.
Grandma Little is quite Rick.
Ely, Jan. 22. Miss Linnie Peely re
tur.iHd last week from an extended visit
to fi it-lids in Washington, She was ac-
OTi -..:;irtd by her btothcr and family of
ra-oina, on a visit to home folks.
Mablon Moran has gone to Seattle to
obtain work,
John (trenn, our enlrrinin,? ftrowt
riiniiiiiHi(inir. Ims a force of men at
"work draining the street near the
', A petition to the Honorable City
' Council to have an arc lijtht erected at
, the intersection of the road, to the city
cemetery with MolalU avenue. Also a
p-tition for a new sidewalk from the
residence of C. W. Freidrich to the inter
section of Warner utreet.
Mr. Moran. sr. Is ah'eto dispense with
his i iuU hes, only using a cane now.
Mr M alone will leave tonight for Jose
phine couniv, Southern Oregon, in
search of work.
Mr. Vanover, of Maple Lane, has
moved into our burg.
Maple Lane.
Maplk Lank. Jan 22.-W. G. Mnir
and family of Oregou City, have moved
on the Kotert's farm.
T. II. Pavies returned home from
Seattle Tuesday, and did not come alone,
for he brought the "grip" with him.
W. O. Pickerson bad the good lortune
to kill two large coons last week.
P.miel William ha a ntimW of
Chinamen grubbing for him.
Miss Ressie Hamilton, of Oregon City,
was the gueBtof Miss Sara P.ivies, Fri
day. G. C. Brownell and A. S. Presser ad
dressed the citizens of this place at the
School house Thursday evening.
Mrs. S. Jennings and children of Sell
wood, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. N.
W. Richards.
Mips Lizzie and George I'riester are
visiting with relatives at Stafford.
A very pleasant surprise parly was
teiulered" Mrs. X. W. Richards at her
home on Saturday evening. Tiie guests
were highly entertained until a lute
hour. Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. N. W. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. A.
M. Brayton, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ward.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Davis, Mrs. Jessie
Shortlidge, Mrs. W. O. Pickerson, Mrs.
Chas. Swallow, Mrs. S. S. Jennings,
Miss Anna Shorlledge and Miss Mary
llod View.
Hood View, Jan. 15. Messrs. Millard
and Robert Crissell are attending Busi
ness college in Portland this winter.
Mr. McKinley Mitchel, of Garvais,
made our midst a few days business
visit last week buying something like
1000 sacks of potatoes at a good figure to
the fcrnitr.
Several of the A. O. U. W. brothers
t al.. T....1..? avtn'la Ctit-tviaa
i , , . . , . . 4, . . n
I .1 ! . 4 U ........ J . x . t- a thai lioll
irUUJ MIC lUUIUlllI lVitn mauo um icv
i ,uuf v""1 "-""""J ""
at Graeme.
Several new ricks of cord wood are to
be seen near Wilsonville this winter and
still the trees continue to fall.
W. W. Graham lately from Berlin is
in Portland for a few duys. He ex
pects to return to Germany the last of
this montn to remain perhaps three
years or more.
It is understood we are to have Rev.
and Mrs. Barber at Hood View as our
minister the coming year.
Elmer Jones and wife are still with us
but soon expect to return to the city.
Rev. Eldridge, of Sherwood, was seen
in this vacinity last week.
Harks News.
Clabks. Jan. 24. The railroad land
question having been settled, many of
our neighbors will leave us; among
them are O. C. Pean and Will C. Moore.
At Harmony school house on Feb. 26,
at 7:30, p. m., will be given a scnool en
tertainment and basket social. An ad'
mission fee will be charged all, except
ladies bringing baskets, and to be refund
ed to the purchasers of baskets. Every
one cordially invited. Especially the
For two reasons Win. Bottemiller looks
twenty years younger. First, he is the
father of a bouncing boy and second,
he has shaved the hair off his upper lip,
B. G. Coppers' little boy, Oren, has
been quite sick, but is better at this
Garfield, Jan. 22. "What fine
weather!" is the first exclamation as
peoile meet at the present.
Garfield has had a good shower of
ministers the past few days; two Catn-
bt-lites, two of the M. E. faith and an
Evangelist. Services were held in both
school houses with large attendance last
Sunday ; also a few at the Mount Zion
M. E. church. The Cambelites are talk
ing of organizing a class at the present
and also of building a house to worship
in. It is badly needed as there are a
number of that denomination in Garfield.
We have a fine store of merchandise
in our midst, presided over and owned
by Messrs. Julius Ostring and Ernest
Huffman, two self-made young men who
were reared in our midst. They have a
fine line of groceries and dry goods and
are selling the same at very reasonable
prices. They are kept quite busy wait
ing on their numerous customers, who
are well pleased with the way they treat
them. Success to you boys if I did make
bnlieve 'twas the ould Isdy who did the
writing to the paper.
' We have new neighbors on the old
Gatett Pulmatcer farm. Mr.' Halliway
having sold to a Mr. Holder, formerly of
Portland. We welcome them in our
midst. We were sorry to loose Mr. 1
What does it do?
It causes the oil elands
In the skin to become more
active, making the hair soft
and glossy, precisely as
nature intended.
It cleanses the scalp from
dandruff and thus removes
one of the great causes of
It makes a better circu
lation in the scalp and stops
the hair from coming out.
II Prevents and It
Cures Boldness
Ayer's Hair Vigor will
surely make hair grow on
bald heads, provided only
there is any life remain
ing in the hair bulbs.
It restores color to gray
or white hair. It does not
do this in a moment, as
Mill a hair dye; but in a
short time the gray color
of age gradually disap
pears and the darker color
of youth takes its place.
would you like a copy .
of our book on the Hair
and Scalp? It is free.
B If yop do not obtntn alt tha hndl
eiittrtpil from ih iieul the Viuf
wrtt tlie ncetor t.ut It.
f 3 AdUrrn
Uii. J. C. A ER.
Lowell, Mhm,
Madox, the former tenant as we can
never have too many good neighbor.
We believe we have as good as we lost.
Mrs. Clara Johnson i visitinir her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Puis, and
other relatives.
Mr. Gid. Krigbaum is quite busy at
the carpenter's trade, having a contract
pntiinu np a pon h to Ibe new store. He
also did quite a job on N. M. Tracy's
new residence.
Mrs. Emma Keith is residing wiih her
parent, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I'inkley.
Mr. Elijh Pinkley had his bride home
to see hi parents and Mends. They
were the recipients of an old fashioned
serenade of bells, cans, horns, guns and
with the new addition of a blast or two
thrown in. And we bachelors that's
left want to know if this blading inaie-
I :.,.t...... ... in nllli tlia tini.MUM. if ail
, , , . , ,i . .. i .
don't make it so btiong as that used on
that occasion as it broke out too many
w indow lights to funny all around.
We want some enterprising parties to
come in with a little capital to put in a
cheese factory rr a creamery, as all the
intelligent ones want one and as there is
no butttr adapted place naturally for
such an enterprn-e. It is a good chance
for the right parties and won't be long to
be taken as such opportunities are not to
be found every day. So if you are look
ing for such a chance to invest capital
come soon.
Mr. Hackett's school is progressing
nicely. Our literary and debating soci
ety is doing quite well. Your corre
spondent would not know how to get
through the week were it taken from our
midst. Mr. Louis Palmateer made an
able speech last week on the affirmative
side. The young Pavis boys are evinc
ing no small talent as speakers. That's
right boys; soon you'll have to take our
places as political speakers, so improve
your talents while you can.
Our singing school closed last Satur
day night,
Two colored minstrels were here the
the past week. As the school house was
occupied they went to the Tracy sellout
house to bold forth on Monday night.
Mr. Henry Epperson has his nice cot
tage painted. Boys, did we use up all
the old cans? If so, let's get new ones.
He so fooled us several times, let's be
ready at all events.
Miller Bros, made a trip to Portlaw'
last week. Their new saw mill will In
the best for fine lumber of all kinds out
side of Portland as they thoroughly on
derstand making fine finihing lumber
and have the finest of timber to make v
from. It will l e the best place to sen 1
your orders for lumber of all kinds.
Receipts at the new store the first da
opened, ten dollars and seventy-five
We have a fine new photograph gal
lery at Mr. Sam Huffman's.' It is owned '
and operated by Pr.dessor Frank Gill,
of Russelville. Come and get your pic
ture struck; reasonable charges. Gar
field is up to date all around.
N. M. Tracy is on the sick list.
Eagle Creek.
Eaglb Crrkk, Jan. 21. Mr. J, U.
Campbell of Oregon City gave a verv in-
leresiing lecture on the Philippine, tl 0
13th of this month at Wilhurn hal',
There was a very good attendance, coif
sidering the had weather.
Mrs. J. W. Ponghi left last Monday
i .. ti, l)..ll..n iii vlnit friends for a few
j weeks.
I J, p, W'oodle made a business flip l
Portland hist week.
School In Pistriel No. .r0 is progressing
' nicely under the management of W. II.
' Kair of Pa) ne.
I There ws an Artisan l.odue nrnnl.'d
I nt K ;le Cr . ek about leu days ago wit b
I thirseen members ami more will aoon
Winter grain looks line out In this sec
tion. W. J. IlowUtt and J. P. Woodhi made
a biHiness trip to Pleasant Homo yertcr
dav and report time lively in that sec
lion on account of the mills doing a good
business in the lumber trade.
The road are very bad on account of
so much travel during the rainy season.
Povkh, Jan. 1M The weather Inn
turned colder and it Is snowing at the
prcitent time.
The farmers have been plowing and
wmld soon commence their spring seed
ing il the weather would permit.
Kev. Allen of Viola was liere visiting
among the people Sunday and Monday.
Mr Iwis went to Pleasant Home this
W. P. Robert intends to go to Pott
laud this week.
Mrs. Selman and Mrs. Ragland of
Pleasant Home were visiting Mr. Flench
the past week.
Mr. PeShaaer was vUitii'g relatives iu
Kirwood and Pover a few days ago.
MNs Ella Nelson who has been quite
sick for a w hile was able to attend Sun
day School Sunday,
J. T. Roberts ws visiting relatives
and Iriemls here last week.
Mrs. Cooper was visiting Mr. Pow
man's family Sunday.
Wilsosvii.i.k, Jan. "4 Hello! Mr.
Editor. Have you and Win. Scott got
(he commissioner straightened up yet?
We here think they are all right and
well know what is right and jttit and ant
nut afraid to do it.
Registration is the main topic talked
of here and the verdict of the majority is
that the law is no good. It will surelv
wotk a hardship on many foreign horn
The Pewey Lyceum club had a very
fine entertainment on Jan. 20th, which
was well attended. The actors did unus
ually well, talent of more the than aver-
; sgM being in evidence. We congratulate
the young people ution their e ident en
ergy and hope fiey will contii. ue to im
prove and push forwaid.
Mrs. H. Peper is quite sick and strong
fears are entertained that she ha the
I typhoid fever.
Miss Beatrice (irider, daughter of our
inail carrier is also sick, but ha
a goo i
nurse and companion in attendance and
we hope S'jon to see her convalescent.
Mr. Erneil Jager and Gti'ta Pieknian
were married at Portland Jan. 20th and
came homo the si me day. The hova
made the night hideous with the shoot
ing of guns, yelling, etc. We extend our
congratulations to the young couple.
The A. O. U. W. Lodge of this place
had, we undeistand, a very busy meet
ing on Jan. 12th. Officers were installed
and two new candidates werencted upon.
C. T. Tooze is master and Allison Baker
Pied, at the homo of his sister Mrs.
Abbo 1'e'ers, Jan. 16th, ol consumption,
agd 22 years, Willie Schlickeiser, eldest
son of Charles Schlickcis-r He lud
been sick for a long time but his nervous
energy kept him up and around to the
last. That he was dearly beloved by all
who knew him was evidenced by the
large crowd which followed his rem lius
to the German burying grounds where
he was laid to rest,
Henry Krans and his psrtner passed
through Wilsonville today bound for his
mountain home which is four miles above
Soda Spring-i, in this county,
H. Miley has sold bis stock of goods to
Mr. Thompson of Needy, who is no
prepared to sell as cheap as the cheapest.
Mr. Miley and family will move to Port
land as soon as he gets bis business
streightened up.
Miss Strickland of Oregon City is visit
n in our trrrNt.
(2an be
just so long an there Is a particle
of vitality left in the hair roots.
The fact that the head Is smooth
and shining it no positive proof
that the roots beneath are dead.
Deep down beneath the skin, hair
roots may yet exist, filled with
latent vitality, find all that is re
cjuiicu tu develop them into a
t Ur" ' "'r ir the filth
I ul application of the proper agents.
Sutherland Sisters'
preparations furnish the easiest,
surcnt and quickest wy to ascer
tain if there is or Is ro' latent l-fe
beneath a head bare of hair. Why
not try them )
M .v.." " " a- ... 'if . .fa
nzT ibAollmlA
1 1"';:'"".. ' n't i ( ''.''U'l 'i .hlUui.i-i-.;.i.
M.rsc!.ili!e Preparation forAs-
slinllatlng ihcroodamlM uto
ling Hie Slumachs nralDovvv.b of
ncs nnd ncst.Contnlns rtdlltfT
Oiutun.MorptiittC wt Mineral.
1 usfWJnam-hMm
ApcriVcl Remedy forConstipa
lion. Sour Stoniach.Dinrrlwca,
Worms onvulsions Jevcnsh
ncss mid Loss Of SLEEll
Tac Simile Signature of
Yes! TIuv arc
Whether you want PlineH or
Sliiijter.x, Kuhhers, Shoe HtrinH,
or Overgniters, you will fintl that
what you get from no will nive
Votl Hi'-- Illoht eittir-liiutory Wear.
Mik ; g n' nil tlie time. nnl
nhvnys he comfortable to your
Krausse Bigs.
IILUtJ.-.l:.: .-!.:ri;r.r:;Ti.ir;rr.:
o You t cod Any-
Doors, Windows, Glass, Moulding
Or Other Building Material.
m a
Ml- l-
m 9
no To
.Comer nth and Main Sts.
Write for Catalogue and Prices.
Wi'Mrlt'Mlpk-ttM ..' .U..,'l!i'i'u
(Higii Grade
9' (r,iv,?t
'A u II
I V Tl I
il' f: y i
1 i l
I IS t2ffl
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
You Have
Always Bought.
ft 1
S Do You
Know the News g
You run hitve It ull (or
in tin' Kviiinir Teli-trrnm, ! t'"'',
liiinl. (ri'Ko:i. It in Ih" 'ii'vft
fl-llill IH-WCHH-P pIlMi-lliV i..
OrKiili i it eoliUnii all (hi1 lifWR
ol iIih Stale ami l the Nh'ioM.
Trv il (or n inofiih. A fMini'!it
roiiy will te maih-'l to you Inn.
The Telegram,
Portland, Or.
tHwrn Uvililx Ilia htl.
I r..m.ilr s miiiri.nl pruvin.
Mt-rrr 'alls to lltator any
Hair to Ha Youilil.il Color.
Cujr faip il.K-iwt k hair illu&
ti-.ati-l l lf..-'.'l
ZIP, i
C. H. Bestow & Co.
S 1
ry rr
m i m
urcKon tuy, uri'Kon. r.
!. Li - I'-l
fl'TTHlH tl.
1(1 IH Willi
0.-.K IMILUIa,
by fnliht V. O, 1. aukjtia to mmlimlluu.
pvrli'tfily utli'lHi'tiir)', cxMetl repmacni('lv
An Extra Flno High Grade Saddlo
ndthft(Htial at miUllvn n( (tvnrvwl.ant nt frmn
hy tlio freight np-fitt OUR PRICE, $38.50,
Iraatlis tl.OVdcpoalt. of BT.t0, ud Height
This Saddle Is made on a 18)4 or
16-Inch Conulne Ladesma or
Nolson Heavy Steel Fork....
1 Itr IC, bound or roll cuntl., ateul li.tlipro"iireiillrnip
or 8 Inch oilmw hriuw hound, u doalrvd. Will load
aantla nalaa. slhtrwlaa ardrrad.
linwl, S-liM'liwIilH-nntlrrtip leAtlioim ltnch ttentrnpflt
eitra lonir on near Hiiltt, S-lm-h to buuklu on uirnlda. lwtty
cotton twlUid MHilcwn -lnch front cinch, Iimvjt cot Urn
belting flank cinch, ounootliig strap. Loop oat, itiat mill
Jockey all one piece.
Wlht or Haiddl ahotit HIV noiiniH
ni-nt, f noundi. fllKIIIIIT IH ONLY ilHILI
p.fkfMt f or ahlpm.nt, 4ft
KIR K.I II Krtl niLKA.
CATALOGUE, showing a lull line ol Cowboy and Rinchor
Outfits at the lowest prices ever quoted. Addrras,
(Sran, Itoeburk 4 to. art Inorointhty rclUble. Mltor.)