Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1898)
Oregon City Enterprise. COCRT8. Circuit court convene, tint Jinn a In No fember and Ihinl Moutlay in April. rrabttt court In tension Unit Monday tn each Booth. flommlloiic court meet. (Int Wednesday after flnt Mondar of ttch month. FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, lSlW. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. The baptismal service was rendered at St. Paul church last Sunday morning. Our hats must go regardless of cost. 3.00 hats tor $1.50 at Miss Goldsmith's. One Minute Couiilt Cure cures quickly. That's what you wantt Geo. A. Hard ing. The ladies quartette will sing in the grand concert at Congregational church January 28. Evening prayer with an address on "Reasoning out the Scripture" at St. Paul's church Friday evening. Am prepared to do carpet weaving first class work done. Leave orders at Sell ing's store. Adam Haas, Ely Oregon Weddinir. stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Estkbprisi office. Miss Kate Ward one of Oregon City's sweet singers, will sing a solo at the Congregational Church Friday evening January 23. The Y. T. S. C. E of the Presbyterian church will give a ball social in Shively's hall, February 5. Refreshments served. All are invited. Admission 10 cents. A Mississippi citiren bit off and swal lowed half of a thermometer while his temperature was being taken by a physi cian. He is said to be dying by degrees. Care that Cough with Shiloh'g Cure. The best Cough Cure. Relieves Croup promptly. One Million bottles sold last Tear. 40 dof e for 25 cents. Sold by Charman & Co.. Druggist Oregon City. "It hardly seems right." said the Cornfed Philosopher, "yet it is undoubt edly true that many young woman is willing to trust with her heart young man that no butcher will trust for a pound of liver." A schoolboy was asked to explain the formation of dew. His answer was: "The earth revolves on its axes every twentv-four hours, and in consequence of the tremendous pace at which it tra vels it perspires freely." Mrs. M. B. Foid, Ruddell's, 111., suf fered for eight years from dyspepsia and chronic constipation and was finally -cured by using De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for all stomach and liver troubles. Geo. A, Harding. . Miss Allie Huishes, Norfolk, Va., was frightfully burned on the face and neck. Pain was instantly relieved by Pe Witt's WiUih Hazel Salve, which healed the injury without leaving a scar It is the famous pile remedy. Geo. A. Harding. Mrs. Mary Bird, Hariisburg. Pa., says, "My child is worth millions to me ;yet I would have lottt hei by croup had I not invested twenty-five cents ia a bottle of One Minute Couiih Cure." It cures coughs, colds and all . throat and luDg troubles. Geo. A. Harding. It is easy to catch a cold and just as easy to get rid of it if you commence early to use One Minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneu monia and all throat and lung troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe to use and sure to cure. Geo. A. Harding. At leant one thousand men will quit employment in this city between now and the first of May and go to the Alas kan gold fields. This will certainly have a tendency to increase local wages and open many places for employment of those now idle In this community, aays the Portland Welcome. The statement made many years ago that "man cannot live by breal alone" is as true as it ever was he must have a nice juicy steak or a roast of meat to go with it. Richard Petzold s alway ready to furnish his customers with the best of fresh and smoked meats at either his Main or Seventh street market. A Kansas cripple walked 597 miles on crutches to marry a woman who, at the end of his long tramp, heartlessly jilted him. They had become engaged through correspondence, and as he found her to be 60 years old, he being only 35, the walk back was probably even more cheerful than that which had seemed to lead to a wedding. Don't be persuaded into buying lini ments witboutreputationor merit, Cham berlian's Pain Balm costs no more, and its merits have been proven by a test of many years. Such letters as the follow ing, from L. G. Bagley, Hueneuie, Cal., are constantly being recieved : "The beat remedy for pain I have ever used is Cham berlain's Fain Bahn "and I say so after having used it in my family for several years." It cures rheumatism, lame back, sprains and swellings. For sale by G. A. Harding. Subsribe fur the Entbrprisk, the lead ing paper of the city. Beadaehe stopped In SO minutes by Dr, Jtltea' i'AiM Piua "One cent a dose." There ii said to be at present a glut in the labor market at Juneau, Pyea and Skagway. More workingmwn than there are jobs for have gone to those towns, with the result that wages are coining down, and many men are now eating up their supplies and earning nothing. When a good fall of snow comes, fol lowed by a freexe the situation will be good, for then the carrying of supplies over Chilkoot and White passes will be gin in earnest and every man there can get work. At the Congregational church next Sabbath there will bo the usual services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. at the evening service Dr. Butler will begin a series of three Sunday evening ser mons on the "Second Coming of Christ," The public is cordially invited. Good music will be furnished. Joseph McKenna has been appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate as associate justice of the United States supreme court. There were only a few dissenting votes on the question of confirmation. Governor John W. Griggs, of New' Jersey, has been appointed attor ney general to succeed McKenna. J. G. Tate, of Lincoln, Neb., past-supreme master A. O. U..W. will deliver a free lecture at Weinhard's hall next Monday evening. The subject will per tain to the order generally. Poiuted Paragraph. The meeting of the state central com mittee of the pops took place in that suggestive locality, the Union Hall, in Union block, Portland, the premises owned by ex-Senator H. W. Corbett, First and Stark streets. The meeting which was fairly well attended, was a sort of epilogue to the late Oregon City exposures of $S0-U'Ren and How-much- did-he-get Young, made by J. D. Stevens of Oregon City. Free-riot, that promi nent plank of the pop's last platform was in thorough evidence throughout the meeting in such a manner to make a Dennybrook Fair appear as a Quaker meeting when compared with it. The endearing terms applied to one another by these populistic brethren would not appear well in cold type and can best be expressed in a continuation of two- em dashes, thus ! 80- U'Ren came out of the "mill" with a highly frescoed optic as a result of get ting in contact with Stevens' strong right band, and bad to call in the assistance of a beauty doctor to make him present able, while Stevens' nasal organ was the worse of the wear from vigorous punches from (30 U'Ren's powerful left swing. Altogether the proceedings were highly if not edifying, and present an object lesson if it were needed of the incapac ity of these howling desvishes to govern themselves, let along others. Ashland Tidings. Snow and Ice Train. Several of the passengers who will so north on the snow and ice train are al ready in the city. Dr. W. 8. Bunn, of Chicago, who will act as the physician of the company, has arrived, and Dr. E. J. Carroll, another surgeon, is expected in the city next Monday. Among the pas sengers are A. J. Bruce, D. A. Pollock and L. E. Robertson. The laBt named gentleman will be the official photo grapher of the company, and will make pictures of the scenes along the way. The parties named are from Chicago, and have a personal acquaintance with the managers of the train. They are satisfied that the trip will be a success, and they are looking forward to a com fortable and speedy journey into the gold country, J. F. Knapp, the local assent of the company, said yesterdav that all arrangements are progressing in a satisfactory manner, and that the train will make its initial tiip early next month. Mr. Kebr has arrived in Seattle, and wired that he would be in the city to day. Mr. Kehr is the purchasing agent of the company, and will look after the business arrangements of the train. The outfitting will be done in this city, and the money for this purpose has already been deposited in one of the local banks. A boat has been chartered to carry the expedition to Pyramid harbor, and it is expected to leave about the 0th or 10th. Portland Tribune. Officers Installed. Willamette Falls Carnp, Woodmen, installed the following officers last Tues day evening for the ensuing term : H. 8. Strange, C. C.;E. H. Cooper, A. L.;E. J. Maple, B.; L. Stout, M.; J. K. Morris, C. ; Claude Bacon, W.; John Shadle, 8.; I. D. Taylor, was the installing officer. Falls Grove circle, the Woodmen aux- iliiry, also installed officers the same evening: Mrs. Mary Taylor, W. G.; Mrs. Rachael Scripture, A. ; Mrs. Elora Morris, A. ; Mrs. Hattie Deaver, M.; 8. F. Scripture, B.;Mrs. F. T. Barlow, Mrs. B. 8 Bellomy, and Mrs. Shadle, man agers; Mrs. S. 8. Walker, C; I D. Taylor, W. ; J. K. Morris, 8. Mrs. Kate Young, of Portland, was the installing. Hairdresser. Would like a few lad ies to attend at their home, hairdressing, treating, shampoohing etc. Orders taken for switches, bangs etc. Address Miss J. McCaw, 436 Burnside St. Port land Oregon. Blank note, receipt and order books at the Enterprise office. Royal nakM tot toed par, wholoMoao and delicious. iPVU m POWDER Absolutely Puro DOYAl SAKIM KtttrMA CO., Mw VOtJK. PERSONAL NOTES. M. E. Hattan, of Stone, was in the city Tuesday last. Captain James Evans, of Cauby, was in town yesterday. Z. Ellegsen, of Stafford, w as in Oregon City yesterday morning. Mrs. T. S. Lawrence, of this city is confined to her room with sickness. Wm. Miller, road supervisor, of Bar low, was in Oregon City yesterday on business. Mr. II. L. Kelly visited Bishop Morris on Sunday afternoon and reports him recovering. John Rice, of McMinnville, visited his! old teacher, Mrs. C. II. Dye, of this city, I last Wednesday. Mrs. P. B. KinBey, of Eugene, andj Mrs. J. K. Krausse, ot eaiein, were in the city over Sunday. R. V. Short, of Portland, ex-represen tative and ex-surveyor of Clackamas county, was in town yesterday. Miss Helen Eilers, who has been in Shawano, Wis., for some time, has re turned to Wilsonville this county. William Spencer, a cavalryman, of Fort Vancouver, Wash., is visiting his sister, Mrs. Chas, Drew, ot this city. Mr. W. L. Golden, of the wolesale firm of H. K. Golden A Co., arrived here from San Francisco Tuesday even ing by steamer. E. P. Carter, of Wilhoit, who has been in Arizona for the past two or three months, returned here one day last week much improved physically. Mrs. L. W. (Juimby, employed in the Indian training school at Puyallnp, Wash., and a cousin ot L. L Porter, of this city, spent Sunday here, returning Monday, Mrs. Sarah Paqnet, widow of the late Peter Paquet, has moved to Portland where she will bereatter reside. Her son, Victor, will have a position with his uncle, Joseph Paquet, shlpcarpenter. Norman Marr, who holds the position ot head clerk with the Abeideen Pack ing company at Ilwaco, Wash., arrived home last Sunday to spend a week with his parents. He will return tomorrow. W. A. Huntley, left this week for Los Angeles on a trip of recreation and sight seeing. Mr. Huntley has not been In good health for some time and believes a rest for a month will prove beneficial to him. Leighton Kelly, for some time in the employ of the Portland Flouring Mills here, left Sunday night for Albany to take a position in line ot promotion in the Red Crown Mills owned by the same company. Writing from the National Military Home in Kansas, Mr. Patrick Calbert sends (1 50 for a renewal of bis subscrip tion to the Enterprise for one year, adding that "it is like an old friend, it improves with age." Mr. and Mm. Calvin Jack, of Farm ington, Washington county, were in this city last Sunday, the guests of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Cahow, of Thirteenth and J. Q. Adams streets. They returned home Monday. Judge McBride finished up the busi ness of the adjourned term of the circuit court last Monday. The docket is said to be in the best condition it has been for years, most of the old cases that have been hanging fire for a long time having been disposed of. Dr. Louis Buck, of San Francisco, has associated himself with Dr. Strickland with offices in Willamette building. Dr. Buck has just fiuished a post gradu ate course In San Francisco, prior to which time he was house surgeon at St. Vincent's hospital in Portland. I B Donaldson, of Morrison, Illinois, a cousin of F. E. Donaldson, arrived in the city Friday. He will look after the tatter's insurance business during his absence in the East and on his return will engage in business either in Oregon City or Portland, when he will be joined by his family, who for the present are at the old home in Illinois. V. Harris, returned last Monday from a two week's visit to Southern Califor nia. While absent he visited Redlands, Los Angeles, San Bernardino and River side, and although it is but eight years since he left there many changes have taken place. The weather has been quite cold accompanied with snow at Redlands, something very unusual, but Mr. Harris thinks the cold there affecls one worse than in Oregon. THE COURT JESTER. A Practical Jotio That Will Solum! I'layod on fanlliml Wulwjr. Amelia WotTord tells of "The Court Jester of Knghiud" tu St Nicholas. The following is minted of King llnury VlU'i jester: Summers, liko Scognn, liked a prac tical joke, and one. tlmt ho pluyod ou Cardinal Wolavy is thus quuiutly told by Armlu: "Of a time appointed the king dined t Windsor, iu the clmpind yard nt Car rlhmll Wolwy'a ut the snme time whim he was building tlmt admlrublo work of his touibo, at whose guto stood a Dumber of poort) pooplo, to be served with alms wkuu dluuer was douo with in, and as Will pusmnl by they saluted bun, taking him fur a worthy pernou tgo, which pleased him. Iu he conies, and finding the king at diutmr and the rardiuall y attending, to di.rttce him thut he titiver loved, Hurry, auyosheo, loud me 10. What to d'tf suius tho king. To pay three or fouro of tho car diuull'i creditors, quoth hue, to whom my word is jmst, and they are now pome for the money. Tlmt thou nlmlt. Will, qnoth hce. Creditors of lnluer" wiles the cardiuull. Ilo givo your grace uiy head if auy until can juttly asko me n penny, No, sales Will. Lend nit) 10. If I puy it not where thou owebt it, lie give thee 20 for it Doo so, sines tho king. Thut I will, uiy liege, sairs tlico ciirdinall, though I owe. none. With that ho lends Will 10. Will goes to tho Kto, dis tributes it to the pooro and brought tho empty bug. There is thy tug again", sales hoe. Thy creditors are sutiiifled, and my word out of dunger. Who re ceived, saies the king, tho brewer or the bakcrf Neyther, Hurry, Kilos Will Summer. But, cardinall, answer mo iu oue thing, to whom dost thou owe thy soulo? To God, qnoth hce. To whom thy wealth? To the pooro, sniea bee. Take thy forfeit, Harry, saies the foolu Open ooufession, ojwn peununoe. Hi head is thine, for to the poore at the gate I paid his debt which hue yields is due, or if thy (tony heart will not yiold it so, save thy huud by denying thy word and lend it moo. Thou know est I am poore and have ueyther wealth nor wit and whaf tbon Kindest to the poore God will pay thee tenfold, The king laught at the jest, and so did the cardiuull tor a show, but it grieved him to juat away 10 so." Cmsar did not say, "Et tn, Prate. " Eyewitnesses of the asHussiuation de posed that be died fighting, but sileut, like a wolf Clectrtc Hotel Arrival. W Fisher, Portland, J II Waddle " W M Davidson, Spokane, C H Wheeler, Portland, L W Zunbib, Tacoma, E E Smalley, San Francisco, O Shortnn, Portland, Harry Lang " R C Anderson, N Y J M Tracy, Logan, W L Golden, San Francisco, H II Woodpuf, J D Dailey, St Paul, Jane Star, Dallas, Geo Curren, Currinsville. The Electric hotel is the finest in the city and first-class in all its appointments. Electric cars stop in front of the door. Making Klondike Mioes. Mr. Z. Craven, of Salem, has invented a shoe especially for Alaska wear, a patent for which he has applied tor. The Capen Shoe Company of this city have purchased the exclusive right for the Pacific coast and are now engaged in the manufacture of the shoes. Mr. Moody ,of the shoe company informs us that these shoes sell very readily wher ever they have been placed on the mar ket. Dr. Miles' Nervine A REMEDY FOR THE Effects of Tobacco. TnE excessive use of tobacco, especially by young men Is always Injurious and undoubtedly shortens life materially. Mr. Ed. 0. Ebsen, compositor on the Contra Costa Newt, Martinez, Cal., writes; "I have used Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine and re ceived much benefit from It. I was troubled with nervousness, dizzy spells and sleepless ness, caused by the use of tobacco and stim ulants. I took Dr. Miles' Ncrvlno wltb mar velotisly good results, allaying tbedlzzlness, quieting the nerves, and enabling me to sleep and rest, proving In my case a very beneficial remedy." Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine Is especially adapted to restoring the nervous system to Its normal condition under such circumstances. It soothes, heals and strengthens. Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. Book on dis ease of the heart and nerves free. Address, NT Mile' 2 -Nervine Health PR. MILES MEDICAL CU.. Elkhart, lod. All pain banished by Dr. Miles' Pain Pill hp OXU ENJOYS Both tho method ana results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is jdensant and refreshing to tho taste, niul acta gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver and Jlowels, clentiHcs tho sys tem ofTootually, disjwls colds, head aches and fovcrs mid cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind ever iro ducod, pleasing to tho taste and no ceptnhlo to ttio stomach, prompt in its notion and truly benelieiul in its effects, preimrod onlv f rom tho most healthynnd ngrueallu8ulHUimxs, its many excellent qualities cointneud it to nil and have mndo it tho most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for ilo in 50 cent bottlos by all lending drug gistn. Any rvliublo druggist who may not havo it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wiHhes to try it Do not neccptony BubHtituto. CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRVP CO. SAH mHCIXO, CAL. iouwiui. nr. mw tout, a r. Mott's Nerverine Pills Tht grtit remedy for rxrvout pros tratlon and all nervous duuKttif tlx generative or e ant of either lifctuUk. i.M) A lt.ll UI.MI. ex, itich n Nervous Prostration, Falling or lost Manhood, Impotency, Nightly Emis sions, YoulhJul Erron, Mental Worry, ex cessive use of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. $1.00 per box by mailt 6 boxe for $5.00. NOTTS CHEMICAL CO., Prop s. Cleveland. Ohio. For sale by C U. Hunthy. THIS IS WHAT our customers claim for us nd our groceries: That we ollYr tliehcstof griMcries at the low est price. They have confi dence In our gcxxls and know that we never nilireprewtit our selves and that our stock of fine groceries In the purest and the most nutritious. Last, hut not least, their Krocery hill saves it self fully '.'.") tier cent hy their dealing with Msrr A Mulr Our way of doing business is to treat every one fair and square and oiler the very heat in our store. PATENT FLOUR Manufactured in Oregon City from the best selected wheat on tho market. Ask Your Grocer; i For the flour that will absorb tho most water and thus produce the greatest number of loaves to tho sack. IT IS FOR SALE hfor'cgon city and is the best. Patronize Home Industry. A Rich Strike Klondike Thomas Charman Pioneer Store. Depot Sixth and J. Street TWO TRAINS DAILY Ior All PolntH ICnnt "FAST MAIL ROUTE." leaves for the Fast via Walla Walla and HiNikane, daily at 1:00 p, m, Arrives at Vi :!0 p. m. I.cnv.e for tho KumI via 1 1 mi t Inuton and I'eiidliiton, daily at 0 p, in. Arrives at 7: 1W a. in, Tllltoruil I't'l.l.MAN ANDTOUIUUT HI.KKI'KKH, WV.HS WD KIVKH JM'KDdliKJC. Ockam Division Stcmslil sail from Alnswoith dis k H p. in. For Sun Fran cisco: HlMle of. California sails Jan. 27, Columbia sails Jan, Ti. COLJIJJMI IIVKI DIVISION H1HTLANI) AND AHTOIIIA Kteatuer It. It. Thompson leaves I'ortlaiul ilully except Sunday at 8 p.m., and at 10 p. in. on Saturday; returning, leave Astoria dai'y except .Sunday at a. tu. Willamette River Route. Ash Street Wharf. Steamer Huth, for 8lem, Albany, Corvallis and wav points, leave I'ort luiid Tuesdays, Ttiurmlayt and Satur day at (la m. Returning leave Cor vallis Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri day at 6 a. ni. Steamer F.I more lor Salem and war tioints, leaves Portland Monday. Wed nesdays and Friday at U a. in. Keturn Iiik, leave Salem, Tuesday, ThurwUys and Saturday at 6 :45 a. m. Steamer Modoc, for Dayton and way point, leave I'orlland Tuesday. Thurs days and Saturdays at 7 a m. Iteturn lug, leave Dayton for Portland and wsy point Monday, Wednesday and Fri davs at 7 a. in. Snake Klver Koute Steamer leaves Kiparia daily except Saturday at 1 :45 a. in , on arrival of trail from Portland. Ive tawlaion, return ing, daily except Friday at 6 :00 a. m., arriving at Kiparia at o p. in. W. II. JIUKLHUKT, (ii-n. Tarn. AgenL V. A. SCllll.l.INO, Cliy Ticket Agt. Telephone (Main) 712. Guaranteed You cannot make money faster than by buying your . . Dress Goods ... where you can get them cheapest. Is all right, but you must have clothes to wear, and the best quality at lowest prices can be had only at & Son's