Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1897)
Phtronize Our Home Industriss The prosperous community is the one that within itself, most supplies its own people in their various needs, and by selling much and buying little, keeps its money from going abroad, Our farmers and manufacturers would oach have a bettor market for-., their products, if our people would encourage our local manufacturers by giving preference to their products ovor thoso importod from other places. Were such the practice, it would not bo long until Clackamas county would be one of the greatest industrial contors on this Coast. INDUSTRIAL DIRECTORY FOR CXAGX..L2VXAE COUHTTY. t,tfU there are other industrial estab lishments in Clackamas county not given in this directory, their card will be inserted free of charge on receipt of copy. D WILLAMETTE PULP & PAPER CO N. R. Lang, Superintendent, News Paper and Sulphite Pulp. GEORGE BROUGIITOX, Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill, Main and lGth Sts. PORTLAND FLOURING MILLS CO., F. S. Kelly, Superintendent for Oregon City Flouring Mills. Flour and Feed. CAPEX SHOE COMPANY, E. Capen, Pres. N. M. Moody, Secy. Standard Oregon Shoes. Willamette Falls. OREGON CITY MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Ralph Jacobs, Pres. E. G. Jacobs, Secy Cassimere, Flannels, Blankets and Socks. C. A. WILLEY, Harness, Saddles and Shoes. Seventh street, near depot J. J. it W. II. NO YES, Plain and Ornamental Baskets made from Oregon Ash. Factory in Bolton Addition F. D. ANTRIM, Axe, Sledge, Tick, etc., Handles From Selected Oregon Oak. LOGAN FLOURING MILLS, Fischer Bros., Proprietors. Flour and Feed ABERNETHY SAWMILL, J. II. Jones, Proprietor. Rough and Dressed Lumber. Mill. 2 miles from Oregon City, OREGON CITY MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Ralph Jacobs, Pres. C. G. Jacobs, Secy. Fine Toilet and V ashing Soaps. JOSEPH MEINDL, Hazel Shavings for Clarifying Beer. Factory on the Abernethy, 2 miles from Oregon Citv. JOHN BARTNIK, Hand Spinning Wheels for Wool. Desks, Tables, etc., made to order. Shop on Clackamas, mile above Park-place. JOHN & THEO. TELLESON, Handles of All Kinds From Selected Oregon Oak. Factory at Logan. OREGON CITY IRON WORKS, James Roake k Co. Machine and Foundry Work. Fourth and Water Streets. GLADSTONE GREENHOUSE, Wilkinson Bros., Proprietors. Cut Flowers, Bulbs, Flower Plants and RoBes. MILWAUKEE CARDING MILL, J. G. Bonnett, Proprietor. Wool Carding of All Kinds. DEEP CREEK FLOUR MILL, E. H. Burghardt, Proprietor. Flour and Feed. MILLOVIA SAWMILL, Chas. &. Robt. Miller, Proprietors. Cedar and Fir Lumber. PARKPLACE TANNERY, Fairchild & Irish, Proprietors. Shoe and Sole Leather. Work done on shares. OrnamenU.1 Rugs made from Angora Goat and other Skins. JAMES WHETSTONE, Plain and Ornamental Baskets. Factory at Park place. PARKPLACE STEAM LAUNDRY, Sisters Good Shepherd. Props. Laundry Work of All Kinds. CROWN PAPER COMPANY, W. P. Hawley, Superintendent. Wrapping, Fruit and Bag Taper. Sulphite and Mechanical Pulp. SANDY SAWMILL, J. H. Wewer, Proprietor. Rough and Dressed Lumber. BARLOW CREAMERY, Barlow Creamery Ass'n, Props. Fine Creamery Butter. NEEDY TANNERY, R. W. Zimmerman, Proprietor. Harness, Whang and Skirting leather UNION FLOUR MILLS, G. J. Trullinger, Proprietor. Flour and Feed WILLAMETTE FALLS SAWMILL, Charles Moehnke, Proprietor. Rough and Dressed Lumber MULINO ROLLER MILLS, C. T. Howard, Proprietor. Flour and Few! ADKINS BROS., Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill 3J miles cast of Canby BROETJE'S N URSERY AN D GREEN HOUSE. J. F. Broetjo it Son, Proprietors. Nursery Stock, Flower Plants and Bulbs, Cut Flowers. Courtney, on East Side Electric Line. NEEDY CREAMERY AND APIARY, D. J. Kaufman, Proprietor. Gilt-Edged Butter and Clover Honey. NEEDY SAWMILL, J. A. Yoder, Proprietor. Rough and Dressed Lumlr. OSWEGO NURSERY, Walling it Jarisch, Proprietors. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery and Flowers. MARQUAM SAWMILL, Mortenson it Hanson, Proprietors. Rough and Dressed Lumber. 0. II. BESTOW it CO., Sash, Doors, Moulding, -tc. Mill Work of All Kinds. Main and Eleventh Sts. OREGON CITY ICE WORKS, Jas. Lovett, Proprietor. Artificial Ice and Cold Storage. 'ORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, P. F. Morey, Pres. II. W. Goode, Mgr. Electric Light, Power and Heat. AIMS SAWMILL, E. H. Branihall, Proprietor. Cedar and ir Lumber. U OREGON CITY CIGAR FACTORY, M Frederick Cramer, I'rop, j r iwusiirs. r aciurv in oonon. jbj LINDSEY it SONS, W Rough and Dressed Lumber. H 4 miles from Oregon City, Molalla road. OREGON CITY LABOR EXCHANGE, Crushed Rock for Concrete Work A. J. Kellogg, Mgr. SAXDY CREAMERY, J. N. Foster, Fine Creamery Butter. GEORGE SAUM, 7 miles northwest of Stafford. Rough and Dressed Lumber. Feed Mill, STAFFORD FEED MILL, John Schieve. Feed of All Kinds. II. II. WHEELER, Rough and Dressed Lumber Mill 3 miles east of Canby, BUCKNER CREEK SHINGLE MILL, J. H. Evans, Proprietor. Mill 11 miles east of Oregon City. J. K. MILLER, Sawmill and Feed Mill. Address, Needy MULINO SAWMILL, McCord Bros., Proprietors. Rough and Dressed Lumber. SANDY FLOUR MILL, F. A. Meinig, Proprietor. Flour and Feed, MILWAUKEE POTTERY WORKS, Chas. Fischer, Proprietor. Enameled Brick, Vases, Flowerpots, etc. FRANK FOX, Rough and Dressed Lumlier. Sawmill 4 miles southeast of Molalla NEW ERA FLOUR MILL, J. Scevick, Proprietor. Flour and Ford. B. F. LINN, Rough and Dressed Lumlier. Sawmill on AUrncthy, 7 miles iroin Oregon City. BEESON ,t SONS, Rough umt Dressed Lumber, Sawmill on Abernethy, 10 miles from Oregon City. HEXRICI BROS., Feed Mill. Reaver Creek ELYVILLE FEED MILL, J. A. Thayer, Manager, HEXRY KLEIXSMITIL Feed Mill. Springwater. SPRIXGWATER SUVMILL, J. N. Livcrmoro. Proprietor. Rough and Drussod Lumlier. DOUGLAS, SIEFERit KEE, Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill 2 miles east of Clackamas. RICHARD HILLIARY, Rough and Dressed Lumlier. Suwmilo mile west of Damascus. J. B. JOHNSON, Rough and Dressed Lumber. Mill 3 miles from Damascus OREGON CITY BRICK YARD, W. P. Poyser, Proprietor. 1 mile from court house. Foot of Moss Hill VIOLA FLOUR MILL, David Zurcher, Proprietor. Flour and Feed. LOUIS TOEDLEMKIR, Feed Mill ami Plow Share Grinder, Mill in the Kruse neighborhood. EAST SIDE RAILWAY CO., Builders of Electric Cars. Shops at Milwaukio. J. H. MARTIN it SONS, Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill on Abernethy, 8 miles from Oregon City. GLADSTONE SAWMILL CO., H. E. Cross, Manager. Rough and Dressed Lumber. MULINO SHINGLE MILL, Jesse it Hurias, Proprietors. Fine Cedar Shingles. STURGI3 BROS., Rough and Dressed Lumlier. Sawmill 2 miles south of Molalla. HERMANN BROS Rough and Dressed Lumber, Sawmill 2 miles southeast of Molalla. JOHN EVERHART, Feed Mill. 3 miles south of Molalla. ISAAC MILLER, Rough und Dressed Lumber, Brick and Tile. Mill and works 2 miles east of Hubbard. OSWEGO IRON AND STEEL CO., W.M.Ladd, Pres. J.Frank Watson, Sec. Pig Iron and Water Pipe. Furnaco and Pijm Foundry at Oswego. SCIIRADER BROS., Feed Mill und Plow Share Grinding. 1J miles southwest of Stafford. A. J. SAWTELI., Grower and Dealer in Teasels, Molalla, Oregon. ABERNETHY BRICK YARD, J. B. E. Jones, Proprietor. Yard 1 ) miles from Oregon City. AURORA SAWMILL, Colo it Sons, Proprietors. Rough and Dressed Lumber. FRED MOEHNKE, Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill on Abernethy 10 miles from Oregon City. 8 M I Alkali Water In Colorado. W. W. Cooke, writing from the Col orado experiment station to Rural New Yorker, says: For a person who moves to an alkali district and takes the water into the system for the first time Email loses of paregorio for the first few days re advisable. After that nature will take the matter in hand and accommo date the system to the new Leverage. It 'would be difficult to claim that there was any bad effect to either man or beast from living on alkali soil or drinking alkali water. We are in a country where, within a few miles, can be found farms of all grades, from strongly alkaline to those nearly free from alkali. Practically all of the soil from the fiocky mountains to western Kansas and Nebraska has a good deal of alkali. Where it is not strong enough to form a white crust on top it does not eeni to injure vegetation. Some of the most successful sheep raising done in this country has been accomplished where the only water available is strongly alkaline. Personal ly the only objection I have to alkali water is that it does not quench thirst. I require from two to three times as much alkali water as river water. It also tends to crack the lips and chap the bands. Outside of these minor dis advantages, I would be just as willing to take alkali water as the best artesian well water. Trial oi Bay Cap. The frequent and extended use of the dree styles of bay caps viz, the Eymmes' paper board, oiled cotton and cotton impregnated with tannin, bas led to the following conclusions at the Massachusetts hatch experiment station: 1. Caps of mmie sort are extremely useful, especially with such crops as clover, millet, oats and peas and other slow curing crops, especially those much injured by excessive handling. 2. The fcjymnies' cap is most quickly applied an important point and is best liked. It appears to be wearing very well. 8. Of the two styles of cloth caps in use, those impregnated with tannin are most durable. The oiled caps are more mildewed than the others and have become much more torn. 4. It has been found that in some cases, where clover has been cocked quite green and covered with the three kinds of caps and allowed to stand for some time with frequent rains, it has kept better under the cloth than under the Symmes' caps. The porosity of the for mer in such cases appears to be an ad vantage. Concerning Alfalfa. The second cutting of alfalfa is not quite as good for horses for fattening purposes as the first, and should ad vance a little further than the first crop, which is cut soon as any bloom begins to show, while the third crop should stand till in fall bloom, unless there is danger of frost. Alfalfa should not get frost, as freezing is extremely detri mental, either before cutting or in the swath. Rain, too, it ruinous. Alfalfa is as delicate about getting wet or frost ed as. red clover. Colorado Farmer. FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer G. W. Shaver, LEAVES Portland foot of Washington street Tues day, Thursday and Sunday evenings at 5 o'clock. Returning, leaves Clatskunie Monday, Wednesday and Friday even ings at 5 o'clock. Will pass Oak Point about 7; Stella 7:15; Mayger 7:25; Rainier 8:20; Kalama 9 :15 ; St. Helens 10:30. Arrive in Portland 1 :30 a. m. This Is the nearest and most direct route to the great Nehalem valley. IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET Three Important Points FIRST Go via St. Paul because the lines to that point will afford you tno very best service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via the Wis consin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines entering the Union Depot there, and its ser vice is first-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via the Wisconsin Central lines, or address Jas. C. Pond, or Quo. 8. Battv, (Jen. Pas. Agt., General Agent, Milwaukee, Wis 210 8tnrk Ht., Portland, Or. O REGON CITY IRON WORKS New and Enlarged Shop with all appliances for MACHINE WORK & CASTING All work executed in the best manner possible. Promptness guaran teed on all orders. R,E!I3JA.lKI3Sra--A.-SI3EiaiAIjT-2'. Prices the lowest to be had in Portland. Shop on Fourth Street noar Main, Oregon City, Oregon. ' J. ROAKE & CO. Shaver Transportation Co.