Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1896)
Oregon City hntcrprisc. oiiKuoN city omi tiih - IMrnni NIMH'lll Km'orOnr. (Ihliiliill'iilliia Trnftaiimr. (Mljr Alinrim. Stront CiilllinUalllr, Dilfi'l. nl W.lnr Wiitkt, 9. Chita K II I. K I n , l unit K. Ihinit M t'ulill lliilnmn nr m li IH Kinflumr. (' ll.lM'.k, Jr. W. II. HowkII H. II. LuiiiniliMuli -T (' I'HIli, I.. (' l e., Joint inline, I. i. ('.mini. K, K. m.., I.. U fur lor. Ilourjf Mi'I.Imiiii, i. W, MiilUll. jn lu ll moota Drat rY.lniiU tifaach minilh in oily lull FiiiDAV, novi:miii:u n, mm. fc - - CHAT AIJOUT TOWN Black and colored kl'l gloves, dm at Ilia Km ki'l store. Tllllllllur '.' cenls a Mmi ll'JWaid' Hrvi'iilli street, near depot. If you want a sewing machine (or l''i go lu llcllomy A Hiim'Ii'i. Wood wanted at thla olllee. lMlv ered Intra or si (iladnloim. I am noted lor distinctive ami eiclu alve stylus. Mlita C. Uoldmnlth The latest In visiting rani at lha Kit Tsaraisa Orrti.a. I'rices to attitt you My styles art) correct, practical am ordinal, prlcre moderate, MissC. liold imllli. Cliarman A Hon will pay the liinlitxit market nili fur Potatoes, lrlti frultn Wi'l'. . Ladies gent's, ami chlldred's (all nil winter underwear Just received at tlio Racket store. (lirl wanted to do lnmm work no chllilrt-ti to rare (or. Addres M.K.I, caru Lnleipriso. For tlia easiest lining cornel to I had III Mindly goto Mra. K. K. Martin', next door lo tha postolllce. Ovater. Ilia finest ami tesl ever brought lo Oregon t'ltv. served In any tyls at the Portland restaurant. All kiml of fresh ami aalt water (lull On Ice al lliiniilirry Trembath'i, next door lo Albright's meat market. Wrxl.lliiv stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at thn Kntkmi-xih otllee 8(-cil aaln o( millinery November 9 to Wih. H'ylish trimmed h t ami tin. Mra. M. K. Hamilton. Red Front atore. For a quiet place to hilch your hoiws awav (rum the motor line ami a place to gut a first clans job u( repairing or horse shoeing call on K F. Scripture's ahop on Flllb alrwt. Kieed and safety artt thn watchword o( the age. Ona Minute Cough Cure art atieedily, safely and never tail. Ab!i ma, bronchitis, rough and cold are cured ty it. ('. i. Iliiulley, druggint. Buckingham's Dye (or the Whiskers Is the hunt, lunilii'i-t, safest, surimt, cleanest, iiiokI ccotiomicil and sat 'afar lory d)o ever Invented. Il I Ihogmithf mi'n'a favorite. I'll re l.looil ii.i-ana good hralth. I'w Witt's Humaimrilla itirillc the blood, rurrs ('millions, pcti'tna, smidila and all dit'M arining (nun liiipurx IiIimhI. C. (! Iluntli')', druggixt. Thu II ni' t linn Oni'iilul rug cvrr brought lo Ori-g'Hi Ciiy, am now on li at Mr. K. K. .Martin's stum. A Una (inltiTii al H rfiiis imr (mit and llucr gradi al ciiully low prii'f. Mr. L. K. I'm ton, Hmkfor.l, 111., writes : "From persnnul experienre 1 ran reroiiiiueud leVilt's Sursiipiirilla, a euro (or impuro hliHid ami ilclu Ity. ('. 0. Huntley, druggiHt, Thu he! n( apple cider (or mince pies run be had o( F. It. Andrews, o( Mapl wood (arm. Ieive orders with Maphf wood delivery wagon, or telephone direct, (or rider or all kinds o( vegetables. Io Wilt's Wit,li 1 1 lire I tulve is an null septic, aoothing and healing application for burn, sriilds, cuts, brunies, etc., and cunts piles like magic. It iimtantly stops pain. C. U. Huntley, druggiHt. The Junior society o( the Baptist church gavo an Ice cream social last Wednesday evening. It wits a very A dollar saved li equal to two dollar (mi ned. I'ay up your subsclptlon to the F.NTKiirHiHtj and get tha the benefit of the reduction In price, WoiknuJ. V, Hoir.iian's alegiint and eight-room rotlagn on Apron avenue, near llui creamery, la progressing nicely. When completed thla coltuge will add much lo the appearance of that part of thecliy. The trnlhol thestuleiniint that "Yam hill Uat lha world" has again been verified. This time It ia In the toimilo line. Harah llopllidd, of McMinnvlllit, come to the front with one that weighs 3 Hiumla and M ounces. McMiunvllle never was much of a place (or tomatoea. drove's lalelen Chill tonic Is a per feet Millar liil Mv.T tonic and blood purifier. Keinove lllliouaness withoul purging. Al uleasant as Imon Hyrup It Is is Urge a any dollar tonic and re' tails (or fiOc. To get the genuine, ak (or (or (Irove'i. For aale by C. O. Huntley. There will he the regular servicas at thn HaptUt rhiiri.'h next Holiday, Treacle ing In the morning by the pantor, Uev. M. I. Kugg Kunday achool and young iieoplei meeting al usual hours . No evening service, pastor and people oln Ing the union aervlcea at the Congrega tlonal church. At the Methodist church next Hunday morning t lie pantor, Itev. T. L. Jones, will preach from the theme: "The Child yet Uvea." There will be no evening service, pastor and people Joining in union service at the Congregational church, held under the auapicea of Hold- ridge and IhYkson, the evangelists. J . II . Noa. of Needy has been in town during tha week attending court as iror. Mr. Noe baa one of the beat nurseries In tha county anal is not dis couraged as to the future of the fruit business In Clackamas county for in addition to bis nursery be has large orchard of the leading varietiea of fruit and la planning to add to hla orchard large nitmlier of tree thla coming season. Charles Alhr'ght, jr., the reliable and old stand-bye meat dealer, still Irada In the butchering buainesa in Or egon City. His old customer stay with him, and if xrchanre, they should wan der away to some other market, they sl ays come back to Albright. Abrighl'a meats are lender and Juicy, and ran be obtained either at lha market on Main and Fifth streets, or at the ahop on the corner of Center and Seventh steels, next dour to IUn William'. pleasant affair, well attended and the ro cepts will materially aid them in paying off their Home mission plodgo. Tablets, ink, pens, pencils, books and complete school outfits will he supplied to the custmnors at my store, at very reasonable prices. Cull on Puniul Wil liam".' on upper Seventh street near Center, before you buy elsewhere. Chronic conatipBtlon is a painful, dis agreeable and life ehortening difllculty. It deranges the system, causes sick houd ache, bad breath, and poisons the blood It CBn be readily overcome by DeWitt's Little Karly Itinera. These little pillB are great regulators. 0. G. Huntloy, druggist. We are spending more than our profits on Schil ling's Best tea to get you to try it just to try it Your money back if you don't like it. At grocers' in packages. A Schlltlnar Coaipaar Saa rranclac at One of the best agricultural papers pol.linhed on this coast is the Itural Northwrnt of Portland. Its editorials ml articles are all written by persons alio have a practical knowledge of the suhjert thny are handling and who are Oregon and Washington men and women w ho have gained their information (com the (arum of these states, so that the advice given ia always applicable to farm work a carried on in th's slate. The pnHr is but 60 cents a year and no armor should bo without il, (or in this lay of education the well ponied farmer s the one that will nuke a success of s himineiis. Mr. W. It. Meek, who resides at Caiuptonville, Cal.. says her daughter as (or several years troubled at times lilh severe cramps In the stomach, and wool. I tie in such agony that it was neu- canary to rail in a physician. Having read alHiutChuniherluin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoie Kemedy she concluded to try it. She (ound Iliac it always gave prompt relief. It was seldom necessary to giv. the second done. "Il ha not only saved us lot of worry and time," she says, but also doctor bills. It is my opinion that every family should have a bottle of this remedy in the house." For sale by tioo. A. Harding, druggist. (ieorgn Kly returned Sunday from a four weeks trip to Jan Bernardino coun ty, California, where he went to exam ine the country with a view of removing from Oregon to that section. He comes back ierfuctly satisfied with Oregon. Ho says that that part ol Cahlornla Is no place for a person of small means. No cows are kept except by the rich who can afford lo keep up an Irrigated pas tore and buy feed and that the people nearly all use canned milk, buying it by the doxen or gross. The fruit farms can only 1)6 handled successfully by wealthy people, it costing very heavy to get the wator onto the ground and prepare for an orchard. He thinks that the disad vantages of Oregon are not nearly so bad as he thought they were before he saw California. According to a celebrated anatomiat there are upwards of 5,000,000 little glands in the human stomach. These glands pour out the digestive Juices which dissolve or digoat the food. In digestion Ib want of juice, week ness of glands, need of help to restore the health of these organs. The best and most natural help is that given by Shaker Digestive Cordial. Natural, because it supplies the materials needed by the glands to prepare the digestive juices, lieceuse it strengthens and invigorates the gland and the stomach, until they are able to do their work alone. Shaker Digestive Cordial cures indigestion certainly and permently. It does so by natural' means, and therein lies the secret of its wonderful and unvaried success. At druggists, price 10 cents to $1 00 per bottle. Died. Wki At 6 Aft o'clock, Hunday evening, November 1st, IHU'I, Anton Weiss, aged 7fl years. Mr, VN'cIh receive! a stroke of paraly sis about four years ago aad a second one a year and a half ago, from which lie never recovered, lie was an old pioneer, having emigrated lo Oregon in thn early forties and settled on his claim at llui mouth of the 'lualutin, where he has since resided and where he peace, fully paxscd awsy on Hunday evening lunt. He was a man whose band was ever open to relieve the sufferings of the poor and needy; honest, upright, thrifty and In lilHtrioiis he leaves an estate of aome $'JI),(X)0. His brother, Fraticoes, thn only one living out of a family of six boys, left hi Chicago home last Hunday and arrivixl In thla city Thursday In his younger ilayi Mr. Weiss was active In public affairs and was at one tiiun chief of thn police of Oregon City. The funeral took place from the Bap list church Wednesday afternoon, con ducted by Itev. M . I- Kugg. .Harried. Mkkvin-Shaki' At the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. C W. Vanmeerat 8:30 p. in. Thursday , October 29, 1H1KJ, Mis Jennie W. Sharp to Kugeoe Mervln. Itev. J. W. Cowan. D. I), of the Congregational church, officiating. A Western Farorlte. The courtship of Lieutenant Orant and Miai Julia Daut, described by Colonel Kineraon, In the November Midland, Dei Moines, Iowa, li better than romance, because lt'i true and because the reader feeli he now for the first time knowi Gen eral and Mrs. Grant personally. The aecond Installment of Midland "Grant in the West" verifies tha October prom ise that Colonel Emerson baa Interest ing and valuable material and knows bow to use it. Mr. Tjernagel, the trave ler, vividly describe the Jerusalem of to-day, A visit to the mountain home of Joaquin Miller, is pictured, as isilso a visit to the birthplace of Jamei G. Itlaine. The University of Wisconsin is the suhject of one illustrated paper and the Western Association of Writers ia the prolific theme of another. Frank Calkins' "Young Homestesdera" mske their dehut in society. The price story, "A Drama of Doodlebug," by Kuby Kossur, ia a romance and tale of adven ture combined, lha scene is laid in Missouri after the war. A (irand Katlflratloa. This (Friday) evening the Republicans of Clackamaa county have planned to bold a grand demonstration in Oregon City, In honor of their victory in tliii county and the election of Major Mc kinley to the presidency. Preceeding the meeting, which will be held in Weiu hard'i hall, a monster parade will be made on the streets of Oregon City. There promises lo le more men in line and novel and unique features in the pa rade than ever More witnessed in this city. A steam float with a chime of whistles will arrouse all populists who may have retired early. The greatest feature of the parade will be the march ing of :!0i) horsemen, who are to come (r i.n all parts of the county, They will arrive in the city in the early evening and will head the procession. A Furrnell Tarty. On last Wednesday evening a number of the young ieoile of this city gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Spragno ot the West Side to honor their friend, Hoy Spraguo, who waa to leave the next duy for San Francisco to join the United States navy. The evening wan Hient in games and merry-making and at 11 o'clock an elegant lunch was served. The gills present were : Orpha Cosper, Jeanetto Head, Minnie Dutcher. Maggie Ooodfellow, Blanche Hnin and Kate Mark ; the boys present were Nicholas Humphrey, Joseph Good fellow, Hurry Draper, Charlie Chase, Rotiert Caufleld, Bellini Vian and George Case. High Five Club. A number of the ladies of Mount Pleasant met last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. 0. C. Williams and or ganixed a social club to be known as the High Five. In honor of her guests Mrs. Williams had her house beautifully dec orated with pink and white chrysan themums and at the close of the meet ing served to them an elegant lunch. The officers chosen are Mra. W. B Stafford, president, and Miss Nellie Warner secretary. The next meeting of the society will be held at the home of Miss Nellie Warner in two weeka from the last meeting. ache, fainting spoilt, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dhr.y spells, Electric Bit ters is the medicine you need. Health and strength are guaruiiUwd by its use. Largij bottb-s only fifty cents at Char man A Co.'s drug (lore, Channan Bios, bloi. For Kent Mpeclal. 1 Chicken and garden farm, 2 acres in Clackamas ; fraire house, spring water, valuable fishing privilege V per month. 2 Good lartn, K') acres, 80 in cultiva tion, good building, 7 acres prunei ; for rent or sale. 3 Nice clean dwelling in Canernah for runt or aale. Spring water. 4 Elegant dwelling 7 rooms, double parlors, two bay windows, pure moun tain water pumed from the Clackamas, bath room. Kent or sale on the install ment plan. 5 Little cottage at Klyyille, gooJ well water, half acre garden. H. E.CHOS8. Highest of all b Leavening Powen Latest U.S. Gov't Report Absolutely puhe I'eopln Wanted. To know that C. A. Wiflcy, Seventh street, near the depot hai splendid line of shoes, best goods for the money in the city. He carries the well-known shoei of tha Capen Shoe Co., every pair of which ia warranted. Harness and saddles manufactured and aold at Port land prices. Fine ihoei and boots made to order and repairing promptly done. ti. Insurance. If you want to know anything about Fire or Life Insurance or Building and Loan Association, call on II. T. Sladen. lie has it at bia finger ends. Monday evening a special meeting wai held in the lecture room of the Methodist church by tha Sunday school board of that church, for the purpose of acting on the resignation of Mr. Purcell, the superintendent. After an explana- nation from Mr. Purcell to the effect that it was Impossible for biin to devote the time that waa necessary for tha success of the school by reason of his church and Sunday achool work at Parkplace and oilier places, hii resignation waa acc epted sod J. L. S afford wai chosen to fill the vacancy. Mr. Purcell has made a very efficient superintendent and the achool will miss hit presence. Yet the Methodist people feel that in Mr. 8waf- ford they have a superintendent who will be able to keep their Sunday school in an interesting aod prosperous condi-iion. Insurance that insures F. E. Donaldson. W. R. Healess, of lxgan. was a caller at the Entkhchihi office Monday. Mr, Healess, in company with Tom O'Neil and Oscar Biers, returned last Saturday from a trip to Squaw creek, a tributary of Ogle creek, where they located a very promising mining claim. They sunk a six foot shaft and got some fine samples of ore which they will have assayed. On a previous trip Mr. O'Neil had brought out surface croppings that assayed $6 06 per Ion and the boys feel sure that the samples they brought out this trip will run much higher. Largest insurance business F. E. Donaldson. Home Kind Word. Prof, J. J. Truitt, who ha so many warm friends in Portland, Or., where he taught and studied bis profession over a year, is visiting our city and schools to introduce the "Famous" muscular move ment 'profesnional) in pennmansbip. Theory and practice combined and con trolled by "count time" nearly the same as counting time in music. Prof. Palmer of the Western Penninan says: "The muscular movement system of writing is sweeping the country like wild fire and from every quarter we hear its praises ung with all the enthusiasm of which Young America ii capable. It ia the only system that conihinei legibility, rapidity and beauty and adapted to the wants ot the American people." A word from friends: Mr. Truitt has filled tome positions of trust and baa dona all honorably. Prof. Perdue, Del. I trust and believe our relations as teacher and examine r may be of tbe most pleasant character. J. 0. Treeny, School Examiner. Md. Mr. Truitt is said to be one of tbe finest teachers in our county and popular with a'l who know him Dr. Wright, Delaware. It gives me pleasure to certify to tbe efficiency of J. J. Truitt as associate teacher in our schools. Geo. Robinson, School Superintendent, K&osas. Mr. Truitt having both a literary and business education, I feel confident be can do better work in educational lines than tbe average teacher. Prof. A . P. Armstrong, Portland Business College. Your penmanship is very good and you ought to make a success In tbis line of work. San Francisco Bus. College. Where to Pay. To tbe members of Willamette Falls Camp No. 148 Woodmen ol the World: Dues and assessments must be paid in camp or at Bellomy & Buescb'a or sent by mail to box 375. J. K. Morris, Clerk. Who Wants a Bargain! A good farm team of mares, wagon and harness for sale or trade for Block. Address box 84, Oregon City . Gjermania arket PAUL J. SCHOLZ, Prop. Best Quality of Cold Storage Meats." Smoked bams and bacon cannot be excelled. Game in season. Highest price paid for live and dressed stock., aa Seventh St between Main and Depot MOLALLA : AVENUE ..STORE.. G. W. Grace & Co. NEW GOODS, Complete stock of every thing needed in the home. JOHN YOUNGER, f EWELER, 0pp. Huntley's Drujt Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. They are so little vou hardly know you are taking them. They cause no griping, yet they act quickly and most thoroughly Such are the famous little pills known as IeWitt's Little Early Risers. Small in size, great in results. C. G. Huntley, druggist. Free insurance blotters F. E. Donaldson. Now For Burgalus. A bankrupt stock of dry goods, clothing boots and shoes, embracing a good selec tion in each line will be opened up for sale next week in the Schram building, next door to K, E. Williams' grocery store, and sold at forced sale. Auction everyday. This is no fake sale as the quality of the goods will proye and the prices cannot be met as these goods must go. Did You Ever Try Electric Bittern as a romedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and gut relief. This medicine has been found to be pecularly adapted to the relief and euro of all fomale complaints, exerting wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you J have loss of appetite, constipation, bead-1 George Marr and Lyman B. Andrews will open their new grocery Btore on the northeast corner of Seventh and Center streets next Monday. They will have a well selected stock of staple groceries, fruits and notions and intend to sell at strictly Portland prices. Leading insurance agency F. E. Donaldson. The city council held no meeting last Wednesday night but adjourned until next Tuesday, November 10, 1890, at which lime judges and clerks will be ap pointed for the city election to be held in December. Reliable fire insurance F. E. Donaldson. Tbe Willamette orchestra will give a grand masque ball at Shively's opera house next Thursday, November 12th. This is their first ball and about 200 in vitations have been issued for the event. Best insurance companies V. E. Donaldson. The first ball of the season, given at Willamette hall on Tuesday evening, by Oregon City Lodge, No. 7, United Artl zana, was a very pleasant affair, partici pated in by some twenty-five couples. Ten big insurance companies F. E. Donaldson. If You Wish to Prosper and live long you should buy your food supplies at HARRIS' GROCERY. We handle the very best goods in the market and allow no one to under sell us. bekhive Spcial Prices for Election WeeL Children's Merino underwear, all sizes, 23c. 10 doz. girls' turban hats with plumes, 25c. 5 doz. Tarn O'Shanters 48c. Gents' fine Fedora hats $1, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.98 50 pieces, No. 5 all silk satin ribbon, all colors, 5c. Ladies' fine white mull aprons with Swiss embroid ery 19c, 29c, and 49c. Gents' heavy natural wool underwear, 50c. Ladies' fine cashmere gloves, 25c. Ladies' mackintoshes, $3.00 We sell a ladies vici kid shoe never sold in Ore gon City less than $2.50, at $1.98. Gents' working pants 59c, 85c, 89c, $1.25 and $1.50 Very best engineer overalls 9 oz. denim, at 45c. When you want a corset that fits, try the P. N. The Beehive Caiifield Block, Oregon City.