Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1896)
VENETIAN GLASS. AN ANCIENT INDUSTRY REVIVED IN THE ISLAND OF MURANO. Itm Work! of Art, Not Moaetroaltl, Art rnxtarvd-llnw lh IVoevmlanU at -ta Old Tnlla fllxuvorkera Mak. Bea.tirul Article, ol I'm kail Ornauirttt, A moil); the lnpuiis Dourly duo mirth &S Wniiv, in tlio inluiul of Muruno tiler live a raiv of men wlio wvni to iavn it ifivnt fututw Tliej ro Uw do .ytnlniit of tlio old Vi-notiaii gliuw Worker, itnd of lute jvitri t hoy have Leon rvvivinii tlio niioieut art, which u.ido Murium faiuou iu tlu past, of flmwlilowing. Tho old Venetian pints was what is I foinuuHily called Mown, tut tho imiuo ' trivo a Tory munll idea of the uinmifnc j turn Ulass hiui cortuin cliarwliTiMiin which give it it true beauty and valuo ' lor art r.urv,wor, mid lhoiith you tuny aii Bl.vt the, audioiw it to maw iorin .utterly foreign, to it nature you are ; 'rodni'iii? not works of art, but men- 1 tniti. Whati'ver glass Ulliy 1N I i ia in itn natural state not crystalline, ao 4mU uaturo ia outr.ip-d whin we grind i it into ahurp angular forma that belong ! r.uber toother uuiit-riuls. The old Vene- j .tian glass was light, bright, vitreous in j Appearance and stained with the richest ; lnwsible colors, and all these qualities are retained in the newly tcvived man- I .nfacture at Murnno. I Thero ia one imro stroug point in fa- , or of glass blown and workeil over than molded namely, that every indi vidua! piece is an oripiuul art, and as ' U. U aluiotit inipible that any two should be exactly alike, unless their j form ia very siniplo indeed, tho buyer : -chooses aceording to his fjuicy and is , sure that uo om else pwHcca a piece I I'Xactly the siuiie aize and shape. In the t,., r,v.lin,irv nf r-tud ! uiiuiuiu (red lead) ia frequently add- : cd to iucrease its brightness, but this! wife, Sept 1 'it', V 1), lot 5, Court HiPritroya at once the characteristic light-1 loUM bik( Coun, v t0 q C. . jiesa, and. causing it to cw.l more rapid- Jimt.8 KolMon ,nj W;(B to Jotkn It, quite prevents the rxvaihility of . , . , ..... ,n rkinR it in the pn-r ductile and ! i)''r; Au 31 ; mailable condition. iAllen MIoon ,0 Jl-ob (,erbr Jr- The Murano material is worked as July 3 '!, W D, part of D L C iS the aucieut Venetian slass male ou the j t 3 a r 3 e of V M, 12 a Koine Uland used to be, and all the old Nancy and James Anderson to method have been discovered, or at j Mari Booton, Aug 10 , W V, 1-ast the mime effecu have lxen pro-1 ,otg o. i0(, 33 blk u Minthorn tiiKvd. The flamma, pThap. more! j trauRo than beautiful, the millehoro. .. . ,, be mel., includinK Ferf,t imitations Amelia and John II Darhn to A h of ajrates, chaletdous, lupis lazuli, etc. Latourette, Aug 31 , W U. sev Xr mosaic, tho aqua marina, rich ruby ; eral parcels in Clackamas Co. . . xilorx, the brilliant avventuriuo, all are J K Marlar and wife to N C I T Jien, and mimy other kinds of work, some of which are imitations of the old glass and some uew inventions. The tools used are a bullow reed of iron, a few instruments like sliears, of different sizes, and a atai.ip with a strawberry shaped die. The end of the j rod ia dipped into molten g'ass of, say, i ruby color, and a portion accumulated i on its end. If too much ot too little is I taken, the wineglass will uot be of the rirltt eim utiri if tUi TlU't:il flS t 14 mil. ed, ia uot of the right temperature, the color will be too dark or too light. The luino in rolled on a tablo into symmetry and heated again. A few turns of the ' .rod and a breath or two through it, and ! a hollow ball appears at the end. One extra puff of the breath and the bowl would be too large and too thin. A boy j kriuffs op a small portion of white glass, 1 which be has picked out of another res- ' trvoir and blown hollow. This must be so hot as almost to drop r ff the rocL and j must be ready at the tx.iet moment. He! iouchert the bowl with it. and the two ' adhere liks sealicg w :!x. A pull asun- I tier and one dextrous twist iorin tne delicate stem of the v iui l:iss npon which three little lui: p-s T glasg are then stuck and .tnn.ped as strawberries 1 and the whole is again iutruluced into the furnace, where it would instantly I droop out of shape but fi t the deft ma-1 uipulation w hich it undergoes. By the time it is heated the boy is Teady with another globe of glass, per haps of a different color, which he causes to adhere to the bottom of the litem. The man spins it around between his shears, nipping part of it ulmot-t off, ana urns gaining tne ngnt quantity 01 XRUST C0. are the owners of the copy tntal for the fijot, uo less and no more. ...... .p. . t 1 . . 1 1 1 1 .1 right to the T home system of abstract One tap on an iron lwlge breaks the ro- B ' , ' , perfluons pi, and leaves a small hole ! indexes, for Clackamas county, and have at the point of the fracture. Once more ' Hie only complete net of abstracts in the the action of the fire is called in to soft- : county, can furnish information as to en the brittle material, and when the j title to land at once, on application, pear shaped ends couie out the points of j Loans, investtnents.real estate, abdtracts ine ciosea secant are mtroaucea to j widen the opening into a cuplike form, A small lump of awenturino is by this time on the end of the boy's rod, melted and only saved from dropping hy hU dexterity. One touch and it ad heres to the end of the cup jukt formed. He pnU it out and winds it around, ad hering as it goes to the edge. Again the fire does its duty, and then the artist finishes the form of the foot, detaching immediately the bulb at the top from his hollow rod. Another rod, with a molten piece of glass, is prepared for him by the boy's ready co-operation, ;nd is pressed against the center of the foot, to which it adheres. Into the fire goes tlio whole piece, and when with drawn the bowl of the glass is partly fchap;d by the shears, awenturino wound uronnd the edge as before with the foot A last heat, and with artistic care the delicate, crocuslikn bowl, which is some day to contain th5 sparkling wine, is oinpleted. London Globe. Hhellrr and Flro and Flame. TJnlike most poets, and in this resem Vling his contemporary Turner in tainting, Shelley began with no special Jove of color, but d-vi. loped it with his general development. Tho chief char acter of Shelley's color is that it is al ways mingled witii light and move ment His is "a green and glowing light like that which drops from folded lilies in which glowworms dwelL" It is translucent color, proceeding from tome "inmost purple spirit of light," and he seems to be always looking .through a rainbow hued cascade. A t-'""" rWnra ia bis use of color i the i evidently uneotmcioui repontlon or in ! mime word within few line. The col I or oemi to fliudi before him and disap pear, liii color am) fluid, oualino, ir- idowent,. In tin, wain, m In the "Witch of AlUn," nt-nuitiljr twin Ming Turner1! Inter um of oolur, tlioy make ' tupoiitry of flcwolike mint," or "woven exhalation underlaid with liuu bout litihtuiiiK llrv. " No pool hiui over 'd flro no cxtou ivolv. "Men rvarooly know how beau- tiful flro is" ho my. "Kaon flame of it in as a precioti atone dnwolvod in ever moving liht. " He HiuU tho aero. blttnecof flame iu thoculikoliiwt placid, even in water, for the dew in a flower ia like fin-, even in tho aolid marble, for the pyramid of Coxtui ia a flame. Cvoilicro he aava color fuavd with light and iu pclHtual movement. The whole visible universe ia "a dome of many colored k1:iss," which "ataina tho whito radiance of eternity." hukt- pearo had hinted that aneh waa hia conception of the world, but Shelley workoil it out with a convinced linoor- dikriuii illuminative iiwivht which kyiu part of tho Tory texture of this fascinating H-mtmality whouo fit emblem is tho flame of tho funoraJ pyre. Contemporary Keview. REAL ESTATE TR.ISSEEKS. CurnMied Every Week by the Clarlt mas Abstract A Trust Company. M J Rroderick to C Pressor, 2S W. W D, lota 1 ami 6, b!k l'xl, County add to O C 700 clH) Boylan to A L Jamea, June IS W, W D. lot 2, blk 1, Green point add to O C 127 Mary M Kelly and J S Kelly to Mathias Halvereon, Autt 15 W, W D, part of D L C 56, aec 34, t 3 rleofWM, 10 a 150 Win Andresen to W B uinaalt and 1000 700 120 50 5070 Imtd, Sept 1 'SHI, QC D, part of I L C 49, sees 8, S. 15, 10 and 17, t 2 s r2e, 12 a Windsor Land and Improvement Co to A S Thompson. Aug 2S W L, lots I anJ ola li, in.ior. Jamea F Robenson and wife to John W. Robeson, June 9 'yti, W D, 1 a, Hoot's add to Marshtield. 650 j,., Fin8li to jw.t Finsli. Au 8 '., W D, ht of ew'i and s1, of M. n'ecl2,t28r4e of W l'W a Clackamas Co to Klla Broderuk. Jan 11 '!), W D, lota 1, 3, 4 and 5 blk 15ti, County add toO C r)ora Fi)s, ,0 IWat Fj,1!tj( juIv 7 ,w w D , . 0 . , ,3 t 2 8 r 4 e , M' !, L' ' " ' . ' V,' V. Ll"ie an'' S 'enfcy to B C Altman, Sept 3 W I), lots 23 to 38, blk 88, Minthorn add to Portland p;ien jr Wait to janie j Lueltin, 50 600 I April 14 ".Hi, 1 a.... I Ellen M Wait to Olive 250 A Luelling, April 14 '!!, V I), 1 a 250 Win Barlow to Martha Barlow, Sept 5 W D, several tracts 10 Win Barlow and wife to Mary S Bar- low, eept 5 ''M, W D, several tracts Wallace McCainant to W II Burn hart, Auu 27 W, M D, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, blk 104, O C 10 3500 ABSTRACT & THE CLACKAMAS etc. Office over Bank of Oregon City. Call and investigate. Address box 377, Oregon City Oregon. Oregon City Market Report. (Corrected weekly.) Wheat No. 1 merchantable, 47 cents per bushel. Flour Portland, $3.10; Howard's Best, $3.30; Fisher's Best, 3.00; Dayton, $3.25. Oats in sks, white, 25 cents per bushel, gray, 23 . Millstuffs Bran, $12.50 per ton; shorts, $13.50 per ton : chop, $ 13.50. Potatoes GO cents per sack. F.ggs, 12 cents per dozen. Butter Ranch, 25 to 3D cents per roll. Dried Fruits Apples, unbleached, 4 cents ; 50-pound boxes, evaporated, 4c prunes, 2; to 4j cents; plums, iyt to 3 cents. Bacon Hams, 8 to S cents ; sides, 6 to 7; shoulders, 5 to 6; lard, 6 to 7. Livestock and Dressed Meats Beef, live, x1 cents; hogs, live 2 cents; hogs dressed, Z)4 cents; sheep, $1.00 to $1.25 per head ; veal, dressed, 4 cents. Poultry Chickens, young, from $2; old $2.75; turkeys, alive, 8 cents per pound. Poultry advancing. "Boys will be boys," but you can't afford to lose any of them. Be ready for green apple season by having DeWitt's Colic and Cholera Cure in Ihe bouse. C. O Huntly Druggist. LcKtil NotlceH. tXiTirli' potior. vroru k ia iiKiiriiv hivkn tii.vt tiik unlrtlsitl hu Uu, lif ttrOiir ol u tuuutf otturi i: a kitimiivmiityin'aii, duly ileiitHl vivtuiitx t ili 'ui ot trltttii'ii lrrm, dov I. Ad ixraom hyill rUiim SMiut iitu it ar niiunt'ti in iirHm iitvut t m, July Trintl, m Hi uitliHi ol II. K. Cro, It 'rutiy at iw, in On("U (Mv, wlilou ti ntoutni from In lf of i tn nnilo IUhI, Oivsou City, Or". Amml ."ilh. Isjii M.VKY alKVKKM, Iirriilor'a ,tler. XTOTU'K IS IIKKKIIY UIVKN Til VT TIIK uiuif riiiiil hu Iimii iiiioliiinl liy in isiiiiity court o( 1'liickAiiua otiuiiiv, Orvx hi, hi ttMiliir ol tu Ul will ait I Ul uimiil uf I4nc Murnior, ilisa.l. AH .fu.ia Iiavhi4 ciatuia anaiual lh ui ui aal.l lii Hiurutor, Urf Otfuavil, ar titfrwtiy iiotlll I Iu ir.ii Iti aam iliily rul. lor iuivmnl in Ihe n ntlorotat n4 or al lha iiihra ol llruwiivll A i'aiiilU, Oruon C'Hy, Orriiou, wllhlli aix iiio.illia nun tii dal ol tills untie. l)l.l, Audita! IS. I' Al.i'KKT HAKRINilTOS, HanwstLL.I CtMi-aai.u Ktacuior. AUoriivva Kit riacuuir, t U, IU". Admlulatraiar'a .toller. NrOriCt IS IIKKKHV tllVKN THAT TIIK utelf rtiioii'i! ha tM .Muiiii'l tiv Ih4 iMiiutv court ol 1'iai'kaMia Oieiuly. ailiiilulal a Inl of lha r.ui.' ol U II. Iltih, .10 . a.-.l. All poraoii harm ela-ma axa-n-t tti Mtof aall iWetl uit are hi'rouy uo.irtoil to ruMiit Ihtf aaintt iluly vvriNoil iriiiut to lit tin lot alall.! al hl oitU III OriKiin fit IT, Oft(tli, fill! aix tniiul!i Irom th a ilai. or at iho onto ol llrowuvlt , CatiiiiU'U, Oiiu City, Onicou. liaieU tlila 1 HI) ily ol Autuat, is in. U I. I'OKVKU, HaiiwMLL .1 CiaratLL, A'lml ir. AtUirucya Mr a.l iuinllrlor. s II, It II l.treullun Nnle, NOTIl'K IS IIKKKIIY GIVKN Til AT UV tlrtuo(ti pircutloii uit y iatul out ol th circuit court ol ui auto o( Oiejou. for C a kaiua county, an-l tuuilirctcil auil uatv-l thusiauav 01 stiiiteuiiir, ik, uiiou a iuuk iih ul itoeke l in aalil I'ourt on th silt r of Svilrtnir. lw. In favorol r M Iroaa. tllu t if, u I axaiual K I. I'ueatilrv. ilc auaaut. lor luu auiu in lJ.vJ, wltb itiier-al thorvou iroiu AiKiiat i!u l. lNt, ai tlio rat il a mt ut iht auuutu. a il th. furttivr auui ul s 4 coata ami aictu ii-ji'rt.t", I ii il. on t'iv tfth d.11 o ptrm- brr. iMfti. uu y I vy uu tiiH'a lea la oiail on. ('acaaiu a county, ttrorr'ii.cuitta.u-tiri 2. a arr a m r i r Kaa, auil Iu couii'l.aui.' wtih a X writ. I will, ou 8ATI HDAV, THE 17th DAY OF OCrOBKK. al tti hour of 1 o'c oe P tu.. at lha front iliHir oi lit rou ity court hour.. I Orrjuu I'uy. OtcrioQ.M'l al tiu lie auct oii to 11 h f iiaai hi Mar. lorcaati In h u I, all in rlrtht. till ami iiitrro-l which Ih ilelrniltul hail in -a j iroi. KT on lur tu iliy ol t-k'pti mix-, IsW. luaatlaly rxcuil ui, citi ana at cm n dial-. aeDI'inlcr. KjS. 0 . UK AIR. Hi, li h Iff ot I'larkamaa county. Oron. Atliuialalrmlar'a NaU, -VTOIHK I IIKRSHY (ilVEN THAT IN purauance of au iiritvr uf aal ma auii eutorvil by luu county court of tu rwunty of larkaruas. att ol ornj n. ou tne Mtta tiay ci spii'in r. 1 . In Hi mailer ol ih al t of II. Llayaon.ueevaae i, thw umlcralrfutiU. ait ml itraurn aat i a . wt.l a It at put lle uo liu. autilvct loroiirtrmitiou by aa tl coti't. lha loll wltia- 1 at-fibril rral rnrt: llrlun unit . tana oi aru jta i, i., t. iv auu 20 tn I wnahtp 'i aouib ra'.n i at, accorulurr tuuihei Ipal la rva. rOtr. i to thj teucral lauit i tic by th au vcyir f ural, tnlna uno . ai t 'iracrt' a I aa bca; nu tig at a point ha ua nil .-al 11. at wat o. th a !.uua'i cor ner oi aouttiweat quarirr of a, tl -Q s tu towu ah t 2 aoii h ranv 'i ca-i. tb c nor rt 4- ) are. ai'i. M ' hal a uJ s,i Uuka; It ctl amith Vidi tirr. ami i ha u a iO & It ka th a uth ii icrea inuiu ra caat ati rha na a'.tl 6J . uka. Dicat aottth dulcar ca eaal JU cualu nil t I., kn: tu. uca tiorttt U ucrrr ra iat .W i ha ua; thu a nort i I0 ilcgr. ca 1 mlnii al IV cnaitii. arnj th -tn Kor.u t itevrtra wat It e aiuaaailtlll ka In pi .c ot btliiullir;, aav aoii rit -I Ira) acrca of aiora ilcai-rtbl trai-t a-i i Lei' rt D r.i.e at iuatter e.-uou ul anlJ lau I claim, to ualu ut .no acru mo. or lea, anJ b iur a port o ofthe doua'lou laiui c aim ol Jama- Mi a-T ami ...Cf ili Narf. hla ana. ltilutttJ in C acaaui .a coui.l) , a ala ol Orarfoa. bu aale a 1.1 1 ma i ou I 10th DAY UK OlTuHKK, 1-Wft, 1 c rx k p m.,at 1:1- r-o-irt tiou. i1inr In Ball Clack ma- co u y a .tl ata e ol Urn-no. Uriti, of air: I'a ti la.j, 8 t -uibjr . I"ll I IHKI.K.S ri.AYSn.V. A lm.iiialralor ol he ea ale of YV. II t iiiei.rtl. ) 11, 1 -t 4 llatlon. Iu the enmity court of the ttat of Orcna, for in county ol Vtacaam . Iu th malUr ol l ie -.a-a'.e uf i'hlllp M'xir J, la- c ij. To Hot. il, "iloora anJ to K. J. Mourn anil to all oth.-r iietra ol tha etat .-, kuon auu uriktiuwu: IS THE .NAME OT THE .iTATK or oHK'.oN, run nuJ e . h of r on ar - hereby no Ifl J trial tn county coui lm thi aUteof iJit-aou, lor i.'.ack aiiia oumittr. al.tiLK tu iro:'au. tia ma'iu auJ encere 1 and feiiiitfrv.j an orier Iu th ntair -ju tltleil matter ren nrur( a t tKr.ona I ilarca eil In anli.1 eatitc to appear lie rMtiite.iiUrr SMi, Li'jrl, at in b iur ol iu coi.a a in., ana allow cui e, II any ihvre l. why au "filer s iuu r noi thu a id ih-rre te mail' auihorizlnt autl dtrec Iu; tn ad ml iiatrat'T i.f I a aall i eli th rual properly t e V -alt ta'e, mou rval jir jierty cnii.i-t iI2iii r of aid lyl;ig Hi a body auil Uecrtbjd a folloa: Tue e'4 of th lue lie1, oi tu -"4, tiie ue'. oi in ne , aun 1. 1 af4 ot In n f 4'1 -ectlou Ji.alao trie .. v !, o. tlin-,,.l eaa'of tbiuaf, of -ec.'l.ill tu;i I aouih ol r uiifo rj enat of the Wulam atU iituridl'iu, Iu cUck'tirtai county, Ora.'ou, to aatlaly the caiHia aialnni aall eaiate and trie e.a:a an t exu-Mi.e of ndui'ui-trHttou. Aud you are ruririer uotlried ihat on aald uato at tali and Iu the county court-ruo n of Clacka- maa cuuiitr, urt-gon, tne it.u couniy coon att tluif in prohite, will rail' to be heard the -ttrl petition, auJ wil men auu th j. e make wh ttovi-r order may oe Ju.t an i proour tu tiie preiulaer, and you are therefore require 1 to apuvar al ant 1 tunu atid piac and auow cauaj ahy an order should uot ue made auibnrtiiiiar auil dlrectniK th? aaie of laid real property herelnbeior du crloed. Trni notlc) ia riubllrihe I by order nl the Hon orable Uuriori K. Hayea, Judc of tne a niva en- litiert court, male inia iMa day ol Augual, A. V. lwxi. Witiiem mr hand an 1 the -enl of laid oourt tbii 24tn day uf August, A. I). 1h). CLXtrt UlAO., 8 2H, U-18 County Clerk. Niiiiiinonx. Id the circuit court of t.te itati of Oreou, for the couuly ol ciackamaa. Ann Greeue, pal n il IT, ra, I la II irnve, A. K. oruveianj a. ooiucuniiut, owie.iuantn. UPON KEADlNij AND KII.I.NO TIIK AKKI dnvit or M. J, Mai: jUh in, atlorney for th plaintiff, and it tHiialactur ly appear. ug there from to th Jurlre of th circuit court of the rttuie oi O'egnij, tor trie county ol Ciacka maa, that ihu deteiidaiiti, Ida II. Groves and A, Y. Orovei, have ilcpirred irom aud run te out ol the itale of Orcgou, and catiu t oe fouud wilblo said -late, and it appearing from th alhdavi. aforeaaU t.iat a goou caua of mil exiata in till county aud aula lu favor of lue p.aiut If tiic;eiu and agaimt lb dufeudaut and that the aa i defendant ar neceaaary and proiwr parltea le- len lanta tnereto; ami it lurtrier apptiariug iimi a an unions nan teen duly mad out and laaue 1 lu this i ouui . and that personal service of lue aame cunuot ba madj upuu thj sid defcridaura, Ida H. (, roves and A. r. Oroves, lor th reason, hereinbefore contained, aud by tu said altl ia vil aud otlicer s relurn uu said summons mud ; to atipear, and that tli defeudauts, Ida 11. Groves and A. K. Orovei, alter cl uu dtligu ice cauuut o found wlthlu the atnte of Oregon, ou motion of M. J. MacMahou, eiu,., atuirny tor the plMlutitr, it Is ordered that th service of tne aummoui 1:1 thli auil b male upon the said d feiidnuta, Ida II. Ororea aud A V. Groves, by piiulicituou thereol lu The OkkooN Cur hN tkhpribk. a uewapaner publUned at Oruoti City, hureby dualgriated aa the newapaper mo t likely to irlv notice to said iielend.iuls; tiiat auou publication b made at leaMt once a we-k fur aix auci eailv wecas. Aniitfurtoer In lik manner sstlsfactonly aiiiiearlug, that the realdenc of naid def-jn- d iuta, Ida If. Groves aud A. K. Groves, Is in trie county of Ujs state ol (JJliIorula, it 1 ordered thai a copy of th aumriioua, aud a m-r- tllled"copy of tha cornnlalut in this soli ut fortnwitn danosited In the poatofho, pout-paid directed to said defendants at their said p. ace of residence, baled, August 29. A D. 1H96. IHOMAS A. Mr.BRIDK. JudK of th circuit court of lb state of Ore gon, lor lb couuty uf Clackamas. tM, 10-v. NMiiniinsi. In th Circuit Court of th stal of Oregon for I'larkamaa 0 llltly. Saitttial II ddiworlh, plalnllir, va. Charlaa M. Van Milieu and Maiy Van llurau hli wlf and Johu T. i olr, defoiiil.tiiis , TuCharla XI. Van nuru ami Mar Van llurau, hi wlf, ileleuilaula ; IN TIIK NAMK Or TIIK HTATK or OltK gon, ynii and 40b nl you ar hrliy iitilrd .oaptica an I at aatur ihiout plaint Iliad aaalual you hi th aim eniiiied mil ouor laiiurvlh ntsl day uf Ih nail term nl ia il i our I fo ua lug expiration of cal I uuiuinu-, lo-wlt: lly Ihti ft rat M . inlay lu Nnr. uih r. ltM. aud II you latl au lu app 'ar, plaiuilrT arol lak ulgiiwiil and diicn a In aald suit aaaill.i you lor lit sum uf l.'Jfi, witii uli aal Ihoreon ai Ih rat of a par csint, per annum Irom ih IvMIt day ol r'ahruary, lalt nr ih anal oi ti..M wdh luira thureoit al th rar ol a cent, per annum fraui th 1st day of Jiinv, l-CH. for in 111111 ol fill.Ji, with lu lereil lharenii a Ih rale ot a par ini, ir an num from Ih lat day ul l iubr, Ist'l; lr Ih .lull ol fid.Jil Willi iiitiuvat lltcriton at tho rata of a iwr caul per uuiliii fioin Hi 11 day of June, IvlS: Iur lit sumol trll i, allU Itilur . theruou at Ihe rat nl 'r cul. par annum IMiu in 1 1 uar ol Pecamiior, HcJi-i, lo in linn lav ol Kedriiarv, Imio- iur in aiim of lliatta) paid iur la, with Interval thereon al l'i rale I g r ul, p t auutiui irom th toiU day ol IWciiiIht, iviy l.'aitki ailnrucy's In. and Ih cimib aud iihufineiiia nl till suit. AUti a d.-crv forctMnaiitg a r lalii iuort4as a4iuid by the aald ilnf I n nl lo lu Jm, l' 'tiklnt Nnrlaau l rtit t'ouuianr an ) by litem a.aind lo tlna platnllll ttt aecura aald platulllt 'a claim, being ut on rt-al caiai -I ui lu th county ol t'lackauiaa and lain of Or vii t an I utnr par- lieu ary boliiulcsl ami ln fritted aa loiloara, to- wit: A tract o la't'i in in uo ineru part in tno ilcoig.i Irvln dnnatlon land calm and lieln a (tart ol aea'tiniia I ant IJ. loialuhlp t autittt, rainr I rai of tho Wllllii II mcr it all and icciioita a iinl 7, owuht i 4 louih, ran I al oi the Will in lie in rldlaii, a il ooiiihU I and lii.crtln I a fol na, 1'i-w I: II aluning at in inulliweai corner ot th loutitvaat uuarier of Ih iiortne.iat iiuarier of . tmii IJ. Innhip I ittn, ran I ae-i ol titu u II ameit inartiiiait. aiil running thence uorlli :l', iagn a cal ehalll. I" A point III tlio eaa Ivi dary lill uf trie laid Goo, liviu dnuatlnit 1 d claim .VJ chama s mth ol th noritisa.t corner ol the uo'thweat tjuaricr ol ih outliwuai iiurtnr ol a.'Cl.ou rt, liiwnali.p 4 wcl'li. ruta-e I al of 111 W.llami tlmrld au. Ihclicalio III .V cl.alin; th 'Ui v w t H coal nj l nu iihi nitn .U olialui; tluiicj weal .Upliaii a. llteine an nil AO chatna Ionian uf Iwjlnultig, cnulaiiilug IM.a; acres uinr or icaa And directing sal of laid pr 'put IV In luall-n.-r provul I ny law, and annlli alio i ol in i rncevda o naynt ii ol tha claim ol th plain tirrtit-rO'ii. ineludiiig tit'li, d ahurainuu ol I nl, and attorn, a icea ben lu, S'-rvica ot ihla ummuiJ il mad upon you hy pilbllcalli'tl p liailiut to or lr ol llouoralil Ih in t A. Mcllrtdo. Jul,; nil i circuit cunt ul ill aiai of oreaon for Clackamas couuly. luted iiiotjiu day of Ap l, l-i'V GEO VY. HAES. Aliorucy lor piaiiitlrf 5IS-II chamtwrol Conimaro ll.illdlri, 1' irl laud. Oregon. a It, VII "OTITIC I UKHtHY tUVK.S THAT TIIK lii iirjr rt'Ulxjrii, Ini ..v-nl iltlti.T, will vll l iiiiblirmi tl.u at tbj C'Mir; bouiti Jutir in ir- (on city, .'. i, wii HATl'BDAY. iC rod Kit M. 1m, I t o'clitck ft. m., hm followtui ilrrlbi ral ttHt, Hi nilii o ! m t, l wit: Trct 1. il $t n b it i nun n thj lr uf tho K.wter m i M i iie n- I, tlim I v19 Ul u lh I h.ll.p K mft dt'iillt'U UuU Ciftiro, in tl -n il. In Uwnh i 2 oiiu. r'itf 4 ut i( lti '11 .in 'U tuv xllaii; tlui'O nirti .V fws tnlnui i, t-vl to ih uuriderljf n ol I v r-ater n I -MiiW' riM l; l'inu ii iirlh-ftUif .y tl rrion ul l n ri i- unylu JlU' list; t tvue in intriuwi iivrly Jinrt ou iU 'i m m in K"itr -y-l Mil witiikiu in Irvt . thuitf ' I m mihitwrif tltr i ftl . tu ) or ui ul mtihl r il. ilU1) fen. Iti. ii- tu Mlt(ltant -Tit lUrvv tl u at rl hi aoitlr k mM ruiil, 10J ((. to llcv uf briiiu.u.. tract i. H k i u n l a it'tn In l'i rMtr nf th l.. t r aiitl M luki lat U V. f i uib anO aW ie i wt i.f ti uorntiMi iirnir i.f ttt- pn.llif. rom r ilmiioa inl ciaiiii.lti o liuu SI. tiwulilp i 'Uth, rati if 4 uf I'to W liim tl mr tl au, t c iti a i nnbwi irrljr titncil uu r . fit augl t t t'naur rn J, M 1 t, t c in i oiithi rrly ulrrc.tim r l1 Ui f a l. luv iwmt, tlktic lu n uia.H at ilr Jifvct ti at u- Iri t a 4 rita I, l.aj tv-l: I mc n a urt vatrrly 'lir ctla a out tu r rier llm of t4il n !. i d t t- t li uf U f unl m. 1 rci 3. B?-tn'ti .ir t a t a In th' ritr of th tut -t an J MiaWtU-til io.J ttui lm Irrt Muth in J .ijt I t in. tu i.orth aat c "Q t O Ih4 il IP Ci atar iUm t "it laml 4 a fn,io at U'ti il. t'iwnadip 1 nu ll, ra i i at ut trio W it., nie-te iiif d 0 : t iic- 1 a inrlurt'rir iliircti .i MtMh p- atrr tn "i Kn t i ami M II wiire rM .'I l, e for inc iniit, ihriire lu a ti il -rl ll v- nu t tig i . . t ' Hie r trr ! Ml wa ik' r ! 1 th i c in a u 'Mb at. f tilnctiou rai 11 itu (1 t'l, fro ; t i:ir 1 t ki iiU at- nl-iltr I 'ii at If u uk1p to aald r). tn le t, ih nt" In ut irt rl ..irwtt hi al.tu,f tti n. utiT iiue uf al i rmvl, i t, lo 1 1 piacj ol t't .1)1111. Tra i 4 Hrtfluu 114 it a t e lu I r-trar uf th Ku-Wr an liauJ.iv mJ ttil I VTV lw oi ih- I'htl ti r ilw ia tun laifl cialin.l a. ( nti 31, nwr "'up J u h, f ' 4 t ui toe Wl laiitctl iri'-rl 1 ai; tiif i' p u a nu linwrK llrut-ituii al nu t e rwn er una fth-t-oat rau-1 Mitwat.k e Mi4l, 1.0 f i, lor t k n ii . it k ikmiu. Utu u a norttiw irr y tiirw I mi al r.Kh a K a to a.a rial. 13 I et; llie.ire 111 a mmir torly lt e in d ir tlrl ;l I an) t toml, ut) ttr l; ib ii ' tn auil h terly illrfcdo.i mt rlKht a k Ira (oaatil roa : :m e t: tnfii in a uitrt i' Mticriy tiif' c'tinii al"iirg tie c-inur tin o inlfi j, 1 tvi, to Ihe paeol urKtnuiur. Tiart II rl ml a at a ato iu In tu o -nier of th loa:ir Muwa 'ki nmd luat t Wi el oiltii ai.l .tju (u't w. ..t of thu uurihaiat i oru -t ol the Fit-It i" olor d u-tl -n Uu I r.altn.l i " no 'Al, tow fthif'J -out i, r tiK 4 nt ol th W i 1 .mtt e miTHliau; them e u a "it wo-t-Tly olteviititi a o kt ti a ot-n lor liuu ol ihe t-oator an 'i illwaukU r a l. &u fe t, Iur lednuintf (Kiinl; thtjiii! in a oi.riiiwe t r y ilirioun mt r.Kut ant to mM mad a i l l"iia 1 1 wi erly l.iF of M. F, fih"i'a 1 t. I'M th Mir in a aniubweaierly .trectlou para 1-1 to -all road 1'ti l -vt; thu- iu a a mi he terlr d rj lion ai rUht a liflea t-i I ii l road, IH) f-t; tttun lu a ui'sMii-a-! rl- d twrtiun a.'-m tno r nt -r lm uf Id r m i luu f ui, to tn i m e ui t h iIuk, Tmct (i lU-KttniiiiK at a loiiu lu l'i cttiiur of thu Ko t r a il MilwMoklv ra i fiMt I, v.'j lo t outb and 3.1) tiyi weal oi tne nor hai cor if r t Phi l p roatur d nation laul c a o- tiott II, t"WUMht J -outh, rti((o 4 eatt oi the W liiamdiie uierloiati; iimocm m a n 't ie atoi dUeoilou along tnu cntor of th hitter and Mllwaui ra i, VK .ut,io tnu cumer i inu I'Miihnr riad fir h irinuliiirf Dului: l hi no i In a i'iutlit'4-tur.y ilrt'otloti al -iikl in oeiitur Una l aal l Frink y rt-id, 1 to fuel; inuiifM tn a nort i- rn-t Tiy illroi-'tl ii ii Tnii i to inu ai " rumor khu Milwmik road, I.tO cot; lito xa In a nort woaterlv ilro':tiou iar.Ul) with aald Fa'ikoy road, I'Mi X; thaiiou In a aouthwotorly dlr tion ao"V me ceni'T line oi aani maicr n i MI'WMUk. road. 130 Iut, to th p ac of oe- Kn'ittiK. iract . i ne nfrin weii qnarier ui iu run r - at niirtrtor a'ltl lot 1 ol afotlou 'J. a d t aouthe qiinrutr oi tho northeast fiiartr mil lota tt, 4 iid 5 o. erlioti :t(), ail lu Uiwuahlp 2 iouth, raiiKe i rant of the Willamette nmrldUn, coiiu ninK 157 7m ai!ria lh iat iiamd tr fi aiibjcci to a orWuKe of about I170U Del 1 by til Com ii. ere al bank. lorm- i -Hie; trtao. o i i m. H 'Hi, 9 Aiilitneo aforuanld. COPVRIQHTa. toJ For Information and fraa Handbonb writ to MUNN A Co., al BiuiAiiwar, Nsw Vimrr. filil.iat bureau for aectirtriK patenta In America, frvtirr patent taken out lir ua Is hrnnirht before tli. public t7 a uuUca glTuo (r. o( ouarg. lu tu gtimiltit mtmm tuvftit drrnilatlon of any Hrnitlflo tjmr in the world. btlenliJlr IllurstrsUjil. No Iiifftllifrmit man thould be without It. Waeklr. ,'.IH A vari $l.ajn1i moiitlis. AMrnn MIj'NN A. CQm Wanted-An Idea SSS Protect your Irleaa: they may tiriug you w.all Writ JOHN WKUDKKIIUHN CO., Patent Attn Mil, Washington, D. Cfor their II.IMl prls. effi au4 list ot two huodnd luT.nltou W.UM4. 7lrflfOAVIATt. Jl l X TRAD! MARKS, EliZiyJr omiom patints, ou DO YOU Doors, Windows, Moulding, OR 0T1IKR milMHNO .MATERIAL? TO: C. H. BESTOW h CO. Low Prices. First-class Goods. Corner 1 1 IH and Main Streets, Orouon City, Oregon. AUL THU JMAOAZINHS IN ONU. "REVIEWREVIFMS I IMIM by Al e aA iin runw Implies, fives In h rfiiUMe form Hu bnl 'i llnl Itinrtri In llianllia fTflt nujljlllfj aJI 0VT E i ura 3 a11 niafcaii3 ail uva a.HMHMMl r yin-lr-Ui S'rtHy 0 tli unnAilUlwnlity vJl rri wf irepubllihtd. Wild recwit tlr.wdlnry v irn fri;vVa. I nwrrii liwrnisc rvtf s, summtrlrt, inu quoUlroni, rjUInf th . A taDA Kiai l r ar1-1 aai-l . rfa fist of rf lalT'fc " tuft, ire 2 lh iuh$crlrlo) prlrt. Ailil fmm IhfM dfrirtrivnti, and CtmtrlbuKd feature of tlx ftjuil In fitent to I mnulne. Th EJitor'j 'Trncru of th WorlJ" ll 1 4 an InvilniKIa fhnmlrU nf Hit hlr'rvnllH-t ra Has llilrtv lijvs lutt nitl. Vt HI. I -. - - . ...... nl n IKiurcj Oil Ti 'afca n wonwn who hm nvul th history V . . ........... w ) r a "K a7 n. 7J) Ltltrtr? ' )" " ' wtyiy ImprusieJ from month lo month with the value of th 'Prvirw or Fiiiws,' which Is i iort of Eiilel Towtr for Ihe lurrey tf the whole firU of rerlovlUal literature. Ami own. inj iivikiout with dedilon inj kn on all public toplci of J the hour. It Is 1 sliiuUr coinbuutlon of (lie monthly nuitlne inj ... . i. J.H.. i i. . 1 1 . kte! Hie Oiily newpper. u a ujii hi It Is monthly In Its method. It A under I field Ujs." Said tall N. Manila. Jlnjl r - A 4 A A RE1EWRE.TE.V5 ij Aitor I1a, New York. S. --i-r- w-;vvVrartf-'aara4a,aiarya'l- ra WOMAN Frifixl. It in uniformly lmckarhi'H IwinlitoluH nixl r 1 and nliorti'iiH 11 woiihiih ti'Htify fur it. It will pvo lnallh iiml ftri'iith, and iiiak lifo a jiliiiHiir.'. FOR SAI.K KY TIIK STEWARTS HOLMliS DRUG COMPANY. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River t Puget Sound Nav. Co. PORTLAND, ASTORIA, FLA V EL AND ILWACO. Ahlor .Street Dock, Telephone No. .'551. liiiiley Gutzert, daily Astoria hont runninff nlternntely weekly with 0. H. it N. Co.'h Htcftiner, H. Ii. Thompson. Ono week Icivvch Portland daily 7 A. M., excet Sunday; runs through to Klavel, connecting with .r):;i0 I'. M. train for Gearhart Park, (iriines and Siiasido. Loaves AsUiria daily, except Sunday, 7 P. M. Next week leaves Portland Sunday 8 P. M. Laeaves Astoria daily (i A. M., except Sunday. Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 8 P. M. Saturday 11 P.M. Leaves Astoria Sunday 7. P. M. Ocean Wave, the seasides' family boat, leaves Portland Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8 P. M. for Astoria, Flavel and Ilwaco direct. Leaves ilwaco, Tuesday, Thursday ami Saturday afternoon. Leaves Astoria Sunday 8 A. M., for Flavel and Ilwaco, with passengers leaving Portland at 11 P. M. Saturday. Leaves Astoria Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 7 P. M. Tickets good on steamer T. J. Potter and It. H. Thompson. All four boats for night morning to each other's docks for freight and passengers. U. Q, SCOTT E. A. SEELEY, President. Agent. Hir-tm iirianpini .. ."-iTta.u rhLii.. rorsalalnOroguuCltr,Orugliy UUAHMAM CO, Urugglsu. Inkkd any Window Glass, Vat V s v ai M'ttT BMAW. Rtviow or V.)S Va vr FCVIbWS, il Ms rivi KONTMi rou $1.00. oi wormy pr of worthy prrloUlciU, llifs ctrrful m vt VJ ANNUAL oiienirrioN $250. lxllcil llltr. ilone worth (lie txlltorhil Kiviiw or Ptvuws iro tlifmvlvri vn 1 1, . m..m m insn auu of th mtmlh. t.i 1 .1 .. TMDtl NICtNT 25 cents. Va Vt, ai v v yet It hu I nunj inj voice of III v hi irrjiuirui Vi Vs V ) V ve vn V ll Uie world Agent find It the float Copy. l oaata. Tiie very rciniirkulili' anil certain n-lirf iiv .11 woiuiin l.y Mooitl-rs KKVR.U.ia) IIMMKI'V liari ;ivi'i it tlio 11111110 of W'lniicn'it HucccKMful in ri'louv iuif tho 1 tl wfitkmHi which luinlon lifo. TIiouhiuhIh of tvotntn YOU 3 i7j Till. Fn.mnaanmety minis qulrsly, permanently alt M"T,'""h"'w"v'; Y"" '.""""tl "' '"am Iowa,, Mini ., evil ilnmma, linpoUiiiey and waallna illniaana oaiiaeil h VMinrulrrniram-ejicsuri. Coritnlrianoniilauia. la a nerve ton la and I hlmiil hnlldrr. Makeath. paluaml puny alrnnsaiid pIuhid tu ly rarrleil In I per Ii.ii; f,,r rn. f,. paid, V'f'nauirtttmpiMnmrVaormmrynnmlVd. rVa medlriil b.M.k, sealed plain wrapper, wlrh te.tlnionlal'a and aranninff. jvnrnw rnr rrmimUittUm: Hnmrtof tmira.