Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1895)
Oregon City Enterprise. SCH LSD U LES OF TIME 0 .!. T CO.'N MTKAMKH. Hlnamtir HAUONA, ImllJ, K t Hut riur I.K.VMnllKUNN CI1V. IJIVtl M,ITU h'i. I . in. ,,, m, 'I ho Kant I'ANHANllKIl MTKAJIKH, Al.TONA, MTWMN I'llliri.ANIi.KtlltM A Nil I N I, K - N I' ItMCK. lav I'orilaiiil T)lnr .Irc.t ..h hiihm a. M. ami luavpa liri'Hiiu Cliy nr Malm 7 .!( A. M, I no., lay, Tliiirmlay ami Hitlurila,-, Uave lii.l t""I-li II ;m A M mill Hulrm 1 4ft A M. miiI (iri-Kiiu 1 1 y mi ' M lor I'url Uiul UiimUy, Wuiliuimliiy ml Krlflay. Km ilium, (imi ai'tiniiiiHlalltma ami low rati. Nil way (rrmlit han.lM. Hpwlal rnlua nil lliriiiiiili IroluhL HOUTIIKUN RAILWAY. miatii aiiiiKii. California KTrc (iliripuith) ? )l. m. Hoavliiim IMal (way latloun) -KM i in. rlaluni 1'm.ninur . V 77 a. m, IHMITII NOI'HIl. Kiixiliiir) lwal (wny Ma(luiia) o J7 t, m ('alllnriila Kipttma (ltiriiilo V4ii.iu Haltml' aa uuar 4 W . ui. I'llHTAI, HCllKM'I.K. HYMtTHHN ri' lCH' MIIU'lAll. Mall rloin gitliR No ll, H '.11 i in, anil 7 p. m. Mall (ili aoa 'omii Mn uh, a M a. m ami 7pm Mall ili'irlliulaxl Irom Isi.rihna. in, 10 1'ia ui. Ma I illali u I lro rnnili, a. in , 4 . in. ay aT aiii n.m IKK i.imc. Mall (il .act lor IVirtiaml ami ilntrllutli fioli'la, IJ lion, .lint 4 4.'i . in, M i rln m lor Mi)uti only, l) i m. 4 fi m Mml i Iwat limn 1'oiiUiiI, II III) a. in. au4 4 It p. lu, k. mn ria. Ori'icmi Clly lo Kly, ( arm, Viilinn. .thrat al Molalla li-awa al li in, ami arrlvita at 12m. dolly omiiiiu I'lly In Jlravrr (,'r-i'k. Mink. Clark. Mrailow Krook. I'iiIoii Mill., ami I'nlloii, rn t al a a in Monday, We.ln.ilay ami rr4ay, ami nnoriia on (oIIiovIiik iUy. al 4 .IS p. ni Ort'Kou Cliy l Viola, l.nran ami KrJlaml Iravr. (iirMii i: ty Momlnv, IN I'llniiwlay ami Krlilay at 1 ml i in , li'avlut Viola am luya at 7 i in llrox.h I'.ty t IMI.aiiit H aft" r I and W U"tii o, i,rr!y'a t,t 1 lata nt. ainl k-avt al II p. in, :a ly li li r I il l vuiy mini .w ,a iip. ii on -umUr Irooi into II a la. A i I . . r I . . (. I nr ib Imix ai Ho' nr 1' t'lntiipily an I nlT Hnn'n't aa on oii.ti il . A I I. t.i r i mail ilial l rVlavcl nil I I- II. 'o arrlvou Vim a in., H, I', li lu h o M ui IV n i-l i k i-r 4 I.' i-i'Ii.i car. I UIDAY, lilK KMHI U '.M, IH'.i.'i. 'M-K.MA CdlNrV 'KNalH .hCK- Hur I'.rinlli'V hurt i'nin Iii'.ii tint rfiiHtiH of tlic pi)iiiliilinii, ciTi'iit (iru'lin liiinn nml live atiH k uf ChirkiiniiiM roimly. TIh'bc UliiirrH kiti-oliUiiifil by n ruri-ful run Viia iiiuiltt by Mr. I'.i.nlli y mill liinaHniHl untH, lulu rnu ii'il in llin ri'Kiilur um-M-aHint'iil ,irk of iIim county . Titi riminiTiilHiii in nt fnlloa: Iy' vo Urn, .',Tit'l ; iiuili'B (ivt-t J I himI tnw urlH, (I,lil7; innltH miiltr L'l uml ovit 10, l!,fl71 J lilillfil UliiliT 10, L'.laMi; tulul, II, 7!M. Fi'iniilm ovnr IS uml upwurila, 1,012; li'iiiulfH umlnr IS ami ovr 10, 1,1)22; (imhiiWh umlcr ti-n yi-atn, 2,41-5 ; total, 11, -Til' ; tutiil iiiiuil nr of innlea mid fcinuli'a, 21.2VI. Slui'k hiiiI wool Wool, til'gliH.'t piniiijH; hIii'I-p, KI.II'.'.'I; liotfa, 4,7:10; Iioihi'H, 4,01(1; inulo", ISO; cattle, BUY YOUR XffiHS GIFTS NOW OUR HOLIDAY BOX HAS ARRIVED, AND WE HAVE SECURED A SORT OF SUB-AGENCY FROM THAT ESTIMABLE GENTLEMAN WHO DOES THE BIGGEST BUSINESS IN THE COUNTRY ON THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS. GOLD l'KXS. Always popular dor presents. There are same now and pretty styles thiti year. Our stink is larger than most jew elers carry, our jrrices lower. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS. New designs this year are mostly with celluloid front and plush bnck covers. Wo havo tho Autographs as low as 21) cents, and Photographs as low as $1.00; also cheap plush atono-half these prices. CUKPK TISSUE. I'onnison's imported, tlio best quality, 10-foot roll, 20 conts. We also carry all shades of Dennison's imported plain tissue paper. A LARGE VARIETY Of desirablo presents will bo found among our lot of writ ing desks, toilet sets, collar and cud' sets, glovo and hand kerchief sets, smoking sets, Japanese metal goods, Japan ese baskets, Christmas cards, booklets, toy books, juvenile books and games. Huntley's BOOK STORE, Orogon City, - Oivgon, I",'I7I I'mhIih Ih Arri'M umli-r ciilllw linn, li;j,rL'7 i wlii'Ht iiiiMinl ilminii .rn I'dliii yiMr, l'li;i,Hliri IuihIikIh; outH ru.Mcil, IHII.IMO; Imilry uml ryo mlnnl, KI,:K)1I IhihIipIh; com, 7,0 10 ; liy, 'M,M2 (oiih; flux utii'l, !!.') ImihIipIh ; IiiIhkh'ii, l'J0 I'iiiiihIm; lint lor ami i'Iiithk, :'ll, 7011; Iiun, I,IJI7,L'7. UiicitH-I'otutol'H, 107 ,H.H Ihii-Iii'Ih. r'ruilH Aiilim, l;i.'l,f)7r); jinniiiM mil plilinc, :i:i,,'!14 IjiinIiiiIh. I.iiiiiIiit 12, U'if),l00. TIh'hw hIiiIIhIIi h ilo nut Initluilu till) Kmut iiiiiu(nrttlilii ImliiNtrli-M lit ('IiiiIiiiiiiiih roiinty, incliiiliiiK wonlon K'xkIh, wooil nil awl iiHir uml I'xi-rl-nlor, nil prod'H'i-il In Iihhii-iiko 'iianU i Inn, IiohIiIiih loawU uinl utliiT iliiiiiuntic jrilii-( h (if nu ir i) or titan linji'irliinco. 'I'lio Hkhm-n hIiuw Krciit inrntiuii) in tlio irMliii linn ( oaIn, sm comimriNi with wheal, owing prolmlily to Urn rulinx low irk fur tint UlUir ilurinn tlm rt two or tlin Tim totnl muliilioii of i'l.'jri.l ikiiiIh, hIiowh a priK)ii(lrtrire of l',.').'iri innlcM oyer tint (cumin ioitiluli(in, f in-1 (li;it lxikn (limitirKiii( to tiuclio lorn, . ArtjoniiNtu Cui'm'il MutriNO. An mlj'iui nel inenliiiK of llin city coiuieil wiut brlil Mumluy hviiIiii. It vim mov'l mid CHiriml that u wurrmit bo il rutin in fuvor of Mini Knt V.urrluy on HI'lKillllt of tllll Mllill Hlritltt IIMKI'HMlllMlt lot 41 10 !, lew CU ,thut tninht l (lit the city in th() Muili Htiiw-t unit. Tlt4l mayor uml reeunler ern Jirecleil to ft tMillit u iltisl o lh (ieterul KJertric Coiiipuny to lint cement mill property Utoil tile. IMiyinnnt uf "i"H.4'J, in Brttl H fiti t ion of dfliiniieiit Miiia Htreet a"roe mi-lit. Oriliniiiii e puHHcil HiltburiiiiK V. W. Tlmyer itml L. Torter to prjH frillo tint "uit ilitiiiift thn Knt Suln Kail Huy Coiiiimiy tonvoier lliu dc limitient Main Htrettt iinaeaaiueiil, for H (ntilirent feii uf 20 per Cent of tint miiotitit col lecleil. ('uiiiiriliiiaii I'ufler wan iMitlior- i.eil to piirchuHu a new iihmIoI liumt ji liiiiip, ll Wiik hIhu aulhuriu'il to tnke i liuteH for annt'NKiueiita on filli mil 7th I Mice! iiiipr-iveiiieiilH, r n perioil of not longer 1 1: u ii hi x nioii'lot uml ilrawin heven per ivnt inlereht. A muiiiii wan currit it II. t rehute m irmnla fm prop erly bid In by thecily be cimcttllvl. Tiik 1'oih Y. M A. Fa k The hi iv of I lift Y. M.t. A. will ttiv a fair 1 nml Nociiibln nt thn r I Melhuilifit clTUrch next MoiiJny mill TuemUy cwniiiH, lieremlier 2:1 1 ami 21th. All cm In of ttrticlen ami trinket will bit -nulil fur what they ran an, I any olio who will liiukit noiiiethiliK fur ibitm to if 1 1 will confer a preut favnr on tlutin. Any articlea conli ibiileil uml mhieb In not null) will bo tetnnieil to I htt owner. Cotni' out ami help the Itoyn. PURSES and POCKETKO0KS. PureLnsed of n New York house, we can assuro you of latest designs, lowest prices. POORS. Our stock is bo complete and varied 'in this department that it is difficult to convey in writing any adequate idea of it. We might say we have cloth-bountl books from 1G cents up to if 7.00; but that doesn't tell you of the wonder ful variuty of bindings plain cloth, ornamental, silk, halt calf, lull leather and celluloid nor of tho illus trations or .quality of paper. We also have illustrated gift books in arnamental bind- ing, new l.ooks and new edi tions at almost any price you wish to pay. TEACHERS' PIBLE With full concordance and all the teacher's latest helps, bound in flexible morocco, with a patent index, is a very acceptable present. Prico iM.SO, used to be Ki.f.O. Wo havo bibles as cheap as 50c. Huntley's BOOK STORE, Oregon City, Oregon. Kntkhtainmknt and Iv.aii. Ine Junior Kndituvor I'liierlii'.innmil and Mulhnr fionrin bn,.ir at tlm (.'oi'K"'Krt t'oinil church TuitvilHy evunli'K. proved u very HiiccoMHfiil Thn yroKmui wun an fulluwn: Mtrch on thn orian, by Minn i:. boHuniHOii; recllutloii, by MIhi Ueva tirny; rellation, MImh (;inric mnwalt; duet, Mihhi'H J ii ni) Charman and lineimlii Uouki); rHciiation, Mimter Normun Whitnj aoiiK. "Thn J'.lack Hinitli," by liiHtcrH Karl McAdaiiw and Trufton Dye; recitation, "Tlie Hphiss," VUmh Ada llroinjhton ; reoitatioo, "Tbo MiiHMitnuer I!oy," MIhh llastul liutler; nolo, '"Wm Clock on the Wall," Mien Ivy KimImi; recllatlon, "Tbo Haby in Church," MiM Kdna Cauflifld: nolo, by Minn June Cliaruian; doll drill, by little Kirln, arid "Waitor Kon," by Mvural young U'lms in contunm The llttlo fulkn all at-quiltitd lbemnlvei very creditably, and did intice to the itiHtakiii traininK uf tko Junior hu lTinlmident, Mra. W. A. White, to whom much credit la due for the excel lent entertainment. Tire dull drill by ci'Kht little girla, aome of thoui only tbreo yeariold, 'uh unique and novel, and fairly bronchi djwn the Iioiihs. Mm. M. I.. White anil Mrn Bert Uoake punt alfout a rauulh ir, training the lit tle tuln, and they did their work well. Mra. (ieori; C. Krownell, who in al ways aorceHtifiil in verylbini? be un ilertk, inii4i) the tloll baiar a tiling of beauty, ami tin; (Jiaplay wan a Verita ble doll uliow, Kcfreidiiiieittn were nerved by tiro wnilnr Kirln. in tiik l!i i.l Kcs Kk nkuve. It in not cenerully known that thn nource of t'ortlaml'H watT nupply lien within the bnundarien of Clackainan J county. 1 el, the mi!troolin of Urciron gi'tn ber writer, light and power, and a goodly ftrtion r.f ber manufacturer! trooda in certain linen from Cbickmitm county. In June, 1S02, rrettident liar rinon a prt.clainatioli r reutiiij the Hull Kur. ri'Kerve, which virtually with- dtew all 1 1 in il liin nietitioued Iandn ! I from tJ.t lenient. About thin time, or j i ti ... ..r,..j mu,i i iii'n iiH'iriii, ti iiiiuil i i n-tii iiirn j iHjun-ilfail chiircn on the lavidn now in eluded within the reserve, but thn wa ter romiiiinnion are very rte,drioun that no inhabitant renide ill that RectioD to contaminate thn nource of Their drinViiiK water fur the faRtidioun ruKlamlern, and an attorney iu.n lieen employed by the cnmiuiaaiun to look after their in- tereHta in the matter. Noticed of contest. have alreudy bnen filed against 10 home- j lender, and it In iulei;eil Hint a mnjur ily of them have not fulfilled the requiro iueut of the law in to the cul tivatii n, inqirovementii and residence on hoineetead landn; that eonie of tbem have only built "mall ehantien, and JIRISTMAS buying this year will be an agreeable surprise to our customers. Not only are all Xmas gifts daintier, neater and prettier this year, but, as the result of careful buying in Eastern markets, we can make your money go further than it ever went before. Holiday goods are our specialty; we buy in large quantities, turn our money quickly, and consequently are willing to shade our profits to iho very lowest possible margin. We invite you to visit our stores, and we in tend to make you welcome. If you do not come to buy, you are invited and wanted just the same. We aro proud of our stock and our prices all marked in plain figures and it is a pleasure to us to show them. You are welcome to tho ideas you can carry away. One Word Moue. We shall not misrepresent our goods or prices. You can absolutely depend on what we say. We are here to stay, and shall ask for your trade, not only this year, but next year, and for many more to come. Should you over be dissatisfied with anything from these stores, bring it back and get your money. I . have only lived oa the laiii'n at ocean- ioniil ilitifvalH. l !iu cunlenlM piomito to be lUiUHuall) 'nterentiinr, aii'l the out-, come, will bo watched with caerneim. I'm.K Ont'oarrioNa Here In an op portunity for Rome of the Clnckr.inH county nchool children to dintiniiuinh thcmito'ven, and at the name time ac quire a little pot.ket money. The Man ufacturer' AtHociation of Uie North went, throti(li their necrelary, K C. Man ten, bun nent out tbe following circular: "That in order to inntill in the mindn of the rining xueration a ntate pride that would remilt in patriotic nupport of Btate inntitutionn, and to bring the object" of the annotation before the families of the Northwent, and that a due senne of the importance of patronizing Lome Indus trie may tie firmly planted in the mindn of the boyn and Kirln of tbe atate, it wan decided the annociation would offer three prizen. One of $15, one of $ 1 0f and one of 5, to the bent three original componi tionn nent in by the school children of Oregon onder 15 yearn of age, the nub joct being, 'The Beneflta of Patronizing Home MannfacturerH.' The componi tionn mtint bo In tbe hand of K. C. Mas ten, Secretary, room 7, Chamber of Com merce building, Portland, Oregon, on or before Junaury 10th, 181W, and the pri zes will be awarded by the executive committee of the annociation, and pub liMied with the names of the authors. Caty in tub Toils. Alexander 8. ftnty, a native of Clackamas county, and formerly postmaster at Harlow, and dep uty pain) warden under McXiuire, is in the tacgled meshes of the law. His trie mis thought at tire time he was ar rested fur cashing a draft at Astoria, that it wan only a case of ni'nunder standing between Buty and Tarrant A Co., ef San Francisco, for whom be was cnrrylng a side line. Thin firm now ac cUKcn Bitty of pawning a lot of samples of gloves which he carried, and stale that they ha I to redeem tlie same. Be side.! the note alleged to have been signed by K. and J. Harrington, of Highland, orl.7, which was left with Mr. (.ioodnough, of Portland, as collat eral security, he is accused of forging the uii'.nes of nix prominent citizens at irreriham to a ft'00 note, which he at tempted to byot!iecat. Baty will have a hearing before Uie grand jury on these charges, and the outlook begins to look dark for bmi, and he will probably learn that the way of tiio transgressor is hard. It is said that Mr. Baty has great con fidence in her husband, and is doing ev erything ponxible to save him from the entanglements of the law. Finest catchup, Worcbestersh ire sauce and other dressings used in the oyster cocktails at the Jiovell v. as A T Ai'KR for Both Oi.u aji Youmo. Thn Christmas number ol the Youths Companion comes to un this year in a beautiful cover of royal purple and a warm buff color and while the design is plain, it makes a very attractive appearance. The bright, original stories In this paper from year to year make bright many hours in otherwise cheerless homes and are looked forward loo with the greatest pleasure. Of particular interest are tne serial stories which are awaited with as much delight as some intimate friend wbom you know Is coming, but cannot be with you for a week. The publishers pay their noted writers, who can be counted by the score, an enormous sum and in return tbe readers get tbe benefft of the work of these literary lights for the very reasonable amount of $1.75 a year. Give some member of your family a Christmas present of the Youth Companion and you will be remembered fiftv-two weeks of tbe year. Wanted. A man or lady to manage distributing soap samples, specialties, do corresponding, fiend fiylvan C, 727 Woodward, Detroit, Mich.. 10c for sam ples soap, etc., receive outfit offer. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay up your subsciption to the F.ntkrpriki and get the tbe benefit of the reduction in price. Wheat an j oats wanted at Charman & Son's. IMPERIAL GALLERY OreRon City, Crayons, Enlargements Photography in every branch. Children's Pictures a Specialty Gallery over Mrs. Frier's Store Main Street. A. B. Steinbach & Co. Popular One Price Clothiers, Hatters ANO Iiaa au H Z Ml T-tt kM."a Cor. First and Morrison Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON. 1 C0SXE0N " PRESENTS. If you will look in the De cember number of Muneey's Magatine, page 6, you will find a whole page devoted to these beautiful toilet articles. Here iis a part of what it Bays: "They are made of handsome, white, never changing aluminum. They are actually and honestly better than silver goods at much higher prices; because .they are lighter, because they mever tarnish, and because tthey are made as no silver goods are and they cost a great deal Wss. The brushes are made so that not a drop of water can jpenetrate them; wach them as hard as you want to; soak them as long as you like. The back and face of the brrjfh are made of two solid plates of pure aluminum. The bristles are inserted through perfora tions into a solid waterproof cement. There is nothing to 6krink, or swell, or dry up, or crack. "Cosmeon" arti cles, single or in combina tion, make suitablo presents for anybody. The military hair brushes, clothes brushes, hat brushes are peculiarly C. G. Huntley, DRUGGIST, Oregon City, Oregon. Your team will have the bent of care and Full Measure of Feed Atihe City Stablea. Young & Davidson, Props., Huccaaanra to X. H. COCke. Livery Riga on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. i;(abllhrd 1MI3. c, PIONEER lm0 and Expfe, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. Glen Ellen Wine Vault? Corner Front and Madison Sts. PORTLAND, OR. Quality and prices guaranteed to be satisfactory. Choice Whiskies and Brandies a specialty. A. Kline & Cp.f - Props. H. V. JACKSON, Bicycles, Umbrellas, Guns, Sewing Machines, And all kinds of finall ma chines put in good order. No work to difficult to undertake. Prices reasonable. Shop on Seventh St., near depot. desirable as presents for men. A single article may be had for from $2.00 to 14.00." Celluloid brushes- from $1.00 to 14.00, and almost the same may be said of them as of the aluminum brushes. OUR HOLIDAY PERFUMERY consists of a complete new line of handsome satin-lined cases, cut-glass bottles and filled with the finest per-' fume. It is impossible to write about them, but it will be a pleasure to show them to you. The prices are so much less than last year that for a dollar or two you can get something fine enough for the most fastidious. PERFUME ATOMIZERS. Never before have we had such bargains. We bought them at 25 per cent, off, and they are marked so that yon get the advantage. We have part of them in the window now, and the prices are marked in plain figures. C. G. Huntley, DRUGGIST, Oregon City, - Oregon. I CBiai, ftciis AND ti tamr.