Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1895)
iTY Enterprise. VOL HO. NO.-'i. OUMON CITY, OJIHGON, Fill PAY, NOVKMHElt 15, 1895. ESTABLISHED I860 Oregon C ('01' UTS, (Mrmilt pniirl rouvioica llrl Monday In No Toiuiwr and t li I rl Mouilny In April. Probate court In aMlini Drat Monday In each month. PnMiiiMliiiira court mceta Drat Wednesday Iter Ural Monday ill earli month, j J K, A. U. W. HrtOl'K, ATTOKNT.YN AT LAW. W . I'rm' l 'ii hi ill Co irt. Iium Nciio'liied. TIHea en unliird and collwtlui lie'iUlml. drtl MaliiMtrel near H.culli. JUNKI-lMtlcfC ATTultNKY AT LAW. Practice In nil I'nurla uf the Htule, (title In Hunk or tlnwin City lllnuk wllli 1.. I.. I'uriiT. Orenon Clly, r ii. iioiiynm, Oregon. ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO I A If Y I'; CANIIY. .... OKKdON. Will practice In all rntirla ol the '!!. insurance written III all Ir-ailtug coin palllea. Ali'llrtoU nl tll hiriil'li.d. I'd Imdlvna a ip'Cl.lty. fl KO L, MTOHY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. t'ialalra nppoalle Court lloiian. Tlllea f lamltird anil alulraria ln.1i Money Loaued, Mnriai(fa (orrrloard anil a general law bunluraa. J T Hl.AI'KN, NOTARY ITIILICand IONVK YANCKII. Itral ratals bandied Inaiiranre written III the Hartford, nl llartlnril. I'ala'lne. North Jirlllah A Mercantile, Hamburg ol llretaau Ofltoe with II, K. Crime, Oregon ( lit. Oregon "1I.ACKAMAH AHHTKACT A TlilhT CO, Aoiilrarla ol Clerkemaa county property a epeo tally. Oood rk, rcaiiuahle rliamte. Work guaranteed (live u atrial l C Ijttouri'tla. Y K Ixuialilnou, J. F. ( lark, lUrci tora. ORgiMiN WV. ""; H H JOHNaiiN D W. lllOlltll J ' INNAIKI) A JOIINHON, CIVIL KNtllNKKKH ANI HIRVKYOllH. Hallway Iwatlnn ami ronnrurtlnn. brldgca, planaaud aalluialva lor walur auiil)r lraliia am! atmtl linprovnuitnit (if Uiwua llparlal atU'iilloti (Ivan to e.ratif hlliif and blue pruning. Air CAKKY JOIINHON, ' I.AWYKH. Corner Klflit an4 Main atrcrU, Orr(on City, (irraini. ItKAl. EHTATE TOHKI.f. AST) MoNKYTOI.AN. r LrullTKK, J' ATTOKNKY AT LAW AiTXAiTu or raoraarr ri HiHn Offlca naat to Orainn (JKr batik an till trwt c 0. T. WII.I.IAS1H, 'itEAI, KHTATE AND WAS AOKNT, A oxl line ol builnrM, rvalileure anil auburbati I'ropprly. Farm I'ropi-rlr lu tracia to ault on caajr termi. CorrfajiniulKiir iiromplljr anaweml. (Itflro, noil door lo Canrlrlil A llnutli'K'a tlriiK alora. c. D A 1. 0 LATot'llKTI R, ATTOKNKYS AND C'i)l'NSKI,OHS AT LAW MAIN BTHKKT, OKKlloN CITY, OHKOON. FurnUh Ahalrarta ol TllleTlxwn Money, Tore Cloae MorliiaiK'a. ami tranaact (ivut-ral liw Uutlneaa. II. K. CIMIHK, ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Will I'ati in All Coi'RTa or tub Htati Keal Kalale and Inauranee. Omre on Main Hlrant bet. Hlxlh and Heventh, oxauoN CITY. IIH. h o'naii.L. J. KKIMiK. a. . TiiimranH r t. UKirriTH -V'NF.II.L. IlHIXiKS. J TIIOMI'HON AOKirKITII. ATTOKNKYS AT LAW. Ontcealn Harkley lliilldlnr. Oreim City, and AOL. TV. li'iuplu, I'orllauil. Io (lenural Law llii(ni'. Itan Mouoy, Uriie Cnllt't'llona. Koreohiao niorlKanes, I'roliata procure. c t II. UYK, ATTORN KY AND- -COUNSKLOR AT LAW Will f irccl nioit J' Kt'. make alMlracta, loan money, aells cataira an. I fauaml a K'iioml law bu lo pas. Oflloo flrnt II I Hank ol 0 egon City. 0KI1(IH riTr, ORKOON (1 KO. C. HHOVVNKLI, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Okkiion City, ..... okmon. Will prarllre In all the courta of the alate. Ul rica, next iliHir to Catiflold A lluntloy'a drug etnre. !.). 0. RIMtARKON. V. R. l YllW. JINKAUHON A IIYDK. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will praotlce In all courta of the atate. Ofllco In JuKKr nullilliiK opoaltc Court llniiao. rjllIK COMMKltCIAL HANK, OK OKKdON CITY. Capital, 1100,000 TRA NHA r.Ta A OFNRIlAt. RANKINO RUKINRaS. Loana made. Illlla dlapoiilitml. Makea col lection. Iluya and aclla cai liHUK on nil point In the United Htatca, Kiirope and Hong Knur. Depnalta rccul "cil aulijcul to check llauk upuu froiii V A. M. to i r. M. 1). C. LATOUUKTTK, Preatdont. F B DONALDSON, Caahler JJANK OF OKKOCN CITY, Oldest BanklDg Hesse li tbe Ci'j. Paid up Capital, IMl.OOO. Hnrplua, -'0,Ko.. FRRalDKNT, - - TIIOR. CNARMAM VKI rRKHIUINT, OKO. A. HARIIINO. cahhikk. . - c.o CAiiriRi.o KANAUKB. CHARI.ia II, CAUFIKLD. A cnoral banking bualnoaa tranaacted, Depoalta received milijeet to cheek. Approved lillla and notca illaRouuted, Count; and city warrant! bnuirht. Ixana made on available aeourlty. Kichanire bnuirht and anlil, !olleotloii made promptly. Ilralta aold availanle In any part of the world Telegraphic exchanirea aold on Portlniid, Hau FraRClaro, rihloag.i and New York. Intercut paid on time depoalta. "TP) LADIES ! "In five years I used 20 hrtx.imat25ccnhr.idii Total cost, have used my "IJIS5KLL" sweeper live years It Cost $J - and Is good lur live years more." I have already saved fl.oo In cash still have my sweeper and have also had the I'enelil of ease, pleasure and convenience; have saved my lime, labor, carpets, health and curtains all by use of a "UlSShLL." Mi li lra . . . -VvrW Leading Age HICI'HKMKNTINOi- KOYAL OK I.lVKKI'OOl,, dix-i larnt bunlneat In the world. NOUTI1 IIKITIHH A M., Urxat aaoeli In the world. Hl'N )K LONDON, ulilrat purely fire Insurance company in the world. -KTN A OK 11 AKTf'oKI), UrKratand beat American Company. CONTINKNTAL OK NEW YOUK, one of the beat American compsnlea. AND OTIIEIt KIKH'l-Cl.AKH COMI'ANIKH, Cnll on mm for llnllnaa, nnil F. E. DONALDSON, Lzzi u TVr.nj CNR NrKPII A nVHlSr.H EDUCATION. Many youn mn and Vflrri'n ran wpnA bt one or two reara at rhonl-whr not take a nourM that can be eompleted In that time? The eolleere tncludea a abort ENOLI8V! COURBB be alrtee a RUMMCHn and BUOUTHANO COt'RRlC. For eataloiruM addreaa, 414 YAMHILL ST. - - HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE - - rORTLAHD, OR. I i L t 1 ' tractive. All the artieleK are useful, and just the thing for presents to send to your friends in the east, or for homo use and ornament. Six different Oregon City we ties are represented on the various pieces, and are executed in the highest style of the art. HUUMBlSTEli ANDRESEN. QREGON CITY New and Enlarged Shop with all appliances for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work executed in the best manner possible. Promptness guaran teed on all orders. RBPAIBI1TG - A Prices the lowest ' to bo had in near Main, Oregon J. ROAKE & CO., Proprietors. pjow you Can Save Money When your children need a laxative or Btomach and bowel regulator, buy BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty doses lor twenty-live cents. The season for colds and coughs is upon us. In order to be pre pared for an emergency, get a bottle of Baby's Pectoral DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. w w w Bellog BiijJcrj, THE- HOUSEFURNISHERS .1 ncy in Clackamas County. nlwi fur lilottera and Culandare At Commercial Rank. if 71 JFJIIjXG 6K BEAUTY and utility is the new imported Cliinaware jiint received at Bur uit'iHter it Andresen's iminenKe jowelcry efitahlinliment. This firm is up-to-date in every line, and last October they placed their order in Germany for a largestock of genuine Chinaware elegantly decorated with Oregon City scenery. These goods are now arriving and are very at IRON WORKS - SPEOIALTY. Portland. Shop on Fourth Street, City, Oregon. Syrup, The best in the markot. Price 25 cents. For sale at the CANBY PHARMACY, Canny, Or. EDUCATIONAL NOTES All cornmtiriii'iitioiiH iiitiitnlitd for lliia column hIioiiM 1o a'ldntHHocl to Mrn. II. K. (iibfton, Orison City, Oroj(n. Tho TcttcliKm' amweiation of Cluck riiuK county iiit't In tho hall at Mol.illa Corner Haturiluy, November!), lH'.tf, Tho excrciwH U-yun with InNtruiiienUI tiiiidic hy Prof. 0l. The niiiiitU: of the previoua nieetinK waa rou'l y the ttocretary, MiHi Fannie fi. I'orU-r. "A HoriK of Welcome" y aevun of the younh c-.'iie waa much appreciated by the aHnociation. "I low ahull I make my achool aiicce. ftil?" wai the Rubiect cliMen for Mr. J W. Gray. "A teacher to le BiicceRtful mtiHt be educated, not in hooka alone, but In aclf-control bIho. He rnimt Ite kind and patient he mutt have confidence in biinaelf. No one can map out work for another, be mutt have originality and tine julement in hi work. teacher munt be leader to be RucceRttful The teacher inn at be interested in school work before the pupils can be. If a pupil Is not taught to reawn for bimnelf, the rule be manages to commit to memory will not be of much use to him." An adjournment for dinner wag then taken. J lie Oregon City delegation were entertained by Mrs. Moody in manner that made each individual say ''it is good iu Ui here". The dinner was so good that the teachers were forty minutes late in beginning the afternoon Reunion The exerciaeR began with a song by local musicians, "Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel." W. Gilbert Beattie favored the audi ence with s choice recitation. Next in order was the roll call of the association with reHpouse of quotation from RoWt Rurns. An addrese by T. J. Garv on "The teachers' aims" wa listened to with the closest attention by tbe entire audience "Do we ever stop amid our tnultifarl ous uuties ana auk ourselves "What is all this lor?" Would a sculptor with the best hammar and chinels ever made by tbe art of men, and the most perfect blocks of marble ever created by the hand of God, be able to produce an Apollo nithout an ideal in bis heart, and an aim la his mind T Can you produce perfect secimeo of your art without an aim in your mind, an ideal in your heart, and a purpose in your soul? Our art Is surely the most" difficult of arts; the in oft t discouraging if we are given to discouiagement, yet fraught with the responsibilities and crowned with the grandest and noblest results imaginable. The teacher who has caused an imertect child to become a perfect man, has builded better than he knew, and has produced a work of art that will live throughout the countless attes 01 eiernity." I would say "if God should give me power throughout my life to make noble men anil women of what would otherwise be miserable wretches, I shall count my life as nobly spent, and all other works as nautiht but vanity. Fellow teachers, our aim should be to so train our pupils that they will regard all work as honorable in the highest degree, and that it is extremely dishonorable andj unbecoming for any person whether rich or poor, to be w ith out some honest occupation. The spirit without the mind is as useless as the mind without the spirit." Napoleon Raid "I am the Slate, Bismark is the German Empire, Gladstone is the English people." Why wag this true? Because these, men Had the mind to plan and the spirit to execu'e. Tho ideal teacher is he who in himself embodies every ennobling trait of human character, and can so influence his ptiinls that thev will aspire to lead use ful, honorable and upright lives. The teacher should dare to do all that may become a man. It is our duty to bring the minds of our pupils into contact with the thoughts of the noblest and best of earth. What boy could live 70 years with Benjamin Franklin and not grow to be somewhat like that grand journalist, scientist and patriot. We have a noble calling, let our highest aim be to walk worthv of the same. Anna Schultzman recited a short poem . "Grammar, its use and abuse, and how to avoid errors common in the use of syntax" was the subject assigned Supt. II. S. Gibeon. After exhaustive review of tbe many sources from which the English language is derived Mr. GibBon said: "Wherever the English language is spoken there is a noticeable difference between the speech of educated and uneducated persons ; and a difference though in a lessor degree, between those of equal culture and education. By "good English" we mean the language used by the most careful writers and speakers, the people of most education, It is therefore the usage of educated people and not any book of rules alone that makes the standard of good English. Read the works of the best writers, listen to tbe best speakers, be careful what you nay, arid how yon nay it. When yo'i lioar a that doe not Room! at It hIiouI'I, think ahout it, analy.e it, it' convince voiirn(:!f of the ,orrfictrifts or incorrcctni RR of the exprwHion. lona Rivera recited "What In Xohle?" in an effective manner. "How can I bent uphold the dignity of the teachera' profeHaion?" hy Prof A. C. Strange. "We jude of a rnan'R calling hy the work he doeg by the reMiilU that are obtained. What calling is m well worthy of pride as the teachers' profewdon? There in p'ogrean in al' liven. We ehouM atrive to cultivate our , mlnln. We owe enough to the creator who Bent us hereon the earth, to cultivate he intellect with which he baa endowed us. Let ur learn to exemplify tbe cul ture we have received, thereby uphold ing tbe dignity of our profession. What we most need to fear in our government is tbe radical tendency of our people to become extremists. Let u as teachers be careful not to carry our ideas to ex tremes. Let us cultivate liberality. The most narrow-minded people in tbe world are invariably tbe most ignorant. Tbe teacher should cultivate the power of adapting himself to all sorts of condi tions, and circumstances. It is the teacher's duty to teach principals antag- onistic to vice and crime. The teacher who is easily satisfied with himself is apt to get into worn ruts. The one who succeeds best ia the one who bag tbe highest ideas. By reading good books we become more expedient in devising ways and means lo secure attention. A great deal depends upon the teacher's personality. Tbe best teacher is tbe teacher who can influence most." Dana AuBtin recited "Tbe Model Kitchen." A Mr. Blum from Portland spoke a few words of encouragement to the asso - ciation. He quoted the French phrase "Xoblesso Oblige," that rank owes something to rank and that the dignity thereof must be upheld. He thought the phrase specially apuhcable to tbe profession of teaching. Mr. Gary , introduced resolution thanking the people for their attendance and the interest shown in our work, which was adopted. It war decided to leave the choice ol tbe next place of meeting to the superin tendent and the committee on program, J.W.Gray, A. C. Strange and Bertha M. Gibson, The program will be pub lished next week. The attendance at this meeting was among the largest in the history of the association.' In the report of the Parkplace Rchool as polished last week, the attendance was given at 117, when it should have read 179. SCHOOL KKI'OBTS Report of school district No. 15 for month ending Nov. 6, 1805: No. of days taught, 20; No. days attendance, 519: No. days absence, 85: No. times tardy 13; whole number pupils enrolled 35; average number belonging, 30; average daily attendance, 2b. lue names which constitute the roll of honor for the month are as follows: Mary Hermann, Jacob Hermann, Perry Lon- dergan and Adam Hermann. AV. G. Beattie, teacher The following is a report of the Viola school for the month ending Nov 8, IS95. No. days attendance, 675; No. days absence, IS; No. times tardy, 4; No. pupils enrolled, 37; No. of visitors, 14; pupils nither absent nor tardy during the month, Olive Tennv, Christina Aamilton, Cora Ward, Florence Jubb, Louis Gerber, Albert Stone, Mary Hamilton, Etta Karten, Mary Zurcher, Clara Sevier, Gerty Sevier, Euth Lacroy, Maggie Zarcher, Urania Lacroy, Emily Jubb, Katie Zurcher, Fred Zurcher, Thomas Jubb and Clarence Jubb. Mrs. M. E. Karten, teacher. The quarterly examination for teach er's certificates began Wednesday at 1 o'clock. Supt. Gibson is assisted in the work by George L. Story and Bertha M. Gibson. There are 15 applicants for county certificates. Many persons suffer from disorders in the kidneys and bladder without know ng what is the matter with them. They should know that disorders in those organs if allowed to remain will result fatally. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm will restore healthy tunc tional activity and thus eradicate the disease. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Every mother Bhould know that croup can be prevented. The first sympton of true croup is hoarseness. This is fol lowed by a peculiar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given freely as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the cough lias de livered it will prevent tbe attack. 50 Pale, thin, bloodless people should use Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine. It is the greatest remedy in the world for making the weak strong. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. Ur. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. In Mi niorlain. The annual congress of the Free thouiflit P'ederation of America and Secular nnion held in New York City, Oct. 2.3, 2i arid 27 sjK;akti as follows of Katie Keluii Smith ; "Resolved, That that the members of this association have learned with deep sorrow of the untimely death of that most earneat and u-eful worker In the cause, Katie Kehm fSniith, of Oregon; we realize that she did a work never be fore successfully attempted; that she waa a pioneer in Secular Sunday-school labors and that it will be most difficult to find those who are by temperament and natural aptitude adapted to continue and extend the system of Secular Sunday instruction with which her name will remain associated as originator and organizer. We aympathyze with Com rade D. W. Smith in his personal be reavement and with the Freethinkers of Oregon and the Pacific coast in tbe losa of their devoted leader. In the death of Katie Kehm Smith, Freetbougbt loses one of its bravest and clearest thinkers, and one of its brightest women. Tbe removal of her presence from tbe earth in the dawn of her womanhood, and in the midst of rare usefulness, i brings sadness and sorrow into the ranks that held her in high esteem and loving regard. In ber all too brief life, she accom plished great good in tbe field of Free thought. By earnest and untiring efforts she demonstrated that there is a place for secular church and a Secular Sunday school. An earnest, ouUpoken, industrious worker, a candid and ardent lover of ber rce, she never faltered ia the work she voluntairly chose, and she lived to bless and benefit all who came ! witbin her Rpbere of influence. In the j prosecution of her mission Bbe knew no j weariness, and she has has left upon the world an impression that can never be effaced. Her name will be a star of hope, an inspiration to generations yet to II . I. survive ber. Through her efforts for -the elevation of her fellow-creatures, she has left tbe world better than she found it, and through hor works she baa become immortal. In the hour oi bereavement human sympathy is all the real solace that can be given. Time is the great healer of wounds, and out of tbe bitterness of grief peace at length cometh. Watered by tears, the flowers grow and bloom amid the shadows of regret. This Con gress extends its tenderest sympathies, to those who weep for tbair belovid dead. Katie Kehm Smith will not be forgotten. Upon her grave we lay tbe ivy wreath of friendship, the roses and lilies of love." Something that concerns tlie baby. When teething begins, every mother should have on hand a packet of Steed mans Soothing Powders. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of Junction City, 111 was told by her doctors she bad con sumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggere, 139 Florida St. San Fran cisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, ap proaching Consumption, tried without result everything else, then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is natur ally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles at- Charman & Co's. Drug Store, Charman Bros. Block. Regular size 50 cents and $100. The Staff or Life. Bread is recognized as the staff of life. but if it is of poor quality, it offers but little support to the body. Bread from the Home Made bakery, Shively's block, can be depended upon at all times to be of first class quality and equal the best family made bread. None but the best flour is used and the utmost cleanliness is observed in all work about the bakery. Bread delivered to all parts of the city fresh from the oven . Now that the rains have come the farmers will need a plow and they always want the best there is to be had. Wil son & Cooke, whose adv. is in another column, realizing this, have in stock all sizes of the celebrated Oliver plow,, which is conceded to lead all others In excellence. See them befoie buying. Cholera Morbus is a dangerous com- To avoid this you should use De Witt's Colic & Cholera Cnre, as soon as the first svmntomB nonpar. C!. O. Hnntlv. iiuEgioi. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay up your subsciption to the Enterprise and get tbe the benefit of the reduction in price. Rags Wanted. For clean, white cotton rags 5 cents per pound will be paid at this office.