Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1895)
Oregon City Imterprisc MllDAY, JULY iKiir.. Clnckarnns Co. Directory, COUNTY OPKICKItH. Cn-rk ill Ciiii (Inntmi K. Iln llmi. K. Iliirluii K. C. MmliliH'k M. M, lUm.l.y M. t,. Miinrti J.C, llrmlli-r II. M (liiii I), W Kliiiinlnl l(. I.. IIiiiiiihii I Kli'linnl Hi'nil ) Kmnk lHKKr I:iiiirm, M Hurl IT. KiwiinIit, . Trrmiiiriir, . AnHmimr, . Hi'IiimiI HiiK.riiliim1rni, Hiirvnyiir, Ournuir, Comniln"linitir, I'ATKH TO JULY H, MiiiiiIiiv- l!i-diilnr monthly mrr-l-liiKiif tlia In. ii r el of, JULY 10, Viipn..i,y-WllliiMn'llo VHiy 'liulniiiilU Akmoi'IhIIihi con viMicn ul HucUiiiik. inrk lor a hckkiiiihiI ten iluva. CHAT ABOUT TOWN. I.rn iiiiurt nin fur fto ul "The Fair." Ttm lioau, nil Hi.MN ul llni Itm ki'l ntnrn. Money to loan on inirovnd farm. W. II. lliirKlirdt. Tin ware ut extra low irici'M ut tlm Itiickt't Nloro. If you want a Hiwiii iniii'liinu for f'.'S Ko to Itclloiny A IttiHcli'g. M. FliiiiniiKun Iiuh Hold din aalooii to H. F. PhvIm, of Hcuvi-r Crci k. 0. 0 T WilliuniH haa tliulioNN bur gulna In Inaldu lot or mniill tracta. Frtytii('a turn l9i am pcrfwt, nweol lid tmidttr. A trial will con v men Money wantml, f:'iK) (or live nmtitlia, tliH lii'Bt of aeciirity. Addruaa, It. box "KH Orison Hty Hire Ik;; bulk lard Idr; III immida D. ti. uiKiir II.IKI, at the lt.'d Front Trading company. Mr. V. K. Andrew, of llm Mujilnwood uarduna, will deliver veitctahlea on Hal- urdny in tliiiu for Kundiiy iiiciiIb. I lot yii I'li'ttHiire aiiker, to Yiiiiina liny mill return for (O.IKI. (iood until OcIoIht 10, iHd.'i. TickctH on sale, at liMt, S. I'. IV, by !,. II. Moore. tf Tlia Itiii kut ittoni In tlie plucu for palm leaf (aim ami keep cool. County Clerk llorton Iihh grunted a Hnnit to marry to Fannin It. I'.oclimt mid K. L. I'.llnut. An (Mldli-MM variety of article tochooao from at "The Fair." 5, 10, 15, It) mid 1!!0 coiinUtr. I'oHtmiiHU'r S. It. Green's nulary haa lut-n liu'reaaod $100 on a Imam of increaae lu the ru ven ilea of tint olhYe. The Mechanic Mill have the contract of furnlNliinK tho window uud suah for the Slater' Untune Home at GladHlone. Special care and attention given to the acciirato prcpaiationa of hyalcieuns pre MTiptloiiH at the Kt'venlti Mroet ihur Uiacy. Miaa Fannin I'ortur wait re-eleeted a tenilier of the. Mount Tabor school, and not let out u ban heretofore linen re ported . The Hundiiy acluml of the Now church at l'ortlund will have an excursion and picnic thi week near Oregon City on the Willamette. Some of the fakira accompanying t lid Syndicate circti Hindu the boaat that 'Oregon City waa one of the bent harvcat towna they ainick on the routo. How about 1 1 lone 2 to 5 acre tracta, near the ('hautauiiu KroundH, at (llail atone Park, aouie of tlicm planted with prune treim. C. (. T. WillianiM. Taken tip a ntray borne at Noblitt'a Ktuble, OrcKon City. la a bay horao, weiKhB 1:500 pounda, left hind foot white, and white In bin face. Haa a amall bell on. Ilraiulcil "JH" on led, ahoulder. O. K. A. Freytag doca not propose to remain in the rear of the proccsaion in the matter ot supplying the market with freah vcgetablea, and hia gurdena are kept in llrat claws conditfon. Thero la one medicine that cures im mediately. Wo refer to Po Wilt's Colic and Cholera cure for all summer com plaints. No delay, no disappointments no failure. C. O. Huntley, Druggist. The service at 8t. John's Kpim-opal church on Sunday evening next, will bo conducted by liishop Morris, assisted by Hov. Ilert Foster, of l'ark City, Utah. The public ia cordially invited touttend. Remember the Hocial given thia ( Fri day) evening At the residence of Mrs. M. A. Stewart on Fourth and John Adams streeta, by tho ladies of the Women's Holiof corps. All are invited. A pleas lint time ia assured. Travelors find a safo companion In De win s uone and unoieracure. A change in drinking water and in diet often flinmua BntrurA n , I .1 n..nM... ........ I ..... , . This medicine always cure thorn. C. G. Huntley, Druggist. To allay pains, subduo infliimation, heal foul sores and ulcers, the most prompt and satisfactory results are ob tained by using that old roliahto remedy, Dr. J. II. Mcl iOan's Volcanic Oil Lini ment. For sale by C. O. Huntley, drug gist. Bon Franklin tramped, hungry and foot-sore, through Philadelphia streets, with a loaf under one arm and a lot of brand new ptovorbs under his hat. One of Ben's maxims was, "a penny saved is a penny earned." You've beard that before, but no matter; if you will buy your groceries at V. Harris' you will re alize the force of it. AIMOl lt.i:i TKIt.M OL'NTY COURT July IVrm-fJ. K. Ilnyri Jmlite, It, Ni oii unil I JiiKiriir ('iiiiiiiiUhoiicin. (I.AIMH AM.OWKI). J W Howell, Iiihuiim mi $ Ti 00 W K Curll, " ' ft 00 D L I'nino, " " 5 (HI I-1, l'orter, col of delin'l tuxea, , , 21 Ti () T Telephone Co, court boiiHe ac 3 00 Wi.'Bleni Wheel A Kemper Co MS 00 Herald, printing 4 (10 KO Maddock, Hhmiir uc .H 00 I) K Hhepard, " " .') 40 The pioKinitiori of .f . W. Kixjta to will the county nut. acre for a gravel pit for $11'.'. f)0 wuh accepted and warrant ordered drawn for the name. The aheriir having made hia annual reHiit on the collection of taxoa, ami certilled a true unil coriect copy of tho laxca remaiiilng unpaid, and the court having examined the mimo, and bing advixed, it waa ordered that it be ac proved, and the cleik la iimtructed to make a true copy of aaine with a correct (leacription of landa and town Iota on came and deliver hi me to aheriir w ithin ten caya, with warrant to collect Raid delinipieiit tuxea ua required by law. Aa Jowpli Heuey, a pauper bad re moved from the county, it waa unified that hia allowance be diHcontiiiued. In the matter of the per diem and mileage of comiiiiHHoiinra, K. Hcott waa allowed $15.10, K. Jaggnr$14 40. Cloae IlrotlieiH, who formerly con (luclud a aaloon in Oregon City and wore afterward arreated for attempting to n.ake counterfeit money, are now con ducting a aaloon at (ireahain That place haa ulwaya leenconiilurel a strict leniH-rance town, and aouie of tho ataid citixena of (Jreahani are allocked to think that partica would ohmi up a gallon drinking fountain and diHanae apiritu- oua Ilipiora. Theao cili.ena Intend to uppreaa the liquor tratllc, and it ia be lieved that aouie trouble will eiiNtie. J. A. Upton, ol Waldport, Lincoln county, waa coming out of (ieorge'a rea taurant Monday evening, and juat aa he atepped out on the aidewalk the wooden awning in front of the building fell, atriking Mr. l'pton on the back. It waa a narrow t'Hcae, ami had it not teen for the hydrant (Handing on tho corner, which prevented the awning from atrik ing Mr. l'pton with ita full force, he probably would not now be here to tell of hia narrow cucapo. Hia injuries are not conaidered aetioiia. A Ihe was discovered in the wareroom at the rear of the store of the Red Front Trading Company last Monday after noon, at about 0 o'clock. It la an enigma bow the Are started, but apM-ar-ances would indicate that the tire might havo possibly been started by an incen diary in one, of the air boles to the ware room, aa that waa where the fire waa llrat discovered Hud the flames had live minutes more of a start, the Kpiseo pal church aa well aa other buildmga would have gone up in amokn. The tire companies arrived promptly when the alarm was turned in, and the lire was extinguished. The water did consider able damage to the Hour and other goods. The Southern Pacific has made, a three-cent mile rate between Portland and Salem on the Salem passenger and the comnlutorof the special now running between Portland and Oregon City dur ing the Chautauqua assembly, claiir.s that the company will continue this train if patronage will justify. He further slates that the managers claim that they will make a round trip rate fiom Port land to Clackamas and Oregon City of twenty llvo cents if they can only take in money enough to pay the exponHcs of the extra train. Attorney J. Kice was called to Milwau kee Wednesday to proaecute a case brought by the Oregon Humane society against some hoys of that plaeo for tor turing and killing birds. Owing to the absence of sulllcient evidence, Mr. Rice dismissed the case. The Humane so ciety will not rest at thia though, but will hereafter keep a closer outlook and will secure sncn evidence as will convict, and thus put a stop to the brutal and wan ton destruction of our song birds. In another column will tie found the udveitisemcnt of Webb & James, paint ers. They are each expert workmen and will be able to secure their full share of work. Mr. Webb is recently from Cioldenilale Wash., whero for several years past be has conducted a paint shop and Mr. James is from Portland and has a reputation in that city of being an expert workman. Tho attorneys for Emma D. Rolfe, who recently was aworded a verdict against the Oregon City Transportation Company for $37.50 on account of a trunk lost en route from Oswego, made a motion for a new trial before Judge Hurley Tuesday. The hearing of the motion was postponed until the September term. A number of Clackamas county furriers were badly bitten by ordering their binding twine from the East. When the twine arrived it was found to be of an inferior quality, and some of the farmers swear up and down that they will never be bitten again. It pays to patronize legitimate borne industries. In medicine quality is of the lirst im portance, as to sell that which is not genuino is often to compromise the health of the patient, after abusing his confidence. We carefully select our drugs for purity, and any article bearing our name we guarantee to be as repre sented. Seventh Street Pharmacy. Ia JHciiiiirliiin. Mllle Dale Infant aon of T. E. and S. (iaiill, died in Oregon City July 1Z, 1H05, aged 1 year, 7 innnlln and '11 dava. The funeral aervicea were held at the Hupllat church hint Hund.iy by Kev. M. L. ltugg. Ilubieaare little apeciiiiiMia of humanity yet in tho horn" to which they belong they contrive to till with their personality every wk and corner of the hoime and rule with a loving tyranny all the Iioiihu hold ImprcHHlng (heir Individuality on every member. Ia it a wonder that a llllli. I...M'll. Ml. I. ..-it.. (I... I. ..MM.. ..IIUIU .ll..l I a long ahudow athwart the hartlilttoiie and deep gloom prevadea every apart ment. A little ahoe, a tiny drcHa and trinkela acattard everywhere, inomeiit'jea of a biiHy little body, w hoae liaping tongue now ailent, uud luughiiig brown eyca cloned and darkened, and the pattering little feet that made audi muxic aa only mother can appreciate, now mill, quiet, peaceful. How oppicaaive the atillneaa. At Ut when the galea were thrown ajar and Imhy aoared away from lU pain racked body it required no ht retch of im maginatlon to aee ita little fingera fling ing kiHHca to Borrowing heart" or bear it liaping in baby worda bye-bye papa, bye-bye mamma aa it entered tUportala of the Moaned. At'NT Dodk. Lodge .Notes The ollicera elect of Court Robin Hood, of the Foresteia, were duly installed last Friday evening by Grand HucreUry H. Kafky, aaaisted by T. M. Coleman, aa grand herald j and are aa follows: II. 8. Cram, P. C. K ; I. B.Lawrence, C. R ; E. Williams, 8. C. R i George Wileheart, R, H.;U.L. Cane, 8. W.jO II. Hyatt, J. W.j T. J. Liitr., 8. B. j J. Charais, J. If, ill. H. Cram, delegate to grand court. He waa also commissioned a deputy giand chief for Court Robin Hood. The newly elected ollicera ol the Odd Fellows were installed yeaterday evening. ((iiarterly .Heeling. The lourth quarterly conference of the M. E. church will lie held by Dr. i ue, the presiding elder, on Friday even ing. July l!)th. at 7 'M. Dr. Gue will preach an Sunday at 10:45, and sacra ment of the Lord's auper will be ad ministered at the cloae. On Sunday morning and evening of the same Jay quarterly conference will be held at Barlow. The services w ill be conducted by Rev. Gabriel Sykes, of Oregon City. George W. Stewart, a resident of Port land, assaulted J. Leonard on the streets of Oregon City last Sunday, and had a hearing lajfore Justice Dixon Monday. He waa fined $10, in default of which be was sentenced to confinement in the county jail for five days. J. W. Grout and J. Breck have re turned from a stay in the Galice creek mines in Josephine county. They report many idle men in that section, and state that some miners are working on their own account and taking out about fifty cents per day. A ppropriato Children's Day exercises were held at the Baptist church last Sunday, and an excellent program was presented. The attendance was very good considering the attractions else where, and the children acquitted them selves very creditably. Miss Fannie Meserve, whose cornet solos have so delighted the audiences at the Chautauqua assembly, will assist in the musical exercises at the Congrega tional church Sunday evening. Miss Meserve will render one of her best solos . A quiet wedding occured in Countv Judge Hayes' ofl'ue Wednesday after noon, l lie contracting parties were William Waddellof Marion county, Ohio and Miss Clara B. Oatman, of Clacka mas county. anted Two horses, weighing about 1200 pounds, well broke and gentle. Will buy a span together or separate. Applv to J. Tompkins, Bolton. Aiit.('liutiiiiiitan. Is a person who does not be lieve in cleanliness, comfort or health. Such a person has little use for that modern necessity, a steam laundry. He prefers to let his wife over-heat and over tax herself in doing the family washing, not reckoning the soap, fuel and too oftentimes the doctor bill in this impor tant expense. By sending the washing to tne Oregon City Steam laundry, ex penses can be saved and health pre served. Special rates for families. All work firstclass. Notice. Notice is hereby given that sealed sales will be received by the county court of Clackumas county for the purchase of not loss than thirty acres of land to be used as a poor farm , said proposals to be opened Thursday, August 8, 1895, at 3 o'clock T. M. The county court re servos tha right to reject and all pro posals. Geo. F. IIorton, 2t County Clerk. Notice. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for the purchase of fifty (50) cords of wood will be received by the county court of Clackamas county ; said wood to be made of large live fir and to be delivered by September 15, 1895. Bids to be ooenod Thursday, August 8, 1895, at 1 :30 P. M. The court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 2t Geo, F. Horton, Clerk. Probate Court. Iticburd W. Hcott, waa appointed ! gnardcan of the pcraon of K.ra W. Creaay, an idiot, In place of J. C. Hunger , ford, of Milwaukee, who reaigned. I Charlea H. Chaae and Kli.alieth Cliaae I were granted Idler of admiliiatiatiou of the OKtute ol II. IS. Chaae, deceaaed. I The luKt will and teatament of John ; M. Hiker waa admitted to probate, and I on petition Adaline ii. Bliker waa ai pointed executor. The promrty ot the IcMtateia valu-d at alxxit $tH)0. C. Ii. : Hmitli, Henry Wilbtirn and Jaiuea I Daily were appointed appraiaera of the In tho matter of the cut a to of Jacob P. I Miller, deceased , Marietta 1'rntt, adinin i iitratrix of the ealate, filed a etition i asking for the confirmation of the aaleof certain lota in Milwaukee, which "waa duly confirmed by the court I. I). Taylor ia fitting up a room to be occupied by II. Wilehart. aa a barber ahopln Wilxon & Cook 'a old store room. He w aa compiled to change hia location aa the building be now occupies ia to be torn down to make room for the new brick B'riirture, to be erected on the aite of the buildings recently burned, l'lans for the new atructure are in course of . preparation. The Farmers' Home hotel hen changed landlords, J. P. Sumner having told out toJ. Konkle. Mr. Konkle is au experi enced hotel-keeper and will conduct a bouse at which the traveling public will be well cared for Mr. Sumner baa moved with family to the Wbitlock dwelling on Center street near Twelfth. The space between the main Southern Pacific railroad track and the east side switch at the dext, has been filled with Grant's Pass granite and when it be comes packed, will have a smooth, solid surface much better than planking. Kert and frank .Mctauslar.d gave a RiK-ial dance at their home on Tuesday evening. (Juile a number of their young friends were present and a very enjoy able time waa had. Mrs. 8. J. McCann, of Milwaukee, has been among the Chautauqua visi tors this week. She, like everyone else, is well pluased with the assembly. C. E. Bailey, of the Seventh street drug, store has had a telephone placed in bis store, a needed convenience for him self and for bis patrons. Misses Mury and Ella Sedgwick, two Albany teachers, are the guests of Mrs C. H.Caufleld. Born to the wife of L. Doolittle, in Or gon City, Wednesday morning, July 17, a son. WARNING TO WATER CONSUMERS! Owing to the wasteful and unnecessary use of water for sprinkling and irrigation, and oilier purKHe!, it has 'teen impossible to hm'Iv the higher portions of the city (luring several hours of theilay. The pump has been liiruisliing 50.(N4) gallons of water per hour, which should bean abundance for tour nines tbe number of consumers. Con sinners are requested to observe strictly the nonni ior aprniKiing anil irrigation iruin five to nine morning and evening. Anv vi olation of the rules and regulations of this hoard that may come to our nolioe will sub jtvi the party or parties to the lull penalties thereof, without further notice, Iron) and after this date. Br order of tbe Board of Water Comniis missioners. T. I.kokahd Ohahman, Sec'y. Oregon City, Or., J tily 11). (Ut Ho For the Mountains. . A. W. Phillips will take camping and excursion parties to the coast or mount ains at reasonable rates and by any route Safe team and strong spring wagon. Also a general express and delivery, Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Yitalizer 'SAVED MY Life.' I consider it the beat remedy for a debilitated system I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cents. For Saleby G. A. Harding. State of On to, City or Toledo) Lvca Coijnty f S3 Frank J. Ciikney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in tbe City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for eaoh and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cl'HK. A. W. Glkason, sfal Notary TuMio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on the blood aiul mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F.J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. 8old bv Druggists, 75c, For physical ailments, especially those incident to declining years, there is no remedy that produces such satisfactory results as Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm, its genial and invigorating effoct on liver and kiduevs is remark able. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist- The Britishers Pleased. "The New Syndicate Shows form as large and complete a circus and menag erie aa has ever visited Victoria. It created the most favorable impression." Victoria (B. C.) Colonist. That 20 acre tract, level road, 2', miles out, plenty of running water, only $050. C. 0. T. Williams. Ladies hair trimmed in the latest style at Sloper's barber shop. Money to loan on good real estate security by A. 8. Dresser. Dr. Price's Cream Baking- Powder WorM'i Pair HighMt Medal at Diploma. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing list ol warrants were issued from this oflice for more than r-cven years prior to July 1st 1h:j.", and were taken from the clerk's oflice, but never pre vented for payment; and, unless the same are presented for payment by Sep tembar 1, 181)5, will be cancelled : No. 2521, issued Feb. 10,1888 for $2 in favor o' W. A. Mood v. No. Zm, issued Juno 0, 1888, for 1.20 in favor of John Confer. No. 2978, issued June , 1888, for $1.70 in favor of Henry Sloper. Geo. V. Hokton, Clerk. W. II. Nelnon, who ia in the drug bus iness at Kingville, Mo., haa so much confidence in Chamberlain's Colic, Choi ena and Diarrho-a Remedy that be war rants every bottle and offers to relund the money to any customer who is not satisfied after using it. Mr. Nelson takes no risk in doing this because the Remedy is a certain cure for the diseases for which it is intended and be knows it. It is for aalo by G. A. Harding, Druggist. Strayed or Stolen. Lost, strayed or stolen from my place on July 3, one Jersey cow four years old, yellow in color with small bell fastened on with wire. Any information of ber will be gladly received or a suitable re ward will be paid for ber return. C. W. Pobteb. Oregon City, July 10, 1895. To the Farmers Binding twine cheaper than anywhere at Cbarman & Son's Pioneer store. AZ oat mis SlaHsia HLE OF UMMER i TOCK EVERYTHING AT COST P BE BTO7IIjY.JS. HOT DAY SHIRTS. To wear a stiff, startched white shirt during hot weather, pre venting all circulation of air around the body, is both un comfortable and unhealthy. By wearing Negligee -Shirt You get perfect comfort, and are not baked with the heat. We carry all colors, sizes and styles. 75c to $1.50 Portland prices. Glass & Smith, The Clothiers. t. F. WHITE. W.A.WHITK. WHITE BROTHERS Practical Architects & Builders. Will prepare plana, elevations, working de t lis, and specifications lornllkluds ol build ings. Special attention (riven to modern cot tavtea. Estimate, furnished on application Call on or address WHITE BKOS., Oregon City. 0n JOHN YOUNGER, IEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. SflALLER THAN USUAC lilliputian, in fact, are Doctor Pierc' Pleasant Pellets. Dr. R. V. Pierc, Chief Consulting Physician to the In valids' Hotel and Surgical Inttitnta, of Iliiffalo, N. Y., was the first to In troduce a Little Pilt to the American fieople. For all axative and ca thartic ptirpoara theae antrar-coated "Pellets" are superior in a (Treat many way to all mineral watcra, aedlitz powdcra, oalta, cantor oil, fruit ayrupa, laxative teaa, and other purgative compound). Made of concentrated vegetable ingredienta, trier act in a mild, natural way. Their aecond ary effect ia to keep the liver active and lb bowels regular, not to further constipate, aa ia the caae with other pilla. They don't interfere in the least with the diet, habit or occupation, and produce no pain, grip ing or ahock to the aytera. Dr. Pierce'a Plcaaant Pellets cure bU iousncaa, aick and biliou headache, dir zineoa, cotivenes, or constipation, aour atomach, loaa of appetite, coated tonga, indigestion, or dyspepsia, windy belch inga, " heart-burn," pain and distress after eating, and kindred derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels. These " Pel lets" are easily dissolved in the stomach and absorbed into the blood, stimulating a flow of bile from the liver, and arousing to activity all the glandular secretions. Thua they act in nature's own way. In proof of their superior excellence, it can be truth fully said, that they are always adopted aa a household remedy after the first trial. Put up in glaaa vials, therefore always fresh and reliable. One little "Pellet" is a laxative, two are mildly cathartic. As a "dinner pill," to promote digestion, take one each day after dinner. To relieve distress from over eating, tbey are unequaled. They are tiny, sugar-coated granules; any child will readily take them. One mud, always its favor. Accept no substitute that may be recom mended to be "just as good." It may belter for the dealer, because of paying him a better profit, but be i not the one who needs help. Duffy & Heckart EXPRESS andTRANSFERING. Special care in moving Household Goods and Pianos. Prompt work and Reasonable charges. Leave orders at BELLOMY & BUSCH'S. FARMERS . . . Your team will have the best of care and Full Measure of Feed At the City Stables. Kidd & Williams, Props., 8uc"" to W. H. Cooke. Livery Rigs on Short Notice. H. W. JACKSON, Bicycles, Umbrellas, Guns, Sewing Machines, And all kinds of small ma chines put in good order. No work to dillicult to undertake. Prices reasonable. Shop on Seventh St., near depot. Money Loaned. First Mortgages on Improv ed Farm Property Negotiated. We are prepared to negotiate first Morgage9 upon improved farms in Oregon, with eastern parties at a rate of interest not to exceed 9 per cent, per annum. Mortgages renewed that have been taken by other companies. Address with stamps, Mervin Sworts, Baker City, Oregon. FOR- ABSOLUTELY PURE DKUGS -GOtO-i A. HARDING. NONE BUT COMPtTENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED File Perftales and Toilet Articles. Also a full stock of FAIITTS- OILS ETC. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECON CITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THE BRIDGE AND DEPOT. Double and Single Rigs, and sad dle horses always on hand at th lowest prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind or Stock DrOrUDtlv attended to llV tmrann nf letter. Horses Bought and Sold. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason- mm- BIS AND ti IMS. able terms.