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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1895)
Or 1 rin Y MNTERI I VOL. 20. NO. 21. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1895. ESTABLISHED I860 Ci t COIIBTH. i I (Itrntiltnntirl (iimrarina tr.t Munil In No t Taralwranil llilnl Mimilay lu April, i Prnhata court Id umIoii flrit Monday In tanb ' i month. (lommlaatmi.rermurt mmta flrat Waduaailajr ' attar Brit Monday l iuh Bnixtltt. 1GKI KO, 0, HINKAIlHON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will praollna In til courts of tha atata. 1 im In JaK(r lliillillu oialta Court llmne. "I OltllON K, IUVKH, A .. LAWYKR. All lil matdra aiti-mlml to prouiitl. yr II, HOHVNri, ATTORSKY AT LAW, !ANIIY, .... OHKUON. Will iri'llr tii'liiro all roiirla, liiatiraiii'o wrllicn III nil li'aillna unmiiauli. Cl KO 1 I.. H'lOltV, ATTollNKY AT LAW. fiUlr opnili Court Houar, Titles t i urn I n ii 1 mill Hht rMrta nimlp. Mniiay lmiinl, Miriiri. fur.-liNMl mill a gam-rat law IiiuIik'm. M o'xaii.l.. J. I nmiiiaa. . W TlliiHI-miN r t omikhtii o NKII.I, IIKIMiKH. tiioiii'hon AQKirKmi. ATTORN KY8 AT LAW. OltluMln Harklpy Hullillnt, iiretnn i'My, and A O U. W. Inmtil., I'tirtUnil, lo General Law Hnalnraa, Ixmu Mnury, I'm Collrillnh.. J J T HI.AIlKN, NOTAHV rTHI.H! ami CONVRrANCRtt. Krai film liamlloil. Iinuranr wrltiru In 111 lUrtl.ird, ol lUrldml, falailn. Murlh llrllleb A Mowaullla, Hatutiir ol llrowail Omen with li. K, Croaa, Orrjnp ci, Orison LACK AM AH AHSTKACT A TKUbT CO. Abatracta ol Clacaamaa oounty proporty apo tail, (liiod work, rvaaoueMa l-harn-a. Work (uaraulml. Ultra Ua a trial 11 C Utuurtma. r. t. Ihiiialtlmn, J. P. Clark, IHreotura, oaiuoxciTY, .... okKuiix. . M JOHNSON D W (IMMAUO. JINKAlltD A JOHNSON, CIVIL ENUINERHM AM. Sl'KVKYOKr). Hallway laraltim and oouairtirllon, lrlilea. plauiaud eatlnialM tor water mpply. Draliiaia aud atrwl Improvement ol towut, Jlpaolal attention limn loUraviif bllng and blua prl ii 1 1 nar "y CAIHY JOH.NHON, LAWYER. Corner Klght aud Main atrreta, Orcion City, Oreion, RKAI. E8TATK T06KLL AM) MONKYT0 LOAN. J L.POKTKK, ATTORNEY AT LAW aaTrT or raorairrv rt'tmaHan. Offlo neil to Orciou City uank on tb itreet. Q O. T. WILLIAMS KRAL khtatb ank loan aoknt, A food line of biielncaa, rcaldpneeaud auburban rropuriy. Farm I'ropitrty In tracla to mlt on eaay terma. Oorroapiinilpiii' prniniitly anawcrml. Offlpe, neat tlmir to Laimrlil a luiitiuy urui alure. 1 II. 4 0. C. LATOl'KKnK, ATTOKNKYS AM) COUXSKLOUS AT LAW MAIN STKKKT, OllktlON CITY, (II1KOON. Purnlah Atmtrai'ta ol Tlllc, 1ian Money, Fnro- Cluae MuruwKoa, aim iratiaaot liuufral Law Himlnraa. jj J K. CHOMH, ATTORNKY AT LAW. Will I'kacth s in All CnpnTa or tiik Stats Krai Katntc ami Inaiiranre. Olut-o mi Main Sir et lict. Sixth ami Hvvenlli, UKKIION CITY, OH. Q II. 1VK, ATTORNKY AN' I) -CtAlNSKLOR AT LAW Office over Ori'iron City Hank, OKKCloN CITY, ' OKKUON oao. c. nnowNKi.L. A. liliaiwRH. I HOW.NKI.I, A ATTOKNKYS AT LAW, Obkoon City, ..... orkion. Will prnnllce tn all Hip rnnrtu of the alate. (II flc, next ilmir to Caullchl Si HinitU,y'a ilrng tore. milK ClIMMKKCIALHANK, OF OKKUON CITY, t'aiiltal, .... 1100,004 TRANHACT A Q RNKRAI, BANKING II1HIN!I. Loam ninilo. Illlla dlinnutitoil. lUkra col taction. Iluyi and aulla exchange on all points In the United Statea, Europe ami Hunt; Kong. Depoalta recil'ud iiilijoct to chuck Iiitcreat at uaual ratt'i allowed ou time ilepoalla. Hunk open from 9 A. X. to 4 r. M. Haturtlajr eveuiuga from 6 to 7 r. a. 0. C. LATOUKKTTE, Proaidnnt. f It liuNAI.nsON, Caahlor JJ ANK OF OKKUCN CITY, Oldest fianklns Hods, in tbe City. Paid up Capital, .'0,000. rmentnrNT, TICS fRKNlDINT, CAflHIKR, MANAOKR. TIIOS. CHARMAK QXO, A. HARD1NO, I. O CAtirilLD. CHARLIES H. CAVrill.D. Afeneral banking bunlncua transacted. Pepoalta rooolvcd aubjoci to chock. Approved bill! and untca discounted. Count; ami city warrants bought. Loans mvle on available socurlty. EichatiK bought and sold. Collections mado promptly, Dralts sold avallaolc In any part of the world Tq'.ccraphlo exchanges sold ou Portland, 8au Fl(lnolco, nblcago and Now York. I. I'ront paU on time deposits. Aeeutsof THE LONDON CHEQUE BANK. Pureprus In a prescript ion are of an much value in riickncHH an (skilled mediciil attendance. 7th. St. Drugstore. Makcri a Hpecialty of carrying a (stock of pure dniflH and all prescriptions are carefully compounded. Dr. L. M. Andrews. OREGON CITY W : New and Enlarged Shop with all appliances for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work executed in the beest manner possible. Promptness guaran teed on all orders. K.EP'A.lIIISra- - J - SPECIALTY. Prices the lowest to bo had in Portland. Shop-on Fourth Street, near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. J. ROAKE & CO., Proprietors. Uow you Can BABY'S FRUIT pared tor an emergency, get a bottle of Baby's Pect ral DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF HAKMVAKK, CUTLKKV AND TOOLS. Tho entire Stock to bo Cloned out r-jinrllrn nf r "nt tmm It ,g K a O. 33. STU33ES. 2.S1) Washington Street bctwirii' l r 5, Portland, Or. The Chinese Suffered.... The Oregon City Steam Laundry IS DOING Clean Work, Neat Work, ami Cheaper Work Than can bo had of tho Chinese or any other place in the city. Special Rates on Family Work. Goods called for and delivered. Do You Need a Legal Blank? Tho ENTERPRISE lias tho only complete stock in Clackamas county. Nearly 200 Different Blanks to Make Selections From. Everyicind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus tice, Lawyer, Real Estate Dealer, Farmer or Mechanic. One or a Quantity Sent POTSAGE paid at Portland Prices to Your Address. We havo a han rlricmiG a variety of baby earring" 'an ever provoked maternal admiration. There ought to bo jtiHt oh much roitnon for taking & littlo pride in your baby's turnout an there iH for tukiiig jiritlo in the baby itHolf. You arc certain to bo juot hh well ploiiHod with tho prices as with tho carringi;. It will coHt you nothing to w-e thnn ami it will cost you but ?3,75 to purchaHe one, or if you nhould desire a.moitfi expnftive one we have them an fine aa can . be had in Portland at ortland prices. BHLLOMY & liUSCH. Oregon City. IRON WORKS. Save Money When your children need a laxative or stomach and bowel regulator, buy LAXATIVE. Fifty dimes lor twenty-hve cents. The season for eoldtt and coughs is upon us. In order to be pre Syrup, The best in the market. Price 2") cents. For sale at the CANBY PHARMACY, Canby, Or. ....Another Defeat! ALASKA BOUNDARY An Effort to lie Made at Once to Si'ttle II IMnltelj. ' Nl'KVEI 1'ARTI 0W F1TTI.K. 01T IVofraMir DnvldHon, Wi.o Will Hare Charge ortlie ExprdltUin, Will Fol low I lio IiihIiIh Shore LI Df. 8a Fmancinco, April 9. A remit of eorrenMjri(l(-n(:e tietwern the Caiiailiun Koveiimtfiit and that of thin country, an other effort in to lie at once rmule to nettle definitely the A luHkan houinJurv line in the vicinity of Portland inlet, and,'ac cordii)Iy, IWeHoor I'avidwm lia heen fitting out Hiirvey parlies m Iio will leave on the coant lurvcy steamer I'atterKOn jThurwlay, I The work to be done will not only eet j tie the point auto whether the Forty Mile I creel minea are under Rrititili or Ameri can dominion, but will tlx the eouthern lend of the meandering boundary line running down the coaHt from Mount St. Kliuit to Portland inlet, following a par allel about 10 marine leugna inland. The Iiritiah Kovernment hold that theouUlde shore line should be followed, whereaa ! the American government haa succeeded in having the boundary line follow at a ! distance mentioned, "the inside shore." If the "outside shore" contention were yielded, it would give England the pos session of much of the coast and part of Alexander archiK!lago. Professor Davidson lias fitted out two astronomical and four triangulation par lies to cooperate in the waters of the archipelago. The triangulation will be confined mostly to Portland inlet and the approaches thereto from Dixon sound. The two astronomical parties will be sta tioned respectively at Mary's island and 8eattle. Wash. E. F. Dii-kina is to have charge of the former and Fremont Morse the latter. Between these stations, nine chronometers will be carried at intervals by passenger steamers for two month to establish the chronometer longitude of Mnry's island, Seattle being connected witb Ban Francisco and Greenwich by telegraph. The Seattle station will oc cupy the grounds of the old university of the state of Washington. 1 ALL HIBBA8KA THAHIFDL The Entire Bute la at List Viiiud By Abu dast Bain. Omaha, April 7. From all parts of the state messages have been received tell ing of the heavy rains and snow, and the consequent happiness of the farmers and business men. Hongs of praise are espe cially going up from the heart of the drouth-stricken region of last year. There the rain has been the most abundant, h'rom Nucholls county west, taking in the vast area covered by the counties of Adams, AVebster, Franklin, Kearney, Harlan, Buffalo, Dawson, Phelps, Fur nas, Frontier, Red Willow, Lincoln, Huyeo, Hiichcock, Chase, Dundy, I'er- kim and Keith, and in fact across the I state to the northern boundary, the pre it ipitation hits been RUtlieient to satisfy the most carping critics. Where dis- I coitrngeinent abounded a weekno, hope I has resumed her sway and driven out evil forebodings, replacing them with conlidenceand trust. But not only has Nebniskaheen blessed by the copius showers, but tlm dried-up I counties itlung the Kansas, Colorado and South Dakota borders have been wetted to an extent in excess of any exHrienced in two years. In the northwestern counties ten inches of snow has fallen, greatly delaying railroad traffic Rumors ef War Between 8weden and Norway. C11KI8TUSIA, April 8. Estimates to be submitted to the storthing btive been ptiblmhed anil cauce much comment. They i'ive a fresh impetus to tlm wild rumors of lmj endin); wrt between Nor way and Sweden. Tbe estimates fur exceed any previous sums required. The sum of 4,(KH),000 crowns is to be devoted to the construction of ironclads. In ad dition large credits will be asked for to purchase munitions of war and for the completion of forts in Tonsburg harbor. Bkuun, April 7. Tbe maturing con flict between Norway and Sweden hag given rise to strange reports in Berlin. Since Tuesday it has been a common statement that should the two kingdoms resort to force Emperor William would take up aruiB rather athan permit the threatened interference of Russia. lie is . said to have promised King Oscar as much. Although oflicial circles discredit this report, the mere thought of it has sufllceu to fasten general attention upon the swift course of events in the Scandinavian peninsula. Yesterday's dispatch from Stockholm, while not ?onllrming the predictions of war describes the situation as very seri ous. With alarmist rumors of the em peror's promise to Oscar, has come a butch of gossip as to tbe relations be tween St. Tetcrrfburg and lierlin. The two courts are mppoHed to be less friendly now than a few weeks ago. The statements that the czar and czarina will not come to Berlin this year la re garded as additional proof of the es trangement, although as the czarina's accouchement is expected to take place early In September, it is difficult to see how the visit could be made, even if Russia and Germany were on the verge of an alliance. ' CaaUllana and Eli ffifa. New York, April 8 A private letter from Indon to a celebrated actress here describes the mode of life of Anna Gould and her husband, Count Castel- 1 lane. The countess seems devoted to her husband and intensely jealous of him, not allowing hira out of her sight, and insisting on his constant attendance. After all the talk about the f. 3,000,0(10 settlement from the Gould estate, it is now said that Caitellune only received $25,0iK), given to him by George Gould, to prepare proierly for the wedding and purchase necessary presents. George was anxious to make a suitable settle ment and the matter was discussed at a gathering of the Gould children. The only member of the family who vehem ently opposed it was Anna, who said she wanted to believe the count married her for loye, not money. The next day George told the count of this decision. The count was chagrined and said he would consult hi father. Marquis Castellane was furious, and urged his son to break off the match, return to Paris and marrr Mile DeMonbazon, to whom he formerly paid his addresses. The count said matters had gone too tar and he would be made rediculous if he broke off the match at the last moment because he did not receive a large set tlement, though he said he bad expected a large dot. Tha Colorado Btorm. Denver, April 7. Not a train has ar rived in Denver from the east today, and all roads traversing the Eastern portion of the state are still impassable as the result of the great storm of Friday. To day has been very warm and clear, melt ing all the siow remaining on the ground. The delay of trains now comes from sand on the tracks. Every cut is filled, sometimes to the deptb of from four to eight feet. Shovels and rotary plows are the only implements that can make any impression on the obstruction. A dispatch from Falcon reports that the rotary plow, in clearing up a cut near there, unearthed the body of a man buried on the sand on the track, prob ably having frozen to death. He has been identified as a herder from Mc Lean's sheep ranch. The loss of live stock will be great, but no estimate can be u.ade today. loo la Greos. Bay. Mkxominke, Mich., April 7. The heavy northwest wind continues and the ice in Green bay is piling up on the shore in places thirty feet huh. Several ad ditional docks were displaced today. The Ann Arbor track between the slip and the Milwaukee and St. Paul track is covered with ice, in some places twenty feet hih, completely cutting! otrtrailic in the yards, while-more or j less damages has been done to ware houses, barns and boathouses. Should the wind continue long from the present I quarter, the damage of property will be t$reat The body of ice extends out into the bay a distance of twenty to thirty miles and is from twelve to sixteen inches thick. Annexation FaTored Mora and More, San Frasoisco, April 8. Advices from Honolulu, dated March 30, per steamer l'eru, contain nothing startling. At a recent meeting of annexationists under tlte auspices of tbe American League, C. B. Wilson, the ex-queen s sgent, and C, L. Hopkins, urged the natives to favor annexation as the only remaining weapon to overthrow the government. The cabinet and line officers at a re cent conference, agreed to obtain a United States military othYer to be colonel of the Hawaiian troops. President Dole thinks their poor management dining the receut rebellion has shown the ne cessity of a military commander. Tha Alleged Conditions of feace. Paris, April 7. It is stated on re liable authority that Japan has proposed the following conditions for the conclu sion of peace : The independence of Corea ; tbe ces Bion of Southern Manchuria, including Port Arthur; tho session of the islands of Formosa; the opening of Chinese ports and rivers to commerce ; the pay ment of an indemnity of 400,000,000 yen and the occupation of a number of strategic points until the indemnity shall have been paid. To Be Assisted byhtiSon Simonosaki, April 7. It is officially stated that Li Ung Fong lias been ap pointed a Chinese peace plenipotentiary to assist Li Hung Chang as an envoy. The new envoy is a son of Li Hung Chang. Tbe wound in the face of Li Hung Chang is now completely healed . The bandages were removed today. TOM ALL TO PIECES The Income Tax Lair Is Assailed. PARTS OF IT ARE COSDEMXED. Juillce Field la Very Severe In Ills Arraignment of Its L'nconntN tullonal Character. WasuiMOTox, April 8. The anxiously awaited decision of the United States supreme court on the income tax case was rendered today by Chief Justice Fuller. The court knocked out the law as far as it tax?s incomes derived from rents and also from state, county and municipal bonds. By a tie vote of the court the law was sustained in other re spects. Justices Field, Harlan and White dis sented from Justice Miller. Justice Field said: "I am of the opinion that the w hole law of 1894 is null and void," Justice White favored upholding the whole law. Justice Field, the oldest member of the court, in the dissenting opinion, said : "The income tax law under considera tion is marked by discriminating features which eflect the whole law. It discrim inates between those who receive an in come of $4000 and those who do not. It thus vitiates, in my judgment, by this arbitrary discrimination, the whole leg islation. Whenever a distinction is made in the burden a law imposes er the bene fits it confers on any person by any reason of their birth, wealth or religion, it is class legislation and leads ineviiable to oppression and abuse, and to a gen eral nnrest and disturbance in society. It is hoped and' believed that the great amendments to the constitution which followed the late civil war had rendered such legislation impossible for future time. But the objectionable legislation re-appears in the act under consideration. It is the same in essential character as the English statute of 1C81 which taxed Protestants at a certain rate, Catholics as a class at double the rate of Protestants, and Jews at another and seperate rate." Tbe effect of all the opinions delivered is to show that the court was unanimous in the opinion that the law Is unconsti tutional as to municipal and state bonds, that Chief Justice Fuller, Justices Field, Gray, Brewer, Brown and Sluras hold it to be invalid on incomes derived from rents, and Justices Harlan and White dissented from this opinion as to rents. It is impossible to state the exact divis ion as to the validity of other parts of tbe law fuitber than was disclosed by the proceedings. v It appears quite clear that Chief Jus tice Fuller and Justices Harlan and White voted to sustain the other parts of the law and the best op'nion obtain able is that Justice Brown stood witb then in this question, which would leave Justice Field, Gray, Prewer and Sluras as the opponents of the law as a whole. Nebraska'! Belief Bureau Omaha, April 7. President Nason es timates it will require about S'xty days to close the accounts of the relief bureau. He says that with the exception of gar den seeds the warehouse is pretty well cleaned out. A corps of girls is now en gaged in sorting and packing seeds for distribution. There are twenty five car loads of seed wheat en route from Penn sylvania. Fatal Tornado in Texas. Si'LPHiK Springs Tex., April 7. A church was demolished and several buildings unroofed by a tornad o Friday night in Winnsboiough, twenty mile from here. One child was killed, and several persons were injured. . Those who never read the advertise ments in their newspapers miss more than thev presume. Jonathan Denisou, of Bolun, Worth Co., Iowa, who had been troubled with rheumatism in his back, anus and shoulders read an item in his paper about how a prominent German citizen of Ft. .Madison had been cured. He procured the same medicine and to use his own words: "It cured me rigtit up." He also says : "A neigh bor and his wife were both sick in bed with rheumatism. Their boy was over to my house and said they were so bad he bad to do the cooking. I told him of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and how it had cured me. he got a bottle and it cured them up in a week." 50-cent bottles for sale by G. A. Harding, drug gist. You make no mistake when you take De Witts Little Early Risers for bilious ness, dyspepsia or headache, oecause these little pills cure them. C. G. Huntley, druggist. Ladies hair trimmed in the latest style at Sloper's barber shop. Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder Awarded Cold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Franciaco. 'I