Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1895)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE ENTERPFISE rORRESrtNU ETS SW EEP THE FIELD. A rd.U School in Operation M mi j Improvement Helnt Made En Inricrment of ( hun t; Building:. MoiALU, March 18. The schools will be gin bere today. Prof. H. A. Hovis will have chargv of the advanced class in the hall of the A. O. I'. V., and Osoar 1. Kby will coixlnrt the utvbtns in pursuit of know ledgv at lbs old educational stand. J. R. Sharer was elected director in dis trict No. 3 John Everhart retiring. School commenced last Monday at Teasel Creek. Charles Crittenden teacher. This district. No. 5S, elected two directors at the annual school meeting, owing to the resig nation of George Adams whose residence is just Inside of school district No. S5. Wni. Barley was elected for two years and J. W. Thomas three years. Builders of the M. E. church, 8011th, have proKsed to straighten up, tree of charge, the house that was w recked in a wind storm last fall by reason ot insufficient nailing. The trustees contemplate raising the build ing hhiber which will greatly improve its appearance. Miss Florence Melton, while returning home from church a few evenings since, met with an accident which might easily have been far worse. Iu company with Mr. W'm. Everhart, who had just passed through gap, taking a position to one side with his horse, awaiting for Miss Melton's horse to pass through, her horse suddenly made a rush to strike Mr. Evcrhart's horse, when it fell over backward upon its rider, crushing her so badly tlial shecould neither speak or move for some lime. Her escort carried her the rest of the w ay to her home, quarter of a miie. No bones were frac tured, but she was badly bruised. She is now doing fairly well. Mrs. 0. W. Robbing's brother and sister, Mr. and Miss Lilly, of Corvallis, are visiting at Unlalla these fine March days. Prot. Andrew Brown of llwaco school, for merly a school teacher in these parts, in company with his wife, is visiting friends and relatives in the Molal.a and Needy communities. Isaac Gibson has gone to Eastern Oregon to look up some promising enterprise. Mr. Editor, when you take your next turn through our village you will be sur pried to see so many neat yard fences. We have begun " moving" at last. Then note our prosictive graded school which we hope w ill be in operation when you call. Ijut Friday evening our literary society discussed the question, Resolved, That the Bible is an infallible guide for the uplifting of society. The judges gave a unanimous decision for the affirmative. Glad to hear from "Jona" under date of March 11th. that he was still well ami living in and about Smyrna, and had not departed across the sea for Salonica. Tzi x. Mount Pleasaat Huslngs. Mor5i PLEAfrAitT, March 19. School be gins Monday, the 25tb, with Miss Chase again in charge. Just at present many are afflicted wilh the grippe. Ethel Titus, Lucille Kellogg and Ethel Kidder being among the number. Will Moore is recovering Trom a severe at tack of four weeks duration. During that time he suffered a relapse. His friends will j be glad to hear that be will probably be able soon to be around as usual. Last Saturday night the "Twilights" re paired to the McArthur farm where they l-ent a very pleasant time. President Kid der being absent Vice President Alice Mc Arthur presided. The program was alto gether pleasing. Miss Isabell MrArthur entertained ns as elocutionist. The ques tion, Resolved, That women should have the right of suffrage, was argued before the judges. Mr. Lazelle led the negative in a chivalrous manner, and was followed by some able and w itty speakers. Miss Alice McArthur, however, led the affirmative ably and heroieally over difficulties and up the steeps to victory. Apparently Miss Alice may vote. Officers were elected as follows: President, B. Beatrice McCord ; vice president, Isabel McArthur; treasurer, Morton Haines. Ho mer Martin, who has served faithfully as secretary during the life of the club, was re elected by acclamation. It was decided that Nettie McCord should continue as edi tor of the " Twilight Zephyrs." We think the literary division of the club may on the whole be encouraged with their prog ess. Beside some very nice programs selected from the best authors, we have bad several spirited debates, one original poem, "The Exile," by Mrs. Olive E. McCord; Homer Martin, by means of an essay ac quainted us with the Romans; Napoleon Bonaparte was portrayed to us by David Fanciier, and Beatrice McCord contributed two essajB " An American Genius," Edgar Allen Poe, and "An Italian Genius," Mi chael Angclo. The object of the club is to form a social feature for Mt. Pleasant so that those more or less isolated from the advantages ot the city shall not be wholly without a fixed place for self-improvement and social fel lowship. In behalf of the younger mem bers of the club we thank the householders who have opened the doors of their pleasant homes and bade us make the best use of our time under their immediate and pater nal supervision. It now remains with us to prove in the future by our judicious con duct how wisely placed their patronage has been. Vox Humania. Harmony Notes. Hakhokv, March IB. At our annual school meeting Alfred Clark was re-elected director and George Wise clerk. A nine months school was voted for, the vote stand ing twenty-three to one. Only about one balf of the voters of tbe district were pres ent. Wm. Karr bid lowest and took the contract to furnish twelve cords of wood. Mr. Smith met with a very painful acci dent this week. He was felling trees and as one was ready to fall stepped back with one foot upon a limb. Tbe body of the tree struck the other end of the limb causing it to bruise bis foot so that he is laid up from -work. Married by Justice Lakin last Sunday at Milwaukee, Mr.t. Ittvttin of this place and Miss Lottie South, oP l.a Center, Washing ton. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Lyons, a daughter, and to Mr. and Mrs. Terwedow, a sou. Our spring term of school will begin on Monday, the ISth.with Kinnia Sturchleraa principal teacher and Mrs. 1'arshal assistant. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Cliff, since moving to his place near the Columbia river, has lost bis infant child. Mrs. Barnes was very sick this week. Pr. Hickman of Clackamas was called. Many improvements are being made in way of land clearing and new board fences. The fall grain looks well. A few loads of potatoes went olT from here this week. Miss Blanche Kortner was visiting her cousins, Agnes and Ethel Mather, at Clack amas last Sunday. Our Sunday school is to hava a library. Harry Gilford and Ary Mclaughlin have been appointed to select the hooks. STAFFORD NOTES. School Closed-Efficient Road Work Being Dona-Wbooplug Cough Epidemic. STAiroHp, March IS. People are really wishing that the gentle rain would descend upon the just and the unjust so that Staf ford would be sure of her share, Luckily there Is but little plowing left to be done, and we rest in hopes of the timely rain which has never failed us. Manv are working upon the road under the able captaincy of P. A. Baker, and thereby earning tax money, realising that a dollar and a half a day is not to be sneezed at by " them what have no noses" in these times. The bookkeeping class and the Duplex debating society have both closed. The school closed last Thursday with an excellent entertainment by the school, as sisted by outside talent. It was a very en joyable event. Another sou of P. A. Baker is on the sick list. They have been and still are an af flicted famliy. A man bas been about the neighborhood examining orchards in search of insect pests. It is said that Charlie Wagner ot Wilson ville stole a march on the boys and they did not find out he was married for a week or more alter the event. Then thev went in full force to charivari him, and he came out with his old horn which he had carried to many a midnight serenade and helped them. But when they called for the beer they had heard he had provided he told them they were too late he bad drank it all up and gave them water instead. It would seem to a man np a tree that these uninvited guests are getting- a back set in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Christensen lost a child last week. The Holton brothers have departed to seek their fortune elsew here. Fred Oldenstodt was taken to a Portland hospital last w eek. He has been sick and nearly helpless a couple of weeks with rheu matic fever. Mrs. Warniker, mother ol John Warmker of this place, is very sick we are sorry to learn. We hear that Clendening and Nelson of the Baby saw mill are about to serve an at tachment upon the Melcher pig pen which was built of lumber bought of them. The pea is quite a sizable structure, 24x110 feet. John Schiewe and Sam Myers are at work on the road, and are considered among the best. Jake Schatlr's baby has been very sick wilh whooping rough'. but is some better. The disease lias had unite a run through the neighborhood. John Q. Gage lost a valuable horse last week and another is very badly ofT with a peculiar disease. They call it " the stills." Mr. Holsworth and Fred Schattz have also lost horses by the same disease. Does any one know a remedy? Henry Scbattz and Ootlieb Benter have been building fine board and picket fenees which improve their premises wonderfully. J. P. Gage started for the coast last week to attend to some business in the way ol line fences and to visit bis three sons located over there. We Uks. Sherwood Hhots. Shekwqgd, March 17. Dr. Rickard re ports a good deal of sickness in our neigh borhood at present It seems that a pleas ant open winter isn't as conducive to health as when we have plenty of rain. Liltle Audrey Templeman, of Pleasant Hill, is quite sick with some kind ef fever. John Fisher is suffering with lung fever, but was improving a little at last accounts. Our county judge, 0. K. Hayes, was seen near here one day last week. D. W. Kinnaird, in company with E. 8. Calkins, road supervisor in district 32, has been inspecting the roads in the district preparatory to doing the spring work. We expect to see some emcieni worn none in the district this year. Sum Westfall, of Pleasant Hill, was un fortunate enough lose a valuable horse last week. C. J. Ricsner, is expecting to open up his meat market again soon. We are glad to stale to the many friends of J. C. Smock that the receiver placed in his store by Meyer fc Frank has been re called. It is good to see Mr. Smock with the reins m his own hands again. Harry Btarrett paid a visit to Stella, Washington, last week. John Her lias the mumps. Hope he'll he around soon. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Yeung.of Pleasant Hill, on Saturday tbe Pith, a girl 8m 1 LAX. Smyrna Smacks. Smyrna, March 18. Road work is in progress on the hill near Marlon Hainson's. A number of our young people attended the exhibition at Needy last Saturday even ing. Onr summer schools commenced this morning, Miss Elsie Taylor being domi ciled in No. 92 while Charles Cone will rule in No. 6. The Christian Endeavor Bociety here re ceived their new hymn books yesterday. They will be used in the church services hereafter. Jona. l.OtUN LOCALS. Last Meeting of the Debating Society-One Muxil Climes and Another Opens, I.ooan, March lt. The Logan literary and debating society has closed for the sea son, its last meeting being held on the Dili. A very interesting program was rendered and an enjoyable time was had by all. The i following is the program: . . j Heading of the "leader" by M. Itiehhoft. Recitations, by 0. 1. Bobbins, W. R. Ileeles, K. llutclilns, N. Itobisun. ! Songs, by M. Sliumway, A. Swales, M, j Riebnoir, N. Roblson, Recitations, by C. Ilatlon, Y. KlebhotT, T. Swales. M. ltiehhotr, L. Newkirk. Closing song by W. R. Ileolls. Robert Glnther has re-openetl school in I district No. 4, after a vacation of a couple of j months. Mrs. Folsoni, of Sprague, Washington, , sint a few days in Oregon City and Port land. Clem Clark is having his house repaiied. The home of Sam Gerber was made glad on the 10th by the appearance of a Out baby girl. All doing well. The school in district No. 8, taught by Miss Matilda Reed, closed on Friday, the 22d. The farmers are all pleased to see the glo rious rain. Mr. and Mrs. Stansbury are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clem Clark. MINK MIT KM, House Burned Pown-Narrow Escape of Occupants-Hand to Reorganise. Mi!iK, March 1! Saturday night at j 12 o'clock Ed. Fruylor's house at the old Beeson mill was enveloped In dames. It j caught fire at the tire place at 9 o'clock, and ; was discovered in lime to extinguish it. At 12 o'clock after all being in bed and sound I asleep it caught again and burned to the ground. Mr. Fraylor and his wife only got i out In lime to save themselves and a small portion of their furniture. Mr. Holman, who has been laid up with rheumatism, Is slowly recovering. C. Fisher is improving bis farm greatly by clearing a heavy piece of his timbr laud. The members of the Mink amateur brass band are making preparations to reorgan ize, Jax, Eagle Creek .News. Eaoi bChssk, Murch l!).-()ur esteemed citizen, Hon. C. B. Smith, has returned to Eagle Creek and la warmly welcomed home by his constituents. The doctor and wife were entertained at "The Oaks," the hos pitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Stafford, on Thursday. Evidently the doctor has been prospering financially as he Is now seen driving in an elegant barouche with an au burn haired driver. Miss Mertie Douglass and John Htrow. bridge were the guests of Miss Delia Glover last Sunday. Miss Ruth Simpson of Portland is visit ing her parents at this place. Ruth intends spending most of the summer in the rural districts. Most of our young people went out to San dy Saturday night to attend a dance. The report is a jolly good time. Mr. Simpson is about to erect a large prune drver. It will be quite an improve ment in the naighborhood. Liberal News. Libknai., March 1H. Mrs. L. Wright gave a fine dinner in honor of her iKith birthday and Fred Nelson's 17th birthday the liith ol March. A very pleasant time was had. Those present were Mr, and Mrs L. l'eeth, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Linn, Mr. and Mrs. B. Coats, Mrs. II. Young, Mrs. L. Steghniau, Mrs. A. I lodge, Mrs. A. Nelson, Mrs. M. White, Mrs. K. Willett, Miss Grace Jordan, Mutie Young, Idu Bowie. Vie Bowie, Lena Nelson, Dan Graves, Price Wright, Fred Kelson, Dee Wright. Mr. Crouse who bas been very sick is slowly recovering. The Endersby brothers have gone to Cher ry ville to spend a week with friends. Johnnie Bocue. son of Fletcher Bogue, died March 1!) from a hurt caused by being thrown from a horse. His age was 10 years and 7 months. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Linn, of Woodburn, are visiting Mrs. Linn's mother, Mrs. Nel son. Gary Ramsby, ol Barlow, is visiling rela tives at Liberal. Patskv. Abernelhy News. AiiF.K.NF.TiiY, March 10. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin spent last Saturday and Siiwlay visiting the fumily of . L. (iard. .Miss Ainma Intel has returned from Highland after a few days sojourn with rel atives. Mrs. Bates is spending a few days with the family ef Oeo. Jones. Oilhert Jones, formerly of this place, has returned home after spending two years in Eastern Washington. The people of district 01 met at the school grounds last Huturduy and erected a wood shed, and cleaned up the sch(,ol grounds in a general nay. I'avid May will he our next teacher. Several young people from here attended the oratorical contest ut Park I'lui e last Sat urday evening. Messrs. Craft and Jones contemplate starting a brick yard in our vicinity. We wish them success. Beaver Creek Notes, Bkavf.r Ckkf.k, March 19. Miss Myrtle Taylor began teaching in district No. 15 and A. C. Strange in the Mink distiict yester day. Miss Veva Knight, of Canby, was the guest of Miss Jennie Rowen the past week Dr. Thomas was elected school director, and Henry Hughes was re-elected cleric at the annual school meeting. , William Thomas and wife ot Sandy were visiting tbe family of Dr. Thomas a week ago. The farmers are all busy this fine weather. Reporter, LACEY LOCALS. New School House to be Dedicated-Sawmill to be Moved-Other Events. Lacey, March 18. As there have been Bargains! Bargains! ODDS & ENDS In various departments and for the next THIRTY DAYS we will sell them Regardless of Cost. Carlton & IlABKillOIiST & COMPANY, 1M Front Street. HARDWARE Portland, Or,.un. Northwestern Agents lor ATIiLIlVfS SAWS Dexter Plamouit.- Lance Oceldenl Tutllrtimtli Ifestvr lanra Hller Htel Crescent Wedges (warranted.) BAS Proof Chains. Arcade Files. Ropo. Crescent Meo Loggers and Wood Choppers Specialties. Oregon City Agent, WILSON 4 COOK no items from this place (or sometime, I will try and give you some that will be ol interest W. C. Valentine is preparing to move his sawmill to a new location about ten miles south west of presont location, where he will t prepared to (111 all or ders for rough and dressed lumber. Judge C. C. Hoops has lii new In. use completed. Ho ia now living nt home and hoarding at the same place. Mis Hoops lias been quite sick. The young folks gave Fred Willis u surprise party on the Kith, it being liia twenty-first birthday. They hud ipiiie a sot'iublo titim, there being alxjiit thirty persons present. Mrs. Hannah Heed went to Kaatern Wiudiington about a month ago to visit her neice and now she sends for her family consisting of four boys to come and they have gone to the land of sage bruli and sand. Clarence ami (Jlenn Carotliers have taken a hop yard near Aurora and James Carotliers is at ISutteville, so you see that moot of the young men are gone from this place. Albert F. Myers will go to Eastern Oregon in a few days. His destination is Hepner. He in in the employ of It. Y. Currins. We have a new settler here just from Kansas, Mr. Caragan He says that this is the country be lias been looking for. Ho is weil pleased with Oregon and lias sent for his fumily. He has lo cated on the Hichaxls place. Miss Lou Ilridenstine Iibh returned from ber v'sit to her sister at Hast Port land. The farmers in thin vicinity hnve their spring grain all in and now we want some rain. Wo have our new Hchool house com pleted except the ceiling which will be done tbie summer us soon us it gctH dry enough to put up. I say to you Hint we hnve the best and ncateHt school Iioiiho in Clackamas county, that m for a country house. The houfe is SlixM, 12 foot etory with belfry, also a neat porch with one coat of paint or priming, and we don't owe a dollar on it; no bonds or intercHt to pay. The house built by contract would coet about $500. How is thut for a small dietrict? We propose to have it dedicated to the use and pur pose for which it was erected, viz. edu cation. Will try and get the county superintedenttodo this for us. Come out and see us and help dedicate. Will let you know when to come. At the annual school meeting Mr. Jan. Willis was elected director for the term of three years, and Henry E. Willis dis trict clerk for one year. MUs M. Maylleld will have charge of the spring term of school to begin on the first Monday in April. We have not yet heard about our post office. We get our mail at Springwater. M. J. Odds and Ends! We have finished stock taking and find we have a number of We have a large stock of goods ordered for the Spring and Summer trade and need all the aval able space. Call in and secure a genuine CASH bargain. Roseiikrans, Canby, Or. Ijtdiea, do you know Pr. Mary II. Stanton's Kemalinn, the Famous Female Set'itlc, will cure all those aches and pains iHtciiliar to you, and will coal you only $1 for one month's treatment? I will send any lady a trial )hi, free, who will send mo the namea and addresses of ten ludiea who are in delicate health. Agents wanted everywheie. Write for full par ticulars to Mrs. l M. Liltle, manager wholesale western depot, IVleua, Ore- K""' ' Bui klen'M Arnica Salve. The brat salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, l.'lcem, Salt Itheliin. Fever Sore", Teller, CliapH-tl hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, ami positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaianteed to give perfect satudaction or money refunded. For sale by Chat man & Co., Cliarinan Bros Block. Hard times Prices. 8. F. Scripture has reduced the price of horse shoeing to l.r0 per horse until further notice. All work at bottom prices. Many vears experience insures first-class work. The New Way East GREAT- NORTHERN RAILWAY .AND O. R.&N.Co. Lines. THE SHORT ROUTE. TO POINTS IN Washington, Dakotas, Idaho. Minnesota, Montana, And the East. .Through Tickets on Sale (ClMCAdO, St. Loi.'jh, Vahiii.n;ton, I'll I I.A KKI.l'l 1 1 A , To and From New i tiitK, itoMTON. And all points in tlio United States, Canada, And Europe. The (IRKAT NOKTIIKKN RAILWAY Is anew tmnnoontlnetitfll Una. Hum biirrxt llbrarr (innervation ran Ulnca slocplng and dining cars, family tourUt rleopers sod second olmi coaches. Ilnvlng a rook bnllaat track, the CHEAT NOKT'IKKN RAILWAY Is free from dunt, one of the chief annoyances of tramcoutluental travel. Ron ml trip tickets with stop over prlvlleaea and choice of return routes. ' For further Information call upon or write, C. C. DONA VAN, Oenersl Agent, IB, Third Htrcot, Portland, Ore, or F. I, Whitney 0. P. AT, A. bt Paul, MiiiD. 1 1 It la xilit on at mantntoa bv all dmr- Itlsta. It cures incipient Consumption, and is the boat Cough and Croup Cure. For sale liv li. A. Harding, druggist. FARMERS Your team will liuvo tlio best of cure and Full Measure of Feed At llio City StnblcH. Kldd & Williams, Props., vv:??,?,.r?.JL'i. W. H. Cooke. Livery ltis on Short Notice. BROWN The photographer1 In prepared to nmko photographs of all kitidn promptly and in FIRST CLASS STYLE Uuhids' and Children's Pictures a Specialty. Call and examine, his work At the Old New York Gallery Second door north of Harding's More, Oregon City. If you arc interentodjn Advertising you ought, to ho a uh- $ Herilier ot I'ui.vrrJits' Ink: 4 a journal for advertisers, i Printers' Ink i is issued weekly and is $ filled with contributions i and helpful BtiggostionB i from tho brightest minds $ & in tho advertising busi- n ness. Printers' Ink costs only two dollars a year. Asamplocopy will be sent on receipt of five cents. ADDRKHH PRINTBR8' INK, 10 pm St., - Haul York