Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1894)
Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIMe" 0. 0. T. I'O.'H NTKAMKU, Hliimnnr UAMllNA, MAVM lintmiN IITT. I B VKK rilHTI.AHIl m, mu ,, ' " !' "' limn. 111. HI'MiAV. ' i " P "' 1 Mm a.m. 6 IM i. III. H UU f. III. lliiiiiiilrlilWoriiH. r JI"""""'' ",l""lochii without imilfx. Hlll lllKUN J'ACIKIC IUII.wVy." hiihtii mii'Nb, talllurnU Kimiui (ihriiiiili) . mid M, Kimil.urg Ui'l (jf nullum) I.Wp, m. UllTM HOI I nil, l(. i.i.l, ur (way uilmul ( lllnrulu Kiuro.n ( 1 1 rtiua It nl a. m 7.11 i. iu Wll.l.AMKITK"rAl.ij kllCI Tlllli KAU.WA V, I I 111 Utile, Orrgoii Clly, WIILmi-Uc KkIIm. 'A M, Bi-.A. H. iu a m n ! ' u i I M. I III P. M, I" " X Ml till 0 M i'NuaV tiki. . M. II A.M. 10 mi iu m II hi II ao I aif, M. i, .. m. IJW " ID il " t A ' 'i w - a v. i ij x i;. " i " t it, 4 i i. 4 Wl " 4 46 " 6 "I " A 1,1 " mi " b ,i " ', A. alll.l.aa. Hul 1IIK MAllJi. Mailt elm tinni Nurlh, I in. I . m , up m. Mailt clota luliia Himlli, a. in., 0. A p. m. an, a. un til. Orrifnii i'llf in I'nfUuii iivnr Kant Hid Kail war. li-avi-a li jo I-, M ainl ft Ii) I' M . arrltea II ih A M ami ir I M I mrmi l'nrilaiid, Kaaioru, MaaiftlUv. Kami)! ami llllilali, rvuira' mall. Ofrciti Clly In Mulltiii. I.IUral ami M'llalU li-atra at IJ ni. ami arrlvva at W m. laity. HrrKini Vilf In llravnr frrfk, Mink. Clark. Mmilow llriMik, I'nluii M Ilia, ami l.uliou.lravM al lu a. m. Miiii'lar Wnlnrailajr aihl frlOa; ami ralurua mi Inllnwliif ilavt al Up. n (lrr,,n l ltgr in Vl.,ia, l.n and Midland Wvra (ireg-Mit City Mnmtay WcdtirfUv atil Krhlay at I uu I', M., Ualn Vlnla aatna ilaii at 7 Ml A M, ' K1UDAY, Jt l.Y :T, JHiiJ. Osk tir tiik (litv'M l'm Tim rrvr of Krwl Vun Vi;iifr In tliia rity tin bwn niilml In tliui'i t"" '')', l"'t on .MumUv In' - iiluioil iimlcr arrniit by C'lilol (( 1 'il uu Mintu ol hulmn fur liuruUry m itl tliu follow inn intciuatitiK rjiml Uiry of tliiM nun of dm ifnvcrnor'H 'U I un foine otil : "Vn Whuhit In mi ci-coic vli-l, two-lcrm limn, known tlirotiih out Iks roant m tmruliir, lii!liy limn and Hll-nnitiml tlititf, oiin of ll'i ilarliiu anil ilaMigomn criminal in Hit MN tion of tlio country. IW-u ollker all over tli alato luvu Immmi on tlitt IimiU out for liim lor two montha pint, ml tt In caiturt) dy Cliicf Mimo la roiiHllcrfl ana very clnvur iir ol ilnii'divn work. l'liif Mintu lot ali-il him up iicur HkiuIv lnt Moiiilav ati'l found Mm in rump in Hid A iiiuii iwnt alioail of llic olllcer mniiHi;M to pon linf a jHil wnlcli atoleii liy 1 1 in liumlar from luin for 17 Tlifii Chief Mintu cluaeil in on liim ami IIittliiTKil him in 'un Winner i aii iMimi, to Iihvii lml a liitml in a liMiwuv rohliery lit .Molulla Home timu niio, alao tlio nun nl Hrooka, wlieni tlie thtiittlia clinrKO'l a revolver at till intcmleil vic tim, lit) la alao niiMM'ctfil of aevvral tuirKliirii'H roiiiinitle'l in rortluml tlinitiit tlio pitat wecka. In npn'iirance ami lui'tliiiilH an iik'iier Im aliuve tlio aver uk run of criniiiiitla, lull he ia ilarum ami ili'HperuUt, ami the ilir hreathe earner hecuiiao liu im unco more behind priaon liur. Werti it not for I'hlef Mm lo' foreaii(lit ill aei'tiriii the watch there m lht he no direct evidence attaintd the pnaoiicr. Mt. IIooo Illuminatki) Tliu pro HiHed illumination uf Mt. Hood on the iveiilii of the Huh bv tlio Maxamaa Iiiiviiik failed to tiiKtcrcaline, another party of camH'r tleciiled to make Hie attempt, and thouifh they did not allo wed lu initkin a lilu.e on tlio top, they did illuminuto rock. Col. It. A. Miller, of Ihla cltv, witneaiud tho cenH and anyi of it Monday: "At 5 o'clock Mondiiy afternoon the hlnrk amoke will to he a-en from thie rity riitin Iroin or neur Crater nn k. The wind drove it eastward and down White river dueler. At II o'clock the next ni(lit tho Illumin ation ol Ml. Hood vvitH plainly viaihle. There wua two diHtinct illiuninationa; one liialed over a ininiiti) and a quarter. There wa a llaah uf liR'it at 17 minute paat 1 1, followed by llirou more HhhIich butween Hint and liulf piiMt. Theao flnahea Inaled about 10 aeconila, and were each time lower down tho mountain Many walchom left their poHt before 11 o'clock, and were deprived of aceing a very in tercHtiiiK and liemitiful aiulit, Wu.i, Hkmihiki, tiik Ciii'hcii. -Some-thinit like alx year a airo the I'reatiy terlun church waa orgnniwd in t h l city with eitflit iiiemhera uinl about year later Kev. (i. Win. (iiboney waa culled and inatiilled an paHtor. Since that time the it row III ot the church and kindred Hocieliea lum been cotiHtant and tho work tlonubythu aocieiy in the community eminently i m port nut and aulutury. The building erected for worahip tho full after tho orKiinir.ation of the church haa proven Inadequate to the demanda of the coiiitreKatlon and at a coiiKreuationikl meeting held hiHtMondiiy evcninn it wag roHolvud to procued ut once with tho erection of an addition which will en tirely clianifo the exterior apiearance of tliHcdillce and more than double the Bcatini; ciipucitv within. The contract wua let to K. W. Scott who la to bein work at once and have the building ready for uho by the flrat of October. An Inhkct Dkhtkoykk. Superintend ent Lclontf, of the California mute board of horticulturo, who promined to send a colony of AiiHtraliun "Muck liuly-birds" to I lie Oregon board of horticulture in June, wiilea to Hiicretury Sargent tlmt they were collected, but owing to the atoppiige of mail trains they hud to be liberated nguin. lit) will endeavor to have a colony reach here about the end of A iik'nnt . 'in tho nieiintimt) ho baa Hbipp.'d a colony of "twice-atiibbed" liuly-liirdH, whicli liedirectH to be placed on a tree infcHled with the Situ Joae acalu and other pcHtifcroua inweta, nnd they are to ho introduced here in order tlmt they may Hprcud over tlio ntnto. That Mr. Iloon Kii.mno Tiuiiduy'i Orngonlan aaya a falaa report that the Mount Hood atugn had been held up by two umaked liiyliineii near (loviirnmeiit camp early Monday morning and the driver, Klchard Hanllnld, and one uf tliu lioraea killed, wuh circulated widely on thiiatrei'la yealerduy, and found cur rency In the evening paper. Inquiry into the facta of the caae allowed that the alory w ill iiothold water, and that aoinn one miiHt have been lying trcmcndoiialy, Itlcliard liaiilleld, the driver who waa allegnd to have been allot, waa in l'oit land up to 2 I'. M. Monday, and at the hour left on the regular atage, which had Ix'fn delayed eight boura on account of a broken whi'u!, Up to that timu he hud heard nothing of the alleged "hold uu,"for lie aald lioihlngto thoHtuhhuneii who helied him hitch up. He waa very luiaiirrly lu hi iiiovemenlH, took only Ida regular team and made no unuaual preparatiotia for the trip. The triable men at the burn where the Ntagu coachea and horac are kept aald that they did not lake any alock In the atory, aa they did not think there waa any atugn at (iovnriimeiit camp, or any driver to bring it In If one waa there. Anotiikk l'Kar. A yellow flower weed haa taken poaaeaHion of the country along the Pallaa road, near Kola, apreudiug rapldlv and crowding out all other vcku tutlon. Nothing appeara to eat It, and the puaturea covered with it are Worth leaa. I'lowing holda It in check while plowed, but it a hi n covcra the ground aguln when plowing ceaaea, I'uiiliiiea cannot m plowed and are therefoie ren-ilf-red naeleaa. It HK'ad from the root which never die, and alao from the aecd. It la a Very dangeroiia wwd. The attention of l'rof. Crulg, loluniat at the agrlculturul college, hua been called to Una weed, and he ia of the opinion from the deacription that it ia the moth mul lein, hut without aumplea cannot apeak authoritatively. The moth mullein ia a (Imigrroiiw weed with a hardy growth, and k ilia out even timothy and kindred graaaca. Saiuplea of tho I'olk ciiinly weed have tieen aent for by l'rof Craig, and on receipt of them the character of lb! new enemy to puaturea and Held w ill t determined and a remedy aug gealed Wn.i.iaoN Wa Hki.d I'aator Willi aoti haa had to anawcl to three charge before a Portland unlii:e umiii all uf which he waa held to the grand Jury The flral charge of forgery preferred aguinat him waa heard Friday morning at the requeat of the pilaoner. William and I-na Wagner wer the compluining witni'am'a. They allege tlmt Williaui forged their aignature to piomiaaory note, which he afterward cashed at the bank. I'pon Mr. Keed'a testimony, the deputy diairict attorney anked that llie defeiidiiiit le held. Pcfc ndnnl'a at torney demurred, on the ground that the ritute waa unable to prove that defendant knew the tunica to be a forgery when he uttered the paper. JtiHtice (ietaler, however, thought tho cnae uiitiht aland fuither inveHiigtion, and remanded Williaon to the grand jury in lunula of (IIKK). llil.l.'a Koaii Couino. lteport from I'ortland are to the I'tlcct that the pro poned tralllc arrangement between the Great Northern and the O. It. & N. ia in a fair way to be ennaummated at an early date, and it ia probable that a aimilar agreement will be couaiiiumated with the I'nion Pacific at the aame time. Mr. I'. P. Shebly, second vice-pieaident and general manager of the Great North ern who hua been in Portland for auveral days in consultation with the tralllc and paaaenger agtMitl of tho 0. H. A N. in regard to the preliminary detuila of I ho tralllc agreement, baa concluded hia Interview and left for St. Paul to place the result before Prealdent , Hill and other olllcialaof the Great Northern. It ia intended that cam of the Great Northern ahull run through from St. Paul to Portland without change, the 0. K. A N. furnishing the motive powei from Spokano. Clackamas Joint Sknatok. The Ku- gene Journal says: "Hon. Alonzo Gea- nor, joint state senator from Marion and Clackamua counties, made us a cull on Friday afternoon of last week, on his way from where he had sent three weeks surveying in the mountains south of the McKcnzle and opposite Blue River, to Luke Creek in the Coast moun tains in the Siusluw country whore ho has another surveying contract. He has not yd finished the township in the Cnacudcs but will return and finish it later in tho summer when tho snow has all disappeared. Tiik Jacoiis' Kuii.iiino. The Pacific Builder contains a notice to the effect that tho contract bus just been lot lor a building to bo erected at Port land for tho Jacob's Brothers, owners of the woolen mill iu this city. The building is to be a three-story brick with store rooms on the ground floor and oflkos or other rooms on tho two other floors above. Tho contract price for tho building outside of plumb ing, cast Iron work and electric wring wus $13, COS. The other items increase the cost loss than $2000. Many Killed by Eartliqmikoi. London, July 112. The Constantinople correspondent of the Stiindiird, telegraphs that notwitlistunding tho attempts at concealment, it ia cleurly established that over 1000 persons lost their livas during tho recent earthquakes. IWKiKii o A Toot A dispatch from Independence to the Hiinday Oicgoliliin aaya that lust night twenty loggers made an attempt to tuke this town (or several hour and made night hideous with their curonsliig. Three million feet of log for Oregon Cite are flouting past town and these men follow the logs. Their huslnesa i to ahoe the logs oil" the hank, They have a regular floating boardlng-houau. After supper last night they came up town and proceeded to get drunk and defy the authorities. The lone night watchman waa unable to r rirnt them, so deputies were called in and two timn were pluced In Jail. Heveral ahots were fired aa the loggers retreated and pushed their camp into the middle of the river. W. 8. Laihs Kstatic. Suit hua been commenced in the United States cir cuit court by P. Albert Hitler and Sarah K. Hiller, his wife, of Sun Francisco, against Caroline A. Ladd, William M. l-aild, Charles and Wenli y Ijid I, execu tors of the last will and testament of W. S. Ladd, deceased, by the filing of ft bill In equity, calling for au accounting, through which compluinanU expect to recover from the Iadd eatate a million I dollars or more. Mr. Hiller wm the wife of John W. Ladd, who resided in San Fruncico. and died there February 2H, 1871. The complaint allege that the lute W. 8. Ladd did business for his brother ami failed to make a correct ac counting. Ciiicaoo, July '12. The A It. U. lias issued the following : "We propose that the Pullman company ahull be brought to justice, and in a way that hull neces sitate a strike without its attendant ills. We have faith in (he Americun people; they uphold Justice; I hey love fair play we appeal to the great American public, to every man ami every good womun, not to ride in a Pullman cur until the Pullman company doe justice to its employe. a I t ie car run aliaolutely empty. Friends of luhor, no lover of humanity will occupy a seat or berth in a Pullman car. I-et this policy be in augurated, and then we will hue how long the railway companies will be bound by the contract, aa they have induced the people to bcliev", to haul Pullman aura. We propose to continue the fight against the Pullman company through good and evil report, and with out regard to consequences, until justice shall be done. There w ill be no sur render We will use every available aud law fill means to press the contest. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Furnished Ercry Week by the Clacka mas Abstract and Trust Company. W C and Helon Ward by sherifT to McCullv & Croasman, sw' of tiw'4', li1,., sw'4 and se'j', sec 21, t5s, r! e 400 I) Iiedcinelir by sher.fT to II An thony I 4, hlk 4, 14 and 5, til k 5, 12 and 3,11k 2, I5.blkli, New Era 8 K Charleson t'vMury L Kenworthv "'mi ti.'in aw '4 of seSi, Bec ' I s,r4e 1000 C nk. low n Owner by slierilMoKE Charinan land wy of blk 5, Ore gon City Tax Peed 17 Unknown owner to T L Charinan, I 2, blk O'j Oregon City 5 Unknown owner to T L Charinan land wy blk 8, Oregon City, tax deed 5 Unknown owner to T L Charinan land wy blk 7, Oregon City 5 Unknown owner to T L Churman I 3, blk U'v. Oregon City, tax deed 5 Unknown owner toT L Charinan land wy blk 0 Oregon City, tax deed 6 Unknown owner to T. L Charinan 1 1, blk OS. Oiegon City 6 Unknown owner to T L Churman, 1 4, blk 9l4, Oregon City, lax deed 5 It Neidgo by sheriff to T K G Smith, sels', sec 21, n1 of nvv'4', sec 27, t 2 a, r 5 e, 20 acres ... 23 G K William to Thos Daniels 128 acres in sees 20 and 27, t 3 s, r 2 e 1000 I) and A Boyer by sheriff to J W Norris, 15 snd 6, blk 172, Ore gon City 421 A P Armstrong to Assctd Banking A Trust Co, 1 2 and 7, sec 10, t 3 s, r3e, 40 84 acres 1 F A Kly to J A and L E Thaver 1 0, blk 4, Mountain View ad to 0 C 1 FA Kly to It W Alden 1 8, blk 4, Mountain View ad to O C 1 F A Fly to Sophrouia Jcssup, 1 5, 6, 7,8,0,10,11, hlk I, I 4 and 5, b 2, 1 3 to 12, blk 5, Mountain View add to Oiegon City 6500 Sarah Albright to C It Callahan s' of cl of John Albright and wife 332.54 acres in sections 12, 13, 11, and 14, t 5 s, r 2 e 1 Admr estate of John Albright, dec. to C A Callahan 11 S, of cl of Jno Albright and wife t 5 s, r 2 e 151 U 8 to Jacob Wind B0I4' of sc.1 and 1 3 and 4 of sec R, t 2 s, r 7 e, 120.00 acres 1 Having purchased tho copyright of Thome's Title Abstract Indexes giving us solo right to use them in Cluckamus county, and the abstract books compiled and formerly owned by Thome & Son. we are prepared to furnish complete and accurate abstracts ,of titlo and to correct or extend old abstracts. Wei solicit your patronage and guarantee first class woik. Ollico over Huntley's Prug slore. Clackamas Austkact & Titcst Co. The latest in visiting curds at the Ex TKiti'msK Okkick, Prices to suit you. Henare of Ointment for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, c mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous aurface. Such articles should never bo used except on prescription a from reputable physicians, as the dam age they will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J, Cheney k Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken Internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the system. In buying Hull's Catarrh Cure beaure you get the genuine. It Is taken inlerally, and mule in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimon ials free. .8oid by druggists, price 75c. per bottle. The Troy Htcam laundry Have built up a good trade in Oregon City on the merits of their work which is giving general satisfaction. Give them a triul. They pay express charges both ways and give you Portland prices. orrics; at F. A. Haddock, I'. 0. Ilulhllug. Laundry left at the oflice on Tuesday will lie returned on Saturday. Treasurer's Xollce I have in my bunds funds applicable to the payment of all warrants endorsed prior to June 18, 1892. Interest will cease from date of this notice. M . L. Moouk Treasurer. Okkoon City, July 13, 1801. Protect Tnurseir. Insuro In the oldest Fire Insurance Company in the world, the Sun Insur ance Company, of London. Cash assets 10,270,6;tf. F. K. Dosalisom, Agent, Oregon City, Or. Eur Sale, Cheap, A eood six-room house, $200 cash, bal ance installments. A chance to out your runt a home. C. II. Pvt. Kxai'sk'b Hkadachr Capsi, unlike many remedies, are perfectly harmless. They contain no injurious substance, and will stop any kind of a headache, will prevent headaches caused by over indulgence in food or drink late at night. Price twenty-five cents For sale by Charman A Co , City Drug Store. Warrants Bought. State and County warrants of Oregon and Washington bought by James E. Pavis & Co., 247 Stark street, Portland, Oregon. Have you seen those beautiful Indigo, oil red and light prints, outing flannels, aatteens and trimmings just received from Chicago at the lied Front Stores away below any prices quoted in Clacka mas county before. Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Entkrckisk oflice. A child can do as well as you. We try to de serve your every day patronage, good will and con fidence. Your Money Back If You Want It. We charge you 40 cents for a 40 cent prescription not 75 cents. We try to keep in stock every thing that can be found in a first class drug store at Huntley's Drug Store, Oregon City, Oregon. ICoing To the Coast or I Mountains? You recollect how on the last vacation you would have given twice the price of a paper, maga zine or novel for something to read. We have lots of new novels, and new editions of old novels for 25c. each, and some old ones for 10c. We will send you regularly as ikuied, without any extra cost to you Papers MncDTlriAS TTnntlAv'n Dnnlr PtrtfA 4 " Oregon City. i And DHiZIES THE PHOTOGRAPHER, Would to pleased to see his friends and patrons in his new quarters on Third and Morrison Streets, Over Golden Rulo Bazaar. QAPES. CAPES... Nothing sets off a women as well as a dressy tape. Are all the go now and the finest selec tion in Oregon City can he found at THOS. CHARMAN & SON. For summer wear they have a very com. plete line of DEESS GOODS. All the latest styles and weights. To he fsold at prices lower than ever offered in this city. -FOR SALE BY- THOS. CHARMAN & SON, Who have just received a new invoice, aifo a full line of the best ladies fine shoes. We have the finest and best assortment of shoes in the city. Prices low. Call and see. ThePioneerStore THOS. CHARMAN & SON. SEVENTH - STREET - BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, Lunch and Hot Coffee at Every Hour o the Cay. All Kinds of Cake Made to Order AND ORNAMENTED FREE OF CHAGE. kW LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Jacob Kober, Proprietor. A- directly and indirectly, by people who cannot do their own figuring, write their own letter, or keep thelrown books; and who do not know when business and leital papers which tho must handle every day are made out correctly. tCAII these tlilnirs. ind much more, wo teach lAorwngMi. Hundreds of our irrailuntes are In rood positions, and there will be opening for hundreds more when times improve. Xmr Is the time to prepare for them. Betides, a buslnes education is worth all it costs, for one's oirn tut. Send (or our catalogue, to learn vhal and kme wu touch. Maiii'd free to any address. Portland Business College, A. P. Armstrong. Prln. Portland, OregOfl. J. A. Wesco, Secretary. The Argonaut Is the only high-class political and literary weekly published on the Pacific coast. Thousands of single-stamped copies of it pass through the post office every week, remailed by subscribers to their friends. It has a larger circulation than any paper on the Pacific coast, except three San Francisco dailies. It goes into all the well to do families of the Pacific coast. Over 18,000 circulation. Argonaut building, 213 Grant Avenue, San Francisco. J.J. KHDDERLY, GENERAL -:- HARDWARE Stoves and Tinware. FULL LINE OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. TINWORS SPECIALTY. Corner Fourth and J Streets, - - East Portland, Oregon. flAVIS THE PAINTER. House and Sign Painting. Good Workmen and the Best of Paints. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. For Wall Paper. Matting, Linoleum, Window Shades and house Decorations see him. Best stock in the city. Portland prices. r Store Next Door To Albright's Meat Market. oreo-oust qity, oregon. Oregon City Enterprise $1.50 Per Year in Advance. are lost annually,