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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1894)
Oregon City TERPRISE. VOL. '28. NO. .'53. OKKGON CITY, OKKGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1891. ESTABLISHED 1866 (Ot'HTlt, Clrmill nniirt iwhiv.iiimi Aral Miitnliiir In Ho Tmuiivr ml tlilril MumUir In A frll. Probata ontirt Intmilim flial UnwUy lu eaiib tnnnlli. flnmnilaalnnnrt nourt mu Ural Wa.lnoMliiy Hot nrl Moli'Ujr of oni'li niuiilti. "1I.ACK A M AH AIIHTII ACT A Tlil'hT CO. ATaltiirtt it CUi'kniini (u.iittljr troirt y mo lallr. (limit work, rnaamialiln rliariioa, Murk imrnlm-. dir. im alrlal. I) C Ulmiiwtl, , . Itnimlil J, F, I lark, IHrw-liui. ohkiiiin city, .... immiMN. M W JOMNaoH r W KIHHAIND. INNAII(t Jk JOHNSON, I I VII- knoinkkiihTnI' Ht'KVKYOII. Hallway iMHtloti ml miialrimllim. brlilac. laiiaau4 eHm(ti fur wamr aii'ily. I'ralnai.. mt it rcl Iniiiruveiiienl nl Uiwna. Mieoll Uimllon kI vti m riraiiglitliii ami Mils rlullii( G. 1 r. IIAYKH, ATTOUNF.Y AT LAW, OMUoX CITY, (UoK, Will fri'llr III ill Iti. rmirti n( III mix. Oltlro. mmer Main ami hllilli .UfKMa. ihu ourl iuhi.b C'AKK Y JOIINHON. LAWYKK. Corner Klht ml Main lr !, Orrjoii City. OrrKiiii, tlKAI. KHTATK TOHKI.L A SI) Mi NKY TO LOAN. L. FOltTKIt, ATTOKNKY AT LAW rti(1 or r"MTY r f l H K l. Offlo it 1 1 lu Urrtnn Cltr batik nil 01 h ilrrvt. O. T. WIl.UAMH, KRAf. KHTATK.ASK I.OAN AUKNT. A ixm1 lint of Una! . roaliWur mil utiuruan 'r.rlf. Farm I'Mrly In trartt to mil uu taiy l.rma. rnrrn1iir rfiniiily nawrrwl. OBIiht, milii toCauflnUI a lluntlvy a lfii atnri. 1 II. I)Y. ATTOKNKY ASI CoI'NSKIjOR AT LAW Omceour Orrun City Hank, O0(iH CITY, onuox Q D a D C LATOfHKn I, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSKUmS AT UW MAIN STMRKT, OMKUO CITY, ORItOOM. f urnlih Ahalraeii nf Ttl, Lean Mmicy, Fiira cliw Morliat-na. nl tranaacl Ueu.ral i r 4 mwh' ATTOKNKY AT LAW. WlU. I'SAtTH I IS A 1.1 Col'ITI or TM STATS Krai Ktal ami Itiiuranrr. Ornra nn Main 81 r at, Il. Hlxih ami Seventh, orbhiim riTY. . Jl M. HAM'S, NOTAHY PUBLIC, HKAL ESTATE A INSURANCE. Ornee In tho l't Offlo. llitlMlln, 0'c.ill City. Dnfn. GIO. C. IKOWNSI.L. A. a. Mlaaia. IKOVYNKI.l, a DKKHMKR ATTOKNKYS AT LAW, Oxiuon City. ..... OaaooH. Will praoilc III all th cniitu of the into. 01 rlr. nvii JiHir to Caufloltt a Huntlry'a drug tor. if IMIK KKI. 1.1)0(1 HCIIOOl.tiK DIIKM8 f 1 riitllnic.M7 MnrrUmiHt. HiirUinl.Or. I.OMiiiin r nut Ihnlli'it. Kni'h i-lmUr Iran hrlm Id ilr' ami In lai'Klit lo Cut HilHll. Klltl r Milan riiiiiiuriw, t u. m.. liinriliir warrmilwl ( ulllim nl rlltlm iwcUliy. dnliTa lnr ai'iiriloii flailing will revive inimpl atu-iitloii. H. IC. MYlK, Han. Auent. r. F. WIIITK. W. A. WHITE WHITE BROTHERS J'ractinal Architects ft Jluittlers. Will prpar plana, eldvatlmia, workliiK il t III, ami pnrlflpatlniii fur all kliuli nl build Iiik Spoi-liil itt'itlni Klven l inoilprii put UtKia. Kallmann fiirulahuil on appllllon till on or l.lra WIIITK ftKOtf . Oron City, Ogn rilHK COMMEUCIAL BANK, OF 0HF.0ON CITY. Opltal, UK),000 TRAHIAt'TI A (IKMRHAL BANKINO mtlixmi. Ixiana mado. Ililli dlaooiintoil. Mnkei col lection". Hnyi mil iuIIi exchaneo on all pnluti In tli United Htatea, Knnipe and llnnir Koii(. bvponlti rccclvcd iiilijoct to chock . Inleroat at uaiul ratri allowed on tlmo dopiwlti. Bauk open from 9 A. M. to r. at. Haturday evening! Irom 6 to 7 r. M. U. C. LATOUKKTTK, Prcaidxnt. F. It DONALDSON, Caihlor JANK OF OREOGN CITY, Oldest BasklH. Bouse lu the Cltr. Paid up Capital, WOOD. PRKIIDKNT, VICE rKKlllDICNT, CAIIIIItn. KANAOIR. - J THOI. CHARMAM. OtO. A. HARRINO. 1.0. CAt'riKI.D CIIARI.n H. CAUrtRLD. A teneral hanking bualnena traniaotod. Depoalla recolved nibjcot to check.. Approved bllli and notei dlicountcd. County ind city warrant! bought. Loana mvle on avallablo lecurlty. Exchaniti bonitht and (old. Collection! made promptly. Draft! iold Available In any part of the world Telographlo exchangee iold on Portland, San Franoiaco, Chicago and New York. Intereat paU on time dopoalta. tub Areutl of THK LONDON CHEQUE BANK Bllomy 9 Bu5el7, irousciuiniicrs AUK NOW RKAHY FOK THK KI'RINQ TKADK. Compare These Prices "With Portland. Chum 1x.r Kuitu $S (X) rurlornuiU 'Jii (X) Outer tultlcM, laro 1 75 ImngcH, raw hi lk. .'5 W) Him Ioiiiikph, raw Milk 7 r0 Citrjict juitciit rockor 3 .r0 DivutiH, ouk, t')liolKt'n in tiiH Hlry 8 (X) KxtciiHion tchli'H, nix ft 4 60 Dining clinirs )') Kitchi-n tuhlu 1 00 Kitchen chuirn 4! Ilanning liiuiiH. 2 .r CurpctH, yt r yard 20 Full linuof crockery. Every Thing in Stock pvREGON CITY v. ' New and Enlarged Hhop with all appliances for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work executed in tho bent manner ponnible. Promptness guaran teed on all orders. REPAIRING - A-SPEOIALTY. Prices tho lowent to bo had in Portland. Shop on Fourth Street, near Muin, Oregon City, Oregon. F. ROAKE & CO., Proprietors. Uow you Can Save Money When your children need a laxative or stomach nnd bowel regulator, buy BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty doxes lor twenty-hve cents. The season for cold and coughs is upon us. In order to be pre pared for an emergemy. get a lwttle of . Baby's Pectoral Syrup, Tho bopt in th market. Price 2.", centa. For eala at the CANBY PHARMACY, C.r,by,Or. DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. FOR HONEST GROCERIES AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES GO TO THE V. Harris, Prop., Successor to Fields & Sons. Next iloor to l'opo it Coa Hardware Store. J. JONES DEALER IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. IMtlCi'.N THK I.OU1.KT. aT"Slio) coi ner Fourth and Water streets, buck of Pope A Co's, Oregon City SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDREWS, Prop. A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Patent Medicines of all Makes, Notions, Optical Goods Full Stock of Machine Oils, Best and Cheapest. Fine selection of Perfumery and Toilet Soaps. And Lead ing Brands of Cigars. iMtr.s Kii'Tioi CAin:ri xi.y rii.i.r.n. Shivoly's Block, Oregon City, Or. GEORGE BROUGHTON, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OF FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISH ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. Special Bills Cut to Order Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street, OREGON CITY, OR. r.itby ioMiiiKcrihn 13 W) IUmIhU'iuIh i m HtirinK woven wire 2 CK ) MattreHHeH, cxcelmor 2 25 MuttrcHHer, excelHior wool top 2 75 MattrvHHcr, wool 3 00 1'illowM, turkey down er pair 2 00 I'illowM, g(KKe, puro white... 4 50 Kitchen nafe 3 50 Kitchen cupl)oardH,glaH front 8 00 Kitchen rockem 1 00 Cook stove, No. 7 7 00 Cook tttoveH, No. 8.. 8 50 Set of utciiHilH for above 5 00 to Furnish a House. IRON WORKS, GROCERY STORE & SON, Repairing of all kinds. COUNTY COURT. CommlsHlonprH Consider Num eroim Road Matter.. EXmsiVE ELLCriOS MACHI.N'EKY Approprlallons For Knad Improve, nifnln Homo (.nod hlzcd lilll Allowed. Keport of viuwers on the John Johnson road approved and Win. Scott, L. M. Davulaon and Neliton MeConnell ap pointed m appraiwra of damages, to metit at the residence of Henry Toedte inelr on Raturduy June '31. Expense account of.'!0 W allowed. Kcort of viewers on the re-iuney of tho K'Mtorand Milwaukee road approved and tho road ordered opened on the line of the re-survey except as to points aftVU'd by claims for damattea. Wm. Hormy, T. J. Bohna and Jaa. Wilaon appointed as appraiiters of damans to meet at the residence of Go. F reman on the 25th day of June at 10 o'clock A. M. KeiKirt of viewers on the re-survey of the Ambler road approved and road ordered opened. Expense account 22.10 'ordered paid. In the matter ot the report of viewers of dainaiivs on the Crifwwell and Mil waukee road, motion to dimmes proceed ing denied and ordered that $150 dama ge lie paid end the road opened on the line of survey. Expense account of 111 ordered paid. In the matter of the vacation of certain streets and avenues in the town of Cambridge, petition granted and streets vacated as prayed for in the petition. Complaint of II. W. Ross on obstruc tions in the puolic highway running eastward from Feltheimer's Ferry on Clackamas river, referred to A. W. Cooke, survisor, to investigate and report to the July term, 1894 of this court. The action of the county clerk in issu ing a county warrant for the sum of $480. 62 to pay balance on awesament airainst Clackamas county for improvement cf Main street, approved. Claim of T. B. Thomas for a rebate of taxes allowed and the clerk ordered to issue a warrant for $1. i In the matter of the improvement of the Oregon City and Molalla road from Silas Wright's southward to foot of hill ordered that supervisor Carter be, and is hereby authorized to spend a sum not to exceed $100 for said improvement, provided, thai no money from the county fund shall be used until the supervisor has collected from parties interested, and expended an equal amount on said improvement The proposition ot C. C. Williams et al for the improvement of the Oregon j City and Apperson road accepted and Supervisor W. H.Smith directed to MMirn the neuessarv lumber to make said improvement, grade the roadway, and lay the plank thereon when delivered by the subscribers. Application of John A.Nelson for a tax rebate denied and dismissed. Report of C. T. Howard on the im provement of the Mnlino and Meadow Brook road approved and expense account amounting to $351.20 ordered paid out of appropriation made at the May term of this court for improvement of said road. Preposition of Eli Noe et al for the improvement of the road from Burg hardts mill to Wilbern's store accepted and ordered that $tkil be appropriated to improve said road. Provided that no part of this appropriation be used until subscriber's share has been collected and expended. All work to be done under the direction of A. W. Cooke. Petition of J. C. McMurry et al for the improvement of road from Sandv to Pleasant Home referred to supervisor A W. Cooke, who will report at the July term of this couit. Proposition of J. C. McMurray et al for the improvement of the Foster and Milwaukee road from Damascus to Sunnyside accepted and ordered that $139 bo appropriated for improvementof said road. Provided that no part of this sum shall be used until subscribers share has been collected and expended. All work to be done under the direction of A. W. Cooke. Report of W. II. Smith, supervisor of Road district No. 2 for month of May approved and expense account ordered paid as follows: Labor $2008.14; Ma terial $354.17 ; supervision $75. In the matter of the re-survey of the Smith road from Springwater store for two miles east ordered that Sidney Smyth, county surveyor, be appointed to Btirvey and John Lewellen, M. J. Snyder and D. C. Howell to view said road and to meet at the place of begin ning on Tuesday, June 19, at 10 o'clock A. M. Report of E. P. Carter, supervisor of road district No. 3, for May approved and expense, account ordeied paid as material $1 15.35, supervision f'VJ. Proposition of F. Will et al for im provement of road from Yoost's corner to Aurora and accepted and ordered that $70,110 be appropriated out of the county fund for said improvement. No part of this sum to be used until subscribers share bus been collected and expened. In the matter of the Improvement of the Oregon City and Viola road, II. L. Patterson, foreman of sub district, No. 8, road district No. 2, having certified to this court that the people interested have subscribed and paid in labor to the value of $37 In improving said road, It is ordered that $75 be appropriated for the further improvement of said road. The work to be done under the direction of Supervisor W, II. Smith. In the matter of opening and Improv ing the C. T. Howard road and making approach to bridge on Ruchner Creek it is ordered that $150 lie appropriated for the same. Money to be expended under the direction ef C. T. Howard, foreman of sub d:strict No. 0, road district No. 2. The sum of $271 having been subscribed for the improvement of the Moss Hill and Kirchem's Mill road, it is ordered that $274 be appropriated, to be expended together with the amount subscribed, in graveling said road. The work to be done under W. 11. emith, supervisor. Proposition to II . F. Gibson to pur chase the tax lien of Clackamas county on a part of Child's D. L, C. in sec, 7, t 2 s, r 4 e accepted and the sheriff is directed to make a certificate of sale to Clackamas county for delinquent taxes of 1891, with Interest thereon to date, amounting to $0.25 for 7 acres of the Chil'ds D. L. C. and the clerk is ordered to transfer the said certificate to II. F. Gibson. In the matter of the sheriff's fees for the collection of taxes for school districts and cities it is ordered that the county treasurer retain in the treasuty two peri cent of all taxes collected by the sheriff for school districts and incorpo rated towns for the year 1893. Report of G . W. Prosser, supervisor of road district No. 4 for Mav approved and expense account ordered paid as follows: Labor. $1141.88; material $39.90; super vision $48. In the matter of the recommendation of G. W. Prosser, supervisor of road district No. 4 it is ordered that $150 be appropriated to luipioye the Oregon City and Stafford road via Field's bridge. Money to be expended under the di rection of G. W, Prosser. - -- Commissioner C. Bair having reported that the bridge across Butte Creek on the Elliott's Prairie and Wood burn road is completed in accordance with the propo sition of R. Morris to rebuild said bridge. It is ordered that the clerk issue a war warant in favor of R. Morris for $195 and to certify to the county couit of Marion county the cost of rebuilding said bridge j nJ re,luest the Pament of balf the mount to Clackamas county. I Proposition of A. P. Trover et al for the improvement of the Butte Creek hill on trie Elliott's Prairie and Wood burn road accepted and ordered that $t5 be appropriated. No part of this sum to be used until subscriber's share has been collected and expended. Work to be done under E. P. Carter, super visor. Report of A. W Cooke, supervisor of road district No. 1 for May approved and expense account ordered paid as follows : Labor $1859.34 ; material $224.55 ; super vision $75. In the matter of the recommendation of A. W. Cooke, it is ordered that $100 be appropriated for improving the Winston and Union school house road. It is further ordered that $150 be ap propriated to complete improvement on Baker's Bridge and Fagaldald's Mill road. The work to be done under A. W. Cooke. In the matter of the improvement of the Merrick road the report of A. W. Cooke supervisor, showing that he has expended $48.25 and that the improve ment is completed. It is ordered that the, expense account of$S4.25 be paid. In the matter of the improvement of the Rock Creek and Baker's Bridge road it is ordered that the expense account of $140.25 out of the appropriation hereto fore made for the improvement of the Fagalde's Mil! and Baker's Bridge road it is ordered that the expense account of $281 20 be paid, using the appropriation of $150 heretofore made and that $131 be further appropriated to pay the re mainder. In the matter of the Eagle Creek bridge it is ordered that the expense account of $96.30 be paid out of county fund. In the matter of the mileage and per diem of the commissoners, C. Bair 3 days, 28 miles $11.80; C. Bair 1 day 14 miles $4.40; R. Scott 3 days 18 miles $10.80. The following bills were allowed and warrants ordered drawn: Sidney Smith $ 7 50 I L Hoffman 6 00 JC Bradley 308 00 follows; Labor $1100.55; Geo F Morton fi51 !K C W Ganong 809 73 Teacher's Examination 63 00 Ben C Irwin A Co 6fl 40 Oregon City Water Works 5 00 Oregon City Sash it Door Co. . . . 57 00 Judges and clerks of election. .. . 1312 (V) F Meinig 2 OO Pope & Co 84 85 John Batdorf 7 50 E A Sommers 2 20 D Nash A Co 45 00 Oregon City Iron Works 6 OO C W Friedrich 24 05 Noblitfa Stable 3 00 Geo Brough'on 1 00 Bute va Wm Wallace 27 25 Al Names 13 30 ' " Harry Clark " Evert Sager 7 65 7 85 " " Ernest Wallace 57 25 " " Edward Boyles 2 70 " ' Willie and Sadie Staub. 8 80 " Louis Greenwood 15 85 " " Chas Baker 15 00 Courier 60 59 Estshprisk 194 33 Adkins Bros 65 00 State vs J Straus and J Steinberg 21 C5 Ordered that the court adjourn to meet June 28,1894. Ei-8oreUrj Foiter'i View. Sa! FraScisco, June 7. Ex-Secretary of State John W. Foster, who ar rived here yesterday from India and China, in speaking of the trade con ditions in the far East, said: I find a general and widespread business depres sion prevailing throughout India, tie straits settlement and wherever British merchants and commerce is extended in the East. The cause of it is attributed to the heavy decline in silver, which Is the single currency of the countries of Asia, and this decline, it is there be lieved, has been brought about by the closing of the India mints and the re peal of the Sherman act. I have frequently been called upon, in those countries, to defend the statesman like action of President Cleveland in con vening congress and bringing about the repeal of the Sherman law, which action has been regarded in the East as a step towards placing the United States on a single gold basis, and I have bad occa sion to recall the fact that both political parties in our country are strongly com mitted to a bimetalic standard. On the other hand, the decline of silver has not resulted in serious detriment to China and Japan. Their export products are sold for gold and when converted into national currency, yield much srreater re turn than formerly, whereas, the price of labor and domestic commodities have not as yet materially risen. Urectfirldgt'i Sooky Boad. Lkxinotox, Ky., June 11. About 6000 strangers were here today to hear W. L. Owens and Evan Settle, the can didates for congress, in opposition to Colonel Breckinridge. They spoke in the opera house to a crowd only meas ured by the walls. Owens made sev eral allusions to Colonel Breckinridra, but made no new attack. He said how ever, that he stood by every word ut tered in his famous Paris speech, when he attacked Breckinridge bitterly. He said if anybody took offense at what he had said, he wanted that person to come to him like a man, and not sneak off be hind that long-eared, long-haired irre sponsible, crazy brute,CharlesC Moore. Moore published in his prohibition paper several columns last week against Owens, and this allusion is a reflection on Breckinridge, who is said by Owens men to have furnished Moore the infor mation. Settle and Owen spoke again tonight at the courthouse. The Body of Hoick Found. Salkm. June 12. The remains of Con stantino Houck, who fell off the steamer Altona, May 19 near Eola, while en route to Salem with the people of Indepen dence to participate in the Fulton rally, were recovered Sunday afternoon. The body was discovered by Frank Kaiser three miles below Salem in some drift wood on the Marion county shore. He notified Judge Bachelor, who is acting coroner, who proceeded to the place. A memorandum book identified the man beyond question. The authorities at In dependence were notified, and J. R. Cooper, who had employed Houck, tele phned back to have the body prepared for burial. Houck had a gold watch, $1 16 in money, a bunch of keys and a jack-knife, lie was about 40 years of age, a Uerraan by Dirtti ana leaves no family. The body was taken to Inde pendence for interment. Ha tired To Long. Chicago, June 11. Additional com plications may arise in the case of as sassin Prendergast. Judge Chetlin is, not sitting in the criminal court, and the case came up today before Judge Payne. When the continuance agreed upon was submitted to him he refused to enter the order, saying he knew of no reason why the continuance should ba granted. The matter went over temporarily. Prender gast insisted on making a speech. "I am defendant here," he said. " I want no continuance. The question to be de termined is my guilt or innocence, not my insanity Murder is a malicious tak ing of human life; that crime 1 have not committee." The prisoner was thrust into a chair by the bailiffs. X