Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1894)
Oregon City hntcrprisc. FRIDAY, l'KIIUUAUY 1KI, IHIM. Clacki.mas Co. Directory. county OKrit'Kiin, J. w Olarii nl Courts. MHdrutn Oimi, K Hcirtoii tWurifnr, . 1 ntastirtir, - HohiKil MitirlnlKuiteiit, Hurvayor, Cur uu ir, CommlivliMinri, !. W. Oaiinni . M nsmaliy J, O Wrllmri'll J.C, lratli.y II. M. Ollison Hlrltmr Hiiiytli l(. I.. 1 1 i Ilia II l(li'lmrl Cnriii'llin Hair To Meet th TlnifH. Tim dtil.Mcrlj.llon price for the Kntph riiiKK I'nh Im-cii redu I lo f per yeur; 7ooonlit fornix muntliit. Cash In ) Vance. Subwrllier myl(i at the end of tlm year will nut Imi entitled to this re duction. The low price I trade to ip-l tlm lint tm a null tiiutis and Induce nil wiliwrrllwrN to fay up, mil especially to prevent ilimil heal from takliiK the piKr .ml not paying fur It by reaaon of their IxtiiiK Ihw proof. Itedured price will only commence with dalaof renewal. Tli In makea iliii Kn ncHi'iMHK Ilia ehtaf eat In Clni kuiiiim county clnht Jm.i'K it 1 1 Iiuiiiu print and full of live Itxnl new. CHAT ADOUT TOWN. I'rlcea split hi two at Tho Hod Front Clearance 8ut, Al. Cook u In tlia city Tli tirlay on tilliiliea. II. r. (iiliMin climfil M'liool t KikIo Creek, (linirict No. fit) last rriday. Whiskers ninHiiatiil without pain. I'arknr the barber. N. It. No chloroform uaed. Aaseaeor J.C. Ilradli y waa In Portland Wednesday attendliiK a iiii-tiii of the tt HKHfUIMini, Hlrrliiiun'n Soothing Cawdor fur fifty yeara the iniwt popular Knliah remedy forti'i'lliinif tmliixi or feverish children. A dollar saved la equal to tao dollar eurned. I'ay up your stihsrliition to the KsTKki'KiHK ami Kt thn the lniflt of tliu rv.l ui t ion In price. Nhiloh'a Curu, thn lireat Couth ami Croup Cunt, in lor aala hy u. Pocket slue contains twenty-five doses, only '.'.V. CMMren love It. C. (J. Huntley. nmKiriKiiuin s 1'yo lor lliu whisker l a (Kipular preparation in one liotile, and color evnly a brown or black. Anv person can easily apply it at home. Tuuaday'a KuKun liuard notes that Mr. M. Itullack and (laii(hior of Oregon City, who liav.i been vlaltin at the resi dence of A. (ioldamitb, returned home tli ia morning. A. U. Illhbard closed a month's turm of school in district No. '.1' at Orvllle Fri day the tilth and began teaching a four montha' term at Mulino, district No. m luHt Monday. The Clackamas County Abstract Couiany la now prepared to furnish abstract for all who may desire. A to the reliability of the company aw their ad in another ouhiuin. Harry ftloper in back in the city experta to remain if be can find and any thing to Miay himself alout. Just now be worka Saturday, and Sunday morn ing. In Ida old simp. Mr. L. P Hounds, a repreaenllve of the atate W. 0. T. 17. will preach in the M. K. church next Sunday at 11 A. M, and addresa the young eople in the Itaptlst cliurcb at 5 o'clock I'. M. An olM-dience lo the slniplo lvn of hygiene ami tbaifaeof Xffj'l Karaapa rillu will enuhlet'he moat delicate men or alckly wmiiHH t pasa in ease and aafety from the icy aluiospliero of February to thn warm, moist duya of April. Itiathe best of spring nieilicinca. The conveiitiona to nominate candi date for Sluto olllcera to bo voted for by tho pcoplo if Oiegon on the 4th of next dune will ) held aa folhwa : The popu liatr will nient on March 14, at Oregon City, republican on April 11, at Port land, democrat on April 17 at Aatorin. On Thursday evening the firemen are to givo a masquerade ball at the armory which promises to bo a popular one. The companies are deserving of the best sup port Unit tho community can ifivo, since, at considerable loss to themselves tliey attend meetings and drills and overnUnd ready to protect proporty from tire, (iive the flro boys a lift. Ijist Saturday the Oregon City Iron Works which has just completod a now blast furnace put In the first fire with Iron for the blast and nude several rust ing, The furnace worked most snlicfac torily and will prove a great convenience to tho mills and the community In general. Another blast will be put In on Saturday of this week. Tho annual mooting of the Clackamas County Sunday School convention is bi suasion at Canby, and from the number of persona that wout up from here, it ii probable that tho attendance is good and the meeting interesting. Those who wont from Oregon City Thursday morn ing wore, Hev's. Giboney, Mol loy and Sykes, Mrs. Goo. 0. Brownell, Mrs. E. M. Hands and Miss Junia Wade. Mr. C. F. Chirk of Clackamas and T. J. Gary of Milwaukee, wore also on the train. lUI'l lil.K'AI (M II MKKTINd. Hood Itcprf-eiitallou and mi Fnthnxl- li 'tic Meeting on Wednesday. Thn member of tho old republican club and many olhnr filled I'hihi'h hull Wednesday evitnliiK at the annual meet lug of the Young- Mnn'a ltiubllcan club and rvlncid much IntereHt In thn pro- ceeiliuifN. The iniiotliitf wua culliid to order by the prvNldeut, C. 0. Albright and after pndlmlnary proceudiiiK rcceaa wa dcclurcd for the purMN of Hiving all who deairud an opNrtunlty to aln the roll. When the incutlnx wua attain called to order It wan found that thmo went over 110 entitled to vole, and a many immihiir of the old club did not unroll or came in too lute to put thnlr nauiea down the club munt iiuiiilx'r about loll iiiiimbera. The election of olllcora beinK (Im Ured in order a ballot wiia tuVn remiltlriK in ('haa. .Mnaerve lieinif choaen lircaiileiit by a inalorily of twenty-two over bia coinHtltor, II. H. Ktaiiun. For vii preaident II. K. Hlrann", Henry Meldruui ami J, I Hwalloid were duly elected. T. I', ltandnll waa then ('Iioncii aiNTetury ami I'.. I.. Williama treamirer. The following executive couimittre wan appointed by Ibe prealilent : J. . Harrington, 11. K. Hrnitb, W. T. Whit- lot k T. W. r-ulllvan, and Henry (illlwrt. A tbla filled the olllrea and thine waa no further apwcUl buaiutma U-fore the club, tlie ofllcera elect with encorted to their placea and called upon for apnechea lo which they reaiHinded In a happy vein. Hhoit aieecha were made by Hon. (ieo. (', Ilrownell, Hon. (i or dun K. llayea and (ieo, Itlneariion. After tranactlng aoine roulino buai ne the club adjourned to meet upon call of Ike preaidxnt. City onicrr' Nalurlea. The mayor and tome others have criti claed the action of the city council in allowing to the city recorder a (alary of K") per month when the ordinance ftxea hia aulary at $1U Kr month. The explanation of thin action on the part of the laal two rouncila ia that a resolution waa panned aomelhing like two yeara ago fixing the comitcnnatioii of the aeveral olllcera. At the time of ila adoption the tpieniion waa ruined aa to the legality of taking action by rcxolulion concerning a mutter that bad ten fixed by ordi nance. It waa held br a good attorney in the council tlutt it waa proper to take ' action by rmmliilion. Certain it ia that the council at that time voted to pay the city reconlur f'J5 Mr niontti, and alao In the aame renolullon fixed tlie rouiienaa tlon to le paid aeveral other city olllcora. ao that the question involved la only technical Neither Mr. I'orlor nor any rity olllcera have drawn on cent more pay than waa allowed by aaid rerolution. Tlie Moodmrn Fntcrtaln. On Tuesday evening Willamette Fall Camp of Woodmen of this city gave a literary entertainment InK. of l ball which was well filled with an intelligent audience which after the conclusion of the exercises expressed itm-lf as well pleased with the program Tlie address of welcome bv Dr. W K. Carll was felicitous and well received aa was also the address of the evening delivered by G. F. Johnson, connsnl commander of Mullnomuh camp, Portland. The g'ee club, C. A. Miller and H. K. ltyram werelou.Uv cliecrvil ami hud to apesr the second time. The recitation by Miss Grace Green and the solos hy Mrs J. W. Gray and F.raslus Smith were ex cellent. F. J. Louis hail consented to entertain the audience with sotue'bt his imilutioiis and ho found an appreciative greeting to which he had to respond by a second appearance An Oregon ( It j (ilrl. Miss Illuncho Beatrice McCord, the violinist, is an Oregon City girl who, at great oxpem-e has taken a com mo at the conservatory at lipsic, Germany, the greatest school of music in the world. With true grit this young girl journeyed alone from Oregon to Germany and without friends, a atiungnr in a strange hind, alio entered the conservatory . Hut the little A mcrican girl made her way to the front, became the pupil of Huns Sitt, the celebrated coniHser, and the famous Dr. Kleugal. Here for two years be enjoyed the best itossible n Htruction and again alone wended her way bacfc to the Willamette Valloy. Next Friday evening Miss Blanche Iteutrice will muke her debut at the Con gregatiunnl church of her native village. Let all accord her welcome. New Time Card. Ileginning with Wednesday of this week the Fast Side Electric company begun operating their car so us to give much bolter service tbun they have been giving tho public of lute. Hereafter cars will run during the day with only forty minutes between curs and the evening service while not equal to that of the duy ia all that is required to accom modate the travol. For exact time see the card in another column. A mistake was mado in thn paper last week in giving the voting place in Ely precinct. The boundaries of this precinct are not changed from last year except as that part of Ely which was taken into the city now becomes a part of Oregon City No. 3 with the (Milling place at tlie school house basement, and Ely polling place is moved to the Maple l.ane school house. 110 KOH OALiniltMA. An liitnrimtlnc !ttr from I'arker. Kiiv. Oilman rU Faxciacn, Feb. 17. To Tim Kiutok: 1 left Oregon City on lime lut Tliursilny night on the overland for Kan Francisco, arriving hers today (Hut-1 unluy) ulHiut noon. Nothing out of tli 1 ordinary occurred eri route. The usual "polled mull hoy was on hoard, outiof Ihose I you nitut let severely alontuulfM you want him to crawl all ovr you. AIo we had the liswly niarrird couple along. They were iilto of ordinary Interest, they were very fond of each other and very, very lov ing, They cemed to enjoy each other hugely and at the same lime furnish very llllll'li ililliw'inriit to (he spectator. A couple of old Indies who sat near them, however, seemed lo he sicklnhly dlslurlM-d. Tlie pat-ciit-rlxlit man was on, going to the Mid winter Fair lo sell the atate of California. The emtcrn tourist was of course with u seeking a climate where the hllzarrl Cometh not, There were a great many other nice peoplitnn the train, all going somfwliero and sire from some place. Iid it ever occur to you that a great many of the people that travel on the great overland train are nice peopleT We found plenty or mow in the Hinkiyou mountains, and it was null Knowing. Ml. Khata wa covered with cloiula lo that we could e only lis hase, The mountain scenery It the fluent I have ever seen. Many high iiioiinlam and deep can.vona.especlally In th foot hills of Ml. Khasla. The train ran along almost over a very deep canyon for several miles, (hen curving sharp to the left ran down the canyon, many plait: nearly under where wr had previously tra versed only aeveral hundred leel below. In this canyon la the famous Mt, Shasta oda spring and summer retort. The train topie live minutes for the passengers to get nut and drink. A usual some were Ivlllflitcd wilb the water and tome were I disgusted with it. It I not a tharp and good aaour Wllholt and mscli more brack- Uh, yet It ia very good. Some very nice hotel art here, The w hole lido of tho mountain teem to be lovely combined with prings. Some are fountain like and tome spray the water up ti fleet) or twenty feet into the air, A beautiful mountain ttrram run down till canyon and here we nee the inoet beautiful scenery. I am now quartered at the Hotel Brook lyn In the heart ol the city lor a few day until I And a more lermanent home. I feel very much at home here as il is raining today, a very Oregon mist. The streets are wel and muddy and in that reecl it seem like Portland ami Oregon City. San Fran cisco Ii t very large rity and remind me more of Chicago than any I have ever visited. It building are not, however, so large, not to many o.le crowd it streets and It I very much dirtier. I am not im pressed with California to much I ex lifted to be. So far I prefer Oregon and the Willamette. Next week I will write about the church I am iipplying and the Mid Winter Fair that I ball visit and per (up some other tiling. (iltMABJ I'.tBKItH. MR. KTABKWEATHKB KXI'LAINS, To the F.iutob: In the last week issue of your paper, vou say my name I favorably mentioned as a prospective republican can didate for the slate legislature, together with thestaleineut last I am not tainted with Mipulist IdioiyncrsMes. I wish tlie spare m your column lo say that were that position wilhiii the gilt of the republican party and they were disosed to confer the honor Uxn me, I would certainly decline it. As for the quasi compliment that I am not tainted with populist idiosyncrasies, suffice it lo say. that In the lal presidential election I voted for (ien. Weaver, and am a memls-r of the Milwaukee ople' party clot). Thanking you suain for the compli ment, I am yours truly. II. (I. Stark wxathxh. Exanilnatlaii Report. The follow iNK-named applicants at the rtcent examination passed a satisfactory per cent, to entitle them to certificates as follows: First tirade liurtha A. Doernig, Win. Haukins. Second tiradeKatie Featl.ers, Hen rietta llol.oinh, Julia Voiinn, Mrs. II. A. I-ecgHrdi n, Mary Young, I'hena McOonnld, (ieornia Hulli, Berts Grlhble, Aletha riielns, II. M. Switzer, Livy Stipp, Marian Fcrnlcy. Third Urude le Holers, F.d(rar Mevcns, L. L. Moore, Dudley Koyles, S. Al. Totnlinson. K. M. Ward, 11. W. Uard, J. L. Ciard, Ada Hard, John Col latl, Mrs. Alice Olson, Mrs. I-avolla Marshall, Arlio Seaman, Lora Shuck, llilina Willing, Belle (5. Jones, Theresa Orr, Elvira Slovens, Lizzie Illi;g, Jennie Noble, Kirdie Ualentine, Km ma Ycaler, Anna Donahue. Josie Kullorton, Maguio Watonpaugh, Minnie Jonhnk, Mattie (irav, Kute Doolittlo, Ada Iluirhes, Ella Duller, Bertha E. Knight, Thomas Davis, Daisy Danvers, and Hettie tiinther. Murrled. BLAIK-DARH At the residence of K. Coldren, February 15, 18H4, John S. Blair of Elliott Prairie and Jennie Darr, of Silverton, Kev. Kershaw of Hubbard olliciating. The brido is a sisterof County Recorder Kamsby and the groom a most highly respected young gentleman of that com munity, A grand reception was given them in the evening by Mr. and Mrs. E. Coldren. The happy couple will make Elliott Prairie their future homo. For Sale. A number of freBh young cows for sale. Enquire of J. Tompkins, Oregon Ci'y or at Cbarman's Drug Store. Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Entkrprisb otlice. T7UPKD MACKINTOSHES AND AU.K1NPS ' ol lailiea' and sent cl.thlni dyed, cleaned and renovated at low price. V. 8. Steam le Work, 106 Sixth itrect, Fort land Oregon. We have J s Men Which we are selling at reasonable prices. These goods are all bought of first hands and are of the latest styles and patterns. Our entire stock of GENERAL a MERCHANDISE. Is complete and we respectfully solicit your trade. WILLAMETTE TRADING COMP'Y, KURORT, OREGON. l6 Sole Crowers of the New PACIFIC t : f t i: r. - i i .1 : r.uriCBi. iiiusi 1 luuui: nun uesi uryiug puuc gruwu. 3Ciiu iui vuaugu.. SUUMA & wUJI, Mount Tabor, Oreeon. ALL FOR 1.1 LU BT W. C. W. Written for the KnterprW. That old hlack l.lll Proved a bitter pill For 0 rover anil Orrsham to swallow; They trieil hard lo control And bulldoze tlie man Dole, Hut he beat their man Willi all hollow. They'd belter own up Ibe corn And acknowledge they're wrong, And admit old Blount' a big liar, And concede Mr. Dole Ha a much better soul 1 ban any man C! rover can hire. Tbey are now in a bole. Hot Ii body and oul Tbey know they have madeabig blunder; They'd give all they have got Out of I'ncle Sam's pot If they could decently crawl from under. Cleveland's henchman are strong Tney know they did wrong When they voted to uphold Orover; They will sure get their pay At no far distant day, When these democrat limes are over. Ci rover is mi re in the soup, It sounds like the croup rerhnp scarlet or bilious fever; If the people think best To give him a rest. They will have to apoliit a receiver. Chicago newspapers have lately gone into merchandising in conriection w ith their efforts to increase their circulation to such an extent as to involve them in some difficulty with their large adver tisers who object to the low prices and good values offered. The most notable instance of this is The Inter Ocean, which was compelled to dispense with its very popular Book Department tor no other reason. It continues its World's Fnir Portfolio Department, however, which is . delivering about 11,000 per day at present and has just added a comprehensive series of "Views of the World," and a book of music called "Harmonised Melodies" on the same plan. Tbey are Bold at a certain price provided the purchaser presents a cer tain number of coupons cut from the paper. A Million or Friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed, and not less than one million people found just such a friend in Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds. If you have never used this Ureat Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Cheat and Lung. Each bottle is guar anteed to do all that ia claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles free at Geo. A Harding's drug store. Large bottles 60c. and fl.00. PkotkctYoursklf. Insure you rprop erty in the Guardian Assurance compa ny of London. Cash assets 123,000,000. F. E. PoNAi.nsoN, Agent, Oregon City, Oregon. Blank note, receipt and order books at the Entkrprisi otuce. just received a new line of V W J V XfWVrak V vw and Boys' J Ti J WHOLESALE GROWERS AND DEALERS. Cannot be ' prune, c 1 t.lm Something Vnasoal, as a medicine, is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. And, because of that, there's something unusual in the way of selling it. Where every other medicine of its kind only promises, this is guaranteed. If il ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. It's the only guaranteed remedy for every disease, caused by a disordered liver jr impure blood. Dyspepsia, Bil iousness, the most stubborn Skin, Scalp and Scofrofulous affections, even Con sumption (or Lung-scrofula) in its earlier stages, are all cured by it. It purifies and enriches the blood, rouses every organ into healthful action, and restores strength and vigor. In building up both flesh and strength of pale, puny, Scrofulous children, or to invigorate and brace up the system after "Grippe," pneumonia, fevers, and other prostrating acute diseases, nothing can equal the "Discovery." Catarrh is positively cured by Dr. Sage'B Remedy. Notice. We have 40,000 petite prune and early Crawford peach trees; first-class, to sell in suitable quantities at 1H cents each. Send orders to Canby. S. Matiikw. Santa Clara, S. D., Nov. 25, '91. Norman Liciity, Des Moines, Iowa. Dkar Sir : While in Denver last fall, I bought a box of Krause's Headache Capsules which did me much good. I am subject to bilious headaches. I can find none in the drug store here. What will you send me a half a dozen boxes for? Yours truly, J. H. Stetchkr. The Troy Steam Laundry Have built np a good trade in Oregon City on the merits of their work which is giving general satisfaction. Give them a trial. They pay express charges both ways and give you Portland prices. -OFHCI AT F. A. Waddocks, P. 0. Building. Laundry left at the office on Tuesday will be returned on Saturday. To Trade. Some good young horses, broken to work, to trade for stock sheep, Apply R. J. Brown, New Era, Oregon. Far Sale. 500 tons of choice hay, mostly timothy, will be sold in parcels to suit the pur chaser by R. M. Robertson, Albany, Or. Shiloh's VitalUer is what you need for Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow Skin or Kidney Trouble. It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Price 75c. Sold by C. G. Huntley. Call and see the lounges at R. L. Holman and you will see soma good ones which they aie selling almost at manufacturer's prices Kraubk's Hkadachr Capsules-War-anted. -w ' Xss Waft Clothing, Under-sold. Immense Stock! Write Us! ro o. -' GOOD ADVICE. Every patriotic citizen should gi ve bis personal effort and influence to increase the circulation of his home paper which teaches the American policy of Protec tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect In every way possible. After the home paper is taken care of, why not sub. scribe for the America Economist, published by tho American Protective Tariff League? One of Its correspon dents says : "No true American can get along without it I consider it the greatest and truest political teacher in the United States." Send postal card request for free sample copy. Address Wilbur F.Wake, man. General Secretary, 135 West 23d St, New York. Portland-Oregon City and Yanhill River Route. STP TOLEDO Will leave Salmon street dock Portland, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday at 6 a. m., for Xewberg, Dayton, Lafayette and McMinville, returning Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Best of accommodations for pas sengers and fast time made. For freight rates apply at dock or on steamer. IT GIVES YOU HEALTH. Moore's KcveaM Remedy. Astounding in its Effects in the cure of Rheumatism, Asthma, Malaria, Bli liousnes8 or any other diseaseariainK from deranged Liver, Stomach or Kid neysIt drives all impurities from the Blood. Mrs Chat A. Ruatel. wholatarorablr known throughout the Northwest tayi: "For fifteen yeara I waa a eonatant inffierer with aathina without any relief, except that ob tained by eonatant change of locality. Two years ago I tried Mooai'a Kiykalsd KiatDV ana tne rxnents received irom it were trie mosi gratilylni. It gave me relief from the Brat and prevented the terrible diatreaa peculiar to the disease that made life almost unbearable. Any one who has ever had aathma can nnderatand the irratitude I leel toward thia remedy. Be lieving it haa added pleasant yeara to my lite I have not hesitated to recommend It to all like sufferers, and always with the aame happy re sults." tA.To be had ot all druggists, or tent to. as Dues Co . Seattle. Wash. wtf h