Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1893)
Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME O f. T niHNTKAMMl. I Krrm t Hurt, jn, imix Stumor UAUliNA. UiVialiaiuiW l lt, lit!. r,.tu ' ' 7 1KI . 'f Uia ' Time rKfl Hi rhaiiit vllhrnil ntr. IfMMKH T 'I.K IHI- HAtl.r llOA T, fttUUIf. Hll llt, INI, MIUp.N , ,,,, U,VI Uh.tlMfA Ml,. m . w. lHi i i) uui l' T Hir iwh. I'i,fti,,( 1 , , w . orvf'11 flljr, I au b,, " Ml 11I ri'iiminixUlloiit I. if (, , . M nicl. rt i.ii-. ,,,.,1, - ti. r.i CAKNANlirit NTEA MKH, AI.I0N4. r-KTHnii, m mi mneii,,,,,, , j f I', .ill.n.l Talnr lfl dm k a ui A M id. la.t.a (irrgiin t: II r fur a.i-ru J i 1 u lucl.Jf, lhtll..aj an. a.lf, Mi tit .nl.iir t no A it ,,, M , A "1 'r"ti I II, I ui C h f . Uti'l M..o..)r, tos.n....f ami filiUf fwHItii.. imuiilcUiria !.! "W tn, -7.""".'" """. -Ul talca uu (MllTIIKU.1. fAriHi' HAILWAV. II... 1 n. 1 hunt, , HANI,y.-K. A 1 '''l-rU ,u ro, ,ri)II1 ,, ,wtl-"Mnl...rHW,.0 tiim J... -;".tI)(,,,elmllllllK lliMt,- Hn,(,IU ,,,, " " "'"''"'I U, ,urilHl,.rl( , il l 'u." . Ml upon . ,, pull It IhrouKh ,, ,,, , "llll'll tilt) liiiruw -I..L ... .1 . .., AI.K.IM.-I.M.rn.rrr,,! tlm j,lu w,hl ' Sniy Wlimliy Mt,p.,K B at n,t ,H,t. Anotln-r nll.l,, H n-Hrt... W U tl.rt,.n.M at tl, itll,l.liirmil8,li totaktHliat .lnrlm 0ul .,,,1 M H , ,)t Mfa t() work ftluut tl,a l.ri, lt u ,In. to I.j any tiling to lluy th0 tlir'lciiiMl iUiikit. MuRTH lli mi, tMlftiU ItirK.a 'llirotitflti Mcluif Ujrl may alallmii) Kii tM am an IIimiiU lailMa 1 1 Ur.Mif h till m 1 1 i m. unit 7 If. p u 111 It U AIM. I, Mi rl.-a ( ( N,.f ih. m . p m ti, 1 fl... .iln Him II.. a in , T in p iu. atl.i MTll fttrii City lii flr.t am. Mullnnaii.) MolalU al U m an. I aifltc al W m il.ll. Ui..h 1.. Mink I' Mm.1.. lirr.h. .1. Mill.. Millln.i ami 1, Irani. .1 10 . a lun'-Uir. Ihut...r ii,, .1,4 ra. iraa on ..liilii rla.a al I u m UtiDAV, li:t'j:M hi:h h. iki;i. ( LI KIIIX. OIMK. 'f llrat CaajMijr 'H r In ibr Mate illlh tbr llrat Mrlroilan I'aprr on thr (nal. Im ). ix Cm IIkikni'hix will give Jlllmlmul iii'ul CUckamua ruiintv .ii Mri-tfuii flty villi the rmirt inioil ii ml tnallrri tlml arv nl V 1 1 at I lulrn-al lU lnriniTa cf ('Im kmiiaa nmnly ; tlir larlljr (lri'k'iiiin willk'ive IIip iini ol 4ainlti a it I Ilia lulimi ami t lit) iMnga riit wurld rarii -k Tli Ktkki-mik an.l Wirkly (irvKvii- jadiib ymr (nr I.' fl. Ill ulii auliwTllx'ni ylng llirir (uli 'iliilini 0110 jnr in alvm' will I 'Jllr.l to tlm Minn olfi-r. nr TtiK Wit 1 Airr Tim lil)fli irrirtli'liri-i ill Ilia U'illmnclle clur- tt. Mnl wii'k Imn U'i'1) iiii.iii i- in twq fi'atn'i. Tim rt'fonU -it llit auiii a liu lina lint U'lurc ix'- ntl mi narlv In Uut wawm ainl no one C lin t a limn lnn iiiu ruin in alli-y iriHlin ril n Kf''1 Ho-l. 4 liiiilti'iil tlT till llltlt' liver -S -lU'l.iw tho (ull aiul tliin dniiilit il oti-r tlm lint lrliiw town no tlmt the 'lurnl truck waa lnluw ulir and tint mi aro trtnililnl aUnit niiiiiln tlioiitth 'it it no ilay l.ut what Iruhia imaiuvl r tlm rid. Tlm uvrrluml inado one ? ovir tho i't ilu ilivialni) ami lot y ay ot Albany 011 account ol 1 giving of tits tru. k. Work on tlm it alii ol tlm nvur hail to lio atooiuHl dil all of the milla. On aurotint of lack of hrail tlie xiwor alalion waa ill l nan fur iwo ilaya ml iowir for U and (lie Rant Siila railway 1-klng fur a time. tar and Cai'oiiT Aoain Ijmt 8n- ' lill (iivirttn Urmmlilim ami hi" 1 wirti pnrtnt'il at Hoi k Inland In -ting hia tilK Imkiiu of Ink' tlii'rv cb waa In danKr on account of the "g current M'ttliiK in toward Urn eaal oftlie inland a lot of boom tticka 'tclialna which Im had Jtint Kt out for "InxHttlng lux out from tlm lower r broke from ilicnr inoorinttii aliovo 'mill and In apltn of tlm effort! of two 1 1n a boat to ciitoh theni went ofl n tlm river. Aa their vatuo w ; tliiiii like KIX) ho wna loth to have (ill Into the Imndi of river pirate rortlund ao upon hia return 'fie ol hours InU-r bo aent a dlnpateh rllttitd and fortunately they were '(lit liunn up on a bridge (mm which "1 ore iMi'iired early Monday morn 'llerhavinu been wutched all nllit tap piralea off. '"t'K" Imi'ahhaiii.k. For Boveml duyn I'UMt wwtk the liM'ka wore impnBB 'lthe tin river boat had to lay fending the golnu down of tho watur. Willim,tto Chief waa caught jHt Hie full with a load for I'ortlund Allona wni ttlno luft up the X lot u couple of duys tho Hamona 1 "ut make trips on account of the f mount of drift running, but on '"toy trips were reoumeJ. wnd in tiu Rivits. Last Friday as oltlio men at work at the Imperial 11 raking drift from the rack at b'l of the gates his rake brought 'bundle of clothes which upon inves ll0l was found to contain tho body ""n'ant of premature birth. It was 'n the hands of Coroner Holman "J without putting the county to tlm "we or an lnijuost mado such inveati ion i he could and then buried it. clu to the parents Is known. Maan-ay 'i HUmum Hkntkni ki Ut Monday the motion fr ,luw traH In tlm ci 0f (). P iUmm ind n I. Watson, convlclitd of puhliahlng and rlrculatlng lllwlmi. and obaci-ne lit erature, wcru overrultd by JiulKn Munly ami the im n wnm (tnti ncd toona vmr each In the county Jull. For over a week "in late .Mercury pulilinliera have lain in tlia ctJiintv Juil. nil ffr.irln to obtain new lH.icim,.n Laving provud futile. Muaon and Wataon with amlly ami aori-ly ilinap- poliilnl aa day after day jmaar.l without ny ho ij M'curiiin niUM-tiMMit, ami when tlu'ir counai-1'a tuotioi. for a new lilal a ovi-rrulcd they for the llrnt time felt that it waa hoK any lonuer, and by their dejected air It waa evident tlm men wm mrely caat down over their lulalurllllln Tiik jAfAMkHk FtariVAL, The lltihla the and the gay (imtuini.- made the Japani'Mi Fintival at the Coimn-ga- initial church an event not noon to U foritotton. The Sunday achool room waa a blare of Japam-ae eireda, in Scotch hrooin, chryaniitliemuiua ami hinlerna swinging from tlm rood of urei-n paijo '!, Mra. I.. I'ii ketia made an idrul hiMlrM kneeliliii in her lea hi.uw In a conliime of creamy while. Mien I'pton ill China ailk, Mra. Slight in a rolie woven, dyed and cut in Jiipm. Miitcea Itlrdie (ireen, Jlertha ( harm ami Mra, Ikua (iray slnoin coniume, prveitluil over the bixitlia. The candy hoime, chryaan themnm home and Mia McCarver's collection were alno cenlerH of attraction, Nolw itliKtamling the unfoiluniitely alormv night the groaa receipts amounted to soirethlngover t1'). Ax Imikkhtimh I.Ki'Tt'as. Some tune aiiiiellun.1). I', Thompaon ex-minister to Turkey deliveied a Itvture entiiled "Turkey and the Turks," before the Portland hiu'h sclnml and it waa pro nounced by all to be not only very in teresting but instructive aa well. The riiilomathean literary society wishing to add to their library and at the same lime Im hencrkled have arranged with Mr. ThoinMon to deliver that lecture hereon Friday evening of this week. The price of admission has been placed very low' a the society is anvinua to have their first elTorl In this line well palronixcd by the public, l'luce, Congregational church. Admission only 15 ic nta. HANDY WJUlm Tin lunula! Ths llnaiUI Tha Awful Muddy Itimiti are IWIng CuiwcJ, Hasi.v, Nov. ;to.-Mr. Stone, who has the conlraet far doing the concrete work at the head works of Hut Hull Him iili.e Hue. was down Imt Sunday and says that work Is progreaalng nl, ey ri Kiinlleasofwel weatlier. He has a crew ol ihlrty men working on the Jol. now and think he will work on UN Christmas If posnlhie. fins Sleferson has I ho conlraet for clearing at ! for Dennis Yergi-r, Alhert Shuhry haa tlm contract for clear ing at per scie for J. W. Weaver. Charley Johnson has made a mark of Im provemtiit on his place. He cleared quite a patch, hmlt a line houe and barn and planted frull trees. Last week he and John Jennings went over to Shoalwaler Ilay lo look over Ihelr claim at that place. A new family by u,e nameol Weaver has moved out from Portland lo settle In this aeelliin. Mrs, Sholey has rented the Handy hoUiSto If. Cook who will run a llrst class hotel here after. As the rain keeps on our roads are getting worse every day, and lu some places they are almost lm.analil and nobody will III them. Hut something must he dune soon either hy the ople or the county. Hut the (pieallon la, who will do it T What this part of the county wauls is good roads. The Ural piece to Improve should lie the Sandy ami I'leaxaut Home road, a diatanee of seven miles. The cople want a plank road which would lie the cheaeal here, and which will coat Irom lo fl.'i.isw. If lh -u le see that they can gel such a roail tin y will raise halt the money, A road meeting will he held at Melnlg s hall on the IHli, and a large crowd will surely attend It. The other day a man wai standing by one of the largeat mudlinle In our road with a watch in his hand, and a stranger came along and aaked Imn what he waa doing. He mild that he had throw n a rock into the mudhole and he wanted to see how long il would lake tu rea h the hotluru. ClarkK'ulllim. Clanks, Her. .V Kverylxnly is wishing for a change III the weather. Tha Cape Horn Telegraph rornpsny have the Ki.t Imlea dug ulihln one mllenf Chirks. They hate the ola laved as far as the Highland pl olllee. II. Klngo is very sick with the Grip. The x-c n If ir thia locality contemplate having a Chri.ln as tree at Grace's hall. ( ur leacher, Mr. Anderson, is going to lend a holiday week in Portland to at lend the trnchers Institute. We would be glad In nave his ahsiatauce iu getting a program al the Chriatuias tree. Klenora Jewell ami Harry (lard went to Park Place to visit her relatives last Satur day and Sunday. Our merchant, (i. W. Grace, la going to Portland 111 a few days to get a supply ol holiday goods. Augin-t itoileiuuiller has greatly Improved the looks of his house by putting in more windows and rustic. JohuKavser, w ho has been working at Molalla corners for some time, has returned home and is now on the sick list. Alma. Track. Wasiikii the river almve Stringtown got to cut ting in on the east bank ami by after noon hail cut In under tlm railroad track so ai to make it unsafe for trains to pass. A gang of men at once begun moving the track over Into the usual place along there, vis, the county road. The overland and the special carrying the eastern conductors was delayed for a abort tiaae waiting for the repairs to be made. A Vali'aui.( Fhanc.iiisk. The time for which the Wells-Fargo Kx press com pany held the contract for tho carrying business over the Southern 1'aeillo rail road will expire January 1st and for some lime past it has la-en negotiating (or a renewal of the franchise, but bad an actlvo competitor in the Adams Ex press company. The Wells-Fargo how maintained Its position on the road, but only at the expense of a cash bonus of I,71K),000. Accidxnt at Mahouam The Silver ton Appeal notes that Kd. Young ol Mar quam received a painful gunshot wound in the thigh on Monday. He waa help ing to slaughter hogs. In company with Win. Poores, and in adjusticg a car tridge, the gun was accidentally dis charged, the ball taking effect in the thigh, making an ugly flesh wound. Tho gun was a g2 ca)ibre rifle. Look Ot!T7oB UiM.-The Eugene (luard describes a petty fraud who with an envelope in his band enters a busi ness house requesting a two-cent stamp. Supposing that he will pay for it, as he is fairly well dressed, the chap is usually accommodated. Turning on his heel he leaves the place, to call next door. He is said to be In this way accumulating from ,2 to 3 per day. What' Tm a NAMit?-One that In spires confidence and Is known to all .t.inia nf Clackamas connty as a syn onym of Intogrity and fair dealing s that ofliollomyA lUisch. This firm from a comparatively small beginning has from year to year increased its stock, and now can justly claim to have the largest assortment of goods in tne comuy. rBOTKCTYoimsKi.r.-Iistireyourprop-er yTtlm Guardian Assurance compa ny ol London. Cash etB l-M.OOO.OOO. ' Pokai.dpon, Agent, ' Oregon City, Oregon. Maple Lane. Mai-lk I.ans, Dee. 4. The Maple Lane literary society is again in full blast. The iiietli.n fur iIImukmiui next Tuesday night is, lieoilved. That the signs of the tunes In. dicale the downhill of the nation. The Jones itrothers, a colored tronp, gave the 1 ua an entertainment Saturday night which was highly appreciated by all who were for tunate enough to hear lliem. We would sdvUe mII eiiiistitutioiiHllv or otlierwine od- Oct. On Sunday i M1M., , laughing to give them a wide berth. Hy special reiUc.l they will give us another entertainment next Saturday night. Thus. Ihivie has been on tho sick list, hut is around again. I. I). Surliis's little girl who was so badly burned last fall, and who It was It-ared would be permanently crippled, Is begin ning to walk, and we hoie she will be all right again. Phillip Strack has moved in with his brother in hia new house. B. F. Kellogg has a tiew post and board fence on the front of his place which is quite an Improvement. Miss Kale MauU la home again after several weeks spent with her sister, Mrs. Morris, in the city. Boring. Hot. HoHtNiis. Dec, 4. Rainy weather has again set lu and all streann are very high. One of the Deep craek mill dams was washed away, and salmon are coming up. John Revenue of Sandy, while fording Deep cree kon his way home from Portland with a load, decided, as there was so little water up his way, to take some along with him, and found no better way than to mix it with bis sugar. Orville W. Boring, who Is attending the Portland University, spent thanksgiving at home and returned to school Monday. Davitl Heilermann's horse, while running in the corral, slipped and fell on a cross-lay, and sprained his hock Joint. Miss M. L. Fcmley spent thanksgiving with Mrs. W. H. Boring. Asa'm. How's This. We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned have known F. J . Cheney for the last 15 years, and be hove him perfectly honorable In all bus iness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by thoir firm. Wkbt A Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldinq, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Testi monials sent free, l'rice 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all DruggiBts. Wanted. A live man to represent us in your city, previous experience not necessary to right man.. Apply Ply mouth Rock Pants Co.. 108 Stockton street, San Francisco, Cal. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS ! Having decided to Retire from BuBinens, We now offer our entire Htock of Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods AJJF CO And we would also state that we have the finest line Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods ever seen in Oregon City. Among other lines is a Five Thousand Dollar stock of WWILLE CLOTH Which will be sold at factory prices. BRO Our lines are too numerous and large to mention each one seperately. Just call and we will show you that we mean business. O'CONNELL&GLHSS, THE ONE PRICED Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers, OREGON CITY, OREGON. Christmas Comes But once a Year took the two at the worlds fair. Two Medals, Two Rickseck- This "old chest nut" baying ajv er's pears equally well for 4th of July, preparation Thanksgiving or any other Holi day we feel like observing in a more extravagant manner than we can well afford, highest But Xmas of all times is when we awards must remember our friends with obtainable ?m6 ?e8ent- i ucie in uu use in spending a large sum-a small gift, if it be tasty, is as much appre ciated as a costly one. Our line of Iticksecker's per fumery is com plete anything and everything in the way of plain and fancy bottles of this popular diplomas, perfume. C. G. HUNTLEY, Prescription Druggist, Oregon City, Oregon. INDIAN BASKETS. Those satin be-ribboned baskets that we are showing in the window this week have just come from the St. Regis Indian Reservation, near Lawrence, Kansas. A most desirable Christmas pres ent. So light (the largest weiges only ) and so Btrong (you can jump on them without breaking them). We have only a few leftand shall have no more. Make your choice now and let us put it away for Christmas. Huntley's tiook Store, Next to Commeecial Bank THOS. CHARMAN & SON, The Pioneer Store JUST ARRIVED! -A COMPLETE LINE OF- Fall k Winter Jackets Direct from New York consisting of Ladies' Cloaks in all Styles and Misses' and Children's in all Patterns FULL LINE OF DRESS GOODS! Hop Sackings, Whip Cords, Cash meres and Henriettas. We have a new and complete stock of LADIES' MACKINTOSHES, Of the very Latest Styles. Call and see our stock before purchasing as it is the largest and newest styles in the market. THOS. CHARMAN & SON. Do You Need a legal Blank ? The ENTERPRISE has the only complete stock in Clackamas county. Nearly 200 Different Blanks to Make Selections From. Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus tice, Lawyer, Real Estate Dealer, Farmer or Mechanic. One or a Quantity Sent postage paid at Portland Prices to Your Address,