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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1891)
Oregon : i , . . GlTY WIERP 1 r. NO. OUK( -UN CITY, ORISON, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1801. ESTABLISHED 18GC. RISE. i City Mirlerjirisi! (tel ICvrry I'l-Miiy. :'0lrlucrAlSiiNiT. CHIITIUN UATIi.ll, UK A UK f WHICH. Nm, Id, KCAI(T- MUNI' lil' UMKliUN, Mm M A Hlilnrt, I'realileiit. tin K. I. tjneliriino, Iri'viri'r, Mi J. II Itanium, . Secretary. (Meet, mi Drat nil, I I ti 1 rt KiMnya i( eiti'll j,, mil lu Ciiinii'll ( liHtt tier. Mi nilmrniliorik rni al'ruail, enrtllnll)' wiilcnuieil. I li la payaMe In ailvauca lalealv.u mi a,illi'alll i roK Til KN'tKKCIIIHK. . . (I W Prnatttr " , urn kulalil . . A. Mather . Arthur liliie ,11 J J'riilrmir .'In Jlralliliall K A, Weight li i: W, H Newberry Henry Mlley las Co. Directory, X Si- OUKTY OFKU'KKM, 1 W Iteiitlrnl. IM'tnim II. It. Jnllllatili W W, II Nillllaiill W. T. VMiltl.K k It 1 allll Julia W, ,le. Tllnmanli Hl.lliny Smyth Mr t; I' siillltau tttarlea ttnelmlie t'lirnnllua llalr CtTt'it'iii. , ennreuea flraa Miitltley III N Irtl Mmi.lay Ui AutU. i lu leVion di Kon.lay 1u Mi'h ntwun ineeta'ltrat, l Ul 4'll Ullitlh. . itIN CITY orVirKIIH " i T. W SullUail 1. I. I'tirier - J Curil'uiiii H. It lirawli . f. K. t'liarniau II. F rrmt .Inner, t'. Ilnlierg Work.. V II lliiantl Krauk lililer, J, w Nol.le. J (I Ilea M Iklliann, t' II l.aliiilielle, lima, J, W . H i minell mill T C a Brat pVetlneailay'uteach uinulli MAILS. . M. 1'. M. and Weil a. lit. tiloii a ill. innia Till? mi) Nurlh.a so A M . ' JO I' lulus Suiiili, u, M . it. w i iK ,n i to M.UIIa, Mullint. l ain. a at lutai a m. Muia, rl.U). aii.t rt-tiitua al lu ui Ui Mink, t'larka. Utillito, I m ll.. l.tea at H u day alhl Saltirtlay. aul re ely Ditwtnry. t I Y litlAltli UK HIAI'K. Ill llottae ill Hoo.'htl 'I ilea,Uy It) Vl.Uura rleillie 4-nS, J. T. API'XKHiiS. ! I'realileiit. I lltUKll OK IKAUK . Jti llatl. taikl'jr. mi tl rar anil j aid luuulU- lallutt ilwiuu. W , k M'.HT, l'li-a Ool.t'MHIA HiKiK AMI LAI'DKU Cti. Aral Crhtny .il tarli molilh at riiunlulii e'laliii- iMiian, tiu. Ainav, I'rua, U jtT. Hum, Hi.o, tint liiTjmK, rui KOI'.NI'AIN HiiMK CO., Ni I . Ilrgillar mnKtlnn. aamiiiil WmliimUr In ,ni II muiilli al riia-lun limiai,, rat ahl Malu atrMt, uviwpou mveiilll anu MalKtl i 1 A klKIMN.Hin'r. I.m (Jaaumii! r.n. miton, ruroinaii T Vr-aA t kT kit kt"V lliiutf lli UA' fl . k Mnnta antiiiiiil Tuoailay nl tai'li Iiiiituirat Cat arai'l Knitlim liou.o. W II. II.V ki.i.. Crti U. II. Iiaatti, Kac'r J. W. o t'imMi., rVu. r OOMI'ANY, FIIIHT KKU1MHNT, 0, 1 0. Armnrir, Thltd ami Main. Ilatular drill ulhl, Mniiilajr. Hmular bualnoaa uiailtiaj. Oral Mnllilay ul ili uiaulll. nrrii ka. K V Warren, C,laln J W.liainiiiif. - - Flral I.Uuiiriiaia T, C, Hamuli, Hoeniul iilninaul . Sunday Services. t 1,'ilitiK. NO ;: k itV C. ' Krlilay it ait li 1 at Maumlc hall. It. lln lli-.l K M IUKt', li. I i, M ul II ami H II I.iiIhiK. Nil. I. A K A A. M. ftllar cotnltiiliilratlutta lilt flrat rU ill vai h muiilli at 5 M r, M. ud alatiilttig arr tnvttil In altvlul. W. K t'Altl.l., W. M.. T. K. HYAN, Kawrrlary. Ml. O. r.Nu. I Thurailay m ..a al ' io'rliK'k klil Kellnwa' Hall, Main alrml. tlntur ar In. lta.1 tu atlrliti. 4 A. Mullrhin. N II. Thoa, Krail. Hi'rrtlarjf. JAMI'MKNT. N.TTTo O. t id I li I nl Tnetitayiot aaolt mntith, 3 hall. Mrmhora ami vlaltlng tally liirUrd in uttauil. If i W. UCiNNIL. is t'hlrl I'airlarrh. I Ltil.tlK, NO W. I. O, O. r l. Killuw'a hall, ilawngii, nvc-ry itliii Vlaltluii lirnthivu mailv II II. Htk ntlira, N. il, lAII'liK, Ml IXtl, I O tl. T. saliu.lay pi'i'iiliiK al Kllluhl'a hull Ulf ntiMuliiira aluava mailt Wfl ,!, WkMnm Hit A Ml, tt. I'. T . US BLAST II, No. I ', K. nl A Tui'i'liiy rvt'iilln. at thi'lr hall nd li'lllli Hlrt'i'la, tlri'Diin t'ltv iWH. Hi'i' f. T. W.t'I.UVAX, I'm K K li A W. f T. I'. iHir'I'ty In i-iH'li tniinih nt tliflr ra, IruMi'la nl Hie riiiiMi nrti In aolil Mlta t'AIIKV Ji'llNHilS, , I'mallli.lil. ', No. Ti. MoHKIIN VO(iHMI:S. Blut arcotiil 'hirailtiy of rnrh 'dini-ii Hull. 4 K, H. Wariikn, V. H. I,. It. .Ia.nnkv, Clerk. h MllKiKOK A.t U. VY. Kiiiid an. I (i.urth Krldny avi'n mill In odd followa' liiilldlii. ; krvthrou ontdlally Invltod U at- I I AH. WM.KIKHON, M. W. LnlJilK, No. S7, A O. U. W. t tlilnl klomlay In aoh month, lull YliltliiK liri'lhi'rn wxh'iimr. t U 1), Ji)Na. 0. M. W. liciHIH, No., VI, A 0. II. W. Tlmrailay rvvulnii nt Knlnht'a Malting hrothiTa mailo wi'li'imie. ' W. M. CK A HK, W. M. ill, Hui'nnli'r. 1, OltKIION CITY l'ATKUH CilAI, IJIUCI.K. Tui'adny Kvanliig at7:HU at hall 'uurlli Htrcm. I M. tl. II ai'KI.rv, Orncle. i K. 1'aimkh. Btirriilary. UK 1IUK. No. (I, SONS UK S IIKI1MANN. Buinluy nt 'i nVlni'k p. m. al It Kkkii Oanhnkiikii, I'rua. J Ai.llKHT HIIII.I.INII, Bi'f'y L liltANOK, NO. 40, P. of H. r hull at Wrlght'a llrtilito nn the irth Hatiinlay ( eni'li timnth at W iiitiinhora iimilt. wult'iiine. Hkuhkn Wiiiuiit, Mttalur. XI., Htio. t UHANOK, Nt), 111, I', of U. ittiriliiy ol each mimth nt their Villi'. K. II. IlKNUY, II tti", Sito'y. Miialar, I OUANtlH, No. 117, P. (if II. "tntiirilny of ouch Ihclr i'a. .1, Ciml'i, MiiHlor j It. (!. MiHlilni'k. Hcc'y. , No a. (I A. Il imi'AltTMKNT t)l'' OltKOON. Krlilny nl cai'h inontli, nt 7:iT 1'llnHH' Hull, t ii'i'hi ii ( lly. ij, A. IIAKMNU, (Join niiiiiilvr. Klltril' fliNtiKKilA'MONAI.i.'HL'Ktll -ltv. O. W I.I i a a, I' Htirvliia al II A. M. and 7 ,tu r M Hun, lay H. li.u.l altnr morning aiT- jitnt, Ctayvr mt.itiig wtnliipaday vtM)iiig at 7 .utti.tilm'k. Crayttr intt'llng ol Yming I'eoiila.a Mirlaiy of rhrtallan fcAtlcavor ivtrv Huuday tmtiinx alt 6 Ml p rain lit. KIKMT MACTIXT CIITUrH -May Caalaa Caa'.or Xornliig wurvlr al II Hninlay Htiluail al I.' l i, Kvrnllig Hervli'o 0 iW, l(igillar friiyar ntaptlng tAriliii'kilay avttnliig. Moiithty ovfilianl Mt'VtHia wory WatluraiUy wtinllig itrtwaitllng ilia r)ra Hiiiiday lu tliv nioulh. A twrulal Invltatlou Mi all. NT. JtlllN'rl (.'lll'ltl'II.CATIU) A. tlii.i.KHANn, l'aa'...r. On Huinlny niaaa at a and tow a. at. Kvory aat'iuid ami fourth Htilitlay (lairfiiaii termini attar ilia g n'rlta-k tnaaa, 'At ail titltar niaaaxa at-rinona. tauuilay Hi'Iiih.I al i tm r. a Vaaiicra, aiii.lngallral uhjticia, and Haiiidlctltiu at 7 110 r. at. MKTIIOIHHT KI'lHCOI'Al, CIICIICH -hv J.ini 1'aaa.a. Caainr. Murnlng avrylca at 11; ami. lay Ht'himlat I.' I'i, Kvpnln arrvlrc al 7 ,K r tiwofih au( int'tiiiiig Htinoay vvrnliig al kl. I'raycr Mrrllng Thnratlay welling at O ft). atrangora noriitaiiy invitvti KTItHT I'llKHHY 1 KHIAN CHI'ltl ll - Itkv. tl, W IliaoNkY, I'aatnr. Korvlre. at II A at. and 7 SO r at. Haliltalll Krl, at IU A H. Young IVnplr'a ri.t'Lty til t lirtatlan Kmlravor nieeta every Huinlay eteliliig al A :aj V e.lnea.lay evening prayer tiieeltiig al 7 Hela Irt-e. K v a Ko gi.ii a t t iicarii ltev. J. M, Crelaa, of Hie Kvaliir. lt. at A.'lnt!"li. will In.l.l aert It-ea at l'''j"' a Hal! eit'O Hun, lay at It A M llieaei' mid Hittiilay esi't'l.le.l. tterinali Ralit.alll at'Uiail etery Hiimlay at III A, M. Froft.5ssionnl Cnrds. JKO.f. HHOWMtl.l, , I.AWYKK. W ill iraotl- III all Cnurlaol the atnte onii Willi Unniej A Urair. I'liarman llr.ta. block, oHKtiox ttry, i'NK 1 M. KANItH, notauy rriu.ii', ur.Ai. kstatka IN.sfKAMK. OltliHi will) Hie Willamette Kail, lnveatmrm Co. U'l'giiu City, Oregon. aMI.L II WAI.KF.H. ATTUUNKY AND COVNSKLI.OK AT LAW A Nil NOTAIIY IH''. (IregoD City, - Ortsgou Ofllro over Canlleld'i new drug aloro llomealead, Cre-empllnn and Tl miter land rt illratlotia and nlher land otllru hna lueaa iroiuttly otlended to. J- U I'OKTKB, ATTOKNKY AT LAW HaTMAt'Ta or rnofUHTY rt riNiaiikii. Oflleetwo dmira above Hwtnfllr, Oregon City. 1. H. HHIH UK N Htiortll! T f lt)IMI. i hik;kknhkoI'iih & uowinu. ATTllHNKYS AT I.A.Y. All Ciiaea lielore I'. H l.all.1 oillt e a .eelolt)'. Illllee riMitna Hand l , I' H land oillte ,, liiillillng, o Olll'.tloN CI I V. I rt'goti. . CAIIKV JtlllMt'lK. I'. . I PI. KM A M (ill N SON A llil.KM.VN J I.AWYKKS, Curlier Kiglnli and Main nreela. uregnit IJItjf Ort'Kim. KK.M. KHT'ATK Tl) Nkl.l. AND MONKY TO LOAN. c 1 I). A 1). 0. LATontliTTK, AHOUNKYS AND CDI NHKLUUS AT LAW MAIN HTHKKT, OKKOON CITY, OIIKIION. Kurnlah Ahatructi of Title, Loan Money, Korc oloao MorlgiiKea, and Iranaiwt OvneriU Law IUiliH'. T. , Mt'inin. I HltlliK A IHlKSSKU . a. niiKsKKii. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Onioe lu Jnggnr llloi k, - - Orogou City W.T. t!BNKY, J, W, DKAI'BK. 1CKNKY A DHAFKH, ATTOUNKYH AT LAW Oregon City, .... Ores')" Twelve yeitra exiierletimt n ri'itlater of the C. 8. Und oftlco here reeoininemlH u In our aiteo Inlty ol all kinds of iHialneaa liolore tho land of flee and (lie t'onrlH, nnd InvolvLiH tho imetloe lu the geliurnl laud olhce. c II. DYK, ATTOKNKY AND OOUNKKLOH AT LAAV Ofllee ovor Oregon City Itnnk, OHWION IIITY, 0IIK0ON ("1 K, IIAYKS, x. ATTOKNKY AT LAW UIIKIION CITY, OIIKOON Olllce oonior Mnln and Klglilh nticets, oiKiallu court houso. CHARMAN &C0. ' 'THE' LEADING m DRUGGISTS. A , Alutoliito I'urily. Coroftil I)gxii;liig, I'ri'gt;rljitli)iii f'lllml by Cuniintuiit ' l'liiirnmciaOj. lVilInt A,rttcltiH. rrfnimtry, Fin ('l(ar. C HA R MAN'S BLOC K. FOR' 0 AjS3i,IJTLlCTRE 1)R,UGS -00 TO A. HARDING. T" !I)NK HIT OOMPETENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOveO fine Perfumeries and Toilet Articles. Alao a lull .lot k ol 3?AI2STTfc3; OILS, KTC. WOOD TURNING ' A3ST D SCROLLSAWING. BOXES Or ANY SIZES MANUFACTURED l'arllt'g iloNlrinn Wood Turiiinu, lt tiirna, Ilraikota, or Shop Carpenter's Work Will lnSiiiitt, liy Culling on Me. Doors, Windows and Blinds TO ORDER. O-. U. BESTOW, jTJST'lllili. lln" ('i)tn;ifittiiiiiBl nmifli DAVIES' GALLERY. The failing riidttraplior o ronlaml. ( '( ' I! S K I! I ' 1 1 C ST ami T A Y 1.0 U 8T UK ICTS. Great Reduction Cabinet Photographs ONLY S2.50 PER DOZEN Thwaite'a 107 lint Street, Bet. Jlorrlaon ud YaruhllL l'OHTLANl), OKKGON 8. 8 Walker. F.M.Dukes. Walker & Dukes. Hondo, Sinn and Ornumcntal painting, (lood work guaranteed. HIIUI'ON CII TII, NKAIt U. II. T. A L. 8TA11I.KB 4 The Golobrated Frencii Sure, wto"APHRODITINE"r;D Il 801.D ON k P08ITIVC OUARANTEK torumauy form of iH'rvoun ulnram) or any Uiwtnlwrol tho Kt'iH'rlvtior- BEFORE urW KtimuiflutN AFTER rtiH(-ctHr Oitlutn.or thnmnh youthful iiitllnorc tlim, uvit iMiinlncuro, Ai' ,RUf)i hm Low of Umln I'dHtT, Wnkcfulm-itn. HcrhiKtovn 1'hIiii lu tht Iwk.SomiuHl Wcnkuf, Hylorl, orvom Pitn tintiuu, NncturiiHl Kinlriniit, l,iunrrht . Iix iiHJH, Wi tik Mi'iuory, l-nHffnf I'owor Hint Int)Mi tfih'y. w liU'h If iH'wIfOttMloflon It'ml to prtMnatm old ako tui'l Ininnily. rrlct) ll.U) a im.x, (iboion inrl.'i. Si-lit ly mull on rrrt'ht of pricu' A Wit IT UN .l AUAVIFK In a I von for every r. uoonliM' n'rolvcd, tort'fuiul ttiemmu'y If l'iruiiiiiriii 'iiro In not oliVetiM. We Imve tlutu-niHUof itfttlnmnlrtlii from olil nnd younn, of both ni'Xt'B, wlio Imvt Imji'u H(ruiftiiently ruri'd by thounuof Aihro4liduo. Cin ular lree. AdUrvM THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. fc'oitcru H much, iJox 27. Portland Ol For wilo by Cluirman & Co. PrupRists, Oregon City Or. F. L. Posson&Son, SEEDS General AgU. for D. M. Ferry & Co'i Garden Seed. Grans, Clover and all kinds of SEEDS Trees, Bulbs, Fertilizer!, etc. - Dee Kceiiera' Supplies. W'k want you for a customer. Give us a tritil order, F. L. Posson & Son, 209 2d St., Portland, Or. HticcnMorft to Miller llros. Cntulunue Proa NEWS OP THE WORLD Moiled Down For (he Kditlcutiun ufTlie Eiil'riilN ItmideiH. I'ltAIki: IIOIil.AH III I, I. !-, How Wa Oblnluril nnd How .Tlurh 'rhrrw in n II anil. Wamiiinotow, D, C, Juno 20. The tradn dollar bullion, wliicli in lo be coined Into ailvttr stanilard dollars, U lured in lliu minis at l'liiladulpbia and Now Otlt-ana. It rHNults from li e melt It'K into tlie bar of thu trado dollars, re doomed al tlinir fare value, under the etofMarcli S, 1HH7. The total num ber ruilottined was 7,rU)0t03(l, portion of which bus already benii coined into stlMdiary coin. The act of March 3, lftil, pntvidotl, however, the balance should Imi t'uined Into standard silver dollars only. The amount stored at I'lilladclphia Is 3,3X5,425 fine ounces, and the amount at New Orleans 3,038, H7U line ounces. This make, in all, sbtitit t5,MH,2Hl in stuiidiird silver dol lars, a net profit above its cost, of a little over iKX),000. A lanfe amount of subsidiary silver and minor coin will alao have to be recoined at Hiiladel pbia duruiK the same ieriod. Tin itkMANi) ros nmxs. The demand for dimes continues una bated, and iiioHt of the recolnage for the present will be of that denomina tion, although 25-cent pieces may also be coined at Kan Francisco. The coin age of dimes during the last three years has been 13,17(1,471. It Is protxxied to distribute this recoinsne between the mints at San Francisco, Philadelphia, and New Orleans, liy law the coinage of minor coin, one-cent and five-cent piece., is confined to the mints ul l'bil atlclphia. This coin has becu very heavy for several years past. During Jhe lust three years the coinage of live- cent piece amounted to 2,0u;i,lt)l, and Hie coinage of of one-cent nieces $1 ,15115, IKU. This hus been all aVntorhed by the public, ami there is every indication that the demand for thenc coins will con tinue large for months to come, and add considerably to the woik ol Ibe I'ltUa delpbia mint. The coinugo at the mints st San Francisco and Carson City, Nev., after July 1, will be confined to gold pieces, and such recoinage of subsidiary silver coins as may be required on the I'acillc coast. ."oble lilt IteslKBed. Nsw Y'ork, June 27. Secretary Noble has returned to Washington. His visit here was a short one. He ar rived Thursday. "'Secretary Noble's resignation as bead of the department of the interior is in the hands of Presi dent Harrison," remarked a friend of the secretary at the Fifth Avenue hotel last evening. "The president, however will probably not accept the resignation until next fall, when he will appoint Secretary Noble as one of the new judges of the United States circuit court. It has been rumored some time that Secretary Noble had resigned or intended to re sign, but they have always been denied at Washington . The fact is, neverthe less that President Iliirrinon has re ceived his resignation. The secretary will remain in the cabinet until the resident, bnsdecided upon hie successor. There is scarcely any doubt of his ap pointment as a United Slates citcuit court judge." Oregon Heather lfpmi. The weather in Western Oregon has continued cloudy and general showers have prevailed, especially in the fore part of the week. While the rainfall the present month has been unusually heavy, yet in June, 1S88, more rain fell in most stations. About one inch of rain fell the past week in the Willamette valley, and about one-halt inch fell in Southern Oregon. The fall wheat has had wonderful growth and is reported very tall. There has been no rust so far through in places it is heavy and has lodged somewhat. Hop growers hope that wet weather will have a tendency to kill the lice. Western Oregon pros pects were never better at this season of the year, than at present, for a most bountiful harvest. In Kastern Oregon the weather has continued cool, partly cloudy and gen eral rains have fallen, with snow on the high elevations south of the Blue mountains. The total rainfall this month has been in excess, or at most places, of any previous record. All vegetation has a better prospect for a good harvest than for many previous years. Summer fallow wheat will yield enor mously spring and volunteer wheat will be good crops except in some few sections where it was burnt iii ,May. Fruit is thriving nnd doing well,' but needs warmer weather, Oregon ns a whole bus been carefully estimated and conclusions mado that that the present prospects indicate at least one million more bushels of w hat this year than last. TF.I,L;itU'll llltlKFS. Floods continue to do heavy damage in the MisiHitippi valley. The Iowa ritiiililicans will nominate a farmer for gorouor, and stand by pio hibitation. It Is reported that awfut cruelties are practiced by liulmaceda, and men are shot down like dogs. The citizens of Pennsylvania have issued an address calling for the retire ment of So. m tor Quay. Two men and several women were badly wounded in Franklin on Monday, the result ol tli recent coal miners strike. The striking coal miners at Franklin still swear vengeance. Two companies of militia have been dispatched from Seattle. The trainmen of Paris Saturday even ing resolvwi to strike, and yesterday tried to prevent the can from running but without success. The postmaster general expects to issue today an advertisement for bills for the new ocean mail service under the postal subsidy act. Secretary Noble has appointed Hon. J,C. Hallam, of Illionis, assisted chief clerk of the pension oflice, vice Green C. It sum, jr., resigned. The citizens of Blaine, Washington, have passed resolutions against the em ployment of Chinese in the cannery j recently established at that place. A party of wnite strikers attempted to clean out the negroes at the Newcas tle mines last Saturday. In the scrim mage one person was killed, and sev eral wounded. B ief dispatches from several points! in Kansas and Missouri are to the' effect that another hurricane swept I through a wide section of country Tues-( day, and did considerable damage to crops. All but one of the fourteen flint and window glass factories of Finclay, () ., shut down at midnight Saturday until September 1, and probably longer. This gives over 200.) employes two mouths' vacation. The Knights of Labor have passed a resolution today instructing, demand ing and urging the utmost secrecy as to all their deliberations, as there has been little more talk on the part of members than is consistent wit'j their idea of secrecy. CITY LEGISLATURE. Settled Down lo Active Uuslne.'W and U ink. NEW OliMXAXCEH AM) SIDEWALKS New Hose Fur (lie Fire Department Three Sew Mtairwaya. Brief State Sews. Hon. R. A. Irvine, of Albany, has been appointed an alliance national organizer. The steam ship Batavia, of the Upton line, arrived in Portland from Hong Kong Tuesday with a cargo of tea. The citizens of Myrtle Point sere naded Hon. Binger Herman during his visit to tnat town, to which he re sponded with an appropriate address. C. M. Lockwood, of Salem, recently made the run from Ashland to Grant's Pass on a bicycle, down the Rogue river valley, a distance of fifty and three-fourths miles, in five and three fourths hours. Work is progressing on revetement in the river front of Albany. This work was rendered necessary by the washiug away of the bank by high water, thus endangering the foundation ef the farmers warehouse building. Th3 Kagle Creek Mining Company is rapidly pushing the work on the Shanghai mines, located a few miles northeast of Sparta, in Union county. Ttiey have run two tunnels, the lower of which is iu 270 feet, in the upper 176. The schooner Mayflower, while being towed out of the Klameth river last week struck a rock and was towed to Crescent City in a waterlogged condit ion. She had on board 3000 cases of salmon, which was damaged more or less. Jack Chambers and a prospector named Rush have foud a ledge of free gold-bearing quartz at Canyon mountain a short distance above the ditch. The ledge is narrow, but the preious metal sticks out in a manner calculated to em courage prospecting. A gentleman from Sail Francisco has made a large contract with the Phillips Bros, on the Coquille river, for cedar shingles from their mill. He states that many of the best architects of San Francisco will not use the redwood shingles, but demand the cedar. Jacob Kamm and his son, Captain Charles T. Kamm, will immediately rush work on' the new boat for the Ilwaco route, and endeavor to have her running by July 15, as the low water is liable to prevent the Potter making schedule time on the Ilwaco run. The Methodist Episcopal Advocate gives tbtse figures concerning the rela tive standing of the Protestant churches in Oregon: Methodist societies, 211 members, 10,050. Baptist societies, 100; members, 50-13. Presbyterian societies, 70; members ; ,-i5,;. J-.piscopal societies 31: members 1000. Congregational societies, 20 ; members, 101!). KeguJar monthly meeting. Wednes day evening, July 1. Present: T. W. Sullivan, mayor; L. L. Porter, recorder; J 8. Pmiloin, chief of police; J. W. Noble, J. W. O'Con nell, C. D. Latourette, J. tt. Porter, T. P. Randall, E, K. Chaman and Jan. Wilkinson, cjuncilmen. Absent Frank Rigler. Petition was read foift Columbia. Hook anil Ladder Co.r signed by Clias. Atbey, president and. others, asking that a new book and ladder truck and nose be purchased. Referred to eotn mittee on streets and public- property. Petitions were also received from Cataract Hose Co., No. 2, signed by J. W. O'Counell, foreman and otliers, and from Fountain Hose Co., No. 1, Ed. Newton, foreman., stating ttiat their hose was not strong enough to stand the pressure of the water. The peti tion was referred to tlie committee on fire and water, who reoorted them back to the council for action. J. W. O'Cou nell was appointed to- confer with the committee on fire and water, and draw up an ordinance to purchase Dew hook and ladder truct for Columbia 11. L. Co. Od motion the committee were instructed to purchase lotXI feet of regu lation hose for tl.e fire department of the city. Petition was read from H. F. Scrip ture and others, asking that the alleys through blocks &1 and 121) lie reduced to the width of ten feet, were referred to committee on Btreets and public prop erty Petition from C. E. S4orv and others of Central Addition, asking tiiat the con tinuation of Taylor street be extended through that addition, and obst-uctions removed. Keferred lo committee on streets and public property. A commutticalior. was read Iroin Jos eph U. Kelly, who has charge of the construction of the sewerage st stem at r.ugene, asking permission to come here, make an examination, and sub mit plans for a sewerage system. Oa motion the recorder was directed to in vite Mr. Kelly to visit the city. lite committee on streets and public proerly recommended that the eutiun of the remonstralors against the im provement ot Washington street be not granted. On motion the report of the committee was adopted, and the city surveyor ordered to make the survey for the improvement of that street. Ibe committee on streets and public property made a verbal report, reoom niending that the Fourth and Seventh street stairs be rebuilt, but thought that the city could not at present afford to erect a stairway at Sixth street. C. u. Latomette moved that the street superintendent make plans and estimates for three stairways at Fourth, Sixth and Seventh streets, receive bids for material and construction, and let the same to the lowest bidder. After considerable discussion the motion carried. The committee on health and police reported that Dr. W. E. Carll filed a com plaint with tiiera stating the verv un healthy condition of the block on which the Portland House and Depot hotel were situated, and stated there was no drainage to carry offtheseapage from the livery stable, and mentioned the unsani tary condition of eight water closets oa that block. The committee recom mended tlie passage of an ordinance providing for sewerage for all that part ot the city between the bluff and river, and from the basin to Eleventh streets. The report was signed by J. W. Noble, h. K. (Jliarman and Jas. ukenson, committee on health and police. On motion the report of the committee was adopted The ordinance was read for the first time, providing for a sewerage system, which authorizes the city nugiiicer to prepare plans and specifications for said sewerage system. On motion the ordin ance was amended and referred to street committee and city attorney for correc tion . Au ordinance was read for the first time establishing grades on Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, , Ninth, Nameless. Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth streets, one block east from Main street to the river. Ordered published. The salaries of city officers were estab lished as follows: Recorder, $25 per month ; City Tteasurer, 200 per annum ; Chief of Police. if00 per month and fees; StiteiintendeiU of streets, $2 per day; City Collector eight per cent of moneys collected. Tlie city surveyor reported that he had examined the cemetery, and that the grave yurd was so completely tilled up that there was no room for streets, and expressed his opinion that it would be cheaper to purchase more ground than to make any changes in the present burying ground. . O. D. Latourette introduced au ordin ance providing .that Nameless street below Ninth be called Moss street, iu honor ot Mr. 8. W. Moss. On motion the ordinance was ordered published. An ordinance was read for the first lime making a five-mill levy on the valuation of the city property of $918,000. On motion the ordinance was ordered published . A resolution was introduced by J. W. O'Connell and T. P, Randall ask ing that 9 foot sidewalks be constructed on parts of Center, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth streets, and a four foot sidewalk on a part of Jackson street. The Super intendent of streets was ordered to noti fy the prj)rty owners to have said sidewalks built within 30 days. Motion carried thut a special meeting be held Monday night, July 13. On motion council adjourned until Monday eveuing, J uly Oth. ! I f 1 1 i ! j I '. i.i 21 ,..k.:.,....i J L: 4 . ' .1. L . m. - vv4,-.'... . K , , . "f ...... S ...