Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1918)
OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON, CITY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 12, 1918 MtM NEWS OF THE COUNT YANDUBUR Local and County Items of Interest to Courier Readers (a) EAST CLACKAMAS H. H. Blake was photographing on the Columbia highway and Eagle Creek Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Boyer have moved to Oregon City to make their ' future home. Mr. and ' Mrs. H. H. 'Blake and children enjoyed a trip on the Co lumbia hisrhway one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mundehenke have moved to the Heinrich ranch and are at home to their friends J. Kelnhofer and family, who have been sojourning in the Milton,' Ore gon, country, have returned to theii home. Mrs. J. Heinrich Sr., is visiting iii Oregon City a few days with her son a. tteinrcn, ana wie. Nellie Gottberg, of Oregon City, is visiting ; a few days at Cedar Springs ranch. We did not learn what success our neighbors had with their ever green berries. Perhaps they are go ing to buy a Thrift stamp already yet yah! ELWOOD Miss Montie Cox is visitincr her sister, Mrs. L. T. Wilson, of Oregon city. .- , JMliott & Freeman are running their saw mill again. G. W. Devore has gone to Port land to work. , Mrs. Hazel Vallen spent Saturday night with her friend, Mrs. Ruth Keith, at Faraday. George and Barney Granatzki are home from Dee, Oregon, the form er to register on Sentfmhr 12 Kama Freeman is attending high school at Colton. The Colton and Elwood Red Cross auxiliary met Tuesday afternoon at tne nome ot "tirandma" Dix, to do .Belgian reiier work. L. N. Vallen purchased a light wagon recently, which he is fitting up to use in peddling beef. Otis Vallen was a Shubel and Ore- gon City caller last Sunday. 0. M. Scheistroen, S. B. Brown, Matt Jagmin and Dan Stahlnecker, shipyard workers from Portland, came out to their homes Saturday evening with Mr. Eimon, who recent ly purchased an automobile. School is to begin next Monday, the 16th, with Miss Nellie Vallen, at the desk. this WACKSBURG Hoppicking is over with in section. The fire, which started in the Union Hall district, did considerable damage by burning up several cords of stove wood belonging to Adolph jwHxuerger. itev. I. Lucas is working in the prune orchards at Carus. Mrs. John Thiel and son were din ner guests of Mrs. . Harnack on Sun- fay. Mrs. John Heinz and daughters were .weedy visitors on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Baurer from Colton, attended church here Sunday, and also visited with friends here Mon day. Adolph Kraxberger is ill with quinzy. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Nees and chil dren left Sunday evening for Port land after spending a week's vaca tion with their folks here. Fred La Mour came home Wednes day from Condon, Oregon, where he has been working in the harvest fields. , , The hop-pickers' dance, which was given at uioson'g hall, was an entire success. - Charles Stevens and son, Frank, were Canby shoppers Monday. Our Lutheran church was crowd ed to its utmost capacity when two boys and six girls were confirmed. Emil and Bruno Kraxberger, of j-oruana visited with their folks Sunday. ness trip to Oregon City and Port land last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Eddy and son, Bruce, of Portland, were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson. Mrs. A. Beckfitt farm home recently. xarl Uark was a guest of the home folks Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Hownrd Ttvi-d an a Mrs. Byrd's father. Will Markwrmd - , - "j ot Portland, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sersanons and Mr. lurchem. of Se lwnnd mntni-oH out to their DeeD Creek farm Sim". day. Mrs. R. B. Gibson was in Rnrtr.n last Wednesday, getting the weights and measures of the babies. James J. Gibson of Rartnn ' mg tne dinner guest of his son, R. B Gibson Sunday. W. E. Frazier. of Locan. wan nvar this way Monday and bought 12 head or lamps irom Koy Douglass. After a lone" vacation the TTnnor Eagle Creek Red Cross auxiliary met and did some work last Thurs day, making hospital bed coats. Walter Douirlass and Alhnrr. Affnl. ter, who have been working in east ern uregon aunng Harvest, returned home on Monday. Ray Woodle was a Portland visit or on Monday. HIGHLAND Mr. and Mrs. John Sehrnm Beaver Creek visitors Monday. M. E. Kandle, Brady Rambo and son. Wodrow. and Mrs C. C. TTnndln motored to Oregon City Saturday. ' The Loyal Workers' auxiliary , of UDDer Highland will mep WoHnoo. day afternoon, September 18, at 2 p. m. at tne m. criurch. An thoro is important business to be transact ed it is urgently requested that all members be present. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wallace Mis Tillie Martin, Esther Martin, and Mr. McVav snent Kat.iirdnv nnrl Sun day at Joe's homestead in th mnnn tains. Mr. and Mrs. Wricrir. gon City visitors Sunday.' Mr. and Mrs. Al Rumor nnV load of wheat to Beaver Creek Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Altar)-. Martin loft Monday for Raymond, Washington. Some of our Red Cross workers were busv last week sewino nn drouo es lor tne Belgian children. Mrs. W. iiffenhero'pr am inn Earl, left Sundav evnnino- fnr Mo halem, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grossmiller and sons, and Mrs. C. C, Kandle spent Sundav at the homo, nf .TnVm ocoti at Elwood. Mr. and Mrs. F. Nicholas and family motored to Wilhoit Serines Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Cornwell and Miss Jane Cornwell were Oregon uity visitors Monday. Mrs. Meeker and mother, Mrs Hinkson were Oregon City visitors munaay. Mr. L. Martin died middnnhr ot his home m Highland Monday, Sep- lemDer z. irom heart, fni nro Mr Martin had years at Highland. Rph1p Ilia wifo the following children survive: Miss es nine and Esther Martin, August, William, and Johnnie Martin nt home; Mrs. Joe Wallace, of High land; Mrs. F. Wehrman, of Port land. Ore.: Albert Martin.-of t.ho FOth Spruce Squt., at Raymond, Wash., and Sam Martin, of Camp B, Sproce Division at Snoqualmie" Falls, Washington. visitors at Beaver Creek last Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes are picking huckleberries up the Columbia river near Eagle Creek. Mr. Vohs and Mr. Soomsky made a trip to Oregon City Monday. Miss Gladys Swank' has gone to The Dalles to teach school. Mr. Ludwig Martin died very sud (lenly at his home the second of SeD tember. The funeral took place: at the Highland cemetery on .Wednes day and was very largely attended. There were many beautiful floral pieces. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirt t v.. tacada, called on the fm mor'a -fntllor I. J. lurk, last Kunilav t . . " . , joe renows is a Portland v sitor at present. . - Gramma Cota has Wn inin, vu Fellows pick beans for the past few days. V Mr. and Mrs. Dan TVIlnwa ollo on Mr. and Mrs. M. Kandle last' Sun day. . - - . C. G. Stone has boucht - a now auto truck. C. Grossmiller is verv busv drvinc prunes at present. There seems to be an pnidomiV nf bad colds in this vicinity. We are wishina- that it would rnin 1 and DUt Out the tiros nnd nlsn miVi the ground in better shape for plow ing. 0) ll VnMM i I will hold a public "sale on my place, 10 miles east of Oregon City and six miles west of Estacada, and two v miles south of Logan, on y STAFFORD on EAGLE CREEK Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass A. N. Orke and Carl Douglass made a busi- There is still soma Rirknpca in tho neighborhood Mrs. Rabbic. who has had a Rovoro attack of pleura-pneumonia, is still attended bv a trained rmrsn nnd tlio young daughter, upon whose shoul uera so mucn deDended. was. tnkon ill last week, as were her two.finiiir Drotners. Dr. Strickland ' is attend ina. t Dr. Mount was called to see Henry cauer s DaDy Doy last week, bub the child is in a fair way to entire re covery at present. A great many are ailing more or less caused, no doubt, by the continu ed dry weather. Mrs. P. A. Baker is at the home of her dautrhter. Mrs. Marv SrditmW and is having some dental work done at uregon uity. Mrs. Gaee and ' rolat ivpo mm Michigan and Burns, returned on Sunday from Nestucca, Tillamook county, where thev enioved a. wttok of beach life, with clams, fish and sight-seeing playine a nrominent. part. They brought home trophies of that wonderful sphagnum moss is gathered by the ton to be picked over and sent to help wounded soldiers "over there.". Mrs.. AdolDh Delkar htm q Kl,.. I . ' M UlkJJ boy, and Mrs. Leonard Thomas is the oroud mother nf n huh both born last week. ' i Mrs. Nussbaum ha a old friends from Dakota visiting her. Mr. and Mrs. .Tank En burned out a couple . of 'weeks ago, near Indenendence. alatin, the husband working in the sraraee. The wife is M itoi. " - - -'-ut .iMUKtu q oaugnter. 4 HEAD OF HORSES 1 gelding six years old, weight 1450; 1 gelding five years old, weight 1450; 1 mare four years old, weight 1250; 1 mare three years old, weight- 1200; i three year old driving horse. 4 HEAD OF CATTLE--2 Durham milch cows; 1 heifer; 1 ) calf. All Durhams. 11- 4 PIGS-one hrood sow and three shoats. HEAD OF SHEEP- 11 FARM MACHINERY ETC.,Binder, mower, rake, disc harrow, spring tooth harrow, 3-section peg tooth harrow, steel walking plow, Mitchell wagon, Mitchell hackhuggy, clover seed huncher, 4 1-2 horse power gasoline engine, feed chopper, Fair' hanks scales, 2 one-horse cultivators, some logging tools, some blacksmith tools, stock saddle, scalding vat, hay carrier, fork, ropes and pulleys, 3-horse wagon shafts, chilled walking plow and many other articles. 11 BARRED ROCK CHICKENS 11 Maxwell 5 -passenger automobile, 1917 model, in good shape. TERMS All sums under $50.00, cash. All over this will take bankable security. J. E. LA CROY, Owner W. S. WOOD, Auctioneer FREE LUNCH AT NOON ffiferiry Kraus has been on the sick Jlist the past week. T 1 -m The neighborhood tnmod ,1. U"ViarK, Was a aller " George week on Sundav even Z VSi VfZ?"yW .. " a vwr J..1H l tH I hi I ft hiTithoro ri Hr. Kh LOWER HIGHLAND Quite a few iht mcwa A Lower Highland attended the dance given at Upper Highland and had a very enjoyable time. Eli Fellows and made a trip to Beaver Creek with load of pears last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Holmes daughters. Vera and Thodo toiid last Friday in Portland visit'' peit relatives. Aitr with Mr. and Mrs. Rlackhnrv E. S. Holmes last Satur" ' 'called on tieorce flldonatadt flnA oJ . having been called to the colors. left last Tiioadnv . & ile August Delkar is o-ettino' tV chen to the Aerni house,' ,e purchased by him, shingl recently . anew. CHERRYVI' mL"e Still dry and dur' " Many wells, r . ing dry and;, -nd ,sPrine3 are, e' Mr andi 'e creeks are very low. ed frnjjt,'. ldrs- Ul Mlller return- a blip tu vuiiiciiua, ncai the first of the week. They i tit- .. j jnr i mr, aim mrs. uan i . . . on ' - . tows wei"e Business Men Y .nov Business men kno' tages of a savings the advan a good reliable account with this one, institution like HTheyknot ing promo that systematic sav theyknor tes prosperity. And in this ba that money deposited nk has sound protection. u haven't opened an ac with us yet, do it now, e you forget. $U ye count befor H'EP AY 4 PER CENT ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SAFETY COURTESY SERVICE Bank of Commerce Owned, Opatttd ud Control! by CUckamu Couittr Popl HOS. P. RYAN, Prtildtnt. Dl. H. B. MOUNT, Vice Praident, JOHN R. HUMPHRYS, f Cashier, ""'srxr . j,; cr.ops are fine over that way for . Jf year a splendid yield of corn 'D'J tomatoes especially. Harry Chung, a naturalized China man, drew the land on which Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Rugh had "squatted", north of town, but, like a white hian, paid them well for all the improve ments they had made. He expects to move out from Portland about the first of November. He has several children to send to the school. Paul Koch, in military training at the Benson Polytechnic school ' in Portland, was out last Sunday, lie is well satisfied with the job, as 1 he gets a good training on how to run and cafe for' an auto. Lumber is being drawn for a new house, or rather a bungalow, for the Murray family near the schoolhouse. Work will begin on the new home some time next month. Robert and Raymond Murray came out trom Bun Kun lake last Satur day. They had been working for the City of Jortland all summer. They will start in at the high school at sanciy tnis weeK. i Arehio Avorill writoa -frnm Puff land that he had a week's vacation last month and took ,jn the sights in T.nndnn Ho anw t.ho litt.lo nld hnnso where Dr. Johnson, Oliver 'Goldsmith and other literary celebrities used to assemble, also some ol tne sad me mentos of English history, such a; the headsman's block, where that lovely lady, Lady Jane Gray, was hehondod. and snmo nf t.ho rolipa nf the barbarity of Bloody Mary, the horrible daughter of that man-monster, Henry the Eighth and a devout atnouc. a wua-eyea ianatic in Portland is telling the people and printing his fearful and excited fan cies in the papers about the world being so much worse than formerly. Take a look at the history of Eng land and other older countries and see the monstrous cruelties that were practiced in the name of religion and loyalty to the king. EAST PARADISE The Ocrlesbv brothers are har vesting their bean crop. Mr, ami Mrs. unver Bailey were callers at Frank Oclesbv's home on picking their hops this week. They will, nave about 800 boxes of fine hops. For the first time in eight years your correspondent saw some Warm Spring Indians at Squaw Mountain. A large amount of Evergreen blackberries has been picked here and shipped to the Woodburn can nery. Philip Miller has quit farming and will go to work in Portland. The Oglesby brothers' orchestra furnished the music for the big dance at Macksburg Saturday evening, Sep tember 7th. Some of our hunters will go over to the little Nestuoca on a hunting trip in the near future. Miss Lena Gribble has been se cured to teach the winter term of school in district 38. From the amount of autoes out Sunday it seems that very little re gard was paid to President Wilson's (Continued on page 7) 1 Id 1 hi kd Oh of a Striti ot Informative A rticlf on Dmtal Uygltnr-No. 11 Do Bad Teeth Cause Disease? YE S, say leading authorities. Their answer is based on years of study and on specific cases. So-called rheumatism la very orton the result of Infection reaching the blood from Infected gums and decayed tooth, or by an Infected tonsil. "But I nave none of those troublos." you ay. Chances are a few mln Ute examination will show Infection somewhere which is causing your "rheumatism." Deep-seated tooth Infections' are quickly located with the X-Ray. This wonderful in vention is now successfully adapted to the use of the dentist. Many diseases of childhood may be caused by infection from a rflixurd loath. A large per cent of cases of ulceration of the digestive tract are found to be due to dental diseases. Pus, ooslng from teeth, gums, tonsils, or any other point in the body, may cause infection In anv.oraan of the body. To-day the ,i uwut XU-UOjr lira Dhvsician anri nnmnn 4)ftAt1 recommend the curing of tooth troublos before thoy attempt to treat other oil-menu. Mm oft l ofDmHinl CmhImm Slat.ofdrogon III n K 'A i :. 5 r s ST 2 Ibe VAU The Only GHAM I Practical DRAG SAW For the Farmer 2 2 i s The design and the construction of the VAUGHAN is based on and is the result of hard earned experience. It is made under the personal supervision of a mechanical engineer who has had 15 years of practical experience with the wood and timber con ditions of the Pacific Northwest. It is the only proven, practical machine of its kind. Timbermen TTui ti th( origlnil mtctiinr Pit. Dec. ti, 1018. They hut been In utt over louijcin tnd ire pill (he tipcnmentil ui(t. in onif proven prtcucu mi en in oi iu una on in nurui. ...1 kv - o-r - 'STWfe-Vf , 20 Cords in Wood Cutters S Jfl& t Ss$JS' Theie mni.iei m deiljned lor CUTTING WOOD ol my kind K-;'9tv in tny p(e undn jti- rood mom 10 be loan J m the lumber d wood R . .' a mot. in n kind ol wriiher, - " Ranchers have been in uw outt (oui ytirt. LIGHTEST AND STRONGEST DRAG SAW MADE . i COME IN! WE'LL SHOW YOU! HOGG BROS. OREGON CITY, OREGON I . , . a I I Sunday. i Bi " " ea w