Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, July 31, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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Tlie o(e That Mor.art Thought It
Was lmiioMttible to I'lay.
Haydn and Mozart were great
friends. When either had composed a
masterpiece the other was invited to
the house of the composer to enjoy the
trst sweetness. It chanced to be
Haydn's turn, and Mozart came full of
expectation. Contrary to custom, Haydn
tovited his guest to give his Interpreta
tion of the theme Instead of playing it
rver himself. Much pleased at the com
fjiment, Mozart played brilliantly, for
the work was beautiful and his musi
cian's soul was stirred.
Suddenly he baited nnd looked across
Hie piano at his friend.
"There's a mistake here," he said. "A
passage written for three hands would
e impossible for a soloist. Of course
those notes must come out."
"Oh," said Haydn quietly, "I can
play it."
Mozart laughed.
"My friend, you have not three
Kands." (
"Ferhaps not," answered naydn.
"Nevertheless I contend that I can ,
play the passage. I would not have j
Written it otherwise."
"A challenge!" cried Mozart 'Trove'
Spur word." And he yielded his place :
at the piano. J
His excitement rose as naydn reach-;
d the disputed passage, when, to bis
apnozement, the composer brought his
aose to the keyboard, and the notes ,
mag out clear and true.
The Ordeal ItallUc 041.
' In Ceylon the system of "witch flnd
Idfl" is both unique and terrible. Some
jB from newly gathered king cocoanuts
M manufactured by one of the friends
tt the complainant. This Is poured Into
H primitive stone vessel 'and heated to
be boiling point. Each of the suspect
4 witches is then brought upon the
aeene and" is then and there compelled
to dip three fingers of the right hand
Into the seething caldron, each having
a right under her Ideas of justice to
throw the oil remaining upon her fin
gers into the face of the complainant,
who stands near by.
While this ordeal is being undergone
t single exclamation of pain on the part
of the suspected person Is constructed
to be an admission of guilt. If no such
exclamation Is made the Innocence of
the accused Is supposed to be estab
lished. It Is said that every tenth per
son on the Island of Ceylon has maimed
fingers ns a result of having met the
"ordeal of boiling oil."
Swimming "Sailor Fashion,"
It was a redheaded boy from across :
the tracks on his good behavior nt the
swimming hole above the dam that I .
first saw swim hand over hand, or
"sailor fashion," as we called It, right
ly or wrongly I know not. I can hear
ww the crisp, staccato little smack bis
and gave the water as he reached for
Wrd. '1
It has ever since been my envy and '
tfespalr. It Is so knowing, so "sporty."
I class it with being able to wear a :
pink barred shirt front with a dla
suond cluster pin In It, with being gen
Inely fond of horse racing, with being
a first class poker pluyer, with being
delighted with the company of actors
what wouldn't I give If I could be like
that? My life has been a sad one, but
I might find some comfort In It yet If I
could only get that natty little Bpat on
the water when I lunge forward swim
ming overhand. McClure's.
Animal Longevity.
Some curious statistics have been
published upon what an Insurance ac
tuary would describe as the "expecta
tion of life" In animals. Among (ho
larger species of cattle there Is some
approach to uniformity. Thus for the
horso and the ass the extreme limit Is
about thirty-five years and for homed
cattle about thirty. For the dog It Is
given ns twenty-live, while sheep,
goats, pigs and cats ore grouped at fif
teen. Rut there are stranger dispari
ties among birds. While a goose may
livo thirty years, a sparrow twenty
five and a crow as many as 100, ducks,
poultry and turkeys die of old age nt
twelve years. The palm for longevity
is divided between elephant und par
rot Both pass the century.
The Pun era of Hunger.
At the dinner table Robert oto him
self Into a State of great satisfaction,
while his relatives stared In wonder.
At last he was actually forbidden to
eat any more. On the way home he
pulled something from his pocket and
began gnawing it.
"What Is that?" asked his mother.
"It's only dog biscuit,'' said Itobert
"Where did you get It?"
"Well," said Uobert, "I knew I should
be hungry before I got home, so I took
Jt nway from Fldo."-Philadelphia Rec
ord. Circnntstnnt'es Alter Cavea.
"The boys ore throwing stones at a
poor peddler."
'That's what I thluk."
"Whose boys are they?"
"Yours." .
"Oh, weli, boys will bo boys. Let the
children p.lay."-Chicago Post.
The Profitable Part. j
Voting Man I desire to study Jaw.
Do jou think I could make a living at ,
It? j
Old Lawyer -Hardly. You might, i
liARovap li M.lvliw. Vin fll.,tt.i I
Baltimore American.
Mrs. Klngsley You say you like col
ored servants bettor than white be
cause they are slower. How Is that?
Mrs. Dingo It takes them longer to
Iwe. Town and Country.
The deepest part of the Mediterra'
ueou Is near Malta. The depth Is 14,11'
Feline amenities show themselves
most forcibly at committee meetings.
There was one of these latter gathered
together to discuss a charity bazaar.
The chairman smiled sweetly upon the
artist's wife and said:
"You'll get your husband to let us
have some little thing of his for the art
table, will you not, Mrs. Maulstick?"
"Well, you know husbands are not
always easily managed, my dear."
"Ah, but take him after one of yonr
nice dinners nnd then put in a word
for our worthy cause. I!ut remember
we are not allowed to have anything
which sells for over ?25."
"Indeed!" And then Mrs. M.'s eye
brows went up alarmingly. "Then
perhaps he'll Induce one of his pupils
to dash off something for you." New
Tork Times.
Painting Animals' Eyes.
One of the most difficult things which
the artists and taxidermists of the gov
ernment studio have to do Is the paint
ing and preparation of glass eyes for
the mammals, birds and reptiles
mounted at that Institution for exhibi
tion In the National museum.
These "eyes" are made of glass, hol
low within and from the rear, so that
the inner surface may be painted any
color desired. As no two animals' eyes
re alike and as the colors are often
complicated and unnsual, It requires a
frtat deal of skill, study and practice
before one is competent to undertake
the work.
Life Sari. hitMIUti,
The superstitious collier is often
taaffti4 to worn, bmt a Miner In north
Wats la just otrw tkanklaf bis lucky
tors that be betleTM in cMm. He
was borlnn under nm cm and was
startled by string a rat KtUtllng away.
He walked away trwm tbe spot, and
directly afterward a larpe fall of coal
eurred just over tbc pUet where the
man had been working. London Stand
ard. "I feel as young
now, at thirty, as I
did at eighteen years
of age."
That is part of the statement of one
woman, mother of six children, who
found new life by the use of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription. It is not the or
dinary cares of the family, nor the natu
ral obligations of motherhood, which
make women prematurely old. But it is
the womanly diseases, draining away the
vitality, and undermining the strength,
which take the roundness and supple
ness from the form, the bloom from the
cheek and the brightness from the eye.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures
those womanly diseases which rob women
of youth and beauty. It establishes reg
ularity, dries enfeebling drains, heals
inflammation and ulceration, and cures
female weak new. It makes weak women
strong and sick women well. It brings
back to the mother the lightheartednes9
of her bridal day. This is the testimony
of thousands of women who have re
newed their youth by the use of Fa
Torite Prescription."
For four vears I suffered mitoUl upon,
write Mrs. ft. A. Nations, f Witts Spring,
8wey Co., Arkaun. "Sometimes I wuuWl net
some belter Hinl think. I wuuWl yrt well, only to
whke up tme morning not uUlr to rie. In my
hip ami n round lower paits of ubilonten w.m
where I Miflrteii the 11101, imU wluti the pain
wouUt give way it sea lie red u 1 1 over nie nud I
would be OAeir and slid' ronM ncmvdy niovt.
My husband cot the bent doctor in the country
to attend me, but I did not iut prow any. Filially
I told my hti.Hhat4 that 1 was to trv lr.
Pierce's uiedioiues. Nv the time 1 had taken one
Hottle of 1 Favorite Prescription ' 1 could notice
a little imn-ivmnt. Dr. fierce aH vised me to
take 'Golden Medical DuKovery1 in connection
with the ' Kavorite Prescription,1 Hv the time
1 had biklut; five Kettles of 'Favorite Prescrip
tion' and tour of the 'Ooldeu Medical Discov
ery I was well. That was two yearn ago this
uiumer. I felt well until 1 expected to hecotue
a mother, thru a threatened miiehancc greatly
weakened me, and mvoM disease returned. My
htuband jrot another iWtor tor ma, but I seemed
to ju-t dtrttf along and et no better. At last I
told the divtur Hint if hi medicine did not help
tin: 1 would so luck to Dr. l'leice's medicines. I
did so, and lv the time I had taken them on
month I could do mv'own housework, except
washing, and tended my tardea, too. 1 waa
stouter than I had ever been while waiting
tmhy' coming1 since mv fust laby came (this
one was the sixth chilli). She is now eleven
mouths old, and is a healthy child. As for me,
I ixt as young now, M thirty, as I did at eight
een years of ajje.'
Pr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets cure bil
kmwici Ami kk headache.
A' -
11 ilfl
i Wfeffil If,
Will positively
of megf iciEie. . Mo
strengthens the urinary organs,
builds up the kidneys and invig
orates the whole system.
TWO SIZES 50c and $1.00
$4.00 Sent Free
The Well-known Special, Franklin Miles
M. D. LL. B., Will Send $4.00
Worth if His Complete
Treatment Free to Our
There never was a better opportunity
for persons enUVring from diseases of
the' heart, ne rves, liver, stomach or
dropsy to test, Iree, well-tried and l orn
plete Treatment for theae disorders.
Dr. Miles is known to be a leading
tpecialift in thete diseases, and his
lilieral offer is certainly worthy ofj
serious consideration Dy eve-y amicted
His system of Treatment is thoroughly
Rpiunr.itfi. ' unrl iminpnHHlv Rllnnt'inr m
the ordinary methods. It includes
several lemedies carefully selected to
suit each individual case and is the
final result of twenty. five years of very
extensive research and experience in
treating this class of diseases. Each
treatment consists of a curative elixir,
tonic tablets, laxative pills and usually
a plaster. Extensive statistics clearly
demonstrate that Dr. Miles' Treatment
it at leusu three times as successful as
the usual treatment.
Thousands of remarkable testimonials
froin prominent people will be sent free.
These show Dr. Miles to be one of the
world's most successful physicians.
Col. K. B. Splleman, of the 9th United States
Bt'KulHra, located si San Diego, Oal., aavs. "Dr.
Milos Spocial Treatiueut hu worked wonder in
In my sou'u cu.se whim all else failed. 1 had cm
ploy.'rt the beat medical talent and had spent f2,
WO 'n so doing. I believe he is a wonderful
anecialiat. 1 consider it my duty to recommend
liini." "For yoarsl hail severe trouble with my
(.tollmen, nead, neuralgia, sinking spells and
droiwy. Yenr treatment entirely cured me,"
writes Hon. W. A. Warren, of Jamestown, N. Y.
Mr. Julius Kelster of 3-'U Michigan Avenue,
Chicago, testifies that Dr. Miles cured him after
ten able physicians had foiled. Mrs. R Trimmer
of Greenspriug, Pa., was oured after many
physicians had pronounccdjher case "hopeless."
As all alllicted readers may have $4.00
worth of treatment especially adapted
to their case, free, we would advise the.o
to send for it at oiuie. Address Dr.
Franklin Miles 203 to 2Jo State Street,
Chicago, 111. Aleutian Oregon City
Courier in your reply.
Popular Sun 'ay Excursion.
From July Hih to L'5th., iuclusive.
One fare round tr'p from Oregon City
to Fori land only. Tickets gxd over the
electric car line or over boat. Inter
changeable tickets.
Because it's for One Thing Only, and
Qiegon City Is Learning This.
Nothing can be Rood for everything.
Doing one tiling well bring success.
Doan's Kidney Tills do one thiug
They're for sick kidneys.
They cure backache, every kidney ill.
Mere i evidence to prove it.
A. S. Cmninings of Clackamas St.,
Portland, employed by the Inruan-Paul-eon
Lumber Co. at the foot of East
Sherman St., says: "I had pains in
the small of my back for a good many
years. MoBt of the time it was a dull,
heavy ache over the kidneys and often
at tha end of the day 1 felt fatigued ant)
used up. Trouble with the kidney
seeretiout exiated aUo. Parages were
too frequent and were accouipauiod with
a pain. My condition was growing
worse all the time when I happened to j
read an advertisement of Doan's Kidney !
Pilli and at the suggestion of my wife1
got a box 1 took the pills as directed!
and flt their beneficial effects right I
away. In a short time the backache I
disappeared and the secret io'ia resinned j
their normal appearuueo and condition, i
This is the lirst winter 1 have passed for !
a number of years wittout weariug a!
plaster on my back, and I give Douii'i j
Kidney Pillt all ti te ciedn.." j
Plenty more proof like thi9from Ore- !
gon City people. Callar C. U. Huntley's :
drug ore and ask what his customers j
report. j
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
I FoBter-Milburn Co, Buffalo, N. ., ,
sole sg mts for the United States.
Kemember the name uoan s ana tane
no subHtitute.
Working Night and Day.
The buaiMt ami mlnliileat Utile thing that aver
w ma.ie l I'r. KinK'a Now l.il Pill. ThesopUI"
i'han$a weakiivaa into atrMth, Uttaea.u'
onvriij. hraiD tx into menial p.iwer. Tim-f
wotderdil in builillim up Hih health. Only M
erbox. SuM by Cbaru au & Co. k
T.i the Honorable County Court of the State of
Oregon (or the county of Clackamas.
Wa.tke nndersighed citizens and legal voters
in Oswego precinct Clackamas county Oregon,
respectfully petition this court and pray that a
license he granted to H. Jacques to sell spiritu
ous, msit and vinous liquors at Oswego, Oregon
in less quantities than one gallon, for die period
of one year. Hald H. Jacques having advertised
legal notice of his Intent Ion to apply for such
license m said precinct and will apply to the
County court on August 5lh, 1903; that the prayer
contained in this petition may be granted:
Josophh Bichner.Henry Gans.P.I'ollaert, Henry
Lueg, J. H. Manning, Peter Keyser, N. E.
Coon, T. B. Vail, W. H. Yates, Joe Henall, I. N.
Ewing, M. Blanket!, Ed Davis, L. A. Walling,
II. Kauli.ig. A. Anderson, V. Dooley, M. Dldzun,
T, achauper, Pavid .t.cNanger, J.H.Piatt, W.
K. Piatt. Win. Maire,.Jolin McUuirc, I. B. Small,
A. BjII, A. Tapfvn, Joseph Woell, W. h. Hnidow,
John Krickwm, D. '. Davidson, A. J. Davidson,
G. C. WorthltiHton, C. H. Nixon. George Nagle,
J. J. Johnson. J BaU, Aleck Rankin, D.Howell,
E. Worthlngton, L. Ilalliuan, ti. 0. Bullock,
i,. S. Gravenhurst, S. Piatt, J. E. 'MoCu'.ctioon, J).
Erickson, J. L. L. Davis, Henry Mitte'al, J. C.
Dennis. Henry Koenig J. fl. Dosey, J. B, Klitcher,
Andrew Mekiim, J. D'Hooghe, T. J. Whitttikor,
F. J. l'uynibioek, Win. Wortningtnn, J. J. Boy
Ian, K, Caurand, Joe Zivney, A. Nelson, F. W.
Wanker, U. G. Shaver, (j, N. Bivert, Hiram Piatt,
Contad Mejer, W. K. Wanker, R. Wnodard,
Charles (iroshong, T. J. Brown, John Abrom
V. Sandstrome C. N. Haines, Charles Winner
Joseph Lemery, Wan (iroshong. Herman
Koenig, , I. It. Irving, K. E. Coon, Edmond 8we
ney, E. Kizer, Dttrward B. Foi, J. J. Knaus, i
G. Harrington, W. L. Davis ,JV. L. Harrington,
Phillip Pollard, A. L, Harrington.
Something New Eastboucd.
Double daily service to Chicago
via the Union Pacific and Chicago
Milwaukee & St. Paul Line. New
overland service. It is as satis
factory as it is new.
H. 8. R0WE, General Agent,
Chioago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway
134 Third Street, Portland, Ore
The Railroads
The only First-Class Sec-
fy ond-hand dealer in
It is worth your time to cona and examine the stock'
You will find a fu'l line of new anl Second-Hind Furniture
Stoves, Crockery, Hardware, Etc.
Highest Cash Price Paid for Second Hand Goods.
If you do not cat at George Bros. Restaurant
you are not getting best value fory our money!
Good service guaranteed. White cooks and white
waiters. Everything clean. Board $3.50 week.
JESSE GEORGE, Proprietor
has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales ovw One end a Half ivr-.
tottles. Poe--! thte record of merrtappeai to you? No Cure, No Pay. t3r.
Lnck.Mi with every hottJe Tev '.nt package of fovej tiack Rook. Liver Pills.
Oily GSO
Passed Stone and Gravel With Excruciating Pains
A. H. Thurnes, Mgr. Wills Creek Coal Co., Buffalo, O., writes:
"I have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, pass
ing gravel or stones with excruciating pains. Other medicines only
gave relief. After taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE the result was
surprising. A few doses started the brick dust, like fine stones, etc.,
and now I have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man.
FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE has done me $1,000 worth of good."
No Other Remedy Can Compare With It
Thos. W. Carter, of Ashboro, N. C, had Kidney Trouble nd
one bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a perfect cure, and
he says there is no remedy that will compare with it.
Orxon City, Ore.
Reduced Summer Excursion
Kates .
The Denver ft Rio Grande, popularly known
the "Scenic Line of the World.'1 has announce i
greatly reduced round-trip rates from Paeilic
Coast points for the benedt of leachsrs who will
spend their vacation in the East, and delegates to
all prominent Conventions N. K. B., Boston; A.
O. U, W. at St Paul; B. P. O. E., at Baltimore;
Woodmen of America at Indianapol.s: Eagles at
New York, Mystic Shrine, at Saratoga Springs: K
of P.. at Louisville, and T. P- A., at Indianapolis
Tickets at the reduced raleB will be based upon
one fare for the round trip, but will be sold only
certain days. These tick ta will carry stopover
privileges on the going trip, giving passengers an
opportunity to vtt Salt Lane City. Olenwoid
Springs, Colorado Springs and Denver; t nd will
be good to return any time within nlnty HO days
Passengers going via the Denver & Itio Grande
are given the privilege of returning via a differ
ent route.
For the rate to the point you wish to go, and
tor 'Jutes of sale and other particulars, as well as
tor illustrated pamphlets, write,
W.C. McBkidk, General Agent,
124 Third St., Portland Or.
Repulsive Features.
Blackhfads, pimples, greasy faces ad muddy
complexions which ale so common among wo
men. especially girls at a certain age, destroying
beauty, 'disfiguring and making repulsive, fea
tures which would otherwise appear attractive
and refined, indicate that the liver is out of or
der. An oceasiinal dose of Herbine will cleanse
the bowels, regulate the liver and so establish a
clear, healthy complexion. 50c. Sold by Char
man & Co.
I Oregon City's Leading Wine House
All the leading brands of Cal
I fornia Wines kept in stock.
fi Come and see us.
door north Commercial Bank til
Tm3t-gamaaaBa i
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
Cures Sciatica.
Rev. W.L. Riley. I. L. C, Cubs, New York
writes: "After fifteen dyi of excruoiatlng pain
from sciatic rheumallAn, under various treat
ments, I was induced to try Ballard's Snow Lint
sienl. the first 'atplication giving my first relief,
and the second, entire relief. I can give it un
qualified recommendation. 2Sc, 50e nnd fl at
Chainian c Co.'s.
of Fruits
Always carried in stock
by A. Robertson, the up-to-date
groeer. Sweeten
your life with curstraw
berrics and cherries.
Finest and freshest in
groceries. All staple
Goods. We are after
your trade Our pricer
are right.
A. Robertson.
Tbe 7th Street Grocer.
Daily River Excursions
Leaves Portland
8 30 A. M.
11 30 "
3 00 P. M.
6 15 "
Leaves Oregon
7 00 A. M.
10 00 "
1 20 P. M
4 39 "
No Way Landings
Oregfii City Transportation Co.
f 11' Jivt to chnnpe without notice
Night Was Her Terror.
"I wi iilti enngh nearly all night lone." writes
Mm. (;hi)r.' S Applrgate. "I A lexandrix, I"d.,"anl
oimlrl hurrfly gel anv bI eii. I had consumption
so bud tli r-1 if I walked a block I would cough
IrijrlufD ly and spit blmxi, but, wlmi all other
men ictr.es NIM, lliroe il bottles of fr. King's
New DUuovi ry wholly f 11 red ma and I gained 6g
pound." It's Abiolulcly gunrauti -d to cure
'onghs, Colds : aOripne, BiotichIHa a nd al
Thnwt TrtMiblai. Pi ice f Oc and il. Trial bottle
frea at Churraan's driitf alore.
Do not be deceived by those who ad
vertise a $60.00 Sewing Machine for
$20.00. This kind of a machine can
be bought from us or any of our
dealers from $15.00 to f 18.00.
The Feed determines the strength or
weakness of Sewing Machines. The
DonliiA Wotl eomhinori with itl
I strong points makes the New Home
me uess oewing juacnine to buy. .
Bhowlnj the dir.
ferent styles of
we mauu&cture and prices before purchasing
28 Union Sq. N. Chicago, 111., Atlanta, Ga,
BU touis.Mo., Dallas,Tex.,8nn Francisco, Cal
C. S. URANE, Agent,
350 Morrison St., PORTLAND, ORE
IV" t