Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1903)
Hall 21st YEAR OREGON CITY. OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1903 NO. 8 : Historlral Societv. City Ha G COURIER mm PROFESSIONAL. J)R. GEO. HOEYE DENTIST All work van-anted and satisfaction guaranteed Grown and Bridge work a specialty Oaafleld Building OREGON CITY OREGON Jt 0. STRICKLAND, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Does an Up-To-Dat General Practice Isecial attention jives tn surgery and diseases ol wsmen, Office in Garde Building, 7th and Main St OREGON C1TT, OREGON J. W. Norms, M. D. J. W. Powuu,. M. JJORRIS & POWELL, Physicians and Surgeons. Calls In city orcountry promptly attended Garde Building, Oregon City. QSTEOPATIIY DR. C. D. LOVE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Graduate of American School ol Osteopath;, Kirksvllle, Mo. Successfully treats both acute and chroulo dis eases. Call far literature. Consultation ant Examination Free. Offlo. Hours: J? lOr by appointment at any time. Boom Ho. 4 and S, Stevens Building, Main St OREQ0X CITY, OBEOOX. 0. SCHUKBIL ' W. 8. TJ'BKN UEN & SCHUEBEL , , ATTORNEYS AT LAW Etutftfict 3tboolat. Will practice 'In all courts, make collections and settlements of estates, furnuh abstracts of title, lend yon money and land1 your money on first mortgage. Office in Enterprise building. OKKGON CITT OBIQON Ot D, & D, C. LATCURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oommeroial, Seal Estate and Prabate our Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building O.REGON CITY OREGON , ROBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW ! 0. D. EBY, NOTARY PUBLIC. Seal Estate bought and sold, money loaned Hies examined and abstracts made eaih laid (or county warrants. Probate and commissioners' Court business and Insurance. St0a t, KTMirSUBD Buiunxa OREGON CITY, .... OBEOON QRANT B. D1MICK Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice In all Courts In the State, Circuit and District Coarta of the United States. Insolvent debtors taken through bankruptcy. Office In Garde Building, Oregon City, Or. COMMERCIAL BANK op OREGON CITY CAPITAL $100,000 Transacts a general banking business Makes loans and collections, discounts bills buys and Bells domestic and foreign exchange and receives deposits subject to check. ' Open from I a. m. to 1 p. m. D. C. liATOUBETTE, -ideut if. J. Metbb Caahle fj N. GREEN MAN THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN (Established 185) Prompt delivery to all parts of the slty OREGON CITY BEGON OTTOEVANS, CANBY'S LEADING UNDERTAKER Coffins, Caskets, Robes, - and all undertaker's sup-: plies at reasonable prices. HEARSE FURNISHED ON DEMAND 0 ' The More We Get The More We want We are now doing about three fourths of the prescription work of Clackamas County still we are not satisfied we want to do more. , , . We are better prepared to do this work, with our arrangements and up to date facilities each man works with a special ingividual pair of scales and balances, independent of the other. .... If we are not filling your prescription you are not getting the best services. We offer you our fifteen years' experience and the best and fresh est drugs in the market. OLD PBICES All we ask is a Comparison. HOWELL JONES PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Chambers Howell They Bit. Oregon City Business Men In vest in Clothing. Now Claim that Goads Were Not as Rep resented and Want Their Money Back. Several weeks ago a man sailing; under the euphonious titleoiA. W. iuzpat rick and claiming to represent the Co lumbus Tailoring Company ol Chicago, arrived in Oregon City. He w&b a smooth talker and readily gained an audience with all whom he came in contact. He said that he was very desirous of advertising his company in this section of the orld,and to that end proposed that he would sell clothing for the actual cost of manufac ture for advertising purposes alone. He exl ibited samples of cloth and informed the would-be-purchaeers that if he, the purchaser; would buy the cloth, paying in advance for it, that he would place the order with the Company and have a suit of clothes made as good as could be purchased anywhere in the land a 'd guaranteed t" fit as well as if made by McLarty himself. The price charged was ridiculously low, in tact just about the cost of production. Fitsspatrick also agreed that he would be on hand when the clothes arrived and would see that every suit would fit. That there are a good many "suckerB" in Oregon City is evidenced by the fact that mi re than half a hnndred suits were sold here un der the terms agreed upon, the purchas er paying in advance for the cloth and agreeing to pay for making the suit when it arrived. Last week the suits arrived at the ex press office, and the happy purchasers, thinking they had a bargain, having got a suit worth about HO for about hall that price, betook themselves to the ex press office to try on the goods. For a time the express office resembled a hab erdashery shop. The ag nt didn't show up and Tom Cowing was made referee and' rendered decisions as to the fit of the garments. It wns soon discovered that the clothing had been made from cloth other than the samples Bhown,and it didn't take very long to discover that (be suits were "band-me downs" of a very low grade and could be duplicated in local stores at about half the price paid, men the purchasers began to kick. Some of them positively refused to take the suits and pay the amouu due on them, while a few took the suits out and resolved to say no more about the matter. . ' A committee' waited on Mayor 0. B. Dituick and explained the matte- to him. The Mayor said he could fix the matter if they would give him tbetase and if he didn't get the morey back lie would at least matte the tailoring Company pay costs enough to wish they bad never heard of Oregon City. This suited the humor of the victim's and the case was turned over to the M ayor. Saturday Dimick brought suit in behalf of Dr. M. O.Strickland for ten dollars against said company, alleging that agent Fitznatrick had misrepresented the clothe, that they were not of the sample shown ami were not made in a orkuiaiilike manure as waR agreed upon, and that further more the agent was not upon the ground when the suits came in, and asked fur the return of his ten dollars. An order of garnishment was issued and forty or fifty suits of clothing are now in the hands of Tom Cowing, thexpress ageni , and the ex press office for the time ra ing bears somewhat the appearance of a second hand clothing j'ink ehop. Moral when you buy clothing patron ize a home dealer who has judgment enough to advertise and don't get bitteai. . : 1 Summer Mjniplalnt Is unusually prevalent among children this eeeeon. A well developed ease in the writer's family was cured laat week by the rweiy use or unarooeriain a uomc, unowre and Jllarrhoea Remedy one of the best patent medi cines manufactured and which is always kept on handlat the home of ve scribe. This is not In tended as free puff for the company, who do not advertise with us, but to benefit Itttla sufferers who may not be within easy access of a physi cian. Ho family ' should be without a bottle of thla medletne la the house, eepeelal ly in summer time Lansing, Jowa, Journal. J or sale byu. A. Harding. X X Linn E. Tones Across the Valley. Beautiful Scenery and Abun dant Crops. Thrift, Progress and Plenty on Every Hand. We have just returned from a "biz" trip in four counties, and knowing your waste basket is always yawning for sucb literary "efforts" as this, we hasten to send vou our copy. One has no idea of the wid'b of the Willamette valley un til he makes such a trip, and nothing he can do will so firmly impress on his mind the wonderful fertility and pro ductiveness of our county, as such an "eye opening" trip. Our route took us from the centre of Clackau us through the northern part of Marion to the centre of , Yamhill, thence north to the southern ede of Wash ington county, and nowhere did we Bee such tine crops of grain and gra-"8 or bet ter hops thai we saw m our own county. We pasced through Macksburg where a picnic was in full blast We camped on the side of the ro id near Macksburg, but came to the conclusion that people in that locality were dishonest. Why? When we searche the neighborhood to find water to wash down our lunch and found a.l the people attending the pic nic and their wells locked. Fancy a per son who would steal a well if left un locked. From Macksburg our trip took us through Aurora, a bustling railroad town where hops form a leadiug indus try, thence to St. Paul on the Willam ette river. Here there is a line Catholic church this being one of the French set tlements of long ago. We are now in Yamhill county and having heard such glowing accounts of the wonderful crops of wheat grown in this county, we opened wide our eyes and this is what we eaw. The first town we reach is Lafayette, formerly the county Beat. Everything bete seems to have the . dry - rot, caitla roam the str-jeta, dog fennel has captured the fiont yardB, gales off the hinges, iences tumbling down and a general ".gone to seed" look about every thing. " If a Clackamas county farmer had such poor crops of grain and grass as we saw here he wouldfeel poo. indeed. The country is rolling and the hills have a light thin crop of wild grass which is al ready dying. Showing a poor light soil the grain crops which we flaw growing were short and light. The principal in. dustry in this locality is selling milk to a creamery located at Carliou but the cattle are handled in the old slip-shod way of letting the calf suck iis share of the milk.thus losing, part of the cream, and by this method the cows pay ouly about $2 per month a piece. Toe Jersey craze is in full blast here. Nine tenths of the cattle are Jersey or Jersey grades. , Now we go north passing throngh Cbelialetn ijspinto the valley of a near, ly dried up lake. Here the grain and grass remind us of Clackamas. They grow so luxuriant on the old lake bot tom Our next town is Cast on just over the line in Washing'on county. This is a stirring village on the west side railroad, with two stores, a drug store and a good hotel. Stopping here for dinner we ttart home again and by way of New burg. As we approach this town wetind the leading industry is prune raising Prune to , the right of us; prunes to the ldftofus; prunes all around us Truly, we aie "full of prunes,"and if the reports from France are correct, of the failure of the prune crop, the tiood people of Newburg are 'in it" this year. We reach the town about 8 p.' m ,but nevertheless we enjoyed a One hot sup per at the Newburg hotel kept by wo )onng ladies whose names we fail to re member. Next morning we are on our way again, being ferried over the Wit lamette at Butteville. Now we Te again in a hop country and can see all around us evidences of the good prices of last year, in the neat aopearance of the fences, gate and brightly painted houses. I would say right heie that the handsomest fence on the trip wag right here. Cedar posts, a rod apart, lining witn eight galvanized it Ires and clasped with a vertical lire every four feet. The gate was four pieces of iron pipe joined with elbows and strung with wire ; two collars screwed on one side held the binges in place. No warping or sagging about this matter bow many kid swung on it. Nothing can be prettier than this style of fences as tbey show the growing crops so plainly from the road. Something is the matter with the hop vines, in tne majority ot the yards one tenth to almost one-half ol the vines are missing and no one can tell what aila them. Here is a chance for our govern ment experts to help the bop growers to a solution of this riddle; here is a field which we are assured has bad precisely the same care and methods ol culture and each vine is growing finely. From Butteville 4ur route lies through Aorora again and s we pass into Clack amas we re impressed with the fact tbat we have seen nowhere such fine ctops of grain and grass and do finer hops than we have here in our own county. Wenowpasia field of wheat just heading with grain heads, a SO. hustiel ciop at least with bright healthy green color; now we pan a held of grass inclosed by an ei bt-rail fence winch looks as though it would spread over into me roan u it is not cut soon. Our fences are not so neat is those of Marion as timber is so plentiful here, but where rail fences are giving out they me be ing replaced by board fence that im prove the apoearance of the fauna won. derlully. YomsEanger, L. P. Williams. Bean tie Ito Kind Vou Haw Always Boip Lives Snuffed Out In Wyoming Mine Explosion Tuesday. Catastrophe Due to Firedamp Over Two Hundred Lives Lost. Havana, Wyo., June 30. At 10:30 A. M. today an explosion of fire damp in mine No. 1 of the Union Pacific Coal Company snuffed out the lives of 236 men, injured scores of others, and caused the destruction of avast amount of prop, erty. The mine was not fired, as stat ed in the eRrly retorts, but the explo sion was terrific, and completely shat tered the timbers of the main shaft and numerous entrances, filled the workings with debris, and those of the miners that were not killed outright by the ex plosion were buried alive. The explosion was heard for many miles around and attracted people from the adjoining. settlement. Huge timbers and railroad iron were hurled from the month of the shaft a distance ot 200 and 300 feet. . ; , Superintendent ' E. 8 Brooks and a large force of men went to work with a will to remove the debris from the shaft and reach the entombed miners. Their progress into the mine was blocked by the fonl gases, and several timss they were forced to return to the surface. All day the rescuing party worktd. the lorce boing increased from time to time bv the arrival of ranchmen and others from near-by settlements, and by those of a relief train sent out from Rawlins, which arrived about 2 o'clock iutheaf ternoon. About 1 o'olock this afternoon four men were taken out alive, and half an hour later they were f .liowed by 42 others. Many were unconscious and had to be carried from the woik:ugs. Some were injured, but none fatally. Several are in a critical condition, but it is believed all will recover. Two hundred and eighty-two men went down into the mine at 7 o'clock this morning, aad up until a late hour onls 48 have been accounted for. Of this numrjer, iwo are ueau. ii was Borne time after the explosion occurred that the first man -vas brought to the surface. He was followed by others un til 1 o'clock, when the last were brought out. The rescuers were . unable to pene trate further into the mine nnttl addi tional openings had been made to per mit fresh air to reach the lower levels and clear away the foul gates. Horses and scrapers were put at work hauling debris away from the shaft, and cars were pushed down the incline, loaded and hauled back up the tipple and dumped. Tie work, is progressing slowly, owing Ihe narrow space in which the rescuers are compelled to op erate, bot by daylight the mine should be opened sufficiently to permit of deep explorations and the rescue of the dead bodies. Late tonight a party of rescuers reached four mules that were alive, and this caused hopi 8 to arise in the breasts of the tired workers and the aoxious women and children gathered about the shaft. ' It is a faint hope, however, m ex perienced mine bosses uud miners say that when the imprisoned men are reached all will be found dead Some of the miners that escaped said that they saw 20 dead bodies in entry No. 17. They reported that many of the men were -crazed by the explosion and ran hither and thither in the. mine. Maay of these could have escaped, hut they laid down, buried their faces in their hands and gave up the fight. Of the 243 dead about 175 were mar ried and leave large families. About 1UU were inlanders, . 50 were colored and the remainder were Americana. Among the physicians here, but who can De oi no service at present, are Dr. Leevers. of Evanston ; Drs. Finney and Reiser, of Rawlins : Dr. Cooptr, of Rock Springs; Drs. Miller and Stevens, of Laramie. Superintendent W. L. Park, ottne Wyoming division; Asssistant W A. Whitney and Trainmaster An derson, of the Union Pacifl ', are on the ground assisting la the work of rescue. ihe scenes at the mine are heaitrend ing. Wives and children of men who are known to have been inside constant ly bang about the, abaft, keot onlv bv cooler beads from plunging into tbe oars aoyas. A Ileal Triumph. Marian West in Everbody'i Magazine. It Ii (old of a well-known English actress mar, ner arst step toward fame was by way of a dilemma tbat would have plunged a weaker character Into the deepest valley of humiliation. While she was playing a small part, a serioua and mortifying accident happened to her costume, through the treachery of some hook or pin. The bouse began to shout with laughter. 'booinir" aftr tha jovial English fashion. i ne girl simply tamed and looked tha audience straight in tbe face, a stern, grave look that seemed to meet every eye there, In lee than two minutes utter silence bad swept over tbe bouse to tbe highest gallery; she he'd them by tbe sheer force of her Dersonahtv aa one might cower doge with a whip, tin every atom of ridicule bad been sunk in respect and thev were read to beat their bands. She would have lost; but she bat) the strength to wrest lie tot y out of defeat. Brutally Tortured. A cue earns to light that for penistent and un merciful torture has perhaps never been equaled. Jee Goloblck, of Coluw, Calif., wiilei. "For 15 Tears I endured insufferable psln from iheuma tiem and nothing relieved me though I tried everything knewn. I eme across Electric Bit ters and it s die greatest medicine on earth for that trouble. A few bottles of It completely re lieved and cured me." Jut as good for Liver and Kidner troubles and generally debility. Only Woenu, BaUsfaeiiOD guaranteed by Charmau & Co. Still Missing Is George T. Howard of . the Red Front. Liabilities Will Be Large and Assets Small. The whereabouts of George T. How ard, th'i missing Red Front merchant, who disappeared last week, leaving many holders of checks bearing his sig nature on which the bank refused to pay becauBe he left no funds, is still a mystery . As time passes it develops (at'iat Howard's shortage in Oregon City are much greater than were at first sup posed. While it is impossible even at this date to give anything like a correct estimate as to his liaoilities, it is gener- all) believed by those in a position to know that there are outstanding ac counts against him amounting to at least $iu,imj and they will probably amount to more than even that sum. Several wholesale houses - in various parts of the country have been caught for amounts ranging from a hundred to a thousand dollars. Checks outBanding in this city which have not been paid amount to prob ably more than a thousand dollars. One poor widow is a victim to the extent of three hundred dollars. This widow, whose husband recently died, secured a thousand dollars insurance from the Woodmen Jof the World. " A short time before Howard disappeared he ap proached her and borrowed three hun dred dollars, giving his check dated in advance as were all of his checks. Quite a few good business men in Oregon City have been caught tor amounts ranging from five to a hundred and fifty dollars. Probably there are many who will never say anything about the matter. In one instance Howard gave a certain business man a ci attel mortgage on a team -vhich he owned. When the mort gagee went to foreclose his mortgage'he discovered that the team was described a a pair of horses when in reality they were mares . ihiB furnished a loophole and it was touud that the mortgage was worthless. , W h -ther or not a criminal charge can be preferred against Howard is a mooted question. The only charge that can be preferred le the obtaining ol money under false pretenses. It is declared ky some legal authorities that Howard's method of obtaining money on checks wnen mere was no iunns in we nana might be construed aa obtaining "money under a system of misrepresentation and that be could be convicted, if caught, of obtaining money under false pretenses. inner authorities, equally able, say that if Howard gave his checks dated in aslvancc, with the explanation that he was Bhort of funds at the time th checks aere issued, but that there would be funds in the bank with which to pay them when tbe date upon which they were made payable came around,' that the checks represented no more than anv other promissory note and that no criminal case could be brought against Howard, ibis seems to have been the Way in every instance in which : he operated and it was very seldom that be gave a check not dated in advance. Many believe that Howard is resting easy in British Columbia and that he has taken away with him enough money to keep him from want a good long time. . An invoice of the goods in the store is being taken and not until it it complet ed will it be known how much the astets of Howard are. It is general ly conceded, however, that they will be r markably small, considering tbe amount of the liabilities. Tbe invoice will be concluded this week. How' Thitl Wi offer One Hundred Dollars Howard for any can of Catarrh that cannot be oured by Hall's iwuarrn i;ure. F. S. CHENEY CO.. Prons.. Toledo. O. We the undersigned, have known V. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, aad believe hlrn porfeotly honorable la all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obligations made by meir nrm. West A Truax. Wholesale Drurelits. Toledo. O. Waldlag, Clnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O . Hall's catarrh Cure Is taken Internally acting dk-eotly upon the blood and anucoue siirlaces of the system. Price, 75o per bottle, Bold by all druggists. Testimonials tree Hall's Family Pills are the best. New Quarters REMOVAL OF Electric Grocery To larger store, second door south of Albright's meat market. My continually growing trade has compelled me to move. In my new place of business I can show my lare stock to full advantage. I trust that my friends, who have so liberally patronized me heretofore, will visit me in my new quarters : : ; ; . . I shall save no effort to merit their trade by liberal treat ment and by furnishing them the best goods in my line in the world's market. Stp in and take a look at the finest grocery stock in Oregon City. D. M. KLEMSEN, ELECTRIC GROCERY. The PARROT Talks I'm neither too big, nor 'too little I'm just right. My quality is amirable. 1 I'm calm and unruffled, even when burning up. JUST TRY A PARROT CIGAR... 5c. Colton. Mrs. R. C. Hunter is quite ill at her home on B Ridge. Quite a number from this corner at tended the entertainment at Robinson hall last Friday and report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Heglan, of Portland, have come out here to upend the sum mer in pursuance for better health for the former. Joe Carlson and Bister, Christina, a-e boon again after a few month's ab sence. . After a two months' visit with her parents here, Mrs. Livingstone, nee Bonney, will take her departure on tbe second to join her husband in Portland. Those of Colton ' vitally interested in bane ball took a spin to Elwood last Hun day to see the experts perform. Mr. aud Mrs L. S. Bonney, of Oak Point, were visiting here tbe fore part of the week with Mrs. Bonney's par ents, Mr. and Mrs Dix. , Fred and Janie Hargraves, Walter and Grace Uorbott were the guests of ye ecribe and better half last Sunday eve nitg Mr. Gorbett's hands on the new frame barn are nearing its completion. Women love a clear, henlthv coronation. Ture hloo'l nikei it, Burdlck Blood BiUeii makes pure blood. Huntley Bros., Druggists, are f ,' agents for Oregon City for KcllcttS OH of Eden Sweet Sfrlrtts of Eden 1 w s Remedies that will positively cure ! any case of Rheumatism, no matter 1 how severe or how long standing. J In case anyone Is not cured, the California Co-Operative Medical J Company, of Oakland, will refund J the purchase price. ' J Call at Huntley Bros, (or frss booklet. 3 OABTOniA. leu, th IIk Kind Vou Han Always BongU