Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 23, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Maple -i-ane.
The farmers of our burg are improv
ing this bit of fine weather to the very
best advantage by plowing md sowing.
....Mrs. Flo Jennings and children, of
Sellwood, with her sister, who recently
arrived from the East, were visiting
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richards.of
this place Most of our ' people are
about laid up witti a cold. Mr. and
and Mrs. Charles Tallman and daugh
ter, of Clarkes, spent Monday with G.
F. Gibbs and family Mrs. Mautzand
daughter, Mrs. George Hyatt, were vis
iting Mrs. Bishop, of Oregon City, on
Monday. ...'.The supervisor and crew
completed a bad piece of work on the
Abernethy bridge on Monday, as they
were obliged to work in the water....
Maple Lane may feel proud of two fair
marksman, Misses Anna Shortlidge and
Jessie Jackson Josi & Bcherruble
and sowing grain on the Apperson nlace
at Mount Pleasant Mrs. Mattie
Hyatt, -who has been here for some
time for the benefit of her little son's
health, contemplates returning home to
Goldendale on Saturday Mr. and
Mrs. James Parish, of Ely, called on
Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs Sunday, and were
looking over their property, which they
evpect to improve with a new fence
II. Bethke is laid up with a lame back.
Miss Fdith Jackson is down from Cams
for a few days.
Jan. 14. , Pansx Blossom.
Following is the report of the Rural
Dell school, district, No. 6,for the month
ending Jan. 9, 11)03 :
No. pupils enrolled, 40.
No. days taught, 19.
Average daily attendance, 43.
Those neither absent or tardy are Eva
Sconce, Mable and Alfred Olson, Fred
Siler, Leland, Lela and Lily Hardesty,
Fred Rosetta and Edwin Eyman, Ella,
Elmer and May Shultz, Otis Ogle, Jeanie
Catlett, Albert Kilmer, Harvey Ring
and Thomas Johnston.
Visitors present were Mr. Watson,
Mr. Ring and Mr. Shultz, directors.
Parents are cordially invited to visit the
Alice E. Rittbr, Teacher.
How does this strike you for'Januar
weather?. .. .Fall sown grain is'growing
rapidly and has a good color.. ...The
distemper amongst the horses is very
severe, and several farmers have no
teams to plow with Plowing and
seeding are swing right along and the
ground is In good shape for seeding.
Oregon against the world for mild cli
mate Gib White lost his fine team
Monday afternoon near Wright's bridge.
He was hauling piling and drove too
near the bluff at the roll way. The
long piling rolled off of the bluff taking
the team with it, falling GO feet into the
river, and breaking both horses' backs.
....Robert Graham, the unfortunate
man that was drowned near Wright's
bridge, had been a log driver in all kinds
of streams for nearly forty years. He
was well liked by his men, and he was
an expert with, lug jams, t wish to ex
, press the heartfelt thanks for his fam
ily who kindly -assisted in bunting for
his body. He left a wife, two sons and
two daughters... . .H. Hands is survey
ing this week on the II. Klise place, as a
Eiece of the land will be sold soon
illian F. Gans closed last week a suc
cessful term of school and returned to
her home for a few weeks' vacation, as
she will teach the spring term here.
Miss EII'ih Morey was visiting Gradma
Hagey, of Murks Prairie a few days last
The walking sick, what
a crowd of them there are:
Persons who are thin and
weak but not sick enough
to go to bed.
"Chronic cases" that's
what the doctors call them,
which in common English
means long sickness.
To stop the continued
loss of flesh they need
Scott's Emulsion. For the
feeling of weakness they
need Scott's Emulsion.
It makes new flesh and
gives new life to the weak
Scott's Emulsion gets
thin and weak persons out
of the rut. It makes new,
rich blood, strengthens the
nerves and gives appetite
for ordinary ood.
Scott's Emulsion can be
taken as Ions; as sickness
lasts and do good all the1
There's new strength
and llesh in every dose.
We will be glad
to send you a few
doses free.
V.e surf tlul tlm future In
h.t-s! VW r-'l-ivr of any Unite ot
I r 'r v? wl iMiiuKion you miy.
scon &. now no.
400 Pearl St., N. Y.
50: wd all (KrUti
This is the fate of sufferers from Kidney trouble, as the disease is so insiduous that often people have
serious Kidney trouble without knowing the real cause of their illness, as diseased kidneys allow the
impurities to stay in the system and attack the other
organs. This accounts for the many different
symptoms of Kidney Disease.
You begin to feel better at once when taking
as it stimulates the heart, increases the circulation
and invigorates the whole system. It strengthens the
urinary organs and gives you new life and vigor.
TWO SIZES 50c and $1.00
week Dee Wright has returned from
"and Point, Idaho, and iB visiting rela
tives for a few days. He is now able to
walk with a cane and hopes he will have
the use of his leg before long J. E.
Coates went to Portland Saturday and
returned today. His brother, Jim,
came out with linn for a short visit
Several people went from here tonight
to Molalla to listen to the debate between
two ministers,
Jan. 13. Sylvia.
Henry Gortler, of Portland, spent
New Year's visiting with his uncle, Wil
liam Gortler and family, of this place.
..A merry crowd assembled at tne
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Damm on
New Year's Eve and watcned the old
year out and the new year in. The eve
ning was spent in card playing and
dancing. At midnight delicious retreBh
ments were served to which all did am
ple homage, while the light fantastic
was tripped until the wee small hours
a hen all went borne wistnng eacn otner
a happy and prosperous new year
Mr. and Mrs. William Mosliberger, of
Carus. visited with relatives of this place
Sunday A special school meeting
wan nailed at this nlace for the Duroose
of changing the location of the school
house and erecting a new D'Uioing, tne
result was in the affirmative Born,
to the wife of James Fryerear, a daugh
ter Farmers are out plowing as
thick as bees on a May morning
Born, the the wife of Ferdinand K. rax-
berger, twin daughters.
Jan. 11.
Beaver Creek.
Miss Marie Herman went to La Ca
mas to spend a few weeks with her sis
ter, Mrs. Lizzie Michaels. .. .Born, to
Mr. and Mrs. William Harris, a son, on
January 1st Patrick O'Oonnor, of
Viola, spent Saturday ana Sunday wttn
Merrill Davies A dance was given
at the home of Fred Moehnke laBt Tues
day evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
C. Bluhm, who recently retvrned from
their wedding trip .. ..Henry and Ar
thur 8taben took a trip up to Silverton a
few days ago The many friends in
lieaver Creek and vicinity of Mr. Wil
liam R. Roberts were deeply grieved to
learn of his death, which, while tiot
wholly unexepected, was at least very
sudden. After a short illness, he sud
denly became worse, and died at 8
o'clock on the morning of Januar 8,
The funeral services were conducted by
Rev. R. Jones, of Portland, in the pres
ence of a large concourse of relatives and
friends. Interment took place at the
Presbyterian cemetery on Sunday, Jan
uary 11, at 2 o'clock.
Thou art gone to the tomb in manhood's
bright glory J
We will miss thy counsel and sweet
words of cheer.
And whil ' thou art singing redemption's
glad story
Thy loved ones on earth will thy mem
ory revere.
Tho' sadly we miss thee, we would not
recall thee.
All trouble and sorrow with thou now
art o'er.
Thou art safe where no danger can ever
befall thee.
And we'll meet thee again on the bright
golden shore.
Jan. lit. Oranok Blossom.
Mr. Lewis is building a house cn his
place Teacher Application for a three
months' term of school, beginning the
third Monday in February, will b re
ceived by the board for district No. 75,
up to Feb. 1st Mr. Pepple died at
his home the 11th inst. He had been
sick for some time, and will be interred
in Redland cemetery ... .Mr. and Mrs.
John GHskel were out from Oregon City,
the past week visiting relatives Rev.
Oliver, who recently arrived from Colo
rado, preached at this place on the 4th,
insto, hut failed to till ids appointment
on the 11th Louis Funk has rented
part of his place to II. A. Allen Bert
Mart, who went to Pendleton for his
health, writes that he is vastly improv
ing and ready to tackle a bear on short
notice.. .. Smith & Storm have been
working on their dam the past week....
There is quite a lot of new plank fence
being put. up, replacing old rotten rails.
,...V.M. Stone is feeding five head
of nice beef steers, which will soon be
ready tor the block Miss Ora Wil
cox returned Ito her school at Mucks
buig last week.
Too lute for last issue.
Baan til f 1,19 I 'mvs BouiM
Missouri town.
-'Dr. Leonard, of Silverton was called
to the bedside of Ben Thomas' little boy
last week, but we are glad to report he
is on tne mend We are sorry to learn
that Mrs. Annie Furguson, of Missouri
Tovin.isvery sick, and there is little
hope of her recovery. Dr. Leonard, of
Silverton is attending her William
Guinn, who has been spending a few
days with his parents, has returned to
Forest Grove Mrs. Maggie Hurley,
who has been visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Guinn, has returned to Port
land.... John Groshong, has taken
a large contract of hauling logs this win
ter Miss Tessie Larkin, who is
teaching the Beaver Lake school, was
visiting Mi. and Mrs. Henry Thomas
one vening last week. ,
A considerable amount of potatoes are
being held for higher prices by the
farmers of our burg .... The
social dance at Jack Kerrs'Tiome Satur
day evening was one of the best social
dances given in this vicinity for a long
time. About SO invited gueBts were
present. Good music was furnished
by the Oglesby Bros.' orchestra Our
genial friend, W. W. Covey, has been
trying the cooling effects of the water
cure Miss Cordelia Wiegand . is vis
iting her sister near Butteville John (
K. Mark will set out several acres of new
bops next week... .Mr. and Mrs. Cam
pau attended the burial of bis brother
at Gervais on Sunday. He was acci
dentally killed In Portland last week ....
Charles Mishler was buried at Aurora
today. He bad been sick for some time
and went to Eastern Oregon for his
health. Friday, hi? father received a
telegram announcing ' his death. He
left many relatives and a large circle of
friends to mourn his demise MrB.
Yost is still an invalid and is bedfast
most of the time.
Jan. 12th.
Look out for the cars I Molalla is next
to have an electric railroad. Property
around here has already begun to change
hands.... Nearly all the farmers have
again started their plows W. 0.
Yaughan is improving his place with a
new plank fence.... This pring like
weather seems to have awakened the
Molalla correspondent Mrs. M.
Oroas is vit-i'.ing friends and relatives in
Portland 1). Sturges, of Cams, for-
merly of this place, was visiting relatives
here Sunday Molalla Grange will
give a basket soci. 1 on the evening of
the 31st.
Jan. 12th. Tbddy.
Having been silent for some time I
will again jot down some Stone items.
. . . .The Clear Creek creamery is doing
good business right along this winter
and giving good satisfaction to its pa
trons, contrary to the prophesies of some
false prophets.... W. E. Mumpoweris
laying in a year's supply of good wood.
A good example for others.... J. W.
vValizlost a yearling colt last Sunday
night caused by staggers Last
week's good weather put the farmers in
an uneasy mood and thev commented
to tear up the ground preparing to sow
grain, but alas, Oregon is Oregon and
rain it must, so all was dropped and
the Oregonians became OregonianB
again Mrs. J.J. Hatton has been
ill for the last few days. Charley Hat
ton has returned from the logging camps
on th Columbia and is preparing to
plant the crop of 1004, and it looks as if
there might he wedding bells ringing in
these parts before long J. L.Stew
art left last Tuesday for Eastern Wash
ington to help in a protracted meeting.
We wish him much s access.... Not be
being able ;to gather njuch news out
here in the foothills we will rest and
await your most welcome paper .
Uncus Josh.
Rev. Car lisle P. B. lartln, L. L. D
Waverly, Texas, writes: "One morn
ing, when first 'rising, I often find a
troublesome collection of phlegm, which
produces a cough, and is very hard to
dislodge; hut a small quantity of Bal
lard's Horehound Syrup will at once dis
lodge it, and the trouble is over. I
know of no medicine that is equal to it,
and it is so pleasant to take. 1 can most
cordially reepmmend it to all persons
needing a medioinn for thro:t or lung
tlo-.tWa.' Pi ice 25c, 50c, 1 1 .00 bottle
at Chiirman & Co., City Drug Store,
Orcegon City, Or.
Chicago Business Man Cured
Poley & Co., Chicago, Gentlemen: About a year ago my health began
to fail, I lost flesh and never felt well. The doctor thought I had stomach
and liver trouble, but I became convinced that my kidneys were the cause
of my ill health and commenced taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. It in
creased my appetite and made me feel-stronger, and the annoying symptoms
disappeared. I am now sound and well. J. K. Horn, 1 354 Diversey Blvd.,
Chicago. June 11, 1902. Cuped H-9 wife
E. C Watkins, sexton of the Methodist Church, Springfield, Pa., writes:
M My wife has been very bad with kidney trouble and tried several doctors
Without benefit. After taking one bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE was
much better, and was completely cured after taking four bottles."
One Bottle
A. H,
Davis, Mt. Sterling, la.,
complaint for about two years, but a
CURE effected a permanent cure."
Rain, mud and sunshine, but not
enough snow to make the ground white.
Herman Sirsinger wears a smiling
face. It's only a boy.
Mr Pepple, one of our German resi
dents, who has been ill for some time,
died at his home here Saturday. He
was buried in the Redland cemetery
Monday. A wife and three children
mourn the loss of a kind father and an
affectionate husband.
The Viola circuit' has at laBt been as
signed a pastor, and there will be ser
vices in the M. E. church every two
weeks in the future.
Our plank road is completed after a
long time.
Harry Mosher, who has survived a
severe case of typhoid fever, is able to
be out again.
Frog 1'ond.
Charles Turner has gone to Dayton,
John Mayes has sold his hops for 25
cents per pound.
Albert Turner has sold his old black
horse that stays "one place sometimes"
to Bratdorf, the wood hauler, for $75.
Cattle buyers are roaming this dis
trict for milch cows.
It is reported chat Peters Bros, at
Wilsonville have monopolized the town.
Farmers are all ibusy putting In their
Ml crop.
Messrs. E. Price, of Dayton, and G.
Price, of Waitsberg, Wash., are visiting
T. L. Turner and family.
Miss Amelia Hasebrink, of Wilson
ville, is honsekeeper for Mrs. H. A.
Kruse during her illness.
George Peters is working for O. Hines
in Dead Man's valley this week.
Justice G. F. Aden has made several
collections during the J ast week .
C. C. Borland and crew are baling
nay at J. r. Cage's, itiey have been
at it since the 10th of the month.
Henry Gage is out from the Little
Nestucca country. Mr. Gage reports
hay scarce in his section of the countrv
Mr. Weddle will round up a crew and
roll out his potatoes, of winch he has
several acres yet undug, as soon as the
weather is tavorabie.
Claus Peters is clearing ground for a
tuture crop ot spuds.
Dale Kline has quit school here. He
will enter the Sherwood school next
The wood cutters now working on the
A. Peters and C. Schroeter farms will
move about the beginning of February
onto the O. I. & 8. Co. 's land. They
number about ninety.
A legislator of this county in writing
to the Tualatin grange, says that he is
sorry that mote of the granges do not
taise up the Lewis ana (Jlark anpronna
tion and send the sentiments of the
meeting to the legislature.
Robert Schuebel was in the county
seat last Saturday transacting business.
Miss Lillian Gans, of Oswego, arrived
here Saturday evening and will spend a
week visiting here and at Liberal.
C. Smith and son began slashing on
the Molalla tor Silas Atkins Monday of
this week.
There will be a social hop at the home
of Julius Moshberger next Saturday
evening It will be given by William
County Superintendent Zinser visited
our school Tuesday morning.
A surprise party was given Mrs. R.
Schubel laBt Thursday evening by quite
a number of her neighboring friends.
All report a pleasant time.
A new platform, curb and roof are be
ing constructed over tbd well at the
school house. Ed Bowman, of Mulino,
is the contractor, and is pushing the
work and will soon have it completed.
The following was handed Star
Gazer a few daye ago by a grammar stu
dent not far "from here: "The word
"kiss" parsed : Kiss is a conjunction be
cause it connects. It is a verb, because
it signifies to act or to be acted upon.
It is a preposition because it shows that
the person kissed is no relation. It is
an interjection, at least it sounds like
one. It is a pronoun because she stands
for the noun. It is also a noun because
it is the name of the ovulatory action
both common and proper second per
son necessary. In gender it is mascu
line and feminine mixed. Frequentl)
the case is governed by circumstances
and light, according to" rule one. If he
smite you on one cheek, turn the other.
It should always begin with a capital
letter be often repeated, continued as
Cured Him
writes: "I was troubled with
one - dollar bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY
Hair Splits
"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor
for thirty years. It is elegant for
a hair dressing and for keeping the
hair from splitting at the ends."
J. A. Gruenenfelder, Grantfork, 111.
Hair-splitting splits
friendships. If the hair
splitting is done on your
own head, it loses friends
for you, for every hair of
your head is a friend.
Ayer's Hair Vigor in
advance will prevent the
splitting. IF the splitting
has begun, it will stop it. I
ii.vu a domic, aii nrugjisu.
If your drwririst cannot supply yon,
send us one dollar and we will express
you a bottle. Be sure and give the name
of your nearest express office. Address,
J. C. A i'ER CO., Lowell, Mass.
long as possible and ended with a per
iod. Star Gazer No. 2.
Frank Mulvey and mother passed
through our burg Tuesday.
KateLyons, of Mulino,"called on Veva
Jones one day last week.
The surprise party at Robert Shnbel's
home on Tuesday night was 0. K-
There was a quilting at Mrs. A. L.
Jones' home Tuesday and was a grand
Miss Lillian Gans, of Oswego was call
ing on friends here this week.
Miss Mamie Evans, of Portland, 1b
visiting her folks for the present.
Say, girls, what's the matter with
Alec Cassiday?
Next Monday the road boss, J.J.
Mallatt, beams work on the Helvey
Some of C. Smith's family are on the
sick list.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All drtfEgists refund the money If it fails
o curer E. W. Grove's signature is on
ach box. 25c.
akes short roads.
nd light loads.
'ood for everything
that runs on wheels.
Sold Everywh
r. j
oil. co. J
of Shoes and Rubbers
at Extremclylow prices
is now on. Call and
see us.
Krausse Bros
cannot be enjoyed id a basin of limited
capacity nor where the water supply and
temperature is uncertain by reason of
detective plumbing or heating apparatus
To have both put in thorough working
order will not prove expensive if th
work is done by
Oregon City
Second-Hand & Junk Store
All kinds of Farm Implements and
Second-Hand Goods Bought and Sold
Sngarman & Co.
Union Pacific
the EAST
The 0. R. & N.Co.
Gives the Choice of
9:00 a. m.
9:00 p. m.
DEN k.,
okeivia mm
p :C0Jp.m.
"""" TO
ST. PAUL and
Ocean Steamers leave Portland Jevery A
5 Days for
Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam
ette and Columbia River Points.
Monthly Steamers to Chinaand Japan.
Tor fnll Information call on or addrcn"sareBl
O. R. & N. Ticket Agent, or address
A. L. CRAIG, G,P. A.,
Portland, Oregon
W AND TnTrnudnM
Only transcontinental line
passing directly through i
Salt Lake City,
Colorado Springs
and Denver.
Three splendidly epuipped trains
daily to all points East.
Through Sleeping and Dining Can
and Free Reclining Chair Cars.
The most magnificent scenery in
America by daylight.
Stop overs allowed on 'all classes; ol
For chcnpoftjratei and deacrlpura ;iileiature
34 Third Street, Portf rd, Oregon
Dally Bound Trips, eicept Sunday
LeaTe Portland 7 A. M
Leave ABtorla 7 P. M
Bally Trips Eicepi H-iuiuv
Leave Portland, Mon., Wed. and .
Leave Tne lialles, Tues , Thnra. '
Leava Portland, Tups , Thura. and Sal
Leave Dalles, Mon JVed. and Fri
Landing, Foot Alder Street
A. J. Taj'lor Astoria, Ore
J. W. Crichton The Dalles, Ore
A. K. Fuller Hood River, Ore
Woltord & Wyers. White Salmon, Wash
Henry Olmstead Carson, Wash
John T. Totten Stevenson, Wash
J. C. Wyatt Vancouver, Wash