Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1902)
I OKKCOX CITY COURIER-HERALD? FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1902. 0302000000000000000000 00 CO i cqrhespondbncs O3OOOO000OOOOOCXOO0OOO0CO kf afford. Samuel Moser sufferel tlie loss of several dozen -gKS last Friday. Mr Mt.'ser si arts for Portland wy early In the morning and sometimes be omeH vcrv flcopy whiieon the roatl. Sunn was he case Friday last. He slept and Ida team ogjied steadily on, passing thron-ih Oswego and n down Hie road mitil some misunderstanding (rose bctwi'cn tl e lior es and they left the road ntl tinred the rig, 8am, egi;s and all over onto he railroad trHck, which made tht track rwem. le a back yard blossomed out with those beautiful lowers known as butter and eifKs. A hurried .dance up and down the the road failed to inyone so haste was made to gather up and right he wrong as much an possible, but ere this whs iimpleted a ueiKhhur drove up and of course let he eat out of the bag. God blew the man that invented sleep, but cur.' e him with curses long ud loud who invented that artificial cut-oil tuowu as "early rising." Our local merchant's business has outgrown he building he now occupies and he Is prepar ing to build a now store 22x36. Borne brick for he foundation has been hauled and lumber will e hauled as soon as the roads become dry and solid. Moser, Pelers 4 Co's new mill 20x36 has the roof on and some of the machinery for chopping train installed. Born, on the 22d Inst to Mr and Mrs C Polifka, a daughter. Politics, as tiua', Is very quiet In this neighbor hood. Charles Thompson's brick kiln is almost a thing f the past. Claus Peters has finished shipping potatoes. The plan ting of potatoes Is in e arnest. Some clover is beginning to bloom, Monday was a hot day, 92 in the shade. Supervisor Aden Is giving the roads their fin ishing touches. Beaver Creek. W H Vannver started his wood team on Monday apd expects several more teams on the job in the text week. Election is the order of the day In Beaver Creek. Mrs Mav Vanover had a narrow escape from be ing shot last Monday by some boys shooting with revolvers. I think the boys should be more care 'ul how "and where they shoot as people can't Hand it in the neighborhood. W Phelps B'.ans to haul wood for W H Vanover soon. The pie social at the Beaver Creek hall was a rand success and a good time enjoyed by those ittendlug. Hall Llndsley returned Monday from near Seaside, where he has beea on a crul se for the past two weeks. Ora Ogden returned Monday from Eastern Ore gon . He likes .It here much belter than he does t here. Alph Kirk staned to haul wood for W II Van over last Wednesday. I think he Is going to get married soon by this bold move. Voting Pendleton has been promoted from Chop )ing wood to teamster. Fish are vary scarce In Bcavor Creek and will ;oon run out lor want of passage through the dam t New Era. Numbs kull. Froj 1'ond. The elect! in Is close at hand and the machine i running without a wrlght. Tim citizens will iiake a clean sweep and George 0 will he loft in he dust. TheHtlzens candidates will addreBS the people tt HtafTord school house on May Suth at 7:30 .'clook. All (lueitious will be answered. Kvery me invited. There will be a Fourth of July celebration at Wllsonville. J O Aden Is having some excellent grading done in the Portland road. Several of the youne people of this burg went n the eicursion to The Dalles last Sunday, There will be a Mid-Summer danoe at Wilson tile on June 7th, given by Eplec's orchestra, .'Ickets 60 cents, The regular May meeting of Tualatin Grange So 111 will be held on May 31, at7;30. H D Adon was eleoted overseer of of Tualatin (range at Its last regular meeting .for the re aainuer of the year. Mr and Mrs T L Turner are attending the Hate Orange at Halem this week. The bridge builders are fast Completing the lew structure and it will be ready for tralllo by lune 8th. James Turner will have a barn raising next Saturday, May 31. Leave your politics at home. Chunky Fellow. Mount uin View. The Ilenrlcl Rlrls have a now organ by which 0 entertain company. Frank Rva.iiart slartod to Southeastern Oregon aat Sunday Willi a surveying party. Mrs Johnson has the mumps this week, and mo. othurs are exposed and will no doubt huve hem next week. Mr Front Is able to be out In the yard a(? aln on ..liisliiny days. Orandiia SwafTord had Ills hand out this week. r Powell dressed the wound. Mrs Mabel Fraznr, of nervals, who is visiting isr mother, Mrs A L Joues. of Cams, called ou .IrsS AUillott Monday. John Shavoraud daughter, Ella, of Molalla were the guests of Mrs Evorhart Monday afternoon. Mnsdaraos Ferd Cumin and P D Currau were nailing on friends last Tuesday afternoon. Millard QlUett, went out to Cams Monday after Don ou horse hack to s, end two days with A L lines. MrandiMrs Albert Frost started for Seaside Puesday, exporting to, return In a few days. Mrs R iv and children spent Sunday and Mon- 1 ly at Willamette among relatlvos Miss M try Davis, of Maple Lane, Is sewing in Irs Warner dressmaking shop this summer, The thermometer togistcred 86 degrees Mon-!- Mrs Charles Kly and Miss Maud Mnran spent a 'Sir days this week visiting tlulr brother, Malilou, foe cream and oaks and sandwiches and o.iffoe flllbeeeived at Kly's old store ou Decoration ay. Proceeds will be for Mountain View church lisslon. Services will bo held In the church next Sun ay, June 1, at 3:30 .o'clock, 8 V Frauds' went tl Tualatin 8 itur.lay to sn3 ill father,whO Is very low. lie relumed home Sun .ay. JIjSwnlTord has been appointed deputy as I'ssoruud began work tills week. Sauna. Maple L-t Yuen flowory summer is at u i : I . Aud spring has geiuuied tl i ill with bloom, A'e hither come with loving h I, Urlngiug (lowers to deck ou .' tomb. Mrs Jackson and family will speud Decoration lay at the Needy cemetery. Mr and Mrs Oibbs were IhO guests of C N ttiis aud family of Chokes Saturday and Sunday. Mrs Charles Mauta and Mrs Katie Bryant, of 'ortland, spent last Sunday with A Mautz aud imlly. Jake Sohlllinghasjust llnlshel plantlug an li ters Held of potatoes. The hop .it the hop house was w oil attonded,aud in enjoyable time Is reported... Mr and Mrs John (lalTney, Jr, spent Sunday md Monday visiting friends at Harmony. l'AXSY Bi ossom. South Varus. Mm CSoli.elMl called ou Mrs R Selioouborn last Iiimliiy. Mm II A Fmxior, of Gervtil!", Is tlslttng her aotlier, Mrs A L Jones. Mrs 0 Spunnlor ami Miss Eilltli Jnokecm called Ml Mrs J MosliL'Orncr last week. Mrs A L .lout's ami Miss (lans took dinner Sun lay with Mrs liauisls, ol Muliini. Mrs J Moslilori;er wont to Macksburg lasl Stit irtlay to villi her mother ant! son. Curtis IleWoyoallediOU frleuds lust YeJuesday tf tar noon. Misses Vova Jonos and L Gam spent Wednesday ereuing with Mr and Mrs 0 Sulkar. Mrs A L Jones and daughter, Mrs Ft A Frazier, of Uervals, went to Orogon Clly last Mouday. Mr C Sehuebel and ehUtlren, B Dullard, 8 IVlnc A I, and W U Jouo wsut to Oregon City last Thursday. Fred Stevens doesn't like to go fishing any more. He would aoouer gohuutlug. Says he prefer" Utb to Oregon. 1 of Stars I ,N?3ffl S Steel I Sl' Wind JOtche buggies. Kill f 'Give better satisfaction than anything on C the market at anything like the price, be- E r cause they are made of good material, to V I j stand "Oregon roads" Iron corners on J j bodied, braces on shafts, heavy second- ' growth wheels, screwed rims. If you want tofeelsurethatyou are getting your mon- V C ey's worth, auk for a "Bee Line" or a 1 i e 'Mitchell'' (Henuey) Buggy. We guar- C antee them, J ? Mitchell, Lewis & Sfavor Co c V Seattle. Spokane, Boise. Portland, Or. r u 1 Send for Special Catalogue Free MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. First arid Taylor Sts., Portland, Ore. Branches Houses at Agricultural AMERICAN CRFAM SEPERATOR V Fully Guaranteed Easiest Cleaned of Any Close Skimmer Linht Kunning Durable Catalogue Eree Miss Edl'.h Jackson went to Portland last Sat urday. , . C Smith called on C E B iwman, of Mulinb,last Sunday. Frank Sohoenborn and FieJ Spangler went to Oregon City Sunday. Dr and Mrs Ooucher are expecting the Utter's sister from .the East to arrive sometime this week. Miss Vova Jones went to Canby Wednesday. John I.amb, who has been visiting relatives hero, letton Tuesday forthe mountains. 20T11 CENIUBy. Liberal. Wm Skein Is repairing his old swing for the plc nio at Macksburg. It's dandy uow. Bunchy, l.ongthy will he over with his best girl, and if Mr Perry can take a picture of the llowersou her hat and of IjeiMthy's feet at the same time, It will be a "cracker Jack. " Mrs n 1 Names is visiting her daiijihtbr In Portland this week. Wo are Borry to say that Mrs Win Husbnids Is no better, and she will be taken to the hospital this week, Earn. ers are through; seeding and will finish planting their lale potatoes this week. Fall wheat Is heading out nicely, and rye Is In full bloom Grass looks good, and the farmers are now busy with the garden truck, Pave K'nnard surveyed the Wiles and-Austen road yostenlay, another legal roa I leading out from our town. Harl, get a move on you and won It before the road gets like a bone. n Sylvia, Trices to Buit you all Millinery at Red rroi.t. Sandy. Everyone welcomes the sunshine. The candidates on the citizens cunnty ticket ad dressed the people of Sautly anil vicinity at Jun ker's hull Mouday night, May 'JO. Hrownell will spunk Thursday nilllit. Hon II E Cross aud J J Cooke will speak Saturday afternoon. Prof Qrllllth, the renowned phrenologist, will lecture at Handy Tuesday aud Wednesday nights uf this week, Mrs Forhelan Is '.very 111 at present. The school entertainment has been postponed until June 2'. The wife of M II Bowman, of Hover, died In Portland May '20, w .ere she had been 111 for st me time. The deceased was an old and respected piimefr, having crossed the plains many years ano. She and her husband t-elcbra led their golden wedding anniversary on December 18. She leaves a husban, three suns and three daughters aud a host of frlt'nils to mourn her neparlure, Mrs A M ilar, of FIrwood, has been In very poor health lately. Miss Minnie Snkoy has gone to Portland to vis- It Willi mentis lor a tew days Service will b"e held in the Cathollo church Sunday. Mr Maroouy, Sr, has been 111 for some tlmeln Portland. I, Coleman, Johnny Marooncy and II Bruu9 in tend to work ou the loll road for the next two or llnee weeks For Over Sixty yemrs Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millioni of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for 'iMarrhoea. Is pleafant to the taste, Sold by liruggists in every part of the World. Twetiiy llvecentsa bottle. Its value isincalcu able. Besure and ask for Mrs. Wins -low'sSoothina Syrup, and take no other kind What Is Foley's Kidney Cure? Answer : It is made from a prescrip tion of a leading Chicago physician, and one of the most eminent in tne country. The ingredients are the purest that money can buy, and are scieuiihYaliy combined to got their utmost value. Charman & Co. i jjyj if The Star Has bell bearings In tnra tnble. Turns freely tolhe wind. Hall bearing thrust In wheel, insuring lighest running qual ities, and reserving grefltesl amount of power for pumping. Galvanized after making. Put together with galvanized bolts, double nutted, no part can rust or get loose and rattle. Weight regulator; perfeot regulation. No spring to change tension with eve:'y change of tempera ture, and grow weaker with nge. Bepalrs always oil hand. These things are worth money to yon. Then vhy not buy a Star. Seattle. Spokane. Boise, Implements, Vehicles, Harness Mention this Paper Simple Stover Gasolina Engine 4, 3, 4 and 6 H. P., Plain and Pumping. Simplest En gine made. More easily un Uemood than any other. Catalogue F'ree. i Twilight. - The Twilinht Club eave Miss Ethel McCord a dance in honor of her birth day Thursday evening, May 22, in the Twilight hall, and a" dainty luncheon was served. Those present were : Mr. aud Mrs H. Jeohnke, Mr. and Mrs. G. Lazelle, Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. D. Martin. Mrand Mrs. Wm. J. McCord, Misses Betlie and Fan nie France, Misses Blanche and Ethel McCord, Misses Mary and Sarah Davis, Misses Hclt-n and Rarhol McCord. Miss Emma Wilehart, Miss Annie Mautz. Messrs. Archie McCord, Laurence Mautz, Tom Davis, CarlJeohnke, George McCord, Lewis Davis, Marshall Lazelle, Wallace McCord, A. VV, France. Mr. Wm. J. McCord, of Mt. Pleasant, sold a Jersey bull to Charlie Spence, of CaruB, last week. OASTOniA. Been the 1113 Kind You Have Always Boitt No Less of Time. I have sold Chamberlain's Colic, Choi era and Diarihoea Remedy for ye3rs,and would rather be out of cottee and sugar than it. I Bold five bottles of it yester day to threshers that could go no farther, and they are at work again this morn' fig II. R. Phelps, Plymouth, Okta noma. As will be seen by the above the threshers were able to keep on with their work without losing a single day's' time. You should keep a bottle of this Kennedy in your borne, tor sale by G. A. Harding. Special sale Millinery at Red Front. Won't Follow Advice After Paying for it. In a recent article a prominent physi cian says, "It is next to impossible for tLe physeian to get his patients to carry out any prescribed course of hygiene or diet to the smallest extent ; he has but one resort left, namely, the drug treat ment." When medicines are used for chronic constipation, the most mild and gentle obtainable, such as Chamberlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets, should be em eployed. Th r use is not followed by Constipation as they leave the bowels in a natural and healthy condition. For sale by G. A. Harding. Free Embroidery . Learn to embroider correctly by the Japanese method, A class of six. will be given 12 lessons free. Leave name and address at Atams Bros. Golden Rule Bazzar. srors the cortiii axdwokkjoff THE C0LH. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure no pay Price 25 cents. The liest rreao'lptiou for Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Trice 50c. OASTOniA. Bean th t M Kind Yoa Haw Always Bo?!4 Me.. r 1 13 sr, in Wag ons .I.,. 5.... ... . JL Best possible to build No wagon is or can be better than a Mitchell, because the cream of wood stock Is used, only af ter being thoroughly seasoned. The wagon is well Ironed, well painted, well proportioned, and runs the lighest of any It is nearly 70 years since the first Mitchell wag on was built, and they have been built continu ously ever since by the Mitchells. When you buy a Mitohell you get the benefit of this 70 years' ex. perience. Salem and Medford and Bicycles Champion in name Champion in the field DRAW CUT MOWER It beats them all. That's all there is to say. Same with the CHAMPION BINDER and CHAMPION RAKE. Catalogue Free. BEAVER TAIL SOUP. A Michigan Lumber Camp Delicacy That Amazed a Murjlnnder. 'Although I am a Marylander and a' Eastern Shore one at that," snid an epi cure from that state, "and consequent ly know what good things to eat tire. 1 want to tell you that I'll have to take off my hat to the lumber camp cook oi' the upper Michigan peninsula as the discoverer, fabricator and dispenser of a dish that knocks the Eastern Shore cuisine silly. And that rare lumber camp dish is beaver tail soup. "I was with Colonel Tark of Colum bus, O., dorr hunting in the Rainy hike region of Michigan one fall. We lived at a lumber camp boarding shanty. "There were signs of beaver at the upper end of the lake, aud a trapper succeeded in trapping one of the wily dam builders. "When the beaver was brought into camp, the camp cook went nearly wild, and so did the lumbermen when they heard the news, all because they had been trying to trap a beaver for weeks, not for lta fur, but for Its tall, as they were pining, they said, for beaver tail soup. "The cook took that broad appendage of the beaver, mailed like an armadillo, took from It the underlying bone and meat, nnd from It made such a soup as never came from any other stock at the beck of the most expert nnd scientific chef that ever put a kettle on.' "We could do the same thing and perliaps better on the Eastern Shore, but we lack one thing. We haven't got the beavers to yield us their tails." New York Sun. rrovfdlnir For a Wayward Son. Lord Chesterfield gave advice to his son In sundry letters, which might or might not be followed, but In his will he took good care that "my godson, rhilip Stanhope," should have strong inducement to follow his advice on at least one point. All the bequests are subject to the condition that If rhilip should keep race horses or hounds or stay one night nt Newmarket, "that in famous seminary of iniquity and ill manners," during the course of the races there, or should lose on any one day by betting or gaming aa much as 300, then In such case he shall forfeit 5,000 to the dean aud chapter of Westminster for every such offense. All the Year Hound. Know Your Own Cnpncity. If the people about you are carrying on their business or their benevolence at a pace which draws the life out of you, resolutely take a slower pace; be called a laggard, make less mouey, ac complish less work ihau they, but be what you are tinant to he and can be. You have your mutual limit of power as much as au engine- ten horsepower or twenty or a hundred. You are tit to do certain kinds of work, and you need a certain klud aud amount of fuel and a certain kind (if handling. George S. Merrlam. "SHE EUR.NS GREEN.' The Discovery of Borax In Death Valley by Aaron Winters. The greatest discovery of boras in the United States was made In the ter-J rihly hot region known as Death val ley and in a most romantic way. . The Chicago Record tells the story. In 1SS0 Aaron Winters lived with his wife, Rosle, In a gulch known as Asli Meadows, not far from the mouth of Death valley. He was so fond of hfe wife that he would not allow her to he long absent from him, although their little hut on the side of the moun tain was a hundred miles from the nearest neighbor, in a wild, rugged, forsaken country. One day a desert tramp came along and spent the night at the Winters home. He told the hunter about the borax deposits of Nevada. When he went away, Winters thought that he had seen deposits of the same kind on his explorations into Death valley. Accordingly he and his wife went to gether to make the search, having pre viously provided themselves with cer tain test chemicals, which when com bined with borax and ignited would produce a green flame. Having procured n piece of the sub stance which he believed to be borax. Winters and his wife waited for night fall to make the test. How would It burn? For years they had lived like Flutes on the desert, entirely without luxuries and often wanting for the very necessi ties of life. Would the match change all that? Winters held the blaze to tlie sub stance with a trembling hand, then shouted at the top of his voice: "She burns green, Rosiel We're rich! We're rich!" They had found borax. The mine was sold for $20,000, and Winters took his Rosle to a ranch In Nevada. KITCHEN HELPS. Use a pancake lifter fo place cookies on the baking tin and to remove them. To clarify fat after frying throw In a few slices of raw potato and simmer all for a few minutes. Grease spots that have become hard and burned in ou ranges may be re moved by rubbing with a few drops of kerosene on a cloth. Sometimes the fishy smell will cling to knives and forks after oily fish like salmon or mackerel has been served. Cut a leinon, rub them with It, and the disagreeable odor will vanish. Sometimes a large roasting pan, be ing Infrequently used, gets rusty. To prevent wash it well after using, dry It in the oven, then while warm rub It over with a greased cloth and hong It away. Old newspapers save work In the kitchen. When you have any "messy" task on hand, like dressing a chicken, pickling over fruit, etc., lny a paper on the table, gather the litter up with it and burn all together. This saves scouring the table. Why He Renewed Ills Yooth. "Why, Brother Dickey, I hardly knew you, you're looking so young and spry! What's up now?" "Well, suh, I'ze studyin' 'bout gittln' married ergln, dat's all." "Getting married?" "Yes, suh. I made de 'quaintance er a young gal ferday, en she 'lowed dat ef I'd shave off niy gray whiskers, en chop off de hair what on my head, en stop limpin' wid de rheumatism, en wear cloze what come out de sto', en smoke se-gars stldder pipe, en stop preachiu' 'gin dancin', en secure my life In her favor ter a hundred dol lars she'd marry me. Dat how come I look so young!" Atlanta Constitution. Barns and Scalds. In cases of burns or scalds, when the skin Is unbroken, cover the burn with white lead paint, glycerin, fresh lard, linseed, olive, sweet or lard oil or soapsuds. If the skin is broken, pour a mixture of oil and lirffewater (either linseed, olive, sweet or lard oil) In equal parts over the injury. Then place a soft piece of white linen or muslin wet with the oil mixture on the wound. Then loosely wind a bandage over this, removing It from time to time to wet the linen with the oil mix ture. Never attempt to uncover the In-Jury- The Finishing; Touches. A girl who. had been very clever nt college came home the other day nnd said to her mother: "Mother, I've graduated, but now I must Inform myself In psychology, phi lology, blbli"- "Just wait a minute," said the moth er. "I have arranged for you a thor ough course in roastology, boilology, stltchology, darnology, patchology and general domesticology. Now, put on your apron and pluck that chicken." , ITnfortanatcly. They were driving together when Miss Rocks, unsolicited, gurgled forth ter views upon matrimony. "Love is 1 dreary desert," she said, "and mar riage an oasis," whereupon Mr. Shy ly remarked that "certainly it did re quire a deal of sand." Boston Trav eler. A Good Same, Tess Oh, yes, she married a man with a highly honored name. Jess What! I never considered Beadds a highly honored name. Tess-Well, you should see the way It's honored at the bank. Philadelphia Tress. A man should not lose his temper cftener than once In ten years, and a politician never. Atchison Globe. The first Sunday paper in this coun try was The Sunday Courier, begun at New York In 1S25. sffiKsWsm.; hitis rone " I have kept Ayer's Cherry Pec toral in my house for a great many years. It is the best medicine in the world for coughs and colds." J. C. Williams, Attica, N. Y. vm mi; i wiwiiwwiwwwi All serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in the throat. You can stop this at first in a single ; night with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Use it also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds. Three size : 25c, 50c, SI. All drujjlsli. nonsuit Tour doctor. If ho my take it, tlieu do as he says. If he tells yon not to take it, then dun't take it. He knows. Leave It with Win. We are willlnr. j.t.Al 11.1V bu., X.UWU11, mass. Wilt Cure Conenmption. A. A. Herren, Finch, irk., -vrites, "Foley's Honey and Tar is the best preparation for coughs, colds and lung trouble. I know that it has cured con sumption in the first stages." Char man & Co. Now is the time to paint and renovate your houses. Charman & Co. are mak ing special prices on Faints, Oils and Kalsomine, Foley's Honey and Tar contains no opiates and can be'safely given to child ren. Charman & Co. weakens the body and de grades the mind. It saps the nervous strength that is the source of all health, and perverts the functions of every organ. Because of its stubborn nature, it is often called incurable. This is not true. There is one medicine that never fails to check the nervous spasms and give new strength to the entire system. "My little girl had epilepsy so had that in one day she suffered seventy one fits. The doctors pave her up to die, but I began giving her Dr. Miles' Nervine aud now she is perfectly well. It took five bottles to effect a cure." Mrs. Adif. Lewallen, Siloara Springs, Ark. D. Mile: allays stops nervous irritation, spasms, restores di- gestion and mental vigor, bold by druggists on guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. Snodgrass, Fotografer Gives a Lsrge PORTRAIT FREE With all Cabinet Photos, good until July 1st only, strictly up-to-date. This offer is All work is Prier's Hair, food for the Hair For sale by ill druggists HEADACHE r At (4 cnaj 1CTTXsBf,:,lftfiWi.'ial;!igu-- lama T V B. IH 111 M I t