Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 03, 1901, Image 1

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    ' . i 'i
18th YEAR, NO. 60
182 Madison St., West end of Bridge, Portland, Oregon
Aultman & Taylor's
Celebrated Threshing Machinery
Steam and Gas Engines,
t Saw Mills,
Grebe, Harder & Co.
182, 184, 186 Madison Street, West End of Bridge,
One Was Jfot Aware That the
Provisional Government Was
Being Organised. '
The very few survivors of the 1842
emigration, especially in view of pasaiug
events, make them individuals ot promi
nence and of interest at tins tiu.e.
The dedication of the monument at
Ohampneg yesterday was in commemora-.
i in ; .Li .n IX-. L A '
11 in oi lue organic iuuii ui i o u-1 auto. -can
government on the .racitie coast.
which event took place on luesday,
May 2, 1843, 52 persons for and 50 per
sons aeainst. There were a lew early
settlers on trench mine, wtio am not,
know that the meeting was being held.
Among them were Antone Pluard, who
has lived in Oregon City for the past
year with his son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. William Baker. In 1842
Mr. Pluard was an individual member
of one of 25 families, who emigrated here
from Manitoba, Canada, and set
tled on French Prairie. Mr. Pluard'a
claim was near where the town of Wood-1
burn now stands. Dr. McLoughlin in
sisted oa the ne immigrants locating at
Oregon City, but the heavy growth of
timber deterred them from the purpose,
and the further fact, that they did not
realize the importance of Oregon City
as being at the head of navigation. The
open prairies further up the valley at
tracted tneir attention, ana tne ricn boh
that could fie cultivated without clear
ing off the timber, was an inducement
that could not be resisted.
Mr. Pluard was not present at the
meeting held at Champoeg to form a
provisional government, for the reason
e states, tnat tie am not Know anytmng
about it until it was over. Had he
known of the event before it came off he
would have been there. In 1850 Mr.
Pluard and his family went to the gold
mines in California, although advised
not to do so by his father, who told him
that California cold was now coming to
this country, and that times would be
prosperous. Mr. Pluard already bad
everything necessary for a comfortable
hving. but thought-be could make nis
fortune by going to California. While
there he and his wife were sick a greater
part of the time, and when they re
turned to woodmirn a new settler naa
taken a donation land claim on their old
olace. Had he left Mrs. Pluard at home
in nossession of the claim, he would have
not lost the land, mi . riuara says tnat
people hvei easy in those days. A
farmer could take zuu Dusneis oi wneat
to l he boat landing at Champoeg, from
where it was shipped to the Hudson
Bav Company's headquarters at Van
couver. In return the settler would re
ceive enough clothing and provisions to
last for a year.
Agricultural Implements and Vehicles
Peerless Plows
Steel and Chilled
Remember we have the finest stock of the best makes to be found
in Portland, including Farm and SDrin? Waeons. Buereies, Carriages
and Carts, Mowers, Rakers, Tedders and Hay Tools, Hay Presses,
Grains Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows,
Pumos Harness, Bicycles, Etc.
Interesting Topics Discussed at thi
liegnlar Monthly Session.
The regular monlhly meeting of the
Clackamas County Teachers' Associa
tion was held at the Barclay school
building last Saturday. County Super
intendent Zinaer presided. There was
a good attendance of country teachers,
but the local pedagogues did not turn
out in appreciative numbers. At the
forenoon session Professor T. H. McCann,
of Parkplaee, presented "Fractions,
Decimal and Percentage," and Miss
Sade H. Chafle, of Oregon City, told of
the "Use of the Equation, or How to In
dicate Advanced Work iu Arithmetic."
At the afternoon session P. A. Davis, of
Damascus, presented the "Geography of
America," exhibitingthe model of a vol
cano in the act of eruption. Professor
E. A. Miluer, of Portland, took an active
part in the discussion of the mathemati
cal Questions. Miss Lena Morrow, of
Portland, presented the "Art of Teach
County Superintendent J. C. Zinser
presented some important points in the
amended and new school lane, ine ns
cal school year hereafter will begin on
tht third Monday in June at which time
the clerk and new directors will be
elected. There will be three classes of
school districts, all districts containing
over 1000 children of school age being in
the first class. Oregon City is the only
district in Clackamas county, which will
come nnder the rules governing a first
class district, and the school board will
consist of five directors. There will be
three to elect in June, 1902. The boards
in first and second class district will con
sist of three director?, but a clerk in all
three classes of districts will be elected
aa heretofore. Two apportionments of
school moneys will be made annually,
unless the superintendent deems it ad
visable to do otherwise. In October the
annnal apportionment of $5 for each
district and $5 for each district
When vou visit Portland don't fail to
eet vour meals at the Royal Restaurant,
First and Madison. They serve an ex
cellent meal at a moderate price ; a good
square meal, 15c.
Dowagiac Drills
Hoe and Disc
Sickle Grinders
Road Carts
Mountain Hacks and
Spring WagDri
Buffalo Pitts,
Harrows and Cultivators, .
Ovven'i "Advance" Fanning
Mills. ,
Write for Catalogue and Prices.
Hay Presses,
Horse Power and Steam
Feed and Root Cutters, .
"Bons and CiderMills.
Stoughton Wagons
that presents a certificate to tl
effect that their teacher has attended
teachers' institute. The county super
intendent shall have the power to ap
point an examining board to conduct the
examination of pupils of schools of the
tirst class, but the city superintendent
shall be a member of the hoard. The
standard ol examinations for third grade
certificates has-been raieed 10 points, ,
and the certiOcates are good for one year
only. All appl icants for any kind of cer
tificates to teach must he over its years
old. Two more studies have been
added to the examination for primary
certificates, but they are good for three
years. All certificates nave to ue regis
tered in the county superintendent s ol
fic, and a fee paid for the same.
fl CARPETS. JW.W.Wl.U.JAilJT5, 11 I
I ji I WALL PAPER, JMpttm ;fylD00RSA.:o -JJ
r ...
Hints for Her Guidance When
Choosing Her Summer Attire.
White holifs first rank this summer,
as it did last, for children, young girls
and young women, and for older ones
also whttu combined with bUck.
White lawn graduation gowns this
year are trimmed .with dainty hem
stitched or lace trimmed ruillee upon the
skirts, the waists being tucked and
hemmed, with embroidered of lace in
sertion set in.
White ami colored wash silk nhirt
waists made like ordinary cotton ones
will be much worn this season.
Wide sashes of soft ribbon used as
belts and ending with long ends coming
to the edges of the skirts, are to be used
with summer gowns.
Collars ate made from two to three
inches deep and over foundations that
may be bought in all sizes. As a rule
the collar is made of the dress material
and trimmed as the waist is.
Many of the parasols this season are
of striped silk in white colors, and many
others are of plain black and dark shades.
The sticks are lone, and as a role are lees
ornate than they were yar ago. May
Ladies' Home Journal,
This is the season of the year for f iat
tired feeling. A comfortable couch is
the best cure. You cannot make a mis
take in buying one of these conches, be
cause they are well made, with substan
til frames and durable upholstering,
and are sure to be a ple'sura to you.
The fact that they cost but f 5.00 should
not prevent your buying them.
If you have windows which need
shades and they are standard sizes, we
can offer you the best value you ever
saw. We have some regular 38-inch
shades of the most durable material,
ready to nut on your windows, including
rings and fixtures, at 40 cents. We have
the material for making the shades to fit
your windows and the cost won't be
much, either.
(lie market for carpet
we mde a lucky hit in buying this
splendid line. There arc so many Rood
things here, tho prices ranging from 25
cents to 11.00 and (1.60 for the finest
body Brussels and WWton velvets. We
would like to have you fee this lino, be
cause we know it offers you that which
will please.
The brightening effects In wall paper
stock ought to please the ladies who are
looking for a superior quality of paper to
put on their walls at the present time.
There is a spring tone in this stock which
will make satisfaction in the home.
The cost is slight, which will surprise
There is a special selection of mirrors
here just now and we are sure yon can
find exceptional values. 1 hey are all of
heavy glass and the reflective value of
the mirror is asjgood as you could desire.
We think yon will admit that we knew
what we were talking about when we
said no better mirrors were ever sold for
the price. Many sixes and all good.
No home is complele without a sewing
machine and no sewing machine is equal
to the Climax. It is easy running, gives
satisfaction and is not hard to buy.- The
terms we make and the guarantee we
give should be enough to induce yon to
come to us for your machine and get the
benefit of these excellent constructions.
Price $25 00.
You cannot keep your lawn in good
condition unless you haie a first-class
Lnwn Mower. If yon want one that will
insure you satisfaction you must see our
Mower. Itowrates with ballbearings,
has knives that shirpen themselves by
the action, runs easily and cuts your
grass smoothly. The cost is reasonable.
Yon never know what you are going
to need in the kitchen until it comes
just the time when you want to use it.
That is why your kitchen should be
completely furnished with a large line of
desirable utensils. There are some very
useful things here at a very reasonable
price. You ought to see them.
Those who do a grpat deal of market
ing appreciate the advantage ol having
two or three sizes of baskets galore,
large or small, light or heavy. Kvery
basket i sold for just the quality it con
tains. We like the best to speak of our
Split Willow bankets which are woven
for durable service and they don't cost
much either.