St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 25, 1921, Image 1

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St. Johns Ideal Place
for the 1925 Fair
St. Johns Ideal Place
for the 1925 Fair
Appoints Pair Committee
Editor Review: Pursuant to
n motion made and carried at a
meeting of the Community Club
March 1st that the chair an
point a committee to confer
with and place before the chair.
mnn and board of directors of
the 1925 Fair the advantages of
the i'nntnsuia, located as it is
between the two great rivers of
Oregon, unsurpassed for ts nat
ural beauty, with its lakes and
lagoons, its high promitories'
all that could be desired to make
it the most attractive and won
derful place in the whole North
west for so grand an alFair as
tno Fa r will he 1 have ta
ken the liberty to place on that
committeo men whom 1 know
have the confidence and esteem
of the community as well as
city: Thos. Autzen, chairman;
11. W. Bonham, J. N. Edlefsen,
C C. Currin, Dr. S. A. Muikey,
F. P. Drinker, A. E. Jones, F.
0. Knapp. II. W. Ormandy, W.
E. Hollenbcck. T. J. Monahan,
The Bachelor Club is the latest
entry into the Held of baseball,
having decided to organizo a
team with Fred Marlett as man
ager. The team will bo built
around such players as Nelson,
the Poll ami Lind brothers,
Sundstrom, Whelan, Lnraun,
Smith, Thygson and Mueller.
With this likely looking lineup
to start the season, Marlctt
shoald experience little difficul
ty in producing n winner from
tho Htart. Several prospective
out of town xames have already
been arranged, as it has been
decided to play independent ball.
An Illinois man recently lost a
fine Holstein heifer and ofiercd
us a reward for its return a good
drink of whisky. Tho next day
twelve heifers were brought in.
Flour, Grown and Olympic 49 ib. sack at store $2,50
Scratch Feed ,o pod at store $2,80
WIlBat 100 Pound Snck at Store - - $2,90
Alfalfa Hay Ton Lots at Store - - $23.00
Corn, Oats, Barley, Mill Run, Egg Mash, Coal, Lime,
Cement, Shingles, Nails, Paints, Etc. AT REDUCED PRICES,
Peninsula Mercantile Co.
. 670 W, Lombard St. Phcae Cel. 795
I Portland Manufacturing Co.
Panels, Berry Boxes, Coffee Drums, Ex
celsior Grape Boxes, Egg Case Stock,
and all kinds of Veneer
The Fraternal Boosters
Men are not perfect, never can
be. no matter how pure and
wholesome they may bo in de
sign and worth, are but the
creatures of men, and therefore
imperfect. The true fraternal
spirit is not realized by mere
temporary association with its
pleasures and business duties.
The best satisfaction is the ex
perience of the one who, at
some sacrifice, has done that
which benefits his fellows and
tho best acknowledgment and
reward for such an act is to
be found in the sincere appro
ciation of the favor on tho part
of tho recipient. How much
can I help my fellowmen.andhow
much good in tho world can I do?
is the highest and noblest aspi
ration of humankind. This is the
concrete inculcation of tho Fra
temal Boosters, and when this
shall bo thoroughly appreciated
by our membership, and this
membership shall carry with
them through lifo tho determi
nation to glorify theso principles
and precepts, tho Fraternal
Boosters shall have accomplished
its mission. Let us unite on
these principles and put forth
every effort to mnintain and
promoto every movement for
the betterment of our city and
country, especially our immedi
ate community, nlso to gather
together each Wednesday even
ing at the Mooso Hall, St.Johns,
for mutual counsel regarding
the foregoing principles. Also
bear in mind that wo will have
a social one meeting night of
each month. You aro cordially
invited to attend our business
meetings as well. Publicity
One of life's inconsistencies
a mouse, is afraid of a man, a
man is afraid of a woman, and
a woman is afraid of a mouse.
Easter Greetings
Dr. Herbert F. Jones
Buy Coal
When Cheapest
That is good economy and good
butiuess. At Easter, when spring
is coming, coal is comparatively low
in price, and plentiful. An excell
ent reason for order ng from us now.
Call us up and place your order to
The Community Club will
meet next Tuesday cvenine in Y.
VV. C. A. building. A largo at
tendance is desired, as there aro
matters of importance to be act
ed upon. Make it a point to at
Following: is the Membership
Committee of the St.JohnB Com
munity Club: Deano H. Know
lea, chairman; Miss Gretchen
Cormnny, S. L. Dobie, Mrs. M.
B. Green, A. E. Jones, Dr. L.
J. Kelihcr, Mrs. E. Gerts, V. J.
Larson. Dr. S. A. Muikey. Mrs.
Manda Philippi, J. A. Riley,
Grace V. Tate.E. J. Whelan.Mrs.
C. H. Thayer, Mrs. L. P. Has
kins, Prof. W. T. Fletcher, Bcr
tha Montcomery. Now mem
bers nro coming in at n pleasing
rate. A membership of one
thousand is hoped for this year.
The Grant Smith company has
the contract for construction of
tho tho moorings for the now
dry dock adjoining tho present
dry dock near tho cooperage
plant. The new dock will havo
a lifting capacity of 15,000 tons
and will bo one of tho most mod
ern and best equipped of tho
floating docks on the coast
Each pontoon will bo supplied
with two ten thousand gallon
pumps ntid it is estimated by the
dock engineers that a vessel will
bo lifted in less than thirty min
utes. Machinery must bo in
stalled and in working ordor by
July 1st. The fivo pontoons havo
been completed at tho Corn foot
Barefoot Sandals for Mammy's
Those real tough solos will give
him joy
House slippers 95c-KOGERS.
New ARROW COLLARS, just received,
The fat man's neck will be relieved;
The latest ones arc a whole lot lower
The price stayed up, nud it makes me sore.
At my men's Easter Doiinctsyou should look
They fit your face and pocketbook;
You'll feel so dressed up all the while,
Iu oue of my lids you'll be in style.
Raster Silk Tics by the peck,
To adorn you fellows' neck;
Those narrow kuit ones are a scream
The kind of which the ladies dream.
We must not forget the Paris Garters
Of the bargains I have this isn't a starter;
Guess they brot them back from France,
On the ones made in Boston, I'll take a chance.
Men's and Boy's Real Leather SHOE
M of tomtit mi
St. Johns Undertaking Co.
Thomas Grlcc, Manager
Office, Col. 527-PHONES-Nhjht, Col. 299 208 N. Jersey St.
Night or Day Calls Promptly Answered
I.OW RKNT enables us to give
our customers the benefit of
Very Low Prices.
We guarantee lower prices
We write all kinds of insurance, and lelieve we can give
the people of this community insurance service as good or
better than any agent in the city.
We have choice securities on hand at all times to net an
investor seven and eight per cent,
Our safe deposit vault is fireproof, and is protected with a 4
thoroughly modern burglar alarm system. Boxes $3.00
to $5.00 per year.
108 South Jersey St Phone Columbia 101
Tho New Quartette
Every one used to believe that
it was necessary to go to Europe
to hear good music and that a
great amount of hard work was
essential to a musical unucuuon,
but it has taken the St. Johns
Lyric Quartetto to show the city
of Portland that ono can hear
perfect harmony by spending a
tow moments in me at. Jonns
Shoo Shop, where tho Lyricers
Lyric and waroie. The uuar
tetto takes great pleasure in
renderinir any selection their lis
teners may request, and what
they may lack, in technique they
always make up for in volume
and tho audience may be certain
that their interest will be held
during the entire rendering of
their repertoire of latest hits.
Their greatest success has been
in the original manner they
make sublime harmony in "The
Old Mill Wheel," a now hit com
posed by the Skamania Academy
of MubIc Tho Quarretttf is com
posed of tho two Bailey Broth
ers, Mr. LouIb Cogan, Professor
Emit Brownstono of Scappoosc
and Mr. David Cogan of this
city. Mr. Frank Builoy conducts
the Quartette and is conceded to
be the best instructor in this
line in thostatoof Oregon. Mr.
Bailey is ever willing to aid
any student of vocal culturo who
Ib willing to put forth an effort
in their own behalf. Ho con
tends tbat it is almost absolutely
necessary that one have a musi
cal voico if they would attract
favorablo attention, although he
says thnt some people have such
a forcoful personality that they
can away their hearers to such
an extent that they forget the
defects in tho voice of the sing
er. "Wo make no such clainiB,"
sId Mr. Bailey, when asked
about the personality of the
Quartette. "We always depend
Fine Dreys Shirts, one fifty up,
Get one of these and you're sure in luck;
..The patterns are good for young or old,
Come get yours quick they'll soon be sold.
Socks that wear for ever more.
Prices right and colors gulore;
Iliislncss rushing iu the store,
Piles of SHOKS at ROGF.RS store.
Minnie, who stuttered, told Tommie dear,
There's a rip in your pants I surely fear;
Go down to ROGF.RS Don't taken chance,
Get a pair of his real stout KII KA KIIA
Providing you deliver the goods.
He who has something to sell,
And whispers softly down a well;
Is not so apt to get the dollar,
As he who climbs a tree to holler.
Not a Hranch office of any
Portland Undertaking Co.
than you can get in the city
Will Meet Tonight, Friday
The regular meeting of tho
American Legion, St. Johns Post
No. 88, will bo held in the St.
Johns Bachelor Club hall Friday
evening. March 25. at 8 d. in.
All ex-service men arc cordially
invited to attend. 1'. P. Bug
bee, Commander.
on perfect harmony to enthrall
our audience and up to the pres
ent time every one who has
ever heard us sing has remark
ed that they havo never heard
anything thnt can compare
with our Quartette." Tho Lyric
Quartette is advertised to sing
at the St. Johns skating rink un
der the nupsices of the Portland
Police Department at somo fu
ture dute. and it will be of spe
cial interest to all lovers of gooo
music to learn thnt some of the
Quartette's original composi
tions will bo rendered for the
first time in this cltv. Tho Po-
licu Department has already per
fected the plans for tho enter
tainment and have made the
announcement that they will be
prepared to deal in a summary
manner with any one who cre
ates n disturbance during the
concert. lienor tod.
This ad nno 10c good for ono
Jazz Cnp-ItOGEKS.
Silent contempt is the noblest
way n man can exnrcsB himself
when the other follow is big
ger. Children's heavy nlny suits
95c KOGI2HS for stockings.
Open Evenings
"Sai it. with 7owcrs"
Caster Lilies! Easter Lilies!
Kxtra fine plants, please make
your selection early, supply is lim
ited, plunts can now be seen iu full
bloom at the greenhouses,
Cabbage and I.vttucu plants ter two
iluieii 25c
MasUxIon I'Mimy iilunta per iloz W)c
l'or-Kct-ine-not ilunt t loz fOc
Outdoor rriinroMis jwr dot , W)c
I.nrfjf Double Dulses cr. !u 25c
ett's Greenhouses
814 and 8IG North Kellogg Stre.t
Phone Col. 401
The jilace where gooJ service ami
courteous treatment prevail. Children'
hair cuttiuK receive ipeclal attention.
Frank A. Rice
Office 107 N. Jersey Street
Phone Col. 887 Residence Col. 39ft
For Fine Chocolates
Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars
311 South Jersey Street
To the 'People of St. Johns
Let us ask ourselves tho ques
tion, what aro wo going to do
in regard to tho Bell phono and
its service? Aro wo going to
set nt our desks and every time
thnt a little thing comes along
that is going to cost a few dol
lars, and then for a big concern
liko tho United States Phone
company. Wo might just as
well term it as such, for it really
is ono of tho lnrgestmonoymnk-l
ing propositions in our country,
and would any sane man or per
son or persons consider it jus
tice to the people nt this critical
time to want to take tho advan
tage of the peoplo to ask such an
unreasonable rent for tho small
privilcgo of what a phono may
do now according to the price,
asked. I hope that tho peoplo
nro awnku to tho fact that tho
Boll Telephone Co. cares noth
ing for you, or neither do they
caro, or either nro thoy concern
ed what expense you may ho to.
just as long ns thoy can get jou
and 1 to come ncrosB with what
ever thoy may nsk or tux us
with. Right hero 1 nsk tho
question: Why is tho Boll Phone
stock so high priced on tho mar
ket? I nnswur, because it is a
big dividend payer. Then why
docs the company keep raising
the rent? Tho more rent tho
greater tho dividend, don't you
see? You ask what is tho price
of tho stock? Ono hundred and
two dollars a share Now I am
not at nil clubbing tho Bell Phono
stocks. Oh, no, not in tho least.
All 1 regret is this: I'm sorry
that I do not own a few hundred
shares. I would consider it worth
two or three times what it is
worth now, if thoy can mako
this thing slick; and that is
this, by raising our rent on tho
phono thirty or forty conta on
tho dollar. Again wo will say,
Micro is no doubt all tho larger
concerns can well afford to pay
tho price now asked, and prob
ably is meant for such, but there
is n whole lot of us who will con
sider tho price now asked is
merely n stick up.andwlll roftiue
to pay. Again, tho company
uses tho tonn our tnxos is so
high. Think of it. $100,000 dol
lars, and wo nro forced to somo
means or tho other in order to
save ourselves. 1 might say al
so my taxes aro 10 times ns
much this year as they worolaat
year. I ask tho question, would
that not provo to you my nssets
would bo much greater? I say
get nway from such delusion.
Can't you sco what this means?
Watch tho great dividends com
ing across in tho next few years
to como, providing thoy can
mnko this stunt stick. Again I
ask becuuso my taxcH tiro much
higher this year can 1 uso as a
lovorago an oxctiso to tho city or
county my taxes are ho high I
cannot pay them and I nsk you to
help mo by reducing my taxes
this year, what do you suppose
would bo tho answer? Why
thoy would sell mo out for 30c
nnd toll mo tho other fellow would
pay it.
1 might say this: We no doubt
could learn somewhat along tho
The Brunswick
WATCH MAUlSli AXU .inr5i7Ji
720 Burlington Street, St. Johns.
Under New Management
Nearest Hotel to all Ulver Industries. We rcspectftrily solicit a
share of your patronage.
Clean rooms and well cooked meals ottr'specialty.
lines of the Bell Phono by mak
ing a littlo inquiry from our
Bistor country, called Canndn.
At one time Canada was surely
pretty strict with tho Phono
Company. They surely told them
where to head in at. There is a
lot of these city corporations
Bure getting in tneir lever work
such as taxes and street railway
transportation. 1 say, for tho
sake of humanity, where next
will Hie poor working man get
off at? I predict his next jump
is in the poor house or off tho
earth, I will say, for one, it is
high timo for tho people fcn
nwako, and begin to protuct
themselves, for now I any the
wolves aro at your door. This
setting back nnd letting the big
follow put it all over you, or in
other words, over us. 1 sny
again, the Great God havo mer
cy on the poor. 1 say again,
look, look, look I The papers aro
filled with If I, suicide and de
bauchery by, I Bay, being drove
to a short cut to tho grave, by
some foul means or the other,
or somo big graft being put over
them. Hero it is in n nutshell.
I say grafters and push nnd
drive corporations. I say, as
one of untold millions of poor
people, if such will continue to
exist, wo will havo to tako mut
ters to the God head of our coun
try, called the trovcrnmcnt of our
people, or wo will all perish and
go down to perdition. Pleading
for all concerned, W. T. Hnrt
ford, 403 N. Jersey street.
Fine White Salmon orchard for
sale; will tako St. Johns proper
ty ns part payment, balance on
good terms. Tho orchard com
prises ton acres, all in hunr
lug with best varieties of tip
ples. Trees ten years old; splen
didly located; on main rond and
close to school. Big crop expect
ed this year. Small buildings on
place. For particulars call at
this olllce.
Thumlny and 1'rliUy, Mntcli 21-25
A l'tlic Sncclul from the book,
"HAM' A CIIANCIC," III 7 reel.
Saturday, March 20
titmdiiv, Match 27th
Golilwyu .Sxcial, "IT'S A OKKAT
MPH." A very lenfiiK otimwly
Monday and Tnuwliiy, March 88.90
OI.AR 1'ROOl'" I'arainouiit. Ywh
will llkn till one. Alio Serial No. ,
Wedutttday, March Mill
All .Star cat.
Thursday and 1'rlday, March 31-Apr. 1.
A ncvcu reel I'athu Klxttlul, "Til It
MONItY CIIANOItUS," fontmlng
I,on Chiucy, Hoy Kttmart and Hole
crt McKIm,
Saturday. April 'I
lll.0O.MING ANOKJ,' OaMwyii.
.Sunday. April a
I'OK KCAN1)I."-Kealart.
Brings the rccordod
music of the world with
overwhelming advan
tage Different and bet
ter. This Model With 10
Records and Equipment
Easy Terms-No Interest
The most jxipular of M the
Jlriin' wick models. Can he
had in waxed oak, fumed (Nik
or mahogany. The n e w
March records are ready stop
in and hear them on this