St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 13, 1920, Image 1

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? Jl JLw Y Y
A AVost Enjoyable Occasion
Tho Rebeknhs and Odd Fel
lows of St. Johns held their an
nual picnic at Columbia Park
August 8th, with a very Rood
attendance Ihe lunch, which
was admitted by tho most criti
cal to be just grand, was served
by the Rebekahs In family style,
and judging by the way some of
the Odd Fellows hung around
the table (we are not mentioning
any names; everything was
to snuff. After the lunch a basoi h onn
ball game was iilnycd, Rebekahs (barred on account of overweight. an attempt to ward off
defeat, threw herself bodily for
ward in n desperato slide for Ihe
tape. But she misjudged the
distance and her outstretched
fingers were still four feet from
the line when she brought up.
Mrs. Joe Burroughs was given
tho verdict. She sure covered
the ground, acting as though a
process server was after her with
an order to cook dinner on a hot
afternoon. All the entrants
were slightly under the weight
limit of 300 pounds, as they had
reducing so as not to be
The Price of Sugar
The price of sugar's truly vi
ciouswe're rationed at the
place I board; the little sacks the
grocers dish us cost more than
tailors "can afford. They give
us many n iar-ietched reason
why sugar calls for so much kale;
but little does their logic season
our coffee, ten or homo brewed
ale. A lot of reasons will not
sweeten the pies on which the
workers .feed, and so the pastry
must be eaten so sour it makes
men's bosoms bleed. And nil
Let Something Good be Said
When over the fair name of
friend or foe
The shadow of disgrace shall
fall; instead
Of words to blame, or proof of
so and so,
Let something good be said.
I. G. H. Y. Club Aleets
The semi-annual election ofl
oflicors of the I. G. II. Y. Club
was held at the monthly busi
ness meeting in the Y. W. C. A.
I Club rooms last Mondny even
ing. Alma Rnssi was elected
. - - I I I i I 1
I io succeed nursen as president;
Forget not that no fellow being' jjentrlco Basie to succeed Agnes
vet i incent,as secretary and treas-
Mnv fnll sn lnw. but lnvn mnv urer: Faith Smith to succeed
opposing Odd Fellows, and the -This accounts for the fact that5"0 .reasons are but joshing, sent
uoDOKnns winning yy io z4. Thoi HmiV th u. nt nnitn no fn
score should have been larger, ln3 expected. Plans ure already
but umpires Tooley and Bur-I under way for another picnic in
roughs evidently hnd dust in the near future. Winners in the
their eyes wli n they declared rnrn: r.lrln nmW in vrnr.
under 10 year?,
under 10
uoys un
ineir eyes wn n tiiey declared races: Girls under '
some of the Rebeknhs out, when Norma Froi; girls under
they weren't out at a I. Mrs. .Cecelia Hruzn: Irya
1-rod Haskell was heard to say.ycnrs, Floyd McGinis;
that Charley Tooley was a mean
old thing for calling a third
Btrike on her when sho wnsn't
looking. Soveral of tho Rebek
nhs were slightly injured, but
with one or two exceptions stny
cd with it to tho finish. Mrs.
Joe Burroughs was slightly in
jured when she made n wondc-
fu slide to third base. Miss
Davy, charming loft fielder, had
a very good dav at the bat.
scoring five runs, but did not do
so well in the field, as she in
sisted on taking a nap while
on duty in tho field, with the
result that several tallies were
rung up by tho Odd Fellows
which might have been prevent
ed. The gamo was repeatedly
delayed by tho tactics of Frod
Haskell, first baseman for tho
Odd Fellows. At least three
different times ho eft tho ini
tial snck unguarded, and after a
lengthy senrch was found chat
ting with u bunch of tho ladies
(his wife not amongst them).
Pitcher Ilantz's work was not
up to the standard; we don't
think ho hnd his mind on the
game. He was called down sev
eral times and told to make his
dates after tho gamo. Catcljcr
Walt Norono electrified the largo
crowd by dashing madly back
wards after a high foul and miss
ing it. It would ha o been n won
derful play had ho mado it.
After the game tho races were
held, with soveral records brok
on. In tho fat ladies' rnco Mrs.
dor 1G, Howard Newgent; ladies
1G to 20, Lucy Thomas: married
women, Mrs. Guy Boyd; frco for
all, men, L. R. Pratt; free for
all, women, Mrs. Guy Boyd. Ju
nnitn Ketch. Beth Johnson,
Opnl Jenkins, Vera Lewis and
forth to cheer us when we dine:
they'd all lose color in the wash
ing and shrink if hung upon the
line, borne lat old skates are
profiteering, so we lack sugar at
our meals, and from our anguish
they arc clearing all Kinds of
doubloons, bucks and wheels.
Some human hogs aro busy rak
ing unholy profits to their trough,
while wo our bitter drinks are
taking, and asking where we'll
all Ket off. My aunts through
all tho days are weening, my
nieces nil the house with wails.
V'IM UVIirtlllOi T Will M40 (UIUI.I . . , .
Mindn Lewis were bunched so'110.? kn?w tl,' )vMF. 1 now
closely in their race that the
prize money was divided among
them, as was a so dono in th
race by Kllen Brooks.Fcrn Flute,
Frances Jones. Ellen Norcnc
nnd Marie Clausen. Cccelin
Hruzn nnd Ellen Brooks won the
three legged race. The entrants
in tho fat Indies' race wore
Haines. Beckmnn, Burroughs,
Haskell and Lelnnd. with Bur
roughs returned tho winner.
Tho bnso ball lineup was as fo
Rebeknhs. Odd
Burroughs catcher
irmn Haskell pitcher
Lawrence 1st base
Leland 2nd base
Haskell short stop
Boyd" 3rd base
Davy left field
Bcckman ccntcrficld
limit. right field
Clausen sub fielder
nnd Clnu3cn
Belle "They Bay that mice
invo very noor eyesight." Bau
ah "Well, how is it that when
they want to frighten nny ono
500 507 Columbia IIMk.
410 Ouvcko Street.
Kct. C15 Aiusworth Av.
'mac mm
Maine 3319
coiumhiu rri
Wooillnwn 2(W2
Mrs. Frank A. Rice
Toitohvr oV
Dunning Sehool of Improved Music Study
Studio 412 S. Edison. Phoit Columbia 3S9
Violin Instruct! J)
STUDIO, 215 N. Syracuse Street
l'lioiic Columbia 302
(Licentitate of the Royal Academy
of Music, l,ouuon.;
Teacher of Piano
1957 Hodge St. Phone Col. 87a
Phone Columbia 379
Res. Columbia 1 131
Dr. F. P. Schultze
Physician and Surgeon
Room 4 Peninsula Dank Building
Dr. L. F. Pickens
Office Hours 8 to 12 A. M. 1 to C P. M.
IJvenings 7 to 9
Peninsula Bank Bide.
Office riiune Columbia uS3
St.JohnsFair Store
Highest Quality and Lowest Prices
Toys a Specialty
207 N. "Jersey St.
Phone Col.839
For Fine Chocolates
'ce Cream, Tobacco and Cigars
311 South Jetsey Street
Davis Barber Shop
S. tf. DAMS, Proprietor
108 Philadelphia St. Baths 35c
Real Estate
Fifteen yean in the business in St.
Johns. List your property with us. We
make sale. S. C. COOK.402 N. Jersey.
If you liavo friends,
they should have
your photograph.
Your friends will appreciate
and cherish just tho tort of
pictures we make.
STUDIO Opp. Central School
110112 Philadelphia Street
Soft Drinks of all kinds
and Ice Cream
Light Lunches served
Ladies especially iuvited.
Everything iu first class
condition and attractively
stteeninir. will tnstc kc tar
and rusty nails. When will this
carnival of shearing tho helpless
victims have an end? When will
tho swine now profitceriiiK to
some stonu tollbooth humbly
wend?- Walt Mnson.
The Columbia Exchange oper
ators nave u hridul shower in
honor of Miss Actios Jonus n t
thu homo of Miss Violn Dihhlo
on August ttrd. The ovoning
was i) o.isnnt v snout with mim
singing, dancing nnd n mock
wedding. AUsb Jones was the
recipient of mnnv homitil'iil
gifts. Those uresent wore:
AIIHS03 Mary .lonos. Mnnrnrct
Muck, von J ib c. Ida Too nir.
Notny I.eland, Gladys Horry,
Ivn Mollnrd. Anna Hendricks.
udrey Patching. Mabel Pratt.
Flossie Unrris.Genoviovi! Drawn.
Vera Ilenaon, Inez King, Veneta
Brown. Lconno Gllnin. Aitiioh
Timely Tonic - Wear ROGERS'
l.'MI,.,!.! .1 IJI....I ..l il... Mi
ll uuiw i' iillia (lb WIU l,
IV picnic nt Columbia bench
this, Saturday, afternoon.
May fall so low, but lovo may
lift his head;
Even the cheek of shame with
tears is wet,
If something good js sni(i.
No generous heart may vainly
turn aside
In ways of sympnthy; no soul
so dead '
Hut may nwakon strong nnd glor
ified; If something good is said.
And so I chnrgcyoby the thorny
And by the cross on which the
Saviour bled.
And by your own soul's hope for
fair renown,
Let something good be said
James Whitcomb Riley.
C. C. Rinirel. St. Johns ciirnr
(leaier.has wiUcn over ti e United
Cigar Stores Company's Agency.
ns announced In his adv. else
where in this issue, at his store
at 111) N. Jersey street. Mr.
Ringel stales that he
prepared to meet nil demands
for nny brands of United cigars
at the snme prices which prevail
In the MOO United cigar stores
and agencies located in over
four hundred cities throughout
the United .States. Air. Rinuel
will have the franchise for the
sale of United Cigars, which
guarantees customers better ci
gars for the money than aro oth
erwiso obtnlnnbh'. United Ci
gars are of all types, Havana
Seed, Havann Domestic, I'orto
Rican, Manila, etc., in various
sizes, from live cents up. The
decision of tho United Cigar
stores company to enter the
field in St. Johns is regarded as
an indication that the big united
concern realizes the big future
awaitiiu: St. Johns. It also nuts
St. Johns in lino with the big
ninntots or tho world.
herself as reporter. Helen Rus
Bel wns elected vice president.
This oflice was unfilled before.
as Alma Rnssi had succeeded to
the presidency upon the resigna
tion of the former president,
Ruth Lnyton, who moved to Cor
vallis. Plnns were started for anoth
er camping trip and the girls
who went on the last trip aro
very onthusinstic nbout another
one. ihe plans will uc complet
ed nt the meeting next Monday
ovening at Almti Rnssi's home.
Como to that meeting, I, G. II.
V. girls, and give us your ideas.
Let's make this trip better thnn
the last one if it is possible.
Also at this meeting Viola Krey
er nnd Lena Crump will be initiated.
Our nttendnnce nt the meeting
Mondny night was tho best for
soveral weeks. Tho girls pres
ent were: Agnes Vincent, Al
ma Rnssi. Helen ICdniondson. Vi
ola Krey or, Helen Russcl, nnd
Fire on the West Side
The burning of the Strange
shingle mill, four dwellings, four
bunk houses and a boarding
house on tho Linnton road early
Sunday morning wns replete with
hair breadth escapes. Mr. and
Mrs. S. A. Strange, father and
mother of the mill owners, es
caped with a few articles of
clothing nnd household effects
from one of tho houses. Sher
man Craiton, who occupied an
other dwelling, wns forced to
jump in his night clothing. No
ono else was nt homo in this
house. Mrs. Caroline Denhnm,
a cook, who was asleep in tho
boarding house, had n narrow
escape. 'lho fire ntarted from
Saturday, August 14th
Win. l'ox present
A koo.1 comedy drntim.
SumUy. August 15th
"l'ASSKKS 1Y."
from the hook.
nn undetermined origin at about -1130
o'clock in the morning. The.W
Monday mid Tuwdny, August 16-17-WM,
Some picture.
total loss is estimated nt about
SCO, 000, the heaviest single item
being a pile of shinirles worth
$35,000. Tho plant was owned
by S. Hnn Co. and leased to W.
S.und C. S. Strange. The plant
had a capacity of M0. 000 shin
gles n dny and employed eigh
teen men. Neither of tho own
ers was present at tho fire, both
of them having gone to C. S,
Strange's ranch nt Kelso to oick
.'etlnitilny, August 18th
"THH I.A1)I)1'.R 01' MHS."
Thursday and l'ridav. AukuhI lt)-20
FRANK MAYO In -Tint Kill)
I.ANlt." A North wood story.
Two shifts nro being employed'
on tho construction of the bulk:
I'll I lllll IVIL'VLT. 11LMUI1 IVllHHL'l. 11I1II i . . . '
will be two of our old members who vis-' 2f.V "T "l. S c LWl
ited us at this niectimr. Ruth
nnd Porn Lnyton.
Como on. u iris, we've been
"in business" just a your. Let's
maKo this year better than last.
We have lost some good members
and we must got more to replace
them. Who wants lo join? An-
nlicntinns for membeiHhip mny
no made to Almti Rnssi. presi
dent, or to Heal rice Hasie, sec
retary. Reported.
Dress and Work
Are Hard to Boat
Tennis Shoes, UNDERWEAR
Bank of Commerce Building ST. JOHNS Open tas
That St. Johns can rnisu thinirs
out of the ordinary besides mam
moth vegetables and marvelous
yields of cherries, was evidenced
Monday when I). PI. Gonsolus of
booth I'osseiulon street brot
into the oliice u ulunt eirg which
wns laid by a While Leghorn of
iMcrurlnnri strain, which mens
u red ()4n8 inches. Tho hen wns
0 months and f days old when it
laid this ogg, and began laying
when only f months and 1 tlnys
Don't wind tho cat,
put out tho clock. nnd wear ROG
Furniture Repaired and
1'rire KcMMiiwhlv
EDWARD liliOOKS, Hxnp Shop,
ran . Ml" Cidumhiu lllv.l 1'icmh lllut k.
i mil No. ! in un effort to have the
I plant completed by the enrly part!
I of September. Many applica-l
tions for the use of these bunk-1
ers have come to tho public dock
commission from shippers of
phosphate rock from the Idaho'
mines lo the Orient. As soon as
the bunkers nro finished enor
mous shipments of tho rock will
no snipped monthly ns many as
two nnd three big freighters
loading phosphate rock here us
their major cargo. Abstract.
Pot Plants
Vegetable Plants
Cut Flowers
Floral Designs
Beckett's Greenhouses
814 and 8IG North KcIIorr Street
I'honc Columbia 401
I'hoiif Cohiiuhlii m
William C. Walker
I'uhUo Avottimt nut
Eiptrting, Auditing and SyiUmalUlnJ
Sivcinl Attention l.tvca To
KitiIiiK Kumll AenmiiU
HUH Sinltlt A vvimv Xortlt
YourMoney Readies Twice
as far when you expend it
here. For you not alone
save on the price of the paint
but you get an extra quality
as well. Wo know it is easy
to make such a claim but
you'll find we make good in
every instance. We gladly
welcome any kind of a test
you choose to make.
Beyerle & Armstrong
420 N. Jersey St.
Poff & O'Neil
Snuil iind drawl
Cars with or without drivers for hire
Daily Trips tu Portland
Phone Col. 308 205 N. JERSEY SI
Pulley & Zurclier
Plumbing, llcntiiiK & Tinning
We Repair Aluminum Ware
I'honc Col. 1)2 a07.JuriMy lit,
Mat. TTOHta7v.
In his full appreciation of the dignity and delicacy of his calling Is
essential to the peace of mind of Mirviving relatives and friends.
Only one who by character, habits and personality can command
this confidence aud respect, is fitted for the singular service.
This business always has been, and always will be, conducted on
the basis of this belief.
St. Johns Undertaking Co.
Thomas Grice, Manager
Office, Columbia 527 PHONES Nhjht, Columbia 299 ,
208 North Jcrsc) Street
The olace where irood service and
courteous treatment prevail. Children's
hair cutting receive special attention.
Frank A: Rice
Office in Peninsula Security Building
Phope CoL 887 RsUdenc Col. 389 i
A dependable insurance agency,
giving superior service.
All Lines of Insurance
I 108 South Jersey St. Phone Columbia 1G1
& h. A r-v vv
The Victrola makes
your outing complete
Oh! the joy of these days in the open, when
with the beauty of green trees and fields, and
the merry swish of laughing waters you may have
the voices of the world's greatest artists blend
in tuneful harmony ! The Victrola carries them
with you wherever you go. It plays the music
you like the best- opera arias, popular songs,
band music, orchestra selections, ragtimeand it
furnishes the latest and best music for dancing.
Drop in and let us give you a demonstration.
i Easy Terms.