St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 28, 1919, Image 2

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    Will. III! I H .Mtn .iW
A. V. Mnrklc, iMitor
Published Fridny of Each Week
Subioriptlon price $1.00 poryonr.
Outside of Multnomah County 2.00
per year in Htlvancc,
ADVKKTisiNO RATlw: 25 cent per Inch
caoh insertion. J.ucsN 6 cent jKrr lint,
tninlmum US cent. Speil rates on
yearly contract.
TfjnTRviitv 1 entered at post office
in I'orthml, Oregon, as nmll matter
ot the second class under the Act of Con
,crtMof March i, 1879.
The Review has decided not to
publish any of the details con
carninir the unfortunate
nrnurronco which took tllticc in
St. Johns last week. While not
publishing such items in de
tail mav not be the part of uood
nowspapordom, yet, since, the
Review goes into so many homes
where it is read bv youmr chil
dren, we would sooner plead
guilty to this charge than place
such matter before the young.
Final decision of the Portland
dock commission to erect a dry
dock caimblo of lifting a 12.600
ton vessel Is an unrnoat of the
city's determination to provide
adequately not only for printout
lint for future commerce. It is
an expression of confidence that
Portland will load more ships as
Hlilni) ntr finds its n ace on sullied
routes and that there will bo
buainosi for the new dock by the
time- it Ik l'uiiiii eted.
The dock commission is on Hit
rliibt track in voting to build
tho drydock and in deciding to
build 11 second n or at St. Johns.
The dead hand of the shipping
hoard will not always bu on the
commerce of Portland, lis grip
may bu forcibly broken this year,
and the more business we can
accommodate the more we shall
irut. Modern water transnorta
lion may be established on the
upper ''olumhiu, bringing bsck
here much of the tralllc which
unlit! railroad rates have di
vurturi, It is necessary that
Portland be rjndv for this new
commerce when it comes. It
will not sulllfo to begin construe
tion when tho demand arises
Wo should always build ahead
of immediate needs.
A groitl merit of St. Johns ter
minal situ is Unit it is largd
enouirh to admit of this contin
uouh expansion, with such group
inu of structures iih will con
duce to economy in operation
and to the convenience ol ship
ping men, also with space for in
( ustr us which need to lie near
such facilities. The commission
does not plan piecemeal; it plans
far enough ahead to insure that
each new structure will IU into
its guuural scheme.- Oregonian.
A Fair Day's Work
With representatives of the
manufacturers and the striking
ailk workers of Patorson at Wash
ingtou today in an endeavor to
have the War IhIhh hourd end the
present Htrike by llxing the hours
of work on a minis fair to both
employer anil employed, Pntorson
is mightily interested in any dis-
uiission of tlio question as to
what constitutes a fair day's
The organized trades of Pater
sou nfllliatod with the A. F. of L
have considered that eight hours
u day. forty -eiultt hours n week
constitute a fair day's work.
Somu factions of the silk strikers
maintain that n forty-seven hour
week is lair, while others d
maud u forty-four hour week.
und the proiwuition has also
that a five-day week of eight
hours a dsy was all that should
bo worked,
Men live on what they produce.
Any general reduction of the out
put of necessaries of life lowers
tho standard ot living. The im
provement in the condition of the
Amurican people since the Re.
volution is due entirely to in
crease in production. We con.
sumo more fowl, more clothing,
more luxuries; we are better
housed and we have more amuse.
menU than in oaiiior ywirs; and
ull of them are tho fruits of labor
uppnod more intelligently and
ulltciontly than ever before.
Modern agricultural implements
una mac. nory driven by laiwer
haw beeii the chief causes of the
improv. living conditions we
now enjo;.
uvur suu-o uie steam engine
was invented progress has been
rapid. Labor at times has re
sisted the introduction of labor
saving devices, yet it owes its
better condition to them, because
,'have provided merchandise
have increased the buying
er of a day's wages.
power 01 a uays wanes,
Shorter hours of work are de
manded. It is prolmhlo that the
eight-hour day will bocome the
standard, but some classes of
labor domund tho forty hour
weeK wiiicti is loss than a seven
hour day.
If thoworkiiiL'dav is
shortened to such a deirroe. nro-
duction wui no reduced and a
day's wnges, no mattor what it
may bo in dollars and cents, will
buy less of tho necessaries of
life, because the total production
of real wealth will be reduced.
Labor should Btudy what is
best for itself and the most im-
portant thing is what should
constitute a day's work. One
way of arriving at this is for
each workman to consider what
he would do if working for him
se'f. If ho had a little workshop
or farm of his own how many
hours a day would he work? If
he worked too long and too hard
he would wear himself out too
soon. If he did not put In a good
dny't) work regularly ho would
have to get along with less good
food, clothing and entertain
ment. If the individual work
man can decide what he would
do for himself, he will arrive at
what ho should do when working
for another. No industrious
gardoner or cobbler working for
himself would call it a day after
working less than seven hours.
This point of view is worth
taking. Patterson News.
Nothing to Do About It
There Is a pathos In the help
loBsnoss of babies
Even those that arc fat und
healthy and happy.
A baby dosn't know what kind
of a mess
It has got into by being born.
Possibly if it could have had
its say
It would have preferred not to
have been born,
And babies are never consult
ed on that point.
And ho they arrive, sometimes
Quite as often not.
And hang around until they
What the world is going to
for them.
Pretty generally, no doubt
they're disappointed.
Perhaps they don't think deej
ly upon the subject,
For a baby is not erudite.
Rut if they havoany they must
"Long, long thoughts."
And however long they may bu
When they're older they'll bu
Hut there dousn't seem to
To do about it that we can
think of
Just now.- Hx.
At Evangelical Church
Next bunday means set your
clocks ahead one hour; also
means changing from7:!l() t8:!i()
o'c ock for even ng sorv ces
Sunday school at 10 a. m. under
the leadership of Mr. ragg.Sun
day school superintendent: wor
ship at 11 o'clock, Sermon by the
Pastor. Huh is also the last
Sunday of tho Conference year.
t.ome. bunday evening League
service of at 7 o'clock, tinder tho
leadership of Miss Ressiu Jones
newly elected president. Come
and enjoy the hour with the
young people.
liishop Al. i. Maze. I). I).. of
I.eMars. Iowa, will sneak at the
ICvengelical church on Sunday
evening 8 o'clock. Hishop Maze
is u forceim and eloquent preach
or; comu and hear him.
aii t no way across t ie ocean
the Now York World cables n
Hritish joke which it Bays "trees
bigovor there." I his is the joke
After the lierman cot hat
surrendered in deepest humilia
Hon, "one big round-headet
lierman" expressed his distrust.
lie spat into the ocean three
times, once for tho "dnmnei
Hritish Hoot, once for Admirn
Realty and once for the Rritish
nation saying, "That's what
think of you all."
Then a noble Hritish tar hitch
es his pants ami says: "Look
here, Fritz. You can say what
you pioase about tho English
Meet and nation and Realty, but
you do damned well careful
WHOSli OCHAN you go spit
ting into." Ex.
Arrangomunta are bolnur made
for tho formal oponlngof tho
now pier at bt. Johns terminal,
which will probably take nlaco
about tho first of April, accord
ing to announcement made at
the Kiwanis luncheon held at tho
Portland hotel Tuesday. Tho
Kiwanis club has been invited
to co-oporato with the Portland
t-haniborof Commerce in making
mo arrangements, u, s. Mc
Kinley, socretary, was desicrnat-
ii to represent the Kiwanis club
at a luncheon Saturday nt the
Chamber of Commerce The
tirst cariro to pass over the nior
is now being assembled for ship-
mont on tno west ftiunhnm. It
will bo tho first sailinir in the
trifio of 1.S
steamship companj.
Harly cabbbairo nlants. head
I lettuce plants and kale plants
now renoy ior antimr in vour
garden. Those plants have been
.... - . ' r
hardened outside. Reckott's
tiroonliouse. North Kel oirir
stroot; phone Columbia 101. 2l
Hoar tho world's greatest
musicians and entertainers
day at CURR1NS.
Rest Work Rubbers on Earth
$1.(55. W. W. Rogers, Tho
I Join the Home Trade 1
Life Guard
Do you wish to PHESEEVE
THE LIFE of your home town?
If you do, trade with your
You work for COMMUNITY
Don't Pull a Prop From
the Town You Live In
by Spending Your
Money Elsewhere
BlogKlnr through tlio mud of
CampliiK In tlin rain;
lllldnj in a frosen trnnee
Down some (leimnn plain;
"1'ntl In!" Ix-Hr the BuniMdt yell.
!-'ur frcm liotiu) nml clu r;
Toll mc, lu the tally lull
Httld the wur "wn ovorf
Chow for brwtfiit alum for
Who r)'H men tuo tn
Whllo tlio buglur fiwllli timo
I'lpoii IIki ruvtdll?
"lit Klit ilruwil" lMMr tho iiamontit
1'ioiti Mnlnx Huroiw In Duvr;
Tell inn who I lit IimII II wux
Huld tliu nnr "wu ovurT"
CloAnlne up n mnss of wire.
HIiiIikhI with dolled bliMHl
Where tho lilt; lnrk Imk unit mire
In I tin winter mid;
Pull of tilth nml ftunit und fuze
CannoiiHcr and tlroxor,
Toll me who the fut-htwd wus
fluid the war "nun ovor?"
(Jrantland Illco.
Cable the Peace Conference
America's prM(lu U ut atake In
thn coiuhiir Vlt'tory IJIwrty luian. The
eyM of thn world urn fixed upon lie.
Tlio nntloua of the' world iim koIuk to
rnto tie on thla lust effort. It U rlht
tlmt tlmy ahould Judk't) ua, not by
what w do In tho hint of (lit trui?
(lc, but by our condition after the
Ono of tho beat KimrnutBfH of world
praco for youra to ooiuo would bo tlio
auccossful flotiitlou of tho Victory Mb
erty 1iun for fUo or clx billion dot
lara. Kvon u eoinbliwtmn ot powora
Incllnod to atari nnotlier wur wmld
bcittate in the fuee of euch n display
it troinandmia national UphkI1i.
Kvery mun who buya n Victory Lib
erty Hond nctt April, mormkvor, lll
bo nddlnK to tlio dfterwlHutlon with
which America vpraka at tho Peat
Conference, Tlioro are uiidoubledly
roIiik to be imtiiy moment durliiK that
Ounforojico h)n evory whit of the
power of tho I'uited Status will bo
noedod to ehapo Into artiiultlloa those
UuU for which we eutoied the world
Iet tho cable curry Into tho Qua!
fl'Orsay this mtXMiio:
"Amrrluu linn overaubsorlbed tier
Filth Liberty IJnu by more than a
billion dollars."
This Is a Umo for strutisbt thlukliic.
Make euro tiro other follow Is not talk-
lag drivel. Analyze his thought, don't
tolow It. lie may be suffering with
braKeologlo hemorrhage. It is epi
demic nowadays Ilk j lufltianxa and
tuuoh more aorioua.
For Instance iu regard to the Vic
tor? Liberty Uuu and those follow
who thumb their wata. frown wisely,
and any "Lot the buukt do it. Tuoy
are burstliiK with uioy." Tney aro
talklnir drivel. It sounds flue but it
't Rood eense. Nor la It good
voouomlce, wblt-h umouuts to the game
U tho Roierntnont thought It was
wise to "let ti e bunks do It." the Kv
erumeut would let them do It. Thero
weald bo no Victory Liberty Loau in
Ike popular sens. Hut the govern
tmtnt knows bettor than to let tlio
banks do It.
This la the period of reconstruction
right now. It la a peitod of uisuy
possibilities economtcully. Ono poesl-
blllty is Industrial dunrosstoii. One
si'ov. t ve ot Industrial depression
i plenty ot money ut faorable rates
f Interest to stimulate private enter
prise. That means our banks must
net be doused with government so-
arltles. It means that wo can't af-
Lird to "let tho banks do It." The
poepl must do It do it frum their
ainlnca, present and future.
Think straight.
Support the Victory Uaertv Loan.
For Sale Cheap 100 acre
ranch in the Alberta district.
Canada. For particulars soe W.
A. Flinn. 507 E. Tiona: nliono
Columbia 511. 20
Nota the label on your papsr.
of the jn. pie In the t'ultcd Stales have
defective ee.
Win not know tl condition of
Vou may have normal slht mid
have defective eye
riflli und Wnthlngton Streets
Cortland, Orcson
MjIu 7307
C!nl SiiiiI hand ScwIiik maehlncs for
rent. II. I'. Clatk. u
Dr. Mulkoy. The Dentist, 1081
South JorHcy street.
RWiMKiMRER nil cameras urc
not KODAKS; if it isn't nn
EASTMAN it inn't u KODAK
Will cxclmtiKo a desirable lot on
car line for uutomomle ronuster.
Roninsuln Security Company
Sprint,' nlowitiL' and nil kinds
of tran8ferriiiKto and from Port
ant . C. M. Crow, nnono tol
umbia COS. 20
Double disc records (10 selec
tloiiH) noodles, record brush ant
all necessary accessories for
$1)0.80; pay $10 down and $9 per
month. I liis isimood combina
tion buy. CURRIN SAYS SO.
I'or an e bood sweet corn
Golden West. Early Minnesota
and Stolen Evorroen, 20c per
pound. Alo Earliest of Al
po tut nun.- (110 E. John stroot
St. .lolinu.
lixc mime S&0U ciiuity in now
live room modern buniralow for
K'ood vacant lot; you pay balance
monthly. -MeKinnoy; phono
Columbia 2. lUtf.
DreaimakinK.920 North Edi
son. m
For Sale A thorouirhbret
Rhode Ulnd Red rooster. Also
etru's torsettint;. uaii uoiumuia
Q on
For Sale Salmon Favoroles
ocas for sett n ir. unll oiT in.
Tylor street. 20
How nboiit that sprinir tonic?
Wo havo a Inrco variety of the
mot approved formulas. CUR-
1 want a vacant lot on easy
terms, East St. Johns; must be
rock bottom price. Address J.
this oilice.
Deafness Cannot Bo Cured
y .rim 1
.'(, u lhy cannot wh
, t lh r. Thr U
.if dlii. J 'l' I
I HtUt'. laf. It
UimmI al lli iuu
i 3UMlttlaii TuImt. VIiii
itetl u Us rumbllns
i Carlnie. nJ wlmi l( I
ho dl
un! out .j)
ti) . 'ittiitijii
l U U Nil
i ua Muliik . '
thla iuIm ia i
viuuU i.i in i
ntlrrlt tU..
it I'.viftVMt la IB'' rll.
iin iinlio ran In takan mil
i jrad t Ua normal cunai
. i ti ilaairayad farvvr: nln
t i in by Catarrh.
unl.H tin- ii
n.l ilii iul
Ilou ll. dllllg
wliU'h l uuih
but an IMUmn condition
r th inu.-.Hia aurfaesa.
V win nil. i'ii llunlr.l I Ml lara tar any
rata ut Ixafiiiw twittatj by catarrh that W out t by llaira Catarrh Cura.
eBU for vlr. u .ii t (fav
r. 1 i-HI NHv CO.. TIM. unia.
gol4 by IVi.Ka nta, tie.
Tuk Hull a -I'lliy nils tr couitlpattoo.
St. Johns Fuel Co.
Vh in Columbia MS
101 l-ust Richmond Street
Plumbing, Heating & Tinning
We Repair Aluminum Ware
Hioua Col. 52 207 S. Jersey St.
Transfer and Storage
V d.liver your Rooda to and from
nil y.trta of Portland, Vancourar. Linn
ton, TortUrul and Suburban Lxprau
Co., city dock and all polnti aocaaiiblt
You May Be Able To Sing
but not like Cnruo or Melha. If you
counted the money it would cost you to
hear the Metropolitan stars only once in
a season, and for only one season, it
would for exceed the cost of a STRADA
VAKIA. And the number of times you
can hear these stars with that is unlimit
ed. St. Johns Phonograph Company
Genuine Bargains
On nccount cf my family beitiK
located permanently in New York,
they have prevailed upon me to pull
stakes; so here goes to dispose of all
of my St. Joints property, some of
which arc:
5 Room house, -10x100 lot $1250,
$250 down.
5 Room house, 90x100 lot $1000,
$350 down.
5 Room linuse, modern, -10x90 lot
$1?00, $250 t own.
5 Room house, iii'dem, 50x100
lot $2250, $250 down.
5 Room liouc, modern. 50x100
lot $2500, $500 down.
Some of these hove linrdsurface
streets, alley, fruit ttecs nml on car
Business property on easy terms
and ncrenue in different parts of the
State at $10 per acre on easy terms.
Just netting over the "Pill" and
until I ntn able to be at my office,
101 So. Jersey Slrcet, call up my
home Main '17M.
Don't throw your Old Tires away
Retreading Machine Installed
Tubes 25 cents and up.
Reasonable prices on cas
ing work.
All work guaranteed.
National Vulcanizing Works
St. Johns, Oregon
Real Estate!
Central Location
Thirteen years in the busi
ness iu St. Johns.
ListyourProperfy with Us
We Make Sales
S. C. Cook
402 N. Jersey Street
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court f Hie Stt uf
OrcKou (or the Comity of Multnoiimli,
In the matter ol the lUtate of R.
McKeon. ileceael.
Notice it hereby given ol tlie tleath ol
K. v. .mckcoii. and mat tlie umierniiu.
eil has been duly apimluteil mluiliiLUu
trix ol his etnte by tlie CouiUy Juiluc o(
Miiltuoumli County, Oreuoti. nml link
uuulificil. All DerxiiDi havlnu cUimt u
Kuiiikt the estate o( said decedent are d!
reeled to preeiit tame to the tinderticu.
ed, verified a required by law, nt the
oflice ol her uttoruey, I'crkiu .S: llalley,
1117 Hoard ol Trade UulhliiiK. 1'ortland,
Ore koii, within six nionlhs from the date
of the firitt publication of this notice, to
wn: t'ruiay, iwarcn si. J'Jin.
1.01'ISIC A. RICH. Administratrix.
Attorney fur Aduiltiltratrix.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of the State of Oru-
Kou ior tlie County ot Multnoiimli.
In the matter of the Hstate of William
C, William deceased.
Notice it hereby uiven of the death of
William C. Williams and thnt the under-
inneil has been duly apixiiitted adminis-
tmtrix of his estate bv the Countv ludue
of Multnomah County, Oregon, and has
qualified. All pertous having claims a
Koinst the estate of said decedent are di
rected to present tlie same to the under-
iigned, duly verified, as by law required,
ut the oflice of her attorneys, Perkins &
nancy, 1117 uoaril ot Tratle limliUnt;.
Portland. Oreuoii. within six months
from the date uf the tirst publication of
this notice, to-wit: I'riilav, March 21,
LAURA WILLIAMS. Administratrix
Attorneys for Administratrix,
F-ggs! Eggs!
If you are looking for Winter Lay
ers, get your eggs from
We have a few more settings to
sell of White Leghorns at $1.50 per 15
The St, Johns Poultry Farm
901 Alfestxny Street
St. Johns Car. Portland, Oregon
Cards of thanks notices are
charged for at the rate of fifty
cents each. Persons desirinc to
iiave such notices published
should make a note of this.
If you intend making alterations to
your home this, spring you will need
paint, nails and other materials that are
usually kept in a general hardware store.
This store is well equipped to take care
of all your hardware wants in a satis
factory manner and at reasonable price.
Call in and get our prices.
Beyerle &
420 North
t)i our store now.
(Wt see it.
Dear Mary:
This morning I was passing H. f. CLARK'S furnituro
store. I went in to see the new spring furniture. How
attractive the new designs are! If you have any friends
who need new furniture and rugs just tell them to go down
to this store. And the prices! They were so low for the
strongly made, stylish new patterns.
Come over soon and spend the day.
With love-.HELEN.-P.
S. Don't fail to see the new furniture at
H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man
400-402 S. Jersey St.
Store closes at 8 P. Al. Saturdays, other days at 6:30 P. A.
Of course tobacco
costs more
says Dan
"Everything else
does. What you
want to do is to get
genuine tobacco sat
isfaction. I suved
money by switching
from ordinary plug
to Gravely."
Peyton Brand
Plug packed in poucfu
Beautiful gray or
black adult casket,
hearse, box, 2 nutosl
embalming and refin
ed service for,
I'uuerals if ilesiml for f20, $30, 1D, $60. Higher priced funeral in pro-
portion. We manufacti rc caskets. Lady assistant.
Beautiful funeral chapel.
Main 2691 Independent Funeral Directors A 7885
Washington at CHj Street, Between 20th and 21st Street, West Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
614 Ceutral Ave. N.
Jersey St.
Cood luste, smuiler
chew, longer life is
what makes Genuine
Gravely cost less to
chew than ordinary
Writ tts
fir hniUt oa (htwlaf plug.
Phone Columbia 888