St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 05, 1913, Image 4

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    Why Qrft Hr
a UAy of mt uyif mm ii iwirft,
i a writer tM Mm WM WN Map
HttffWWat Mtrp yrar wfc
a Mh )Wttt mm f fHmm 8
IV UmimniWr Mi Rprta"
Oa 4y MM irtc Wt llrt hi
wuvWmm w wml All h
Vrrt waa ihK a Im4 a ilawi Mi
ti lUmraWc aa. Rvt at Mat taw m
tM hmmihm: rtumr. Mi iimr in
mMh at tort patfcwt and afterward
JHIIlUrlHU IM OtMTN. Aftac rwMHi
Mr wail Iwraatf ta Mm bar r
Hmm mm! fwiMl- 4MIt. Tha rlnr-
wl ww m aiM witii Rttir
M brttfr rM. lUtf it
Plata kg- ImmiTnl hi n bowl at
HNHr wait; Ikn lbr half
lb aMc rwMty to ha mk awajr. Olwim
The mm morning. hawer, atw t-
Ipfxaired, Ttfjr MHi'h her rtHMfMKT
DtHNiMni, with h rlrun kimono ami txtr
M(r dae In h utilniiMC ta ttot
the atat f a matron, ttrtaandlna: th
IniKtaeut of wane da to bar aim tha
5-K1hhIhic f th mmhIn. TIm lady en-
itUllatct and aked why the mrvant
twin loafing Hum auddaflly.
"Oil." ropllod Uharu, "Jwal aa I wa
ivukIiIhr the tiHle yaatarday I iyiim-mi
Oercd Hull Hatto Nan, tin- imwiilM-ofcar,
wanted a wll. Thwfra 1 want out
mil married lilm."
mn any m km rait of thr
Unjuitly Accuioil.
Andrew tMrf;!o, wlwn , talktwjc
bout Did Ki'olrli llHlKt orn-, Hidl:
'.Scotch (llfllwt la n llnr lianl to mi-
liTMlnnil, mid It ofien onuaaa nwkvarl
niNtnliiW. ()liit hii AliH'llniu tlhllif
IM'iit UlirlHlmiiH In a IiIrIiIhiiiI Inn. On
Clirlxtiimn inornliiK hf nru tint umlil
l tip of it hoviTcIkii, mill he wild, look-
ItiK carnuiitly nt her, fur alie wiih ii
pretty iiuilil:
"'Do you know, Kathleen, you am
i vory kooiI looking litHaleV
"Of cuurMO KntliliMMi wmh iilnani'il,
hut, IxtliiK iiiuiloMt, nho IiIiimIiihI llkif a
rmc ii ml ntiHWi'ri'il:
'"Ah, mil Ah, mil Hut my kliMhiK,
Ir, Ik liwmllfuir
'"I'lio illvlno frowiiril.
'"l.iKivo tlm room, you wl'hi(l
rouiiK iHiRKiiftul' ho aalil Hlirnly.
"Ilo illilu'l luinw, you m'i', I hut lilotl-
Mt Kiilliloi'ii had tx'ou Hlmply pmUliiK
lu her hlKhhind illalwt tho huiwiIiii'
eliiiriin of hur imiiihIii Jiuiot of I'oo
I'hltoionhlo Ten.
Thu fntnoiiH Aihitu Kinllh had nil tho
nrnviThliil iiliNiMitmliidi'diuitH of tin-
phlloHophiT. An miiiiihIiir Htory of Mm
U told In Sir, Fyvlo'n IhioI;. "Nohlo
Dnmoa mid Notnhhi Muu of the (iinr-
clan Kru." ".Mr. Diimnr, Itnppmim,
riilli'd oiio moriihu; upon tlw Krottlnh
philosopher Jam iirt ho wax preparing
hU hrcnlifiiNt. Ak they tallicil tht
Icarin'd man took u plit'o of hroad mill
bultiT lu hU hand anil, uftur rolling
It round nml round, (topped It Into liH
teapot ami poured tho IhiIIIiik walor
upon It. Dinner wntched with ipilet
umiiHemeiit without driiwIiiK iilli'iillon
to thlrt pet'Ullur proeeedlui;, uud pi en
riitly lw hud hU reward, for when
Adam Kmlth poured IdiiiKelf out a cup
of thU ipieer decoction and tiiHtrd It
he ipillo Innocently reuiurUed to hU
vUllor t tint It wiih tho wornt tea ho
hud over mot with,"
Not Ottallna.
Diirld Ili'Usco dollenluly dhuiected a
certain iiluywrlcht one evening ut a
dinner Klveu hy tho former to aomo of
till frlenda or tho thetitrlcnl profwwtlou.
ThU tihiywrluht U aueeeaHful ami pro-
divert many playa, hut, It U admltleil,
oweit nearly nil hln liont Idoua to oth-
"Ouo ulKlit tho playwright IiiuikIihM
that. ho hoard a uolnu lu Ida hoiiho,"
mild Mr. Ilehiaeo, "UullKhteil a lump,
went dowiiHtnlra, Htnirelied hw lllimry
parlor, dliiluu' room ami kitchen, then
went to tlm liutler'H nalitrv and thiiro
dWcovered a inaabwl muu kuwdlnu gdilU,' t()!r wllilo at ttctllltl WOl'k
uver mo cueni oi MneiHiue. u.MUIUUIHIIIIIK l II'VIIIK H UX'
" Alitil mild ho hUNklly. 'tealliiKV
'"Oh, no,' replied tho hurxlar culm
ly. 'I'm only udupthuc-' "
TV City of Si. Johns
rlnin m fnlkma:
awtlon 1. 'lho City of St.
Johna hnvinic voluntrrr flrr
rlppurlment ami rwillilnir thai
thert ia ffreat rink to life and
limh in fticri ti hk vrHoum firm
which may KTr within Ihc
City, the City Council hereby
tnakps certain pmviaiona to ihth
tcct ami to care for any memlier
or MtKl lire (leiMrtmnt who i
in kwm1 "tandinx in iwid defwrl
ment atthetimo when injury oc
Sfution 2. Tlmt in caav of any
inuttibor of thu rniid volunteer
fire department of the City o
St. Johns who receive any acct
dental injury while roihk to oi
while at ai'lttiil work in extin
KiiiahiiiK or tryitur to cxtiiiKiiish
aiiv liiirmiiK DuiiduiK or any lire,
for which mud volunteer lire de
partment ha, been called, with
in the city limit of the City o
St. .InhiiR, winch in the direct
cnuac'of iiiKtniiL death, the City
of bl. IoIiiih Khali pay in caxe o
audi death tho sum of Three
lundred ($.'11)0) Dollars to the
del-caned' heneliciary.
beclion .1. That in cane of any
memiier ol mild volunteer lire
department of mtid city who
shall receive any accidental in
jury while Roiiiff to or while at
won in cxtiimiiisninir or tr.vinir
to extiiiKtiish any lire, for which
mild volunteer lire department
ha heen called, within the city
I i in i tM which is the direct cauxc
of Iohiiil' tiny one limb, oar or
eye, or ho permanently injured,
tho Uily ol hi. .IoIuih Mliall pay
in ciiho of such injury or loss of
litnl) Hie Hum of Throe Ilundroi
(100) Dollars to .such injurct
:.hoction !. mat in case any
member of tho St. Johns volun
teer Hro dopartmont who receives
any accidental injury while co
inir to or while at actual work in
oxtiiiKUiHhuiK r trying to ox'
linirtPKh any lire, for which suit
volunteer tire dopartmont lias
icon called, within tho citv luu
it which is the direct cause of
any injury disalilinir any mom
her to perrortn hi daily labor,
the city shall pay in case of such
njury the sum of boven (!7.0U)
Dollar per week for each and
every weoK mien injured party
unable to perform work, not
to exceed Twelve (12) weeks.
1 Section f. In case any mem
her of the St. John volunteer
lire department who receive
any Hitch injuries above men
tioned, oi-any injuries rcuuirhur
i i i
any iiiciiil'iii ii fjiiiiieiu tir pn
cum attention, HUHttuued
Tlm to Make a Choline,
Sir William Phil una uppolntetl
iruvitrivur In chluf of the pixivlmo of
MitKHuchuneltH Hay lu liRKt. Durlnu
lila ailmliilHtnUlou the terrlhle war
tik'iiluit wltehcraft raeil for aomo x-
twin luontlw. When Ida own wife,
I .inly I'hliM, wan named mh IihvIii ox
enilHisI the jiowera of wltcheriift Hlr
Wlllhim heKiiii to view thw whole tor-
rlhlft madnoaa In n new llht, and he
put a atop to nil trluU and dWchurccd
tho prUoiiera thou iiwhKIiiu trial.
"rlli Light DM.
Tha actor neiiM of humor Id l
ways uppermost. Ma will Jaat iiImhii
till tinrd luck, hU III lurk or hIuiimi
unythlim that offura mi opportunity for
u Joke. Qeuurulty, too, he hua eour
HKitho con race to amlle when hU
heart la heavy. A comedian, who whs
known to m In dttaporato Ntralta. wan
Invited to u aochil catherliiK oue eeo
Inc. When tho oor actor urrlrail he
wan acen to ho thinly rlad. hUIiourIi
tho weather was bitter cold. Ho Imik
ed nlm n If ho had not had any too
much nonrlnhuirnt for aonif tlma. The
hostrsn gn-fted him ourdlally.
"I am mo Kind to 8iH you," ahe aald
"Mow well you are looking?'
"a." replied llu coiumllan; "tha
wind hu been very nutritious of lHte"
Saturday HvoiiIuk l'ost.
in oxttnuuishin or trying to e.
tinuuihauy lire, for which th
I said department had been called,
within the city limits, the city
I ahull pay for nil medicine used
and pay the physician' charues,
it any incurred, m any nmount
the CTity Council deem reanona
lile, not to exceed the sum of
Three Hundred ($,'()()) Dollars.
Hut in no case shall the city ren
der any medical treatmont or any
physician chai'K'os to any mem-
tier ot said volunteer tiro depart
ment for any injuries received
...l. ;i 1 il. .. !.. il i i..
wiiiiu minor tue iiiimuiico oi in
toxicating liquor, narcotics or in
consequence tliereol.
hectiou d. lliat in case of any
accidental injury to any member
of uid volunteer lire dejmrtmont
caused by attempting to extin
Kiiish or cxtiuKuishintrsuch lire,
retiuirinjr the injureil party to
be cared for at any hospital, the
city shall furnish ambulance ser
vice tofand from hospital, and
shall defray tho expenses at said
hospital lor a period not to ex
coed six weeks.
An Ordinance Providing tlm
lime ami Mnnnor of I in
proving Avenue
from Uuclinnnu ?lreet In
John Street in (lie
Cit.v of 51. Johns, Oregon.
Thr ft nt M itt At t.t.Ulti -Inlkm
TV tailrU tlM" rily nf St ..ho.
ham awtWlMH tlir rr4 H tntvM.titii
Cmtrill Avmt ftow tlir ri.lril-
tUaMdraMr Hat ( Mm ami In ih
I. V. arMt A'MRNM ill thr til
4 IH. JmIim, aa aba In 1
thai ( llx--aiMrll Mtttl rlti ..i
thr ltdny ( (. 11. and
la throAiif rf thr rwnww ( mikI . in
and MtOrr Ihrirot kavtnK lirrii pii', .1
in thr m. John Nrir, a wrrkh n. -
Br if jrnrlnl rri-latttt. n tlx 1
Ih awl l day v4 Aunu-t lHl.t
aa ihn hy the aiMairil ( th.
lorrnmn nt aM Mmy. ahk-h mkI -tit
i on Kir in the office ( IIh- il h ,
itirtler. and Iriral amliMK " """ ' ' ' :
well iniimrrrmrnl. Uiown U tin 1 1
davit of thr rtty rMKinavrmi Ate to tin
rfficfol thr rlty rrcwnlrf; ami no n m..i
tram.ra having Ihmim fllnl, and. n- t. 1
vlilnt liy hhI rvwilnltoM, thr tmi
nrrr'R ptrllttilwarv rati male ( the . .- : ,
aaid itnimveHint U i7'IOft.7fl. )ni -lull,
la? worr acmmtely nrtrrmlnr.1 ! muH
Now. therefore. Il In lierrliv nrlete.l
that said utrer t lie initvrl and tin
time fur the eointiletkHl ill mini mi
nivrim nl u herehv flxiil at (!lldalriiii
ant taihlicatMiti of notice of iitoIiomiK ot
ialil work, which aaid titutioaaU iniit Im-
nirn witii me teconier ut aaiii ctiv on or
lielure the HJtnl iluv of SeptrnilH-r. 11)1,1.
nt no clock, p. m. o mill ilav
Tlmt Mtld direct aliaill he imiiimid a
ii lollowa: I Iv xraillliK aatue to thr e
lahllahetl Krade bv cut and fill ami hv
nidt'WHlklliK KHiue on either aide with ft
loot cement aldewalk Ifi tiHtt into
entire length, together with all
neri-ary cement croaa-walk and iron
uttet. curb to have four-inch
rain tile every fifty feet, hitch riou to
lie piaeni III cur n a iiitrcteil liy tlir City
1 he city recorder alwll Hive notice by
IHihlicHtiou fur iH.t lea than three In-
lertiotia in the Hi. johna Review, the of
ficial tiewpaier, tiivilln proMiaalN for
making aaid iniproveuieiil.
Nilil liupiovemeul hIihII In all reoiK-cti.
lie done and completed in conlitrmltv
with the provlnion of Oidiuata'ea No,
ll'.(l and !I2 except aa otherwlM. tirovided
ill th in ordinance; all work to be 'lone
under the direction and Mia.'rviiou of
the dt, engineer.
I Hal tile cml ol aaid tnnimvemcnl
nhiill be aakeaauil iigiiiut the proierty in
the local Improvement district aidei
ac r il km I in Mild ronolutiou anil deilguaU"l
iih and declined to he l.ocil Improve
ment iiistrici .mi. nm.
I'aweil by tho council thia l!nd day
if Sept., o.i!l.
Approved hy the Mayor thin -ml dav
of Kept,, igiit.
Attest: 1'. A. RICK,
City Recorder.
I'iiIiIUIuhI in the St. lohiia Review on
Sept. mh, ioiU.
Proposals tor Street Work
Our stock preparation for the fall has
been more exhaustive than ever before.
We are ready now to supply from our
Men's Toggery with all the fall comforts a
man could desire.
The Ladies' Department is preparing
the display of suitings, hosiery, embroidery
supplies, neckwear and footwear.
The darker colors of Plisse and Rinplette are still in voffue for kimonas
and house dresses and the supply of ladies' and children's dresses is again
The time to do your sewing for school is here; the galateas, serges and
ginghams, Indian Head and linens will make up well for school children.
The Buster Brown and Wunderhose stock has been replenished and
these lines can be had only at our store in St. Johns.
The grocery department will supply you with all that goes with the fruit
and vegetable canning season.
The patronage of your St. Johns stores improves and broadens your bus
iness district. A larger patronage means larger, more convenient stores.
Large business blocks add to the value of your property.
The large advertisements of the city stores are alluring; the bargains
given are taken back from you in exorbitant profit on something else it has
to be so because of the expensive organization.
Scaled proioHlh will la rtceiveil at
the olhce of the recorder of thecilv of St.
John, until Kept. 21, IMS, at K o'clock
jt. 111. for the improvement of Ceu
ml Avenue Horn the seterlv line
if lluclwmoi iMruet, to the easterly hut-
f John atteet in J. C. Svolt addition
11 the manner provided bv 1
Ordinance Number Rill, uljut,
to the provUlou of the charter and nli j
iMiuceaof the city ol St. John and the 1
ratiiuate of the city engineer ai lile.
KliKlueer'a eatltnate l JT.-KM.7n. I
I ll I i mutt lie ktrictly in accordance ,
with the jKiuted blank, which will U-1
fiirniahetl 011 aiailicatioii at the oilier of .
the recorder ol the city of St. Jhu.
aim nam improvement mut ! com
ileleil oil or before (aiUVkfrom the date
of the lat laihlicultou of lliia notiic.
ro tirolMMMiiiiiroiilii will lie eoii.lcrcil :
unlra acciaiipauietl by a eer tilled check 1
wyablt to the onler of the mayor l the 1
city of St. lolina. certified bv a rriHiiii !
hie la 11k for all amount eUal lo U n kt ;
cm. m uie itggreuuie troMMai.
The right to reircl any and all ludk i
hereby renrrvrd.
liy onitr ! Uie citv council. 1
I'. A.' HICK.
Recorder of the city of St. John. 1
I'ubliahed III the St. John Kevkvv'
September Mil, 12th and lUth. HUH. 1
Proposals lor Street Work
Sealed prupOMil will he received at 1
the oftke of the rtaninlar of the citv t
St. John HHtil iit. tt, 191S, at K o'cltvk
P. iu. for tha lHiMtiveiuHt of Crawford
trcet from the uortherly llueot Hurling-1
luu street to the aomherly line of l'itl
lairg ktreet, in the maimer iHovnled bv
ordinauce No. rVOi, subject to the pio i
101101 uieciwner ami oniiuauceaui tlir
it) of St. John, and the estimate of the
it V engineer, oil file. I
The eugiueer iMiiiwte U lia.50
IliiU tiitikt bcktrictlv 111 accordance with !
priuted blank which will be furit-
ueti 011 application at tue omce 01 uie
cordcr of the city of St. John. And1
recorder ol the city of bt. John. And
beclion . i mil in caae 01 ',.r (..., nu .i .,t .1,..
any accidental injury or sickness iat pubiuutum of thi notice.
sis ahove mentioned Qf any mem- No a-ojoaau or WiU will be considered
icr of said vtJun eer re t epnr - """T ..y a cemrmi ciuvk
iioni liv ovtinmiielimo- payable to the mayor of the city of St.
UOnt CtUUOd W extlUUlUSl injf John. eertitUi by a reiHiniblc laink
A Kicking Deferred.
Aunt Clam (to hur youin; nephew.
who hai Just brought a Pricket Into
tbo parlor whoro Bho in Wtlng-lood
gracious, Tommyl Whut nre you do
liif with that bucket t Take It down
to tho kitchau nt onca Tommy-1
want you to kick It, Auut Clara, 'cause
1 beard pnpa haying when you kick
the bucket wo'd get at tho rrry leu it
Central Market!
205 S. Jorsey Streat
See. us for (he Choicest Cuts of
the Best Meats Obtainable.
Onfar rWcd and runilly Trad Solicited.
or try inir to extinuuish such lire.
such injured party shall furnish
a doctor's certificate from some
Doctor of k'ood standinir certify
ing as to the cmuso of the injury
or sickness.
Section S. Notice of any acci
dent occurred or illness caused
by extinuruishinvr any such lire
shall be in writing, and such
notice must be presented to tho
City Council within one week of
its occurrence.
Passed by tho City Council
this 2nd day of September, A.
I)., 191U.
Approved by tho Mayor this
2nd day of September, A. 1)..
Attest: F. A. MCE,
City Hocordor.
Published in tho St, Johns Ho-
vlow Sept, 5, 1018.
T. P. WARD, Proprietor. I'toaoh tho tol'l of St. JUna.
for an amount coital to ten tier cent, of
thr KKrnto proiHMMl.
The riht to icjWl any and all bid i
hereby rckorvud.
Ily order of the city council.
1'. A. RICli.
City Recorder.
I'uhlUhiMl iu the St. Johns Review
September Sth. Ulth ami Uih, 191S.
The following list of legal blnnks
arc kept for sale at this otaee utul
others will be atldal as the demand
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages,
lumrucis iui onie 01 Kenny, isms
of Sale, Leases.
All these blanks ut the uniform
price of 30c per doon.
of the highest class
only, done by the
117 Philadelphia St.
Columbia 321
Not tha libal on your pipar.