Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 09, 1912, Image 1

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    ' of o
Scnc Or
County Jotmraa
Zbt4 t th pmloffl t Pr.nev.II
Schools Get
County Money
County Court
May Term
Court nu t lit regular si-sslou.
Wedm-sdny, Muy 1, 1'riwmit II. C.
Kill", JikIki', Commissioners JitiiM
Rice ami !(. II. Halley, Kherlft llil
tnur HiiO Comity Clerk Brown.
Wrongful assessment of I.iilu
Itiweiitirrir. It npMurlnic to the
court by th affidavit ot Lulu IOnn-ii-Itcru
that aim had Iwn wrouiff ully
awintwd for'lhe year lull for the sum
of 111.70; that the sheriff, under the
provisions ot tlm statute, has re
mitted the nine from the total
amount of licrtiixpn. It In ordered
that the uouuty clerk credit the
nherin on the 1UU tax roll Willi mid
Wrongful assessment of Lyle P,
Paxton. It npiwHrlng to the court
by the affidavit of l.yle I. Pin ton
that he linn Ixwu wrouirtully assessed
lor the year 1U11 for the sum of H. 27;
tlmt sheriff, under the provisions of
the statute, has remitted snme from
the totnl amount ot hi taxes. It l
ordered tlmt the comity clerk rredlt
tbe sheriff on the loll tn roll with
Mid v27.
Wrongful assessment of Knruh A.
Wright. It appearing to the court
by the nltulitvlt of Surah A. Wright
that she hud been wrongfully as
sessed lor the year lull for the stun
of 17 Nl; that the sheriff, under the
Irovlaliiua ot the statute, has re
mitted same from the total amount
of her taxea. It la ordered that the
county clerk rredlt the sheriff on the
1UU tax roll with snld 7.M).
Wrongful nawnntnent of W. C.
Uluiirlmnl. It npHnrlng to the
court by the nllldavlt ot W. C.
Itlanchnrd that lie had beun wrong
fully nsaeoaed for the year lull tor
the auiu of .W.'i'i; that tlie sheriff,
; under th provlalous of the etutiite,
has remitted the same from the
total amount ofhls taxes. It Is or
dered that the county clerk credit
the sheriff ou the lull tax roll with
Wrongful RMstHMinent of Frank I.
Phoenix. It sppenrtng to the court
ty the amdavlt ot Frank I. Phoenix
that he had Iwvn wrongfully as
Messed for the year 1U11 lor the sum
offlOfKl; tllat.the sheriff, under the
lirovlelons of the statute, has re
mitted the same from the totnl
' Amount of his taxes. It Is ordered
that the county clerk credit the
sheriff on the'luU tax roll with said
fio.r.0. , j
Wrongful nmicMHiiK'nt ot I. C
(loodpiisture.1 It npiM-nrliig to the
court by the alllduvlt ot I). C. Good
pasture that he had been wrongfully
uiMcascd for the year lull for the
sum of ll.'i.OS; that the sheriff, under
the provisions of the statute, luis re
mitted the same from the total
amount of his taxes. It Is ordered
that the county clerk credit the
sheriff on the lull (tax roll with said
Wrongful assessment tit J. M.
Lawrence. It appearing to the
court by the nllldavlt ot J. At"
Lawrence that he had been wrong
fully KHSensed for the year 1911 tor
the sum of 121.8.1; that the sheriff,
under the provisions of the statute,
lias remitted the same from the
total amount of his taxes. It Is or
dered that the couuty clerk credit
the sheriff on the 1911 tax roll with
said f 121.80.
'Wrongful assessment ot Anton
Kutalgla. It' appearing to the
court by the affidavit of Anton
Ilatnlgln that he had been wrong
fully assessed for the year 11)11 lor
the sum ot Ltl0.40; that the sheriff,
under the provisions of the statute,
has remitted same from the total
amount of his taxes. It Is ordered
that the county clerk credit the
sheriff on the Ml tax roll with said
Wrongful assessment of M. 8.
Mayfleld. It appearing to the court
by. the affidavit of M. S. May field
that he had beeu wrongfully us
sessed for the year 1011 for the sum
of 940.12; that the sheriff, under the
provisions of the statute, has re
mitted the same from the total
amount of his taxes. It Is ordered
that the county clerk credit the
sheriff on the lull tax roll with said
Wrongful assessment of Ed Pear
sou. It appearing to the court by
the nllldavlt ot ICd Pearson that 1 e
had been wrongfully assessed for
the year 11111 for the sum of $2.87;
that the sheriff, under the provisions
ot the statute, has remitted the
same from the total amount of his
tuxes. It 1b ordered that the county
J. ssf V ' .,'' .j'j rT'afrr ' ' " L ' tt$ jv-viV
r scrr i-ivi v- mmhr "A - nfffl
( K-l. ...... iTHiL MACKAY-&ENNTTi L fbRQVffl
I'huto of Smith by American Press Association.
M wa Cm a n,L.i - Tbt catila ship Mackay-Bennett, onder the command of Captain Lardner, succeeded In recovering OTer 200 bod lea of the Tletlma
neWS anapiIlOlS ( ,h Titanic dlaaater. The remains of laldor Htraua, John Jacob Aator and George D. Widener were among them. The aen
Of h Wfk ' luveatlgiitlon of 'he cataatroph waa renutued In Waablngton and the queaUonlng of wltneaaes under the direction of 8en
n "I ' ator Bmltb of Michigan continued. An Impending strike of railroad engineers throoghn-it the east was stopped by arbitration.
Warren B. Stoue of th llrotberhood of Locomotlra Bnglneers and W. U Brown of the New York Ceutral were two of the principal figures In the affair.
court credit the sheriff on tlie lull
tax roll with said 12.87.
Wrongful assessment of W, S,
Hyde. It apMarlng to the court by
the affidavit of W. S. Hyde that he
had been wrongfully assessed for the
year 1U11 tor the sum of (7.S0; that
tin- sheriff, under the provisions of
the statute, has remitted same from
the total amount ft his tux ex. It Is
ordered that the county clerk credit
the sheriff on the lull tax roll with
said 7.M). '
It appearing to the court from the
affidavits of the following named
persons that they have lsen wrong
fully assessed for the year 1U11, as
follows: Nancy Camplsdl I1.U0,
Win. Ferry (, Lucy A. Hackett
II. OS, Margaret McClure fl2 03,
Alldred Tellefsou 10 7H, A. 1. lwls
II, J. F. Ilogue 14 40, Itk-hard Ilalrd
tU.xO, JnneC. Allen 55 cents, J a red W,
Moore 0 (W, Max Lueddemann 15 72,
t. Lueddeiuami I. 40, J. H. lleilii
I2 ., Frank W Mi Caflery 21. J. N.
Hunter and W. 11. SlaaU 11111.02,
Henry L. Evans IT. .33, Smith A Cleek
tf.7!i, N. F. Mil 'ola 33 60, W. J.
U m I ley f 17.79, that the sheriff, undi r
the provisions of the statute, has re
mitted same from the total amount
of their taxes. It Is ordered that
the county clerk credit the sheriff on
the lull tax roll slth same.
Overpayment of taxes. It appear
ing to the court by the affidavit of
J (dm Curtis, certificate of the' sheriff
and by other evidences, that John
Curtis, was wrongfully taxed upoti
certain proiierty and that said
wrongful tax had beeu paid to the
aiuouut ot ITS. It is ordered that
the county clerk draw a warrant of
the general fund In favor of said
John Curtis for the sum of 178.
Overpayment ot taxes by the Des
chutes Bauklug & Trust Co. It ap
pearing to the court by the certifl
cate ot the sheriff and by other evi
dences that the Deschutes Banking
& Trust Co. was wrongfully taxed
upon certain property and that
through mistake said wrongful tax
had been paid to the amount ot
:il(1.22. It Is ordered that the conn
ty clerk draw a wurraut on the gen
eral fund for said amount In favor
of said company.
Overpayment ot taxes by Chas.
Puxton. Itappearlug to the court
by the certltlente ot the sheriff and
by other evidences that Chas. Pax
ton bad been wrongfully taxed upon
certain property, that through mis.
take said wrongful tax had been
paid to the amount ot $10. It Is
therefore ordered that the couuty
clerk draw a warrant ou the general
fund for Vmtd amount lu favor of
snld Chus. Puxton.
Overpayment ot taxes by Win. H
Bishop. It appearing to the court
by the affidavit of Win. II. Bishop
and by other evidences, that lie had
been wrongfully taxed upcu certain
property and that through mistake
Bald wrongful tax hud been paid to
the amount of fit. It Is ordered that
the couuty clerk draw a warrant pu
the general fund In favor of said Win.
II. Bishop for said amount.
Overpayment ot taxes by Oregon
Trunk Hallway Co. Jt appearing to
the court by the certificate of the
Oregon Trunk Railway and by other
evidences that sold company was
wrongfully assessed and taxed upon
certain property and that by mis
t'ike said wrongful tnx was paid to
the amount of f 242.55. It Is there
fore ordered that the county clerk
draw a warrant on the general fund
lu favor of said company for amount
of said wrongful tax.
Cancellation ot old warrants., Now
Is presented to the court a llt of all
warrants Issued seven years prior to
Muy 1, 1112. and remaining uncalled
for In the office of the county clerk;
said county elerk Is hereby requested
to cause to lie published In the offi
cial pacr of Crook county a list of
all said warrants, requiring that the
same lie presented for payment with
in sixty days from July 1, 1912,
otherwise said warrants will be
caucelled In accordance with Suction
2H90. L O I..
Petition lor county road by It. O.
Sturgeon et al. Now is presented to
the court the ietltlon of R. U.
Sturgeon et al for county road, ac
compnuled by a bond tor $200 with
Win. Johnson and G. W. Horner a
surety, and It appearing from the
opinion of the district attorney that
all puiiers are regular and In accord
ance with the statute, It Is ordered
that the board ot road viewers meet
at the beginning of said proposed
road oa the 8th day of June, 1012,
view, review and survey said pro
posed road nnd report thereon at
the next term of this court.
Petition Is presented by J. L. Wln
dom et nl tor county road, accom
panied by a bond ot 9200 with J. L.
Wlndom and (1. Springer as surety,
and It appearing from the opinion of
the district ottorney that all papers
are regular and In accordance with
the statute, It Is ordered that the
board ot road viewers meet at the
Is-gliinliig of said proposed road on
the 0th day tf June, 1912, view, re
view aud survey said proposed road
and report thereon at the next term
of this court.
Petition ot A. W. Walker et al for
couuty road, accompanied bv a
bond ot $200 with Chas. E. Pyatt
and John IClder as sureties, and It
appearing from the opinion ot the
district attorney that all papers are
regular and lu accordance with the
statute, It Is ordered that the board
of road viewers meet at the beginn
ing ot said proposed road on the
10th day of June, 1U12, view, review
and survey suld proposed road and
report thereon at the next term of
this court.
Petition ot G. G. Groves et al for
county road, and upon due consider
ation It Is ordered that the county
clerk forward ' all papers relative to
said road to the dlstclct attorney
for his opinion as to their validity.
Petition ot Walter N. Bay et al tor
county road, and upon due consider
ation same Is continued because of
defective notice of posting.
Petition of (i. W. Roper for a
liquor license for Ireland precinct Is
presented, and It appearing that all
requirements of law have been fully
complied with; that the receipt ot
the county treasurer for 200 Is on
tile herein, His therefore ordered that
the county clerk Issue a retail liquor
license to said G. W. Hoper to sell
spirituous, malt and vinous liquors
In less quantities than one gallon lu
Ireland precinct for a period of six
months beginning May 1, 1912, and
ending October 31, 1912, both Inclu
sive. Petition ot Silas White et nl for a
county road, and upon due consider
ation Bivme is continued because ot
failure to (lie bond and affidavit ot
posting notices.
Petition of C. W. Hunter et al for
county road; It Is ordered that
county clerk forward all papers
relutlve to said road to district at
torney fur bis opinion as to their
Petition of Frank F. Flscb et al
for county road; It Is ordered that
the county clerk forward all papers
to the district attorney for his
opinion as to their validity.
Petition of J. II. Davis et al tor
county road; It Is ordered that the
county clerk forward all papers to
the district attorney fur his opinion
as to their validity.
Petition of G. W. Wells fur county
road; suld mutter Is hereby con
tinued for failure ol sureties to sign
Petition ot Victor Shawe et al for
a county road; said matter is here
by continued because ot defective
notice of posting.
Petition ot W. P. Hersbey et al for
a county road; said matter Is hereby
continued because ot defective
' Petition ol Geo. Larkee et al tor
county road ; said matter Is hereby
continued because ot defective
notices ot posting.
Whereas It appears that the scalp
bountv fund Is now overdrawn to
the extent of about $1000, It Is or
dered that the county clerk draw a
warrant on the general fund payable
to the scalp bounty fund tor the sum
off 1000.
Petition of J. S. McVey et al for
county road; suld matter Is hereby
continued for failure of petitioners
to show that they reside In the road
district wherein Is situated the road
petitioned for.
Petition of W. F. Mason et al for
county road; said matter Is hereby
continued tor failure of petitioners
to show that they were residents of
the road district wherein the road
petloned lor was situated.
Petition ot R. A. Harvey et al for
county road; said matter Is hereby
continued for failure ot petitioners
to show that they are residents ot
the road district wherelu ta situated
the road petitioned for.
Petition of V. J. Mack et al for
county road Is continued because
petitioners fulled to show that they
were residents of the road district
wherein the road petitioned for Is
Petition of Elmer W. Pershall et
al tor county road Is continued for
the reason that petitioners tailed to
show that they were reBldeuts of the
road district wherein the road pe
titioned tor Is situated and also for
detective postlug.
Petition of C. D. Preston et al for
couuty road is continued because of
defective petition.
Petition of JameB Ryan et al for a
water franchise for town ot Ken
wood, Oregon, and leave Is hereby
granted In accordance with prayer
of petitioners.
Petition of W. J. McGlllvray et al
for a light and power frauchise for
the town of Kenwood, Oregon;
leave Is hereby grautcd In accord
ance with the proffer of the petl
Petition of Elmer Nlswonger for
water franchise for Bend ' View and
Kenwood, Oregon; leave Is hereby
granted In accordance with prayer
of petitioner.
Now is presented to the court a
plot and tracing thereof showing a
port of the towusite ot Redmond,
Oregon, to be vacated, and It ap
pearing that all the requirements of
law hove been complied with, It Is
ordered that the plat and tracing
thereof be approved and ordered
filed aud the county clerk is hereby
directed to make note of and refer.
euce to this plat on the original plat
on the hiwn ol Redmond, Oregon.
Jacob Becker et at road. Viewers'
report read second time In open
court and approved. Road declared
a public highway; county clerk Is di
rected to notify local supervisor or
oti .ui.vluf.ra t r. iwitiuiif vtutlM .ttinm ti '.
donate at least one day's labor In !
opening said road and fences across.
the same, If any, and that said super
visor or supervisors complete the
work ot opening said road as soon
as he or they shall have sufficient
funds therefor.
Petition ol the Bonanza Farm Co ,
Inc., for a franchise on county roads;
leave Is hereby granted said pe-j
tltloner In accordance with the
prayer of the petitioner.
Now Is presented to the court the
semi-annual statement of Ralph L.
Jordan, county treasurer, from Oc
tober 1. 1UU, to April 1, 1912, and
mid report is approved aa being apparently
correct ; county cierk it hereby directed to
cause publication thereof to ba made in
toe official county paper, omitting the
several item, relative to tbe different
school districts.
Permission L granted the Bend Com
pany to ue explosives in removing certain
rock from the Desebutea l iver, it appear
ing to the court tbat audi acts are neces-
arr, said petition having been approved
by F. A. Hlnreinim, deputy game warden.
It is ordered that said company b granted
uch permission until Jan. 1, 1913. unless
otherwise revoked.
J, N. Davis et al road. District attorney
having approved said papers as to their
lt-gality, it is ordered that the hoard of
road viewers take the neceBsary action in
the premises and report to this court at
the next term hereof.
Now is presented tbe affidavit of Mrs. T.
E. Oage, asking that the classification of
320 acres of land not described be changed ;
aid request ia hereby dismissed as this
court is without authority to act in the
Now is presented to the court the report
of the county clerk showing the payment
of bounty on 451 coyote scalps, 286 bobcat
front feet, 2 gray wolf front feet and 2
cougar front feet, amounting in all to
J977.S0; said scalps and Iront feet were
then reduced to ashes In accordance with
the code.
County clerk is hereby request to adver
tise for bids for the furnishing of one
hundred cords of body yellow pine, four
foot cprdwood, to be delivered and filed in
the rear of the courthouse yard, and
eighty cords of solid body juniper wood,
or the same amount of body yellow pine
four-foot cordwood to be delivered and
piled in the rear of the Crook County High
School yard; all wood to be delivered prior
to September 1, 1912. All bids to be tiled
with the connty clerk prior to 10 o'clock a.
m., Monday, May 13, 1912. The court
reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
Now ia presented to the court the pe
tition for vacating certain parts of the
towusite of Hilltnan, and also is presented
a remonstrance thereto, signed by thirty
persons, therefore, in accordance with tbe
statute, further hearing in said matter is
continued until the July term hereof.
Whereas, W. R. Hunter has resigned as
constable for the Haystack precinct, it is
ordered that M. E. Stratton be and he it
hereby appointed constable to serve in and
tor said precinct until the next general
Sow is presented to the court the state
ment and aflidavit of 0. C. Hale relative
to certain valuations upon property of said
H ale, ss the same appears upon the tax
rolls; it is therefore ordered that said affi
davit be delivered to the tax collector for
such information aa may be of service to
The request ot Ed W. Mason for per
mission to connect his fences with a bridge
upon a proposed county road and to use
said bridge for a stock pass is presented to
(Continued on page 8.)
County Snpt. Ford haa made tha fol
lowing April apportionment of state and
county funda for the pnblie schools of
the county. The sum of 2S,9H.T2 is
divided a follow,:
District No 1, Prinevilla 118.17 34
2-Lower Rye Grass 2: 12
4 Mill Creek . 125 3S
5- lioward ISM 28
Upper McKay a 2UI 91
7 Lower McKay 2h5 f
8 Powell Butte 184 2
9 Sisters 400 43
10 Haystack r IS
11 Grimly... 383 88
12 Bend 2ti00 55
1.1 Mountain View 321 82
14 New Cnlver 420 64
15- Crade . 07 65
lfi-Mud gprings 282 5
17 Fair View 87 55
18 -Crooked River 177 71
19 -Aahwood a 3x0 78
20 Shot Gun 112 21
21 Breete 118
22 Madras ,. 8HS 61
21-Meadows 171 18
24 Maury 11.1 80
25- Poet 125 3S
20-Red Rock 217 02
27 Beaver. 86 05
28 Diamond Peak . 171 U
29 Camp Creek 94 1"
30 Deschutes 126 SS
31-Ueld 166 IS
... .
ray Butte .102 17
33Buck Creek....
171 14
35sheep Rock 210 41
30 Cross Keys 116 52
37 Haycreek 203 91
38 Bear Creek..... 151 51
39 Upper Rye Grass 1U7 36
40 Suplee 24S 50
41 Alkali Flat lil 51
42 Trail Crossing 262 87
43 Ls Pine 401 98
44 Lamonta . 217 01
45 Cloverdale 249 77
46 Upper Mill Creek 118 76
47 Vanora 41 7
48 Ocboso , 217 02
49V'aor ..... 198 I
50 Cline Falls 3S0 78
51 Bonny Brook 131 89
52 Methodist Hill 2S9 07
53 Laidlaw 411 98
54 Shepherd 328 37
55 Paulina Valley 120 30
56 Blizzard Ridge 153 06
57 Paulina 243 22
58 Opal Springs 125 32
59 Redmond 1500 22
60 Vibbert 197 38
61 Plainview.......' 230 U
62 Opal City... 2S9 07
83 Lone Pine 171 14
64 Pinehnrst 250 31
65 Pleasant Ridge WO SI
66 North Butte 151 51
67 Round Butte 334 92
68 Lyle Gap 289 07
69 Willow ("reek 262 87
10 Terrebonne 315 27
71 Gueriu ltS4 61
72 Butte Valley ... 249 77
73 Richardson 171 1
74 Riverdale 217 03
75 North Lone Pine 223 58
76 Tetherow Butte 113 76
77 Rolyat 131 89
78 Hampton 172 "I
79 Fields 159 71
80 Metolius 341 47
81 Dry Creek... 244 77
82 Jordan 212 02
83 185 81
84 Gates 146 5J
85 Lower Bridge 146 51
23, 596 72
New Irrigation Project
For Crook County
Salem, Or., May 3. Another
large irrigation project in Crook
county was foreseen, when C. W.
Allen made application for 600
second feet of water at the source
of Metolius river, where it gushes
from the base of Black Butte.
The project is to carry water
in a canal for seven miles along;
the river, then by tunnel through
the divide for two and a quarter
miles, which will make water
available to 50,000 acres on ttia
west of Deschutes river and
south of Warm Springs reserva
tion. Thelana is all privately
owned. For Sale.
Complete sawmill, 15 M capacity, tea
miles from town ; for sale or trade. Sea
3-7 Collins W. Elkiss.