Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 13, 1910, Image 1

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Entered l th postnrflm t Prlnrvtlla,
Vrrtou, k sec&oii-ciiuM matter
.Crook Coiaety
1 1
1 1
1 1
Tax Levy for 1909 Is
15 and 1-2 Mills
Townsite Plata Approved, Road
Supervisors Appointed and
School Taxes Levied.
The mtular Jsnusry, 1'JIO, term of
court convened lit 10 m. WediM'sdny,
January 6. Trvrntiit, H. C. Kill, judge;
Jsint lilea nl H. H. Wuyley, coin in In
loners: Warren Itrown, dork; and
Frank Klklus, sheriff. .
Vuun reading and filing the jmlition
ul J. 11. Jsekson (I 4il otur rnsidwnU
of thti territory roixcl to Iki ln(ir
ratwi Into lh city of MaJrtta, ami dihiii
reeling and filing th affldavil showing
J ii publication if not ice of proposed
IticoriKiratlon In the Madras I'ionwr;
upon reeling and filing of affidavit of
ItoUirt Uea to Inhabitant! within
said proixiaml territory and noon full
aarulnatiou of both oral and dominion
tary tvldmice, and the couit bring fully
advlsad in the premise, it in ordered
that the prayer of raid petition I
allowed ; that the county court Imuu due
notice of election, voting for or against
Incorporation, and for the elwtion of
mayor, recorder, treasurer, marshal ami
a board of six ald rmen, aaid elootion
to be held In Ban lord Halt, Madra,
Oregon, on Monday, January 31, 1010;
notice to I publish! in the Madras)
1'loneer, all in accordance with the laws
of the atate of Oregon, and tlmt full
report thereof be made at the next
regular term of IhU court. It l fur
ther ordered that at laid election John
YV Robinson art aa chairman nf the
election board, and that K. T. lltook
and 8. E. liray alto act aa judgi a and
that R. L. Mourehead and li. C. Dove
act aa clorki of aaid election. Clerk to
notify election board.
In the matter of the W. G. Wangti ct
I. road. Yieaera Bul-havliig been able
to view out laid road, the aame la here
by continued mull it ia made.
Potition for county road by Jerry
Achey. et al. Potition, allWUvit of
boating notice and bond for tiMO will
John B. Urown, Jerry Achoy and V
R. McKarland aa sureties, tiled and
approved. To be viewed out later
Petition for county road by J, P. For
reat et al. Petition, afliidnvit of pouting
notice and bond for $100 with H. w
Keynolda and Oscar C. Ilydo aa sureties
filed and approved. To ho viewed out
Petition for county road by Albert
Harper etal. Petition, allldavit of ost'
lug notice and bond for f.'OO, witl
Albert Harper and William Urown s
sureties, filed aud approved. To be
'; viewed out later.
Petition for county road by YY, R
Davldaon et al. Continued td March
term tor failure to ahow proiwr notice
, given.
Petition for county road by F. T,
Redmond et al. Petition, allldavit of
poatlng notice aud bond for f 100 with F
T. Redmond, jus. II. .laokaou and II
Jonea at sureties, filed and approved
To be viewed out later.
Petition for county road by J
Myers et a). Petition, alllihivitof post
ing notice and bond of John Ferguson
for f 100, filed and approved. To
vWwed out later,
In re subdivision o( ptrts of town of
Palmaln. ' And now is presented to the
court the application of the Madras
Townsite Co., owners, of the original
town of Palmain, asking the Approval
of .aubdivlilons of curtain tructs with!
raid original town of Palmain, the pint
allowing aaid proposed subdi viHi.nin, tho
tracing thereof, together with allldavit
of aurveyor, dedication tf streets to the
public without reservation, the ar
proval of the county aurveyor and
county assessor, and it appearing that
that all requirements of law have been
compiled with, it ia ordered that said
plat of subdivisions be approved and
spread of record.
In re plat of townsite by Robert Rea
and Don P. Rea. And now is present!'
to the court the plat of the proposa
town of Madras, toguthor with tl
tracing thereof the allldavit of the sur
veyor theroot and the . dedication I
said owners to the public of the streets
without reservation, and the approval
of the county surveyor and tho county
assessor, and It further appearing to the
court tlmt all the requirement! of law
have been complied with, it ia hereby
ordered by the court that said plat of
Madras be approved and spread of
In re plat of Kenwood by Don Stctfa
And now is presented to the court
the plat of Kenwood, tho tracing
thereof, approved by county assessor
and county survoyor, the allldavit of
surveyor and dedication of streets to tl
public without reservation by tl:
owners and it appearing that all the
requirement of law have been compiled
llh, it In ordered that SjUI plat be
pproved atid ordered rpiead of record.
Petition of I, amonla Telephone Com
pany lor leave to buna Hue. I pon
letitiou of the I-aniotit Telephone Com
pany leave la hereby given to construct
ud maintain telephone line and
yttcm over and along certain
county roads described in siiid petition,
provided mu li line or lines do not In-
er lure with any other lines now uKin
ucli road, and provided that wherever
mild Una crosms any public road the
same shall be at least 20 feet high In
the clear.
The coroner' report upon tli death ot
oh t l-eglii, together with effect ot do-
eased, received, appruvtd ami ordered
In ro statutory printing. And now It
uomes that the Crook County Journal
iUs np lictloii Cor prliilliig proceeding
feoiintr court, adveriltlug and pulilb-li-
ing reHirt of ollli-en, and it aatlHfactorlly
piH-aring to the court that under tlx law
tlmt kald (-rook County Journal U Juntly
mititled to said coulrset, Mid contract I
Uureby remm vd al Uioain raUa hereto
fore, lo-wll, t&.-JS per inoiilti.
I'pon affidavit of wronKrul aaietument of
F.T. June for year UMi, amounting to
f.'l W, and certilivst of Frank Elklna,
berift, die county clerk i directed to
oMit auld leritr Willi aaid Jl.t on
the roll of I'.Mii and npon atlldarlt of
wrongful awH'asnient of K. T. J one for
year UMt, amouiillnx to V1A..V), and crrtifl-
rule of lierifT, tin rciVity clerk I ordered
to cre!il said tlierllt'oii lh ItKJS roll with
wild IIS 60. -
Upon report of county clerk and purau-
ant to ftalule, the county court diil burn
and reduce to alie DTJcoyola acalps and
70 bob" at front feet.
it t tic mutter of ulmcrlptlon towards
tlx new rourtbouMS. It apiariiig to the
court Unit the further mm of flUl.US has
(een collected thereon, It I ortlereil that
the name Iw tlepottei with the county
rraurr, to the crivllt of the general mini,
In re W. U. McNemar et al. county
road. Vpou appenrance of M. It. 1IIkk,
atbirney for remon-trnlnr, further action
herein U rontinueil until th March, 1U10,
k-rm of this court.
In re A. 8. Phillips county road. It ap
pearing (hat a Oiiil for a part of the
pre i'n i lh-TanKiirt road hoa not yet been
executed and delivered to the County, fur-
0t-r action lierein la continuetl to the
March term thereof.
I'iiiiii the preaentntion of plat showing
the dedication of at reels In Kewaoui'a Ad
dition to I'rineville, tKcttinr with tracing
thereof, the ni-proval of the common
council of the city of I'rineville, the a
proval of the county aiweor, and the
county HirveM, 'll ame ling In
eoinplinuce with tho statute, aaid dedica
tion plat I heret.y accepted and ordered
spread of record mid the Co inly clerk la
hereby requested to uinko proper Inwrip-
tious and reference marks on the old plat"
referred to in said plat, and dedication
here it h liUd and approved.
The viewer' report on the J. C. Tullar
etal. roud waa adopted, road declared a
pulllc highway, and the clerk directed to
notify supervisor to open said road and
to request petitioners to work one day
ach in opening said road.
The following road aupervlsow were
appointed for IViO:
; Ireland M F Hawthorn, Kosland.
Montgomery, 11 F Wllhoit, I'rineville,
Black llutte Charles Camon, Sinters.
Huyxlack tleo. II Othorn, Culver.
McKay--Sum Collins, I'rineville.
llaycreek- Koy Newell, lluycreek.
Willow Creek J K Newblll, Orhuly.
Cross Keys J H Uoulliit, Shaniko.
Ashwood J 8 (.'lark, Ahwood.
Deschutes E W KiclianNon, Rend.
Johnaon Creek John Watklns, l"vllle
Mill Creek C 8am Smith, Prinevllle.
Howard James Dyer, Howard,
guuitnit -'William Holimlilt, Howard.
Bear t'rtH-k Austin Kiser, Prlnevillo.
Camp Oi-eek-Frunk V Smith, P'ville
Heaver K J Clark, Paulina.
""Maury W A Carson, Post.
Newsom W H Kochn, Post.
Kutuhcr James Kaaa, Madras.
Hreese Hugh (lee, Prlnevillo.
Powell Uutte Charles Kwauaon, P'ville,
'LaidlawL H Root, l.aidlaw.
Lamonta O W Freeman, Lamonta.
l.yle (ip Wm Ilrownhiil, Youngs,
In re Lava precinct and voting district,
Continued until the May term, 11110,
In re plut of Mayfair Addition to Mad
ra by tho. Central Oregon Investment
Company. Upon prvfti'iitation of plat of
proposed Mayfair Addition to Madras
tracing thoreof, dedication of street with
out reservation by owners, approval
county assessor and county surveyor, and
It appearing that all the requirements of
law have been complied with, It Is ordered
that said plut be approved and spread of
, The clerk is requested to compile figures
showing the total taxable property
each roud diHtrlc the total amount of road
tux In each district and the estimated
amount available fur each district, to-wtt
80 per cent of total; that the same be
printed in the Crook County Journal an
that 100 copies thereof be printed for use
by road supervisors and otllcors.
Viewers' report on 8. D. Percival et al
road approved. Claim of Andrew Pierson
for 500 disallowed, lloud declared a pub
lic highway. Clerk Instructed to1 notify
supervisor to open same and to request
petitioners to work one day each thereon
Viewers' report on the A. H. Kohde et
al. rond approved. Koad declared a public
highway. Clerk directed to notify road
supervisor to open siud road and to request
petitioners to work one day each thereon
Viewers report on the W. A. Belcher
al, road approved aud road declared a pub
lic highway, Clork to notify roud super
visor to open said road and to request
petitioners to work one day each on same,
Pursuant to law and upon report
county bchool superintendent showing
failure of the respective school districts - to
levy any special tux or to levy a sufficient
tax, it is ordered by tho county court that
tho following levy of special school tux for
the following school districts respectively
Each District Must Hold
That Much Each Year
New District, No. 74,
Creek, Formed by
Boundary Board.
County School Superintendent
Ford states that there are only four
school districts in the county that
failed to levy a district tax. This
failure was corrected by the county
court' Under the new law there
must beat least six months school
nd there is no dodging it.
There are five ditricts that trill
lie assisted from the county fund,
according to Mr. Ford's statement
to the county court. Tbey are Nos.
07. 08, 69, 70 and 17. The amount
necesuary for the county to put up
to make a total of $300 for each
district will not exceed $280 all
The school population of the
county baa decreased during the
past year. The county superin
tendent was loath lo admit it, but
be said it was a fact. A census
was taken last November and the
result showed 1111 boys and 1029
girls, making a total of 2140, at
tending school in the county. The
year previous there were 2153
children of school age, yet Mr. Ford
says be cannot account for it He
is confident 1910 will have a differ
ent story to telL
The Crook County Boundary
Hoard has formed a new school
district out of part of Duck Creek
district. The new district will be
known as district No. 74.
change has also been made in
boundaries of districts 62 and
by throwing all territory in
south of Crooked river into 70.
The Crook County High School
Hoard has dhcided to apply the
$100 used for the annual catalogue
to getting out a high school paper
instead. It is thought more good
can Iw accomplished by the change.
be made and that the county clerk extend
the saTne on the tax roll for the year l'.'lO:
No. S
fl .
IS. .
20 .
40 .
...5 '
.. 4
.. 3
.. S
.. 2
. 3
No. 51..
" as..
" M .
' lu..
M w..
" IB..
" 70..
" 73 .
" 57 .
" W..
Th lax required for atate purposes for
the year 1!H0 being H7.1M 3I, the follow
ing levy is bereby made:
General rounljr aadilate.. ...... mills
iiencral chooi. .X mills
Koad fund, exclusive of l'rtnevllle 2.1 mills
Ulan aebool, exelimlTe ot 1)IU 11 l'i mill.
Library iund.. l-ath mill
W H Hollnsbead
R K Jonea
CrlM Kaaa
Austin K lier ...... ...............
Dick Koopmun
C C fAineon .......t
James Lee
Have LJnsejr .
K C Uwan .
Kd Love
AT Martin
Joe Mrnacn.....
W r Muoo
John Maltaon
J N Mualen
J W Mendenhall.....
DO Miller
U f Mitchell
J A Motnt
Ltururjr fund
Total .'. K), will
Upon th apjiearanee before this court of
the guarantors for the payment of the
subscriptions heretofore made toward the
erection of the new court house at I'rine
ville, Oregon, and upon their roquet for
additional time in which to collect said
suliscriptlons, and the court being fully
advised in the prembHts, it is ordered that
id guarantors' request be granted and
that they he given until 2 o'clock p. m.,
March 3, l'.IIO, to collect said subscriptions
ami to cither pay the same so collected
Into open court or to exhibit to and llle
with this court the receipt of the county
treasurer of Crook county, showing the
payment thereol to said county treasurer
for the credit of the general county fund.
In r accounting of emergency road fund
byll. C. Kllis. And now is presented the
accounting to January 1, 1010, of the
emerguncy road funds heretofore placed in
the hands of II. C. Kllis, and upon exam
ining the same, it was ordered by Commis
sioners llayley and Rice that the same lie
approved, aa correct and ordered tiled,
together with the voucher accompauylng
the same. -
In the matter of the Ixmndary of Beaver
Creek Road District No. 20. Upon petition
for change In said district it is ordered that'
the boundaries be established as follows
Commencing t the southwest corner of
township 17 (south, range 2S east, W. M
thence east 18 miles to the county line;
thence north H miles; thence west 15
mile'; thence north 0 miles; thence west
it miles; thence south 6 miles, thence cast
3 miles and thence south 14 miles to the
place of beginning. .
J n re amendment of Summit Road Dist.
No. 10. Upon petition it is ordered that
the boundaries of Summit Road Dist. No.
10 be amended to read aa follows: Com
mencing at the southwest comer ofsection
If), township 15 south, range 30 east, W.
N. ; thence north 10 miles; thence east 2
miles; thence north 8 miles; thence east 16
miles, thence south 3 miles; thence caKt 0
miles, thence south 6 miles; thence east 12
miles; thence souths miles, thence west
Ifi miles; thence north 0 miles; thence
west six miles, thence south 6 miles and
thence est 15 miles to place of beginning.
The court selected tho following names
of 200 taxpayers from the taxroll of t$W9
to serve as jurors for the current year:
D P Adamsou i .... Prlnevllle
1) F Anmsmeler Madras
W F Arnold Sisters
W D lames , Laldlaw
F B Bivyu......... Prlnevllle
T U Itocker .t ......:......... Ijikllaw
J w Horry......: Bisters
8 S Illaok ....Asbwood
Charles Boyd , Bend
Ed Brosterbous ...Bend
W W Brown Cross KeyB
W Brown... . Ijildlaw
V Buller.. ... Onetl
E A Basset! i......lowoll Butte
Charles Oarson Sisters
W B Chapman Redmond
W B Guilders Madras
H O Cook....- Koalund
F Oorwln , Madras
J R Couch ..... LuldlaW
W H Courtney Laldlaw
W B Davison Kedmond
Q V Dillon-....,, .....Madras
O W Khrot Redmond
O W Foote Madras
J E Fuller Prlnevllle
GU Gerkln Laldlaw
Philip Urabnm , llay Creek
J F Harris Prlnevllle
M M Harvoy Mudras
Paul Held :Camp Creek
C R Henry , Paulina
George Hobbs... . .. ....Prlnevllle
T P Mnnmn
Charles Montgomery . .
R8 Moore .
I) Mulholland
N F MoColn
E M Mct'ord
A Mi'Leniian..
J E Newblll T..
M H Oliver
JC Paxlon .
N P Poulsen
Uoyd Powell
Pat 111 ley
O W Reynolds
H E Hideout
D U Rogers .
Dryden Rannels .
D A Hears
F A Bchonquest
O Kprlnger
C A Stanburrough
Fred Htewart
T W T lple t
James Tethcrow
John Wenandy -.
J W Wilt
J B Wlmei
WJ Wright
James Whelpley
JH Zevely
11 W Carllo
A M Lara
Anton Aune
E A Bather
W O Loucks
Q W Horner
Fred Anderson
I M Mills
Frank May
ARMInkler .
A Monner ;
W C Moore
James Keenan. ..
H A Myers
. Howard
Bear Creek
Hay Creek
Camp Creek
Hay Creek
A h wood
rowell Buttes
Cllne Kail
.. Prlnevllle
. Bend
Cllne Kails
Cllne Falls
.........Bear Creek
Takes a Rest in the
Paulina Country
If Cold Continues Late Hay
Stack Will Not Hold Out
Until Crass Coma.
. Paulina
Lyle Gap
.... Madras
.. Grlasly
.. ..Redmond
Q T MeClay
TH McUhoe .
A J Noble - Paullua
M D Nye ,. I'rineville
Q U Osborn Culver
R F Armstrong ..Culver
William Arnold Prlnevllle
F N Balfour . Prlnevllle
George Batea . ...Bend
Henry Brummer Newsom Creek
H G Caldwell ...... Ireland
Isom Cleek Prlnevllle
Doctor Cllno CA'ell
J A Coulter. Madras
Henry Cram Prlnevllle
Charles Dealy Prlnevllle
John Demarts Prlnevllle
BO Dove Madras
A M Drake Bend
P Dunham - : Bear Creek
W 8 Edmunson Sisters
J M Klllott , :. Prlnevllle
Charles Etherldge - Bend
W W Foster .....Paulina
Frank Foster . Prlnevllle
H W Gard Mudras
K E Glllenwatur Post
8 C Caldwell Bend
R E Gray. Prlnevllle
E Grout Madras
Jlin Read Culver
D Hood .. Madrvi
J F Houston Camp Creek
Joe Howard l........Lower Bridge
WH Staats Bend
Frank Hunter . Culver
Oliver Johnson .'. Bend
Hans Johnson Bend
FO Minor .......: Bend
8 F Kelly Powell Butte
John Kemllng Prlnevllle
Charles D Kirk Madras
M D Powell Prlnevllle
8 8 8tearns Prlnevllle
J R Knox
L B Lafollett Prlnevllle
118 Larkln Madras
W Ledft.rJ Prlnevllle
Joaquin Gerardo Prlnevllle
C F Smith Prlnevllle
F M Smith.... Paulina
J B Merrill... Dufur
II Livnl us ............ Prlnevllle
T F McCalltstor .'. ONell
DA MoDowell OHell
Andrew Nelson Redmond
Ben McCaffrey Redmond
James MoClun Prlnevllle
W M MoElroy ......... . Madras
Continued on page 2.
During th month of December
a member of the Journal force bad
the pleasure of spending several
weeks vacation on the cattle
ranches of Joseph Lister at Paulina.
Dusty type cases and iLe odor cf
ink and gasoline had become mo
notous and a little rest seemed to
offer a solution to the problem
Not so much a "rest" as a change
was desired, and the Indoor man
who thinks he can't get a change
in this way, ought to try it awhile.
The tune was about the begin
ning ot the long enduring cold
spell, and coming on v early in the
winter as it did, the cattle had not
been gathered in from the ranges
as yet', and of course on the cattle
ranch this was one of the first
things that had to be done. The
rinter was mounted upon a gentle
and wise old cowhorse by the name
of "Johnnie" and armed with a
rifle rode forth with the "boss"
after the thousand cattle on ten
thousand hills, and wasted a great
deal of ammunition at the coy coy
otes, and learned more about driv
ing cattle from the old horse than
he ever knew before.
The land was covered with snow
and the thermometer bung around
between zero and 20 above for
many weeks. After the straying
bunches of cattle were located it
was not much of a trick to "punch"
them home. It's marvelous how
little sense a cow brute has. The
"ho?s" says there is nothing that
is quite so bereft of intelligence as
a poor cow brute. After the cattle
are corralled then they must be
separated, the poor ones sorted ont
from among the ones that look
strong enough to wrestle with the
food problem for themselves for
awhile longer. One man on a horse
watches the gate of the corral and
another goes into the bunch and
picks out one to put out. Finally
the one pursued is driven onto the
outskirts of the bunch and headed
towards the gap, which it usually
fails to see, and it ia the duty of
the ga'e tender to let the ' one
wanted out, and to keen all others
in. Often there is a psychological
moment when the gate keeper can
do the trick by moving his horse
just so that the cows which the
driven one endeavors to hide be
hind can be turned aside, and the
one desired shot through the gap,
There are lots of little points like
this in handling cattle that either
make a help or a detriment of a
man tending gate.
One of Mr. Lister's ranches is
known as North Fork, the other as
Rabbit Valley. The north fork of
Crooked river was partially frozen
over, and when the task came of
making the cattle cross the frozen
stream there was something to do.
Sharp shod horses can go pretty
well on ice but a sleek-hoofed cow
brute can t. -When a little ice is
encountered in the way, the bunch
of cattle u ually balks. Then
thejre is the resort to clubs and
poles after the path has been
broken. II the ice is ' solid some
times a calf is lassoed and dragged
across by the saddle horn. Then
it bawls and the mother love in the
old cow brines her across in a
hurry. The rest of the bunch see
ing one cross over know that they
can follow and the difficulty is
; A portion of Mr. Lister's Rabbit
Valley ranch is a most obliging
piece of irrigated land. In the
winter time it is a shallow lake
covering hundreds of acres. In
the . summer time . the water
gradually sinks away, the wild hay
grows up, and all that the owner
has to do is to cut the grass and
stack it.
Most of the cattle men in the
Paulina country were feeding their
cattle prior to Christmas time. A
continuance of the winter to a late
date will find mighty low hay piles
with some of them and many weak
cattle a well, but with an early
spring, as ia generally predicted,
the winter will not cause any heavy
losses among the stockmen in that
The telephone lines reaching al
most every ranch in the upper coun
try prove to be a great conven
ience to the stockmen. Different
parties riding the ranges gather in
all the cattle they find and put
them in the pastures. When a
man sees some ot his neighbor's
cattle in the buncb he rings him up
in the evening and the neighbor
comes at bis earlest convenience
and takes his cattle home. And
then, too, it's handy to visit with
your neighbor, robs the isolated
ranches of their loneliness, and the
click of the receiver of the "rubber
neck" is often heard along the
Mr. Lister plans to dispose of
his cattle, something over 1000
head of Here fords, and will put
sheep on his ranches. He has al
ready purchased 1500 head of
sheep which he iB now feeding at
Rabbit Valley, with the intention
of buying more, and gradually
disposing of the cattle. The stock
men say that the restrictions of the
Forest Service on summer range is
gradually forcing them to a point
where they will have to herd their
stock on the ranges. This is
wholly impracticable in regard to
cattle, hence thereason many are
changing to sheep.
Hillman Promoters Bor
row Pictures
Redmond Man Says thia Court
Will Result in Injury to
Central Oregon.
Frit Steps ia Warfc Now ia Progress aa tat
Uwtr River Tk-ee PUats CaaU Fsraiik
140,000 Hone Fewer.
Test pits are being sunk on the
site of what is known as the Moody
dam site, two or three miles above
the mouth of the Deschntes River.
This work is being done by the
Eastern Oregon Land Company,
the big corporation which has fallen
heir to the grant lands of The
Dalles Military Wagon Road Com
pany. Litigation will have to de
cide ult'mate title to this power
site, as between the Moody and the
company interests.
But in the meanwhile the first
assuring effort is being made to de
velop some of the immense power
possibilities of the Deschutes. Test
pits are being sunk by hand work,
a good force of men being employed.
At the point where work is in pro
gress the dam will have a length of
more than 1000 feet on top, when it
raises the waters of the river 140
feet above mean low level. The
lake or rerervoir created in the can
yon by the dam will have a length
of about 12 miles, and it is along
the edge of this prospective body of
water that the rail lines of the Hill
and Harriman systems are being
Balfour, Guthrie & Co. are finan
cial agents of the land company
and Whistler & Stubblefield are the
engineers ia immediate charge ot
the preliminary work that is being
done. The Deschutes River at this
point, given a drop of 140 feet,
would become a tremendous power
factor. Rough estimates made as
to the available electrical energy
from Such a plant as that men
tioned place the total at from CO
000 to 70,000 horsepower. As the
dam site is within two miles of the
Columbia River, where two great
railway systems are operating
lines, and is within convenient
transmission distance of The
Dalles and numerous industrial in
stitutions, and two trunk lines that
are inlendeb to tap Central Oregon
pass within a few feet of where the
generators must be installed, the
Mr. Kirk Wbited, an influential
and respected resident of Redmond,
in a letter published in the Red
mond Hub last week makes a
plain statement of fact about the
fraudulent advertising matter that
is being sent broadcast about the
Hillman townsite in this county.
While there is not the slightest
desire on the part of Crook county
people to cast an y obstacles in the
way of development companies to
build new towns or to sell the
properly, the flagrant manner
in which the promoters of the Hill
man project are endeavoring to
mislead the uninformed public
about the present status of the
townsite and its vicinity are too
strong a violation of "a square
deal to every man." People have
come to rely strongly npon repro
ductions of photographs to get an
idea of a district. The Hillman
people have sidestepped this diffi
culty in their case and show
pictures of old, well developed dis
tricts, some of them taken hun
dreds of miles from Hillman and
the Deschutes valley, Mr. Whit
ed's protest follows:
I wonld call your attention to a
matter or .condition that bears
directly on the prosperity ot Central
Oregon in general and this commun
ity in particular. I refer to the
spirit of wild speculation backed by
false, fraudulent and deceptive ad
As an example see the circular ad
vertising the so-called town of Hill
man. Of the twenty-eight views In
that circular, only two are tru
pictures of any scene within twenty
miles of that townsite; and but few
of them are actual scenes In the
State of Oregon. Page 3 allows a
town with large buildings, when In
fact there is but one building, a
shack 10 x 12 feet on the townsite.
There Is no railroad grade with
ties laid through a grain field within
one hundred miles of Hillman.
View along Hill grade in the Des
chutes Valley" through nr timber,
was evidently taken along the Mil
waukee R. It. and Yakima River in
Washington. "Irrigation canal
near Hillman" seems to be a view ot
the residence ot A. M. Drake and the
Deschutes River near Bend, Oregon;
and so on through the whole list of
The printed matter Is equally false
and misleading. Instead of ten
county roads that "run through
Hillman" there id but one road on
the west and another one half-mile
north of the townsite.
No considerable area of wheat
land lies tributary to that point but
lies further north or south.
There is no merchantable timber
for manufacture or shipping within
twenty miles of Hillman.
The fraudulent .character of the
advertisements ot Hillman and per
haps other places, consists not only
of false statements and untrue pic
tures, but in representing the ad
vantages, resources and conditions
of points and regions many miles
distant and separated by natural
barriers, as tributary to those points,
when there Is no connection between
The genuine resources and oppor
tunities ot Central Oregon are varied
In nature and great extent, and
honest and judicious advertising
would benefit all people now residing
here, and those looking tor locations.
There will be towns every few miles
along both the coming railroads, and
the real advantages of those points
should be shown to the public. Due
allowance must be made for some
exaegerations from enthusiastic
workers for the several localities.
The Hillman episode is a small
matter compared with the rascally
schemes that will be attempted in
this region, and the writer hopes
that all honorable people in Central
Oregon wil
Continued on last page.
make a united effort to
the wholesale robbery of
settlers and Investors that will be
attempted by means of false aud
fraudulent advertising.
If we silently permit such frauds to
continue it will result lu dlscredltiog
all advertisements of our resource
and retard our real development.