Image provided by: Crook County Historical Society/Bowman Museum; Prineville, OR
About Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1902)
Xocal Mention. Frank Stroud was in from Hay stack one day Inst week. Ike Lemon and Fred Krnsoe ol Grass, Valley were in tin- city Sunday. Tlie Comity High S-.-hool curried in t; county ly u majority of 4:10. A. L. Williams, oi Hay Stuck, was in he city Sunday. 81a vena o! McCoy, was in prineville the llrst of ihe week. - Keely Messenger who has teen in tad sick for the past week was well enough to go home Monday. Nick Smith of The Dalles was at tending to business in Prineville the latter part of last week. F. V. Jewell and wife, of Minnea polis, Minn., were in the city Sunday. A. H. Grant and wife of Hay Creek, were attending to business matters in rrineville the first of the week. At the school election held Monday V. A. Booth waa elected director anil M. A. Elliott clerk. Wm, Boegti left yestoiday for En gene, via the Cascade Mountain Wu gon Road, to intend the State, Teach er Association. Prof. E. E, Orion and family started feist Saturday for I he valley where the) mill attend the summer. J Haines was up from Hay Creek !' th" "-'"''"'hip. however, Senator Chirk, of Monlnna, introduced a bill to repeal the timber wl which wis referred and is still in the hands of the committee. If You want a limber claim you hiei better hniry up belure it is everlastingly too lute.' The triumphant mid overwhelming vote in favor oi county high school in this county indicates that the sub ioot will as soon as possible receivr due attention by tlie court and com missioners and that vi ry likely be fore next winter the school will he in full operation. The new timber land loecea in Klamath county has been named De vine City, in honor of Frank ,f. Devine, of the firm of Dnrptn, Collins Devine, the rustiin;; timber locators. Over 150 Albany people have made this $00 mile trip after the splendid yellow and sugar pine lands of Southern Ore gon, and mure are going ever day. Albany Herald. The following young ladies success fully passed the examination and were last week granted publie school diplomas: lva Booth, Hazel Howard, Lizzie Ketchum, Fay Hodges, Miller, Myrtle Swcuieiiyen, Gir e Sharp, Winnifivd Cliuc, Anna Quiiiu and Maud Dol.hs. The president oi I'hilomath College offered a free scho larship to the one making the highest average. Mips Lizzie. Kelehuni had the highest average and is therefore ihe first of tlie week attending to busi ae9 matters. Geo. Luckey, of Howard, was in the city this wrok and while here left hi measure for a years subscription to the JoUKfcAL. ' W. T. Fogle, editor of tho Crook County Journal, is spending u few days with old friends iu Albany. Al bany Herald. J. P. Van Houten and C. M. Cart wright, two of Crook county's promi nent wool growers were in Prineville a oouple of days the tirst of the week WANTED A woman to do general housework. Good wages paid. Ca 1 or write to Mrs. Lee Wigle, on Crook -d River, C. L. Salomon's team ran away Sunday and made things look lively pr a -vhile, but luckily no serious damage was done. The baseball Club expect to have fcwo good nines out nest Sunday ((ltd say they will have a good gaim. Come out and see the fun. John Schaeffer and wife of Mori are in the city vUiiiug with J. W IJuone. Mr. and Mrs. Schaeffer nr. well known here and many friend ure giad to see them. E. Dorian the timbsr man from Upper Deschutes was iu town for neveial days. He says that there an Homo hundred more people mi tie road fvr that place to get limbei olaiius. Tnere will be a baBkct meeting nex Kunonv at Oullilorda Omve on ti.i McKay. Services at U a. m, and ai i p. ni. All aie cordially invited ti ttiijoy toe. least of good thing-. J K. i i.iMHiter and wife, Mrs. Wii ftn, iVrv Poindexter, Newt, Poiude lei una il.irvey Parkt r starled Tue. day morning, lor a trip up the Dof !,m.:i,, lor limber, they wii ,i -i-veral days. nine.' with June 21th, specia : -i .11 he held at tile Metho- .r.., 11m Mary E. Urown o. .is- st in the inet-tiiigs. -.iir ;.j .hvitid to attend the CO 10 if a i'. . ine Pit; : i- ! ! V, .1 WALK OVER 5H0E5 FOR MEN. Al zes While Oak-Shos. The.-'o SIhhm nre niiuie of the very i st stock. Tlio best U always the cheapest. S Everv pair warranted, Special ntleti- t lion cnlloil to tlie hoy' n ml ymitliss' shoes iiKide of tli leather. We are sole agents fo- WURZWEILER All Widths T!i2 I MI v Billvll Shoe. rnexcelled for ftvle, ilnniliilily ami com. fort- The hext of I'verytliing tineil in the con Htrtuiioii of tin-so allium. T'7 a 'iiir iiml you will l.tiy only Tlie l'.ILT WKI.I. MI0B. ' liAKKll IiAUIiKI) WIRE. & THOMSON.' Kv, . . ! Ji,. ! fljie Mili-r.a day i j, tie ioi Mi A. Haeklemen ti.; Hiwlileneiii, W. N t i'u: Price left yi'su r (JiiKrk county, to speni: n . The went by the Sauii j n tun .iuu:e A loany iieiall. If you niiiit a neat and artistic Our Kdllor Abrond. Bording one ol Mae Cornett's over land Hyeis on Saturday we wem soon bowling along at a rapid rae bound for the metropolis. For some distance there has been no improvement made in the country since lut year, hut al ter gaining the foot ol we lind that there has been several ranches taken up during the pa?t year. Altxi crossing the sntniiii; the stage goe Hying down ihe bills at a ni.e toai would have made Horace Utcely calci his breath. A laitie uiiioinit ol worn in being done mi Hie road from i.t foot of Grizzly lor a dis'aucecf seveia miles Tins is the part ol the ma. where so much trouble is expeiiemet during the muter months wuli tu. duby ' black mud. Considerable nu- proveinents could be made in the me ihod of iiiiplving tlie gravel, but it l a vast improvement over the lorine. conditions existing. Aioinul Morro. Keeuan's tanches everything heto- eus prospeiiiy and the grass is in one idiape. Al the B. S. &. L, Cos. ranch on Hay creek they nie ciitiuii. .he first crop ol hay, but we did no. ciop long enough to lind out bow ii was yielding. It is a mixture ol chee; and abulia and will iiuike good shiei ieed. Af'er many experiences, anion,, w Inch was the losing of one ol llu irate blocks of the stage and the edi tor going back to pick il up, v.e arri ved at tlie Heisler station where we ,tati d. oner. From ifeicier the road .. in. Is around in devious ways until 11 enters Trout cieek canyon win re e Mound some of the iine-t farina we in, ever had the privilege to look upon. On some of these hums the) me r..i-iug large herd? of healthy look l.ig raliiiiis. We saw some tinny odd in a rpM-e ol less than half an acre. I'lii-part of CiooU county will no .iout't uccnine lainous in time lor tii.e uu.i as ii in well adapted to the cul une of the more tenner vegetable" and fruit. Leaving Trout creek as it was becoming ilusk we pioceeiled up the Anie.ope valley, or canyon, and for a distance of some miles it is very nar row ami rugged, but opens out into a line in lie valley of proi-pcrious looking lain.! and dairy ranches in- town oi Antelope after il was ti r SBORHLEY TAILOR. , . i.i t n; . . CtiN.-l MKHH . . of . , E5ARBCD -ut t.nly ii shon t'.me unnl we were O t of tlie . t tny pa it ol the eonm y u itl pasioug Loiotuo ne hue wlu-.v .nuts ol SiiHimaii e iiiiily. 'l hiMe aie niuneious little lotMi" Ita-aied on II -line oi the C. H. Itt. that thotv m r leas piosperity wiie.t toe Iho.. toppMt tneie iva iiiways a crowd to ,ieei it. ail!! some ol the prettic-t fcitln ve iiave seen lot a long tune weie ii. ne crowds. We pi'e-nuie they are iidigetiou to the soil ol this part ,of an gieal in.niid unpiie Al l!igg lulto wait ib ininuies jir the tirf" ..lid train. H is nh'itit Hit least l.. . iling place on c.itilti tt ich to be eio-t niay lor even 15 iniiiuu s The ovei onl was p:e ly w.-U cioxthd wiih ion i it h and tl legal us In the Valium -nnvt'.iif ions to lie oiittut-d ill iVrilniui luiius the coming lew days and at - be Dalles this -'owd was augmented iiy a lut more Of i Ihhh from Prii e villeon the train wttre Mis 0 I Wi.i nek and daughter Irene. Along ttie route from The Dulles to Portland everything was nice and gieen and lo' ked old fashioned. Here and there would be seen picnic pur lieu who were liav ng a good lime. At i Multnomah Falis the side hill was lined will) pleasure seekers for nearly a mi e. Arriving in Portland we were agree ahlv sii pitted ai I he amount ol im provement made since we lat i-atv the place. The town is now overcrowded Aitii people who have come here to attend the various gri.n.l lodge and other jonvelil ions. The town is now iu the clutches of the labor irut and everywhere we fee the sign "Union" hung out, All rite business lioues except saloon", drug stores and a few ol no pin tieuiar importance, c'o-e at live o'ch'C.k so thai the workingunurs lot ill Portland is a piouiij beide what it is nmny other places. The strike has made a great diU'erence in bust, nets circles iniie and will continue to d i so for some time to conie. Home lieople do not know when they are VV e predict that it will only WIRE . . Do Vou Know Barb'J Vire Run mnfp fc t to the noun I tHm inv ofiv Ri''' W - nm Si i - . ., Oi i . t, iH. .1 lc i"rrl In s'fe'ic'H to the sr't.- ' r I Length tonne pound, 2-point regular, 18.H5 feet; 4-point reguLir, 18.20 feel ; tvight, one miii; in length, 2 point regular, 28 pounds; 4-jsiiiit regular. 2ilu pounds. You are not so much int'-restid in the price jsr pound as the actual co t mt rod or mile. Figure for ynrsi-Iyes, then coiniilt our nearest agent. This will result in your buying the WAUKEGAN. WAUKEOAN BARBED WIRE -c: :v.'. x - "fV . SOLD ONLY BY I, 1A AGENTS, WAUKcGAU CHIEF. I'ltlXEYILLK, OUK0ON Write for prices. Wc ore the lowest. well oiT VIV. roi.-ln.,! a few years until these same str k.-is wilt he gum to get worn at any old orice and no ouetioHS asked as to liti .. to i-ee what kind ol place it. is, j , Hie str.iel cars run tiillil eleven hic trout tin- hustle and siir we Toe ! unlock, but it is a wonder thai they r-r the impression ! are allowed to run after live. ! i . i:t,j :; i ! ' n 1 e don't forgi-'t that 'oiler i. I".! are the hoys that can (V) il. Also paper hanging an.l gr im ing, tii.e. Iinif hing and pictorial work. AJI work guai a u teed. Leave orders in I'ointiexter iioiel. Il ha-i been cjrrenlly report e', .and .'. t ,t g . .1 many p-'Opie ll.i.t the lilll'jl t .-"-J -It'll'' ae! h:.?- htcu It; l'aled, or -.ill In-, awl that alo'i- a eei jii d.iie nuniore tindiei' lilings m i ! I V V.-. nt'sk. 't. rln th..;. CakC, oM.C.afi .ot;d this! A ! congregated nroiind the ll,i,,.,mi'tii hnHi'iiii htnti'il neatlv all . 1 . j Ihe time waiting (o get tile latest ne.vs that tnere 1S cuMiit laltle busineSt done p. i i.i, here we were joined l.e i, of Si-tero, and several others. , ulin the vicinity of the bandits. IVt.iiii.g luii.her of interest nccured A mimb,r of large bricks are going nui.l we arrived at Shaniko wnere ,V1. i up this year in the ei.y ami a lot . . ,. nnee are nw-detl. Willi the piesent ""' K'eeied wi- n the perlumu of ,imiiwI ,ftl .Wililica it. is ip.c-.iol. many howers, the iiagiauce fil;i.( by ,miRy, wlnu ,vil Portland do oj i he 'din lieious sheep hlofsoms that with the visitors at The Lewis and are being iiaivested at that point. Cltrk Centennial'; The capaeity t.f i-iianiko is located on the lop of tt ali the hotels and heUin houses has ridge that seems to b-compos! prlu- been taxed to their fullest capacity cipally o! 'tone and -cab laml, but it dining ihe- pro.-ent influx of vi-itte.s has a line hotel building and it is a when the fair h -gins there will be i.ny that l'iiiievil!e could not have more than fvM.twren as uHiy, to Care Kviiidivxtw. tvwii. it, oc. i Wall Paper jlriiimetk. AUDITION: The new styles of Wall Paper jiwf received, also the Btiui you add to your Having by buying of us. SUBTRACTION: The amount we are deducting from other dealers prices MULTIPLICATION: ''v The customer tells her friends that (die has discovered the economical place to buy Wall Paper, her ftienils become, our etn-torticrs. DIVISION: Our )iro!itn nre cut in two, that we inny have more trade than before. Do you want Wall i'uper on the iirofit-shaiing pl.'tn? D. P. AMSON'S lu Stors is the Place.