Image provided by: Crook County Historical Society/Bowman Museum; Prineville, OR
About Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1901)
Paulina Pointer. I'Vnn nnr rK'ilar orruMictit. C It 1 1 ' n ry & Co havo flnmhcd threshing for thin wnmm and havo returned to their home. Mr and Mrs Vine Circle have P'imii to Uiifiir to vWlthoir diugh Iit who lives at tlmt place, Henry DiiM'lulu U building a bouie on bin Mud t pri i ).: ranch. Look out ,'irln. Fred Powell him gono to Prine villii to olitiiin medical treatment. 7 (iisiir'it W Nolilu in hiving hi boutc repainted thin week. Our County Sheriff wan in this part o tli cotinlry u fi-w tlayn ago und 1 had an idea he wanted to ar-ri-Ht Home pretty girl for a love uffiiir. Mr Anderxon, of l'rineville, wait vimling in thin vicinity recently. I'.OHKI.KAI'. Helmut Apportionment. Superintendent Ilocgli has made the following apportionment of the Public Sehool Fundi on hand Oc tober 7, 11)01, each dintrict hcing allowed, out of the County fund, Jf'iO and 11.271 percapity, and out of the Statu fund, f 1.22 per capita: uleiilly, and without a idiadow of a title, and that tho undersigned owner ban not directly, or indirect- y authorized any pernon or per son", to convey tho name. (Signed) H. S. Cuam, Owner. Higned and Healed in the paM- JflCO of US UH willliiMWM, K, J. M:t1Citkk;k, 8. BWANHON. c. ir. Pi'io-.rr, Atl'y. for tho Owner. Portland, Oregon, Oct., 1, l'JOl. IO Reward. I will pay flO for information an to tho whereabouts of the follow ing deccribed hot writ: One light hay gelding, aged 10 yenrH, und branded 1) on right h boulder. One dark bay gdlding, aged 8 years, and branded JT (combined) on left Htiflo. They were lout and neon on the head waters of McKay creek, AugiiHt 15, 11)01. tf F. M. 1'iui.i.irs, Sisters, Or. O O W H - c c a, a. cu 1 1 1122 77 30(1 22 142H99 fy 3 41 ft' Si 10 u: 12! m 1H 11) 20, 211 21: J',! 2i H 2 2H 21) 81 32 3:: 81 ;si; :ii) 40 41 42 4.'i 41 4. 4S 471 iih :w IHU 77 100 8-1 l.'il 21 i:!l 21 lft(J 85 152 58! 210 M 275 82 2i o.'il lid m 4'.) Olii inn KiO 31 1)7 4 118 101 21)! 1)7 ft;1 152 JW 220 !W 131 21 172 45 1)7 27 97 01 111 11 135 48 47 20 88 50 100 47 121 .'Hi 118 3Si 118 38 125 1)5 00 H' 83 1)2, 118 38j 251) 43 187 77, VII) Jli 81 11)' 19 52 3D 04 17 OH 23 18; 23 18'! 30 50.1 29 28 j 5(5 121 G l fits 03 44j 21 1M 9 701 42 70j 53 08 15 8(i 19 52' 14 04 23 18 29 28 48 80 23 18 43 92 14 01 13 42 18 30 24 40 10 98 10 98 11) 52 29 28 19 52 19 52 25 02 13 42' 8 54 19 52, ft!) 78) 39 04 24 40, 0 701 137 90 225 81 120 92 154 39 154 3!) 187 3. 181 80 302 72 310 48 334 1)9 148 89 50 85 242 29 213 99 113 28 137 90 115 93 120 70 181 80 209 154 39 210 37 115 93 1 10 43 121) 41 158 88 58 18 9!) 48 125 99 150 04 137 90 137 90 151 57 101 28 92 40 137 90 319 21 220 81 154 80 93 95 A Fiendish Attack. An attack win lately mndo on C F Collici of Cherokee Iowa, that nenrly proved fatal. It came through liia kidney. Kin back got o lame he could hot itoop without great pain, not sit in a chair except propped by cutliront. No remedy liclptd him un til ho tried Electric Hitter which ef fected aueh a wonderful change that lie write he feeU like a new man. Tho marvelous medicine cures back ache and kidney trouble, purilio the blook and builds up your health. Only 50c at Adamaon & Winnek CuV Drug Store. Counljr Trcudurei'n Notice. Notice is hereby given that all Ciook county warrants registered lifter April 27, 1901, to and including warrant registered No, 419, Bept. 30, 1901, will tie paid on presentation to the Treasurer of said county, later will cease from date of this no tice. , i rrinovillo, Or., rpt. 30, 1901. J.N. POINDKPTKR, County Treasurer, By Will, Deputy. Whats Your Face Worth? Sometime a fortune, but never, i you have a sallow complexion, a jaun diced look, moth patches arid blotches on the skin, all signs of Liver Troti bio. lint Dr Kings New Life Pills give Clear Bkin, Roy Cheeks, Kich Complexion. Only 25c at Adamson & Winnek Co's. Drug Store. DAXK STATEMENT. Hrport of Iht Condition of The First National IMnk, in PrinerHU, in iht I State of Orrgon, at Oie cloie of btuinm, Sept, SOth, l'JOl: Attention! ArlUons. All Artisans are reqnested to meet promptly at 7:30 next Mon thly evening as there will be busi iiuhs of irnportnnco to transact. Mits S J Nkwhom, M. A. AVurnliiK NoiIi:p. To A. C. Palmer, C. W.Elkin?, Dr. Ihdknitp, et al: You and each of you, arc herein and hereby warned, thS penalty of tho law, not to interfere, tres pass, undermine, dig, excavate or go upon the premises of, and known as tho Mining Property of Henry S. Cram, at and near the head waters of Canyon creek on the north" slope of Lookout inouu- tain, Crook county, Oregon: That you and each of you, and any person or persons, working under, or through you, directly or indirectly', will, eae'a and nil be held severally liable to damages, r.s aforesaid, for trespassing, going upon or interfering in any w vy with the milling properly, as aforesaid. That the undersigned ha-i a good and KiWlkicu: title to said mining property, as aforesaid, and that any and all persons, whomsoever coliveyiir:, or seeking to convey an y of t:ud properties, do so fraud- RKROIRCKS: Iiam sn.l diicminU I ?Sfi02.m Overdraft, urcurt'd anil unHccurvd. fi,7il.M IT. 8. liiinHii t iure drculatimi. I'j,.i00 IVinlunia on l 8, houda Ktnrlia, Sfmiriliea, cto 2,939,20 llunkiiiL' -hiiuw. furniture and fixturra 5,.r)00.00 Vun fr.mi Natl mal Imiikh (nut Hwrrvo Airnta) 7S.744.52 line frKUiSutt-Banliaind Rwkini !l",:0.:W )ub from ftnved rwaer'f atila. 1S,1;14..'W Intorntil Uvi-nue atniups l.ri,S.09 f 'liccka and fttht-r cfwh itt-nia .... 1 Nolm uf ni lie National HiuiU. . . . 6SO.0O KractiimiJ p iper currriicy, uicklia and centa .24 Lawki i. Monkv Hkshivk inI'ank, viz: SpiTi s u.oro Liwil-trndernntai .. 2.1HX) 13,000 U. Ort.ta of Depoait for liy-U tt'lldiTH IWc-iiplii.n fund wilh U. S, Tmiui'r (5 of circulation) K. Total.. .$31S,fl!V" MAIIII.ITIKS: Ci4t1 irf.wk paid in ffiO.000.00 Mnrpliia fund 10,100.00 t'niliiidi'd protilH, li'ta fxpt'iista and taxi'i paiil 17."T8.fi5 National I'.ank nott'd outitanuilltf. S.IVO.OO liividfiuiH uuri:ii't Hue to ulher National li.inkl 21") lnilividiiid diMiiwita Rulijoct to cl. 231,711.77 Doinun! certilic.itia of tli'p isit. . . . S'14.40 IF SHE IS PLEASED Vith your new fall suit, then you have good reason to be satisfied. Few men are brave - enough to claim that they do not think of 11 KR when it comes to selecting a suit or overcoat. We feel safe in saying if our heavy weight suits and overcoats do not please the most fastidious Wife or "Jlw-t Girl," nothing will. Wo know a thing or two about the ladies, and we freely admit that we are thinking about them when we buy our stock. These K. N. &. F. garments are far superior to other makes, in stylish appearance, durability and every essential of fine clothing. The man wdio wears one of these garments can feel himself tasteful ly and comfortably dressed. Suits from $3 up. Total &3W.913,;7 STATU OY OUKCOX,) Count v of Croolr, J I, T. M. I'.AI.ii'.viN'. C;ihior nf tljp nWp naiiicd liaii!:, do suli'tuly ttwtv.r tint th1 alovo HtntiMii.'nt i trot to I'll1 I'"''" "f inv loiow Icd,! and iH'li. f. T. M. 1'A 1,1 V I X, Ca-!iir. Pu'ciliod and aworn lK!f.iro ine thi 11th day of Oct. IM. J. ,T. SMITTF. ' County Clurk. Ccsintrr AttMt: W il l. W.I'HIWKILnt, t. K. Ai.i.ks, M)ireitora, Als Aukn. ; y iv i j", Vv., i '.,-;: tf i . a II d;v vi., ir.v " s ft ; M i , I ( Je - j f,wrjf i S I l I ' t 111 . s u'-J n iwnmmumjvfj t-A-i . -.'i' KW 11 VM. ft ,6 ft-V . i-jT. '-it .. .L,"!.--N '. '.Jf -"r SIHfPSON, WILSON 6 GPiPANY, Dealers in General Merchandise, PRINEVILLE, - -.OREGON. rr i,-!-' TTf rriTTI T f J GRAND OPENING PRIXEVILLE, OREGON. Jt P. Belknap. CPiysician an J burgeon. Office in rear of Adamaon, Winnek Co) PRINEVILLE, OKEGON Glassware, Crockery, Tinware, Granite, Hardware, Sundries, Cigars and Tobacco. fiTOi'TTCESsItmaagj Furnishing Goods for Gents, Ladies and Children. Hats, Caps, Stationery, Notions, Nuts and Candy. GROCERIES v Our Stock in Every 'Department is more complete than ever to greet the new season. We are not here simply to sell goods but to give you the best values at the lowest possible prices. Conio in and see for yourself. Get our prices and be satis fied. A share of your patronage is Respectfully Solicited. MICHEL & RISSER. C. Erin jfttoraey anil Counselor at jCam . PRINEVILLE, OREGON. PRIXEA'TLLE, OREGON. ik Hkms 6 Go. South End Blacksmith Shop 0 fydc, a ZPhysician and Suryfon. Phone No. 2. Residence back of the Photograph Gallery. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. t JT. SPosetiier?, 0 fAysfeian end Suryeon Calls answered promptly day or mni Of fice with Dr, V. Gesner. Residence Redhy Hotel, PRINEVILLE. OUEGOX Canton Gang Plows, Canton Sulky Hows, Canton Walking Plows, Canton Pine Jay Plows, In both Chilled Iron and FtetT. ii'e Have Superior lice Drills, Superior Disc Drills, Superior Shoe Drills. Superior broadcast seeder With - Cultivator attachment. We f.h'o curry in sloe!: the Famous Car. ton Disc Harrows, U Lar Harrows and Favorite Pipe Frame Harrows. Wl crd Cxccine C:r Tcc'icIj CI!f fcrs-A Steel flew villi Cast die: rf C. Palmer jfttorney-at-jCaui. Jfotary SUOZe All busiueaa promptly and carefully attended to. Cnllectinu a specialty. PRINEVILLE, OREGON Deputy Stock Inspectora. Nijtice is heri'hy civen that I hara appniiiit'd the following named iersons deputy stock inspecioiB: .1. P. Ciirtwuilit, Hay Crwfe. Sain Hiiinil'uli, Aahwivul. E. Sp.uks, Si .ters. A. JloiTi-w, II lyatack, F. M. Smuli, Viiiiliiei. Tiiwoe Knox, Post. T. 0. Snnin, Bear C'rutk. J. S. lioijiie, Ri.a'illiii. A lev M:l),toh, ll snli.l K. if. li.Mll, III!' Cleck. Job HiiiUt", Stock Inspector Crook Counly. Itoa't Titlinrra Siit aiwt Saiule Toar T ire Array, To ijult tobaruo easily ami torcver. be nin- nHic, lull ut lilc, nerve and vinor, lake jNo-To i Hac. Lhewoniler-worlicr, thai muUcn wcaU men strong. All (Irntrsists, 71. CureK'taran teed. Iloolrlet and snmplo free. Aldre? Stuiling UcuicJy Co., Clricajo w Ke Yoit S