Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, December 07, 1945, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    Friday. D ecem ber 7.
Coilon Harvest Problem; Pickers Not
Available; Prisoners of War Fail
P ag*
’ S
Miss.— (ANP) cooperation and we still do not
C otton fields all over th e south have th e n u m b er we need.”
a re w hite w ith one of th e g re a t­
A large Negro p la n te r at Mound
est crops in history bu t unless B aiyou gave w hat is p erh ap s the
labor conditions im prove rapidly best analysis of th e situation. Not
a considerable portion of it w ill using his nam e for obvious re a ­
rem ain unpicked. iFnancial loss sons, he says
to the section, to the grow ers and
“We have been very m uch con­
to labor w ill result. Several fac­ cerned here about th e ceiling
tors are involved in the situation price on cotton picking. As you
w hich existed last y ear to some doubtess know, this is a th in g
e x ten t b u t w hich has grow n w hich th e p lan ters them selves
steadily w orse during the war.
asked the d e p artm en t of ag ricu l­
C otton picking has not been tu re to help them do. W hen it
such a bad vocation durin g the was voted upon h ere in M issis­
w ar. L ast y ear in some sectors sippi, only landlords and those
pickers, N egro and w hite, earned who w ere renting land w ere p e r­
as m uch as $4 and $4.50 a h u n ­ m itted to vote. The sh arecro p ­
dred, reg ard ed as good pay by pers and th e large group of day
the w orkers and as exo rb itan t by laborers w ho depend upon such
th e grow ers. L abor w as scarce jobs as cotton picking an d chop­
and p lan ters had to pay p retty ping for a livlihood w ere not p e r­
m uch th e p icker’s prices.
m itted to vote. The group th a t
T his year, th e dep artm en t of voted, voted overw helm ingly for
agriculture, heeding the pleas of a ceiling. It was passed on to th e
th e grow ers th a t prohibitive and state board and set at $2 10 p er
flu ctu atin g picking prices w ere hundred.
in terfe rin g w ith the orderly m ar­
“N ow h ere is th e in terestin g
keting of the fleecy crop to say p art of th e w hole thing. These
nothing of playing hob w ith prof­ sam e p lan ters w ho voted for a
its, stepped in and proposed a ceiling price on cotton have been
uniform price or celing. F a rm ­ th e first to violate th e ceiling.
ers invarious states including, They first started giving th e cot­
presum ably, ow ners, tenan ts and ton pickers th e ir d in n ers along
sharecroppers voted on the ques­ w ith th e $2.10 p er h u nd red . O th ­
tion of prices for cotton picking. ers w ould give a bonus of $5 a
As an a fterm ath of these efforts, bale. A very w ealthy p lan ted in
th e d ep artm en t of agricultu re ap ­ B olivar county, w ho has ap p ro x i­
proved a ceiling on cotton pick­ m ately 1000 acres of cotton on
ing of $2.10 a hundred.
her p lantation, is p aying $2.75
T here are ju st not enough pick­ p er h u n d red for cotton picking
ers to do th e job. Thousands of and supplying tran sp o rtatio n .
th e w orkers w hose chief money
“A test case w as m ade o u t of
d u rin g the y ear used to consist of this woman. A g overnm ent agent,
w hat they m ade in seasonable along w ith a local a u th o rity , c all­
The m arriage or m iss v e n a U. ttotand and V ernon Johnson
jobs such as picking cotton, w ent ed upon her, read a w a rra n t and
W illiam s w as solem nized a t the hom e of h er p aren ts in M arshall.
o ff to th e cities of the south or w as supposed to have m ade an
Tex., last S aturday. The b rid e is the d a u g h ter of Mr. a n d Mrs.
up n o rth to tak e defense jobs. arrest. T h at w as th re e w eeks
F. D. R oland and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. B. L. W il­
T hey have not come back. Even ago. She w as not tak e n into cus­
liam s. A ustin, Texas.
those w hose jobs have ru n out tody, th e case has n o t come, to
Mrs. W illiam s is a g rad u ate of P rä rie View College. The
are eith er resting from th e ir w ar trial, and to date, absolutely n o th ­
bridegroom is a form er stu d en t of P rärie View an d recen tly was
labors on th e m oney they saved ing has been done about it. A
discharged from the 332nd F ighter group a fte r having served for
or existing on unem ploym ent in ­ w hite p la n te r told m e a few days
22 m onths overseas.
—A N P Photo
surance funds, a new cushion ago th a t he doubted w h e th e r
w hich th ey had never been fa ­ th ere w ere h alf a d o A n p lan ters
C ham ber of Com m erce Jo u rn a l
CLUB ACME—This trio of beauties are rin g in g th e bell for
m iliar w ith before since social in Bolivar county staying w ith in
and is th e au th o r of "T he B ar­
security does not ex ten t to ag ri­ th e ceiling prices, d espite th e e n te rta in m e n t at the C en ter of F un. th e p o p u lar Club Acme.
bados iD sturbances of 1937." He
culture. M eanw hile pickers w o rk ­ fact th e re is a g o vernm ent fine N. W illiam s A venue and C herry C ourt in P o rtlan d. Tops in the
has studied sociologq a t Colum bia
ing a t the ceiling price of $2.10 up to $1,00 possible for violation show w orld, this bevy of pu lch ritu d e comes to C lub Acme from
u n iv ersity and is a m em ber of
are angry and have a sullen feel­
Negro p lan ters have had tro u ­ a long engagem ent at Club A labam in Los A ngeles, an d already
NEW YORK — (ANP) — The th e A m erican Sociological society.
ing they ought to get more.
ble because th ey have had to have w on m any adm irers in th e City of Roses.
R ounding out a program of e n te rta in m e n t th a t is all one Rev. W inslow A. Beckles, w ell- His academ ic train in g also in­
P lan ters is some states, p artic u ­ stay w ithin th e lim it. The p ick ­
know n journalist, w as appointed cludes a course of study in E ng­
larly A rkansas!, thought th ey had ers go w here th ey can get th e ir could wish is the ever p opular M ary Byron. M ary Sim m ons and
last w eek as religious ed ito r of land w ith the C hristian In d u strial
an ace in th e hole by using G er­ price. If th e re had not been any dears w ith Teddy Felton still proving he is one of the best
P. V., a local w eekly. T he Rev. fellow ship of W estm inister.
m an prisoners of w ar. The p ris­ ceiling price, cotton picking w ould
B eckles has served as colum nist
He w ill c a rry on his new d u ­
oners w ere a sad experience have been about $4 p er h u n d red
on th e p aper for some tim e.
ties w hile serving as assistant
The G erm ans picked in th e M ississippi d elta th is year. per bale for th e cotton w hicL he
He has served as editor of th e m inister of Mt. Zion AME church
from 20 to 80 pounds a day. In These sam e in dividuals w ho w ould have to have picked und
B arbados A dvocate w eekly, the here.
in some cases th is w ould be m ore
th e m eantim e the big planters w ould have paid $4 p er h u n d re d
w ho im ported prisoners m ust pay are g ettin g th e ir cotton picked th a n his sh are in th e bale, saying
no th in g about th e y e a r’s w ork he
HOUSEW ORK—E xperienced w o­
for th e ir housing and food until for $2.50 and $2.75.
M a.dam e C arole located at 1121
m an for cooking and house­
N ASH V ILLE — (A n W — Mrs. S. W. T aylor S treet, gives tru e
“Of course a sharecropper can
Jan u ary , plus th e ir railroa d fare.
th e cotton, t is sad to say b u t it
w ork.
R eferences
The n et resu lt is th a t black n o t pay $4 a h u n d red for picking
Jessie C. M app, prom inent B ap­ advice on love, m arraige, business
is tru e th a t th e sharecropper in
Good wages, sleep in o r out,
m ark et prices have sprung up cotton and have a n y th in g to live
th e M ississippi dela has nothing
p riv ate room and b ath. Tw o
in cotton picking. Mrs.* C lara E. one. It tak es an av erag e of 1400
to say ab o u t w h e th e r pickers are w om an’s au x iliary to the N atio n ­ are and how to overcom e your
adults. Phone. WE. 7220.
K itts, m anager of th e U. S. Em ­ pounds of seed cotton to m ake a
to be bro u g h t into his field. The al aB p tist M issionary T raining enem ies. Consult her today. She
ploym ent service, farm division, bale of 500 pounds. The average
derision is m ade solely by the school, w ho died S atu rd ay enroute can help you.— Adv.
in M em phis, told ANP, “W e are bale w hich w eighs 500 pounds
la n te r and charged to th e sh a re ­ from M em phis to N ashville, r e ­
at a loss to know the exact reason brings from $100 to $125. It
cro p p er’s account.
we have not secured m ore w o rk ­ w ould cost th e sh arecro p p er $56
S e n d t o d a y f o r f r e e li b e r a l s u p p l y o f t h i s hi$rh
tu rn in g from th e A rkansas B ap­
Looking a t th e w hole problem
t r r a d e F a c e P o w d e r & a l s o o u r FREE b e a u t if u l
e rs to h arv est th e cotton crop
C osm etic c a talo g in colors. H elp b rin g o u t your love-
from w here I stand, it’s a bad tist S tate conveitnon, w as memor-*
by u sin g o u r g lam orous blend o f Knee Pow der.
th an we have. No doubt lots of For H igh Blood P ressure and
B e L o v e ly t o L o o k A t - N i c e t o K n o w . D o n ’t w ait.
setup. It is my personal convic­ ialized a t th e S pruce S treet B ap­
M c B R A D Y & C O ., ( /•; *
t . 1 8
9 4 )
them have been w orking in d e­
H eart T rouble
1 0 4 1 - 4 0 W . V a n B u r e n . D e p t . OOO. C h i c a g o 7 . III.
tion th a t in view of th e presen t tist church T uesday afternoon
fense plan ts and have accum u­
price of cotton, $2.50 p e r h undred w ith Dr. A. M. Tow nsend, S unday
F em ale W eakness - Loss of
lated savings and perhaps wish
an d certain ly not m ore th a n $3 School P ublishing board, officiat­
M anhood . . . and M any
to shop around before retu rn in g
p e r h u n d red w ould be a fair ing. T he final fu n eral service
O ther Diseases
to the farm s. We have w ritte n
price. I believe $2.10 is too low. w as held at O livet B aptist C hurch,
to principals of colored schools,
S e e M e B e fo r e O o ln r to a D o c t o l
The farm ers in th e d elta here Chicago, w here she h ad been a
encouraging picking for students
are sick of this celing price and m em ber for 43 years, w ith Dr.
on Saturd ays, als letters to col­
Plain a n d F ancy
d elta farm organizations are h a v ­ J. H. Jackson, th e pastor, officiat­
130 N . E . R u s s e l S t.
O A 9207
ored m inisters, asking for th eir
ing w eekly m eetings to find some ing.
w ay to th ro w th is ceiling price
Conveniently Located
P ro m in en t in B aptist circles,
out or to get around it. t is b e­
in g violated as aften as the pro- Mrs. M app served in m any ca-
h ibition law u n d e r th e V olstead I p a ritie s w ith th e B aptist G eneral
507B E ast 83rd Ave.
N. W. 4th and Glisan
act. I am convinced th e re w ill S tate convention of Illinois, th e
be no celing price n e x t fall. K eep | foreign m ission board th e S unday
Portland, Oregon
| th is in m ind. It is th e big farm e r j School P ublishing board, the fi-
w ho w as th e first to v iolate th e nance comm ission, and th e wom -
ceiling price and it is th e big e n ’s au x ilia ry of the N ational ^[llllllllililllllllNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItilllllllliiiillllilllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllillllll]^
farm e r w ho carries th e price of B ap tist C onvention, U. S. A.
cotton picking to pro h ib itiv e lev ­
She is surv iv ed by h er husband,
els. T his of course is a blow to J. H. M app, Chicago, a sister, Mrs.
th e sm all p la n te r w hose volum e F annie S tew art, Chicago, and a
w ill not p erm it him to pay these host of o th er relativ es and friends.
Suits . . . Overcoats . . . Dresses
excessive prices.
WOW! The Mosetti Dancers
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Johnson Williams
Clergyman Named
Religious Editor
Prominent Baptist
Leader Passes
rnrrNu t a r w n
Expert Sewing
Vote for the Most Popuar Girl in
the Northwest
Give the Ballot to the young lady or mail it
to The Portland Inquirer
2736 N. E. Rodney Ave., Portland 12, Ore.
N ame of C ontestant
Place E m p lo y e d ___________________________________
H u rry l H u rry ! Coupon w o rth 10 votes for your
favorite contestan t. M ail to C ontest E ditor.
2736 N. E. R odney Ave., P o rtla n d 12. Oregon,
or give to th e co n testan t of y o u r choice.
Portland's Only Negro
Downtown Restaurant
B E N ' S
Mary Perkins. Prop.
The Rawleigh Dealers
I. E. & D. M. H ansen
420 S. E. 91st Avenue
Portland 16. Oregon
Shoe Shine Parlor
Altered, Cleaned and Pressed
Hats Cleaned and Blocked . . . All Work Done
By Experts
2G53 N. Williams Avenue
The Broadway and Hawthorne Bridges
Were talking across the river.
Said the Broadway to the Hawthorne,
"These peak hours make me shiver.**
D ire c tly a c ro sn fro m W illia m s A ve.
M rs. M a ry P ro c to r, P rop.
P h o n e M U 9769
Ladies & G en ti Shoes R epaired
326 N. W. 5th Ave.
Hauling of Any Kind
M U 4423
"Trucks, cars, delivery pick-ups,
"Trolleys, busses . . . full to the brim,
"Are stalled because of one break down,
"And the whole blamed thing gets grim.”
Just arrived-
"And it all could be avoided,
"This rush-hour jam on our decks,
"If folks staggered their hours of travel
"And avoided peak bottle necks."
New Spring Full
Drape Suits and
A *k*
q u e s t io n * ;te ll*
a ctu a l
f a c t * , ? lv in f f n a m e* a n d d a te * .
R e v e a l* y o u r in n e r m o a t a e c r e t* .
S o lv e * b uslneH * a n d p e r s o n a l
p r o b le m * . S a t is f a c t io n a s s u r e d .
— H ou r* 10 to 8 —
1121 S. W. T aylor S treet
81 K. E . S a n R a f a e l S t.
2017 N. E. W illiams Are.
Expert Shine and Dye Work
F ra n k C linton
O p en 10 A . M . t o 12 M id n ltfh t
"Then the drivers scowl and the horns do blow,
"And everything comes to a stop
"When everyone wants to be moving,
"And everyone’s ready to pop.”
SH O P 10 f
N . W illia m * A v e . and T illa m o o k
“They give me that congested feeling,
"And especially is this true
"When a car breaks down in the middle of me
"(or, say, in the middle of you.)”
Stanley's Clothes Shop
435 SW. W ashington S t
DeMars Grocery
W illiam s Ave. & Knott St.
Fresh V egetables D aily
We W elcome Y our P atronage
A Small Deposit Will Hold
That Xmas Gif! for You
Williams Ave. at Knott St.
Society News
By Ann Morrison and
Heleona Searcie
Mr. O w en G lover arriv ed hom e
last w eek from A ugustus, Ga.
w here he spent tw o m onths vis­
iting relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W ashington,
form erly A udrey F reem an of
| Longview , W ashington, a re the
proud p aren ts of a dau g h ter. The
young lady arriv ed S unday, D e­
cem ber 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. O liver
of P o rtlan d a re th e proud U ncle
and A unt.
Mrs. S tan to n D u k e re tu rn e d
hom e last S unday from a m o n th ’s
trip visiting in Texas. Mrs. D uke
w as accom panied hom e by her
| m other, Mrs. G. A. H ow ard of
j T exacana, Texas, w ho plans to
spend th e w in ter season in the
city. W hile h ere she w ill spend
p a rt of h er visit w ith her d au g h ­
ter, Mrs. Geo. C a n a d a ,
Mi j . J u lu s G ary and Mr. E d­
w ard B enford a re back in tow n
again a fte r serving in the arm y.
Mr. G ary and Mr. B enford both
w ere overseas, and now both m en
have received honorable d is­
Mr. and Mrs. C harles Davis
w rite back to th e ir P o rtlan d
friends of th e ir safe a rriv a l hom e
in C harleston, Mo. Mr. and
Mrs. D avis w ere in defense w ork
d u ring th e w ar period w hile they
w ere house guests of Mrs. M.
F u n eral services w as h eld for
MI. Jesse M ays w ho d ied su d ­
denly S unday m orning, D ecem -
e r 2nd. T hursday, D ecem ber 6th
a t th e H olm an an d L u tz C olon­
ial M ortuary w ith v a u lt in te rn ­
m ents in Rose C ity C em etery. He
w as uncle to H azel H aw kins.
Jew el Lewis, D onald W ilson, an d
H ortense C um m ings.
T uesday evening th e D au g h ­
te r Elks of D ahlia T em ple No.
202 w ere treated to a re a l s u r­
prise by a visit from o u r n ew
Dist. D eputy D aughter, B ird ie
M orris Johnson of S eattle, W ash ­
ington. She m ade se v eral su g ­
gestions and answ ered q u estio n s
of in terest to the lodge. B ecause
o f the w ind and ra in only a few
D aughters w ere p resen t to m eet
D aughter B irdie M orris Jo hnson.
The D aughters are looking fo r­
w ard to an o th er visit w ith o u r
Dist. D eputy. W hile in th e city
«he w as th e house g u e s t of
D au g h ter M innie T u r n e r ' P ay n e.
O ur Dist. D eputy is o v e r all,
th e D au g h ter E lks L odges in
W ashington S ta te w hich h as fo u r
lodges, O regon w hich h as one,
and V ancouver, B. C , also has
one lodge.
Babes Meal Planning Corner"
P re se n ts F ro m the K itchen
Goodies of sugar and spice, qulv-
ery, fruit-sweet jellies and citron and
ch erry flacked
fruit cakes — all
these make won­
d erfu l presents.
Wrap them in gay
Christmas trap­
pings and you’ll
have a gift that
any one will be
proud to receive.
A few days spent in the kitchen
with a well-organized schedule will
yield enough cookies, cakes and jel­
lies to take care of any number
of friends. They'll appreciate the
thought and care you have taken in
preparing something especially for
Many homemakers canned fruit
juices last summer which they want
to make into jelly now that they've
saved enough sugar. A few jars of
these colorful jellies will make ex­
cellent presents.
Grape Jelly.
(Makes 11 6-ounce glasses)
4 cups grape Juice
3% cups sugar
3'4 cups light corn syrup
14 cup liquid pectin
Measure out the juice and place it
in a large kettle with the sugar and
syrup. Mix thoroughly. Bring to the
boiling point and boil 3% minutes.
Add liquid pectin, stirring constant­
ly. Then bring again to a full roll­
ing boil and boil hard V4 minute.
Remove from heat, skim and pour
into hot, sterile glasses. Paraffin
at once.
Apple and Orange Marmalade.
(Makes 10 6-ounce glasses)
1 lemon
1 orange
3 pounds lart apples
3)4 cups sugar
% cup water
3 cups corn syrup
Make Your Own: When you are
giving away homemade presents,
go all-out on decorations. For
fruit jars, make a wrapping of
white cardboard and paste cheery
Christmas stickers on them.
Select three or four jars of pret­
ty colored jellies. Wrap them in
paper and tie the lops all togeth­
er with one long ribbon. Deco­
rate with pine cones.
Fill a well-scrubbed fruit bas­
ket with luscious fruits, grapes
and nuts. Deck it out with holly
and a great big bow.
Use plain cardboard boxes for
cookies and candies, and paste on
colorful holiday paper. Finish off
with ribbons, holly and pine cones.
Plump popcorn balls can be
tied in gay wrappings. Leave a
loop tn the ribbon so they can be
hung on the tree, If desired.
1 cup cider
5 cups sugar
!a teaspoon cinnamon
!i teaspoon allspice
V \ teaspoon cloves
Cook apples In water until soft.
Force them through a colander. Add
remaining ingredienti. Cook in a
slow (275-degree) oven for 8 hours,
stirring every half hour. Seal in hot,
sterilized glasses at once.
Pear Conserve.
(Makes 9 6-ounce glasses)
12 medium sized pears
1)4 cups pineapple
1 orange. Juice and rhid
4 cups sugar
4 cups corn syrup
t small bottle maraschino cherries
Chop pears and pineapple. Add
orange juice, rind, sugar and syrup.
Let mixture stand overnight. Next
morning cook slowly until thick,
about 2)4 hours.
Add chopped
maraschino cherries and seal In hot,
sterilized jars or glasses.
No gift to any family is complete
Extract juice from lemon and or­
ange and strain. Then grind the unless there is something special
rinds of both fruits. Peel, core and tucked in for the
slice apples ’A inch thick. Weigh out youngsters. If you
2 pounds of the sliced apples, or have used your
measure out 2 quarts. Place juice quota of sugar on
and ground rind of lemon and or­ other Christmas
ange together with sliced apples in baking, you will
a large kettle. Add sugar, water want recipes for
and syrup Stir well, place over heat s u g a r - e a s y
and bring to a boil. Simmer for SO sweets, like popcorn balls or peanut
minutes, stirring frequently. Skim, brittle that take only a little bit
Special care should be used tn
pour into sterilized jars and seal im­
wrapping these gifts for the children
A tangy, well-flavored jelly Is al­ as they may want to hang them on
ways handy to have with a roast or the tree. Use plenty of ribbon and
casserole. You will particularly like let them be gay with stickers.
this one made with honey:
Molasses Popcorn Balls.
(Makes 12 to 14 halls)
Lemon Honey Jelly.
4 quarts popped corn
(Makes about 6 glasses)
1 tablespoon butler
44 cup lemon Juice
1 eup sugar
i'A cups honey
1 cup molasses
)4 cup liquid fruit pectin
H teaspoon salt
Combine lemon Juice and honey.
Melt butter, add sugar, molasses
Bring to a full rolling boil. Add pec­ and salt. Boil on medium flame or
tin, stir vigorous­
heat until it reaches the crack stage
ly and boil about
(260 degrees). This Is slightly hard­
2 minutes. Pour
er than the hard ball stage. Pour
into hot, s te r ile
corn. Stir corn thoroughly
g la s s e s . C over
while pouring syrup. Butter hands
with paraffin to
immediately and shape
corn into
balls. One cup of hulled peanuts
Conserves and
may be added to the corn, If desired.
fruit butter will
Peanut Brittle,
give nice variety
to the home-packed gift. In both of
IH cups shelled peanuts
the following recipes, slow cooking
V < teaspoon salt
is recommended to allow the mix­
1 cup sugar
tures to reach a thickened con­
V i eup light corn syrup
% rup water
1H ta b le sp o o n s b u tte r
Baked Apple Butter.
M teaspoon lemon extract
(Makes 12 6-ounce glasses)
Sprinkle nuts with salt and warm
4 quarts quartered apples
in oven. Put sugar, corn syrup and
3 < ups water
water in a pan. stir until the mixture
boils. Wash down sides of pan with
wet pastry brush ana cook until mix­
ture Is very brittle when tried tn
cold water. Add flavoring, butter
and nuts. Turn i.ito shallow greased
Scalloped Spaghetti with Chicken
pan. As soon as the candy can be
Peach Nut Salad
handled pull and stretch it out s i
Brussels Sprouts
thin as possible. Break into irreg­
Orange Bread
ular pieces.
Applesauce Cake
R ele a sed by Weelerr. N ew sp ap er Union.