The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, November 19, 1914, Image 5

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and Dairy Produce
a t all kind» waiitaii.
W rit« far sur
Pearson-I'aire Co. "¿¡Sk * 0
L « r « « MMMirtmont h >
ri»l Vijem,
M h > hiñas ililp iw l on
•PpruvAl »ivI «u»r«n
by Horn« ewtcmrn.
W ill# fur »A/M i> I«*» of
work. itA tlttf itiaka
nrtW KITU UCHAME. JSlii * a * * » ., raitlMJ, Of
Ikivo lit uaton. Prop
II. H- Thoranaa. Mar.
Thoroughly m«l»rn. 101 Koo«na of comfort. Mod«
•rat# I'rh w , I h tw m lnulM 1 walk f><an Union
Dapoi. Writ# fur i At«w. 72 H S mé S i . N tfL u fc M
u n o ■ ■ ___________
than 8 m a l l p o a , t r a i
» a p t t i . n r . b u d r n w m .tr.t n l
th a a] ax a t D i l i, u liita . I d -
Car r, sad hafinlMinraa.uf AniMrahuld Vast issima.
Ba racrlaalad h o w hr n a » phnnlaa, nai and
Vatu faatilr. It I. atura .Hal than huuaa Inauraaca.
Ath irta» ph nu laa, druggist, or svnd for liara
r « i W Trphour' uuing of T rsH o id Vacclaa,
trattila trata tu ., a ad daBtf.l lirai TrphoM Carriers.
INC c u t i r » LABOdATOtV, K I M i r t , CAL
taaaaaiaa veecrast a arava, aaaaa a. a aar urtata
Interrupted Communication.
“ You don’t mean to My th a t th is Is
th s first yo u 're heard of It?"
“A bsolutely,”
"W hy, It'a the talk of the neighbor
Lord, wo, thy ch lld rsn , sm all and great.
B snaath thy cars, w h t r t 't r It bo,
Tha while thy graca wo supplicata,
Giva th an k s to the#.
—Clinton Scollar«).
“ Yee. but my wife la sw ay on a
visit.”— lioaton T ranscript.
For destroying dirigible balloons
Itsllsn arm y officers have Invented
sbttlls currying oxygen sud platinum
sponges In thnlr heads, th e la tte r be­
coming red hot an entering th s hydro­
gen snd eiplodlng the m ixture of the
two genes.
r o w
W. L. D O U G L A S
su i lip o m a s
L ï
8? SO 8). H i t
$17». $4. S4.W
L y ,.
sed SS on
50TS I.H 01»
t t n , $2 h 0 y
k AU I
• «I
I UtoUUtN A. ’
P o r 81 y » » i • W . 1 - D o u , )* a h » « M « B
tis H
i M p liV M I
hlu* Ur itavtntf Ut» a a ins* nod ti«« r«U
ii prit
. - on lb* «ubi hAf- rw Ih»
. »»r« the fhc-
lory. TtiI» protoct«th« w o n » «c%l net hi«h pure*
fer inferior «h «•• of other nuke», W. L. htwiiat
•liud« If* AlWAjrfl WOlth wk»l 9 »U l*»r fof llirui . il
fOA «IM»»<I e»-r I WrArwfui'y W I. I»*rttyi»s IÌMN AIT
insil*, «ntt II mi hiyl ynvl* I m Ih««i asnl. je»»* wmi'd tlt«ii
«tviwralAiMl «ky Unir »■“•h Letter, (H i«-urr. ho¡<1 litrit
IliApe «a 1 « r u loiitfrf KuUt oil ut IttskN fur lh» ffte-r
If il»« W u IVsuukaa iim ei »re not foi n i# In )»ui
vt< inity.oftev tlirout (rum '««iify. Hit cm « «ml every
w , . i..i 111<••-
I r a ir il f 'wlMlestf siiti»<n*f Ito» iuortivf hy n »il
W. La 0 0 1 (Tl. A 8. SM HpAlfc dia, li ru«'Aioli. M m
A flexible wire window screen tba
n W isconsin man has Invented Is at
inched to th e lower sHsh In such i
m anner th at it unrolls and fills the
window to w hatever extent the sash
be raised.
T he Chilean governm ent la giving
much attention to the developm ent of
the coal mine« of that country, which
In tim e are expeclud to produce
enough fuel to supply the home de-
No m atter how long you have been
tortured and disfigured by ecsemn or
o th e r Itching, burning, raw or scaly
skin humor. Just put a little of that
wonderful reslnoi ointm ent on the
sores and th e suffering stops right
there! Ilnnllng begins thnt very m in­
ute. and your akin gets well so quickly
you feel asham ed of the money you
threw aw ay on tedious, useless tre a t­
m ents. Used by doctors for 19 years.
lteslnol ointm ent and reslnoi soap
also clea r aw ay pimples, blackheads,
and dandruff speedily and a t little
c o s t Sold by all druggists.—Adv.
T his year m arks the tw enty-fifth
anniversary of th e first electric s tre e t­
car aervice In th e United S tates, the
first ca r being opernted at l.ynn.
Mass., in October. 1888.
E urope's la rg e st steam turbine la
being built for the central power s ta ­
tion of a G erm an city, and Is expected
to develop 40,000 horsepow er.
Flow ers are regularly grown for the
dining-tables and for sale in a green­
house carried on th e topm ost deck of
one of the new tran sa tla n tic liners.
P«opI» fmm All part« o f
Oregon and W ashing­
ton constantly visit our
olttre for dental treat­
ment. Our «kill la A c ­
knowledged. ami our
promptneiui In flninh-
mg work In on« day
when required 1« appre­
ciated hy out-of-town
Dr. Wine la a falne-
tooth expert. There la
In every calling, and
I)r. Wi»e lay« claim to
thie distinction in Oro-
gon. 27 Ten n$mmtn
What w« can't guar­
antee w e don’t do.
Good Red Rubber Piute«, each
The Beat Red Rubber Plate«, each ............... 7.8#
21-Karal Gold or Porcelain Crown
Phenes Mala 20JS. A 30».
i2 2 't Third Street. Palling Bid« . Portland. Oregon
S. E. Cur. Third and WaehlngCon.
-------------------- —A--------------------------------
P. N . U .
N o . 4 7 , 1014
W H K N w riting to i advertiser«.
TT lion thle paper.
Resides, I am fa r too m odest to boast
of myself.
So 1 had Owendolyn read a comp»
sttlon on “T he F irst T hanksgiving.” In
which she told all about th e bard
ships of th e poor Pilgrim# who cam*
over In th e Maybell with Lord Haiti
m ore to Plym outh, and how they sat
down to th e ir first T hanksgiving din
tier of hom iny and codfish balls, and
gave th a n k s because they h ad n 't been
scalped o r burned as witches.
T hen Wood had her bind every state
In th e Union and tell w hat tim e it i*
In th e Scandalous peninsula when II
Is six o'clock here. Then she showed
all of her beautiful sketches and
played several duets on tb e piano. Sh<
is Mr. Iiogualatchkey’s favorite p u p il
and he often tells me th a t she will b<
a perfect tyro when she grows up
Ju st then, th e "to csin .o f th e soul, th«
d inner bell.” rang and we had t<
evade th e re s t of tbe program . I wa
glad, too, because the Bollvards lookec
aw fully bored when W ood's slstei
asked H arold to recite— my, my. bo»
she does love to show him off!
We had a lovely meal. Nora cer
taln ly la a fine cook, even If she 1
Irish. I had her mix th e mincemea'
w ith strung tea and cane pepper in
stead of wicked things like cider anc
brandy, and th e pies w ere delicious
E verything was.
N ora h a sn 't qui’
talking about h e r fine cooking that
day yet. T h a t’s one trouble with th*
Irish, they a re so boastful! I flrmlj
believe It is the reason th a t Jullut
Caesar, w hen he conquered Ireland
christened It “Erin-go-Hrag," don’t
Heg pardon? Well, th e d inner hac
passed off beautifully. Wood had kepi
th e table In a ro ar—you know w hat a
delightful bon mot he Is!—and had
carved the turkey Just like a surgeon
Hut first I m ust tell you about Harold
T he little wretch. Instead of peeling
his banana Into strip s and laying them
carefully on th e table like Gwendolyn,
turned his skin back and, a fte r eating
th e fru it o ut of It In two bites, threw
it under th e table. He said afterw ards
It slipped off his plate. At any rate It
fell right a t Wood's feet.
P oor W ood! H e had on some new
shoes w ithout any heels—h e didn’t
w ant to buy them in th e first place,
b u t I begged him to, because 1 love
him to be th e observed of all observ­
e rs and have a moldy form, as my be­
loved S hakespeare would say—and he
w asn ’t used to them , so th a t when he
got up to leave the tab le he slipped
on th e peel.
Ours is an extension ta b le w ith ball
gearing rollers, and when lie grasped
the edge of it to save him self from
falling, alas, alas. It p arted In th*
middle and all the com bustibles of the
dinner w ere p articipated onto th*
floor and Wood fell backw ards on top
of his ch air w ith th e m ost violent em­
Poor boy! He had been telling a
baseball sto ry and had been using such
shocking p arap h rases as “Jammed the
cushion,” “sw atted th e sphere," “clat­
tered acro ss th e pan” and “dented the
p la tte r.” Don't you th in k It was s
dreadful coincidence th a t Just as he
said "p latter,” down w ent th e turkey 1
Oh, dear! I Just can ’t help but feel
someway th a t perhaps th e w hole thing
was a nem esis on him fo r using such
dreadful, undeflled slang.
Well, h e paid dearly fo r It, poor
fellow! I'm afraid It will be weeks
before his so la r system will be en tire­
ly renovated. W hen we disinterred
him th a t day we found th a t hts paral­
lax was dreadfully bruised, and th a t
he had a severe a ttac k of nostalgia—
I declare I thought hts d ear nose
would never, n ever stop bleeding!
Yes, we all partook of some Injury
—Mrs. Bollvard h asn ’t spoken to me
since because h e r new scrape-de-shln
sk irt was ruined; th a t is, all but H ar­
old and his m other. It seem s like the
very Ironing of fate th a t they w ere
th e only ones p resen t w ho escaped
from dam age, don't you th in k so?
KS, yes. Indeed! W e would have
had a perfectly lovely tim e at
our house on T hauksglvlug if
It h adn’t been for an accident
th a t happened a t the din­
ner table. At the tim e 1 felt te rr i­
bly m isanthropic
really bad a very bad movay q u art
dour for a minute, but I soon con­
soled myself by recalling dear Rob­
e rt H um s' precious words, “The
best laid plans of mice and men gang
bide aw ee.”
We only had a sm all d in n er party.
Juat th e Iiollvarda and Wood'a sister
and her husband and th e ir little boy,
H arold. Did you ev er m eet Wood'a
atater? My dear, betw een you and I—
rem em ber th is la atrlctly ootto voce—
she Is very Ignorant and snobbish, and
■uch a talker!
Wood him self ac­
knowledges th a t she would surely ex­
plode If she ev er got tetanus, and ev er
since she went abroad she holds her
bead as high as M arie A ntoinette go­
ing to th e Moulin Rouge and talk s
nothing but P aris—a perfect parricide.
I call her!
And Ignorant! W hy, do you know,
(b e brought m e back a little sta tu ­
esque of Venus from Italy and apolo­
gised for Ita broken arm s, by telling
m e It was th a t way th e diagonal was
found! Ila. ha, ha! I could acarcely
retain my specific gravity, I was so
sm used. She didn't know th a t Mickey
Angelo had carved It th a t way on
purpose to m ake It look old and de­
bilitated because th e Rom ans dearly
loved antique things. I don't blam e
them either. I do myself, don’t you?
I have a colonial monogamy an tim a­
cassar 500 years old w ith all th e
knobs broken off.
I had a high noon d in n er a t one
o'clock—“when Jocund dny stan d s
tipsy on th e m isty
to p ,”
you know, as dear
aid W ill w o u l d
It was a
•trict New
E ng­
course. In honor
of th e day and
Wood's ancestors
—I am an F. F. V.,
myaelf—and before
It was served we
each agreed to tell
the one thing we
were moat thankful for.
Wood was first. H e said w ords
couldn't express his g ratefu ltu d e be­
cause he d id n 't have to pay an In­
come tax. Poor Wood! He staid up
all the night before, figuring out w hat
he would have to pay a t th e source.
He was terrib ly puzxled a t first and
wanted me to belp him, b ut I w as too
busy assisting N ora to m ake th e
He didn’t know w h eth er to m ultiply
the le ast common m ultiple by the
fourth dim ension and add 1 per cent
of th e rem ainder, o r ex tricate the
cuberoot of .the n et proceeds and
square th e result. O ne thing, he said,
was certain. H e'd Just like to g e t
square once with th e D em ocrats! My,
but he was tickled when he cam e up­
sta irs th e next m orning to tell me he
had escaped a fte r all, but, he said. It
was a very close shave.
T don't know w hether to tell I was
thankful because I hall been elected
president of my suffrage club, o r be­
cause I had such a w onderful child as
Gwendolyn, but I finally decided to In­
tim ate Cordelia, th e m other of th e
Qratchy, and display my jewel child.
Real Causa fo r T hanksgiving.
On every tid e th e re Is cause for
thanksgiving. We are a t peace with
all, even o u r enem ies. If th e re be such.
O ur past achievem ents stim u late to
fu rth e r efforts, and our p rese n t diffi­
cu lties breed fresh determ ination to
overcom e them.
Portland — There is a firm market
for ell kinds of livestock at tbe North
Portland yards, particulary for hogs.
The run in one day was heavy, amount­
ing to 61 care, all told, and buying was
Cattle were traded in within the
former range of quotations. Full loads
of steers sold at prices running from
$6.10 to 97.16, and the bulk of the
cow Mies were at $6.60 to $6.26.
Forty loads of hogs were handled
during one day. A full dosen of these
oold at $7.16, about 20 loads at $7.10,
and tbe remainder at $7.06 and $7.
Heavy hogs went at the usual differ­
ence in pirce.
The tendency of the sheep market
is upward.
The quotation on choice
lambs advanced to $6.86, and one
brought $6.40.
Wethers sold up to
$6.60 and tbe best ewes were disposed
of at $4.60.
Livestock men here are beginning
to show uneasiness over the spread of
foot and mouth disease, as there are
unconfirmed reports that it had been
found in Montana, from whence Port­
land hoe been bringing cattle. Specu­
lation, therefore, has been checked.
Tbe stoppage of cattle from that sec­
tion, however, would probably not
affect prices here, as there would be
no shortage in the supply.
The demand for hope at recent
prices continues limited, most of the
dealers have offers, but the majority
of these are said to be at a lower scale
of prices. Tbe Cosgrove lot of 168
bales, at Chainpoeg, was sold to the
Uhlinanns at 10 cents.
Official government returns of the
1914 German hop crop are 464,732
e w t, grown on 27,686 bektares, aa
against 212,368 cwts. from 27,048
hektars under cultivation in 1913 and
411,270 cwte. from 26,966 hektars in
Wheat—Bid, Bluestem, $1.17; forty­
fold, $1.17; club, $1.14; red Russian,
$1.08$; red Fife, $1.09; No. 1 white
feed, $28.60 ton.
Barley—Bid, No. 1 feed, $24 ton;
brewing, $26.60; bran, $22.26; shorts,
Corn—Whole, $36 per ton; cracked,
Hay—Eastern Oregon timothy, $16
@16.60; grain hay, $10@11; alfalfa,
$13.60@14; valley timothy, $18@14.
Vegetables—Cucumbers, 40@76c per
dozen; eggplant, 7c per pound; pep­
pers, 6@7}c; artichokes, 90c per
dozen; tomatoes, 60@90c per crate;
cabbage, |@ lc per pound; peas, 10c;
beans, 6@10c; celery, 50@76c per
dozen; cauliflower, 40@75c; sprouts,
8c per pound; head lettuce, $1.86 per
crate; pumpkins, le per pound;
squash, lc.
Green Fruits—Apples, 66c@$1.60
per box; cantaloupes, $1@1.50 per
crate; casabas, $1.26(0.1.50 per dozen;
pears, $1@1.50 per box; grapes, 76c
@$1.17 per crate; cranberries, $8@9
per barrel.
Potatoes—Oregon, 85c@$l per sack;
sweet potatoes, 2c per pound.
Onions— Yellow, 86@90c per sack.
Eggs—Fresh Oregon ranch, ease
count, 37$c; candled. 40@42$c; stor­
age, 27@30c; fresh Eastern, 36@37$c.
Poultry—Hens, 13@13$c; springs,
12c; turkeys, young, 16@18c; dressed,
18@21c; ducks, 10@14c; geese, 10@
Butter — Creamery prints, extras,
24Jc per pound; in case lots; $c more
in less than case lots; cubes, 30@31c.
Veal—Fancy, ll$@12c per pound.
Pork—Block, 9@$c per pound.
Hops— 1914 crop, 9@lJ0c; 1913
crop, nominal.
Wool — Valley, 17@18c; Eastern
Oregon, 16@20c; mohair, 1914 clip,
27Jc per pound.
Cascara bark—Old and new, 4c per
Cattle—Prime steers, $6.76@7.26;
choice, $6.60@6.75; medium, $6.26@
6.60; choice cows, $6.75@6 26; me­
dium, $5.26@5.76; heifers, $5.60@
6.25; calves, $6@8; bulls, $3@4.75;
stags, $4.50(1(6.
Hogs — Light, $6.7$@7.16; heavy,
Sheep — Wethers, $4@5.60; ewes,
$3.60@4.60; lambs, $5@6.35.
Seattle—The spud market as regards
first class stock free of blight, cutouts
and sprouts, is firm, although the gen­
eral run of receipts is weak.
would be difficult at this time to say as
to how far the damage will extend, but
many sacks of the Yakima Gems now
coming into this market appear to
develop blight ends.
It is claimed
that this blight does not show when
the stock is shipped, but it is so plain
here that considerable shrinkage has
been the rule. The tracks are well
loaded with carloads of spuds, but in
ail this there is comparatively little
fancy stock.
The onion market is steady. Some
excellent Western Washington offer­
ings at 76@86c are selling. There are
a few Yakimas on the curb, but there
is little interest.
Jonathan apples, so far as good qual­
ity is concerned, are cleaned up,
and the street is willing to close the
chapter on one of the most disastrous
Dressed veal—16@16c per pound.
Dressed hogs — Whole,
house, 13$c per pound.
Dressed spring lamb— 12@13c per
Dressed mutton — 10 @ 10$c per
Vegetables— Artichokes, 85c doxen;
beans, green, 9@10c pound; bell pep­
pers, Wenatchee, 9-lb. boxes, 60@60c;
beets, new, $1@1.25 per sack; cab­
bage, local, 76c@$l per 100 pound;
celery, 40@60c dozen; carrots, local,
76c@$l sack; Onions, green, 26@30c
dozen; potatoes. White Rivers, $14@
16 ton; Yakimas, $18@20; sweets,
$1.90@2 per hundred.
W IN W E S ti
M , M «.«.«•«. «PP.
C A R T R I D G E S .
■ if
W inchester Revolver and Pistol cart­
ridges in all calibers prove their sup­
eriority by the targets they make.
Shoot them and you’ll find they are
How They Bathe In Vienna.
The F irst T ran satlan tic Liner.
T he first tran sa tla n tic liner to be
Previous to tb e outbreak of tb e war
Vienna was building a municipal bath operated by steam power was launch­
which will be the larg est in th e world, ed a t New York ninety-six years ago,
being 820 feet long by 197 feet wide and was form ally christened the Sa­
Yet It Is only quite recently th a t vannah. T he vessel bore little resem ­
Vienna has abandoned w hat w as the blance to th e ocean leviathans of th e
m ost prim itive and curious bathing present, for she was a tin y wooden
custom . Instead -of going to your I craft of 350 tons. T he “crazy crank”
bath, the bath was brought to you by who thought It possible for a ship to
agreem ent with one of tbe purveyors cross th e A tlantic by steam power
; was W illiam Scarborough, of Savan­
of private baths.
T h etr huge wagons with ta n k s of nah, and th e boat, although built In
hot and cold w ater and heavy wo«xlen I New York, wa# named afte r th e own­
tubs used to be a fam iliar sight In the e r's home city. By the April follow­
stre e ts of tb e A ustrian capital down ing h er launching th e Savannah was
ready for the sea, and on April 10,
to little m ore th an a decade ago.
They went the round cf th s lr cus­ 1819, she left New York for Savannah,
tom ers, delivering baths and hot wa­ which w as to be h er American te r­
te r a t private residences and calling minus. On May 24th the HtUe liner
for them again a fte r the ablutions had steam ed away from Savannah on her
m aiden voyage, and on June 20th she
been performed.
reached Liverpool, w here she was glv-
I en a rousing welcome as th e first
steam vessel to cross the ocean. From
Liverpool th e Savannah proceeded to
St. P etersburg, Russia, and in Decem­
ber. 1819. tb e Savannah was again
anchored In the harbor of th e Geor­
gian city, fifty day» out from the Rus­
sian capital.
T hus Scarborough—
“crazy cra n k ”—achieved for Georgia
th e honor of revolutionizing the com­
special attention must be
m erce of the world. Savannah will
celeb rate th e centenary of the sailing
paid to the Stomach and
of the Savannah five years hence.
T o A ro u s e A
L a z y L iv e r
Bowels for they have a di­
rect influence on each other.
You will find it a good plan
to take
for a few days to help Na­
ture restore these organs to
strength & healthy activity.
A W isconsin inventor’s refrig erator
is equipped with a hydraulic scale on
th e outside to show tbe weight of the
Ice placed in it.
Crude oil in Its tanks lim ited the
am ount of w ater which could en ter a
steam ship when It struck rocks near
Ceylon and punctured large holes in
its hull, and enabled it to reach poet
five days later.
Trjr M urine K ye R— t d y for Red, W ««k, W atery
Kyea a n d G ran u lated E yelid«; N o S n u r t io f —
iu fit.E ye Com fort. W rite for Book o f «he Eye
by m «ii f r e e . M urine E ye R em edy Co.. C hicago.
Ju st One Thing After Another.
Hub— I’ve given up drinking, sm ok­
ing and golf to please you. still you’re
not satisfied. Now w hat else do you
w ant m e to give up?
Wife— Well, you might give up $50.
I need a new gown.—New York World.
Some Sw earer.
F irst Trooper, Im perial Yeomanry
(discussing a new officer)—Sw ears a
G reater Than Total Excavation for
don't 'e som etim es?
Panam a Canal.
Second T rooper—'E 's a m asterpiece.
'è is: ju st opens 'is m outh and lets it
It has been estim ated th at the sa>' wot '• likes.— Punch.
am ount of coal which will be dug out
Shake in to T o u r Shoes
of the ground in th e U nited S tates Aden's F o o t-E u e . a pow der for th * fe e t. It rare»
sw ollen, sm arting, sw eatin g fea t. Makes
during the present y ear will be g rea t­ painful,
new shoes easy. Sold by all D ruggista and Shoe
e r by far than the total excavation for Stores. D on't accept an y substitu te. Sam ple
(TREE. A ddress A . S . Olmsted. L e Roy. N . Y .
th e Panam a Canal.
E xperts for th e U nited S tates geo­
G erm any’s new est dirigible balloon
logical survey have estim ated that has been given a fram ew ork of steel
originaliy th ere was enough coal in tubing th at is expected to m ake it
th is country to m ake a solid block 10 proof against dam age by th e most
m iles long. 10 m iles wide and 10 miles severe storm s.
high. A block of this size would
weigh more than 3,500,000,000,000 tons,
O ver a series of m ountain peaks in
and up to th e present tg n e th e coal F rance th ere will be stretch ed anten-
th a t has been rem oved am ounts only naes approxim ately fifteen m iles long
to som ething like 15,000,000.000 tons. to te st w ireless waves of extreme
T he coal mined during 1914 will length.
am ount to about 600,000.000 tons, con­
taining about 300,000,000 cubic yards.
T he coal mined In th e U nited S tates
T he total excavation for the Panam a last year would load a train of cars
Canal from s ta rt to finish is com puted long enough to reach four and one-
a t some 262,000,000 cubic yards.
half tim es around th e earth.
T he com parison indicates in a strik ­
ing way th e ex ten t of the coal mining
Industry In th e United S tates. T he
o u tput of coal is enorm ous, but it is
Increasing year by year. The am ount
of coal so far tak en out is only a frac­
tion of w hat rem ains, according to the
estim ates of th e geologists. T h e peo­
ple of this country, however, are us­
ing m ore coal every year, and with Should Be Treated in Blood
th e exhaustion of some of th e E uro­
pean coal fields already in sight, the
To Prevent Recurrence.
foreign dem and for A m erican coal
will increase enorm ously.
T he history of coal m ining In the
U nited S tates covers only a period of
about a century. T h ere was some
m ining of an th ra cite in Pennsylvania
as fa r back as 1790, but th e records of
th e an th ra cite coal trad e usually be­
gin w ith the year 1820. The first ac­
tu al m ining is believed to have been
in Virginia, though the records of pro­
duction in th a t sta te date from 1822.
T he presence of coal in Ohio w as dis­
T h ere are in e r e a sfu l g a r g le s th a t atop
covered as far back as 1755. b ut th e goreneas
In tb e th ro a t, but to p reven t th eir
record of output begins w ith 1837. The Inceeeanr retu rn , tb e blood m u st be pu t In
history of coal m ining in K entucky order. T h e best rem edy Is 8. 8. 8 ., a s It
a ll th e fu n c tio n s o f th e body to
begins in 1827, out In 1840 the produc­ Influences
n e u tr a lise th e Irr ita n ts or w s s t e pr.xjnrta
tion had reached only 23,527 tons.
and to s tim u la te th e ir e x cr e tio n th rou gh
K entucky's coal industry suffered th e p rop er chan n els.
R h eu m atic sore th r o a t Is a dan gerous
greatly during th e Civil War. In 1860 Indication
, aa It m e a n s th a t th e blood la
th e production had reached 285,760 loaded w ith m ore u r ic a c id th a n th e kid-
tons, but in 1864 it was under 2000 teys can excrete, an d m ay th u s lea d to
g e n e ra l d istu rb an ce.
tons, and In 1870 It was only 150,582 erlona
u la te s cellu la r
tons. Since th a t tim e progress has o T tlr he ity a . c tio I n t p o r f e v 8. en 8 ts 8. th e s tim
a ccu m u la tio n a f
been continuous until last year a max r r lta n ts In lo c a l sp o ts. I t e n a b le s th#
imum output of about 20,000,000 tons rterlea t o su p p ly qu ick ly th e new red
lond to rep lace w orn -ou t tlaeue.
was reached.—Louisville Courier-Jour
F or th le reason u ric a c id th a t flnde th e
h r e a t e n e a sy p rey to Its breaking-dow n
_____ OF COAL
Rheumatic Throat
Is Common Trouble
j-IO ^ A R D
f l l 'h r o h
- A .*H jer *»n<i r f c n n t a t
1« L. h .I s i:.v C'oit rado, f*$*** iu»eu H im ; Isolc
8il\t*r. Lmit. §4. C4«»Id, clllver. 75c; Oold. 50c: Zin<
or Copper 11. M til mi* envelop*« « 4 fu ll price Hr
•»»nt on hi .plicet ion. (Vmtrol «nd Umpire work an
Ucitod. litfforvnce: 0»r*on«te Nat.omvf IWnk.
New F rench tops for touring-cars
have roofs th a t telescope and fold
down w ith the backs into recesses in
.h e bodies, while the sides slide down
into sim ilar openings.
Speeds up to fifty miles an hour
o ver the D esert of S ah ara have been
m ade by a F rench arm y autom obile
driven by an aerial propeller.
ufluenre. Is sc a tte r e d en d elim in ated .
l her w ord s, 8. S. 8 . p reven t# chronic con-
Itlon* by en ab lin g a ll th e m ucous lin in g s
f th a body to a ccrete h e a lth y m uene. Ita
nflnea c c Is show n In a m arked Improve-
nent o f tha bronchial tnbee, w hereby tha
u sk tn ess o f voice w ith th ick , g ra y ish ex-
e c to r a tlo n s Is overcom e.
8 . 8. 8., w ell
Hinted w ith w ater, m eans a blood bath,
ince It la w elcom e to any stom ach a n d a t
m e g e ts Into tha blood.
8. 8. 8. Is free o f e ll m in erals an d coo-
tilns in g r e d ie n ts w on d erfu lly condu cive to
w rit-balanced h ea lth .
Yon can get It a t a n y drug etore, b a t do
tot a c ce p t a n y th in g e lse . T here fa danger
in su b stitu te s. 8. 8 . 8. Is prepared o n ly by
The S w ift Specific Co.. 92S !*wlft B ldg.,
A tla n ta , « a . O ur JJ'dlcal D ept, w ill g ir o
you fr e e tn str u c tlo a bv m all on a n y aubjaat
o f blood d is u n io n . W rita tod ay.