POULTRY and Dairy Produce a t all kind» waiitaii. ILLUSTRATING THE REAL JOY OF THE DAY W rit« far sur CASH OFFER Pearson-I'aire Co. "¿¡Sk * 0 TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES L « r « « MMMirtmont h > ri»l Vijem, MMMtfti m i UNTI N U N C IIS U» M h > hiñas ililp iw l on •PpruvAl »ivI «u»r«n by Horn« ewtcmrn. W ill# fur »A/M i> I«*» of work. itA tlttf itiaka nrtW KITU UCHAME. JSlii * a * * » ., raitlMJ, Of NEW HOTEL HOUSTON Ikivo lit uaton. Prop II. H- Thoranaa. Mar. Thoroughly m«l»rn. 101 Koo«na of comfort. Mod« •rat# I'rh w , I h tw m lnulM 1 walk f> D U G G I S T W ILL TCLL YOU Trjr M urine K ye R— t d y for Red, W ««k, W atery Kyea a n d G ran u lated E yelid«; N o S n u r t io f — iu fit.E ye Com fort. W rite for Book o f «he Eye by m «ii f r e e . M urine E ye R em edy Co.. C hicago. Ju st One Thing After Another. Hub— I’ve given up drinking, sm ok­ ing and golf to please you. still you’re not satisfied. Now w hat else do you w ant m e to give up? Wife— Well, you might give up $50. I need a new gown.—New York World. Some Sw earer. F irst Trooper, Im perial Yeomanry (discussing a new officer)—Sw ears a G reater Than Total Excavation for don't 'e som etim es? Panam a Canal. Second T rooper—'E 's a m asterpiece. ____ 'è is: ju st opens 'is m outh and lets it It has been estim ated th at the sa>' wot '• likes.— Punch. am ount of coal which will be dug out Shake in to T o u r Shoes of the ground in th e U nited S tates Aden's F o o t-E u e . a pow der for th * fe e t. It rare» sw ollen, sm arting, sw eatin g fea t. Makes during the present y ear will be g rea t­ painful, new shoes easy. Sold by all D ruggista and Shoe e r by far than the total excavation for Stores. D on't accept an y substitu te. Sam ple (TREE. A ddress A . S . Olmsted. L e Roy. N . Y . th e Panam a Canal. E xperts for th e U nited S tates geo­ G erm any’s new est dirigible balloon logical survey have estim ated that has been given a fram ew ork of steel originaliy th ere was enough coal in tubing th at is expected to m ake it th is country to m ake a solid block 10 proof against dam age by th e most m iles long. 10 m iles wide and 10 miles severe storm s. high. A block of this size would weigh more than 3,500,000,000,000 tons, O ver a series of m ountain peaks in and up to th e present tg n e th e coal F rance th ere will be stretch ed anten- th a t has been rem oved am ounts only naes approxim ately fifteen m iles long to som ething like 15,000,000.000 tons. to te st w ireless waves of extreme T he coal mined during 1914 will length. am ount to about 600,000.000 tons, con­ taining about 300,000,000 cubic yards. T he coal mined In th e U nited S tates T he total excavation for the Panam a last year would load a train of cars Canal from s ta rt to finish is com puted long enough to reach four and one- a t some 262,000,000 cubic yards. half tim es around th e earth. T he com parison indicates in a strik ­ ing way th e ex ten t of the coal mining Industry In th e United S tates. T he o u tput of coal is enorm ous, but it is Increasing year by year. The am ount of coal so far tak en out is only a frac­ tion of w hat rem ains, according to the estim ates of th e geologists. T h e peo­ ple of this country, however, are us­ ing m ore coal every year, and with Should Be Treated in Blood th e exhaustion of some of th e E uro­ pean coal fields already in sight, the To Prevent Recurrence. foreign dem and for A m erican coal will increase enorm ously. T he history of coal m ining In the U nited S tates covers only a period of about a century. T h ere was some m ining of an th ra cite in Pennsylvania as fa r back as 1790, but th e records of th e an th ra cite coal trad e usually be­ gin w ith the year 1820. The first ac­ tu al m ining is believed to have been in Virginia, though the records of pro­ duction in th a t sta te date from 1822. T he presence of coal in Ohio w as dis­ T h ere are in e r e a sfu l g a r g le s th a t atop covered as far back as 1755. b ut th e goreneas In tb e th ro a t, but to p reven t th eir record of output begins w ith 1837. The Inceeeanr retu rn , tb e blood m u st be pu t In history of coal m ining in K entucky order. T h e best rem edy Is 8. 8. 8 ., a s It a ll th e fu n c tio n s o f th e body to begins in 1827, out In 1840 the produc­ Influences n e u tr a lise th e Irr ita n ts or w s s t e pr.xjnrta tion had reached only 23,527 tons. and to s tim u la te th e ir e x cr e tio n th rou gh K entucky's coal industry suffered th e p rop er chan n els. R h eu m atic sore th r o a t Is a dan gerous greatly during th e Civil War. In 1860 Indication , aa It m e a n s th a t th e blood la th e production had reached 285,760 loaded w ith m ore u r ic a c id th a n th e kid- tons, but in 1864 it was under 2000 teys can excrete, an d m ay th u s lea d to g e n e ra l d istu rb an ce. tons, and In 1870 It was only 150,582 erlona u la te s cellu la r tons. Since th a t tim e progress has o T tlr he ity a . c tio I n t p o r f e v 8. en 8 ts 8. th e s tim a ccu m u la tio n a f been continuous until last year a max r r lta n ts In lo c a l sp o ts. I t e n a b le s th# imum output of about 20,000,000 tons rterlea t o su p p ly qu ick ly th e new red lond to rep lace w orn -ou t tlaeue. was reached.—Louisville Courier-Jour F or th le reason u ric a c id th a t flnde th e nai. h r e a t e n e a sy p rey to Its breaking-dow n YEAR'S DIGGING _____ OF COAL Rheumatic Throat Is Common Trouble j-IO ^ A R D K f l l 'h r o h - A .*H jer *»n