The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, February 02, 1911, Image 3

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    Hallie Rae Stuckev
highway bills. The good roads ad­
vocates won three victories In the
Senate, the most Important being the
bill creating n State Highway Com­
mission, and the bill permitting the S tu d io at th e J. T . R e a m ’ a i
use of all convlcta on the roads when
d e n ce , F irs t stre e t, S ta ytou .
Half of Session Over and Both not needed at the state penitentiary.
A third bill makes operative the pro­
Houses Scarcely Started at
visions of the constitutional amend­
ment passed at the last general elec­
Any Important Legislation
tion and ^eermlttlng counties to bond
for the construction of good roads.
■fclem, Or«.— Although the leglsls-
It Is freely predicted that these
tur« h<u been In session three weeks good toads measures will meet with
th« Important legislation has mad* strong opposition In the House, as
llttie progress.
Much time has been sentiment In that body is decidedly And other His of the Body
wasted, rerjr little accomplished, and adverse to their passage.
the big legislation scarcely started.
Few "Salary Grab” Bills.
at the
The session Is more than half over
A notable feature of the session Is
with both houses behind In their the small number of "salary grab”
bills proposed this session. Thus far
With the Senate staving off action measures affecting the salaries of
os Its own bills, It has displayed even county officers In not more than half
smaller concern for House bills which a dozen counties have been Intro­
(The houie of Efficiency)
•re In the Senate, and not one House duced. The scarcity of this class of
hill has been placed on third reading, bills may be traced largely to the
although several have been on the record of the 1909 session when
desk for several days.
It haa reached more than a score of such measures,
the point where the House suspects after passing both houses, were ve­
the Senate Is bolding up Its bills and toed by Governor Chamberlain. The
House members have about decided present legislature declined to give
to Ignore Senate bills until the Senate these rejected bills further consldra-
Indicates some degree of Interest In tlon, holding that if any of them had
House legislation.
merit they should be reintroduced
Relatively Pew Bills Passed.
and take their chances.
Sells round-trip tickets, good for three
months, allowing $6.00 worth of ac­
House Upholds Initiative.
The Senate has passed 31 bills out
commodation at the Sanatorium, at
of 191 Introduced. It has Indefinitely
Legislation amendatory of or sup­
Portland and all O.-W. R. & N. Sta­
postponed 19 others, and 3 have failed plemental to any of the laws adopted
to paea when put to a vote.
Even by the people under the Initiative
with this slim record, and with most stands but little chance of receiving
of tbs Important measures unacted the Indorsement of the present leg­ For further information and illustrated
booklet, address Dr. W. T. Phy,
upon the Senate Is much In advance islature.
Medical Supt. and Manager, Hot Lake
of the House, for the number of bills
This was demonstrated when the
Oregon, any O.-W. R. & N. Agent,
passed by the more numerous branch House, for the second time since con­
or write to
Is eight leas, and these are of less vening, rejected a bill having for its
general Importance.
purpose the creation of a law board
W m . M cM u rra y
The public service legislation, the which should prepare all of the laws
General Passenger Agent
compensation act, which was talked to be submitted to the people under
and the reapportionment—the moat the Initiative. Consideration of this
Important legislation which the ses­ measure following tnt unfavorable re­
sion Is expected to handle— have been port of the committee on revision of
sidetracked. Only the highway bills laws, was postponed Indefinitely by a
have been under discussion.
The two-to-one vote.
compensatoan act, which was talked
Abolish Whipping Post.
of for months did not appear until
With only ten dissenting votes the
The bill for a new judicial House passed Buchanan's bill abol­
system on which a committee of law­ ishing the whipping pest. By the pro­
yers was supposed to be
laboring visions of the bill, wife beating is
since last November, has not been pre­ made punishable in tbe same manner
as other aggravated cases of a-sault
Mueh Jockeying in Atylum Scandal. and battery. The debate on the bill,
The complications over the asylum which was defeated In the legislature
Investigation promises to develop a two years ago, was brief.
Revision c1 Irrigation Code.
merry row.
Already there are sev­
revision ol the frirgaticn
eral resolutions for an investigation.
The Senate has adopted the concur-! code of the state is provided in a bill
rent reaolutlon of Senator Locke, but Introduced by Representative Brooke.
the House has not considered It. The The proposed amendments, if adopt­
House has several Investigation reso­ ed, embody the best features of the
lutions of Its own.
The selection of irrigation enterprises in the state.
Principal among the changes is one
an unbiased, open-minded committee
should be s simple matter, and the enlarging the powers of the board oi
Investigation can be made with dis­ directors of Irrigation associations,
There are some sensible dairy
farmers who buy $1, $5 and $10
patch, but there are innumerable ob- enabling them to treat with all com­
watches, because they serve the
srtuctionlsts and general jockeying to plications arising. Another amend­
purpose of a watch and waste
ment defines more especially who are
stave off the probe.
nothing while they last.
Only one side of the asylum situa­ legal voters within the meaning of
But would any o f these sensible
tion haa been told thus far, but Stein­ the act, giving to any man or woman
dairy farmers put their money
into and carry a $1, $o or $10
er and his friends have been promis­ who owns land or has a homestead
watch if it cost them from 25
ing some disclosures which, they as­ or desert claim a right to vote. Pro­
cents to $1 that they might other­
sert, will completely dispose of the
wise save every day to do so ?
charges which have been levelled ments may be levied at any time in
Most assuredly they would not.
against the Institution If half of the the year. It further confers on ex
Then why should any dairy
farmer buy a cream separator of
rumors have foundation in fact, the lsting associations the right to lease
the $1, $5 or $1» watch kind
hottest stuff on the asylum situation Irrigation works already constructed.
where its use does mean a waste
and also on the selection of the Provision Is also made for the con­
o f from 25 cents to $1 every day,
in quantity and quality of pro­
branch asylum at PeDdleton by Bow- solidation of two or more irrigation
duct, that a De Laval cream sep­
erman has not been uncovered.
arator would save ?
Would Give A’s No Advantage.
Many State Commlseione Proposed.
That’s the all-important differ­
Names of candidates of the same
ence between poor separators and
No less than thirteen new state
poor watches,—one’s good enough
party for the same office on the pri­
commissions and boards are proposed
while it lasts but the other wastes
mary ballot are to be rotated, if a
twice a day from the time its use
in bills now pending before the legis­
bill approved by the Senate becomes
lature. Several of these are to be
a law. It was passed without a dis­
A De Laval catalogue is a sep­
without salary. If established, and
arator education to be had for
senting vote.
others consist of present state officers
the asking.
The system as worked out calls
Invested with new duties or extended
for printing of ballots in such man­
ner that the name of every candidate
For Instance, the public service
where several are in the field for the
commission, one of the most import­
same office CT' appear at the head
ant, merely extends the jurisdiction
of the hallo« an equal number of
of the state railway commission. An­
times with ‘-■»■ery other candidate.
K ;... . ♦♦♦♦♦o
other example Is the proposed state
The candidate» whose names begin
purchasing board, which would center
with A will V* deprived in this way
In the present state board the pur­
of any advaatvte they may possess.
chase of supplies for all departments
Text Boo-. Substitute Passed.
and Institutions.
Representative Clyde introduced a
Other state commissions and boards
named In pending bills are: A civil substitute for his free text-book bill.
/ obtained In all eoantrl-* C«.
DI-MARKS and Coprv^n?-
service commission to formulate rules In the substitute It is provided that
[ S*nd Sketch. Model or n o l o , I or
PORT on patentability. Patert y . .v..;
for examination of all employes of a petition of one-fourth of the quali­
Send 2 cent* In «am p» for iTvrtvl ••*«'> book
the state government; a highway
on HOW TO OBTAIN and SK ’- k t*AT CRTS,
[ Which one* will pay. How to i r - f v :> tner,
board; a naval militia board; a pa­ be placed before the board and an
iwter.t lr.v» and other raluabk in:
. -on.
role board, to pass on all applica­ election called to determine whether
tions for pardon; a state printing free text-books should be furnished
: nt law yers ,
board; a board tor the examination the school children. The bill passed
i.h S t., WashT't?n. C. R.
L30o ,
and registry of graduate nurses; a the House.
Propose Eastern Oregon Normal.
state board of accountancy; a game
Hopes that the state normal school
commission; a commission to revise
the judicial system of the state; a question had been settled finally and
definitely at the last general election
text-book commission.
Besides these, there are bills for were shattered when Senator Oliver
the creation of several new state of­ Introduced a bill providing for the
ficers, including bills for an assistant establishment of an Eastern Oregon
secretary of state, a state hotel in­ school at La Grande. Under
T r ad ì M arks
spector, a Arc marshal and a state the bill an appropr ation of 9100,000
D is i o n s
auditor or examiner of accounts An­ Is made for the use of the proposed
.... -
C o p y r ig h t s A c .
leacrintlon ma*
other new office Is proposed by an school.
re« whether
quickly Mi-orialn our opinion freuw
-lû “tommnnlen-
amendment to the constitution creat­
llona.trlcl.lvoonddenMiu. HANDBOOK on Patema
.on t fro«. t lM c t « c n " r T í.>r .ecuting
ing the position of litoutenant gover­ surprise went around the Senate
IVitent* taken tfir.iu«h Mutin A Co.
Iftcial notte», without churxe. In the
nor. A resolution submitting the laat chamber, followed by expressions of
named proposal to the people has al­ ratrth on the part of some of the
members, which would indicate that
A ban
*----^ efr-
ready been adopted ty both houses.
nnwio*o lici/ lltnntreted
-- — weekly.
-- .
cnlnllon o f . n r uotentlUo h .iim » . Term
- • t, $3 .-
renr: fourm o.ilbu.9l. SolJ b j ult nen,.
Good Roads Boosters Invade Senate. possibly the bill would not proceed
Good roads boosters Invaded the | far before reaching an indefinite post.
Senate during the discussion of the | ponement.
Cure your
Oregon - Wa s h i n g t o n
Railroad & Navigation Co.
The Baldwin line embraces the
world’s finest and most expensive pi­
anos, which are in constant use in the
studios o f many o f the most famous
musicians o f Europe and America. In
addition to these high-priced pianos the
great Baldwin factories produce a va­
riety o f medium priced instruments—
for every purse a piano and back o f
every one the Baldwin guarantee.
W e wish to call especial attention to the Hamilton piano.
Back of it is solidity of construction and delightful tone qual­
ities. It has a reputation for tone-beauty and tone-endurance.
In thousands of homes, in different countries, under extreme
climatic conditions, it has justified its maker's name for superior
work and unquestioned integrity.
T h e Hamilton, for all its
fine points, is reasonably priced.
Watches and
Cream Separators
m r o tiiM i
& vO.
Scientific Altieri««.
MUHN&Co. 'Bro*^ ’ N WÏQir.