Hallie Rae Stuckev highway bills. The good roads ad­ vocates won three victories In the s Senate, the most Important being the TEACHER OF PIANO. bill creating n State Highway Com­ mission, and the bill permitting the S tu d io at th e J. T . R e a m ’ a i - use of all convlcta on the roads when d e n ce , F irs t stre e t, S ta ytou . Half of Session Over and Both not needed at the state penitentiary. A third bill makes operative the pro­ Houses Scarcely Started at visions of the constitutional amend­ ment passed at the last general elec­ Any Important Legislation tion and ^eermlttlng counties to bond for the construction of good roads. ■fclem, Or«.— Although the leglsls- It Is freely predicted that these tur« h book the state government; a highway on HOW TO OBTAIN and SK ’- k t*AT CRTS, [ Which one* will pay. How to i r - f v :> tner, board; a naval militia board; a pa­ be placed before the board and an iwter.t lr.v» and other raluabk in: . -on. role board, to pass on all applica­ election called to determine whether tions for pardon; a state printing free text-books should be furnished : nt law yers , board; a board tor the examination the school children. The bill passed i.h S t., WashT't?n. C. R. L30o , and registry of graduate nurses; a the House. Propose Eastern Oregon Normal. state board of accountancy; a game Hopes that the state normal school commission; a commission to revise OVER 68 YEARS’ the judicial system of the state; a question had been settled finally and IE N C E definitely at the last general election text-book commission. Besides these, there are bills for were shattered when Senator Oliver the creation of several new state of­ Introduced a bill providing for the ficers, including bills for an assistant establishment of an Eastern Oregon secretary of state, a state hotel in­ lorm.il school at La Grande. Under T r ad ì M arks spector, a Arc marshal and a state the bill an appropr ation of 9100,000 D is i o n s auditor or examiner of accounts An­ Is made for the use of the proposed .... - C o p y r ig h t s A c . leacrintlon ma* A n n «« «undln» » «ketch uiddMsrl; other new office Is proposed by an school. re« whether an quickly Mi-orialn our opinion freuw i When the bill was read a gasp of In r o n tW 1 « probkhlvp.t• " - 'i.’L -lû “tommnnlen- j1 amendment to the constitution creat­ llona.trlcl.lvoonddenMiu. HANDBOOK on Patema jf patent*. .on t fro«. t lM c t « c n " r T í.>r .ecuting ing the position of litoutenant gover­ surprise went around the Senate receive IVitent* taken tfir.iu«h Mutin A Co. ( Iftcial notte», without churxe. In the nor. A resolution submitting the laat chamber, followed by expressions of named proposal to the people has al­ ratrth on the part of some of the members, which would indicate that A ban *----^ efr- ready been adopted ty both houses. ä nnwio*o lici/ lltnntreted -- — weekly. -- . cnlnllon o f . n r uotentlUo h .iim » . Term - • t, $3 .- renr: fourm o.ilbu.9l. SolJ b j ult nen,. Good Roads Boosters Invade Senate. possibly the bill would not proceed Good roads boosters Invaded the | far before reaching an indefinite post. 38 8 Senate during the discussion of the | ponement. LEGISLATIVE DOINGS AT OREGON’S CAPITAL Cure your Rheumatism HOT LAKE SANATORIUM Oregon - Wa s h i n g t o n Railroad & Navigation Co. ALL KINDS OF PIANOS FOR ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE The Baldwin line embraces the world’s finest and most expensive pi­ anos, which are in constant use in the studios o f many o f the most famous musicians o f Europe and America. In addition to these high-priced pianos the great Baldwin factories produce a va­ riety o f medium priced instruments— for every purse a piano and back o f every one the Baldwin guarantee. W e wish to call especial attention to the Hamilton piano. Back of it is solidity of construction and delightful tone qual­ ities. It has a reputation for tone-beauty and tone-endurance. In thousands of homes, in different countries, under extreme climatic conditions, it has justified its maker's name for superior work and unquestioned integrity. T h e Hamilton, for all its fine points, is reasonably priced. SALEM MUSIC CO. SALEM OREGON. Watches and Cream Separators P. M. HERMENS m r o tiiM i 1 fIFT & vO. Scientific Altieri««. MUHN&Co. 'Bro*^ ’ N WÏQir.