The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, September 15, 1910, Image 1

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    O regon’.* G reatest S ta te l a ir is on th is w eek a i J>alem.
Year, No. 32.
News Notes of Interest Gleaned
by Mail Reporters. - Light on
the Movements of People of
Mr. T ro t, o f Jordan, x u
visitor T<M-*iay.
It is w ell w o rth ta k in g a d a y off to go d o w n to see it
• KUyUin
Dr. !*<tund made a hualneaa trip to
Portland Thursday.
Henry Smith and family are In Salem
attending the fair.
tier. Brewer ami wife a|ient a couple
of daya at the state fair this w»iek.
Wm. Burdette, repreaentlrig the Oliv­
A. L. Shrove has rented a building
er Plow company was In the city thia on Water street for a show room and
will make a display o f his electrical
Nelh» Mack cut hia hand on a broken goods.
bottle Tuesday. Dr. Thompson dressed
Mrs. I-ena lUlser was the lucky
the wound ami It la healing nicely
woman to win the hat offered by Mrs.
Forest Mack at her millinery opening
A. KenworUiy, of West Slayton, was
on the 8th.
In town Tuesday, He has about re-
W. L. Fretea, W. F. Klecker, John
roverd from his recent runaway acci­
Miclke and J ob . J. Lambrecht were the ;
victims o f an accident Sunday while
Dr. Thompson reports a girl born to
out distributing Mr. Klecker'a big sale
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schreweof Sublimity
bills. They were traveling in Mr. j
Sept. 14, and a boy born to Mr. and
Freres’ auto ami when near the Henry (
Mrs. Sam Weir of Shaw, Sept. 12th.
Bern farm near Mt. Pleasant the front
. Dennis Caldwell ami wife left yester­ axle of the machine struck a stump in j
day morning to drive to Bay City to the middle of the road. Mr. lam brecht i
look over some property owned by them. waa in the front seat and waa thrown
They will be gone about three weeks. forward, one hand going through the
Chaa. Druek, the rement block man, glass wind shield. Some o f the blood
haa moved hla family from Shaw to veasels were cut and Mr. Lambrecht!
Slayton and they are now living in bled profusely for a time. Dr. Brewer '
their new home, the Darby property was summoned by phone and brought
Mr Lambrecht to the city. He is now
north of the ditch.
doing nicely.
Next w eek T h e f la il w ill p u b lish the o p en in g ch a p te rs of
Ihe Silver Horde
Author of “ The Spoilers** and “ The Barrier ta
Gro wing E very
Day too.
Serial No. 763
Only 197 Registered in Stayton
Precinct.—Many Votes will
be 8worn in at Primary
The Mail has the
B. F. Mulkey Says Colonel V/iil
be Next President.
Judge Queener slates that a total of!
197 have registered in this precinct. I
This is only hall the voting strength
Meeting in Stayton.
largest circula­
tion by hundreds
of copies of
of the precinct and about 25 ol those
registered belong in other precinct*.
This will be an important election
ami it is strange that the registration
; be* nut been larger. The signatures
! ill six freeholders will be required be­
fore any non-registered voter can cast
bis ballot.
There is widespread
interest in the result ol the election
and it is expected that there will be a
I large number of votes sworn in at the
primaries on Heptember 24th.
any paper which
circulates in
the Santiam
School opena in the Stayton public
schools September 26th.
Dr. Brewer made a business trip to
Salem Thursday.
John Goodman and family o f
John are visiting in the city.
E. L. Shepherd and wife of Mill City
were in Stayton Saturday on business.
Andrew Duman and wife left last
week for a viait with old friends in
M. P. Baldwin and J. R. Coleman
were over from Salem Saturday.
Fred Boomer, o f Lexington, Ore.,
Missea Alta Hobson and Bess Alex­
waa in town the first o f the week for a
ander were Salem visitors Saturday.
viait with friends.
Hop picking is nearly over in this
Mrs. Forest Mack haa returned from
vicinity and many of the tituyton
Detroit were she went Tuesday with a
pickers have returned home.
large display of fall hats.
W . K. Thomas and wife visited at
The Thomas Grocery has been de­
the home of S. B. Cornelius in Turner layed in getting glass for the front of
Sunday. They report Mr. Cornelius, the new store building but will move
in iu about 10 daya.
lr. very poor health.
A valuable stallion owned by Alva
Thomas waa taken sick last week and
died in spite of all that could be done to
save ft. Thia is a severe loss as the
horse waa worth considerable money.
1 The members of the Christian
church have secured Rev K. S. Muck-
ley of Portland, to preach the second
and fourth Lord » d«y of each month
Mrs. Amy T h o m s o n and little
daughter Marie left last Sunday for
their home in Besveriou, after a two
niohth» stay with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. Thomas.
Frank Potter is home from La Comb
in which neighborhood he cruised
about 20,000 acres of timber. He waa
accompanied by J im Davie of thia city,
who did the cooking for the crew.
W. J. Stevena and wife of Tillamook
were in the city for several days the
first o f the week for a visit with Mrs.
Stevena mother, Mrs. Beauchamp.
They came over in their big touring
Saturday forenoon while driving some
stock, s am Fulton who is living on the
Baker farm, had the misfortune to be
fallen on by the horse that he was rid­
ing, breaking the right leg below the
Miss Catherine Burghart is visiting
knee. Dr. Thompson attended him and
a few days with her parents. Mr. and
reports him doing well.
Mrs. Peter Burghart, while Mr. and
The lire depart ment tvas cal let! out
Mrs. W. E. Thomas are attending the
Monday bv au alarm of fire from the
tlie building occupied by the l ' 4 I
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lesley drove
bakery at the corner ol Third and
over into Polk county Sunday and while
Water streets.
The blaze was »mail
in that neighborhood visited at the Liv-
ami caused but slight damage.
ee'.y hop ranch. The Livesly boys have
B. F. Mulkey, insurgent candidate
for congress, A. M. Crawford, anti-
assmbly candidate for attorney general,
Tom Kay, anti-assembly candidate for
state treasurer, and H. D. Patton, ant -
assembly candidate for the state senate,
drove over Friday in Mr. Kay’s car.
They did not expect to remain more
than a few minutes but some o f their
friends induced them to stay until
evening and hold a meeting. The time
was so short that but few ontside o f
the city could be reached, but there
were about 50 on hand when the meet­
ing was called to order at the city hall
at 7:30 by Edgar Watters, chairman of
the evening.
Mr. Kay was the first speaker. He
pointed out the inconsistency o f the
Assembly people in claiming to be
friends o f the direct primary law and
at the same time launching the assemb­
ly movement, which he stated was a
direct violation o f the law.
Attorney General Crawford spoke o:
the work his office has done and asked
that he be re-nominated and re-elected
that he might have an opportunity of
carrying to the U. S. supreme court
some o f the important case* that he
has carried through the lower courts.
Hal Patton spoke briefly, stating his
case from the anti-assembly stand­
point and he was well received.
Mr. Mulkey is an eloquent crator . - a
his speech, although brief, arK&ed
great enthusiasm.
He launched a
boom for Roosevelt for preside-t ia
1912 and brought down the house ly i s
eloquent tributes to the ex-, resident.
He ia opposed t o the AeaiuLiy a ! . to
the reign o f Cannon as spcaic-jr cT the
house. If elected to Congress he de­
clared that he would stand with I a
Follette and other progressives and
against the rule o f the stannaw, rs.
eport o r the condition of .« testa *,-.
ton State Bank at S tavton, In t • - »at* < 1
o r s g o n , at the close o f bnsiness, -e ; t. 1st,
L iana au<1 d isco u n t»................. ............t W .': 02
Overdrafts, secured and uuaectired
217 22
Bond*. secn rtU es,etc.............................. 17,500 (W
Banking house, furniture and
fixtures .................
9,000 00
O ther real e-tate o n n e o ..........................
«* < «0 0
Kr.e from approved reserve b a n k s ... 32.73U 5t
»’ hecks and other cash ite m s..............
u.7 ) '22
E xchange» lor clearin g h ou se.................
«23 2«
Cash on b a u d ............................................ 18.322 5«
Dr. F. H. Thompson and bride re- , a crew o f 350 picking and are scouring
T o ta l ........................................... *1*3,35« «2
turned to Stayton Thursday night last, the whole country to find at least 100
having been met at Turner by W. L. more. They have a large crop.
Capital stock paid i n ..............................f 20,000 00
Freres’ auto. Although an effort had
Harvey Beauchamp ia in Stayton fora Surplus fund ........................................ 5*100 00
profl*s, le-s exnenses
been made to keep quiet the exact visit with his mother and brothers. U ndivided
and taxes p a i d ......................
2,811 U
time o f their arrival, everybody knew He is connected with the Long Creek In d iv idu al d eposits su bject to
c h e c k ........................................................ 121,107«
when they reached the city and it did Drug Co., which was recently burned Tim e certificates oi u e p o e u ................ .*<,«38 02
not take long for the fun to start. out at Long Creek, Eastern Oregon.
T o r s i ................................... $183,356 «
The phone was disconnected and the The company will rebuild and again em­ State of O regon
C ounty o f Marlon 1
water mains and electric lights were bark in business at the old stand.
I .W .L . Freres. C ashier o f the above nam ed
treated the same way. Then at a sig­
bank, d o solem n ly swear that the ab ove state­
it true to the best o f mv k n ow ledge and
nal from the leader o f the troupe of
W. L. F R E R E S .C ashier.
revelers, a mighty outburst o f dis­
| Subscribed and sw orn to before m e this ltth
cordant sound smote the evening air. j first o f the week a freak watermelon, day of Sept., ',9.0.
The doctor promptly "cam e through” which is nothing more or less than two
N otary P u b lic.
and the happy pair escaped relatively good sized melons joined at one end. C orrect Attest:
easy. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson receiv­
ed a large number of beautiful wedding melon in their show window and labeled
D irectors.
gifts. The "newlyweds” will be at ¡it “ An Assembly Republican.”
home to their friends in their new
bungalow after Oct. 8th.
The undersigned will sell at public sale at hi* farm, the Crni-an place,
one half mile south of Mt. Pleasant school house, on
For sale—Blank notes at the Mail
For Sale—Pure bred Jersey bull calf. |
E. ForretL
S ltf
For sale—Wall phone.
The Mail office.
Inquire at
Commencing at 10 o ’clock a. m., the following property:
Remember the dime Social at A le x ­
ander’s ball Friday night.
i Stirring Story of the Great Northwest
Mr. Beach has written his most powerful novel in “ The Sil­
ver Horde.”
His characters are men and women ot flesh
and bone. There is action in every line of this story of fren­
zied finance that embraces the money markets of New \ ork
and Chicago as well as the mining and salmon fishing indus­
tries o f Alaska.
The Sliver Horde Is by Fer the Most Exciting Story Offered
For sa le -tre sp a ss notices,
on cloth, at the Mail office.
F. H. Thompson, M. D „ physician
and surgeon, Stayton, Oregon.
Roscoe W. Ballantyns, teacher o fj
piano and organ, Stayton, Ore. 27tf
For Sale—Two year old colt, color J
solid black. A bargain. Edw. D itter!
S ltf
Just received at the Thomas Grocery,
another shipment o f peaches. Not
likely to be any more.
Get your job printing done at the
Mail office. New type, new machinery,
' fine line o f paper stock. Prompt work
fair prices.
14 cows, If) giving milk, four
10 yearlings
3 calves
4 work horses
2 driving horses
3 hogs
2 wagons
1 buggv. almost new
1 surry
1 hark
1 double tlisc plow
Also other article*, as cultivator, etc
2 walking plows
2 harrows
1 spring tooth barrow
2 McCormick binders
1 Superior disc drill
t Milwaukee rake
1 Milwaukee mower
1 DeLaval cream separator
1 manure spreader
1 fanning mill
1 800 lb. scale
All machiuery nearly new.
TERMS— All sums of flO and under, cash; over |M six mot : -
lime will be given on approved notes bearing 7 per cent Inur.-*.
5 per cent discount for cash on sums over FlO.