The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, April 07, 1905, Image 7

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a n il
l l u . a l a C u m p a rm i.
Although Ilif population of Ituaala
la niaii'ly threw ami a half tliut-a aa
great aa thf population of Japuu, any*
thf World'* Work, ami It* urea near-
ly * li tluifa a* great, tlm Japuuea*
bava n million more pupil* In their
ItuaHlaii*. They pub*
II n I i morn pfrlodlcnl* and hook*. A l­
though Ituaala ha* nearly nine time*
a* uiuiiy mi Lei of railroad, the Jap-
aneae roada carry morn puiaetigcra,
U i o i i k I i leaa freight.
They «fini half a* many ngnln let-
fera by |>o»t a* Hie Ituaalaua *eiid.
W illi only about one fourth aa many
Mile* of teleKi'aph wire*, they aend
nearly aa many nifiaiiKea. Their trade
per capita la greater than the Itua
alan* holli In Importa and In exporta,
althoiiKh the total trade o f the Kua-
aiana, of eourae, la very much Krenter.
The apparent fluaiictal and military
atreiiKth o f the Ituaalaua la Inconipar-
aldy the greater. Vet n o cheaply doe*
the Japaneae aoldler live that Japun
may do more with little money than
Ituaala with more.
than thf
Female Weakness Is Usually Pelvic Catarrh.
Cures Catarrh Wherever Located.
wltb Harley.
Take two pound* of bet»f from the
Iteiuove the flit, cut tlie rmvit
Into amall piece* uml then chop It Very
fine. Put It Into a no up |*ot and pour
over It two uuurta of cold water. Slow­
ly heat the liquid to the ladling [mint,
aklm carefully, and then cover It cloae-
ly ami act It hack where It will «Im ­
ply huhlile for tbiee hour*. At the end
o f that time add an onion, a amall allce
o f carrot, m atalk o f celery, two clove*
und a bay leaf. Then Hlmmer for nn-
etlier hour. When the meat I* flrnt put
over take one-third o f a cupful of well-
win hod lair ley, put It Into another
T r l u l a o f I lie Iticti.
Mauceputi with a pint o f mid wati*r and
Fuzsy Fred -Muy,, don't you»« let It cook until the *oup I* done, then
wlah you had all de allver dollar» wot •train tin* *oup and add the cooked
youae could carryt
barley. |/ot tin- whole boll up once a f­
l.uxy Lew — N awr; not ef 1 had ter
ter (Id* ami thicken with a tahleapoon-
curry 'em very fur.
ful o f flour knd one o f butter atlrred
together over the tire. 8ea*on highly
I>uaty—Willie, If aome one left you a with oalt and pepper. Kerve very hot.
hit of looney would yer take itT
W illi*— Yea, if It » i n counted.
lin k e d M n »h rm n iia .
All Kngll*h riH-lia* for bike I muah-
The ho* or cabinet In which a tele­ rooin* la offered: A half pound o f large
phone la placed ia called III Kngland a mushroom* will lie needed, with a'luilf
’Telephonluin" or “ phouluin."
teuapoonful o f
mince«) parsley, ail
three table-
Admiral Dewey lit* been In th* United
spoonful» o f anliid oil, a-ilt, | h 'J)| n « t ami
fttatea navy fifty yeara.
I a little I am on Juice. Put half the oil
In Die linking dl»h.,aiwl sprinkle with
lialf tile linaulcrmiitm, Ion If tlie pars­
ley, and h aqneezc o f lemon. Lay half
the mualiroom* on tlila ami put on the
icat o f the oil, hrcndcmmlm, wit inning
W io 'e rlu l H oirs
and parsley, flake half an hour and
Jnat before serving duat with cayenne
Tfclfl wni»tl«rf’il *'ht-
i pepper.
in w dtnrtor I«
if trai bvCiMii* hr out«*«
pcoi>l«i without
Hour Milk Muffin*.
lluu that art* gl van ui»
In making g dozen mutflna you will
lu ttir. II«* rur«*a with
Hi-»-.«- wontrrlul «’hi*
| require half a pint o f sour milk, three
li« a« berti«, ftKita, butti,
gill* o f flour, one egg. half a tea*|M>oii-,
harki alni v*g*' » M u
thaï art- rntlr« ly un
fnl o f soda dissolve.I in one tald>*s|M>on-
known to lut'd It al a» I
ri < •• In III « < OU Ul jr !
Itt|t) Ihr u«n- of thOM
ful o f cold water, half a ten spoonful
barnilraa r*»iii*«li*H» ihla famoua <1 * m tor fciiuwi
o f salt, two level tnhlo*]»M>ufulM of
111 * action «»f o»rr &*>• t|ifT»*r«nl r*iu*tli*a «
b* itiorwafully u»*a in diffrrrnl duraira. Il*
butter, and one teniqioonful o f sugar.
guarMiil«*ra tu t ur* catari b, aathmn, lung, throat,
rh« umniigtn, n*rvuua»i*aa, slooiach, llvrr, kltl
Melt the butter In a hot cup. Put the
nrya, rtr. ; haï hundr«*di of t»«tlmonUli
I tiiO«lrr«ti* t «Il antl a«*« hlm. ratinila
dry Ingredient* hi u mixing bowl. Beat
aa lo fib ae tty w Ito for blank« and circolar».
the egg* till they are light. Add the
Kri.J itati.p CU.NHl LTAT1UN t H t. K.
A IHHl»- »ft
dUaolved *isla to the milk, stir well
Thi C. Gas Wa Chiassa Medicina Co. and mid to the dry mixture: then add
the egg. and Anally the melted butter.
Mrniluu !>•!>•'r
Bent well and |»iur Into hot. buttered
gem puna. Hake for twenty minutes.
Or. G. Gee Vio
M u |ilr lO s 'k l i m i l y ,
C a ta lo g u e
“ R ”
TtllS WtlAt IhtV CAN DO
To Convince You
It wa* given the higheat award
at the Oregon Htate Fair, held at
Palem laat fall.
W rit* for our j
Ileacriptive Catalogue of Incuba-
torn and Brooders and oar time ] ,
Dept 12
Portland, Oregon
Mr*. Mahl* Bradford, 13 Church street,
Burlington, Vt., Secretary W hittier Oratorio
Society, writes:
•'Peruna is certainly a wonderful medicine for
the iltv of women. I have heard it spoken of in
the highest praise by many, and terta.nly my ex-
pe/ienie is well worthy of a good word.
“ I began to have severe pa n* across my back
about a year ago, brought on by a cold, and each
sub'.rquent month brought me pa n and distress.
“ Your remedy was presented, and the way it
acted upen my systrm was almost too good to be
true. I certainly have regained my health and
strength, and I no longer suffer periodical
pains and extreme lassitude.” — Mable Bradford.
Corn Cake.
One cupful o f Indian meal, onehalf
cupful o f flour, one tea.»|M><>nfnl of
cream tartar, one-third teaspoon ful of
soils, one egg, two tahlc*|M>onfula of
sugar. Mix, with milk, thin
spoonful o f melted l.trd last. Bake
in sluxet.
M ock O y *te r*.
Thousands of testimonials to this
effect are received by Dr. Hartman
every year. The good tlmt Peruna has
accomplished in this class of cases can
scarcely be over estimated.
I f you do not derive prompt and
t satisfactory results from the use of
Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hart­
man, giving a full statement of your
’ case, and he w ill be pleased to give
you his valuable advice gratis. Ad-
« dress I)r. Hartman, President of
j | The Hartman Sanitarium, Colnm-
i j bus, Ohio. A ll correspondence held
| strictly confidential.
$3.50 SHOES
M en.
W . I*. D o irnglM
n g lM m aken
ake* a
e n d Molls
tiells m o re
M e n ’* $3 3.50 s I hm - n th a n ai»y o th e r
t u r r r ____
in th
o rld . 81».(M>0
___ e w
REWARD to «ay ox* who c*— disprove
W . I*. D o a f la n § 3 .3 0 »hoee A re th e
atp it w l l m in tlie w o rld becau se o f
ir excellent style, easy fitting: a n d
ftuperior w e a r in g «inalitie*. T h e y a re
rA 5 O I V t N T O
d .
p .
N. u.
Ne. 14- 190S
w r it in g t o a d v e r t leers
m e n tio n th is p a p e r.
h en
juHt a* fr«»od as those th a t cost fr o m
l&.’y.OO to IIT.OO. T h e o n ly d iffe re n c e fls
the price. W , I». D o u k I iik £3.50 shoes
cost m o re to m a k e , h o ld th e ir sh ap e
better, w e a r lo n g e r , am i a r e o f g re a te r
v a lu e th a n an y o th er §3 .3 0 shoe on the
m a rk e t to-day. W * L . lh m g la s g u a r ­
antees th e ir v a lu e b y s ta m p in g his
n a m e a n d p rice on th e bottom o r each
shoe. L o o k f o r it* T a k e n o substitute.
W . Ia. lk x ig la s §3 .3 0 shoes a r e sold
th ro u g h his o w n retail stores In the p r in ­
c ip a l cities, a n d by shoe d e ale rs every­
w h e re. Mo m atter w h e re you live, W . L*
IH n iglas shoes a r e w ith in you r reach*
E Q U A L $ 6 .0 0 S H O E S .
“ / have worn
L. DouQlas $3JO shoes f o r
years, and consider them tquai to any
noir on the market.
They have ffiven entire
satisfaction.” -J*'rn. //. Anderson* Heal Estate
Agent, Kansas City, So.
Boy, wear W . L. Douglas 52.SO and 52.00
shoes because they fit better, hold their
shape and wear longer than other make*.
IV. L DougUu asn Corona ColtiHn <a ku
tS M i l * i . Corona Coil i. conenird la
« Ike ) Inest patent leather produetd.
re n t C o lo r E y e M n w ill n o t wear Brassy.
W. L. Douglas has the largest shoe mail order
business In the w.irld. No trouble to get eilt
bj mall. » cents extra prepays delivery.
If yon desire further Informali-m, write t e r
tr iled Catalogue o f Spring Stele,.
Brockton. Naas.
St. Jacobs O il
Rheumatism *n
N eu ralgia
To the contents o f n can o f com add
a half cupful o f milk, two eggs, a half
tcHKponnfull o f salt ami flour enough
to make stiff hatter. Drop by spoon­
fuls Into hot lard, and fry a nice
Color more goods brighter and faster
ooa ♦♦•♦-♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* »««♦
C E N T S , C O S T AS
M other» w ill flint Mr*. W inslow'* Soothing
Thousands of Women Cured fvery Year pelvic organ* or any other organ of the
by Correspondence—This is What
human body.
Dr. Hartman Propos» s to Do
P e -r u -n a , a N atu ral B e a u lifie r.
For You Without Charge.
Peruna produces clean, mucous mem­
Women who B u ffe r should read the
evidence* presented here.
We have branes, the basis of facial symmetry
thousand* of letter* from grateful j and a perfect complexion.
The women have not been slow to
friend* who tell the name story.
H alf the ill* that are peculiarly discover that a course of Peruna will
woman's own are of a catarrhal char- i do more toward restoring youthful
Female weakness was not beauty than all the devices known to
understood for many year*.
Many a girl has regained her faded
Dr. Hartman deserve* the credit of
having determined its real character. Tieauty, many a matron has lengthened
He ha» made catarrh and catarhal dis­ the days of their comely appearance by
eases, including jielvic catarrh, a life­ using Peruna.
In Peruna these women find a prompt
long study.
Peruna cure« catarrh, whether of the and permanent enre.
Pare and slice four or five raw po­ Byrup the best remedy to use for their children
tatoes. Iyot them lie an hour In cold during the teething period.
water. Arrange them in layers In a
A f r a i d t o l t i s k It.
buttered talking dish, sea soil lug each
Druggist— You didn’t take a vacation
layer with salt, pepper and hits of this year, did you?
butter. When the dish is nearly till- j
Doctor— No; I couldn't afford to take
ed, pour In one cupful o f milk, sprin­ any chances.
“ Why, how’» that?”
kle a thin layer o f buttered crumb*
and grated cheese over the top and1 Doctor— Well, you see, I have a num­
ber of wealthy patient« on the string,
bake one hour.
and I wa» afraid if I went away for a
few week* they might get well.
L a d j F in g e r s .
Cream together one cupful o f sugar
B t a t * o r O h io , CtTV o r T oledo , I
and one-half cupful o f butter, add one
1 .l* C A « I O C K T Y ,
\ **'
well-beaten egg, one-quarter o f a cup­ F r an k J. C h e n e y makes oaih that he Is
senior partner of the firm of K. J. C h e n e y <fc
ful o f sweet milk, one pint o f flour, Co., doin g hurlne»* In the City of Toledo, Coun­
one teaspoon ful o f cream o f birtar, ty and Slate atoieiaid, snd that said firm w ill
pay the eum o f ONK l i l NORKD DOLLARS for
one-halt teas|K*»nfnl o f baking soda each and every case of c a t a r r h that ranuot be
l '* C at a r r h C or *.
and one teaftpoonful o f vanilla. Cut cured by the use of H a l FR
A N K J. O R K N E Y.
l! In Anger strips, roll In sugar and hake
Sworn fo before me and subscribed In my
A. D., 18*b.
In a quick oven.
A. W. 0LKA8ON,
J seal j
Notary 1'ubllc.
P e a n u t S t ic k « .
Roll to a paste a suttlcient quantity
Hall's Catarrh Cure ts taken Internally, and
o f peanuts to make u cupful; add arts
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
the grated rind o f a lemon, the yolks of the system. Send L r testimonials, free.
F. J. C H E N E Y <fc CO., Toledo, 0 .
o f four eggs, six tnblcs|>oonfuls o f su­ Bold by Druggists, 7.V.
Uall'a Fam ily t ills are the beat.
gar and a good half cup o f sifted flour.
When smooth add the beaten whites of
T h e H o r a e D e a le r .
tlie four eggs. Roll out on the board,
“ W hatIs the secret of your success?" :
cut Into stri|nt, twist and fry in hot
asked the young man.
"In buying," said the old horse deal- !
French llrenalng*
er, “ I look sharp, and in selling I look !
Rub the Inside o f a salad ta>wl with Just ns Ignorant as I can."— Chicago i
a clove o f garlic, or put Into It u heap­ News.
ing teasisxMiful o f minced chives. Add
Misgive, that you may not mistake.—
fcalt*|>oniiful of salt, one aalts|sK>nful
o f pepper, a tablespoonful o f vinegar Whately.
and threw tablespoonfuls o f salad oil.
Beat until well blended.
Is the BK8T IN C U B ATO R on
the market, I will send you one,
freight prepaid, and wait for my
pay until October l, 1906.
GEO. W. F O O n ,
P o ta to e s .
P e-ru-na
Mrs. Lizzie Redding 3134 B Clifton Place, 8t.
I/iuis, Mo., writes:
" I found after trying many different: medi. ines to re-
store me to hratth, that Peruna wo* the only thing which
could be depended upon. I began taking it when I
was in * decline, induced by female weakness and over-
wrought nerves.
“ I began to feel stronger during the lirst week I took
Peruna and my health improved cLify outil now I am in
perfect hea'rh and enjoy life as I never did before.” —
Lillie Redding.
Into n large-mouthed and heavy ,lnr
put pure maple syrup. Insert a cork
to which la tautened a bit o f white
twine that hiuigs down Into the syrup,
taking cere that it does not touch the
bottom o f the Jar. The candy will fo r m
on the twine. Set the Jar In an outer
F o r c e o f Habit.
vchnc I o f water that simmers stead­
“ Give me a two-cent »tamp, please,”
ily. Cook for many hours. When the said the young lady to the drug clerk.
candy ha* formed to a half-inch thick­
"W e are just out,” replied the d. c.,
ness all around the string, bike thi* absently, "but here is something just as
out and hang lu u cold place to hard good.”
And he handed her a couple of ones.
K a c u lto p e d
O u r N e w
ralors than any other dye.
One I Oc package colors silk, wool and cotton equally weft and Ifl
suaranteed to give perfect results.
Ask denier, or we will send post
at 10c I I pack*,«.
Writ« for free booklet haw to
kleach and mix colors. MOM ROC DRUG CO.. Unieuville. Missouri.